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The Causes of Lack of Interest in Reading

among Grade 7 Students

A Research Paper:
Presented to
Mrs. Gemma R. Leyros
Grade – 10 English Teacher

Presented by :
Mark P. Nisperos
April Jane A. Avila
Chloe R. Escultor
Jervy O. Estoque
Jollian Beluan
Table of Contents
COVER PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TITLE PAGE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1


Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Background of the Study ----------------------------------------------------------------
Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------------------------------
Significance of the Study-----------------------------------------------------------------
Assumptions of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------
Scope and Limitations of the Study----------------------------------------------------
Definition of Terms------------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Reading Definition of reading ----------------------------------------------------------------

The Importance of Reading --------------------------------------------------------
B. Understanding the Reading Text ----------------------------------------------------------------
C. Causes of Difficulty in Understanding Text----------------------------------------------------
Learner’s Background ---------------------------------------------------------------
Teaching Technique------------------------------------------------------------------
Learner’s Environment --------------------------------------------------------------
Descriptive text -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Previous Studies-----------------------------------------------------------------------


Method of Research----------------------------------------------------------------------
Subjects of the Study --------------------------------------------------------------------
Description of Research Instrument -------------------------------------------------
Data Gathering and Procedure -------------------------------------------------------
Statistical Treatment Applied ----------------------------------------------------------
Results of the Study -------------------------------------------------


Summary of the Findings -------------------------------------------------
Conclusions- -------------------------------------------------------
Method of Research----------------------------------------------------------------------
Subjects of the Study --------------------------------------------------------------------

Introduction 1
Reading means many things to many people. It can be one of the most rewarding,
preoccupation of the individual and making it possible to partake of means accumulated
experience and achievements through the ages. It also plays a vital role in one’s success in

Reading is one of the most important skills in English than an individual must need to
master. It is a toll subject for its prerequisite of all learning areas. It serves as a gateway to
every student to learn the different subjects because students have a difficulty in reading,
they may encounter also difficulties in all subject areas.

The secret to knowledge is being able to read well. The ability to fully and accurately
interpret a printed or electronic page is a requirement for reading in modern society. Failure
to read paves the way for all kinds of catastrophes in the society. Therefore, it is important
that students should be encouraged to inculcate the spirit of reading right from the secondary
level to the advanced level to empower them to have considerable reading skills. Reading
promotes brain growth and is thought to exercise the eye muscles.

Reading requires higher degrees of focus and improves a person’s logical and
analytical skills. It is a luxury that improves the knowledge continuously learned. Reading
regularly also aids readers in learning new terms, discovery of new words and expressions
that one may encounter in daily speech. The habit can become a healthy addiction and adds to
the information available on various topics.


 Background of the Study

Reading is a fundamental learning strategy that is covered in school curriculum. It is

the process of understanding symbols taken from printed material, applying symbolic
interpretation, and engaging with the author's intention, passion, or experience. It is one of
the most significant skills one can learn. Reading can provide information on issues or
problems that have an impact on one's life. Thus, reading is one of the great and satisfying
pleasures of human beings. The person who reads well is an individual who thinks well.

The researchers emphasize the importance of this study for the reasons that for the
past five months since the school year 2022 – 2023 had started, they found out and actually
observed and encountered reading problems most specially in Grade 7 students, and has felt
the need or strong reading program, the Grade 7 students needed.

It is important that the school must prioritize communication rather than the delivery
of knowledge. This study intends to show that reading programs in secondary schools should
be prioritized, and should assist kids especially the slow learners in approaching their elders
once they encounter reading difficulties.

Lastly, the word recognition alone does not guarantee success in reading. Reading
doesn't happen unless the reader understands what is written on the page. Understanding what
is read in writing requires deriving meaning from it. In fact, reading that doesn't include
comprehension shouldn't even be referred to be reading. Understanding should be considered
a general skill for everyone.

 Statement of the Problem

From the past until now, there have been distinctive reasons for poor reading
comprehension among the Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High School. The
researchers' initial findings showed that students are not very interested in reading, and the
majority of them are illiterate. As a result, they are faced with reading challenges amid
examination periods. There are many who seemingly can read but cannot comprehend basic
words and sometimes, students are getting hard times in memorizing one or more paragraph.
To motivate learners specially the Grade 7 students to read, it is necessary that reading
materials be suited to their abilities and needs. According to research studies, most of the
Grade 7 students have a low level of reading comprehension, and so far, very little have been
done to make pupils understand what they read.

 Significance of the Study

The purpose of this research study is to examine the effects of reading habit
on the academic performance of Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High

1.1 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:
a) This study might improve the understanding of how to address and lessen the
effects of the challenges that kids in the seventh grade are facing.

b) To find out the importance of reading towards students

c) To discover the effects of reading habits on students’ performance

d) To determine factors hindering students to engage reading.
e.) The students, to give experience and new challenges as an effort to develop
their reading skills.

Research Questions

1. What is the importance of reading?

2. What are the effects of reading on academic performance?
3. What are the factors hindering reading among students?
4. What are the factors that affect
4 student’s reading comprehension ability?
5. What are factors that make the gap between students with good reading
comprehension and students with bad reading comprehension?
 Assumptions of the Study

Teachers should encourage students to regularly use the school library and
study any academic literatures that would improve their reading habits and
comprehension skills. Students should be encouraged to routinely check out books from
the library as this can help them develop a good reading skill. And for the students to be
inspired of reading books, there should be a policy in the school to award students who
can read and express themselves better. And also, the school should fill its library with
astounding and captivating books that would attract students to come to the library

 Scope and Limitations of the study

1. This study is limited only to the selected Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag
National High School, to find out the profile of the respondents in terms of their level
of interest in reading and reading comprehension skills. Additionally, the researchers
attempted to determine the degree or extent to which the chosen Grade 7 students
demonstrate reading comprehension skills, responding to questions with the given
problems, and carefully following instructions, as well as with regard to vocabulary
abilities, grasping the main idea and predicted outcomes.

2. The researcher limits the focus of the reading text into the descriptive text
because the researcher found that the Grade 7 students’ have more difficulties in
understanding descriptive text than when reading texts in other genres. Therefore,
the researcher uses the descriptive text as a test to analyze the students’ difficulties
in reading.
Definition of Terms

The following were defined to guide and help the readers understand the

Analytical Skills - refers to the ability to collect and analyze information and
solve problems based on that information.

Comprehension - the action or capability of understanding something.

Descriptive text - is one of the texts taught in junior high school besides procedure,
recount, narrative, and report text.

Interest – it refers to the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.

Literacy – is essentially the ability to cope with the reading tasks associated with
living, working and playing in today’s world in reference to linguistic literacy.

Reading - the process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters, symbols, etc.,
especially by sight or touch.

Reading Comprehension - is the act of understanding what you are reading.

Reading Difficulty – it is used interchangeably with the terms reading disability
and learning disability in this study. It includes problems in reading habits, word
recognition, comprehension, word grouping and punctuations.

Reading text - involves understanding what information, or what kind of information,

you’re looking for, locating it and then reading the relevant part carefully to get a full and
detailed understanding.

Skills - the ability to do something well.

Study - the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic

subject, especially by means of books.

Teach - to give someone knowledge or to train someone; to instruct.

Teaching – is a process when a teacher sends materials to the learners consciously

so that the learners can get new information based on their levels.

Understanding - the ability to understand something.

Vocabulary - the body of words used in a particular language.

Working Memory – is defined as a cognitive processing store with limited



2.0 Introduction

This chapter of the study presents the concepts of reading and literacy, the benefits
of reading and its possible effects on students' academic performance.

2.1 Reading

The secret to learning is reading. Everyone should learn it throughout their

lives. The ability to read allows us to learn new information and gives us access to a wide
range of opportunities, ideas, and tales. We can gather ample information and use it in the
right direction to perform various tasks in our lives. Reading regularly broadens our
knowledge and improves our intelligence and boosts our confidence in any situation.

a. Definition of reading

Reading helps our minds grow in a favorable way and improves our outlook on
life. Reading increases our knowledge, sharpens our focus, and boosts our confidence in
any situation. The more you read, the wiser you become, and the more-wiser you are, the
more respected and loved you will have.
On the other hand, reading is essential to our lives. Students from Grade 7 of
Dakung Patag National High School should focus more on reading as it is a step for them
to achieve their dream. Therefore, it can be said that reading involves more than just
looking at words as pictorial symbols; it also involves understanding the meaning of each
word in order to comprehend a text's content and to derive information from it.

2. The Importance of Reading

In the world of education, the ability to read becomes more important. By

reading, students may get beneficial information or students will find the topic easy even
if the topic is not yet given by the teacher in the classroom. Furthermore, almost 10
percent of the Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High School are struggling in
reading books. Therefore, the students of Grade 7 should be trained in order for them to
have a good reading skill.

2.2 Understanding the Reading Text

Mark Nisperos stated that “understanding the reading text is far more
important than knowing the mechanical skill of reading. Without comprehension, reading
would serve no purpose.” It means that understanding the text is very important to be
achieved by the students because reading is not simply about mechanical skill. It helps the
readers to understand the world, learn about the past and plan for the future.

In order for students to understand texts, the researchers believes that readers
especially the Grade 7 students must use information they already possess to filter,
interpret, organize and reflect upon the incoming information they get from the text. The
researchers thinks that efficient interpretation of text involves a combination of word
recognition skills, linking of new information to prior knowledge, and application of
appropriate strategies such as locating the main idea, making connections, questioning,
inferring and predicting. Therefore, understanding the text is not an easy thing, so that is
why there are many students find difficulties in understanding the text.

a. Extracting main ideas (skimming)

- The main idea is a statement that tells the author’s point about the topic. The

main idea provides the message of a given paragraph or the argument that is being

made about the topic. The main idea is usually a sentence, it is usually the first

sentence but it can be in the middle or in the last sentence. Therefore, this can make

the main idea more difficult to find. The students may get confused to see what the

main idea of a passage is, and where the main idea is located.

b. - Reading for specific information (scanning)

Reading for specific information involves understanding what information, or

what kind of information, you’re looking for, locating it and then reading the relevant part
carefully to get a full and detailed understanding. Sometimes, reading for specific
information also involves reading to see if information is contained in a text.

After identifying the information you need, it is helpful to determine which part
of the text it is in. Headings can help with this, as can reading for gist. The main reading
skill employed is scanning. This involves moving very quickly over the text, ignoring
unknown vocabulary and focusing solely on key words, phrases and ideas. Scanning
should enable you to find the specific information. Then read that part more carefully to
get a full understanding.

2.3 Causes of Difficulty in Understanding Text

There are many different factors contribute as the cause of students’ difficulties
in understanding text. Some of those factors are located within the learner’s background,
some within the teaching technique, and some within the learner’s environment.

Learner’s Background
The learner's background means something that comes from the learners
themselves. It was connected to the learner's attitude towards reading, including their
interest in and desire for reading, as well as their past knowledge.

a. Interest

Interest is being one of the important factors in order to increase the students’
achievement in reading. It can motivate the students to be active in their job or their
activity.” Furthermore, having an interest in reading and enjoying a subject contributes
not only the intensity, quality and persistence in specific learning situations but can also
improves the engagement in learning situations in general and enhances motivation. As a
result, it will be simpler for readers to comprehend what they read if they are interested in
what they are reading. On the other hand, it will be challenging for the readers to
understand it if they have no interest in reading.

b. Motivation

Motivation plays an important role in understanding the text. Motivation is a key

characteristic that can influence academic success and lifetime learning. Motivation is a
type of internal drive that motivate students especially the Grade 7, to do activities in
order to attain their main goal of attending school.

Furthermore, in line with the explanation of interest and motivation above,

motivation and interest are interconnected. Therefore, it can be concluded that the good
interest and motivation result the good achievement of the students. It will be easier for
the students to achieve something if they have interest and motivation to learn it. As well
as it will be easier for them to understand text, if they have interest and motivation to read
the text.
1. Teaching Technique

Teacher is one of school environmental factors who has important role to increase

students learning achievement. Teacher is a subject in education who has duty to transfer

the knowledge to the students. A teacher is an important person in teaching learning

process ,especially for teaching reading, because the teacher also determines whether

their students is a good readers or not. Teacher also will become source of learning

difficulties if students are getting hard times in reading. They sometimes do not realize

that the techniques they use are not in accordance with the subject matter they convey.

Therefore, the teacher should be careful in choosing the technique to teach because it

related to the students’ understanding of the material.

2. Learner’s Environment

The environment factors also can influence the students in mastering and in
learning English. According to April Jane Avila, “Someone who lives in environmental
with the society that has high educational and has good attitude toward reading will
support their ability to master reading that has been learned at school can be applied
functionally outside school.”

Environmental education is imperative in fostering sustainability because it

teaches individuals how to integrate environmental issues with their economic, social and
cultural lives. It can equip recipients with the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to
act as stewards in the environment.

Furthermore, education is the platform for fostering this much-needed change.

It can be done through academic institutions as well as through community organizations.
3. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is one of the texts taught in junior high school besides

procedure, recount, narrative, and report text. Based on English Curriculum for Junior

high School, descriptive text is defined as a text which describes something, someone, or

place in details. The purpose of this text is to tell the reader what the writer feels. This are

the components of descriptive text;

1. The generic structure of descriptive text:

a. Identification

It identifies things, person, or something to be described.

b. Description

It describes the characteristic of thing, person, or place.

2. Language feature

a. Using specific nouns.

The noun is something that will be described in the text. For example: my

school, teacher, student, etc.

b. Using simple present tense

c. Using detailed noun phrase

It is use to give detail information about the subject. For example: it has large

open rowboat.

d. Using many kinds of adjective

It is used to describe, number, and classify an object. For example: two

strong hands, a smart girl, etc.

e. Using relating verbs ,

It is used to give information about the subject.

For example: Our classroom president is very handsome.

f. Using action verbs

It is used to tell the condition clearly.

For example: Daren is reading a book.

g. Using thinking verbs and feeling verbs They are used to express the writer’s personal

view of the subject.

For example: I think he is a smart guy.

h. Using figurative language Descriptive used figurative speech such as, simile,


For example: The young lady is white as the chalk.

In reading descriptive text, the students should be able to close their eyes and

imagine what the picture described in the text, and what the picture looks like through
reading the text. However, in fact, it is very difficult to imagine something which is not

real. Students must comprehend the entire book in order to grasp the message and

respond to the text's inquiry. Therefore, there are many students who have difficulties in

understanding descriptive text.

2.4 Previous Studies

In this part, the researcher will review their previous studies related to this


The research was conducted by Mark P. Nisperos, April Jane Avila, Chloe

Escultor, Jollian Beluan and Jervy Estoque with their title “The Causes of Lack of

Interest in Reading among Grade 7 Students”. This research was proposed to

determine the ability of Grade 7 students and types of difficulties faced by students in

comprehending and analyzing the book they read.

The result of this study showed that there are several common problems or

difficulties faced by students such as: analyzing the text content, allocating their time

to study English outside the school because they prefer doing other activities and

understanding the meaning of sentences and words and having difficulties in

understanding English reading texts were related to vocabulary, grammar knowledge,

and reading interest.

From the previous studies above, the researcher can conclude that difficulties

in understanding the reading text are very important to be known by the students and

the teacher. Since every student probably has different difficulties in understanding

the reading text, the researcher got an inspiration to do a research based on this topic.

However, the problems faced by the students in one school might be

different from the other schools. This research will differ from all of those previous

researches from some aspects. First, in this research, the researcher emphasized on the

difficulties in understanding reading text faced by Grade 7 students. This is important

to help the teachers become aware of the problems and consequently try to solve the

problems in the earlier level of study and improve the students’ reading competence.

Second, this research will focus on the students’ difficulties in understanding

descriptive texts. This was based on the preliminary study result that there are many

Grade 7 students who still face difficulty in understanding the book they read.



3.0 Introduction
The methodology is absolutely needed in any research in order to find the
accurate, and effective research. This chapter presents the description of the researcher
method used in the study. It includes description of research instrument, data
gathering procedure, statistical treatment applied, method of research and subjects of
the study.

3.4 Method of Research

A. Participants and/or Other Data Sources of Information

The eleven Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High School whose
reading abilities are at frustration level are the subjects of this study. Their reading
level is determined after the distribution of pre-test and post-test given by the
researchers using the 4th quarter topic of English 7. Each student’s word recognition
level, reading speed and comprehensive skills are tested and measured.
73% of the respondents were able to recognize the words well having word
reading scores 75%-100% and able to read the passages at varying speed. However,
they failed in the post-test which made their reading levels fall under frustration level
garnering comprehension scores of 25%.

B. Gathering Data Method

Quantitative (pre-experiment) and qualitative research approaches will be
used in this study. The pre-test and post-test will be used before and after the duration
to see how the intervention, which is the use of models in teaching reading, is
working. To further convey the effect, the findings will be summarized and graphed.
The researchers will conduct a reading session, who could do the
observation using the pre-test and post-test that will be formulated by the researchers
which may include participation during the session.
A random sample of study, some selected Grade 7 students of DPNHS will
be interviewed by the researchers. Every week, 5 students will be tutored by the
researchers. This is done in order to elicit their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
The information acquired will be used by the researchers as a feedback mechanism to
assist the selected students from Grade 7 in navigating the study’s flow, particularly
during the reading session.
C. Data Analysis
The recorded scores from the pre-test and post-test before and after the
intervention will be tabulated, graphed and analyzed quantitatively by the researcher. This
will be served as the main measure of the effectiveness of the use of lesson of 4 th quarter
in English 7 in reducing the number of the identified struggling readers in the class.
However, the weekly interview to the selected respondents from Grade 7 of
Dakung Patag National High School will be utilized in getting feedback as to the
appropriateness of the strategy in addressing the problem. The responses also during
interview will be further used in the discussion of the final analysis of the study. The data
gathered through observation checklist shall be also part of the progress monitoring of the
intervention. The data will give the researchers a grasp of the effects of the intervention
while the study is on the process. This will also lead to some adjustments to the
implementation of the intervention, whenever necessary .
All data acquired during observation, interview, and reading assessment
will be compared and tabulated to reveal the holistic effect of the intervention on the
participants’ reading abilities, classroom conduct, and overall well-being as readers.

3.5 Subjects of the Study

This section provides a brief analysis of the students who participated in the
study. Special attention is given to the number of respondents/students from the
Dakung Patag National High School and faculty and to the gender composition of the
sample. A more comprehensive analysis will appropriate findings can be found in the
findings and discussions sections on the Chapter 4.
This study is specifically focused on students from a disadvantage

3.1 Description of Research Instrument

The research instrument is an instrument used to collect research data. The
main instrument was the researcher themselves because they undertook the planning,
the actions, the observations, reflection, and then made the report. There are three
instruments that was used in this study.

The following are the instrument used in the said research:

a. The observation sheets
b. Interview guidelines
c. Student’s reading test

1.) Observation sheets

An observation sheets was used to record the process of teaching and learning
reading in the classroom. The observation sheet used to determine changes in student
activities at each cycle. observation sheet used is as follows.

2.) Interview Guidelines

The interview was done by the researchers to get the detailed information
and to make a crosscheck of students impressions of learning activities during the
research. The researcher interviewed the collaborator and the 7 th grade students of
Dakung Patag National High School.

3.) Students Reading Test

This study had used two kinds of tests: a pre-test and assessment. Students
are assigned to read the English text individually in the form of printed test paper. The
tests are given to the students in order to determine student’s reading ability.

3.2 Data Gathering And Procedure

The data that were collected through observation and tests. All the data
collection techniques are used to obtain data on the results of the action research. The
research are combined and analyzed to further be concluded.
a. Class observation

Mark Nisperos states that observation can allow the researchers to get the
information which can be seen, heard, or felt directly. Observation was conducted to
obtain the data from research subjects including the qualitative data in the form of
expression, activity, attention, motivation, and confidence of the students. The
observations carried out to observe the behavior of students, student’s responses, and
assessment of student’s learning methods used when they are reading. When the
learning process takes place, the researcher considered the suitability of the learning
stages that has been agreed. The learning stages that carried should be directed to the
goal of improving reading skills.

b. Tests

A test is a learning outcome assessment tool used to assess and measure student
learning outcomes related to the mastery of teaching materials appropriate to the
learning objectives. The test is used to measure the level of student’s reading skills.
There were pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was conducted before the researcher did the
action. Meanwhile, post-test was held if last cycle was done.

c. Test instruments

The form of test instrument is questions description consisting of questions

about adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, short stories, and etc. Each questions done by the
Grade 7 students then analyzed and in the end of each question, the scores are
combined to obtain an overall score. From the total score then processed to obtain the
final score in further then analyzed whether it fulfilling specified indicators of mastery
learning in this study.

No. Range of Scores Interval Percentage Criteria

Content Mastery
1 13 – 15 0.87% - 1.00% Very good
2 10– 12 0.67% - 0.80% Good
3 7–9 0.47% - 0.60% Average
4 4–6 0.27% - 0.40% Adequate
5 1–3 0.07% - 0.20% Low

d. Non-Test instruments

The form of non-test instruments used was observation. It is observed in this

case include: students activeness in listening to the teacher explanation and
formulating ideas individually. There was also discussion of activity that can be seen
when students are discussing, the active students asked each other. In the final stage of
learning activities, student activeness can be seen when students express ideas,
provide feedbacks/opinions orally or ask a question.

e. Documentation

Documentation used in the form of taking photos when using interactive

multimedia during learning activities. The use of documentation aims to provide an
overview of research and evidence in a concrete implementation of the activities and
the students activity in the classroom during the process of reading conducted.

The researcher also documented the process of using the multimedia. This is
aimed at giving factual evidence regarding the implementation of the multimedia to
improve the students reading ability.

3.3 Statistical Treatment Applied

The following treatments were used in this study:

Descriptive Statistics such as Percentage and arithmetic mean were used to

describe the distribution of data and to determine the evaluation of the
respondents on the different variables given in this study.

Statistical Tools/Formula

Descriptive Statistics

1.1 Percentage: % = f/n x 100

1.2 Arithmetic Mean: x = ∑x



Part I

1. Personal Information of the Respondents

a. Respondents Profile

There are three (3) female and eight (8) male respondents for a total of eleven

b. Out of eleven (11) respondents, 3 of them are illiterate on reading and 8 are just

Attitudes of Students towards Reading

Part II

The researchers were able to find out the different factors that affect the
reading comprehension among Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High
School. One of the strategies conducted by the researchers was to use the descriptive
questionnaire for the possible answer using checklist method in order to answer
different questions.

There are eleven (11) respondents/students from Grade 7 to be chosen to

answer the test given by the researchers based on their desired
understanding/perceptions on the 4th quarter topic of English 7.

One of the factors possible identified by the researchers that affects the
reading comprehension of the students was the lack of interest in reading. At the very
beginning of the student’s learning, the students should have an interest first in
reading for them to fully understand what they are reading and for them to improve
their reading comprehension skills.

Based on the data gathered about the educational attainments/ interest in

reading among Grade 7 students, only ten (10) are able to understand what they are
reading, and only eight (8) are capable enough to comprehend the text they had read.


4.0 Introduction
This chapter comprises the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the
findings resulting from this study. The analysis and interpretation of data is carried out
in two phases. The first part, which is based on the results of the questionnaire, deals
with a quantitative analysis of data. The second, which is based on the results of the
interview and focus group discussions, is a qualitative interpretation. This study
attempted to discuss the following Research Questions:

1. How effective is content-based instruction in enhancing students’

understanding the aesthetic aspects in a literary text?
2. How effective is content-based instructions in enhancing students’
understanding of the language in the literary text?

The data for this study was gathered via the following research instruments:

1. 2 sets of questionnaires
2. 1 Pre-test
3. 1 Post-test

The data gathered were analyzed using the frequency count technique and
percentage. The presentations and the analysis of the data were organized into the
following sections.

4.1 Results of the Study

The 2 questionnaires, used by the researchers is discussed in this section.
First, the pre-test consists of multiple choices and second is post-test, to examine the
understanding of the selected Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High

4.2 Pre-test Questionnaires to the Respondents

This section discusses the pretest questionnaires which was used by the
researcher for the following purpose before the lesson. The aim of this questionnaire
was to test the lessons they remembered from the past quarters, to understand, and
gain insights of the subjects’ attitudes towards reading the English 7 lesson. 11
selected Grade 7 students had responded to 10 questionnaires with multiple choices.

This section reports the pre-test questionnaires completed by the selected

participants from Grade 7. Table 4.1 showed the information collected and analyzed
by the researchers based on students’ perception towards reading.

Table 4.1

Item Analysis of Pre-test results

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