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Danics Danips Rules 2003

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[To be published in the Gazette of India, (Extraordinary), Part-II, Section-3,

Sub Section (i) dated 6th August, 2003]


North Block, New Delhi-110 001.

Dated, the 6th August, 2003


G.S.R. (E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso

to article 309 of the Constitution, and in supersession of Delhi, Andaman &
Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil
Services Rules, 1996, except as respects things done or omitted to be done
before such supersession, the President hereby makes the following rules,
namely :-

1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the
National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Civil
Service) Rules, 2003.

(2) Save as otherwise provided in sub-rule (2) of rule 3, they shall

come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) “Administration” means the Government of the National Capital

Territory of Delhi in respect of the National Capital Territory of
Delhi and the Union territory Administration in respect of the
Union territories of (i) the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, (ii)
Lakshadweep (iii) Daman and Diu and (iv) Dadra and Nagar
(b) “Administrator” means the administrator appointed under article
239 of the Constitution for the Union territories of (i) the
National Capital territory of Delhi, (ii) the Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, (iii) Lakshadweep, (iv) Daman and Diu and (v) Dadra and
Nagar Haveli, as the case may be;

(c) “Appointing Authority”, in relation to any grade, means the

authority empowered under the Central Civil Services
(Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 to make
appointments to that grade;

(d) “appointed day” means the date of publication of these rules in

the Official Gazette;

(e) “Approved Service”, in relation to any grade, means the period or

periods of regular service rendered in that grade, including period
or periods during which a member of the Service could have held
a post on regular basis in that grade but for his being on leave or
otherwise not being available to hold such posts, from the 1st day
of July of the year –

(a) following the year in which the examination was held in

respect of an officer appointed directly to that grade;

(b) for which the recruitment was made on regular basis in

respect of an officer appointed to that grade by promotion;

(f) “Cadre” means the group of posts in the grades as specified in

rule 3;

(g) “Cadre Controlling Authority” means the Government of India in

the Ministry of Home Affairs;

(h) “Commission” means the Union Public Service Commission;

(i) “Departmental Promotion Committee” means a Committee

constituted to consider promotion and confirmation in any grade
as specified in Schedule IV;

(j) “duty post” means any post included in Schedule I;

(k) “Government” means the Government of India;

(l) “grade” means any of the grades specified in rule 3;

(m) “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these rules;

(n) “Scheduled Castes” and “Scheduled Tribes” shall have the same
meaning as are assigned to them by clause (24) and clause (25)
respectively of article 366 of the Constitution of India;

(o) “Service” means the National Capital Territory of Delhi,

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and
Dadra and Nagar Haveli Civil Service constituted under rule 3.

3. Composition of the Service and its classification.-

(1) There shall be constituted a Service known as the National Capital

Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep,
Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Civil Service consisting of
persons appointed to the Service under rules 6 and 7.

(2) The Service shall be deemed to have and have four grades as
specified in Schedule I with effect from the 1st day of January, 1996.

(3) The posts in Junior Administrative Grade-1, Junior

Administrative Grade-II and Selection Grade shall be Central Civil
Services Group “A” posts and those in the Entry Grade shall be Central
Civil Services Group “B” posts.

4. Grades, strength and their review.-

(1) The duty posts included in the various grades, their number and
the scales of pay attached to them on the date of commencement of
these rules shall be as specified in Schedule I:

Provided that ten per cent and twenty per cent of the sanctioned
strength of the posts in the Service shall be non functional grades of
Junior Administrative Grade-I and Selection Grade respectively, and
these shall be operated within the respective number of posts specified
in Parts B and C of Schedule I:
Provided further that the number of posts in Junior
Administrative Grade I shall not exceed the total number of sanctioned
posts in the Junior Administrative Grade in the scale of pay of

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule(1), the

Government may -

(a) from time to time, make temporary additions or alterations

to the duty posts in various grades;

(b) in consultation with the Commission include in the Service

such posts as are be deemed to be equivalent to the posts
included in the Service in status, grade, scale of pay and
professional content or exclude from the Service a duty
post already included in the Service; and

(c) in consultation with the Commission appoint the regular

incumbent of the post which has been included in the
Service as a duty post to the appropriate grade of the
Service and fix his seniority taking into account the regular
service rendered by him in the said post or analogous

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (b) and (c) of sub-

rule (2), in case any regular incumbent of the post which has been
encadred in the Service is not found suitable for appointment to the
Service under clause (c) of sub-rule (2), he shall continue to hold the
post and for the purpose the post shall be treated to have been excluded
from the Service till such time it is held by such incumbent. The
suitability of such persons for induction into the Service will be reviewed
every year.

5. Member of the Service.-

(1) The following persons shall be the members of the Service:-

(a) persons appointed to duty posts under rule 6; and
(b) persons appointed to duty posts under rule 7.
(2) A person appointed under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) shall, on such
appointment, be deemed to be the member of the Service in the
appropriate grade applicable to him in Schedule I.

(3) A person appointed under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) shall be the
member of the Service in the appropriate grade applicable to him in
Schedule I from the date of such appointment.

6. Initial constitution of the Service.-

(1) All existing officers holding duty posts on regular basis in Junior
Administrative Grade, Grade-I and Grade-II of Delhi, Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar
Haveli Civil Service shall be members of the Service in the respective

(2) All the existing officers of Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and
Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administrations holding posts, on regular basis
which have been encadred in the Service shall continue to be in their
respective posts and grades as existed before the appointed day till they
become members of the Service after their suitability has been assessed
by the Commission. In case they are assessed suitable, they shall be
deemed to have been appointed to the appropriate grade from the
date(s) of their regular appointment to such grades. In case any officer is
not found suitable for appointment to the Service, the encadred post
held by him regularly shall be treated as ex-cadre till he is inducted into
the Service or vacates the post and his case shall be reviewed every year.

(3) The regular continuous service of officers referred to in sub-rules

(1) and (2) before the commencement of these rules shall count for the
purpose of probation and qualifying service for promotion, confirmation
and pension in the Service.

(4) To the extent the Cadre Controlling Authority is not able to fill up
the authorised regular strength of various grades in accordance with the
provisions of this rule, the same shall be filled in accordance with the
provisions of rules 7 and 8.

7. Future maintenance of the Service.-

(1) The vacancies in any of the grades referred to in Schedule I, after
the initial constitution under rule 6, shall be filled in the manner
hereinafter provided in this rule.

(2) (a) Fifty per cent of the posts in Entry Grade shall be filled by
direct recruitment and the remaining fifty per cent by promotion.

(b) The vacancies in the direct recruitment quota shall be filled

on the basis of the Civil Services Examination conducted by the

(c) The vacancies in the promotion quota shall be filled by

selection from amongst officers holding posts mentioned in
Schedule II with three years regular service in the grade on the
basis of the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion

(3) All the vacancies in the grades of Junior Administrative Grade-I,

Junior Administrative Grade-II and Selection Grade shall be filled
by promotion from amongst the officers in the immediate
respective lower grade with the minimum qualifying service as
specified in Schedule III.

(4) (a) The promotion to the Junior Administrative Grade-II shall

be made by “selection” subject to the bench mark grade
prescribed by the Government from time to time for this level of
posts under the Government.

(b) The induction by promotion to the Entry Grade shall be

made by “selection” subject to the bench mark grade prescribed
by the Government from time to time for this level of posts
under the Government.

(c) The promotion to the Junior Administrative Grade-I and

Selection Grade shall be made in the order of seniority subject to
rejection of unfit.

(5) The selection in each case under sub-rule(4) shall be made on the
recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee.
(6) If any officer appointed to any grade of the Service is considered
for the purpose of promotion to the higher post, his senior would
also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite
qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such
qualifying or eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and
have successfully completed their probation period for promotion
to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already
completed such qualifying or eligibility service.

NOTE - The eligibility list for promotion shall be prepared with reference
to the date of completion of the qualifying service in the respective
grade or post. If the crucial date for one or more officers coming
from different sources is one and the same, the officer senior in
age will be placed higher in the eligibility list.

8. Filling of duty posts by deputation – (1) Notwithstanding anything

contained in rule 7, where the Government is of the opinion that it is
necessary or expedient to do so, it may, for reasons to be recorded in
writing and in consultation with the Commission, fill a duty post in any
grade by transfer on deputation, (including short term contract) for such
period as per the instructions of the Government issued from time to

(2) The qualification, experience and the eligibility service required

for appointment to any grade of the Service under these rules shall be
decided by the Government in consultation with the Commission on
each occasion.

9. Seniority.-

(1) The relative seniority of members of the Service appointed to a

grade of the Service, at the time of initial constitution of the
Service under rule 6, shall be as obtaining on the date of
commencement of these rules:

Provided that if the seniority of any such member has not

been specifically determined on the said date, the same shall be as
determined on the basis of the rules governing the fixation of
seniority as were applicable to the members of the Service prior to
the commencement of these rules.
(2) The seniority of the persons recruited to the Service after the
initial constitution shall be determined in accordance with the
general instructions issued by the Government in the matter from
time to time.

10. Probation.-

(1) Every officer on appointment to the Entry Grade of the Service

either by direct recruitment or by promotion shall be on
probation for a period of two years:

Provided that the Controlling Authority may extend the

period of probation in accordance with the instructions issued by
the Government from time to time in this behalf.

(2) On completion of the period of probation or any extension

thereof, directly recruited officers shall, if considered fit for
confirmation in the Service, be confirmed in terms of the orders
of the Government for the time being in force.

(3) If, during the period of probation or any extension thereof, as the
case may be, Government is of the opinion that an officer is not
fit for confirmation in the Service, Government may discharge the
officer or revert him to the post held by him prior to his
appointment in the Service, as the case may be.

(4) During the period of probation or any extension thereof, an

officer may be required by Government to undergo such courses
of training or to pass such examination or test (including
examination in Hindi) as the Government may deem fit as
condition for satisfactory completion of probation.

(5) As regards other matters relating to probation, the members of

the Service shall be governed by the orders or instructions issued
by the Government in this regard from time to time.

11. Appointment to the Service.-

All appointment to the Service shall be made by the Appointing

Authority to the Junior Administrative Grade-I or Junior Administrative
Grade-II or Selection Grade or Entry Grade of the Service and not against any
specific post included in the Service.

12. Posting.-

Every member of the Service allocated to an Administration shall, unless

he is appointed to an ex-cadre post, or is otherwise not available for holding a
duty post owing to the exigencies of the public service, be posted against a duty
post under the Administration by the Administrator concerned.

13. Allocation of members of the Service.-

The Government shall, from time to time, allocate a member of the

Service to any Administration for posting in terms of rule 12.

14. Disqualification.-

No person, -

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person

having a spouse living, or

(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a

marriage with any person,

shall be eligible for appointment to the Service:

Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such

marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person
and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for
so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

15. Other conditions of service.-

The other conditions of service of members of the Service in respect of

matters for which no specific provision has been made in these rules shall be
the same as are applicable, from time to time, to officers of equivalent rank of
the Central Government.

16. Power to relax.-

Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or
expedient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, and
in consultation with the Commission, relax any of the provisions of these rules
with respect to any class or category of persons.

17. Saving.-

Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation in age-limit

and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and other special categories of
persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Government from time to
time in this regard.

18. Interpretation.-

If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, it shall

be decided by the Government in consultation with the Commission.

[See rule 4(1)]

Name, number and scale of pay of duty posts in the grades of the
National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Civil Service.

Part A Grades and sanctioned strength of the Service

(a) Grades of the Service Scales of pay

1. Junior Administrative Grade I (Group A) Rs.14,300-400-18,300

2. Junior Administrative Grade II (Group A) Rs.12,000-375-16,500

3. Selection Grade (Group A) Rs.10,000-325-15,200

4. Entry Grade (Group B) (i) Rs.6,500-200-10,500

(on initial appointment)
(ii) Rs.8,000-275-13,500
(on completion of 4 years
approved service subject
to vigilance and integrity
(b) Sanctioned strength

1. Specific posts under the Government of the 256

National Capital Territory of Delhi.

2. Specific posts under the Andaman and Nicobar 17

Islands Administration.

3. Specific posts under the Lakshadweep 13


4. Specific posts under the Daman and Diu and 16

Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administration

5. Deputation, Leave and Training Reserves 96

Total 398

(c) Reserves

1. Deputation reserve at 12% of 302 36

2. Leave reserve at 10% of 302 30

3. Training reserve at 10% of 302 30

Total 96

Part B Posts in the Junior Administrative Grade I and

Junior Administrative Grade II

(a) Posts under the Government of the National

Capital Territory of Delhi

1. Joint Director of Social Welfare 2

2. Joint Director of Education (Administration) 1

3. Joint Director of Education (Finance) 1

4. Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies 2

5. Joint Director of Training and Technical 1

6. Joint Director of Industries 2

7. Joint Director (Administration/Vigilance), 1

Prevention of Food Adulteration
8. Joint Director of Health Services 1

9. Joint Director (UTCS) 1

10. Joint Director of Transport. 1

11. Joint Director of Administrative Reforms. 1

12. Joint Director of Agriculture and Marketing 1

13. Deputy Commissioner of Excise. 1

14. Chief of Rehabilitation Services 1

15. Secretary to Chief Executive 4

Councilor/Executive Councilors
16. Deputy Commissioner of Food and Supplies 4

17. Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax 2

18. Deputy Development Commissioner 1

19. Deputy Secretary (Metropolitan Council) 1

20. Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax 9

21. Additional District Magistrate 2

22. Deputy Medical Superintendent/ Director 1

(Administration), LNJP Hospital
23. Additional Director of Transport 1

24. Joint Director of Industries 1

25. Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Enforcement 1

26. Deputy Medical Superintendent-cum-Director 1

(Administration) in the G.B.Pant Hospital
27. ADM-cum-Director (Panchayat ) 1

28. Competent Authority (Urban Land Ceiling Act) 1

Total 47

(b) Posts under Andaman and Nicobar


1. Additional District Magistrate, Port Blair 1

2. Registrar of Cooperative Societies 1

3. Director of Rural Development 1

4. Director of Tribal Welfare 1

5. Director (Transport) 1

6. Deputy Secretary (Pradesh Council) 1

Total 6

Total of (a) and (b) 53

Part C Posts in Entry Grade and Selection Grade

(a) Posts under the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi

Sl.No. Name of posts No. of posts

1. Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies 2

2. Assistant Director, Civil Supplies 1

3. Deputy Secretary 7
4. Under Secretary 5

5. Assistant Development Commissioner 2

6. Revenue Assistant 1

7. Land Acquisition Collector 5

8. District Collection Officer 1

9. Deputy Employment Officer/Sub-Regional 18

Employment Officer/Employment Liaison Officer
10. Executive Magistrate 21

11. Sales Tax Officer 81

12. Entertainment Tax Officer 1

13. District Excise Officer 3

14. Assistant Housing Commissioner 7

15. Deputy Director of Industries 2

16. Administrative Officer, N.C.C./R.C.C. 1

17. Administrative Officer, Maulana Azad Medical College 1

18. Assistant Director of Employment 1

19. Nazarat Officer 1

20. Land Reforms-cum-Land Management Officer 1

21. Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies 11

22. Assistant Commissioner of Excise 1

23. Additional Entertainment Tax Officer 1

24. Collector of Stamps/District Stamps and Registration 1

25. Administrative Officer, Drug Control Organization 1
26. Administrative Officer, Din Dayal Upadhyay Hospital 1

27. Administrative Officer, Nehru Homoeopathic College 1

and Hospital

28. Administrative Officer, Family Welfare 1

29. Vigilance Officer, Directorate of Training and 1

Technical Education

30. Excise Officer 2

31. Administrative Officer (Directorate of Education) 10

32. Deputy Director of Transport (Enforcement) 1

33. Assistant Director of Training (UTCS) 2

34. Administrative Officer (Department of Prevention of 1

Food Adulteration)

35. Assistant Commissioner of Food and Supplies 3

36. Estate Officer, Maulana Azad Medical College 1

37. Settlement Officer 1

38. Deputy Director of Social Welfare 1

39. Administrative Officer, College of Arts 1

40. Officer-in-charge (Manual and Litigation) 1

41. Deputy Registrar, Board of Technical Education 1

42. Administrative Officer, Directorate of Technical 1


43. Administrative Officer, Officer of the Chief Engineer 1

(Irrigation and Food)

Total 209
(b) Posts under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration

S.No. Name of the Posts No. of posts

1 Assistant Commissioner, North and Middle Andaman, 1

2 Assistant Commissioner, Nicobar 1

3 Assistant Commissioner, Settlement 1

4 Industries Officer 1

5 Assistant Commissioner, South Andaman 1

6 Supply Officer 1

7 Controller of Andaman Labour Force 1

8 Assistant Secretary, Planning 1

9 Assistant Commissioner, Tribal Welfare 1

10 Publicity Officer 1

11 Employment Officer 1

Total 11

(c) Posts under the Lakshadweep Administration

S.No. Name of the posts No. of posts

1 Secretary (Administration)/Settlement Officer/Deputy 3

2 District Employment Officer 1

3 Registrar, Co-operative Societies 1

4 Information Officer 1

5. Director (Industries) 1
6 Vigilance Officer 1

7 Senior Administrative Officer (Education) 1

8 Director of Social Welfare 1

9 Secretary, Pradesh Council 1

10 Assistant Director (Planning) 1

11 Social Welfare Officer 1

Total 13
(d) Posts under the Daman and Diu Administration

S.No. Name of the Posts No. of posts

1 Assistant Secretary 5

2 Deputy Collector 1

3 Assistant Director of Tourism 1

4 Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax 1

5 Assistant Commissioner of Excise 1

6 Chief Officer 1

Total 10

(e) Posts under the Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administration

S.No. Name of the posts No. of posts

1 General Manager, District Industries Centre 1

2 Social Welfare Officer 1

3 Employment Officer 1

4 Education Officer (Administration) 1

5 Joint Block Development Officer 1

6 Sales Tax Officer 1

Total 6

(i) Total of (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of Part C 249

(ii) Total of Parts B and C (53+249) 302

(iii) Deputation, Leave and Training Reserves 96

Grand Total 398

[See rule 7]

Post/grade/service eligible for induction into Entry Grade.

(a) Posts under the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi

(i) Grade I of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi’s

subordinate Service.
(ii) Hindi Officer.
(iii) Punjabi Officer.
(iv) Urdu Officer.
(v) Senior Stenographer (Grade-I).
(vi) Personal Assistant to Deputy Commissioner of Delhi.
(vii) Reporters of the Legislative Assembly.
(viii) Press Officers.

(b) Posts under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration

(i) Tahasildars.
(ii) Assistant Secretary (Public, Finance, Development and Establishment).
(iii) Treasury Officer and Registrar.
(iv) Block Development Officer.
(v) Superintendent.
(vi) Audit Officer, Co-operative Department.
(vii) Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies .

(c) Posts under the Lakshadweep Administration

(i) Block Development Officer.

(ii) Junior Employment Officer.

(d) Posts under the Daman and Diu Administration

(i) Superintendent (Grade-B).

(ii) Mamlatdar.
(iii) Block Development Officer.
(iv) Enquiry Officer, City Survey.
(v) Assistant Sales Tax Officer.

(e) Posts under the Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administration

(i) Superintendent.
(ii) Land Reforms Officer.
(iii) Mamlatdar.


[See rule 7 (3)]

Sl. Grade Method of promotion Eligibility for Promotion

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Junior By promotion in the A regularly appointed Junior
Administrative order of Administrative
seniority Grade-II
Grade I subject to rejection ofofficer with a minimum of
unfit on theeighteen years approved
recommendations of the service shall be eligible to be
Departmental considered for promotion to
Promotion Committee. the Junior Administrative
Grade I.
2. Junior By promotion on A regularly appointed
Administrative selection basis on the Selection Grade officer with a
Grade II recommendations of the minimum of thirteen years
Departmental approved service shall be
Promotion Committee. eligible to be considered for
promotion to the Junior
Administrative Grade II.

3. Selection Grade By promotion in the A regularly appointed Entry

order of seniority Grade officer with a
subject to rejection of minimum of eight years
unfit on the approved service shall be
recommendations of the eligible to be considered for
Departmental promotion to the Selection
Promotion Committee. Grade.

NOTE: The crucial date for determining the eligibility of an officer for promotion
shall be the 1st January of the year in which the vacancy has occurred

[See rules 7 (2) and (5)]
Sl.. Grade Composition of the Departmental
No. Promotion Committee
1 2 3

(1) Junior Administrative Grade- I (i) Chairman or Member of the Union

Public Service Commission-Chairman.

(ii) Joint Secretary in-charge of the Union

Territories Division in the Ministry of
Home Affairs– Member.

(iii) Chief Secretary, Andaman and

Nicobar Islands – Member.

(iv) Administrator, Lakshadweep- Member.

(v) Administrator, Daman and Diu and

Dadra and Nagar Haveli – Member.

(vi) Principal Secretary/Secretary

(Services), Government of the National
Capital Territory of Delhi- Member.

(2) Junior Administrative Grade-II (i) Chairman or Member of the Union

Public Service Commission-Chairman.

(ii) Joint Secretary in-charge of the Union

Territories Division in the Ministry of
Home Affairs– Member.

(iii) Chief Secretary, Andaman and

Nicobar Islands – Member.

(iv) Administrator, Lakshadweep- Member.

(v) Administrator, Daman and Diu and

Dadra and Nagar Haveli – Member.

(vi) Principal Secretary/Secretary

(Services), Government of the National
Capital Territory of Delhi- Member.

(3) Selection Grade (i) Chairman or Member of the Union

Public Service Commission –
(ii) Joint Secretary in-charge of the Union
Territories Division in the Ministry of
Home Affairs– Member.

(iii) Principal Secretary / Secretary

(Services), Government of the National
Capital Territory of Delhi- Member.

(iv) Secretary (Personnel), Andaman and

Nicobar Islands – Member.

(v) Development Commissioner, Daman

and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli –
Secretary, General Administration
Department, Lakshadweep - Member.

(4) Entry Grade (on initial (i) Joint Secretary in-charge of the Union
appointment by promotion and Territories Division in the Ministry of
confirmation of direct Home Affairs– Chairman.
(ii) Principal Secretary/Secretary
(Services), Government of National
Capital Territory of Delhi- Member.

(iii) Secretary (Personnel), Andaman and

Nicobar Islands – Member.

(iv) Development Commissioner, Daman

and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli –
Secretary, General Administration
Department, Lakshadweep - Member.

Note: The absence of a member, other than the Chairman, shall not
invalidate the proceedings of the Departmental Promotion Committee if more
than half the members, including the Chairman of the Committee, had
attended its meeting(s).
(P.K. Jalali)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India

Explanatory Memorandum

The National Capital territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,

Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Civil Service had
three grades, namely, Grade-II, (Rs.2000-3500/-) Selection Grade (Grade-I)
(Rs.3000-4500/-) and Junior Administrative Grade (Rs.3700-5000/-). In order
to improve the grades and pay structure of the Service, the Fifth Central Pay
Commission had made certain recommendations, which were duly considered
by the Government. Taking into consideration various relevant factors
including the nature of duties and responsibilities of the Service, the
Government approved the following grades/scales of pay for the Service
retrospectively i.e. with effect from 1st January, 1996:-

(i) Entry Grade (Group ‘B’) - Rs.6,500-200-10,500.

(On initial appointment)

(ii) On completion of 4 years - Rs.8,000-275-13,500.

approved service (Group ‘B’)

(iii) Selection Grade - Rs.10,000-325-15,200.


(iv) Junior Administrative Grade II - Rs.12,000-375-16,500.

(Group ‘A’)
(v) Junior Administrative Grade I - Rs.14,300-400-18,300.
(Group ‘A’)

2. The restructuring of the grades and scales of pay of the Service required
appropriate amendments to the provisions contained in the Delhi, Andaman &
Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Civil Services Rules, 1996. Further, various provisions of the said rules
required amendment to keep in line with the Government decisions contained
in Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training OM No.F.22011/5/86-
Estt(D) dated 10.3.1989, OM No.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.4.1989, OM
No.AB-14017/12/88-Estt(RR) dated 25th March, 1996, OM No.AB-
14017/2/97-(RR) dated 25.5.1998 and Union Public Service Commission
(Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958.

3. It is certified that none will be adversely affected by retrospective

effect being given to the introduction of restructured grades vide rule 3.

(P.K. Jalali)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India


The Manager,
Government of India Press,
Ring Road, Maya Puri,

Copy to:

1. Chief Secretary, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, I.P.

Estate, New Delhi with 10 spare copies.

2. Chief Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair with

10 spare copies.

3. Administrator, Lakshadweep Administration, Kavaratti with 10 spare

4. Administrator, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Moti
Daman with 10 spare copies.

5. Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House,

Shahjahan Road, New Delhi with reference to their letter
No.F.3/10(33)/2002-RR dated 30.6.2003.

6. Department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi with

reference to their Diary No.697/US/RR/02 dated 28.6.2002.

7. Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Legislative Department,

Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi, with reference to their ID No.1998/03
dated 23.7.2003.

8. Ministry of Law and Justice and Company Affairs (Official Languages

Wing), Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi, with reference to their diary
No.400/03 dated 31.7.2003.

9. Guard file.

(P.K. Jalali)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
[To be published in the Gazette of India, (Extraordinary), Part-II Section-3,
Sub Section(i) dated 6th August, 2003]


North Block, New Delhi-110 001.

Dated, the 6th August, 2003.


G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to

article 309 of the Constitution, and in supersession of National Capital
Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and
Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Police Service Rules, 1998, except as respects
things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the President
hereby makes the following rules, namely :-

2. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the
National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Police
Service) Rules, 2003.

(2) Save as otherwise provided in sub-rule (2) of rule 3, they shall

come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-

(a) “Administration” means the Government of National Capital

Territory of Delhi in respect of the National Capital Territory of
Delhi and the Union territory Administration in respect of the
Union territories of (i) the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, (ii)
Lakshadweep, (iii) Daman and Diu and (iv) Dadra and Nagar

(e) “Administrator” means the administrator appointed under article

239 of the Constitution for the Union Territories of (i) the
National Capital territory of Delhi, (ii) Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, (iii) Lakshadweep, (iv) Daman and Diu and (v) Dadra and
Nagar Haveli, as the case may be;

(f) “Appointing Authority”, in relation to any grade, means the

authority empowered under the Central Civil Services
(Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 to make
appointments to that grade;

(g) “appointed day” means the date of publication of these rules in

the Official Gazette;

(e) “Approved Service”, in relation to any grade, means the period or

periods of regular service rendered in that grade, including period
or periods during which a member of the Service could have held
a post on regular basis in that grade but for his being on leave or
otherwise not being available to hold such posts, from the 1st day
of July of the year –

(c) following the year in which the examination was held in

respect of an officer appointed directly to that grade;

(d) for which the recruitment was made on regular basis in

respect of an officer appointed to that grade by promotion;

(f) “Cadre” means the group of posts in the grades as specified in

rule 3;

(h) “Cadre Controlling Authority” means the Government of India in

the Ministry of Home Affairs;

(h) “Commission” means the Union Public Service Commission;

(i) “Departmental Promotion Committee” means a Committee

constituted to consider promotion and confirmation in any grade
as specified in Schedule IV;
(n) “duty post” means any post included in Schedule I;

(o) “Government” means the Government of India;

(p) “Grade” means any of the grades specified in rule 3;

(q) “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these rules;

(n) “Scheduled Castes” and “Scheduled Tribes” shall have the same
meaning as are assigned to them by clause (24) and clause (25)
respectively of article 366 of the Constitution of India.

(o) “Service” means the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman

and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra
and Nagar Haveli Police Service constituted under rule 3;

4. Composition of the Service and its classification.-

(1) There shall be constituted a Service known as the National Capital

Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep,
Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Police Service consisting
of persons appointed to the Service under rules 6 and 7.

(4) The Service shall be deemed to have and have four grades as
specified in Schedule I with effect from the 1st day of January, 1996.

(5) The posts in Junior Administrative Grade-1, Junior

Administrative Grade-II and Selection Grade shall be Central Civil
Services Group “A” posts and those in the Entry Grade shall be Central
Civil Services Group “B” posts.

4. Grades, strength and their review.-

(2) The duty posts included in the various grades, their number and
the scales of pay on the date of commencement of these rules shall be as
specified in Schedule I.

Provided that ten per cent and twenty per cent of the sanctioned
strength of the posts in the Service shall be non functional grades of
Junior Administrative Grade-I and Selection Grade respectively, and
these shall be operated within the respective number of posts specified
in Parts B and C of Schedule I:

Provided further that the number of posts in Junior

Administrative Grade I shall not exceed the total number of sanctioned
posts in the Junior Administrative Grade in the scale of pay of

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule(1), the

Government may,-

(d) from time to time, make temporary additions or alterations

to the duty posts in various grades;

(e) in consultation with the Commission include in the Service

such posts as are be deemed to be equivalent to the posts
included in the Service in status, grade, scale of pay and
professional content or exclude from the Service a duty
post already included in the Service; and

(f) in consultation with the Commission appoint the regular

incumbent of the post which has been included in the
Service as a duty post to the appropriate grade of the
Service and fix his seniority taking into account the regular
service rendered by him in the said post or analogous

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (b) and (c) of sub-

rule (2), in case any regular incumbent of the post which has been
encadred in the Service is not found suitable for appointment to the
Service under clause (c) of sub-rule (2), he shall continue to hold the
post and for the purpose the post shall be treated to have been excluded
from the Service till such time it is held by such incumbent. The
suitability of such persons for induction into the Service will be reviewed
every year.

5. Member of the Service.-

(1) The following persons shall be the members of the Service:-

(a) persons appointed to duty posts under rule 6; and

(b) persons appointed to duty posts under rule 7.

(2) A person appointed under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) shall, on such
appointment, be deemed to be the member of the Service in the
appropriate grade applicable to him in Schedule I.

(3) A person appointed under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) shall be the
member of the Service in the appropriate grade applicable to him in
Schedule I from the date of such appointment.

6. Initial constitution of the Service.-

(7) All existing officers holding duty posts on regular basis in Junior
Administrative Grade, Grade-I and Grade-II of Delhi, Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar
Haveli Police Service shall be members of the Service in the respective

(8) All the existing officers of Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and
Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administrations holding posts on regular basis,
which have been encadred in the Service, shall continue to be in their
respective posts and grades as existed before commencement of these
rules till they become members of the Service after their suitability has
been assessed by the Commission. In case they are assessed suitable,
they shall be deemed to have been appointed to the appropriate grade
from the date(s) of their regular appointment to such grades. In case any
officer is not found suitable for appointment to the Service, the
encadred post held by him regularly will be treated as ex-cadre till he is
inducted into the Service or vacates the post and his case shall be
reviewed every year.

(9) The regular continuous service of officers referred to in sub-rules

(1) and (2) before the commencement of these rules shall count for the
purpose of probation and qualifying service for promotion, confirmation
and pension in the Service.

(10) To the extent the Cadre Controlling Authority is not able to fill up
the authorized regular strength of various grades in accordance with the
provisions of this rule, the same shall be filled in accordance with the
provisions of rules 7 and 8.
7. Future maintenance of the Service.-

(3) The vacancies in any of the grades referred to in Schedule I, after

the initial constitution under rule 6, shall be filled in the manner
hereinafter provided in this rule.

(4) (a) Fifty per cent of the posts in Entry Grade shall be filled by
direct recruitment and the remaining fifty per cent by promotion.

(b) The vacancies in the direct recruitment quota shall be filled

on the basis of the Civil Services Examination conducted by the

(c) The vacancies in the promotion quota shall be filled by

selection from amongst officers holding posts mentioned in
Schedule II with three years regular service in the grade on the
basis of the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion

(3) All the vacancies in the grades of Junior Administrative Grade-I,

Junior Administrative Grade-II and Selection Grade shall be filled
by promotion from amongst the officers in the immediate
respective lower grade with the minimum qualifying service as
specified in Schedule III.

(4) (a) The promotion to the Junior Administrative Grade-II shall

be made by “selection” subject to the bench mark grade
prescribed by the Government from time to time for this level of
posts under the Government.

(b) The induction by promotion to the Entry Grade shall be

made by “selection” subject to the bench mark grade prescribed
by the Government from time to time for this level of posts
under the Government.

(c) The promotion to the Junior Administrative Grade-I and

Selection Grade shall be made in the order of seniority subject to
rejection of unfit.
(11) The selection in each case under sub-rule(4) shall be made on the
recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee.

(12) If any officer appointed to any grade in the Service is considered

for the purpose of promotion to the higher post, his senior would
also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite
qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such
qualifying or eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and
have successfully completed their probation period for promotion
to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already
completed such qualifying or eligibility service.

NOTE - The eligibility list for promotion shall be prepared with reference
to the date of completion of the qualifying service in the
respective grade or post. If the crucial date for one or more
officers coming from different sources is one and the same, the
officer senior in age will be placed higher in the eligibility list.

8. Filling of duty posts by deputation.– (1) Notwithstanding anything

contained in rule 7, where the Government is of the opinion that it is
necessary or expedient to do so, it may, for reasons to be recorded in
writing and in consultation with the Commission, fill a duty post in any
grade by transfer on deputation, including short term contract, for such
period as per the instructions of the Government issued from time to

(2) The qualifications, experience and the eligibility service required

for appointment to any grade of the Service under these rules shall be
decided by the Government in consultation with the Commission on
each occasion.

9. Seniority.-

(3) The relative seniority of members of the Service appointed to a

grade of the Service, at the time of initial constitution of the
Service under rule 6, shall be as obtaining on the date of
commencement of these rules;

Provided that if the seniority of any such member has not

been specifically determined on the said date, the same shall be as
determined on the basis of the rules governing the fixation of
seniority as were applicable to the members of the Service prior to
the commencement of these rules.

(4) The seniority of the persons recruited to the Service after the
initial constitution shall be determined in accordance with the
general instructions issued by the Government in the matter from
time to time.

10. Probation.-

(6) Every officer on appointment to the Entry Grade of the Service

either by direct recruitment or by promotion shall be on
probation for a period of two years;

Provided that the Controlling Authority may extend the

period of probation in accordance with the instructions issued by
the Government from time to time in this behalf.

(7) On completion of the period of probation or any extension

thereof, directly recruited officers shall, if considered fit for
confirmation in the Service, be confirmed in terms of the orders
of the Government for the time being in force.

(8) If, during the period of probation or any extension thereof, as the
case may be, Government is of the opinion that an officer is not
fit for confirmation in the Service, Government may discharge the
officer or revert him to the post held by him prior to his
appointment in the Service, as the case may be.

(9) During the period of probation or any extension thereof, an

officer may be required by Government to undergo such courses
of training or to pass such examination or test (including
examination in Hindi) as the Government may deem fit as
condition for satisfactory completion of probation.

(10) As regards other matters relating to probation, the members of

the Service shall be governed by the orders or instructions issued
by the Government in this regard from time to time.

11. Appointment to the Service.-

All appointments to the Service shall be made by the Appointing
Authority to the Junior Administrative Grade-I or Junior Administrative
Grade-II or Selection Grade or Entry Grade of the Service and not against any
specific post included in the Service.

12. Posting.-

Every member of the Service allocated to an Administration shall, unless

he is appointed to an ex-cadre post, or is otherwise not available for holding a
duty post owing to the exigencies of the public service, be posted against a duty
post under the Administration by the Administrator concerned.

13. Allocation of members of the Service.-

The Government shall, from time to time, allocate a member of the

Service to any Administration for posting in terms of rule 12.

14. Disqualification.-

No person, -

(c) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person

having a spouse living, or

(d) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a

marriage with any person,

shall be eligible for appointment to the Service:

Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such

marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person
and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for
so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

15. Other conditions of service.-

The other conditions of the service of members of the Service in respect

of matters for which no specific provision has been made in these rules shall be
the same as are applicable, from time to time, to officers of equivalent rank of
the Central Government.
16. Power to relax:.-

Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or

expedient so to do, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, and
in consultation with the Commission, relax any of the provisions of these rules
with respect to any class or category of persons.

17. Saving.-

Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation in age limit

and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and other special categories of
persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Government from time to
time in this regard.

18. Interpretation.-

If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, it shall

be decided by the Government in consultation with the Commission.

[See rule 4(1)]

Name, number and scale of pay of duty posts in the grades of the
National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Police Service.

Part A Grades and sanctioned strength of the service

(a) Grades of the Service Scales of pay

1. Junior Administrative Grade I (Group A) Rs.14,300-400-18,300

2. Junior Administrative Grade II (Group A) Rs.12,000-375-16,500

3. Selection Grade (Group A) Rs.10,000-325-15,200

4. Entry Grade (Group B) (i)Rs.6500-200-10,500

(on initial appointment)
(ii) Rs.8,000-275-13,500
(on completion of four
years approved service
subject to vigilance and
integrity clearance)

(b) Sanctioned Strength

1. Specific posts under the Government of National 255

Capital Territory of Delhi.
2. Specific posts under the Andaman and Nicobar 10
Islands Administration.
3. Specific posts under the Lakshadweep 1
4. Specific posts under the Daman and Diu 2
5. Specific posts under the Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1
6. Deputation, Leave and Training Reserves 86

Total 355

(c) Reserves

1. Deputation reserve at 12% of 269 32

2. Leave reserve at 10% of 269 27

3. Training reserve at 10% of 269 27

Total 86

Part B Posts in the Junior Administrative Grade I and

Junior Administrative Grade II

Posts under the Government of National Capital

Territory of Delhi

(i) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Delhi 10

Armed Police Battalion)

(ii) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police 9

(District Headquarters)

(iii) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime 2

and Railway)

(iv) Vice-Principal, Police Training School 1

(v) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Police 1

Control Room)

(vi) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police 1

(Provision and Lines)

(vii) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (I.G. 1

International Airport)

(viii) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special 1

(ix) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police 1

(x) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police 1


(xi) Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special 1

Task Force)

Total 29

Part C Posts in Entry Grade and Selection Grade

(a) Posts under the Government of National Capital

Territory of Delhi.

Assistant Commissioner of Police 226

(b) Posts under the Andaman and Nicobar


Deputy Superintendent of Police 10

(c) Posts under the Lakshadweep Administration

Deputy Superintendent of Police 1

(d) Posts under the Daman and Diu Administration

Chiefs of Police, Daman and Diu 2

(e) Posts under the Dadra and Nagar Haveli


Chief of Police, Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1

Total of (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of Part C 240

Total of Parts B and C (29 + 240) 269

Deputation, Leave and Training Reserves 86


[See rule 7)



Inspector of Delhi Police, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Police, Lakshadweep

Police, Daman and Diu Police and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Police.

(See rule 7 (3)

Sl. Grade Method of promotion Eligibility for Promotion


(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Junior By promotion in the A regularly appointed Junior
Administrative order of seniority Administrative Grade-II officer
Grade I subject to rejection of with a minimum of eighteen
unfit on the years approved service shall be
recommendations of eligible to be considered for
the Departmental promotion to the Junior
Promotion Administrative Grade I.
2. Junior By promotion on A regularly appointed Selection
Administrative selection on the Grade officer with a minimum
Grade II recommendations of of thirteen years approved
the Departmental service shall be eligible to be
Promotion considered for promotion to the
Committee. Junior Administrative Grade II.

3. Selection Grade By promotion in the A regularly appointed Entry

order of seniority Grade officer with a minimum of
subject to rejection of eight years approved service shall
unfit on the be eligible to be considered for
recommendations of promotion to the Selection
the Departmental Grade.

NOTE: The crucial date for determining the eligibility of an officer for
promotion shall be the 1st January of the year in which the vacancy has

(See rule 7 (2) and (5))

Sl. Grade Composition of the Departmental Promotion

No. Committee

1 2 3

(1) Junior Administrative Grade- I (i) Chairman or Member of the Union Public
Service Commission-Chairman.

(ii) Joint Secretary in charge of the Union Territories

Division in the Ministry of Home Affairs –

(iii) Chief Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands –


(iv) Principal Secretary / Secretary (Home),

Government of the National Capital Territory of
Delhi - Member.

(v) Commissioner of Police, Delhi – Member.

(2) Junior Administrative Grade-II (i) Chairman or Member of the Union Public
Service Commission-Chairman.

(ii) Joint Secretary in charge of the Union Territories

Division in the Ministry of Home Affairs –

(iii) Chief Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

– Member.

(iv) Principal Secretary / Secretary (Home),

Government of the National Capital Territory of
Delhi - Member.

(v) Commissioner of Police, Delhi - Member

(3) Selection Grade (i) Chairman or Member of the Union Public

Service Commission – Chairman.

(ii) Joint Secretary in charge of the Union Territories

Division in the Ministry of Home Affairs –

(iii) Principal Secretary / Secretary(Home),

Government of the National Capital Territory of
Delhi - Member.

(iv) Joint Commissioner of Police, in charge of

personnel in the office of the Commissioner of
Police, Delhi-Member.

(v) Inspector General of Police, Andaman and

Nicobar Islands Police-Member.

(vi) Development Commissioner, Daman and Diu

and Dadra and Nagar Haveli- Member.

(4) Entry Grade (on initial (i) Joint Secretary in charge of the Union Territories
appointment by promotion and Division in the Ministry of Home Affairs –
confirmation of direct Chairman.
(ii) Principal Secretary / Secretary(Home),
Government of National Capital Territory of
Delhi - Member.

(iii) Joint Commissioner of Police, in charge of

personnel in the office of the Commissioner of
Police, Delhi-Member.
(iv) Inspector General of Police, Andaman and
Nicobar Islands Police-Member.

(v) Development Commissioner, Daman and Diu

and Dadra and Nagar Haveli- Member.

Note: The absence of a member, other than the Chairman, shall not invalidate the
proceedings of the Departmental Promotion Committee if more than half the members,
including the Chairman of the Committee, had attended its meeting(s).


(P.K. Jalali)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India

Explanatory Memorandum

The National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,

Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Police Service had
three grades, namely, Grade-II, (Rs.2000-3500/-) Selection Grade (Grade-I)
(Rs.3000-4500/-) and Junior Administrative Grade (Rs.3700-5000/-). In order
to improve upon the grade and pay structure of the Service, the Fifth Central
Pay Commission had made certain recommendations to the Government
which were duly considered by the Government. Taking into consideration
various relevant factors including the nature of duties and responsibilities of the
Service, the Government approved the following grades/scales of pay for the
Service with effect from 1st January, 1996:-

(i) Entry Grade (Group ‘B’) - Rs.6,500-200-10,500.

(On initial appointment)

(ii) On Completion of 4 years of - Rs.8,000-275-13,500.

approved service (Group ‘B’)

(iii) Selection Grade - Rs.10,000-325-15,200.

(Group ‘A’)

(iv) Junior Administrative Grade II - - Rs.12,000-375-16,500.

(Group ‘A’)
(v) Junior Administrative Grade I – - Rs.14,300-400-18,300.
(Group ‘A’)

2. The restructuring of the grades and scales of pay of the Service required
appropriate amendments to the provisions contained in the National Capital
Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and
Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Police Service Rules, 1998. Further, various
provisions of the said rules required amendment to keep in line with the
Government decisions contained in Government of India, Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and
Training OM No.F.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.3.1989, OM
No.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.4.1989, OM No.AB-14017/12/88-Estt(RR)
dated 25th March, 1996, OM No.AB-14017/2/97-(RR) dated 25.5.1998 and the
Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation)
Regulations, 1958.

3. It is certified that none will be adversely affected by retrospective effect

being given to the introduction of the restructured grades vide rule 3.

(P.K. Jalali)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India

The Manager,
Government of India Press,
Ring Road, Maya Puri,

Copy to:

8. Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, I.P. Estate, New Delhi with 10
spare copies.

9. Chief Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair with

10 spare copies.
10. Administrator, Lakshadweep Administration, Kavaratti with 10 spare

11. Administrator, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Moti
Daman with 10 spare copies.

12. Commissioner of Police, Delhi, I.P. Estate, New Delhi with 10 spare

13. Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House,

Shahjahan Road, New Delhi with reference to their letter
No.F.3/10(33)/2002-RR dated 30.6.2003.

14. Department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi with
reference to their Diary No.697/US/RR/02 dated 28.6.2002.

15. Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Legislative Department,

Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi, with reference to their ID No.1998/03
dated 23.7.2003.

16. Ministry of Law and Justice and Company Affairs (Official Languages
Wing), Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi, with reference to their diary
No.400/03 dated 31.7.2003.

17. Guard file.

(P.K. Jalali)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India

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