Introduction To Symfony
Introduction To Symfony
Introduction To Symfony
First, in order to start a new project in Symfony, you'll need to install the CLI (command line interpreter of the project). Before that,
you can verify that you still have php and composer installed and with a right version.
If any of those packages are missing, please refer to their official documentation to install them, that you'll find for php here and
for compose here.
Now, you can install Symfony CLI through your laptop package installer. As always, you can refer to the official documentation
right here.
For Debian/Ubuntu users (yes this work if you use the windows subsytem for linux):
The vision of the team that maintains the project is to provide lightweight application skeletons, and to let developers decide
which dependencies are needed in their applications.
For now one, we will use the website-skeleton, used, you guessed it, mostly for websites.
With Composer:
Your project is now created ! Before getting to the heart of the matter, think about initialize a git repository.
symfony server:start
First of all, we'll learn how to create your trainer profile. So create a file that generates a trainer license number and prints it. To do
that, create a "Controller" class and a "controller" method inside of it.
Now you need to associate this controller function with a public URL (e.g. /trainer/license) so that the number() method is called
when a user browses to it. This association is defined by creating a route in the config/routes.yaml file.
If you are using Symfony web server, try it out by going to: http://localhost:8000/trainer/license
If you're returning HTML from your controller, you'll probably want to render a template. As we said previously, Symfony comes
with a template rendering engine, called Twig.
To use twig templates within a controlled, you'll first need to make sure that TrainerController extends Symfony's base
AbstractController class:
// src/Controller/LuckyController.php
// ...
+ use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
- class TrainerController
+ class TrainerController extends AbstractController
// ...
You can now use the render method inside your controller to display as previously your license number.
Template files live in the templates/ directory, which was created for you automatically when you installed Twig. Create a new
templates/trainer directory with a new license.html.twig file inside.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$name = $request->get('name');
$response = new Response();
. $name
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
The responsibility of binding a URL to a PHP action is done by the Routing component which is available in the framework The
Routing component is very powerful and supports many declaration formats: PHP, of course, but also XML, YAML or annotations
which is the recommended format we will use from now on.
Here an example from symfony documentation of how to use Routes with annotation for a CRUD based controller
// src/Controller/ApiController.php
namespace App\Controller;
// ...
The database connection information is stored as an environment variable called DATABASE_URL. For development, you can find
and customize this inside .env:
This is a working example for MAMP stack. To create the database, just type
You can now create an entity, or field in your database. Try taping
and create a first Pokemon entity ! It should have at least a name, a number, and types.