This document contains a list of original equipment manufacturer part numbers and the corresponding original equipment manufacturer for various agricultural equipment. Many of the original manufacturers are listed as Ford, New Holland, or Fiat, with some also listed as Zetor. The list appears to contain information about replacement parts for different makes and models of tractors and agricultural machinery.
This document contains a list of original equipment manufacturer part numbers and the corresponding original equipment manufacturer for various agricultural equipment. Many of the original manufacturers are listed as Ford, New Holland, or Fiat, with some also listed as Zetor. The list appears to contain information about replacement parts for different makes and models of tractors and agricultural machinery.
This document contains a list of original equipment manufacturer part numbers and the corresponding original equipment manufacturer for various agricultural equipment. Many of the original manufacturers are listed as Ford, New Holland, or Fiat, with some also listed as Zetor. The list appears to contain information about replacement parts for different makes and models of tractors and agricultural machinery.
This document contains a list of original equipment manufacturer part numbers and the corresponding original equipment manufacturer for various agricultural equipment. Many of the original manufacturers are listed as Ford, New Holland, or Fiat, with some also listed as Zetor. The list appears to contain information about replacement parts for different makes and models of tractors and agricultural machinery.
Original FRAP Manufacturer Original FRAP Manufacturer
5177449 T/478 NEW HOLLAND 589585 161 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT
5178337 T/480 FORD 589966 844 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178337 T/480 NEW HOLLAND 590821 122 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178338 1593 FORD 590823 121 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178338 1593 NEW HOLLAND 590825 120 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178376 1591 FORD 591198 176 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178376 1591 NEW HOLLAND 592784 632 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178378 2492 FORD 592958 245 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178378 2492 NEW HOLLAND 592961 243 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178390 1590 FORD 592963 244 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178390 1590 NEW HOLLAND 592986 562 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178665 T/479 FORD 592988 563 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 5178665 T/479 NEW HOLLAND 594409 250 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 55113565 1365 ZETOR 595737 792 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 563412 T/62 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 596196 250 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 563413 T/61 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 597838 631 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 564656 175 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 597840 824 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 564657 T/69 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 599868 T/170 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 564686 31 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 599869 T/171 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 564687 30 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750001 504 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 564688 32 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750002 452 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 569338 80 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750004 1031 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 569764 T/225 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750005 566 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 569765 T/224 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750007 1040 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 569766 627 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750010 1039 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 569767 629 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750011 318 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 569768 628 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750013 317 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 571788 633 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750016 508 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 572283 634 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750017 317 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 580659 257 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750018 603 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 585212 T/228 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750021 1030 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 585214 81 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750022 602 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 587108 312 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62750023 1050 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 588307 160 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62751001 317 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 588309 159 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62751002 452 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 588782 688 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62751006 1031 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 588837 686 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 62751009 566 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 588838 687 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 67143531 1330 ZETOR 588986 630 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 67143535 1329 ZETOR 589584 162 NEW HOLLAND/FIAT 67453503 1368 ZETOR