Rural Development
Rural Development
Rural Development
KHU 701/KHU 801:Rural Development:
Administration and Planning
Part-1: Concepts of Rural Development. . 1-2P to 1-4P
Part-2: Basic Elements of . ..14P to 1-5P
Rural Development
Part-3 Importance of Rural. ****** ... 1-5P to 1-5P
1-1P (HSMC-Sem-7& 8)
1-2P (HSMC-Sem-7&8) Rural Planning &Development
Concepts of Rural Development.
gAnswer Type and Medium Answer Type Queetion
1 Rural development usually refers to the process of improving the quality
of life and financial well-being of people living outside the urbanized
Rural development isa strategy designed to improve the economic and
social life of rural poor.
Scope of Rural Development:
Rural development is a term that concentrates on the actions taken for
the development of rural areas to improve the economy.
2 Scope of rural development include
Agricultural growth,
Putting up of economicand social infrastructure,
Housing and house sites for the landless,
iv. Village planning,
v. Public health,
vi. Education and functional literacy.
Importance of Rural Development: Rural development is a national
necessity and has considerable importance in India because of the
following reasons
1. About three-fourth of India's population live in rural areas,
2 Nearly halfofthe country's national income is derived from agriculture,
3. Around 70 %of Indian population get employment through agriculture
4. Bulk of raw materials for industries come from agriculture and rural
5. Growing disparity between the urban elite and the rural poor can lead
to political instability.
Rural Development: A &P 1-3P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
Basic Elements of Rural Development.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Que 1.5.What are the basie elements of rural development
Following a r e the three basic elements ofrural development:
A Basic Necessities of Life:
have certain basic needs, which include food, clothes, shelter,
1. People
basic literacy, primary health care and security of life and property.
Importance of Rural Development
Creation of Sustainable Livelihoods.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
for creation
Que 1.6. What is the importance ofrural development
of sustainable livelihoods ?
of sustainable livelihoods.
1. Rural development is vital for creation
2. It is essential for poverty
There is great value to be gained by
coordinating rural development
sustainable livelihoods.
initiatives that contribute to
foundation of
agricultural sector is an important
4. Ahealthy and dynamic sectors.
linkages to other economic
rural development, generating strong
effective participation of rural
livelihoods a r e enhanced through
Rural economie and
own social,
in the management of their
environmental objectives.
of rural areas with neighbouring urban
6. Close economic integration sustainable
rural-urban disparities and expand
areas can
in rural areas.
livelihoods opportunities rural
creation in building
There is considerable potential for rural job natural r e s o u rces,
7. sustainable management of
infrastructure, in the
waste and residues.
livelihoods in rural area depends on making
sustainable and in
The s u c c e s s of protection,
i n v e s t m e n t s in
rural health and
1-6P(HSMC-Sem-7&8) Rural Planning & Development
An overview of Policies and Programmesfor Rural Development
Programmes in the Agricultural Sector.
1. Agriculture remains the main avenue for providing incomes and
employment in rural areas.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY):
1 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) is the government
sponsored crop insuranee scheme that integrates multiple stakeholders
on a
single platform.
Rural Development : A&P 1-7P (HSMC-Sem-7&
2 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMPBY) scheme was
launched in
India by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers welfare, New Delhi
Kharif 2016 season onwards.
3. It is an actuarial premium based scheme under which farmer has to pay
maximum premium of 2% for Kharif, 1.5% for Rabi food & oilseed crone
and 5% for annual commercial/horticultural crops.
4. The remaining part of the actuarial/bidded premium is shared equaly
by the Centre and State Government.
5. An purpose of the scheme is to facilitate
important quick elaim
6. The claims should be settled within 2 months of harvest subject to
timely provision of both yield data and share of premium subsidy by
State Government.
Objectives of the Scheme:
1. To provide insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers in
the event of failure of any of the notified crop as a resuit of naturai
calamities, pests and diseases.
2 To stabilise the income of farmers to ensure their continuance in farming
3. To encourage farmers to adopt innovative and modern agricultural
4. To ensure flow of credit to the agriculture sector.
1 Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) has been formulated
with the vision of extending the coverage of irrigation and improving
water use efficiency in a focused manner.
2. This scheme provides end to end solution on souree creation, distribution
management, ficld application and extension activities.
3. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved Pradhan Manti
Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) in its meeting held on lst July. 2013
4. It was launched for providing end-to end solutions in irrigation suppl
chain, viz., water sources, distribution network and farm level
but also
5. It not only focuses on creating sources for assured irrigation,
micro level.
creating protective irrigation by harnessing rain water at
are as follows
Objectives ofthe Seheme: The major objectives of PMKSY
at the field level.
1. To achieve convergence of investments in irrigation
2. Expand cultivable area under assured irrigation.
1-8P (HSMC-Sem-7 & 8) Rural Planning & Development
1. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna (PKVY) is a sub-component of Soil
Health Management (SHM) scheme under National Mission of
Sustainable Agriculture (NMSAA).
2. It aims at development of sustainable models of organic farming through
a mix of traditional wisdom and modern science to ensure long term soil
fertility buildup, resource conservation and helps in climate change
adapatation and mitigation.
3. It primarily aims to increase soil fertility and thereby helps in production
of healthy food through organic practices without the use of agro-
4 PKVY also aims at empowering farmers through institutional
development through clusters approch.
5. PKVY trains farmers in farm practice management, input production,
quality assurance, value addition and direct marketing thrvugh innovative
1. Rainfed Area Development Programme (RADP) was launched in the
year 2011-12 as a sub-scheme under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
It aims at improving quality of life of farmers' especially, small and
marginal farmers by offering a complete package of activities to maximize
farm returns.
3. RADPfocuses on integrated farming system for enhancing produetivity
and minimizing risks associated with climatic variabilities.
Objectives of the Scheme: The broad objectives of the scheme are:
1. Increasing agricultural productivity of rainfed areas in a sustainable
manner by adopting appropriate farming system based approaches.
2. To minimise the adverse impact of possible crop failure due to drought
flood or uneven rainfall distribution through diversified and composite
farming system.
3. Enhancement of farmer's income and livelihood support for reduction
of poverty in rainfed areas.
4. Convergence of relevant developmental programmes in project area for
optimal utilisation of resources by establishing an integrated and
coordinated system involving different sectors and institutions.
1. National Watershed Development Project in Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA)
is a special central assistance programme for the benefit of cutivators
families living below poverty line.
2. The scheme of National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed
Areas (NWDPRA) was launched in 1990-91.
has been
1. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)
in rainfed
formulated for enhancing agricultural productivity especially
water use efficiency, soil health
focusing on integrated farming,
management and synergizing resource
Mission which
2. NMSA derives its mandate from Sustainable Agriculture
Missions outlined under National Action Plan
is one of the eight
Climate Change (NAPCC).
Programmes in the Soeial Security.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1-12 P (HSMC-Sem-7&8) Rural Planning & Deveiopment
1. Social Security is both a concept as well as a system.
2 It represents a system of protection of individuals who are in need of
such protection by the State as an agent of the society.
3. In 2015 Budget the government had announced following three social
security schemes in a bid to move towards creating a universal social
security system, targeted especially towards the poor and the
underprivileged. The three social security schemes are
A Atal Pension Yojana (APY) :
L APYcurrently is open to all Indian citizens in the 18-40 age group.
2 Under APY, there is a guaranteed minimum monthly pension for
the subscribers ranging between Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 5,000.
After the subscriber's demise, the spouse ofthe subscriber shall be
entitled to receive the same pension amount as that of the
subscriber until the death of the spouse.
After the demise of both the subscriber and the spouse, the nominee
of the subscriber shall be entitled to receive the pension wealth, as
accumulated till age 60 of the subscriber.
B. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY):
1 PMSBY offers accidental death and disability cover. A one-year
cover, it can be renewed annually.
2 Under PMSBY, the risk coverage available is Rs. 2 lakh for
accidental death and permanent total disability and Rs. 1 lakh for
permanent partial disability.
All individual (single or joint) bank account holders in the 18-70
year age group are eligible to join PMSBY.
The premium of Rs. 12 per annum is to be paid by the account
5. The scheme is being offered by Public Sector General Insurance
Companies or any other General Insurance Company.
C. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY):
PMJJBY is a one-year life insurance scheme, with a cover of Rs. 2
2. It offers coverage for death due to any reason, and is available to
people in the 18-50 age group (life cover up to age 55) having a
savings bank account.
3. It comes at a premium of Rs. 330 per annum per member and is
renewable every year.
Rural Development: A &P 1-13P (HSMC-Sem-7&&
4. The scheme is being offered by Life Insurance Corporation and
other life insurers
Programmes in the Area of Social Sector.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Following are some rural development programmes in area of social sector
undertaken in India
1. 20-Point Programme.
2. Minimum Needs Programme (MNP).
3. Food For Work Programme (FFW).
4. National Rural Employment Programme (NREP).
5. Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP)
6. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY).
7. Selt Employment for the Educated Unemployed Youths (SEEUY
8. Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP).
9 Indira Awas Yojana (TAY).
Under this programme priority areas were identified, which requ
positive and immediate action. w
in harmony
The Programmes and Schemes under TPP-2006 are amme
Que 1.19. Explain Food For Work Programme (FFw) and its
1 The Food for Work Programme was launched in April 1977
2. The programme aims at generation of additional employme
opportunities in rural areas and creation of durable community assets
which would strengthen the rural infrastructure.
3. The workers were paid in food grains for the job performed by them
4. The scheme was for manual unskilled labor implemented with th
assistance of the Central Government by supplying free food grains
5. The enactment of this scheme is done by the Planning Commission a
consultation with the Ministry of Rural Development along with Sta
6 The District Collector was the officer in charge at the district level an
will oversee planning, coordination and implenmentation ofthis schem
7. In 2006 the Food for Work Programme got merged with Mahatm
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act with many change
in policy enactment, implementation and control
Objectives of the Food For Work:
1. The primary objective was to save the lives of the poor by givingthe
food grains.
2. Secondary objective was to make thenm do some work for natio
building such as construction of roads Kacha to sem1 Kacha, clear
of debris and cleaning of historical monuments, ground work on so
irrigation and agriculture work etc.
1-16 P (HSMC-Sem-7 8) Rural Planning& Development
1, The NREP was launched in 1980 with a view to significantly increase
employment opportunities in rural areas.
2. This was viewed as a major step towards poverty alleviation.
3. The NREP replaced the food for work (FFW) programme.
4. The function of NREP was:
i Creation of a large quantum of man days of work per year for the
unemployed and under employed in rural areas.
Creation of durable community assets to strengthen
infrastructural facilities in rural areas.
5. In all works under NREP, preference was given to landless labour.
6. NREP was centrally sponsored programme with equal sharing of the
expenditure by the centre and the states.
1 Generation of additional gainful employment for unemployed and under
employed persons (both men and women) in rural areas.
2. Creation of productive community assets for direct and continuing
benefits to the poor.
3. Improvement in the overall quality of life in the rural areas.
The RLEGP was launched in 1983-84.
2 While most of the objectives and stipulations under this were similar to
those of NREP,it was to be limited only to the landless, with guaranteed
employment of 100 days.
3. Programme design and implementation is almost identical to the NREP.
4. This was a centrally sponsored programme.
5. There was earmarking of funds specifically for certain activities
25 per cent for social forestry, 10 per cent for works benefitting only
the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and 20 per cent for housing
under Indira Awaas Yojana.
6. The RLEGP was merged with the NREP in the 1989-90 annual plan.
Objectives: The RLEGP was launched with the objective of:
1-17 P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
Rural Development: A &P
for the rural
expanding employment opportunities
1. Improving and to
guarantee of employment at least
landless with a view to providing to 100 days in a year.
landless household up
one member of every
the infrastructure so as to
2. Creating durable assets for strengthening
of the rural economy.
meet the growing requirements
launched on 1989 by merging
April 1,
1 Jawahar Rozgar Yojna
(NREP) and Rural Landless
National Rural Employment Program
Employment Guarantee Programme
Expenditures were born by central and state in 80: 20 ratios.
2 the target group for
The people below the poverty line were
The preference was given to
the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
and freed bonded labourers.
of the employment opportunities w e r e reserved
5. Thirty percent
women in rural areas.
for ta
1. During 1983-84, Govt. of India started Self-Employment
Educated Unemployed Youth (SEEUY) scheme.
was first
The concept of an Integrated Rural Development Programme
for 1976-77. However
proposed in the Central Government Budget
the programme came into operation in
to the
2. The aim of the program is to provide employment opportunities
to develop their skill sets so as to improve
poor as well as opportunities
their living conditions.
below poverty line,
Besides providing the necessary subsidies people
their living standards.
this scheme also helps them to enhance
best yojanas to do away with
4 The program is considered one of the
those who fell below the poverty
poverty related problems by offering
line the necessary subsidies in tandem with employment
Objectives of the Integrated Rural Development Program
to enhance their
1. To help families who lie below the poverty line and
state of living.
2 To empower the poor by helping them develop at every
to its target groups.
3. Providing productive assets and inputs
(1AY) and its objective.
Que 1.25.| Explain Indira Awaas Yojana
Rural Development: A&P 1-19P (HSMC-Sem-7&8
1. Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) was a sub-scheme of Rural Landless
Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP) and a social welfare
programme that was launched in 1985.
2 It was the flagship housing programme of the Ministry of Rural
Development and worked toward constructing houses for the below
poverty-line (BPL) population in rural India.
3. It provided grant for the construction of houses to members of Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribes, freed bonded labours and to non-SC/ST
category below the poverty line.
The beneficiaries are selected from the Below Poverty Line (BPL) list
approved by the Grama Sabha.
Objectives : The objectives of the Indira Awaas Yojana are listed below:
1. To provide support during the construction of houses in rural areas.
2. To support the construction of houses with adequate provisions,
including workplaces within the house.
3. To design the houses based on the requirements of the dweller.
use of and material that is affordable,
4 To
promote the technology
conductive for generating employment, environment-friendly and
5. To empower and encourage Panchayats to take a lead role at the
village level for the implementation of this housing scheme.
Rural Development
Part-1 : Sriniketan Experiment. *************°*********** ... 2-2P to 2-3P
Part-8 :
Approaches to Rural...*******o**************
. 2-9P to 2-16P
Community Development
Part-9 : Approaches to Rural Community... 2-16P to 2-18P
Development : Tagore Approach
Part-10 Approaches to Rural Community. 2-18P to 2-20P
Development Gandhian Approach
Part-11 :
Approachesto Rural Community
. 2-20P to 2-20P
Development C. Subramanian
2-1P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
2-2 P (HSMC-Sem-7&8) Rural Development Programme
Sriniketan Experiment.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1 During the time when Tagore was in charge of the family's estates i
East Bengal he was exposed to the poverty and oppression engulfing
the rural mass.
This whole scenario made him keenly sensitive towards these people
and he decided to pull them out from this poverty and oppression.
3. Tagore's ideological framework attracted Leonard Elmhirst, a Britisi
agronomist to come to India upon the invitation of Tagore to work witi
They both began to formulate methods for social and economic change
To translate his dream into reality, the Institute of Rural Reconstructian
in Sriniketan was established in 1920.
The object of Sriniketan programme is to bring back life in its
completeness into the villages making them self-reliant and self
respectful. The objectives of the mission were
i. To win the friendship and affection of villagers and cultivators by
talking a real interest in all that concerns their lives and welfare
and by making a lively effort to assist them in solving their mos
pressing problems.
1. To take the problem of the village and the field to the class room fot
study and diseussion and to the experimental farm for solution.
i. To put the students in the way of acquiring practical experience in
Gurgaon Experiment.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
2-4P (HSMC-Sem-7 &8) Rural Development Programmes
1 Rural upliftment movement on a mass scale was first started by Mr. p
L. Brayne in 1920.
2. He was prompted by the backwardness, poverty and misery of the people
3. After seven years of study he developed a scheme called "The Gurgaon
scheme" with the following objectives:
i. To increase crop production,
i. To control extra expenditure,
ii. To improve the health,
iv. To develop the feeling of
women-education, and
v. Home development work.
4. He took the whole district as the field of
operation and approached the
area with every form of
propaganda and publicity.
5. Under his programme village guides' were
posted in each village, who
acted as the channel to pass on the information to
6. The programme introduced
improved seeds, implements, methods of
cultivation, etc.
7. The activities introduced by
Brayne were
i A school of rural economy to train the
i. A domestic school of
village guides in 1925.
economy to train groups of women under
women and children welfare work in
ii. Health association, which ran five
health centres in the district.
iv. A women's Institute at
Gurgaon manage the ladies' garden in
1. As the village guides were not technical
men, very little permanent
value was achieved.
2. The project could not develop
continue work when the village
leadership in the villages that would
guides had left the villages.
This project was based upon the sentiments of
F.L. Brayne and when he
was transferred,
gradually this programme stopped.
4. The main reason for the failure of this
programme was that the reforms
were impOsed on the
people, rather than initiatedby themselves.
Marthandam Experiment.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type
Rural Development : A &P 2-6P (HSMC-Sem-7 &8)
The work was commenced by Dr. Spencer Hatch an American
expert in Travancore under the auspicious of YMCA in
The villages in Marthandam area were undeveloped economically and
2. the economic condition of the native majority was poor.
The main objectives of this project were:
Spiritual development i. Mental development
ii. Physical development iv. Social development
Dr. Hatch implemented an all round development in agriculture, publie
health and education.
For this project, the extension secretary was appointed to supervise the
activities ofthe group.
6. Marthandam was in a strategic position to serve the villages.
It kept prize bulls and goats, model bee-ives, demonstration plots for
improving grain and vegetable seeds, poultry runs with prize laying-
hens, a weaving shed, etc.
Inside the centre, there was equipment like honey extractors, health
charts and the items needed for other cottage vocations.
At the centre, cottage vocations were taught and agricultural implements
tested. The emphasis throughout was on self-help and co-operation.
10. The suecessful output of this project was the Eeg-selling Club. In 1939
which became a self governing body.
1. Another co-operative society was honey club, where the villagers were
taught the use of modern bee-hives and extracted honey scientifically.
The honey was cured and marketed co-operatively.
The main shortcomings of the project were inadequate funds and
governmental help.
The whole programme was centred on a person and after the death of
Dr. Hatch, there was a conflict on the question of leadership.
Due to no economic advantage to the non-paid workers, this programme
could not survive.
Baroda Experiment.
2-6P (HSMC-Sem-7& 8) Rural Development Programme
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Question
1. This movement was started by V.T. Krishnachari in 1932 in the Baroe
state where he was Dewan at that time.
2. The first objective was to bring about a rapid increase in standards
living, industrialization and rapid expansion of the educational syste
3. The second objective was to increase agricultural production
the provision of basic necessities.
4. This Project was started in the district of Navsari in the Gujarat
5. Many programmes such as gardening, poultry-farming, bee-keepin
spinning and weaving were organized.
6. Re-stabilization of Panchayats and other programmes
were organized.
of village progree
7. The adult education had been extended.
Working System
By personal education and contact by the village guides.
2. To use the school teacher of village in the extension of
3 To use the traditional means of extension.
Firkha Development Scheme.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
4. The short term objectives of the scheme was to develop basic amenities
and an institutional framework for carrying out communication, water
supply, sanitation, formation of panchayats and cooperatives.
5 The long term objectives were to attain self-sufficiency in food, clothing,
shelter, development of agriculture, animal husbandry, khadi and village
6. The administrative machinery consisted of Director of Rural Welfare at
the State level, the Collector at District level, the Rural Welfare Officer
at Firka level and 5 to 10 Gramasevaks under him. Besides these, staffs
for Agriculture and Public Works were also provided for every Firka.
7. In 1953-54, when the Community Development Programme and
National Extension Service Programme were adopted by Madras State,
the Firka Development Scheme was merged with it.
Etawah Pilot Project.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
This project was started in 1948 by Mr. Albert Mayer of USA who came
to India with the American forces in 1944.
He was the originator of this project at a village called Mahewa in UP.
A pilot project for development of Etawah district in UP was formulated
byhim with the following objectives:
i To know the degree of productive and social improvements, through
self confidence and cooperatives
ii. To find how quickly these results could be attained;
i. To know whether the results remain permanent even atter the
special pressure is withdrawn; and
iv. To assess how far the results were reproductive in other places.
4. In the project, development officers at various levels were posted.
5. At village level, there was a 'multi-purpose' village level worker (VL)
with four or five villages under him.
6. This programme works were, by and large, similar to earlier projects;
introduction of improved variety seeds, chemical fertilizers, improved
implements, plant protection measures, horticultural development, soil
conservation, improved cultural practices and the like.
2-8 P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
Rural Development Programm
Nilokheri Experiment.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1. It started during 1948 under the leadership of s.K.Dey who was thes
the Minister of Community
2. Its primary purpose was to develop a new township to rehabilita"
displaced persons from West Pakistan.
3. The project was built in a swampy barren land around the
training centre on the highway of Delhi and Ambala.
4.4. S.K.Dey launched the scheme called 'Mazdoor
construction of township at Nilokheri.
5. This scheme gave
i. Training agricultural implements preparation,
Approaches to Rural Community Development.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1. Rural Development is the process of improving the quality of life and
economic well-being of people living in rural areas, often relatively
isolated and sparsely populated areas.
2 Traditionally, rural development was centred on the misuse of land-
intensive naturai resources such as forestry and agriculture
3. However today, the increasing urbanisation and the change in global
production networks have transformed the nature of rural areas
4. Rural development still remains the core of the overall development of
the country.
5. More than two-third of the country's people are dependent on agriculture
for their livelihood.
6 One-third ofrural India is still below the poverty line. Therefore, it is
important for the government to be productive and provide enough
facilities to upgrade their standard of living.
7 Rural development is a term that concentrates on the actions taken for
the development of rural areas to improve the economy.
8 However, following few areas demand more focused attention:
Rural Development Programme
(HSMC-Sem-7& 8)
2-10 P
Public health
Women empowerment.
ii. irrigation, etc.).
development (electricity,
iv. extension and research.
Facilities for agriculture
Availability of credit.
vii. Employment opportunities.
and objectives of Rural
Give the
Que 2.9.
Importance of Rural for the majority of the
important not only
1. Rural development is also for the overall economie
in rural areas, but
expansion of the
noticeable importance in the
is considered to be of
2. Rural development
process of the evolution of the
productivity, higher socio
3. Itis a strategy that tries to obtainimprovedand economie development.
economic equality, and stability in social
exists in roughily about
task is to decrease the famine that
The primary
. and to make suficient and healtay
70 percent of the rural population,
food available.
and footwear
task is to ensure the availability of clothing
5. The secondary recreational provision
environment and house,
medical attention,
a clean
education, transport, and
Objectives of Rural
and wages of rural people.
1 To improve productivity
increased and quick employment
2. To guarantee
2. notable decline a
unemployment and bring
3. To demolish
standard of living of the underprivileges
A. Toguarantee an increase in the
population. clesa
education, healthcare.
the basic needs: elementary
b. To provide
drinking water, rural roads, etc.
rural development
Que 2,10.| What aredifferent approaches to
India ?
to rural development
1 There are no universally accepted approaches
is a choice influenced by time, space and of
overall development ru
The term rural development connotes
a r e a s to improve the quality
oflife of rural people.
Rural Development A &P 2-11 P (HSMC-Sem-7 & 8)
1. Community Development and Panchayat Raj were often described as
broad-front development strategies as they aimed at development of
villages covering all the major spheres like Agriculture, Animal
Husbandry, Rural Industries, Communication, Health, Education,
Women Welfare and Social Welfare.
2. In early fifties, rural development efforts began with broad-front
development approach.
The Community Development Programmes (CDP) and National
Extension Service (NES) initiated in 1952 fell under this approach.
Though CDP, as a holistic approach, did not succeed as expected. The
impact of programme was ephemeral.
5. It could not make a dent into social fabric as was expected. The critics
also point out that:
i It brought about a great disparity between the rich and the poor,
. It hardly touched the problem of meeting the felt needs of the
iii. It failed to bring about the process of modernization through social
education, and
iv. Lack of people's participation.
In spite of the criticisms these programme's added a new dimension to
the process of change and generated community consciousness to solve
community problems
Rural Development Progra
2-12 P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
was a significant approaelh, wh
7 The broad-front development upliftment of rural India,
stone for the
laid the foundation
1. This concept has been developed from Participatory Development
2. Participatory development is a process through whichstakeholders
influence and share control over development initiatives, and over
decisions and resources that affect themselves.
3. Participatory Development (PD) is a process to engage local populatio
in development projects.
4 PD uses local decision making and capacities to steer
s and define
nature of an intervention.
5. PD aims at achieving a localized based
capital accumulation process
the skills development and local resources
The essential feature of PD is social mobilization.
e n g
of an area depends not
. This approach contemplates that development network but
an adequate infrastructure
only on the development of activated around the
also the way factors of the local economy
production infrastructure.
a r e a poverty into
consideration, provides a
The approach, while taking pattern of
4 sectoral activities as well as spatial
balance between various economic growth is being
however, it does not e n s u r e that
growth; communities of the rural
shared by all classes and
short note on: Target Approach.
Que 2.15. | Write a
Answer rural development
the lagging sectors/regions
of the social and
In order to
1. re-conceptualized to highlight the improvement
life of a specialized group of
people. landless
of marginal and small farmers,
The target group
comprised such as Small
2. labourers for whom special programmes
agricultural and Marginal
Agency (SFDA)
Farmer Development started.
(MFALDA) were
Development Agency results
showed a better
group a d m i n i s t r a t i v e and
It was noticed that the target and
were satisfactory
where were reasonably strong.
arrangements imbalance.
correction of regional
was for the Development
This approach like Tribal Area
of Target Approach Programme
Many Hill Area
Programme (TADP),
Programme Programme
Prone Area Development
Drought C o m m a n d Area
(DDP), and implementation.
successful in terms of
CADP) were fairly
Needs Approach.
Write a short
note on : Basic
Que 2.16. |
the need for
Answer gives primacy to development
needs approach central
The basic as a
the poor
standard of living of
2-14P (HSMC-Sem-7&8) Rural Development Prograe
It therefore contributes to the formulation of a development st.
which aims at reducing poverty and inequality, promoting gr strate
employment and distributive justice.
3 The basic needs concept is a wider scope covering personal and .
consumption and also human rights, peoples participatio 306
tion, employme
and growth with justice.
4. The Minimum Needs Programme (MNP) in India was introd
1974 during the first year of fifth plan period.
5. The fifth plan proposed MNP with the objectives ofestablishing
of basic services and facilities of social consumption in all areas
nationally accepted norms within in a specified time frame. up
6. It is essentially a programme of investment in human reson
development and seeks to improve the consumption of thosel
below poverty line and thereby improving productive eftficiency of
and their quality of life.
Que 2.17. Write a short note on: Employment-oriented
Approach to Rural Development.
1. With a view to
overcome the limitations of earlier
approaches and
improve the quality of life of the poor livingin the rural areas, a muitilen
multi-sector, with multi-section concept of integrated rural developme
was launched in 1978-79.
2. The different programmes were
brought under single umbrella
Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP).
3. It aimed at ensuring accelerated welfare and
of the poor based on Gandhian development of the poors
concept of Antyodaya.
4 Several programmes for providing
employment to rural poor, namel
rural works programme, rural
TRDP, Development of Women and Children inguarantee program
Rural Areas (DWER
and Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) were
Que 2.18, Write a short note on :
Integrated Developme
1. The area development
approach by and large failed to address the que
ofinequalities in the distribution of employment, incomes and assel
2. In the context
been developed.
of this problem the integrated
development appro
3. A mere
geographical emphasis, as is the case with the area develo pme
1 It is most appropriate for planning integrated rural development.
2 Based on the principle of "equal accessibility"', this approach brings all
facilities, services and local administration within easy reach of the
3. The growth center are equipped with the following facilities:
i Training center to impart practical training and build capacity to
enhance productivity ofagriculture and rural industries.
Mobile training-cum-demonstration unit to provide on the spot
training, repair and maintenance, services for agricultural and
industrial machineries.
i Marketing-cum-warehousing facilities for providing safe storage
d marketing of farm produce and cottage industries products.
iv. Forest and grass nursery to provide fruits, fuel, fodder and forest
Developmental school based on the " earning while learning
vi Residential housing complex for workers in the project area.
Approaches to Rural Community Development: Tagore Appronek
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
C. Sriniketan Experiment:
1. The institution of Sriniketan was not an isolated experiment, but
an integral part of Tagore's total educational and reconstruction
2. The objectives of the mission were:
To win the friendship and affection of villagers and cultivators
by talking a real interest in all that concerns their lives and
welfare, and by making a lively effort to assist them in solving
their most pressing problems.
To take the problem of the village and the field to the class
room for study and discussion and to the experimental farm
for solution.
ii. To put the students in the way of acquiring practical experience
in cultivation, dairy, animal husbandry, poultry keeping8
carpentry, and smithing, weaving and tannery; in practical
sanitation work; and in the art and sprit of cooperation.
iv. To give the students elementary instruction in the science
connected with their practical work.
To encourage in the staff and students of the department
itself a spirit of sincere service and willing sacrifice for the
people of the surrounding villages.
vi To train the students to a due sense of their own intrinsic
worth, physical and moral and in particular to teach them to do
with their own hands everything which a village householder
or a cultivator does or should do for a living, if possible, more
D. Rural Industries:
1. Tagore felt it necessary to revitalize the decadent cottage industries
and to train the local artisans and village youth so that they could
make use of the new innovations.
2. With this idea he set up Shilpa Bhavana at Santiniketan.
E Institute of Rural Reconstruction :
1 The Institute of Rural Reconstruction started operating through
two broad divisions of work.
2. It maintained a number of demonstration and service units
concerning agriculture, animal husbandry, cottage industries,
health, education and village organization.
3. The institute manifested itself in three different types of activities
Approaches to rural community development: Gandhian Apprs.
3 In order to avoid such a catastrophe, village and cottage
industries should be revived.
They provide employment to meet the needs of the villagers
and facilitate village self-sufficiency.
5. Gandhians are not against machine per se ifit meets two aims:
self-sufficiency and full employment.
According to Gandhiji, there would be no objection to villagers
even the modern machines and tools
that they could
make and could afford to use.
E Trusteeship:
1. Gandhiji was not against the institution private property.
to what
But he wanted to restrict the right of private property
was necessary to yield an
honourable livelihood.
2. For the excess he prescribed the principle of trusteeship.
Rural Development Pro
2-20 P (HSMC-Sem-7 & 8)
the prineiple of trusteeship in e.
3. Gandhiji emphasized
economic affairs.
that all social property should .
4. He firmly believed held
Approaches to Rural Community
C. Subramanian Approach.
Part-1 : Panchayati Raj and Rural . ... 3-2P to 3-6P
Administration : Administrative
Structure : Bureaucracy, Structure
of Administration
Groups (SHGs)
1. Panchayati Raj (Council of five officials) is the system of locals
government of villages in rural India.
2. It consists of the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) through which
self-governmentof villages is realized.
3. PRIs are tasked'with economic development, strengthening
and implementation of Central and State Government
social justie
4 Part IX of the Indian Constitution is the section of the Constitutie
relating to the Panchayats.
5. It stipulates that in states or Union Territories with more than t
million inhabitants there are three levels of PRIs
i. The Gram Panchayats at
village level: A Gram, meaning
village or a cluster of villages, is divided into a minimum of i*
constituencies depending on the number of voters the
having. From each of these constituencies one member is elet
Body of these elected members is called the Gram Panchayat
ii. The Panchayat Samiti at block level: Panchayat samit
rural local government (panchayat) body at the intermediate te
(taluka/mandal) level in India.
iii. The Zila Parishad at district level:
The Zila Panchav
District Council or Mandal Parishad or District
third tier of the Panchayati Raj
system and functions at the u
levels in all states. A Zila Parishad is an elected
Que 3.2. Mention specific objectives and philosophy of Panc ancha"
Rural Development A & P 3-3 P(HSMC-Sem-7&8)
Assistance to the economically weaker sections of the community.
2. Cohesion and cooperative self help in the community.
3. Development of cooperative institutions.
4. Development of local resources including the utilization of manpower.
6. Production in agriculture as the highest priority in planning.
Progressive dispersal of authority and initiative both vertically and
horizontally with special emphasis on the role ofvoluntary organizations.
Promotion of rural industries.
Understanding and harmony between the people's representatives and
people servants through comprehensive training/education and a clear
demarcation of duties and responsibilities.
Philosophy of Panchayat Raj:
The philosophy of Panchayat Raj is deeply steeped in tradition and culture
of rural India and is by no means a new concept.
Panchayati Raj Provided a systemofself-governance at the village level.
Panchayati Raj Institutions is the grase-roots units ofselfgovernment-
have been declared as the vehicles of socio-economic transformation in
rural India.
Effective and meaningful functioning of these bodies would depend on
active involvement, contribution and participation of its citizens both
male and female.
The aim of every village being a republic and panchayats having powers
has been translated into reality with the introduction of the three-tier
Panchayati Raj system to enlist people's participation in rural
A Gram, meaning a village or a cluster of villages, is divided into a
minimum of five constituencies depending on the number of voters the
Gram is having.
From each of these constituencies one member is elected.
Body of these elected members is called the Gram Panchayat.
Size of the Gram Panchayats varies widely from state to state.
tis a democratic structure at the grass-roots level in India.
3-4P (HSMC-Sem-7& 8) Panchayati Raj & Rural Adminie,
6. It is a political institute, acting as cabinet of the village.
7. The Gram Sabha work as the general body of the Gram Panehahayat
8. The members of the Gram Panchayat are elected by the
the Gram S Gram Satha
Functions of Gram Panchayats :
Preparation of Annual Plans for the development of the village Pana
2. Preparation Annual Budget of Village Panchayat.
3. Mobilization of relief in natural calamities.
1. Panchayat samiti is a rural local government (panchayat) body at t
intermediate tehsil (taluka/mandal) level in India.
2. It works for the villages of the tehsil that together are called a developes
3. It has been said to be the "panchayat of panchayats".
4. Typically, panchayat samiti is composed of elected members ofthear
the block development officer, members of the state's legislai
assembly, members of parliament belonging to that area, others
unrepresented groups (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and woune
associate members and the elected members ofthat panchayat blocs
the zila parishad.
5. The samiti is elected for five years and is headed
by a chairma
deputy chairman elected by the members of the panchayatsamit
6. One sarpanch samiti supervises the acts*
Que 3.5. What do you mean by Zila Parishand ? Explain the major
functions of Zila Parishad.
1 The Zila Panchayat or District Council or Mandal Parishad or District
Panchayat is the third tier of the Panchayati Raj system and functions at
the district levels in all states.
2. A Zila Parishad is an elected body.
Block Pramukh of Block Panchayat are also represented in Zila Parishad.
The members of the State Legislature and the members ofthe Parliament
of India are members of the Zila Parishad.
The Zila parishad is the top most tier of the panchayat raj system and
acts as the link between the state government and the village-level
Gram Panchayat.
Zila Parishad are Panchayats at Apex or District Level in Panchayat Raj
The Chairman of all the Panchayat Samitis under the district are the ex
officio members of Zila Parishad.
The deputy chief executive officer from General Administration
department at district level is ex-officio secretary of Zila Parishad.
. The chiefexecutive officer, who is an IAS officer or senior state service
officer, heads the administrative setup of the Zila Parishad
Institutions Emergence
and Growth of Panchass
Panchayati Raj in India.
Raj Institutions
Type Questions
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer
1 Panchayati Raj was not a new concept to India.
2. Indian villages had Panchayats, which were having both executive and
judicial powers and used to handle various issues or disputes arising in
the village area.
3. Gandhiji also held the opinion of empowerment of Panchayats for the
development of rural areas.
4. Thus, recognizing their importance our Constitution makers includeta
provision for Panchayats in part IV ofconstitution.
5. Article 40 confers the responsibility upon State to take steps to organ
Village Panchayats and endow them with powers and authority toenab
them to function as units of self-government. But it does not ge
guidelines for organising village panchayats.
6. Panchayati Raj formal organisation and structure was firsu
recommended by Balwant Rai committee.
7. The Committee, in its report in November 1957,
establishment of the scheme of 'democratic decentralisation', wh whid
December 1977.
Raj was appo
Rural Development:A &P -7P (HSMC-Sem-7 &8)
in 1957 to
1 Balwantrai Mehta Committee was the first Committee set up
look into the problems of democratic decentralization in independent
The Committee was asked to report on community development projects.
in the direction of
3. The Committee made far reaching recommendations
democratic decentralization and rural
was not
4 It pointedout that the community development programme
successful because it failed to evoke local initiative
and that in the absence
would not be possible.
of local initiative and interest development
The committee laid downfollowing five
fundamental principles:
There should be three tier structures
of local selfgovernment bodies
to the district level and these
bodies should be linked
from village
of power and responsibility
There should be genuine transfer
enable them to discharge their
these bodies to
bodies to enable
should be transferred to these
i. Adequate
them to discharge their responsibilities. at all
schemes and programmes
iv. All welfare and developmental bodies, and
channelled through these
three levels should be
3-8P (HSMC-Sem-7& 8) Panchayati Raj &
Rural Administrati
facilitate further devolution an
. The three tier system should
in future.
disposal of power and responsibility
66. The committee envisaged three tire system of P'anchayats knowna
Gram Panchayat and recommend
Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti and
in community work, promoti
encouragement of peoples' participation promoting the welfare of
of agriculture and animal husbandry, e
1 In December 1977, the Janata Government appointed a committee on
panchayati raj institutions under the chairmanship of Ashok Mehta.
2. It submitted its report in August 1978 and made 132 recommendations
to revive and strengthen the declining panchayati raj system in the
3. Its main recommendations were
The three-tier system of
panchayati raj should be replaced by the
two-tier system, that is, zila
parishad at the district level, and below
it, the mandal panchayat consisting of a group of villages with 3
total population of 15,000 to
i Adistriet should be the first point for
supervision below the state level. decentralization under popul"
ii. Zila parishad should be the
for planning at the district executive body and made responsibie
iv. There should be an official participation of
levels of panchayat elections. political parties at a
. The panchayati raj institutions
taxation to mobilise their own should have compulsory powers
financial resources.
4. Due to the collapse of
the Janata Government before the
its term, no action could be taken on the completion
Mehta Committee. recommendations of the Ashu
Que 80.Write ashort note on: G
VKRao Committee.
Rural Development:A &P 3-9P (HSMC-Sem-7 &8)
Que 3.11. What are the various features of 73rd Amendment Act,
Write a short note on: 73rd Amendment Act, 1992.
1 The 73rd Amendment to the Constitution enacted in 1992 added a new
part-IX to the Constitution.
2. It also added a new XI schedule containing list of 29 functional items for
Panchyats and made statutory provisions for the establishment,
empowerment and functioning of Panchayati Raj institutions.
3. Some provisions of this amendment are binding on the States, while
others have been left to be decided by respective State Legislatures at
their discretion.
4. The salient features of this amendment are as follows
i Organization of Gram Sabhas;
Creation of a three-tier Panchayati Raj Structure at the District
(Zila), Block and Village levels;
i. Almost all posts, at all levels to be filled
by direct elections;
iv. Minimum age for contesting elections to the
institutions be twenty one years Panchayati Raj
V. The post of Chairman at the District and
Block levels should be
filled by indírect election;
vi. There should be reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes
Scheduled Tribes in Panchayats, in
proportion to their
and for women in Panchayats up to one-third seats; population
vii. State Election Commission to be set
up in each State to conduct
elections to Panchayati Raj institutions;
vii. The tenure of Panchayati Raj
institutions is five years, if dissolved
earlier, fresh elections to be held within six months; and
Rural Development: A&P 3-11 P
(HSMC-Sem-A& 8)
ix AState Finance Commission is to be set up in each State every five
Following are some of the provisions, which are not binding on the
States, but are only guidelines
Giving representation to the members of the Central and State
legislatures in these bodies;
Providing reservation for backward classes; and
i The Panchayati Raj institutions should be
given financial powers in
relation to taxes, levy fees etc., and efforts shall be made to make
Panchayats autonomous bodies.
Que 3.12. Mention various issues that Panchayati Raj|
Institutions are facing.
Following are various issues that Panchayati Raj Institutions are facing
1 In India the panchayats has minimal powers to generate revenue. They
do not have the powers to levy taxes and therefore they are hugely
dependent on the State Government for funding. Therefore it is just aa
functional autonomny.
2. The State Finance Commission is meant to ensure an effective
mechanism for the panchayati raj institutions. However, the
recommendations of the State Finance Commission are not accepted.
3. No state or U.T. have transferred all 29 functions or subjects to the PRI.
This clearly shows that in India the panchayats are merely an extension
of the State and are not like a separate administrative unit.
4. Institutional structures like the district planning boards, created to
expedite decentralised planning, are either non-functional or do not
give priority to PRIs.
Limited efforts have been made to empower elected PRI representatives
with their constitutional functions; the focus has mostly been on trainings
on the schemes and
6. Even after the legislative ofkeeping the panchayats clean from politics,
there still exists influence of the bureaucracy and the political parties.
People and Panchayati Raj.
Financial Organizations in Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Questions Anewer
Long Answer Type and Medium Anawer Type Questions
Panehnyatl Raj & Rural Adminimtratioe
3-14P (HSMC-8em-7& 8)
Renource moblliantion by the PRln i
1. All PRls have a poor flscal base.
generally limited.
Therefore it is essential to provide
PRI« with revenue raining powern of
excosaive dependonce on the Stata
their own in order to reduce their
and Central Governments.
Need of Finance Commissions resources of
Structure of Rural Finance
Long Answer Type and Mediunm Answer Type Questions
The rural finance market comprises of:
A Organized or formal segment:
L The formal segment consists of the Reserve Bank of India (RBD, National
Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Public and
Private Sector Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRB), Land
Development Banks (LDB), State Cooperative Banks (SCB), Central
Cooperative Banks (CCB), Primary Agricultural Cooperative Banks
PACB), Central and States Governments, Life Insurance Corporation
LIC), Post Office Savings Bank, etc.
2. RBI is responsible for overall monetary policy and provides
accommodation to NABARD and IDBI for agricultural and Rural
Industries respectively.
These institutions in turn provide refinance to commereial banks
including RRB's and SCB's and State Land Development Banks (SLDBs).
4. The refinance from NABARD is distributed to the rural entrepreneurs
through two or three tier cooperative structures respectively for long
Lerm, short term and medium term lending. In case of commercial banks
and RRB's they refinance directly to the users.
5. Except LDB's and PAC's, all financing agencies collect deposits from
rural households. Post office saving banks are active in rural areas.
B. Unorganized or informal segment:
1. Relatives and friends : Borrowers obtain their loans more promptly
from relatives and friends and loans are virtually interest free.
Panchayati Raj & Rural Administratioo
3-16P (HSMC-Sem-7& 8)
the main
informal source ofcredis
2 Money lenders: Money lenders are areas people do not hav
India. Because in rural
for rural household in
access to banks and
other financial institutions
The Reserve Bank of India is India's
1. Reserve Bank of India (RBID:
the jurisdiction of Ministry of
central bank and regulatory body under
Finance, Government of
and Rural Development
National Bank for Agriculture
2 for overall regulation
(NABARD) : NABARD is an apex regulatory body
banks in India. It is under
of regional rural banks and apex cooperative
Government of India.
the jurisdiction of Ministry of Finance,
Rural Banks (RRBs) are
33. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) : Regional
government owned scheduled commercial banks of India that operate
at regional level in different states of India.
4 Land Development Banks (LDB) : A land development bank is a
special kind of bank in India. The main functioning of this bank is to
develop the agriculture and tried to avoid the land corruption.
5. Cooperative Banks: The rural co-operative credit system in Indiais
primarily mandated to ensure flow of credit to the agriculture sector. It
comprises short-term and long-term co-operative credit structures. The
short-term co-operative credit structure operates with a three-tier
system: Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) at the village
level, Central Cooperative Banks (CCBs) at the district level and State
Cooperative Banks (SCBs) at the State level.
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) : LIC is àn Indian
insurance and investment corporation. It is under the ownership
Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
Que 8.19. Write a short note on: National Bank for Agriculture
and Rural Development (NABARD) and its Vision and
1. The importance of institutional credit in boosting rural economy has
been clear to the Government of India right from its early stages
Development : A & P 3-17P (HSMC-Sem-1& )
Therefore. the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) at the insistence of the
Government of India, constituted a committee to look into these very
critical aspects.
The Committee was formed on 30 March 1979, under the Chairmanship
of Shri B. Sivaraman, former member of Planning Commission,
Government of India.
The Committee submitted its interim report on 28 November 1979.
It outlined the need for a new organisational device for providing
undivided attention, forceful direction and pointed focus to credit related
issues linked with rural development.
Its recommendation was formation of a unique development financial
institution which would address these aspirations.
Thus formation of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NABARD) was approved by the Parliament through Act 61 of 1981
8 It was dedicated to the service of the nation by the late Prime Minister
Smt. Indira Gandhi on 05 November 1982.
Vision: Development Bank of the Nation for Fostering Rural Prosperity.
Mission : Promote sustainable and equitable agriculture and rural
development through participative financial and non-financial interventions,
innovations, technology and institutional development for securing prosperity.
also extending
are their financial ta
These banks to strengthen
local region
institutions of the Regional Rural Banks were
Objeetives :
The main objectives of the
rural mases, partieularly in
1 Take
1. banking to the doorsteps of the
without banking facilities.
eredit to the weaker sectin
Make available cheaper
society. them for sBupporting prodiuer
rural savings and ehannelise
activities in rural
opportunities in
the rural areas.
4.4. Generate employment
cost of providing
rural credit.
5. Bring down the
Government and Non-Government Organizations/
Based Organizations.
. Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Ministry of Rural
are aociated with rural development.
2 The individual community in the village can interacts
i.The Gram Panchayats at village level.
i. The Punchayat Samiti at block level.
Rural Development: A &P 3-19 P (HSMC-Sem-7&)
| PART-7
Concept of Self Help Groups (SHGs).
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Que 3.24. What are Self Help Groups (SHGs) ? Describe the
functions of SHGs.
1. Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are informal associations of people who chos
to come together to find ways to improve their living conditions.
2 It can be defined as self governed, peer controlled information group o
peoplewith similar socio-economic background and having a desire
collectively perform common purpose.
A &P -21 P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
Rural Development:
Villages face numerous problems related to poverty, illiteracy, Ii
skills, lack of formal credit etc. These problems cannot be tackled at an
individual level and need collective efforts.
Thus SHG can become a vehicle of change for the poor and marginalized.
SHG rely on the notion of Selit Help" to encourage self-employment
and poverty alleviation.
Functions of SHGs
Income generation for the poor.
2 Access to banks for poor, financial inclusion.
33. A pressure group in Gram Panchayats.
4 Social Upliftment of marginal sections.
5 Upliftment of women.
is the lack of access or limited
One of the chief r e a s o n s for rural poverty
access to credit and financial
services. SHGs play a vital role in giving
is extremely crucial in poverty
credit access to the poor and this
women because SHGs help
2 They also play a great role in empowering
sections build social capital.
women from economically weaker
Financial independence through self-employment opportunities also
factors such as literacy levels, improved
helps improve other development
healthcare and better family planning.
of SHGs ?
the various benefits
Que3.26. What are
Pollowing are the various benefits of SHGs: combating
collective efforts for
5 o c i a l integrity SHGs : encourages
practices like dowry, alcoholism
women and inculcates leadership
2 Gender Equity: SHGs empowers women participate more
actively in gram
There is a lack of
qualified resource personnel in the rural areas w
help in skill upgradation
acquisition of new skills by gro
4. Poor accounting
practices and incidents of misappropriation of fund
5. Lack of resources and means to
market their goods.
6. SHGs are heavily
dependent on their promoter NGOs and governn
agencies. The withdrawal of support often leads to their collapse.
Que 3,28,Give some measures
to make SHGs more effective
1. The Government
should create a supportive environment growt'
Part-1 : Need for Human Resource.. 4-2P to 4-2P
Part-2 : Elements of Human Resource...4-2P to 4-4P
Development in Rural Sector
Need for Human Resource
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer
Type questions
Elements of Human Resource Development in Rural Sector.
Huralkrvelopment A&P
The individual
Work itelf more growing through
renponwibílities roles and
HRD 8ystem
Dimensions of HRD for Rural Development - Health.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Dimensions of HRD for Rural Development- Education.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
1. Dimension refers to the constituent elements or characteristics of
human resources.
2. It stands for size or number, nature, extent, component, aspect or
characteristics of human or population resource.
3. Human Development Report has considered education as the dimensions
of population and stressed that the assessment of it is essential in the
progress of human resource development.
4-6P (HSMC-Sem-7 &8) Rural Development
Dimensions of HRDfor Rural Development Skill Development.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
attitude, aptitude,
Dimensions of HRD for
Resource Development
Que 4.7.Write a short note on
: Human
Dimension Training.
Answer characteristics of
constituent elements or
Dimension refers to the
1 human resources.
as the dimensions
3. Human Development Report has considered training
assessment of it is essential in the
of population and stressed that the
progress of human resource development.
Training is the qualitative dimension of human resource development.
ete. of
5. Training helps in development of experience, knowledge, talents,
an individual
6 Training can take place through formal and nonformal learning proces.
Nutritional Status.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Quentions
Natritional status 1s a measure of the health condition of
affected primarily by the intake of food and utilization an
as s individual
of nutrients.
Cood nutritional status can only be realized and sustained when
individuals within families and comnmunities are food-secure.
Food is defined as access
necded for a healthy life.
by all people at all times to the food
AFood security has three important dimensions:
Adequate availability of food supplies;
Assured access to sufficient food for all individuals; and
i Its proper utilization to provide a proper and balanced diet.
5 Nutrition is one of the important components of human resource
6. A well-nourished, healthy workforce is a pre-condition for sustainable
Nutrition plays a critical role in human resource
deficiencies in essential nutrients lead to development since
malnutrition, which affects an
individual's mental and physical state, resulting in health and poor poor
work performance.
Healthier people can transform their energy into productivity more
efficiently than undernourished people.
Better health and nutrition can immediately increase the workers'
current strength,
energy and ability to concentrate on job and thereby
increases the
productivity of workers.
Access to Basic Amenities.
Lng Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Population Composition.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
To understand the role of people as a resource, we need to know more
about their qualities.
2 People vary greatly in their age. sex, literacy level, health condition,
occupation and income level.
3 It is essential to understand these characteristics ofthe people.
4 Population composition refers to the structure of the population.
6. The composition of population helps us to know how many are males or
Temales,which age group they belong to, how educated they a r e and
What type of occupations they are employed in, what their income levels
and health conditions are.
An interesting way of studying the population composition country
1s by looking at the population pyramid, also called an age-sex pyramid.
do they help in
population pyramids ? How
ue 4.11.|What a r e
derstanding about the population of country
A population pyramid is a graphical illustration of the distribution of a
it typically forma the shape of a
POpulation by age groups and sex;
Pyramid when the population is growing
Rural Development: A &P 4-11 P (HSMC-Sem.
The shape of the population pyramid tells the story of the peonia
2. eople liwin
in that particular country.
The numbers of children (below 15 years) are shown at the boton
3. om and
reflect the level of births.
The size of the top shows the numbers of aged people (above 65 n.
4 year
and reflects the number of deaths.
5. The population pyramid also tells us how many dependents there a.
are im
a country.
6. The population pyramid of a country in which birth and death rates h
are high is broad at the base and rapidly narrows towards thetop
7. This is because although, many children are born, a large percentage
them die in their infancy, relatively few become adults and there are
very few old people.
8. This situation is typified by the pyramid shown for Kenya.
Males Females
04 10 8 0 24 6 10
Fig, 4.11.1.
9. In countries where death rates (especially are
70-74 Males Females
10 8 6 2 o 2 6 8 10
Fig. 4.11.2
Rural Industrialization
and Entrepreneurship
Part-1 Concept of Rural Industrialization... ..5-2P to 5-P
5-1P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
HSMC-Sem-7& 8) Rural Industrialization &
5 - 2 P( H S
Concept of Rural Industrialization.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Rural industries are non-farm activities that depend on rural resources,
and are primarily meant for employment generation through effective
utilization of locally available resources, human power and technologies.
3. are by nature small-scale and are usually based in villages. Hence,
Theyare addressed as rural industries.
they popularly
Since employment generation is one of the essential objectives of rural
industries, they usually work with the philosophy of production by
Rural industrialization aims at reducing unemployment levels,
enhancing the individual and household incomes.
the financial
the scale of activities of rural industries is small,
requirement is also usually small
outside agriculture,
ral industrialization includes economic activities to small
size from households
e d out in villages and varying in
village and small-
ne examples of these activities are cottage, tiny,
and services of various
e manufacturing and processing industries;
Howe rural industrialization suffers from technological
ever, inconsistent quality, drudgery
dePrductivity, inefficieney,
10. Todependence
pon nature's clemency.
these need innovation or improvisation in technologies
used nme
used in rural
Rural 5-3P (HSMC-Ser
Development: A &P
ue 5.2. Give the significance of rural industrialization.
The significance of rural industrialization are as follow
1. lhey can slow down urban migration and thereby ease the prohia
urbanization. ems
2. They lead to improvement in environment by reducing the concentrat
of industrial units in big cities. ratiom
3. They can increase rural income and generate non-farm employmens,
ent t
the farmers.
4. They can reduce both skilled and unskilled unemployment.
5. They can promote balanced industrialization by avoiding e
industrial concentration.
6. They are based on the local needs and can better meet the loea
consumption needs.
Following are probable explanations for the slow growth of ru
1 Inadequacy of financial assistance in the development plans.
2. Ineffective common production programmes and assistance to smal
3. Mismatch of technology upgradation, training and skill formation.
4 Lack of effective linkages with other sectors.
A Positive impact of industrialization:
L Lowcost of
production : The introduction of industries has led to
decrease in the cost of production of many essential items. The decre
in cost is the result of economy of large scale
2 Self-sufficient: Rural industries helps made pople ienti
providing their basic needs. self-sutfiae
Employment: The rural industrializationis considered as avehiiclefr
the generation of productive employment and income for tne
( H S M C - S e m -
7& 8) Rural Industrialization& Entrepreneurship
ed A
Improvea criculture: In the modern age efficient
is that, which hich is done with the help of machine and agricultural system
mechanical devices.
Impacet of Industrialization:
cottage industry: With the advent
of heavy
. D e c h
Over many acres of land, agricultural
lands and forests are often cleared
available the required land.
to make
Pallution : Large industries emit many harmful gases into the
environment. The introduction of harmful chemicals into air leads to air
Dollution. The noises that it produces leads to noise-pollution.
Gandhian Approach to Rural Industrialization.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Que &6. What are the various values and premises of Gandhi
Model ofrural development?
The Gandhian Model of rural development is based on the foloi
values and premises
Rural India is found not in its cities, but in its villages.
2 The revival of villages is possible only when the villagers are ezploit
no more. Exploitation of villagers by city dwellers was violene
Gandhiji's opinion.
3. Simple living and high thinking, implying voluntary reduetion et
materialistic wants, and pursuitof moral and spiritual principles
4 Dignity of labour: everyone must earn his bread by physical labour, an
one who labours must necessarily get his subsistence.
5. Preference to the use of swadeshi products, services and institutions
6 Balance between the ends and the means: Gandhiji believed that ner
violence and truth could not be sustained unless a balance between th
ends and the means was maintained.
The principal components of the Gandhian Model are:
L Self-sufficient Village Economy:
Gandhiji insisted on the self-sufficieney of Indian villages.
i. Self-sufficiency was advocated by him as a basic principle of life becaux
dependence brings in exploitation which is the essence of violence
ii. He suggested that villages should produce their own food, clothing 3
other articles needed for meeting their basic needs.
iv. He insisted on the promotion of
village or cottage industries
handicrafts because they can provide employment, necessary to 3
the basic needs of the villagers and also facilitate D
village self-sufficien
2 Decentralisation :
Gandhi firmly believes that village republics can be built only thro
decentralisation of social and political power.
5 6 P( H S M C - S e m - 7 &
Rural Industrialization &Entrepreneurship
In such a system decis
rthan in the State power
Panchayat rather t will be vested in
and the national the Village
The representativ would be elected all
he elected
fiveyears. The adults for a fixed
representatives would constitute perind
the Panchayat. a couneil, called
The Panchayat xercises
legislative, executive and judieial funetions. It
ld look after education, health and sanitation of
the village.
3 Panchayati Raj:
i Candhiji envisaged that each village in India would be a
dhe village panchayat would have the full power of republic, where
including defense. managing its affairs.
. He expected the panchayat to perform the legislative, executive and
iudicial functions necessary for smooth functions of the village economy.
iVarious developmental activties such as education, health and sanitation
would also be taken up by the village panchayat.
4 Khadi and Village Industries:
For Gandhiji, khadi was an instrument of decentrahzation of production
and distribution of the basic necessities of life, and of ensuring work to
He also favoured the promotion of other village industries, such as hand
grinding, hand pounding, sop making, paper making, mental making.
oilseed crushing, tanning, ete.
ii. He advocated the use of manual labour and opposed the introduction of
machined, fearing that they would displace human labour. But he
appreciated the role of new technologies if they were appropriate
indigenous, and did not effect the level ofemployment and standardof
5. Cooperatives:
i instrument of rural
Gandhiji saw a great virtue in cooperation as an
He assigned specific roles to cooperatives in the field of agriculture,
Appropriate TechnologY for Rural Industries.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
How it is used,
what it is used to produce, and
Who gains an and loses as a result of the
production and
Appropriate tec echnology projects typically
differ from
hnology reliance on small-scale conventinn al
projects in their
esses, and different amounts, kinds, and sources ofequipment and
Compared to conventional technologies, appropriate materials.
Que 6.10. What arethe various key factors considered in the choies
of appropriate technologies ?
Following are the various key factors considered in the choiee
appropriate technologies:
1. Scale ofequipment and processes
2 Cost savings
a. Capital
b. Operating, maintenance and replacement
c. Foreign exchange
3. Generation of profits
a. Increased production
b. Higher prices for products
C. Value added locally through processing
4 Socioeconomic impacts and distribution of benefits
a Direetly increases employment for rural and low-income people
Creation of new jobs
Higher wages due to better labor productivity or skills ii. Reduced laber
b Increases net incomes of other enterprises
i Greater demand for locally produced raw materials
Higher profits in subsequent use or processing of the products
ii Reduced share for middlemen
C. Provides benefits to rural or low-income consumers
i Reduced prices
i Improved quality of products
ii Greater availability of products
5. Environmental Impacts
a. Natural resources consumption
b. Amenities
C. Health
Entrepreneurship and Rural Industrialization.
10P -Sem-7 &
P(HSMC-Sen 8) Rural Industrialization & Entrepreneurahip
rural entrepreneurship. Explain the role of
5.11. rural development.
12.| Mention the various benefits ofrural entrepreneurship.
development of
of rural entrepreneurs in economic
the role
the village.
rural entrepreneurship:
ig are the various benefits of
opportunities :
Rural entrepreneurship is labor
to the growing prothrougn
ve and provides a clear solution areas
units in rural
yment. Development of industrial
6-11 P (HSMC-Sem-7
Rural Development:A &P
for employment geno.
rural entrepreneurship
disparities in
income rural and ur eurship
urban peop
can fill the big gap
and rural to urban e
migration of people from
to check the
can help
search ofjobs.
Rural entrepreneurship can dispel
3. Balanced regional growth:
units in urban
areas and promote rah
mote regionmal
concentration of industrial
balanced way.
development in a
age-old rich heritage off rural
Promotion of artistic
activities: The .
protecting and promoting art and handie icrata
India is preserved by
through rural entrepreneurship.
Problems and diagnosis of RuralEntrepreneurship in India
L a c k
oneurs have less risk
Rural entn
roblem of
ndardizationaand entrepreneurs are
competition from large scale units. the
2 Advertisement:
Middlemen exploit rural entrepreneurs.
The rural entrepreneurs are heavily dependent on
middlemen for
marketing of their products who pocket large amount of profit.
C. Management Problems:
1 Lack of Technical Knowledge
i Rural entrepreneurs suffer a severe problem of lack of technical
i Lack oftraining facilities and extensive services create a hurdle for the
development of rural entrepreneurship.
2 Legal formalities:
Women Entrepreneurship.
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type
Following are the reasons for slow progress of women entrepreneu
Male dominant social order: The deterrent
Industrialization& Entrepreneurship
ocial order is the building block to them
minant s o c i a l o
business success.
in their way towarde
of elf-confidence: Lack of self-confidence, will-power,
al outlook and optimistic attitude amongst women
2 strong
from committing mistakes while doing their piece of work a fear
Women in India
lead a protected life.
Protected life: They are even less
3 educated, economically not stable nor self-dependent which reduce their
ability to bear risks and uncertainties involvedentwhich
in a businessre unit.
Socia pressure: The old and outdated social outlook to stop women
from entering in the field of entrepreneurship is one of the reasons for
heir failure. They are under a social pressure which restrains them to
arosper and achieve success in the field of entrepreneurship.
Development of Small Entrepreneurs in India.
tro are the various entrepreneurial competencies of rural
L entrepreneur
Initia personal
äative: An have initiative, accepting
esponsibilit forentrepr
p r e n e u r must
use of
Following are various support systems available for rural
L Rural areas provide a low-cost, low-pollution, low-energy intenSIVe
2 The basic facilities like housing, schooling, travel are cheaper in rure
A n s w e r
technical and managerial, are most important ingredients for
Skills t e c
of a n entrepreneur.
the success
practical knowledge" and competence of getting thing done
aawledge is understanding about a concept, produet or
3 ing about it,
skill is process,
having confidence of DOING it,
making it
e n successfully, again and again, with same or improved efficieney.
Skill can be acquired only by experience or self-practicing.
For skill development we need Technical/Entrepreneurial Training
Conters. Industrial Training Institutes and competent coaches,
counselors and mentors.
L Rural development has been one of the top priorities ofall the successive
governments of the country.
2 The first Skill Development Policy was approved in2009
3 The focus of the 2009 Skill Development Policy was to harness inchusivity
and reduce divisions such as male/female, rurallurban, organized
unorganized employment and traditional/contemporary workplace.
This policy has been further sharpened in 2015 with new National Policy
for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015.
the topof natioaa
This policy has brought the Entrepreneurshipfirmly on
developmnent agenda.
6. AS per this policy all the state governments are being encouraged to se
Panchayat level for mobiliaing
up Kaushal Vardhan Kendras (KVKs) atlocal employment/hvelihood
mparting skills pertaining to
for capacity building
n KVK is linked to the
development, assessment and certification.
E KVKs also function as counselling centers in their areas ofoperatxun
in Rural a r e
eed for and Scope of entrepreneurship
5-19P (HSMC-Sem-7&8)
Rural Development A &P
Entrepreneurship in rural area is needed because of the followin.
Entertainment, cable"TV, rural
villages. training
tourism etc., also are a
tential areas for rural entrepreneurs.
number of the
P arious development programs are being executed
who are
R a jI n s t i t u t
engaging contractors for through Panchayti
Rural youth can start this business, civil/mechanical works.
Changed consumption
pattern has opened up new
avenues for
activities in areas,
Rural a r e a s
are also using large amount of
agriculture products like
seeds, pesticides and insecticides ete.