Paper 135
Paper 135
Paper 135
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All content following this page was uploaded by Nur Illa Idris on 06 October 2022.
Nur Illa Idris1, Tan Chan Sin2, Safwati Ibrahim3, Mohammad Fadzli Ramli4,
Rosmaini Ahmad5
School of Manufacturing Engineering,
Institute of Engineering Mathematics,
Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Kampus Tetap Pauh Putra, 02600 Arau,
Perlis, Malaysia,,,,
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
of defects, or recurring production waste[8]. By using the Pareto chart, where the plot-
ted values on the bar chart illustrate the most leading number of defects to the least
number so that we can take proper action to the most attention problem that occurred
in the production line.
Ishikawa diagram or cause-and-effect diagram supports information about the root
cause of the problem. The data analyze in the diagram usually comes from a brain-
storming or interviewing session with the production managers, quality control execu-
tives and line supervisors also staffs and operators that direct or indirectly involves the
production line activities[9]. Then, the Ishikawa diagrams are created. The diagram
looks like a fishbone that have fraction of root cause at each defect or problem found
in the production line.
Control chart methods are generally used for the purpose of controlling the quality
of the product and determining the state of the production process. Control chart is from
a Shewhart control chart, a graphic illustration of the process measurements that have
been observed versus the sample number or time line as shown in Figure 1 below. The
Shewhart chart contains the CL, UCL, LCL stands for center line, upper control limit
and lower control limit, respectively. Central Line is the middle line between the upper
control limit (UCL) and lower control limit (LCL). The center line is a line that repre-
sents the average defect rate in a production process.
Some experts justify the benefits of executing SPC in automated production line are
increasing product quality, eliminate excessive quality check, decrease the percentage
of defective parts procured from vendors, lessen complaints or goods returns from cus-
tomers, diminish rework and scrap rates, offer physical and statistical proof of quality,
allow trends designate marked, and capability to reduce costs and lead times [10] [11].
The importance of SPC application proven by process performance improvement, de-
creasing product variability and increase production efficiency, In addition, SPC able
to monitor the natural variation of a process and minimize the deviation from a target
value and play a major role in process improvement[12].
3 Methodology
A local food and beverage manufacturing production line company are about to be in-
vestigate in order to apply the mentioned SPC tools. This case study tend to develop
the high product quality and lessening any process variability occur in the production
flow line. Owned by a local investors, the selected company located at the northern
region in Malaysia. The company is a small to mid-size enterprise (SME) business pro-
ducer of food health industries, including healthy coffee and tea beverages, to fulfill the
local demands in northern region.
By using an automated flow process manufacturing line, this company is manufac-
turing coffee and tea sachet packaging in a clean and hygiene manufacturing environ-
ment. This company using the resources that are exist locally in rural areas of the state
as natural ingredients which are known as healthy food for human bodies.
Figure 2 below show a schematic diagram of automated line in serial stations. The
coffee sachet production line is using this type of automated flow line.
Figure 3 below is the sample of coffee sachet packaging they produced in the company.
Figure 4 below is the methodology process flow that have been structure for this
study. The detail for each process will be discuss in the next section.
Physical Observation
Data Collection
Pareto Chart
P-Control Chart
Ishikawa Diagram
This subsection is about to recognize and justify the main problems that cause recurrent
defects of coffee sachets production. Data collected for four months data (May until
August 2019). The actual rejection shown in Tables 1 and 2 are clustered in according
to each type of defects identify in the production line.
Table 1. Data collected for types of defect and number of coffee sachets defective over the past
four months (May to August, 2019).
Table 2. Number of coffee sachets defective, percentage of relative defective and cumulative
percentage defective over the past four months (May to August, 2019).
1000 60
500 393 363 324 258 234 171 20
0 0
Defects ht g
y led ar
eig kin e ea nd
w Le
rw Em s a
er ve Un st
nd O t of
Number of Defective 393 363 324 258 234 171
Percent 22.5 20.8 18.6 14.8 13.4 9.8
Cum % 22.5 43.4 62.0 76.8 90.2 100.0
Fig. 5. Pareto chart for types of defect observed over the past four months.
In this present case study, the data has been collected in May until August, 2019 from
the production line. Table 3 below presented data for month of August 2019 for each
subgroup, where the minimum size of the subgroup are 25 taken at each month (ISO
8258:1991-E). Then, fraction defective is calculated. For further analysis and clear in-
terpretation of data presented, P-chart is established to control the fraction defective for
a group of quality characteristics for all the defects (underweight, leaking, overweight,
empty, unsealed and height out of the standard).
7 34 17 0.5000
8 34 18 0.5294
9 34 23 0.6765
10 34 10 0.2941
11 34 14 0.4118
12 34 30 0.8824
13 34 23 0.6765
14 34 30 0.8824
15 34 27 0.7941
16 34 29 0.8529
17 34 17 0.5000
18 34 6 0.1765
19 34 30 0.8824
20 34 42 1.2353
21 34 23 0.6765
22 34 19 0.5588
23 34 35 1.0294
24 34 30 0.8824
25 34 23 0.6765
This calculation of p-chart has been constructed with control limits
(UCL=0.87, CL=0.62, and LCL=0.36)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Subgroup number
Figure 6 shows the p-chart is constructed for August 2019. The results show that
quality features in production line of the coffee sachets have a tendency to decline the
statistical control characteristics because the subgroup number 18 and 20 are out of
control. Henceforth, the production process need to be in the state of acceptable statis-
tical control by finding the root cause.
From the control chart above, we can see that the defect of coffee sachet over the
control limit still fluctuate each month. The fluctuating number of defect products
above UCL show inconsistency quality control of product in the company. Due to that
reason, the company need a better quality control system. Moreover, with increasing
outlier points that are outside the UCL and LCL line indicates declining activities in
quality control and this condition need more attention.
Cause-and-effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram was made after the p-chart to analyze
the factors that become the root cause of the defects. The factors that influence and
cause defects products can generally be classified as:
From the data in Table 1 and 2, we can see that the leading two types of defects in
the production process are underweight, with 22.55% from overall defect percentage
and leaking defect with 20.83%. As a tool to find the cause of the defect, cause-and-
effect diagram is used to explore the root cause for each type of defects. Figure 7 and 8
shows the cause-and-effect diagrams for both defects of the coffee sachet (Fig. 7).
Man Material
Lack of skill
Methods Machine
The coffee sachet were underweight is because by few factors. One of the factor is
caused by the machine where there are unscheduled maintenance attended and some
improper adjustment has been made during the production is ongoing.
Then, because of wrong adjustment at the weighing scale or bolt are too tight, the prod-
ucts cannot be filled correctly according to the desired weight. Other factors that con-
tribute to the defect is the when the operator changing the plastic wrapping. When the
workers are less focus or lack of skill during their work shift, the defects continue to be
Man Material
Lack of skill
Methods Machine
The root cause that contribute to leaking defects shows in the Figure 6 above. Leak-
ing defect caused by the wrong plastic sealing pressure and when the sealing is unheated
properly. So when it is unheated, the plastic is leaked and can be fill by air or water.
Workers with lack of skill or get less focus during the machine adjustment or mainte-
nance, will be the main caused to this types of defects. Again, changing of plastic wrap-
ping roll if the roll is finished, can affected the leaking defects.
5 Conclusion
Based on the data shown is Table 2, the highest defect for four months is caused by
underweight with percentage of 22.25% from overall defect and second highest is cause
by leaking with 20.83%. Based on the result of p-control chart for August 2019, the
results show that quality features in production line of the coffee sachets have a ten-
dency to decline the statistical control characteristics because the subgroup number 18
and 20 are out of control. Henceforth, the production process need to be in the state of
acceptable statistical control by finding the root cause. Based on the cause-and-effect
diagram, the main factors that affected the quality control are man, machine, work
methods and materials. While the main root cause of underweight and leaking defect
are caused by unskilled worker and improper adjustment at the machine each time be-
fore running the production.
The physical observation with support of brainstorming with all the professionals
and staff operators, Pareto Charts, P-control Chart and Ishikawa Diagram analysis have
provided useful information in identifying causes for rejection or defect analysis. This
study also helpful in proposing optimal solution to be implemented for productivity and
quality improvement.
The author would like to acknowledge the support from Universiti Malaysia Perlis
(UniMAP) and the fundamental research Grant Scheme (FRGS) under a grant number
FRGS/1/2019/TK03/UNIMAP/02/7 from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.
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