Field Performance of A Novel Wideband Optically Transparent GNSS Antenna
Field Performance of A Novel Wideband Optically Transparent GNSS Antenna
Field Performance of A Novel Wideband Optically Transparent GNSS Antenna
Eray Yasan, Hyok J. Song2, Timothy Talty1 James H. Schaffner2, Duane Carper1, Arthur
General Motors, LLC 1
Warren, MI, USA HRL Laboratories, LLC2.,, Malibu, CA, USA,,
With the constant advances in infotainment systems in Fig. 1. a) Cross section of windshield lamination b) GNSS antenna design
automobiles, the emphasis on connectivity and the need to have with EM coupled connector
reliable location, there is ever growing increase in the number of
antennas that would support such technologies. Combined with
the challenges in aesthetics and the desire to have minimal
interaction between such antennas have led us to come up with
new design spaces and hence designs. As a result we came up
with a wide-band optically transparent GNSS antenna
embedded in the lamination of the windshield of a vehicle and
demonstrated its effectiveness through field tests against an
existing production antenna. This particular antenna is placed
close to center of the upper part of windshield with the aim of
getting camouflaged by blackout region of the windshield. In
order to assess the location accuracy objectively a commercially
available truth reference system was used. There has been two
different glass manufacturers employed in the fabrication of
such antennas but results are shared from one manufacturer’s
windshield although both have exhibited quite similar
Fig. 2. Return loss characteristics of transparent GNSS antenna
further helped in achieving deeper resonances (< -15dB) in the
Fig 1-a shows the cross section view of the windshield
bands of interest. The vehicle level antenna radiation pattern
lamination where the GNSS antenna is fabricated on PET
measurements showed there is significant field interaction with
substrate using the mesh grid on copper whose details were
the vehicle creating back lobes unlike the rooftop antenna which
described in [1]. The GNSS antenna design is shown in Figure
has no back lobes.
1-b but with copper on a Duroid substrate along with a novel
connector design developed by making use of electromagnetic III. GNSS DRIVE TESTS
coupling. This is a wide band GNSS antenna hence the
connector in the sense that it supports BEIDOU, GPS, A. Test Set-up
GALILEO and GLONASS signals from 1559 MHz to 1607 Fig. 3 shows the test set-up for the road test in order to assess
MHz. Fig. 2 shows the simulated and measured return loss plots the performance of the optically transparent GNSS antenna.
are in good agreement and the presence of the vehicle
Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University- Chennai Campus. Downloaded on February 23,2022 at 08:36:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Novatel© ProPak6 dual frequency (L1, L2) GPS receiver with a current use cases that do not need high accuracy location (e.g.
high grade IMU was used as a truth reference where 2D location sub-meter) requirements.
error was calculated for each case against its location fixes. Two
identical GNSS receivers each capable of simultaneously
acquiring the GPS and GLONASS signals, one connected to
vehicle production sharkfin antenna and the other connected to
transparent GNSS antenna respectively, were used in location
accuracy assessment. A commercially available off-the-shelf
LNA is inserted right after the transparent antenna. While
keeping the cable lengths the same between the antenna
elements and the receivers, the signal strength at the output of
transparent GNSS antenna was adjusted to match sharkfin’s by
use of inline attenuator. Fig. 4. 2D error plots in foliage for each case
Fig. 3. Set-up for location accuracy comparison between the production and the Fig. 5. Average C/No and no. of SV’s used in the solution in foliage
transparent GNSS antenna
Authorized licensed use limited to: VIT University- Chennai Campus. Downloaded on February 23,2022 at 08:36:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.