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Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training )

New Delhi, dated 21st February,2008


G.S.R 108 (E). In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of
the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951) and in supersession of the Indian Police
Service (Pay) Rules, 1954, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before
such supersession, the Central Government after consultation with the Governments of
the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the Indian Police
Service (Pay) Rules, 2007.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette
except the IInd proviso to rule 3, proviso to sub-rule (2)(i) of rule 3 and sub-rule (11) of
rule 6 which shall come into force with effect from the 1st day of January, 2009.

2. Definitions. - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) “benchmark score” shall mean the minimum numerical weighted mean score arrived
at for overall grading above which an officer shall be regarded as fit for promotion or
empanelment, as the case may be, to the next higher grade;

(b) “cadre” and “cadre posts” shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in
the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954;

(c) “departmental examination” means such examination as may be prescribed by the

State Governments from time to time for members of the Service allotted to the cadre of
that State or posted to that State for training;

(d) “direct recruit” means a person appointed to the Indian Police Service in accordance
with rule 7 of the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954;

(e) “grade pay” means the basic pay drawn by a member of the Service in the grade in
which he is appointed substantively;

(f) “lien” means the right of a member of the Service to hold on regular basis, either
immediately or on the termination of a period or periods of absence, a post, including a
tenure post, to which he has been appointed on regular basis and on which he is not on

(g) “member of the Service” means a member of the Indian Police Service;

(h) ”Officiation” means an officer performing the duties of a post on which another
member of the Service holds a lien and it includes an officer appointed by the
Government in officiating capacity in a vacant post in which no other member of the
Service holds the lien;

(i) “personal pay” means additional pay granted to a member of the Service –

(a) to save him from a loss in his substantive pay in respect of a permanent
post other than a tenure post due to a revision of pay or due to any
reduction of such substantive pay otherwise than as a disciplinary
measure; or

(b) in exceptional circumstances, on other personal considerations;

(j) “promoted officer” means an officer appointed to the Indian Police Service by
promotion from a State Police Service in accordance with rule 9 of the Indian Police
Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954;

(k) “promotion” means appointment of a member of the Service to the next higher grade
over the one in which he is serving at the relevant time;

(l) “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these rules;

(m) “Service” means the Indian Police Service;

(n) “State” means a State specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution and includes
a Union territory;

(o) “State Cadre” and “Joint Cadre” shall have the meanings respectively assigned to
them in the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954;

(p) “State Police Service” shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Indian Police
Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954;

(q) “State Government concerned” in relation to a Joint Cadre means the Joint Cadre

Note 1:The benchmark score shall be notified by the State Government for promotion
within the cadre and by the Central Government for the purpose of empanelment. Any
revision of benchmarks by the Government shall have prospective effect;

Note 2: The junior-most person(s) in the grade will, however, be liable to be reverted to
the lower grade if the number of members of the Service entitled to hold the regular
posts is more than the number of posts available in that grade.

3. Scale of pay and appointment in these grades.- (1) The scale of pay
admissible to a member of the Service and the dates with effect from which the said
scale shall be deemed to have come into force, shall be as follows:-

A. Junior Scale - Rs.8000-275-13500 (with effect from the 1st day of January,

B. Senior Scale -

(i) Time Scale - Rs.10000-325-15200 (with effect from the 1st day of January,

(ii) Junior Administrative Grade - Rs.12000-375-16500 (non-functional) (with

effect from the 1st day of January, 1996);

(iii) Selection Grade - Rs.14300-400-18300/- (with effect from the 1st day of
January, 1996);

C. Super Time Scale - (i) Deputy Inspector General of Police – Rs.16400-

(with effect from 1st day of January, 1996);

(ii) Inspector General of Police– Rs.18400-500-22400/-

(with effect from 1st day of January, 1996)

D. Above Super Time Scale - (i) Additional Director General of Police– Rs.22400-
(with effect from 1st day of January,1996);

(ii) Director General of Police– Rs.24050-650-

26000/- (with effect from 1st day of January,1996)

Provided that a member of the Service shall be eligible for appointment to the senior
time scale on his completion of four years of service, subject to the provisions of sub-rule
2 of rule 6A of the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, to the Junior
Administrative Grade on completion of nine years of service, to the Selection Grade on
completion of thirteen years of service, to the Deputy Inspector General Supertime
Scale on completion of fourteen years of service and to the Inspector General Supertime
Scale on completion of eighteen years of service.

Note 1: Appointment of a member of the Service to the Time Scale and above shall be
regulated as per the provisions in the Guidelines regarding promotion to various grades
in the Indian Police Service:

Note 2: The four years, nine years, thirteen years, fourteen years and eighteen years of
service in this rule shall be calculated from the year of allotment assigned under rule 3 of
the Indian Police Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1954.

Note 3: The period of extraordinary leave taken otherwise than on medical certificate or
considered by the State Government concerned to have been taken for any cause
beyond the control of the member of the Service or for prosecuting studies, which are in
public interest and for which Study Leave could otherwise be admissible under the All

India Service (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, shall be excluded for the purpose of
calculating the eligibility period of service required for appointment in these grades:

Provided further that a member of the service shall be appointed to Junior Administrative
Grade only after he has completed phase III mandatory Mid Career Training as
prescribed by the Central Government.

Provided also that a member of the Service may opt to continue to draw pay in the
existing scale until the date on which he earns his next or any subsequent increment in
the existing scale or until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in that scale. The
option shall be exercised in accordance with such orders as may be issued by the
Central Government in this behalf.

Explanation 1. - The option to retain the existing scale under the proviso above shall be
admissible only in respect of one existing scale.

Explanation 2. - The said option shall not be admissible to any person appointed to the
Service on or after the 1st day of January, 1996 and he shall be allowed pay only in the
revised scale.

Explanation 3. - Where a member of the Service exercises an option under the proviso
above to retain the existing scale in respect of a post held by him in an officiating
capacity on a regular basis for the purpose of regulation of pay in that scale, his
substantive pay shall be the substantive pay which he would have drawn had he retained
the existing scale in the permanent post on which he holds lien or would have held a lien
had his lien not been suspended or the pay of the officiating post which has acquired the
character of substantive pay in accordance with any order for the time being in force
whichever is higher.

(2)(i) Appointment to the Selection Grade and to posts carrying pay above this grade in
the Service shall be made by selection on merit, as per the criteria that may be
prescribed by the Central Government, with due regard to seniority:

Provided that a member of the Service shall be appointed to the IInd Super Time Scale
mentioned in sub-clause (C) of sub-rule of this rule only after completion of phase IV
mandatory Mid Career Training as prescribed by the Central Government.

(ii) Appointment of a member of the Service in the scales of Selection Grade and
above shall be subject to availability of vacancies in these grades and for this purpose, it
shall be mandatory upon the State Cadres or the Joint Cadre Authorities, as the case
may be, to seek prior concurrence of the Central Government on the number of available
vacancies in each grade.

(iii) The Central Government shall accord such concurrence within a period of thirty
days from the date of receipt of such references and if the Central Government does not
accord concurrence within a period of said thirty days, the concurrence on availability of
vacancies shall be deemed to have been accorded. The position emanating as referred
to in this clause shall be placed before the Screening Committee at the time it meets to
consider promotion in these grades.

(iv) A member of the Service shall be entitled to draw pay in the scales of Selection
Grade and above only on appointment to these grades.

4. Fixation of pay in the revised scales.- (1) The initial pay of a member of the
Service who opts or deemed to have opted in accordance with these rules, to be
governed by the revised scale on and from the lst day of January, 1996 or from a later
date, which shall be re-fixed as from that date separately in respect of his substantive
pay in the permanent post on which he holds a lien or would have held a lien had it not
been suspended, and in respect of his pay in the officiating post held by him, in the
following manner, namely:-

(A) in the cases of all members of the Service,-

(i) an amount representing forty per cent of the basic pay in the existing scale shall be
added to the `existing emoluments’ of the member of the Service;

(ii) after the existing emoluments have been so increased, the pay shall thereafter be
fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount computed:

Provided that –

(a) if the minimum of the revised scale is more than the amount so arrived at, the
pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised scale;

(b) if the amount so arrived at is more than the maximum of the revised scale, the
pay shall be fixed at the maximum of that scale:

Provided further that where in the fixation of pay, the pay of a member of the Service
drawing pay at more than four consecutive stages in an existing scale gets bunched, that
is, gets fixed in the revised scale at the same stage, the pay in the revised scale of such
member of the Service who is drawing pay beyond the first four consecutive stages in
the existing scale shall be stepped up to the stage where such bunching occurs, by the
grant of increments in the revised scale in the following manner, namely:-

(a) for a member of the Service drawing pay from the 5th up to the 8th stage in the
existing scale, by one increment;

(b) for a member of the Service drawing pay from the 9th up to the 12th stage in the
existing scale, if there is bunching beyond the 8th stage, by two increments;

(c) for a member of the Service drawing pay from the 13th up to the 16th stage in
the existing scale, if there is bunching beyond the 12th stage, by three

If by stepping up of the pay as referred to above, the pay of a member of the Service
gets fixed at the stage in the revised scale which is higher than the stage in the revised
scale at which the pay of a member of the Service who was drawing pay at the next

higher stage or stages in the same existing scale is fixed, the pay of the latter shall also
be stepped up to the extent by which it falls short of that of the former:

Provided also that while fixing the pay it shall be ensured that every member of the
Service shall get at least one increment in the revised scale of pay for every three
increments (inclusive of stagnation increments), if any, in the existing scale of pay.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this clause, "existing emoluments" shall include -

(a) the basic pay in the existing scale;

(b) dearness allowance appropriate to the basic pay admissible at index average
1510 (1960 = 100); and

(c) the amounts of first and second instalments of interim relief admissible on the
basic pay in the existing scale.

(B) in the case of a member of the Service who is in receipt of special pay component
with any other nomenclature in addition to the pay in the existing scale, such as personal
pay for promoting small family norms, Central (deputation on tenure) Allowance, etc.,
and in whose case the same has been replaced in the revised scale with corresponding
allowance or pay at the same rate or at a different rates, the pay in the revised scale
shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of clause (A) and in such cases, the
allowance at the new rate as recommended, shall be drawn in addition to the pay in the
revised scale of pay.

Note 1: Where the increment of a member of the Service falls on lst day of January,
1996, he shall have an option to draw the increment in the existing scale or the revised

Note 2: Where a member of the Service is on leave other than the Study Leave granted
under the All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, on the lst day of January,
1996, he shall become entitled to pay in the revised scale of pay from the date he
resumes duty and in case of a member of the Service under suspension, he shall
continue to draw the subsistence allowance based on the existing scale of pay and his
pay in the revised scale of pay will be subject to the final order in the pending disciplinary

Note 3: Where the existing emoluments as calculated in accordance with clause (A) or
clause (B), as the case may be, exceed the revised emoluments in the case of any
member of the Service, the difference shall be allowed as personal pay to be absorbed in
future increases in pay.

Note 4: Where in the fixation of pay under these rules, pay of a member of the Service
who in the existing scale was drawing immediately before the lst day of January, 1996,
more pay than another member of the Service junior to him in the same cadre, gets fixed
in the revised scale at a stage lower than that of such junior, his pay shall be stepped up
to the same stage in the revised scale as that of the junior.

Note 5: Where a member of the Service is in receipt of personal pay on the lst day of
January, 1996, which together with his existing emoluments as calculated in accordance
with clause (A) or clause (B), as the case may be, exceeds the revised emoluments,
then, the difference representing such excess shall be allowed to such member of the
Service as personal pay to be absorbed in future increases in pay.

Note 6: -Where a senior member of the Service is promoted to a higher post before the
lst day of January, 1996 and is drawing less pay in the revised scale than his junior who
is promoted to the higher post on or after the 1st day of January, 1996, the pay of the
senior member of the Service shall be stepped up to an amount equal to the pay as fixed
for his junior in that higher post and the stepping up shall be done with effect from the
date of promotion of the junior member of the Service subject to the fulfillment of the
following conditions, namely:-

(a) both the junior and the senior member of the Service shall belong to the same
cadre and the post in which they have been promoted shall be identical in the
same cadre;

(b) the pre-revised and revised scale of pay of the lower and higher posts in which
they are entitled to draw pay shall be identical;

(c) the senior member of the Service at the time of promotion has been drawing
equal or more pay than the junior; and

(d) the anomaly shall be directly as a result of the application of the provisions of
this clause. If even in the lower post, the junior officer was drawing more pay in
the pre-revised scale than the senior by virtue of any advance increments
granted to him, provisions of this clause need not be invoked to step up the
pay of the senior member of the Service.

Note 7 : The order relating to re-fixation of the pay of the senior member of the Service
in accordance with the above provisions shall be issued under the relevant rules and the
senior member of the Service shall be entitled to the next increment on completion of his
required qualifying service with effect from the date of re-fixation of pay.

Note 8: Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1) of rule 3, if the pay as fixed in the
officiating post under this rule is lower than the pay fixed in the substantive post, the
former shall be fixed at the stage next above the substantive pay.

Note 9: In the case of a member of the Service who is in receipt of personal pay for
passing Hindi Pragya and such other examinations under the Hindi Teaching Scheme
prior to the lst day of January, 1996, while the personal pay shall not be taken into
account for the purpose of fixation of initial pay in the revised scale, he shall continue to
draw personal pay after fixation of his pay in the revised scale on and from the lst day of
January, 1996 or subsequently for the period for which he would have drawn it but for the
fixation of his pay in the revised scale and the quantum of such personal pay shall be
paid at the appropriate rate of increment in the revised scale from the date of fixation of
pay for the period for which the member of the Service would have continued to draw it.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, "appropriate rate of increment in the revised
scale" means the amount of increment admissible at and immediately beyond the stage
at which the pay of the member of the Service is fixed in the revised scale.

(C) Where a member of the Service continues to draw his pay in the existing scale and
opts for revised scale from a date later than the lst day of January, 1996, his pay from
the later date in the revised scale shall be fixed under these rules and for this purpose
his pay in the existing scale shall be the same as of existing emoluments as calculated in
accordance with clause (A) or clause (B) , as the case may be, subject to the conditions
that the basic pay to be taken into account for calculation of those emoluments shall be
the basic pay on the later date and where the member of the Service is in receipt of
special allowance, his pay shall be fixed after deducting from those emoluments an
amount equal to the special allowance at the revised rates appropriate to the
emoluments so calculated.

5. Fixation of initial pay. - (1) The initial pay of a direct recruit shall be fixed at the
minimum of the Junior Scale:

Provided that, if a direct recruit holds a lien, or would hold the lien, had his lien not been
suspended on a permanent post, under the rules applicable to him prior to his
appointment to the Service, his initial pay shall be regulated in the following manner,

(a) he shall, during the period of probation, draw the pay of the permanent post, if it is
more than the minimum of the Junior Scale and on confirmation in the Service;

(b) if he was holding a Class I post before appointment to the Service, his pay shall be
fixed at the same stage as the pay in the Class I post if there be such a stage in the
Junior Scale admissible to a member of the Service, or at the next lower stage, if there is
no such stage in the Junior Scale admissible to a member of the Service and where the
pay so fixed in the Service is less than his pay in the Class I post, he shall be allowed the
difference as personal pay to be absorbed in future increments; and

(c) if he was holding a post lower than a Class I post, his pay shall be fixed at the stage
next above the pay notionally arrived at by increasing his pay in respect of the lower post
by one increment at the stage at which such pay had accrued;

(d) he shall however, cease to earn any increments in the Junior Scale, until, having
regard to his length of service, he becomes entitled to a higher pay:

Provided further that he shall draw the pay admissible under rule 9 if that is more than
the pay referred to in the preceding proviso.

(2) The pay of a member of the Service in the Junior Scale shall, on appointment to a
post in the Senior Time Scale, be fixed at the stage next above the pay notionally arrived
at by increasing his pay in lower scale by one increment at the stage at which such pay
accrued (or by an amount equal to the last increment in the lower scale if he was drawing
pay at the maximum of the lower scale) or the minimum of the higher scale, whichever is

(3) The initial pay of a State Police Service officer, on his appointment to the Service
or on appointment in a cadre post in an officiating capacity in accordance with rule 9 of
the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954, as the case may be, shall be fixed as per
the principles laid down in the Schedule I. Further pay and incremental benefits shall
accrue to him under the other relevant provisions.

(4) The pay of a member of the Service in the Senior Time Scale shall, on appointment
to the Junior Administrative Grade, be fixed at the stage which is equal to his pay in the
Senior Time Scale or if there is no such stage, at the stage next above that pay, or the
minimum of the Junior Administrative Grade, whichever is higher.

(5) The pay of a member of the Service in the Junior Administrative Grade shall, on
appointment in the Selection Grade, be fixed in the same manner as provided in sub-rule

(6) The pay of a member of the Service in the Selection Grade, on appointment to the
1st Super Time Scale or in the 1st Super Time Scale to another Supertime Scale or in the
Supertime Scale to the 1st Above Super Time Scale, or in the 1st Above Supertime Scale
to another Above Supertime Scale, shall be fixed in the same manner as provided in
sub-rule (2).

(7) On promotion from one grade to another in the Service, a member of the Service
shall have an option to get his pay fixed in the higher scale either from the date of his
promotion in the manner provided in sub-rule (2) above or from the date on which he
subsequently earns an increment in the lower scale. In the latter case, pay on the date
of promotion shall first be fixed in the higher scale as per the provisions in sub-rule (4)
above in cases of promotion in the Junior Administrative Grade or Selection Grade and
at the stage above the pay in the lower scale in other cases, with further re-fixation in the
manner provided in sub-rule (2) on the date of accrual of the next increment in the lower
scale. The date of next increment in such a case shall fall on completion of twelve
months’ qualifying service from the date the pay is re-fixed on the second occasion. The
option shall be exercised within one month of the promotion and shall be final.

6. Regulation of increments. - (1) Subject to any order passed by the State

Government concerned, under rule 7 or rule 8 or rule 9, the increment admissible to a
member of the Service appointed under rule 7 or rule 7A of the Indian Police Service
(Recruitment) Rules, 1954, shall accrue on the expiry of each year of the qualifying

Provided that the increments thus falling due shall accrue on the first day of the
month in which they would have accrued.

(2) Subject to the provisions of clauses (2) and (3) of Schedule I, in the case of a
promoted officer, the increments shall accrue on completion of each year of qualifying
service from the date his pay has been fixed in accordance with the provisions contained
in Schedule I and the same principles shall apply in cases where appointment to the
service is preceded by officiation on a cadre post:

Provided that the increments thus falling due shall accrue on the first day of the
month in which they would have accrued:
Provided further that for the purpose of calculating one year’s service for drawing
of increment, broken period of service rendered in a cadre post shall be taken into

(3) The next increment of a member of the Service whose pay has been fixed in the
revised scale in accordance with rule 4 shall be granted on the date he would have
drawn his increment, had he continued in the existing scale:

Provided that where the pay of a member of the Service is stepped up in accordance
with the second proviso of clause (A) and clause (B) of rule 4 and clause (B) of said rule,
the next increment shall be granted on the date of drawing of increment by the member
of the Service with reference to whose pay such stepping up has been allowed:

Provided further that in other cases, the next increment of a member of the Service
whose pay is fixed on the 1st day of January, 1996 at the same stage as the one fixed
for another member of the Service junior to him in the same cadre and drawing pay at a
lower stage than him in the existing scale, shall be granted on the same date as
admissible to his junior, if the date of increment of the junior happens to be earlier:

Provided also that in case of a member of the Service who had been drawing maximum
of the existing scale for more than a year as on the 1st day of January, 1996, the next
increment in the revised scale shall be allowed on the 1st day of January, 1996.

(4) All leave except extraordinary leave taken otherwise than on medical certificate or
the State Government concerned is satisfied that the leave have been taken for any
cause beyond the control of the member of the Service or for prosecuting studies which
are in public interest and for which study leave could otherwise be granted under the All
India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, shall count for increment applicable in
the scale of pay of a post held by him at the time he proceeded on such leave.

(5) The period of deputation out of India shall also be so counted and the counting of
the said period for increments shall be subject to the condition that the member of the
Service would have continued to hold that post but for his proceeding on such leave or
deputation out of India:

Provided that where the leave is not counted for increment under this sub- rule
and sub-rule (4), it shall have the effect of postponing the next increment to the extent of
the period involved.

(6) The increments admissible to a member of the Service in a pay scale specified in
sub-rule (1) of rule 3 shall be regulated with reference to the length of his service
including broken period of service rendered in that scale of pay and the previous service,
if any, shall also count for increment, if it is -

(i) service in a cadre post; or

(ii) service in a permanent or temporary post (including a post in a body

incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by
the Government) in the said scale or in a higher scale of pay:
Provided that the service in a post outside the cadre, including service in a
post under the Central Government, shall count for increment on reversion to the
cadre, subject to the following conditions, namely:-

(a) The member of the Service should have been approved by the
Government of the State on the cadre of which he is borne, for appointment to
posts in the said scale;

(b) All his seniors in the cadre, except those regarded as unfit for such
appointment, were serving in posts carrying pay in the said scale in which the
benefit is to be allowed or in higher posts, and at least one junior was holding a
cadre post, or an ex-cadre post within the permissible State Deputation Reserve
or the over-utilised State Deputation Reserve permitted by the Central
Government, under the Government of the State on the cadre of which he is
borne, carrying pay in the said scale; and

(c) the service shall count from the date on which his junior is so promoted and
the benefit shall be limited to the period during which he would have held a post
under the Government of the State on the cadre on which he is borne.

(7) A member of the Service, while holding post outside the cadre, including a post
under the Central Government, may be granted proforma promotion to a post in the
scale of pay above the time scale of pay specified in rule 3 by the Government of the
State on the cadre to which he is borne.

(8) In case of a member of the Service being cleared for proforma promotion in the
Super Time Scale and the Above Super Time Scale, the period of service covered by
the proforma promotion shall, on his subsequent reversion to the cadre and appointment
to a post in the said scale, count towards the initial fixation of pay and increments subject
to the following conditions, namely:-

(i) the member of the Service concerned should have been approved by the State
Government for appointment to the said scale during the relevant period;

(ii) all his seniors (excluding those considered unfit) should have started drawing
pay in that scale on or before the date from which the proforma promotion is
granted to him;

(iii) the junior next below the officer (or, if that officer has been passed over for the
reason of inefficiency or unsuitability or because he is on leave or serving
outside the ordinary line or forgoes promotion on his own volition to that grade,
the officer next junior to him not so passed over) should also have started
drawing pay in that scale from that date and his appointment thereto not being
fortuitous; and

(iv) the benefit should be allowed on `one for one' basis.

(9) When a member of the Service holds an ex-cadre post in a time scale of pay
identical with the time scale of pay of an ex-cadre post held by him on an earlier
occasion, his initial pay in the latter ex-cadre post shall not be less than the pay which he
drew on the previous occasion and he shall count the period during which he drew that
pay on such last and on any previous occasion for increment in the stage of the scale
equivalent to that pay and the service so rendered shall, on his reversion to the cadre,
count towards initial fixation of pay to the extent and subject to the conditions stipulated
in sub-rule (6).

(10) Where a member of the Service is on leave other than the study leave granted
under the All India Service (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, on the date on which an
increment becomes due, he shall get the benefit of the same, if otherwise admissible
under the rules, from the date he resumes duty but it does not postpone his normal date
of increment in future.

(11) No member of the service shall be eligible for drawing increment after completion
of 28 years of service unless he completes the Phase V of the mandatory Mid Career
Training programme as prescribed by the Central Government.

7. Stagnation increments. - A member of the Service drawing pay in the Junior

Scale or Senior Scale or Super Time Scale(s) shall be eligible for one increment
equivalent to the last rate of increment, for every two years of service rendered after
reaching the maximum of that scale, subject to a maximum of three increments.
8. Withholding of increments. - The State Government may withhold, for such time
as it may direct, an increment due to any direct recruit appointed to the Indian Police
Service, who fails to pass the departmental examination or examinations within such
time as the State Government may by general or special order, prescribe, but the
withholding of such increments shall have no cumulative effect.

9. Grant of advance increments. - Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 13 of the

Indian Police Service (Probation) Rules, 1954, the State Government shall sanction the
second and third increments due to a direct recruit as soon as he passes the prescribed
departmental examination or examinations irrespective of the length of service, after
which he shall be entitled to draw pay at the rate corresponding to his position in the time

Provided that the third increment under this rule shall be granted retrospectively from the
date of passing the prescribed departmental examination, or the last of the prescribed
departmental examinations, as the case may be, on the successful completion of the
probation and confirmation:

Provided further that a direct recruit who has been exempted from appearing for the
whole or any part of the departmental examination or examinations, as the case may be,
for the reason that he had already passed such examination or examinations or part
thereof before he became a member of the Service, shall, for the purpose of this rule, be
deemed to have passed the departmental examination or examinations or part thereof,
as the case may be, from the date of the earliest of such examination or examinations or
part thereof, in which he would have appeared, but for the exemption, after he became a
member of the Service.

10 - Pay of officers holding posts included in Schedule II.- A member of the Service
appointed to hold a post specified in Schedule II shall, for so long as he holds that post,
be entitled to draw the pay indicated for that post in the said Schedule plus Special
Allowance or Central (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance, wherever admissible:

Provided that such pay shall not at any time be less than the pay admissible under rules
5 and 6 of these rules.

11 -Pay of members of the Service appointed to posts not included in Schedule II. -
(1) No member of the Service shall be appointed to a post other than a post specified in
Schedule II, unless the State Government concerned in respect of posts under its
control, or the Central Government in respect of posts under its control, as the case may
be, make a declaration that the said post is equivalent in status and responsibility to a
post specified in the said Schedule.

(2) The pay of a member of the Service on appointment to a post other than a post
specified in Schedule II shall be the same as he would have been entitled to, had he
been appointed to the post to which the said post is declared equivalent.

(3) For the purpose of this rule, post other than a post specified in Schedule II includes a
post under a body (incorporated or not), which is wholly or substantially owned or
controlled by the Government).

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the State Government concerned in
respect of any post under its control, or the Central Government in respect of any post
under its control, may, for sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, where equation is
not possible, appoint any member of the Service to any such post without making a
declaration that the said post is equivalent in status and responsibility of a post specified
in Schedule II.

(5) A member of the Service on appointment to a post referred to in sub-rule (4), in

respect of which no pay or scale has been prescribed, shall draw such rate of pay as the
State Government, in consultation with the Central Government in the case of a post
under the control of the State Government, or as the Central Government in the case of
a post under the control of the Central Government may, after taking into account the
nature of duties and responsibilities involved in the post, determine.

(6) A member of the Service on appointment to a post referred to in sub-rule (4), in

respect of which any pay or scale of pay has been prescribed, shall draw where the pay
has been prescribed, the prescribed pay and where scale of pay has been prescribed,
such rate of pay not exceeding the maximum of the scale as may be fixed in this behalf
by the State Government or by the Central Government as the case may be:

Provided that the pay allowed to an officer under this sub- rule and sub-rule (5)
shall not at any time be less than what he would have drawn had he not been appointed
to a post referred to in sub-rule (4).

(7) At no point of time the number of members of the Service appointed to hold posts,
other than cadre posts referred to in sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (4), which carry the scale
of pay of Rs.24050-650-26000 per mensem and which are reckoned against the State
Deputation Reserve, shall except with the prior approval of the Central Government,

exceed the number of cadre posts at that level of pay in a State cadre or in a Joint cadre
as the case may be.

12 -Pay of members of the Service appointed to hold more than one post. - The
grant of additional pay to a member of the Service appointed to hold more than one post
simultaneously shall be regulated in the following manner:-

(a) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the
Union, by the rules, regulations and orders applicable to officers of the Central Services,
Group ‘A’;

(b) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a
State, by the rules, regulations and orders applicable to officers of State Police Services,
Class I.

13 -Authority to exercise powers under rules 8, 9 and 10 in relation to a Joint

Cadre.- (1) The powers under rules 8 and 9, in the case of a member of the Service
borne on a Joint Cadre, shall be exercised by the Joint Cadre Authority.

(2) The powers under rule 11 in relation to the members of Service and in relation to
posts, borne on a Joint Cadre shall be exercised by the Government of the Constituent
State concerned.

[See sub-rule (3) of rule 5]
Principles of pay fixation in cases falling under sub-rule (3) of rule 5

In this Schedule, the term -

(I) “actual pay” means the pay to which a member of the State Police Service is entitled
by virtue of his substantive position in the cadre of that Service or by virtue of his having
continuously worked in a temporary or officiating capacity in a higher post for a period of
three years or more after following the prescribed procedure, provided the State
Government have not revised the scales of pay applicable to the State Police Service
after the 1st day of January, 1996. If the pay scales have been revised subsequent to the
1st day of January, 1996, the dearness allowance, dearness pay, interim or additional
relief sanctioned by the State Government after the 1st day of January, 1996 and merged
in the revised pay scales, shall be excluded.

(II) ”assumed pay” means the pay which a member of the State Police Service would
have drawn in a scale of his Service in which he was confirmed or in which had
continuously worked in a temporary or officiating capacity for a period of three years or
more after following the prescribed procedure, provided the State Government have not
revised the scales of pay applicable to the State Police Service after the first day of
January, 1996. If the pay scales have been revised subsequent to the 1st day of
January, 1996, the dearness allowance, dearness pay, interim or additional relief
sanctioned by the State Government after the 1st day of January, 1996 and merged in
the revised pay scales, shall be excluded.
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the first proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 3,
and the Notes thereunder, shall be fixed at the stage of the senior scale next above his
actual pay:

Provided that if such stage of pay happens to be common to different components

of the Senior Scale, pay shall be fixed in the lower or the lowest component, as the case
may be, of the Senior Scale.

(2) In the case of a promoted officer appointed to the Indian Police Service on
probation, on any enhancement of his actual pay or assumed pay either as a result of a
pay revision or on becoming eligible for an increment or in the event of confirmation in
the higher scale of the State Police Service during the period of probation, unless the
probation is extended within the meaning of sub-rule (3) of rule 3 of the Indian Police
Service (Probation) Rules 1954, he shall be entitled to have his pay recalculated in
accordance with the principles laid down in this Schedule on the basis of his enhanced
pay in the State Police Service as if he was promoted to the Indian Police Service with
effect from the date of such enhancement.

(3) If a promoted officer appointed to the Indian Police Service on probation is confirmed
with effect from a date prior to the date of his promotion to the Indian Police Service in
the higher scale of the State Police Service during the period of probation, unless the
probation is extended within the meaning of sub-rule (3) of rule 3 of the Indian Police
Service (Probation) Rules 1954, and there is, thus an enhancement of his actual pay or
assumed pay, his pay shall be recalculated in accordance with the principles laid down in
this Schedule on the basis of his enhanced pay in the Indian Police Service with effect
from the date of such enhancement.

(4) Where a promoted officer who on the date of his appointment to the Indian Police
Service had held or is holding continuously a post other than a cadre post under the
State Government or the Central Government or on foreign Service, as the case may be,
and the post is -

(a) in a time scale identical to the time scale of a cadre post; or

(b) equal in status and responsibilities to a cadre post,

and the State Government concerned furnishes a certificate to the Central Government
within three months of his appointment to a post other than a cadre post or within three
months of the date on which the next junior Select List Officer is appointed to a cadre
post, whichever is later, that he would have so officiated in a cadre post under rule 9 of
the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954, but for his appointment to a post other
than a cadre post as relating to a post under sub-clause (a) for a period not exceeding
one year and, with the approval of the Central Government, for a further period not
exceeding two years; or as relating to a post in this sub-clause, for a period not
exceeding three years, his initial pay in the Senior Time Scale fixed in accordance with
clause (1) shall not be at a stage lower than the pay he drew or draws in the said non-
cadre post:

Provided that the number of officers in respect of whom the certificate shall be
current at one time shall not exceed one-half of the maximum size of the Select List
permissible under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 5 of the Indian Police Service
(Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955 and follow the order in which the names
of such officers appear in the Select List:

Provided further that such certificate shall be given only if, for every senior officer
in the Select List appointed to a non-cadre post in respect of which the certificate is
given, there is one junior Select List Officer officiating in a senior post under rule 9 of the
Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954:

Provided also that the number of officers in respect of whom the certificate is
given, shall not exceed the number of posts by which the number of cadre officers
holding non-cadre posts under the control of the State Government falls short of the
deputation reserve sanctioned under the Schedule to the Indian Police Service (Fixation
of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955.

(5) The pay of a promoted officer or an officer appointed by selection, as the case may
be, shall not, in any case, be fixed below the minimum of the Senior Time Scale.

(6) If cadre officiation of a promoted officer or of an officer appointed by selection, as the

case may be, is followed by appointment in the Service, the pay fixed during his
officiation shall be taken into account while fixing pay at the time of such appointment.

(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the pay of a promoted officer
shall not at any time exceed the basic pay which he would have drawn as a direct-recruit
on that date if he had been appointed to the Indian Police Service on the date on which
he was appointed to the State Police Service.

The fixation of pay of the State Police Service officers on appointment to Indian
Police Service or appointed to officiate in cadre post of Indian Police Service shall be in
Proforma A.

Proforma - A



1. Name of the officer :

2. Date of appointment to Indian Police Service/ appointment to officiate in

a Cadre post :

3. Designation of the post held immediately prior to such appointment in

Indian Police Service :

4. Pay scale and pay drawn in the State Police Service on the date of
appointment to Indian Police Service or to officiate in a cadre post.

5. Was the officer substantive or officiating in the post mentioned in serial

number 3 :
6. If officiating for less than three years, what was the substantive post :

7. Pay and pay scale of the substantive post or of the post in which he was
officiating for a period of three years or more, continuously and after
following the prescribed procedure :

8. Details of all the posts held by the officer before his appointment in the
Service, pay scales and pay drawn in these posts :

9. Were the pay scales referred to in serial number 4 and 7 in force from
1.1.1996 :

10. If so, what was the Dearness Allowance admissible with reference to

(a) Substantive post :

(b) Officiating post :

(at the rate of Dearness Allowance in force on 1.1.1996 and not with
reference to the Dearness Allowance rates in force on the date of
appointment to Indian Police Service/appointment to officiate in Indian
Police Service).

11. If the answer to serial number 9 is ‘NO’, when was the pay scale
revised for the first time after 1.1.96 and what were the pre-revised scale
for the post referred to in serial number 7.

12. What was the quantum of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Pay/Interim

relief sanctioned after 1.1.96 and merged in the scale for the post referred
to in serial number 7.

13. Number of completed years of service in Class I or Group `A' of State

Police Service.

14. Proposal of the State Government for fixation of pay and basis thereof.



II-A. Posts carrying pay above the Senior Scale in the Indian Police Service under the State

State Designation of posts pay/scale of pay


Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs 24050-650-26000

Director General of Police, Anti-Corruption Bureau Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl. Director General of Police-CID Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police (AP Special Police) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Recruitment and Training Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Railways Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Administration Rs. 22400-525-24500
Director General and Inspector General of Prisons and Director Rs. 22400-525-24500
General of Correctional Services
Director, Anti Corruption Bureau Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-A.P.Special Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police (Law and Order) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police, CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police (Intelligence) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police (Coordination and Traffic) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police (Provisional and Logistic) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police (Greyhounds) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director, Andhra Pradesh Police Academy Rs. 18400-500-22400
Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad City Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director, SCRB Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Home Guards Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Welfare and Sports Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Head Quarters and Legal Affairs Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Police Transport Organisation Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Special Protection Force Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-PCR Cell, CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police-Law and Order Rs. 16400-450-20000
Joint Commissioner of Police-Crime and SIT Rs. 16400-450-20000
Joint Commissioner of Police-Traffic/Security Rs. 16400-450-20000
Joint Director, Andhra Pradesh Police Academy Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Administration) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Security) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (SIB) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Ranges) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Intelligence) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police – CID-I and II Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police(CID-III/PCR and Social Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Director – Anti Corruption Bureau Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Vigilance Cell,
Civil Supplies) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police – Human Rights Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police – Fire Services Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police – Organisation Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police – A.P. Spl.Police Batallions Rs. 16400-450-20000
Commissioner of Police – Vishakhapatnam City Rs. 16400-450-20000
Commissioner of Police – Vijayawada City Rs. 16400-450-20000


Arunachal Pradesh
Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(East/West) Ranges Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(HQ) Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Deputy Inspector of Police-Range Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police - CID Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Headquarters Rs. 16400-450-20000

Commissioner of Police, Delhi Rs. 24050-650-26000
Special Commissioner of Police (Administration) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Special Commissioner of Police (Intelligence) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Special Commissioner of Police (SEC and TRF) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Joint Commissioner of Police (Vigilance) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (A.P.) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (Operations) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (R.P. Bhavan) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (Training) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (Range) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (SEC) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Additional Commissioner of Police (SEC) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Commissioner of Police (T.R.F.) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Commissioner of Police (A.P.) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Commissioner of Police (PandL) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Commissioner of Police (C.A.W.) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Commissioner of Police (P.C.R) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police (Headquarters) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police (S.B.) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police – PM Security Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police – Crime Rs. 16400-450-20000

Andaman and Nicobar

Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Range/Armed Police Rs. 16400-450-20000

Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400

Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400


Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
(After 30 years of

Additional Director General of Police-Special Branch Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police-Border Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police, Training/
Armed Police/Technical Wing Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Special Branch Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Training/Armed Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police- CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Border Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Operations Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Bureau of Investigation
(Economic Offences) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Security Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Assam Police Housing Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Home Guards and Civil Defence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Vigilance and E.O. Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Ranges Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Border Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training and Armed Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Armed Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Modernization/
Planning/Coord Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Human Rights
and Social Justice Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
(After 30 years of service)
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Armed Police/Border/Training Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Administration) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Range) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Vigilance
and Anti-Corruption) Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Additional Director General of Police-CID Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police-Commandant
General, Home Guards Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-HQs-Cum-Legal Matters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Operation Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Wireless Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-SPL.BR (Intelligence) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-BMP (North) with HQ at Patna Rs. 18400-500-22400
BMP 5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,16 Total 9 Bn.
Inspector General of Police-Zonal, Patna Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zonal, Muzaffarpur Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zonal, Darbhanga Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zonal, Bhagalpur Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Patna Range, Patna Rs. 16400-450-20000

Deputy Inspector General of Police-Shahabad Range, Rohta Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Magadh Range, Gaya Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Tirhut Range, Muzaffarpur Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Saran Range, Chhapr Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Darbhanga Range,
Darbhanga Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Purnea Range, Purnea Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Koshi Range, Saharsa Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Eastern Range, Bhaga Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Munger Range, Mun Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Champaran Range, Be Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Railway Range, Patn Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Personnel Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Vigilance (Investigatio Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Additional Director General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Admn. Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Admn . Rs. 16400-450-
Deputy Inspector General of Police-SAF and Training Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-HG Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Inspector General of Police and Director Rs. 24050-650-26000
Anti-Corruption Bureau
Additional Director General of Police, CID (Crime and Railways) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police (Intelligence) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police (Arms Unit and Training) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commissioner of Police, Ahmadabad City Rs. 18400-500-22400
Commissioner of Police, Vadodara City Rs. 18400-500-22400
Commissioner of Police, Surat City Rs. 18400-500-22400
Commissioner of Police, Rajkot City Rs. 18400-500-22400
Spl. Inspector General of Police (Administration) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime), Ahmadabad Rs. 18400-500-22400
Principal, Police Training Centre, Junagadh Rs. 18400-500-22400
Spl. Inspector General of Police-Ahmadabad Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Spl. Inspector General of Police-Vadodara Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Spl. Inspector General of Police-Rajkot Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Spl. Inspector General of Police-Gandhinagar Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Spl. Inspector General of Police-Junagadh Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Spl. Inspector General of Police-(Industrial Security, Rs. 18400-500-22400
Harijan Affairs)
Spl. Inspector General of Police-Surat Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Law and and Order) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Arms Unit) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID (Intelligence Bu Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Railways, Ahmadabad Rs. 16400-450-20000

Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID (Crime) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Principal, Police Training School, Vadodara Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-State Crime Record Bureau Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Border Range, Kutch-Bhuj Rs. 16400-450-20000
Joint Director-Anti-Corruption Bureau Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Prisons), Ahmadabad Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police, Ahmadabad City Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police, Surat City Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police, Vadodara City Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Operation), Ahmad Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Enq), Ahmadabad Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Planning/Modernizatio Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Human Rights and Rs. 16400-450-20000
(Social Justice), Ahmadabad

Director General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Director, State Vigilance Bureau Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police, Armed Police and Trg. Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commandant General, HG and Director, Civil Defence Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police, Administration Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police, Modernisation and Welfare Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director, State Crime Records Bureau Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director, Police Training College Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-State Vigilance Bureau Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Railways and Technical Services Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police- Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Ranges Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Haryana Armed Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Modernisation and Welfare Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Home Guards Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-State Vigilance Bureau Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Telecommunication Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Railways Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Security Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl. Director General of Police (Enforcement) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-cum-Commandant Gen Rs. 22400-525-24500
Home Guards, Fire Services and Civil Defence
Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Enforcement Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-HQRS Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police- R and T Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- APT and ENF Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-PTC Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- Administration, HQ Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- Vigilance Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- CID Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- R and T Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police – Enforcement Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl. Director General of Police-Prisons Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Law and Order/HQ Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Intelligence/Security Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Armed Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Jammu Zone Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Kashmir Zone Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Security Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Traffic Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Armed Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Crime and Railways Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Home Guards and Civil Def Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director-S.K. Police Academy Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Modernisation and Tech.Ser Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Personnel, PHQ Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration, PHQ Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Home Guards
and Civil Defence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- Armed Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Crime and Railway Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police- Security Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Ranges (Kashmir/Jammu ) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Traffic Rs. 16400-450-20000
Director, Police Telecommunication Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Additional Director General of Police (Headquarters) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-S.A.F. Rs. 18400-500-
Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Operations Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Hqrs Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Range DIGs Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-PTC Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Director General of Police and Commandant General, Home
Guards and Ex-officio Director, Civil Defence and Director,
Fire Force Rs. 24050-650-26000
Commissioner of Police, Bangalore City Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Administration- Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Administration-Law and Order Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl. Director General of Police-Administration-Intelligence Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Karnataka Lokayukta Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Corps of Detectives Rs. 18400-500-22400

Inspector General of Police-Police Computer Wing and Rs. 18400-500-22400
Modernizations Scheme
Inspector General of Police-K.S.R.P. Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police, Bangalore Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Southern Range, Mysore Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Central Range, Bangalore Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Eastern Range, Davangere Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Western Range, Mangalore Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Northern Range, Belgaum Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-North Eastern Range, Gulba Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Directorate of Civil Rights
Enforecment Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Grievances and Human Rights Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Planning, Research and Rs. 16400-450-20000
Special Units
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Corps of Detectives Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Railways Rs. 16400-450-20000
Director, Karnataka Police Academy, Mysore Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-K.S.R.P. Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Forest Rs. 16400-450-20000
Commissioner of Police, Mysore City Rs. 16400-450-20000
Commissioner of Police, Hubli-Dharwad City Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Lokayukta Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police, Car Units, Bangalore City Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Commissioner for Traffic Rs. 16400-450-20000
and Road Safety
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Fire Services Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Directorate of Civil Rs. 16400-450-20000
Rights Enforcement
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Economic Offences Rs. 16400-450-20000
(Corps of Detectives)
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Security (Intelligence) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-cum-Addl.Commissi Rs. 16400-450-20000
of Police (Crime), Bangalore City

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs.24050-650-26000
Director of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commandant General, Home Guards and Civil Defence Rs. 22400-525-24500
and Fire Services
Addl.Director General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Crimes Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Zones Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Crimes Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-SCRB Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-PCR Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Armed Police Battalions and Rs. 18400-500-22400
Traffic Planning
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Crimes Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000

Deputy Inspector General of Police-Armed Police Battalions Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Technical Services Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 16400-450-20000

Madhya Pradesh
Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Additional Director General of Police-Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Administration/Planning and Provision
Additional Director General of Police, Intelligence Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police-CID Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Ranges Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Railways Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-S.A.F. (Operation and Trainin Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID(Vigilance/Invest./
Coord) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Intee./Sec./Nax./C) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-SAF Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-SBI, EOW Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Home Guards Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Fire Services Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Director General-Anti Corruption Bureau Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl.Director General of Police (Law and Order) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commissioner of Police, Nagpur Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commissioner of Police, Mumbai Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commissioner of Police, Thane Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commissioner of Police, Pune Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Training and Spl.Units, Mumbai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police, Crime, Mumbai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police/Inspector General of Police, Rs. 18400-500-22400
Anti Corruption Bureau, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
Inspector General of Police-Railways, Mumbai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Thane Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Kolhapur Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Nasik Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Amravati Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Aurangabad Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Nanded Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (Administration), Mumbai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director, Maharashtra Police Academy, Nasik Rs. 18400-500-22400
Commissioner of Police, Navi Mumbai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police/Inspector General of Police- Rs. 18400-500-22400
A.C.B., Mumbai
Special Inspector General of Police (PCR),
Maharashtra State Rs. 18400-500-22400
Special Inspector General of Police (PandC), Mumbai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Special Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 18400-500-22400
Commissioner of Police, Nasik Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl.CP, North/South/Traffic, Mumbai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID (Crime), Pune Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Commissioner of Police-Thane Rs. 16400-450-20000

Additional Commissioner of Police-Pune Rs. 16400-450-20000
Additional Commissioner of Police-Nagpur Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-State Reserve Rs. 16400-450-20000
Police Force, Pune
Addl. Commissioner of Police, North West, Mumbai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl. Commissioner of Police , Central Region, Mubai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl Commissioner of Police, (Crime), Mumbai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl Commissioner of Police, Arms, Mumbai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Commissioner of Police-Solapur Rs. 16400-450-20000
Addl.Commissioner, (Crime) Investigation Department Rs. 16400-450-20000
(Intelligence), Mumbai
Deputy Inspector General of Police- State Reserve Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Force, Nagpur
Addl.CP/Deputy Inspector General of Police-Anti Rs. 16400-450-20000
Corruption Bureau, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(PAW), Rs. 16400-450-20000
Prevention of Atrocities Against Women, Mumbai
Addl. CP, S.B.(I), Mumbai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID (Crime), Pune Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Estt.) Maharashtra State Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(LandO) Maharashtra State Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Trg.andSpl. Unit, Na Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Director, Maharashtra Police Academy, Nasik Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Anti Corruption Bure Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-State Reserve Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Force, Mumbai
Addl.Commissioner of Police, Protection and Security, Mumbai Rs. 16400-450-20000


Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
(after 30 years of service)
Addl.Director General of Police-Operations/Tech.Services Rs. 22400-525-
Addl.Director General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-
Inspector General of Police-Administration and Training Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Modernisation/Communication/ Rs. 18400-500-
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Ops.and Armed Police)-I Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Ops.andArmed Police)-II Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Headquarters/Training) Rs. 16400-450-
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Range-I) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Range-II) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Range-III) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Welfare/Human Rs. 16400-450-20000
Rights/Social Justice

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
(after 30 years of Service)
Addl. Director General of Police- Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police- Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-22400

Deputy Inspector General of Police-(A.P.) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(HQ) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(CID) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Range) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(Home Guard) Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
(after 30 years of Service)
Addl. Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Head Quarters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-(INT and CID) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-(NPA/Range) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Commandant General, Home Guards and Director,
Civil Defence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-HQRS Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Range Mokokchung Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Range Kohima Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Human Rights
and Social Justice Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Planning/Modernisa Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl .Director General and Inspector General of Police, Rs. 22400-525-24500
CID, Crime Branch
Director-cum-Addl.Director General of Police, Intelligenc Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Dirctor General of Police, Fire Services-cum Rs. 22400-525-24500
Commandant General, Home Guards
Addl.Director General of Police, S.A.P. Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Prisons and Director, Correctional Rs. 22400-525-24500
Services in the rank of Addl.Director General of Police
Addl.Director General of Police (Vigilance) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director-cum-Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-CID, Crime Branch Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-(Vigilance) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Special Inspector General of Police-(Admn.) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Special Inspector General of Police-Technical Services Rs. 18400-500-22400
and Modernisation)
Director (H.R.P.C.) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Forensic Science Services Rs. 18400-500-22400
Addl.Commandant General, Home Guards and Rs. 18400-500-22400
Special Inspector General of Police, Fire Services
Inspector General of Police (Training) Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police, S.A.P. Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police, Technical Services Rs. 18400-500-22400
Special Inspector General of Police, Headquarters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Principal, P.T.C., Angul Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Finance Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Technical Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Home Guards Rs. 16400-450-20000

Deputy Inspector General of Police-Modernization Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Human Rights
and Social Justice Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID/Crime Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl.Director General of Police-Administration, PB, Chandigarh Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Security, Punjab, Chandigarh Rs. 22400-525-
Addl.Director General of Police-Intelligence, Punjab, Chandigarh Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Training, Punjab, Chandigarh Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-PAP, Jallandhar Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-cum-Director, PPA, Bhillapur Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Computer, Punjab, Chandig Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-IRB, Punjab, Patiala Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zonal-I, Punjab, Patiala Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zonal-II, Punjab, Jallandhar Rs. 18400-500-22400

Inspector General of Police-GRP, Punjab, Jallandhar Rs. 18400-500-22400

Inspector General of Police-Commando, Punjab, Bahadurgarh , Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-PAP, Jallandhar Cantt. Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Crime Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Headquarter Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Border, Amritsar Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Provisioning and Rules Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director, Vigilance Bureau Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-(PPA)(ADMN), Rs. 16400-450-20000
Jallandhar, Crime (Punjab), Chandigarh, JR, Jallandhar,
FR, Firozpur, PR, Patiala
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Railways, Punjab Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000
Central Police Officer, Chandigarh, Punjab Rs. 16400-450-20000
Director, Police Training College, Phillaur Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration, Chandigarh Rs. 16400-450-20000
Commandant General, Punjab Home Guards and Rs. 16400-450-20000
Director, Civil Defence, Punjab
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Admn., CDO, Bahadurgarh Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-BR, Amritsar Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Counter Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Punjab, Chandigarh
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Admn., I.R.B., Patiala Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training, PAP, Jallandhar Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-PAP, Chandigarh Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Security, Punjab,
Chandigarh Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Computerisation and Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Director General of Police-Rajasthan State Bureau

of Investigation Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl.Director General of Police-Home Guards and
Civil Defence Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Intelligence, Law and Order Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Crime/Security Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Crime Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-R.A.C. Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director, Rajashthan Bureau of Investigation Rs. 18400-500-22400
Director-Rajasthan Police Academy Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Traffic Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Harijan Atrocities Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Security Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-CID, CB Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Security Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-RAC Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID, CB Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Operations Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Railways Rs. 16400-450-20000
Director-State Crime Records Bureau Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Armed Police, Trainingand Crime Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Special Branch Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Planning/ Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Director, Vigilance and Anti-Corruption, Chennai Rs. 24050-650-26000
Addl.Director General of Police-Intelligence, Chennai Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police/Commissioner, Greater Chennai Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Crime, Chennai Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Economic Offences Wing,
Chennai Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-Civil Supplies, CID, Chenna Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police-CID (Social Justice) Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Intelligence, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Crime, CID, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Technical Services Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Training, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Armed Police, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Director of Civil Defence and Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Commandant General, Home Guards, Chennai
Inspector General of Police-Coastal Security, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Addl.Commissioner of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Greater Chennai
Inspector General of Police-Member Secretary, TNUSRB,

Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Commissioner of Police,
Madurai City Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Railways Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Joint Director, VandAC, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Administration, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order, South Zone,
Madurai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Operations, Chennai Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Chengalpattu Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Vellore Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Coimbatore Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Trichy Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Madurai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Ramanathapuram Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Tirunelveli Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Villupuram Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Thanjavur Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Dindigul Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-COP, Salem Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-COP, Tirunelveli Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID, Intelligence, Chennai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CB, CID, Chennai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration,
Chennai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Headquarters,
Chennai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Q Branch, CID,
Chennai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Training, Chennai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Human Rights/ Rs. 16400-450-20000
Social Justice/ CID, Chennai
Deputy Inspector General of Police/Jt.Commissioner of Police- Rs. 16400-450-20000
South Chennai
Deputy Inspector General of Police/Jt. Commissioner of Police- Rs. 16400-450-20000
North Chennai
Deputy Inspector General of Police/Jt. Commissioner of Police- Rs. 16400-450-20000
Central Chennai
Deputy Inspector General of Police/Jt. Commissioner of Police- Rs. 16400-450-20000
Traffic, Chennai
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Armed Police, Chenn Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Director, Vigilance and Anti Corruption, Chennai Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Additional Director General of Police-Karmik Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police – Hqrs Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police –Hqrs Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General of Police Rs. 24050-650-26000
Director Civil Defence-cum-Commandant General, Home Guard Rs. 24050-650-26000
Additional Director General of Police, Karmik, UP, Lucknow Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police, Crime, Lucknow Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police, Law and Order, Lucknow Rs. 22400-525-24500

Additional Director General of Police, PAC, UP, Lucknow Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police, Railway Police, Lucknow Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police, UP Nepal Border, Lucknow Rs. 22400-525-24500
Additional Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Estt. UP, Lucknow Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Administration, Lucknow Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order, Lucknow Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-PAC, HQ, Lucknow Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Security, INT, Lucknow Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Fire Services Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zone, Allahabad Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zone, Gorakhpur Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zone, Kanpur Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police- Zone, Lucknow Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zone, Varanasi Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Zone, Gonda Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Devi Patan Range, Gonda Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police,Chitrakot Dham Range,
Banda Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Agra Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Allahabad Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Azamgarh Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Bareilly Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Basti Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Faizabad Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Gorakhpur Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Jhansi Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Kanpur Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Lucknow Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Meerut Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Moradabad Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Mirzapur Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Saharanpur Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Varanasi Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police Rs. 16400-450-20000

Director General and Inspector General of Police, West Bengal Rs. 24050-650-26000
Commandant General –Home Guards, West Bengal Rs. 24050-650-26000
Commissioner of Police, Calcutta Rs. 22400-525-24500
Addl.Director General of Police Rs. 22400-525-24500
Inspector General of Police-Armed Police Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Criminal Investigation-I Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Enforcement Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Organisation Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Railways Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Telecom Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-North Bengal Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-South Bengal Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Western Range Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Traffic Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Criminal Investigation-II Rs. 18400-500-22400
Addl.Commissioner of Police-I, Calcutta Rs. 18400-500-22400
Addl.Commissioner of Police-II, Calcutta Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police (Intelligence), Border Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Intelligence, North Bengal Rs. 18400-500-22400

Inspector General of Police-Welfare Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Training Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Prisons Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Law and Order Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Commission Rs. 18400-500-22400
Addl.Commissioner of Police, Calcutta-III Rs. 18400-500-22400
Inspector General of Police-Human Rights Commission Rs. 18400-500-22400
Joint Commissioner of Police (Armed Police), Calcutta Rs. 16400-450-20000
Joint Commissioner of Police (Organisation), Calcutta Rs. 16400-450-20000
Joint Commissioner of Police (Administration), Calcutta Rs. 16400-450-20000
Joint Commissioner of Police-Traffic, Calcutta Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Headquarters Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Administration Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Organisation Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Personnel Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Planning and Welfare Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Vigilance Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Railways Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Traffic Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Presidency Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Burdwan Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Midnapore Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Murshidabad Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Malda Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Jalpaiguri Range Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Intelligence Branch Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Border Intelligence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Security, IB Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID, West Bengal Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Operations, CID Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID, Special Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Prosecution Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Armed Police, Barrackpore Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Armed Police, Durga Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Armed Police, Silliguri Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-AP, EFR BNS Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Enforcement Branch Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-cum-Principal Police Rs. 16400-450-20000
Training College, Barrackpore
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Home Guards Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police and Controller, Civil Defence Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police, State Crime Records
Bureau Rs. 16400-450-20000
Deputy Inspector General of Police-Modernisation/Coordination Rs. 16400-450-20000

II-B. Posts carrying pay in the senior scale of the Indian Police Service under the State Governments
including posts carrying Special Allowance in addition to pay.- (1)The number of posts in the Selection
Grade in a State Cadre shall be equal to 20 per cent of total number of senior posts in the State reduced
by the number of posts carrying pay above the senior time scale in the State subject to a minimum of 15
per cent of the senior posts in the State:

Explanation- (i) The expression “senior posts in the State” shall mean senior posts under a State
Government as specified in item 1 of the Schedule to the Indian Police Service (Fixation of Cadre
Strength) Regulations, 1955.

(ii) The number of Selection Grade posts shall be worked out under this clause on the basis of the
authorized strength and no change need be made consequent on a temporary addition to a
cadre/temporary holding in abeyance of a cadre post.

(2) The State Government concerned shall be competent to grant a special allowance for any of the
posts specified in this part of the Schedule either individually or with reference to a group or class of such

(3) The amount of any special allowance which may be sanctioned by the State Governments under
clause 2 shall be Rs.400 for posts in the Junior Time Scale, Rs.600/- for posts in the Senior Time Scale,
Rs.800/- for posts in the Junior Administrative Grade and Rs.1000/- for posts in the Selection Grade.

(4) The post in the junior scale of the Service have not been specified in the Schedule but it shall be within
the competence of the State Governments concerned to sanction any special allowance to be attached to
such posts.


Commandant – AP, Special Police Battalions

Superintendent of Police (Districts)
Commandants –SAR, CPL
Superintendent of Police-Women Protection Cell, CID
Superintendent of Police (Railways)
Superintendent of Police (Railways Guntakal)
Superintendent of Police (Intelligence I,II,III and IV)
Superintendent of Police, CID-I and II
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Administration) [City
Hyderabad; East; North; West and South Zones;
Special Branch-City; Traffic and City, Crimes and Car Hqs.]
Superintendent of Police, (Vigilance Cell, CSD, Vishakhapatanam)
Joint Directors, (Anti-Corruption Bureau)
Superintendent of Police, Security
Principal, Police Training College
Group Commander-Greyhounds
Superintendent of Police-CID, Vishakhapatnam


(i) Arunachal Pradesh

Superintendent of Police - Districts

(ii) Goa
Superintendent of Police
Superintendent of Police - CID

(iii) Mizoram

Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-Crime/Hq.
Commandant, Mizoram Armed Police

(iv) Delhi

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Distt)

Addl. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Distt))
Deputy Commissioner of Police (S.B.)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (SEC)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (TRF)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Vigilance)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (IGI Airport)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (PTC)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Battalion)

(v) Andaman and Nicobar

Superintendent of Police - Districts

(vi) Lakshadweep Administration

Superintendent of Police

(vii) Pondicherry

Superintendent of Police – Hqrs

Superintendent of Police – Crime and Intelligence



Superintendent of Police-Dibrugarh
Superintendent of Police-Jorhat
Superintendent of Police-Golaghat
Superintendent of Police-Sibsagar
Superintendent of Police- Nagaon
Superintendent of Police-Karbi Anglong
Superintendent of Police-N.C.Hills
Superintendent of Police-Cachar
Superintendent of Police-Karimganj
Superintendent of Police-Kamrup
Superintendent of Police-Guwahati City
Superintendent of Police-Nalbari
Superintendent of Police-Barpeta
Superintendent of Police-Kokrajhar
Superintendent of Police-Golpara
Superintendent of Police-Dhubri
Superintendent of Police-Darrang
Superintendent of Police-Sonitpur
Superintendent of Police-Lakhimpur
Superintendent of Police-Dhemaji
Superintendent of Police-Tinsukia
SRP-Asssam, Pandu
Asstt. Inspector General of Police-(PHQ)
Spl. Superintendent of Police (CID), Assam
Superintendent of Police-SB (Estt), Assam
Superintendent of Police-(V AC.I), Assam
Commandant 1st AP BN
Commandant 2nd AP BN
Commandant 4th BN
Principal-PTC, Dergaon


Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-CID
Principal, Police Training School
Commandant, Police Battalions


Sr. Superintendent of Police, Patna
Superintendent of Police, Nalanda
Superintendent of Police, Rohtas
Superintendent of Police, Bhojpur
Superintendent of Police, Buxar
Superintendent of Police, Bhabhua (Kaimur)
Superintendent of Police, Gaya
Superintendent of Police, Nawadah
Superintendent of Police, Auranagabad
Superintendent of Police, Jahanabad
Superintendent of Police, Muzaffarpur
Superintendent of Police, Vaishali
Superintendent of Police, Sitamarhi
Superintendent of Police, Saran
Superintendent of Police, Gopalganj
Superintendent of Police, Siwan
Superintendent of Police, Motihari
Superintendent of Police, Bettia
Superintendent of Police, Darbhanga
Superintendent of Police, Madhubani
Superintendent of Police, Samastipur
Superintendent of Police, Purnea
Superintendent of Police, Katihar
Superintendent of Police, Araria
Superintendent of Police, Kishanganj
Superintendent of Police, Saharsa
Superintendent of Police, Supaul
Superintendent of Police, Madhepura
Superintendent of Police, Bhagalpur
Superintendent of Police, Banka
Superintendent of Police, Naugachhia
Superintendent of Police, Munger
Superintendent of Police, Jamui
Superintendent of Police, Lakhisarai
Superintendent of Police, Seikhpura
Superintendent of Police, Khagaria
Superintendent of Police, Begusarai
Superintendent of Police/Commandants


Superintendent of Police – Districts

Superintendent of Police/Commandant


District Superintendent of Police, Ahmedabad Rural

District Superintendent of Police, Kheda North
District Superintendent of Police, Anand
District Superintendent of Police, Sabarkantha, Himatnagar
District Superintendent of Police, Mehsana
District Superintendent of police, Gandhinagar
District Superintendent of Police, Patan
District Superintendent of Police, Amreli
District Superintendent of Police, Bhavnagar
District Superintendent of Police, Junagarh
District Superintendent of Police, Porbandar
District Superintendent of Police, Jamnagar
District Superintendent of Police, Rajkot Rural
District Superintendent of Police, Surendranagar

District Superintendent of Police, Baruch
District Superintendent of Police, Panchmahal, Godhara
District Superintendent of Police, Vadodara Rural
District Superintendent of Police, Valsad
District Superintendent of Police, Surat Rural
District Superintendent of Police, Banaskantha, Palanpur
District Superintendent of Police, Kutch-Bhuj
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone-I, Ahmedabad City, Ahmedabad
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone-IV, Ahmedabad City, Ahmedabad
Deputy Commissioner of Police- Traffic, Ahmedabad City, Ahmedabad
Deputy Commissioner of Police- Aministration, Ahmedabad City, Ahmedabad
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Headquarter, Ahmedabad City, Ahmedabad
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone-VI, Ahmedabad City, Ahmedabad
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Special Branch, Ahmedabad City, Ahmedabad
Deputy Commissioner of Police (South Division), Vadodara
Deputy Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Ahmedabad
Superintendent of Police-(Intelligence), Ahmedabad
Superintendent of Police-(I), CID, Crime, Ahmedabad
Superintendent of Police-Western Railway, Vadodara
Commandant – State Reserve Police Force, Group-I, Vadodara
Commandant – State Reserve Police Force, Group-II, Ahmedabad
Commandant – State Reserve Police Force, Group-III, Gondal
Superintendent of Police – (Operation), Anti-Terrorist Squad, Ahmedabad
Commandant-State Reserve Police Force, Group-VII, Nadiad
Deputy Director-Anti Corruption Bureau, Ahmedabad
Commandant-State Reserve Police Force, Group-IX, Vadodara
Superintendent of Police-Narcotics, Gujarat State, Ahmedabad
Vice-Principal, Police Training College, Junagadh


Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-Railways
Commandants of Haryana Armed Police
Superintendent of Police-State Vigilance Bureau
Assistant Deputy Inspector General of Police-CID
Superintendent of Police-Special
Superintendent of Police-Crime
Superintendent of Police-Security
Assistant Inspector General of Police-Admn.
Assistant Inspector General of Police-TandT (Technical)
Deputy Director-Police Training College
Deputy Commandant General, Home Guards


Assistant Inspector General of Police-HQRS

Commandant – Battalions
Superintendent of Police-CID/Crime Branch
Superintendent of Police-CID
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance
Superintendent of Police-Enforcement
Superintendent of Police-Districts


Assistant Inspector General of Police

Assistant Inspector General of Police-Welfare
Assistant Inspector General of Police-Traffic
Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-Traffic
Superintendent of Police-CID
Superintendent of Police-CID CI
Superintendent of Police-Special Branch
Superintendent of Police-Crime and Railways
Superintendent of Police-CID Headquarters
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance
Commandant, Armed Police


Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police


Deputy Commissioner of Police

District Superintendents of Police
Superintendent of Police-Railways
Superintendent of Police-Intelligence
Superintendent of Police-Corps of Detectives
Deputy Commandant General, Home Guards and Ex-officio
Deputy Director of Civil Defence, Bangalore


Assistant Inspector General of Police

Commissioner of Police, Ernakulam City
Commissioner of Police, Kozhikode City
Commandants, Armed Police Battalions
Commissioner of Police, Thiruvananthapuram City
Superintendent of Police-Spl. Branch, CID
Superintendent of Police-Crime Branch, CID
Superintendent of Police-Railways
Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance
Principal, Police Training College


Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police/Commandant


Deputy CP – Zone I to VII, Mumbai

Deputy CP – Narcotics Cell, Mumbai
Deputy CP – Zone II, III and Crime, Thane
Deputy CP – Zone I, II and Spl. Branch, Pune
Deputy CP – Zone I, III and Spl. Branch, Nagpur
Assistant Inspector General of Police-(Admn.), Mumbai
Superintendent of Police-CID (Crime) Research, Pune
Dy.CP – CID (Int.) Mumbai (Political), (Security)
Superintendent of Police-Railways, Mumbai/Pune/Nagpur
Distt. Superintendent of Police
Commandant, State Reserve Police Force, GR I, Pune, GR II, Pune, GR IV, Nagpur



Sr. Superintendent of Police/Superintendent of Police, Districts

Superintendent of Police-(CID)
Superintendent of Police-(Crime)
Superintendent of Police-(Vigilance)
Superintendent of Police-(Border Affairs)
Commandant (M.R.)
Commandant-(Home Guard)
Addl. Superintendent of Police


Superintendent of Police
Superintendent of Police-Special Branch
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance
Superintendent of Police-Mobile Task Force
Superintendent of Police-CID
Superintendent of Police-Enforcement
Superintendent of Police-Procurement
Superintendent of Police-Operations
Commandant – Home Guard
Commandant – CTI
Principal, PTC
Addl. Superintendent of Police-Special Branch
Addl. Superintendent of Police-Rural
Assistant Inspector General of Police-Head Quarter
Assistant Inspector General of Police-Operations


Superintendent of Police-Districts (Kohima, Mukokchung, Dtuensang, Zuheboto, Mon, Wokha,

Phek, Dimapur, Peren and Kiphere)
Superintendent of Police-Spl. Branch
Commandant, Nagaland Armed Police Battalion
Commandant, NAPTC
Principal, Police Training School


Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance
Superintendent of Police-Crime Branch
Superintendent of Police-Spl. Branch
Assistant Inspector General of Police-State Police Headquarters
Superintendent of Police-Railways
Addl. Superintendent of Police-Districts


Superintendent of Police-Districts – Jallandhar, Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Patiala, Ludhiana,

Sangrur, Firozpur, Faridkot, Bhatinda, Kapurthala, Ropar, Hoshiapur)
Superintendent of Police-City, Amritsar and Ludhiana
Superintendent of Police-Spl. Staff, Punjab
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance Bureau, Chandigarh
Superintendent of Police-Railways, Punjab, Patiala
Joint Director, Vigilance, Punjab
Superintendent of Police-Commandant, PAP
Deputy Director, Police Training College, Phillore
Superintendent of Police-Counter Intelligence
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance Bureau, Patiala
Superintendent of Police-Vigilance Bureau, Firozpur
Superintendent of Police-CID, Amritsar
Commandant, Police Recruits Training, Jahan Khelan
Commandant, 27 BN., PAP, Jallandhar
Commandants, Indian Reserve Battalion
Assistant Inspector General of Police
Assistant Inspector General of Police-Welfare


Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-CID (Crime)
Superintendent of Police-CID (Intelligence)
Superintendent of Police-CID (Harijan Atrocities)
Superintendent of Police-CID (Security)
Superintendent of Police-CID (Vigilance)
Superintendent of Police-CID (SB), Jodhpur
Superintendent of Police-CID CB
Superintendent of Police- Railways
Superintendent of Police-Anti-Corruption
Deputy Director and Principal-Rajasthan Police Academy
Principal-A.P.C.P. and R.A.C. Training Centre


Superintendent of Police-Districts
Superintendent of Police-Crime
Assistant Inspector General of Police-(Hq)


Superintendent of Police-Districts (Chengalpattu East, Kancheepuram, Thiruvallur,

Villupuram, Cuddalore, Tiruvannamalai, Vellore, Salem, Namakkal, Dharampuri,
Coimbatore, Periyar, The Nilgiris, Tiruchirapalli, Pudukottai, Karur, Perambalur,
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Madurai, Virudhunagar, Dindigul, Theni,
Ramanathapuram, Sivagangai, Tiruneveli, Chidambarnar, Kanyakumari)

Superintendent of Police-DVAC, Chennai

Superintendent of Police-CB/CID/Special Branch
Assistant Inspector General of Police-Administration, Chennai
Assistant Inspector General of Police-Hqrs., Chennai
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Law and Order, Madurai City
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Law and Order, Coimbatore City
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Law and Order, Salem
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Law and Order, Trichy
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Law and Order, Tirunelveli
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Security and Anti Hijacking, Chennai
Superintendent of Police-Narcotic Intelligence Bureau, Chennai
Principal, Police Training College, Chennai
Commandants, TSP Battalions/Jt Superintendent of Police


Superintendent of Police-Districts/Commandant


Superintendent of Police – I/C Disctricts

Superintendent of Police/Commandant


Commandant-Eastern Frontier Rifles, 1st Battalion

Commandant-Eastern Frontier Rifles, 2nd Battalion
Commandant-Eastern Frontier Rifles, 3rd Battalion
Superintendent of Police-Howrah
Superintendent of Police -Nadia
Superintendent of Police-South 24 PGS
Superintendent of Police-Murshidabad
Superintendent of Police-Burdwan
Superintendent of Police-Hooghly
Superintendent of Police-Bankura
Superintendent of Police-Midnapore
Superintendent of Police-Purulia
Superintendent of Police-Jalpaiguri
Superintendent of Police-Coochbehar
Superintendent of Police-Darjeeling
Superintendent of Police-Malda
Superintendent of Police-Dakshin Dinajpur
Superintendent of Police-North 25 PGS
Superintendent of Police-Uttar Dinajpur
Commandant, State Armed Police, 1st Battalion
Commandant, State Armed Police, 2nd Battalion
Commandant, State Armed Police, 3rd Battalion
Commandant, State Armed Police, 4th Battalion
Commandant, State Armed Police, 5th Battalion
Special Superintendent of Police-Intelligence Branch, West Bengal
Superintendent of Police-Criminal Investigation Department, West Bengal
Special Superintendent of Police-Intelligence Branch, Siliguri, West Bengal
Superintendent of Police-Railway Police, Howrah
Superintendent of Police-Railway Police, Sealdah
Superintendent of Police-Railway Police, Siliguri
Superintendent of Police-Airport
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Headquarters, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Traffic, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Enforcement Branch, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Detective Department, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Special Branch, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Central Division, Calcutta

Deputy Commissioner of Police-Eastern Suburban Division, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Security Control (I), Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Port Division, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Reserve Force, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-North Division, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Wireless Branch, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Calcutta Armed Police, 2nd Battalion, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Calcutta Armed Police, 3rd Battalion, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Calcutta Armed Police, 4th Battalion, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-Calcutta Armed Police, 5th Battalion, Calcutta
Deputy Commissioner of Police-DD (Special), Calcutta
Additional Superintendent of Police-Headquarters, Darjeeling
Additional Superintendent of Police-Barasat, North-24 Parganas
Additional Superintendent of Police-Headquarters, Howrah
Additional Superintendent of Police-Hoogly
Additional Superintendent of Police-Nadia
Additional Superintendent of Police-Asansol
Additional Superintendent of Police-Murshidabad
Additional Superintendent of Police-Purulia
Additional Superintendent of Police-Kharagpur
Additional Superintendent of Police-Jalpaiguri
Additional Superintendent of Police-Headquarters, South 24 Parganas
Additional Superintendent of Police-Siliguri
Additional Superintendent of Police-Birbhum
Additional Superintendent of Police-Bankura
Additional Superintendent of Police-Malda
Additional Superintendent of Police-Uttar Dinajpur
Additional Superintendent of Police-Dakshin Dinajpur
Additional Superintendent of Police-Coochbehar

II-C. Posts carrying pay above the time scale or Central (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance in
addition to pay in the time scale under the Central Government when held by members of Service

Sl. Office or Union Particulars of Posts Pay/Scale of Pay Central (Deputation as

No. Territory Tenure) Allowance
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Rs. Rs.
1. Intelligence Director 26000 -
Additional Director 22400-525-24500 -
Joint Director 18400-500-22400 -
Deputy Director 16400-450-20000 800
Asstt. Director SeniorScale/Selection 1000
Central Intelligence Officer SeniorScale/Selection 1000
Joint Asstt. Director Senior Scale 800
Deputy Central Junior Scale 400
Intelligence Officers
2. Central Bureau of Director 26000 -
Additional Director 22400-525-24500 -
Joint Director/CBI and 18400-500-22400 -
Deputy Inspector General 16400-450-20000 800
of Police
Deputy Director 16400-450-20000 800
Asstt. IGP, CBI/ Senior Senior scale or 1000

most Supdt. of Police in Selection Grade
those local branches
where there is more than
one SP/SP posted at one
of the Central Units having
All India jurisdiction.

All Supdts. of Police other Senior scale or 800

than those referred to Selection Grade
3. Sardar Director 24050-650-26000 -
Vallabhabhai Dy. Director 16400-450-20000 800
Patel National
Policy Academy
Asstt. Director Senior Scale 1000
4. Border Security Director General 26000 -
Inspector General 18400-500-22400 -
Dy. IG/Dy. Director 16400-450-20000 800
5. Central Reserve Director General 26000 -
Police Force Inspector General 18400-500-22400 -
Dy. Inspector General of 16400-450-20000 800
Police/Dy. Director
Commandant/Asstt. Senior Scale 1000
6. Indo-Tibetan Director General 24050-650-26000 -
Border Police Dy. Inspector General 16400-450-20000 800

7. Central Industrial Director General 26000 -

Security Force
Inspector General 18400-500-22400 -
Dy. Inspector General 16400-450-20000 800
Asstt. Inspector General/ Senior 800
Commandant/Principal, Scale/Selection
Training College Grade
8. Bureau of Police Director General 24050-650-26000 -
Research and
Development Director (Training) 18400-500-22400 -
Director (Research and 18400-500-22400 -
Deputy Director 16400-450-20000 800
Asstt. Director Senior 1000
Principal, Central Sr. Scale/Selection 1000
Detective Training School, Grade
Calcutta, Chandigarh and
Vice-Principal, Central Senior Scale 800
Detective Training School,
Calcutta, Chandigarh and
9. National Security Director General 24050-650-26000 -
10. National Crime Deputy Director 18400-500-22400 -
Record Bureau35 Assistant Director 16400-450-20000 800
Senior Scale 1000
11. Railways DG, RPF 26000 -
IG-cum-Chief Security 18400-500-22400 -

DIG/RPSF and Addl. 16400-450-20000 800
Security/Chief Security
Asstt. IG and Dy. Selection Grade 800
12. Civil Aviation Commissioner of Security 26000 -

Note 1:- All CDTA in Col. 5 shall be subject to the condition that the pay plus CDTA shall not exceed the
maximum of the scale of pay of the post to which the CDTA is attached.

Note 2:- The Central (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance specified in this rule shall be admissible to a
member of the service only during the normal tenure of deputation as prescribed by the Central
Government from time to time.

II-D. Posts in the Central Secretariat carrying pay above the time-scale or Central (Deputation on Tenure)
Allowance in addition to the time-scale when held by members of the service.

Particulars of posts Pay/scale of pay Central (deputation on Tenure) Allowance

Secretary to the Rs. 26000 Nil

Government of
Additional ` Nil
Secretary to the
Government of
Joint Secretary to Rs. 18400-500-22400 Nil
the Government of
Director to the Selection Grade Fifteen percent of the grade pay subject to a maximum of
Government of Rupees one thousand per mensem.
Deputy Secretaries (i) Selection Grade Fifteen percent of the grade pay subject to a maximum of
to the Government Rupees one thousand per mensem.
of India
(ii) Junior Fifteen percent of the grade pay subject to a maximum of
Administrative Grade Rupees one thousand per mensem and subject also to
the condition that pay plus Central (Depuration on Tenure)
Allowance shall not exceed the maximum of the grade.

Under Secretaries (i) Junior Administrative Fifteen percent of the grade pay subject to a maximum of
to the Government Grade Rupees eight hundred per mensem and subject also to
of India the condition that pay plus Central (Depuration on Tenure)
Allowance shall not exceed the maximum of the scale.

Fifteen percent of the grade pay subject to a maximum of

(ii) Senior time Scale Rupees eight hundred per mensem and subject also to
the condition that pay plus Central (Depuration on Tenure)
Allowance shall not exceed the maximum of the scale.

Note:- The Central (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance specified in this rule shall be admissible to members
of the Service only during the normal tenure of deputation as prescribed by the Central Government from
time to time.


(Chatanya Prasad), Director(Services)


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