(a) ‘Appointing
Appointing Authority
Authority’ means the Managing Director or any
other officer(s) to whom powers in this behalf may be delegated
by the Board of Directors.
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
3. Interpretation:
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
(a) all persons holding substantively the posts specified in the Schedule-I
on the date of commencement of these Regulations;
(b) all persons recruited to the post(s) included in service before the
commencement of these Regulations; and
(c) all persons recruited to the service in accordance with the provisions
of these Regulations, except on urgent temporary appointment under
Regulation 31.
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
6. Method of Recruitment :
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
11. Nationality:
(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January,
1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India; or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma,
Sri Lanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda and the
United Republic of Tanzania (formally Tanganyika and Zanzibar),
Zambia, Malavi, Zaire and Ethiopia with the intention of
permanently settling in India;
Provided that a candidate belonging to category (b), (c), (d) & (e) shall
be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the
Government in Department of Home Affairs and Justice after proper
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
14. *Age:
Provided that :
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
(ii) the upper age limit mentioned above shall not apply in the case
of an ex-prisoner who had served under the Government/ Nigam
on a substantive basis on any post before his conviction and
was eligible for appointment under the Regulations.
(viii) there shall be no upper age limit for candidates already serving
in connection with affairs of Nigam.
(ix) there shall be no upper age limit in the case of widows and
divorced women.
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(xi) the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by one
year for appointment to the post of Junior Engineer-I in case the
candidate had undergone apprenticeship training under
provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961 in Nigam.
16. Character:
Note:(1) A conviction by a Court of Law need not of itself involve the refusal of
a certificate of good character. The circumstances of the conviction
should be taken into account and if they involve no moral turpitude
or association with crimes or violence or with a movement which has
as its object the overthrow, by violent means, of Government as law
established, the mere conviction need not be regarded as a
(2) Ex-Prisoners, who by their disciplined life while in prison and by
their subsequent good conduct have proved to be completely
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
19. Canvassing :
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(2) Pattern of the Written Competitive Exam including the syllabus for
various posts to be filled by Direct Recruitment shall be as detailed in the
Schedule-II. Additional conditions and details not inconsistent with these
regulations, may be provided before or at the time of examination.
(3) Direct recruitment to the posts specified in the Schedule, shall be held
as far as possible, once in a year unless the Nigam decides that direct
recruitment for any of these posts shall not be held in any particular year.
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The application shall be made in the form approved and notified along
with detailed notification in the manner as may be deemed fit by the
Appointing Authority.
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
(1) No male/female candidate, who has more than one wife / husband,
living, shall be eligible for appointment to the Service unless Nigam, after
being satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any
candidate from the operation of this regulation.
Provided that :-
(i) the candidate having more than two children shall not be deemed
to be disqualified for appointment so long as the number of
children he/she has on 1st June, 2002, does not increase.
(ii) where a candidate has only one child from earlier delivery but
more than one child are born out of a single subsequent delivery,
the children so born shall be deemed to be one entity while
counting the total number of children.
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
(a) For the post of Chief Engineer, Addl. Chief Engineer, Dy. Chief
Engineer, Superintending Engineer and Chief Chemist:-
1. Chairman, RVUN, Jaipur - Chairman
2. Managing Director, RVUN, Jaipur - Member
3. Director (Finance), RVUN, Jaipur - Member
4. One Whole Time Director nominated - Member
by the Chairman
5. Head of P&A Wing, RVUN, Jaipur - Member Secretary
(b) *For all other posts of the service, except those covered under the
above sub regulation (a) :-
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
(3) No person shall be considered for first promotion in the service unless
he is regularly selected on the post from which promotion is to be made in
accordance with one of the methods of recruitment prescribed under
provisions of these Regulations.
Provided that.-
(i) the person having more than two children shall not be
deemed to be disqualified for promotion so long as the
number of children he/she had on 1stApril, 2012, does not
(ii) where a person has only one child from earlier delivery but
more than one child are born out of a single subsequent
delivery, the children so born shall be deemed to be one
entity while counting the total number of children.
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(5) Selection for promotion on the post included in the service shall be
made on the basis of Seniority-cum-Merit and/or Merit, as prescribed in the
Provided further that if the Committee is satisfied that suitable persons are
not available for selection by promotion strictly on the basis of merit in a
particular year, selection by promotion on the basis of seniority-cum-merit
may be made in the same manner as specified in these Regulations.
(ii) where the number of eligible persons for promotion to higher post
is less than the number specified above, all the persons so eligible
shall be considered.
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(8) The Committee shall consider cases of all the senior most persons who
are eligible and qualified for promotion to the class of post(s) concerned under
these Regulations and shall prepare a list containing name of persons found
suitable on the basis of seniority-cum-merit and/ or on the basis of merit, as
the case may be, as per the criteria for promotion laid down in these
Regulations equal to the number of vacancies determined under these
Regulations. The list so prepared on the basis of seniority-cum-merit and/or
on the basis of merit, as the case may be, shall be arranged in the order of
seniority of the post(s) from which selection is made.
(9) The Committee may also prepare a list on the basis of seniority-cum-
merit or on the basis of merit, as the case may be, as per the criteria for
promotion laid down in these Regulations, containing name of persons not
exceeding the number of persons selected in the list prepared under sub-
regulations(8) above, to fill temporary or permanent vacancies, which may
occur subsequently. The list so prepared on the basis of seniority-cum-merit
and/ or on the basis of merit shall be arranged in the order of seniority of
the post(s) from which selection is made. Such a list shall be reviewed and
revised by the Committee that meets in the subsequent year and that such
list shall remain in force till the end of the last day of the year for which the
meeting of the Committee is held.
(10) Lists prepared under sub-regulations (8) and (9) shall be sent to the
Appointing Authority together with Annual Performance Appraisal Reports
and other service records of all candidates included in the lists as also of
those not selected, if any.
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
procedure for promotion as was applicable in the particular year to which the
vacancies relate and the service/experience of an incumbent who has been so
promoted, for promotion to higher post for any period during which he has
not actually performed the duties of the post to which he would have been
promoted, shall be counted. The pay of a person who has been so promoted
shall be re-fixed at the pay which he would have derived at the time of his
promotion, but no arrears of pay shall be allowed to him.
(12) The Appointing Authority may order for the review of the proceedings of
the Committee held earlier on account of some mistake or error apparent on
the face of record, or on account of a factual error substantially affecting the
decision of the Committee or for any other sufficient reasons e.g. change in
seniority, wrong determination of vacancies, judgment / direction of any
Court or Tribunal, or where adverse entries in the Confidential Reports of an
individual are expunged or toned down or a punishment inflicted on him is
set aside or reduced.
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33. Seniority :
(1) Separate seniority lists shall be maintained for the different Cadres of
engineers as mentioned below:-
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
(2) Seniority of persons appointed to the post encadred in each cadre of the
service shall be determined from the date of appointment on the post after
regular selection in accordance with provisions of these Regulations.
Appointment on ad-hoc or urgent temporary basis shall not be deemed to be
appointment after regular selection.
Provided that:-
(iv) the seniority inter-se of Junior Engineers-I (Degree Holders) and Junior
Engineers-II(Diploma Holders) promoted as Assistant Engineer in the same
year, shall be determined on the basis of their length of service as JEn-I and
JEn-II, as the case may be i.e. the person who has served in Nigam as JEn-I
and/or JEn-II for longer period, shall be placed higher in the seniority list of
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(viii) the reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes employees
with consequential seniority, shall continue till the roster points are
exhausted and adequacy of promotion is achieved.
Once the roster points are complete the theory of replacement shall thereafter
be exercised in promotion whenever vacancies earmarked for Scheduled
Castes/ Schedules Tribes employees occur.
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
Provided that any period after such appointment during which a person
has been on deputation on a corresponding or higher post shall count
towards the period of probation.
(i) he has worked on the post or higher post under the same
Appointing Authority or would have so worked but for his
deputation or training;
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(4) The reasons for not confirming of any employee referred to in sub-
regulation(1) above shall be recorded by the Appointing authority in his
Service Book and Annual Performance Appraisal Report.
(i) Regular recruitment for the purpose of this regulation shall mean -
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37. Confirmation :
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Provided that any action taken under the regulations and orders, so
repealed, shall be deemed to have been taken under the provisions of these
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
Minimum Qualifications
S. Method of recruitment Post from which Qualification & experience
Name of Post & experience for Direct Remarks
No with percentage selection is to be made For Promotion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. Senior Posts :
1 *Chief Engineer 100% by Promotion on Addl. Chief Must be working as Addl. Chief --- --
(E&M/ Civil/ Merit basis Engineer (E&M/ Civil/ Engineer (E&M/ Civil/ C&I/ F&S/
C&I/ F&S/ IT) C&I/ F&S/ IT) IT).
*(Substituted vide no.223 dated
06.08.2019 (P&A-316)
2 Addl. Chief 100% by Promotion on Dy. Chief Engineer Must be working as Dy. Chief --- ---
Engineer Merit basis (E&M/ Civil/ C&I/ Engineer (E&M/ Civil/ C&I/
(E&M/ Civil/ F&S/ IT) F&S/ IT).
C&I/ F&S/ IT)
Note : If required number of Dy.
Chief Engineers (E&M/ Civil/
C&I/ F&S/ IT) suitable for
promotion are not available, then
Superintending Engineers (E&M/
Civil/ C&I/ F&S/ IT) having
three years’ experience as
Superintending Engineer (E&M/
Civil/ C&I/ F&S/ IT) may also
be considered for promotion.
3 Dy. Chief 100% by Promotion - Superintending Must have three years’ experience as
Engineer (E&M/ 1/3rd by Seniority-cum- Engineer (E&M/ Civil/ Superintending Engineer (E&M/
Civil/ C&I/ F&S/ merit & 2/3rd by Merit. C&I/ F&S/ IT) Civil/ C&I/ F&S/ IT).
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
4 Superintending 100% by Promotion - Executive Engineer Must hold Full Time Graduation
Engineer 1/3rd by Seniority - (E&M/ Civil/ C&I/ F&S/ Degree in Engineering from of a
(E&M/ Civil/ cum-merit & 2/3rd by IT) university established by law in India
C&I/ F&S/ IT) Merit on continuous or a degree or diploma of a foreign
cyclic basis giving University or Institution declared by
precedence to seniority. Govt. as equivalent to a degree in
engineering of a university
established by law in India or AMIE
by passing the examination of Indian
Institute of Engineers alogwith five
years’ experience as Executive
Engineer (E&M/ Civil/ C&I/ F&S/
5 Chief Chemist 100% by Promotion- Senior Chemist Must have five years’ experience as
1/3rd by Seniority-cum- Senior Chemist.
merit & 2/3rd by Merit.
6 Executive 100% by Promotion - Assistant Engineer (E&M/ Full Time Graduation Degree in
Engineer 2/3rd by seniority-cum- Civil/ C&I/ F&S/ IT) Engineering or AMIE or any
(E&M/ Civil/ merit & 1/3rd by Merit. qualification declared equivalent to
C&I/ F&S/ IT) Degree in Engineering by Govt.
alongwith five years’ experience as
Assistant Engineer (Elect. & Mech./
Civil/ C&I/ F&S/ IT) or Diploma in
Engineering (Elect. & Mech./ Civil/
C&I/ F&S/ IT) from recognized
institution with 12 years’ experience
as AEn.
Note: A diploma holder Assistant
Engineer shall be eligible for
appointment as Executive Engineer
after 5 years of passing the AMIE
examination or 12 years of
experience as AEn, whichever is
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
7 Senior Chemist 100% by Promotion - Chemist Must have five years’ experience as
1/3rd by Merit & 2/3rd Chemist.
B. Junior Posts :
8 Assistant 5/6th posts by Junior Engineer-I Full Time Graduation Degree in 1. Vacancies of
Engineer (E&M/ Promotion on (E&M/ Civil/ C&I/ F&S) Engineering or AMIE or *The candidate must AEn(E&M)
Civil/ C&I/ F&S) Seniority-cum-merit qualification declared equivalent to it hold a full time four shall be filled
and 1/6th posts by by Govt. with two years’ service as years’ Graduation amongst
Direct Recruitment. JEN-I (E&M/ Civil/ C&I/ F&S).
Degree in candidates of
Engineering as a Electrical and
Note : - Mechanical
1. Initially, the ratio regular student or
Discipline in
of 5/6th & 1/6th AMIE from a
the ratio of 1:1
shall be applied on University/ i.e. 50%
vacancies in cyclic Institution vacancies from
order, continuously established by Law in Electrical
from year to year. discipline and
India or a Degree
Once, all the 1/6th remaining 50%
posts of Direct declared to be
Recruitment quota equivalent by
are filled, AICTE, New Delhi discipline.
thereafter, in the following
vacancies shall be discipline:- 2. Percentage of
filled as per
*(Substituted vide marks in
no.223 dated Graduation in
06.08.2019 (P&A- Engineering
2. AEns already 316) shall be
appointed from calculated as
departmental quota (a)Electrical Discipline :- follows :-
against LDR Electrical/ Electrical &
vacancies shall be Electronics/ Electrical, (i) Percentage of
counted against Instrumentation & marks shall be
38 | P a g e
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
10A *Programmer 100% by Promotion Assistant Programmer Must have five years’ experience
*(Inserted vide on the basis of as Assistant Programmer.
no.314 dated Seniority-cum-
12.12.2017 Merit
11 Junior Engineer-I 100 % by Direct ---- ----- The candidate must hold Vacancies of
(E&M/ Civil/ Recruitment. full time four years’ JEn(E&M) shall
C&I/ F&S) Graduation Degree in be filled amongst
Engineering as a regular candidates of
student or AMIE or Electrical and
equivalent from a Mechanical
University/Institution Discipline in the
established by Law in ratio of 1:1 i.e.
India and recognized 50% vacancies
equivalent to full time from Electrical
Graduation Degree in discipline and
Engineering by AICTE, remaining 50%
New Delhi in the from Mechanical
following discipline:- discipline.
(a) Electrical Discipline :-
Electrical/ Electrical &
Electronics/ Electrical,
Instrumentation &
Control/ Power Systems &
High Voltage/ Power
Electronics/ Power
42 | P a g e
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
Automation/ Power
43 | P a g e
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
12 Junior Chemist 100 % by Direct ---- --- Candidate must hold two
Recruitment from Open years’ full time Post
Market. Graduation Degree in
Chemistry or four years’
full time Graduation
Degree in Chemical
Engineering as a regular
student from an
University established by
law in India or a degree
of a foreign University or
Institution declared by
competent authority,
equivalent to full time
regular Post Graduate
Degree in Chemistry or
Graduation Degree in
Chemical Engineering, of
an University established
by law in India.
13 *Assistant 100% by Promotion Informatics Assistant Must have five years’ experience
Programmer on the basis of as Informatics Assistant.
*(Inserted vide
no.314 dated
14 **Informatics 100% by Direct Three years’ experience as Data Graduate or higher full
Assistant Recruitment Entry Operator and any one of the time degree in
qualifications as mentioned in Computer Science/
**(Inserted vide However, the post column No. 6. Computer Engineering/
no.314 dated shall first be filled by Computer
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
by law in India or of an
institution recognized by
the Government.
Graduate of University
established by law in
India with “O” or
Higher Level Certificate
course conducted by
“National Institute of
Electronics and
Information Technology
under the control of
Department of
Electronics, Government
of India.
Graduate of University
established by law in
India with Computer
Operator &
Programming Assistant
(COPA)/ Data
Preparation and
Computer Software
(DPCS) Certificate
organized under the
National/ State Counsel
of Vocational Training
Speed of 20 Words Per
Minute typing in Hindi
46 | P a g e
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
*(Inserted vide
no.314 dated
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
A. Scheme and syllabus of the competitive examination for the posts of Assistant
Engineer and Junior Engineer-I
1. Computer based “written competitive exam” shall be conducted through Online mode.
The Question Paper shall be of two (2) hours duration and shall consist of Objective
Type questions (Multiple Choice Questions) only.
2. The Question Paper shall consist of following two parts:-
Part – A : 60% weightage
The standard and syllabus of the examination will be of the level of Degree in
Engineering in the respective discipline and its brief out-line may be notified prior to
the exam.
(i) Reasoning & Mental Ability :- Analytical Reasoning, Number series, Letter
series, Odd man out, Coding-Decoding, Shapes and Mirror Images, Clocks, etc.
(ii) Mathematics:- Mathematics. (Class-XII level)
(iii) General Knowledge & Everyday Science :- Current events including issues of
State (Rajasthan), National & International importance, Persons & Places in recent
news, Games & Sports, Science, Indian History, Civics, Geography, Indian Polity,
etc., with special reference to Rajasthan.
(iv)Hindi General :- Hindi Grammar and language (Class-X level).
(v) English General :- English Grammar and language (Class-X level).
3. The Question Papers, except “Hindi General” of Part-B, shall be in English only.
4. There shall be no ‘Interview’.
5. There will be ‘Negative’ marking for each wrong answer.
6. **To become eligible for consideration for appointment, candidates shall be required to
secure minimum passing marks in each Part as detailed below in the written competitive
exams :-
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
B. Scheme and syllabus of the competitive examination for the post of Junior
Chemist(for RVUN Only)
1. Computer based “written competitive exam” shall be conducted through Online mode.
The Question Paper shall be of two (2) hours duration and shall consist of Objective
Type questions (Multiple Choice Questions) only.
2. The Question Paper shall consist of following two parts:-
A brief out-line of scope of each sub-part is given hereunder for general guidelines of
candidates, but is not intended to be exhaustive :-
(i) Reasoning & Mental Ability :- Analytical Reasoning, Number series, Letter
series, Odd man out, Coding-Decoding, Shapes and Mirror Images, Clocks, etc.
(ii) Mathematics:- Mathematics. (Class-X level)
(iii) General Knowledge & Everyday Science :- Current events including issues of
State (Rajasthan), National & International importance, Persons & Places in recent
news, Games & Sports, Science, Indian History, Civics, Geography, Indian Polity,
etc., with special reference to Rajasthan.
(iv)Hindi General :- Hindi Grammar and language (Class-X level).
(v) English General :- English Grammar and language (Class-X level).
3. The Question Papers, except “Hindi General” of Part-B, shall be in English only.
49 | P a g e
RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
1. The competitive exam shall be conducted in two phases. In Phase-I, the computer
based written exam through ‘online’ mode shall be of two (2) hours duration and shall
consist of Objective Type questions (Multiple Choice Questions) only.
2. Scheme of Exam
Phase – I
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RVUN Engineers’ Service Regulations, 2016
(vi) Security, Protecting Computer Systems from viruses & malicious attacks,
Introduction to Firewalls and its utility, Backup & Restoring data.
A brief out-line of scope of each sub-part is given hereunder for general guidelines of
candidates, but is not intended to be exhaustive :-
(i) Reasoning & Mental Ability :- Analytical Reasoning, Number series, Letter
series, Odd man out, Coding-Decoding, Shapes and Mirror Images, Clocks, etc.
(ii) Mathematics:- Mathematics. (Class-XII level)
(iii) General Knowledge & Everyday Science :- Current events including issues of
State (Rajasthan), National & International importance, Persons & Places in recent
news, Games & Sports, Science, Indian History, Civics, Geography, Indian Polity,
etc., with special reference to Rajasthan.
(iv)Hindi General :- Hindi Grammar and language (Class-X level).
(v) English General :- English Grammar and language (Class-X level).
Phase – II
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Note: -
(i) Speed Test in Hindi & English languages on Computer machine shall be taken
of only those candidates who have qualified the Phase-I of the examination.
The number of candidates to be admitted to the Phase-II of the examination
(Qualifying Typing Speed Test) shall be about three times of the advertised
vacancies (category-wise).
(ii) No marks shall be given in Qualifying Typing Speed Test and Merit list will be
prepared only on the basis marks obtained in the Phase-I of the examination,
but only those candidates who qualify the Typing Speed Test shall be eligible
for inclusion in the Merit list.
3. The Question Paper (except “Hindi General” and “English General” section) shall be
‘bilingual’ i.e. both in English & Hindi, but in case of any confusion/ ambiguity with
regard to interpretation or printing error, the English version of questions shall prevail.
4. There shall be no ‘Interview’.
5. There will be ‘Negative’ marking for each wrong answer.
6. **To become eligible for consideration for appointment, candidates shall be
required to secure minimum passing marks in each Part of Phase-I as detailed
below in the written competitive exams :-
(i) UR category candidates - 30% marks
(ii)*** SC/ ST/ BC/ MBC/EWS/Ex-servicemen/
PWD(PH) category candidates - 20% marks
The sum of marks obtained by candidates in the Part-A and Part-B of the Phase-I of the
examination will be counted for determining final order of their merit.
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