Statistical Process Control Implimentation For Process Optimization and Better Quality
Statistical Process Control Implimentation For Process Optimization and Better Quality
Statistical Process Control Implimentation For Process Optimization and Better Quality
Abstract: Process plays an important role in any industry. For any product in any industry better quality product process is
very important. Even a small delay in detecting a quality problem can result in loss in terms of scrap, rework, less profit
margins and loss of customer satisfaction. To overcome the quality and productivity issues process should be monitored
well. Variations in the process lead into scrap and rework. To monitor and manage process statistical process control
techniques are used to minimize the variation in the process. For process control and detect process variation statistical
techniques are used by SPC so that process can be managed and under control. SPC uses different control charts for
measuring the process variations and process can be continuously improved with the help of different tools and techniques
used in the SPC such as seven statistical quality control tools. By implementing SPC benefits in less variation in process and
improves the product quality. This paper shows applicability of the statistical process control techniques in different
manufacturing industry environment. In this research paper various research articles and case studies on implementation of
statistical process control system techniques in the manufacturing industries are selected for review.
Keywords: Quality Control, Statistical Quality Control, Statistical Process Control, Control Charts, Process Variation.
Proceedings of Academicsera 20th International Conference, Montreal, Canada, 29th-30th May 2018
Statistical Process Control Implimentation For Process Optimization and Better Quality
simply rely on judgment. Control charts are an maintain a needed degree of conformance to design,
important part of this change in management raise product quality, eradicate any unnecessary
approach. Control charts are widely used to establish quality checks, trim down the percentage of defective
and maintain statistical control of a process. parts purchased from vendors, diminish returns from
Basic Seven Quality Control (QC) tools customers, lessen scrapand rework rates, afford
i. Check Sheet: Check sheets are simply charts for evidence of quality, facilitate trends to be spotted,
gathering data. They are easy to understand and ability to reduce costs and lead times.
very clean to read. The primary tool of SPC is the Shewhart control
ii. Histogram: A histogram is a snapshot of the chart. The Shewhart control chart quantifies variation
variation of a product or the results of a process. as either special cause or common-cause (natural)
It often forms the bell-shaped curve which is variation. The control limits on control charts put a
characteristic of a normal process. The histogram figure on variation as that intrinsic to the process
helps to analyse what is going on in the process (natural variation data inside the control limits), or
whether the data is falling inside the bell-shaped variation caused by an event or assignable-cause
curve and within specifications. (special cause variation data located outside the
iii. Pareto Chart: The Pareto chart can be used to control limits). Data outside the control limits are also
display categories of problems graphically so referred to as “out of control” points. A large variety
they can be properly prioritized. Pareto chart is a of SPC schemes have been developed for quality and
vertical bar graph displaying rank in descending productivity improvement since the 1960s. SPC
order of importance for the categories of utilizes statistical methods to monitor manufacturing
problems, defects or opportunities. processes with an aim to maintain and improve the
iv. Cause and Effect Diagram: The Cause and product quality while decreasing the variance. Much
Effect Diagram display the relationships between research has been conducted on the issues of SPC and
different causes for the effect that is being the consequential developments are readily available
examined. The major categories of causes are put in the literature, see surveys of research on SPC by
on major branches connecting to the main line, Lowry and Montgomery (1995), Woodall and
and various sub-causes are attached to the Montgomery (1999). Nevertheless, conventional SPC
branches. methods are typically restricted to a single process
v. Flow Chart: Flow chart breaks the process down stage in industrial and service applications are also
into many sub-processes. Analysing each of some obstacles to applying SPC in services, such as
these separately minimizes the number of factors what to measure and how to measure. The main
that contribute to the variation in the process. difference between a manufacturing system and
vi. Control Chart: As discussed above they are service system is that customers are involved into
used to monitor the process. service operations. How to measure the customers
vii. Scatter Diagram: A Scatter plot is used to show professed quality is a challenge. Therefore,
how a pair of variables is related and the strength researchers investigated modification of quality
of that relationship. It is constructed by plotting definition in services.
two variables against one another on a pair of Erwin M. Saniga (1989) He has applied statistical
axes. constraints on economic models to provide designs
that meet industry's demand for less process variation
II. ADVANTAGES OF SPC and quality of the product. He hasexplained the
IMPLEMENTATION control charts which may be designed by usinga
simple rule recommended by Shewhart, by a
SPC implementation is important as it could develop statistical norm, or by a financially viable criterion.
process performance by reducing product variability He illustrated its use in the joint design of an X bar
and improves production competence by decreasing chart and an R chart. He developed a method to find
scarp and rework. According to Attaran (2000), in the most economical statistical design for Shewhart-
their attempts to stay competitive, US business had type control charts and have applied it to the joint
embarked on Total Quality management (TQM) determination of the parameters of X bar chart and R
techniques such as SPC that leads to higher quality charts.
product by reducing-variability and defects. Nigel P.Grigge (1998) Explained a case study that the
Most of the production and quality cost that SPC use of statistical processcontrol in fish product
aims to reduce such as rework lost of sales and packaging which demonstrated the simplicity of
proceedings are measurable. The success and failure applications of the off-the peg system. Such system
in SPC operation does not depend on company size or can reduce unnecessary check weighs rejections and
resources, but it relies on suitable planning and product give away, assist the packer to maintain the
immediate actions taken by workers with regards to lowest possible legal target quantity.
problem solving. According to Benton and Talbot, Andras Ittzes (2000)This paper explains and
the advantages of implementing SPC could be evaluated applications of SPC, theseveral variance
categories into the following categories, viz., components of the variable in the control of the dry
Proceedings of Academicsera 20th International Conference, Montreal, Canada, 29th-30th May 2018
Statistical Process Control Implimentation For Process Optimization and Better Quality
matter content in butter cream. He evaluated the data the inefficient of a quality control section may cause
of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) based on the poor quality of a product.
nested model. He also referred Snedecor and Cochran Zhonghua li (2012) in their paper designed
(1967) or Steiner (1984). Conventional Phase II SPC chartsusing control limits.
Ben Mason and Jiju Antony (2000) They have They suggested designing the SPC charts using p
discussed in their paper about the ingredients that values. They demonstrated the p value approach to
areneeded for the victorious performance of SPC. consider univariate process monitoring by cumulative
They attempt to eradicate the myth that SPC is sum control charts in various cases. They also
concerned with only the control charting of processes. proposed designing control charts using p values and
A major issue addressed by them in this paper is the a significance level.
need for the organized and realistic methodology for Ali Mostafaeipour(2012) in their paper they discussed
the execution of SPC in industry. that SPC technique in ceramic tile manufacturing
Khong sak Srikaeo (2004) They adopted SPC plant. They suggested SPC for reducing the unwanted
techniques such as histogram to found that the data ceramic tile defects and wastages. They adopted
were not normally distributed ANOM detect an pareto chart to group different causes for
association between the production line from the inappropriate effects and its category. Also they
grand mean in all product variables, p-control charts adopted six-pack charts to offer six different packs in
showed that the process is not in statistical control for the format of one diagram. They applied control chart
some variables. They analyzed that the association like R, ̅ and range control charts to manage the
betweenraw material variables and product variables. process variations. They also adopted dispersion
Since they use the historical data the out of control diagram to evaluate and to compare process
points where removed to simulate the situation where performances during various periods. Data are
the process is in statistical control for further studies. categorized in a specific format by using Histogram.
With the process can capability studies the process Also process capability is one of the significant items
precision and accuracy can be clearly assessed. in production. Finally they recommended
Gauge R and R studies suggest that the variations implementing the correct SPC frequently in the
found in the process are caused by the measurement manufacturing plant to minimize ceramic tile waste.
system used in the plant. Yonatan Mengesha Awaj (2013) recommended SPC
Rami Hikmat Fouad (2010) in their paper identified tools in theproduction processing in order to
the key ingredients forsuccessful quality management condense defects by identifying where the highest
in any industrial organization. They discussed about waste is occur at and to give idea for improvement.
seven QC tools, and how to effectively implement They adopted, Pareto chart/analysis and control chart
and to earn the full strength of these tools. They also (p-chart). They mainly explained how to create
carried out a case study to monitor real life data in a consciousness to quality team how to use SPC tools
Jordanian manufacturing company that specialized in in the problem analysis, particularly to train quality
producing steel and found that the steel tensile group on how to held an successful brainstorming
strength is the vital few problem and account for 72% session, and make use of these data in cause-and-
of the total results of the problems. They specified the effect diagram construction, Pareto analysis and
major causes of nonconformities and root causes of control chart construction. After detail observation
the quality problems and possible remedies were also and interview they suggested that SPC tools needed
proposed. They also explained the necessity of SPC to minimize or reduce the problem and the more
tools in Jordan Steel to introduce ongoing education proficient technique is long run. Finally they
and training programs of management and line staff. recommended that the company should make every
Dr. D. R. Prajapati (2012) adopted some SPC effort for the implementation of SPC tools for
techniques in the industry for variousapplications in productivity improvement.
the automotive industry. He explained the power of
SPC lies in the ability to examine a process and the Ved Parkash (2013) They explain about the SPC, its
sources of variation in the process. He used only two advantages, limitation,applications and information
main techniques i.e. cause and effect diagram and regarding the control charts. They also introduced the
control charts are implemented in industry out of primary groups of input for man, machine, material,
seven SPC techniques. Finally he found in his case method and milieu. They explained the application of
study that after implementing the SPC tools to SPC into three main sets of activities, the first
remove the root causes, the percentage refutation is understands the process and is achieved by business
reduced from 9.1% to 5% and process capability of process mapping, the second is measuring the sources
0.953 is achieved. of variation assisted by the use of control charts and
Muhammad Riaz (2012) strongly recommended that the third is eliminating assignable (special) sources of
the control charts worth inthe manufacturing industry. variation. They suggested SPC, can be used in
They also suggested that monitoring the key various industries for improving the quality of the
characteristics is most important in any product and helps in lowering the product costs as it
manufacturing industry. They strongly believed that provides a better product and/or service.
Proceedings of Academicsera 20th International Conference, Montreal, Canada, 29th-30th May 2018
Statistical Process Control Implimentation For Process Optimization and Better Quality
Gasper Skulj (2013) this paper discusses service vantage. It helps to increase overall profit in terms of
approach of SPC and discussedthrough an industrial time, money and customer satisfaction by reducing
case study. They clearly explained the successful scrap and rework. It is concluded that SPC technique
development and implementation of SPC as a service. helps the organization to observe the process
They also discussed how to use the SPC service in a activities.
small company to increase its capabilities in process
quality management and process control through a REFERENCES
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Proceedings of Academicsera 20th International Conference, Montreal, Canada, 29th-30th May 2018