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The Comprehensive Land

Use Plan

Volume 1

Bula for years had slowly inched its way to development. Geographically, it is an interior municipality secluded from the main
thoroughfare of economic development along the main highway now known as Asian Highway (AH). To get into the center of the
municipality, it has to pass through one of Pili’s barangays (Pawili), which road is at a decrepit state. But, Bula has a lot to offer in terms of its
natural beauty, its people and its comparative advantage in terms of organic agricultural production among others.

The need to update its Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) are most pressing,
which resulted to appropriate action. These are expected to ignite and speed up development, more than the legal mandate stating that
the State declares its land use policies and principles in terms of relation to national economy and patrimony as well as its police power for
the promotion of public health, public safety, public interest, public order, and general welfare (CLUP Guidebook Vol. 1, 2013).

The CLUP was updated compliant with two (2) landmark national laws, the Climate Change Act of 2009 and the Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 2010, which require the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. It
also took into consideration the mainstreaming of Gender and Development perspective, social protection, and conflict sensitivity.
Coupled with these directives is the recognition of the need to have an all-inclusive physical plan through the integration of coastal and
forest lands in the municipal land use planning (CLUP Guidebook Vol. 1, 2013).

Its preparation was undertaken by the Municipal Planning and Development Office, working closely with the Core Planning Team,
the Technical Working Group, the Local Development Council and Sectoral Stakeholders.

It utilized and adopted the principles and approaches in the process such as watershed or the ridge-to-reef approach; inclusive and
expansive governance where the planning team and stakeholders were composed of the government, CSOs and private sectors; it
pursued co-management principle where partnerships with national government agencies were considered; gender responsiveness was
ensured through the use of sex-disaggregated data, equal participation of women and use of gender analysis tools; bottom-up approach
ensured the integration of barangay issues and concerns and harmonization of plans; top-to-bottom approach was also utilized by
considering the provincial physical framework plan, regional development plan and the national frameworks.

The CLUP also provides localized strategies to support the direction outlined in the National Physical Framework Plan, Regional
Physical Framework Plan and Provincial Physical Framework and Development Plan. It has been guided by the principles of the Philippine
Agenda 21 (PA21), which is the national agenda for sustainable development. PA 21 envisions a “better quality of life for all through the

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 2

development of a just, moral, creative, spiritual, economically-vibrant, caring, diverse yet cohesive society characterized by appropriate
productivity, participatory and democratic process and living in harmony within the limits of the carrying capacity of nature and the integrity
of creation.”

Sustainable development as defined in the PA 21 (1996) is “harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy, responsible
governance, social cohesion and ecological integrity, to ensure that development is a life-sustaining process.”

It is also anchored on the principles consistent with the planning and management of resources provided for in the National Physical
Framework Plan (NPFP). RA 9729 states that LGUs shall be the frontline agencies for the formulation, planning and implementation of climate
change action plans in their respective areas, consistent with the provisions of the Local Government Code, the National Framework
Strategy on Climate Change (NFSCC) and the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP).

National Strategic Framework for Climate Change (2010-2022) and National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) calls for the
adoption of the integrated ecosystem-based management as one of the adaptation pillars of the country’s national strategy on climate

The National Economic Development Authority Region 5 focuses on the challenges of high poverty incidence, the need to sustain
economic growth, reduce underemployment rate, and need to increase average income.

The plan also considered the proposed Provincial Physical Framework and Development Plan of Camarines Sur where its
Development Thrusts are focused on the promotion of agricultural diversification and innovative agricultural production systems, farm
mechanization, establishment of agro-industrial centers with provision of agricultural infrastructures; and identification of Tourism
Development Areas (TDAs) with integrated connectivity for tourism marketing and promotion.

In the spatial development framework, Bula is considered as one of the large towns that comprise the rural growth nodes. It is
strategically identified part of the Pasacao-Balatan Tourism Highway.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 3

A. Brief History

Based on the historical research conducted by Prof. Danilo M. Gerona, a highly respected Bicolano historian, the town of Bula,
received its name from the ancient people of the riverine district of Bicol who located its settlement on a trail thickly planted to bamboo.
Although bamboos were ubiquitous, their towering presence in Bula must have been so conspicuous which earned for this plant the singular
privilege of being the distinctive landmark and the perpetual basis for the toponym of the locality.

The first major effort undertaken by the Spanish authorities to formally assume control of the locality was the imposition of encomienda
system. The Leyes de Indias prescribed that “upon the completion of the pacification of the natives, the Adelantado, the governor or the
conquistador should distribute the Indios among these settlers in order that each one may be in charge of them in the repatimientos and
should instruct them about the Christian doctrine and administer the sacrament, maintaining their support through our patronage.”

Bula was founded as a civil government on April 3, 1574. “In the same date, month and year, Guido Lavezares placed those
encomiendas under Antonio Granado the natives of the following pueblos, bao, Palebula and bisin gayan, ynguinan which are near the
region (comarca) of Vicor.”

Photo of the Parish Church

of St. Mary Magdalene in 1966. The
edifice replaced the old church
ravaged by fire. The original edifice
(no picture available) was twice
destroyed by fire and typhoon. The
photo (above) was the temporary

Being one of the oldest

towns, Bula is known to have the
oldest church dating back as far as
1578. The town’s first Church of Mary
Madalene was destroyed by fire in
1676. The second, built in 1688, was
destroyed by a typhoon in 1700. The
present structure was completed in
1706 and repaired in 1876 and 1885.

Source: www.androidiluustrated.com

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 4

Accordingly, the town was then a vibrant transit point between the gold rich Paracale and the center for palay somewhere in Libon,
Albay trough the Vicol (Bicol) River.

The Franciscan missionary activities were started by Friars Pablo de Jesus and Bartolome Ruiz. The long stretch of Bicol River was
divided into four major mission districts namely: Quipayo, Naga, Nabua and Libon. The encomiendas under RInconada district were
administered by the mission of Nabua. In this division, Bula fell under Nabua as a visita, which received its initial religious instruction from friar-
missionaries assigned in the mother village. Although the earliest mention of Nabua as a mission base was contained in the report of a
Spanish captain Miguel de Loarca in 1581, Bula was actually created a doctrina about 8 years earlier. The earliest official report on the
major development of mission activities in Bula was made only in 1583 under the auspices of the Franciscan Order.

In 1887, Bula has six (6) barrios, namely: Cantera, Santo Nino, Causip, Balaogan, Banasi and Ombao.

In terms of commerce, trade and industry, Bula has the Feced’s Industrial Estate as indicated in Adolfo Puya’s book dated 1867. The
industrial estate distilled ylang for the production of perfume and operated a sugar factory, which was the most advanced state of
technology in the region by that time. The factory was located in a sprawling estate described by Puya as “the beautiful rustic estate of
the Feced brothers called Causip, and situated between the villages of Pli, Matobato, Bula and Baao.” This industrial estate encompassed
673 hectares of arable, flat, and fertile land supplied with water from the river and several streams. The Feceds also utilized the remaining
space in large scale farming which produced gabi and ube, “which the indios use as food when rice harvest is scarce, onions, pili, that are
used to make sweets and candies” a lot of garlic, some peanuts, various kinds of banana, jackfruits, mangos, atis and others.

Succinct development accounts can be read in the book entitled “Bula, a View of the Past Through the Bamboo Trail.”

Bula is about 25 kilometers south of Naga City and 10 kilometers south of the Provincial Capital of Pili. Bula is one of the oldest
settlements in the area, with its recorded history dating as far back as 1574.

Among the Camarines Sur towns, it occupies one of the largest land area with 16,772 hectares that is divided into 33 barangays.
More than one third of its total land area or 6,990 hectares (MAGO, 2013) is devoted to rice production. That is why Bula is considered as
the “Rice Granary” of the 5th Congressional District of Camarines Sur.

With Bula’s unique topography consisting of plains, mountains, river system and sea coasts, made the soil fertile. Rice is the major
agricultural production followed by the production of corn. With the abundance of bamboo along the Bicol River and other areas, Bula is
considered as the “Bamboo Industry Center in Southern Luzon,” in fact the municipality has been acknowledged as Bamboo Village.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 5

Inter-LGU and Inter-governmental bodies existing

The town of Bula has been a member of the Metro Naga Development Council (MNDC) since its inception in the 1990s. It has been
an active partner in the implementation of GREAT Women Project (GWP). The early phases of operation of the GWP were focused on the
establishment of partnerships with the LGUs and other groups. A series of orientations on the GWP were thus held in Bula and other LGUs in
the middle months of 2007.
When the concept of the establishment of Common Service Facilities (CSFs) was integrated in the GWP plan for Metro Naga, the
town conceptualized its Business Plan for bamboo Common Service Facility (CSF). The GWP thus created a fertile ground for a productive
partnership, not only between the LGU and the GWP, but also with the DTI and other agencies, and the Women Micro Entrepreneurs (WMEs).
It is also a member of the Rinconada Coastal Resource Management Council (RCMDC) with Bato and Balatan. Its main objective is
the protection of the municipal waters of the three Municipalities.
The National Government Agencies existing in the municipality having good working relations for the development of the locality
and its people are the Department of Education (DepEd), Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Department of
Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Commission on Election (COMELEC), Municipal Trial Court
(MTC), Commission on Audit (COA), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Regional Office 5 (BFAR RO5), and Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR).

Other significant local institutional and governance

platforms and programs adopted/innovations

The most significant governance innovation is the involvement of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the various government
processes. The people are more involved in decision making. An ordinance to its effect was enacted.

It is also forcing the involvement of the youth in governance and exposing them through Youth Official Program coupled with the
Scholarship Program, which is intended to be sustained through an enacted Scholarship Ordinance.

With the goal making setting the trajectory of the local government, its people and the entire locality, it started creating long-range
plans in Tourism, Forest Land Use, DRRM, Contingency and Climate Change Adaptation.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 6

Recent recognition and awards obtained from international/
national/regional or private award giving bodies

Although it does not yet attract the attention of award-

giving bodies due to the LGUs lack in personnel to handle
documentation and publication of its good practices, the LGU
is still proud of their accomplishments, which in fact have piloted
a lot of undertakings.

During the concluding rites of the GREAT Women Project,

it was awarded with Women Economic Empowerment (WEE)
Responsive Partner.

Just recently, it was conferred by the Agrarian Reform

Community Project II of the Department of Agrarian Reform
(DAR) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with Triple “A”
Award on Performance Based Grant System. Along with the
citation is a cash grant
amounting to almost

The LGU was also conferred with the Seal of Good Local Governance for 2015. This award symbolizes
integrity and good performance through continuing governance reform and sustained development. It is
a progressive assessment system
adopted by the Department of
the Interior and Local
Government to give distinction
to remarkable local government
performance across several
areas. These areas are financial
administration, disaster
preparedness, social protection,

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 7

peace and order, business friendliness and competitiveness, environmental management and tourism, culture and the arts.

The Seal further aligns its parameters to help meet expectations and contribute in realizing target outcomes relative to local
governance (DILG MC 2017-53).

The cities and municipalities competitiveness index is an annual ranking of Philippine cities and
municipalities. It is focused on the idea of productivity. It attempts to measure how many final products
can be produced using a limited number of inputs. Improving productivity allows firms, cities,
municipalities, and countries to improve their standards of living and thereby give prosperity to its citizens.

For 2016, Bula ranked 98th on its competitiveness based on its overall score on the three main pillars:
economic dynamism, government efficiency, and infrastructure. Specifically, it ranked 148 th in economic
dynamism, 141 in government efficiency, and 88th in infrastructure out of the 490 entries for first and
second class municipalities.

In general, Bula ranked 111 among 1,245 municipalities regardless of classification.

Other awards received by the local government through its various offices are the following:

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 8

B. Demographic Data

This plan made use of various data sources for planning purposes. These are the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Community
Based Monitoring System (CBMS) and the Social Protection Profile and records from the different offices in the municipality.

Total population Figure 1. Population Distribution by Age Group and Sex

2000 vs 2015
As of 2015, PSA data states that Bula has a total population of 69,430,
representing 3.56% of the provincial population and 14.34% of the Rinconada 80 and over
area or District 5. 75 - 79
70 - 74
65 - 69
It can be noted that Bula, like most of municipalities in the Philippines, has 60 - 64
broad based population pyramid or has greater number of younger generation 55 - 59
50 - 54
for both censal years, with drastic tapering in the base or those under 1-year-

Age Group
45 - 49
old. 40 - 44
35 - 39
30 - 34
There is a difference in the median age between the two censal years. 25 - 29
In 2000 data, the median age bracket belongs to ages 15 – 19 years old, while 20 - 24
20 – 24 years old for 2015. This indicates older population of Bula in recent 15 - 19
10 - 14
censal year. Data Source:
5 - 9NSO 2000 and 2010
A slight increase (0.21%) in the 60-64-year-old bracket, while 1.06% Under 1

decrease in 5-9-year-old bracket were observed. These two observations can 5000 3000 1000 1000 3000 5000
be good indicators of successful health programs.
Male Female

Urban and Rural Population Female CY1 Male CY1 Female CY2 Male CY2
The population of the municipality is categorized into two, based on the
urban-rural description. Rural barangays have lower average household size Data Source: NSO/PSA 2000, 2015

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 9

with 4.97 or 5 members per family. On the other hand, urban barangays have 5.39 average household size or approximately 6 members
per family or having an average of 4 children per couple.

The data also presents that Barangay La

Map 1. Population Distribution by Barangay
Purisima has 6.31 average household size or roughly 7
members per family or 5 children per couple.
Comparing the urban and rural household
populations, it can be deduced that there is no great
variance between classifications.

Based on Figure 2, the top 4 most populous

barangays in the municipality are Barangays Palsong
Fabrica, Casugad, and Balaogan.

The top 4 most populous barangays are also

those with greater land area, while least populous
barangays, except Salvacion are mountain barangays
with all-weather road access.

Barangay Salvacion, a Poblacion barangay, is

the smallest in terms of land area among the 33
barangays of the municipality.

The three (3) Poblacion barangays (San Roque,

Salvacion and Sagrada) share the seat of local
government and its adjacent Catholic church.
Barangays San Roque and Sagrada share the biggest
elementary school in the municipality. The Central
Business District (including market and terminal) and
the biggest high school in the municipality are located
in Barangay Sagrada. It is also the location of the
public Catholic cemetery.
Data Source: PSA 2015, MPDO

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 10

Figure 2. Household Population by Urban and Rural Barangay and Average Household Size, CY 2015

6500 8
Population/No. of Households

5000 6

Average Household Size

1500 2
0 0






















Barangay Name
Population Number of Household Average Household Size
Data Source: PSA 2015

Population Composition by Age, Level, Sex, Dependency and Labor Force

Majority of the age groups comprising more than half of the population of the municipality belong to labor force or age 15 and over,
with sex ratio of 140.75. It can also be noted that the smallest age group belongs to the senior citizens or those 65 years old and above.

The data illustrates that there are more Bulaeños within working age, although not all of them are working, still the number is more
than the dependent population. The dependency ratio of 79.77 show that in every 100 working Bulaeño there are 80 dependents. In simpler
terms, every Bulaeño has less than one (1) dependent.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 11

School age population composes 47% of the total Bula population. This bulk required education facilities and health facilities. But,
what is more pressing is the 5,320 tertiary age group that cannot seek educational services or schools within the municipality. This specific
age group access tertiary education in the neighboring municipalities and cities.

Dominance of male population requires gender-specific interventions Map 2. Population density Per Barangay, Year 2015
or services. This data also shows inverse sex ratio of older persons stating that
there are more female senior citizens than that of male. This implicates that
geriatric services need gender-sensitive approaches.

Population Density by Barangay

Looking at Figure 4, barangay population densities cannot readily be

attributed to barangay classification or the urban and rural barangays.
Barangay Salvacion is the only barangay within the 41-51 persons per hectare
bracket. Barangay Sagrada is also alone in the 31 – 41 persons per hectare
bracket. While Bagumbayan and Sto. Domingo fell within 11 – 21 persons per
hectare bracket, the rest of the barangays have 1 – 11 persons per hectare.

However, the population concentration using built-up density tells a

different story. Urban barangays have average built-up density of 73.89 per
hectare, while 117.28 per hectare for rural barangays.

Urban barangays have larger built-up areas compared to rural

barangays, despite having bigger gross areas. This also indicates that urban
barangays have greater number of structures and public facilities groupings.
It is also noted that barangays Bagumbayan, Pawili and Sto. Domingo have
greater concentration or densities compared to other rural barangays, even
Palsong and San Roque, which are both urban barangays.

Data Source: PSA 2015

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 12

This can be an indicator of these barangays’ potentials of becoming nodal growth centers. In fact, Barangay Bagumbayan has
become a favorite option for business locators being the first/adjacent barangay of the Poblacion and has low vulnerability level to
flooding. Sto. Domingo on the other hand is the first Barangay going to the
Map 3. Poverty Incidence Per Barangay, Year 2016
Poblacion, and the stopover point of LIRAG Estate Barangays. While Pawili is
located along the National Highway.

Ethnicity and Religion

Based on CBMS 2012 data, the municipality has 112 members of the
Indigenous People who call themselves Agta. They can be found in 15
barangays of the municipality with greater concentration in Barangay Fabrica.

Majority of Bulaeños are Roman Catholics with 65,184 persons or 95.28%,

followed by Born Again Christians with 1,153 or 1.69% and Iglesia ni Cristo with
1,017 persons or 1.49%. These are the three major affiliations present in the

This data clearly presents that Catholicism is still greatly dominant in the
town, especially that St. Mary Magdalene Parish in Bula is considered as one of
the first mission towns in the Region that dates back in 1578 which is also evident
in the pattern of the town, where the Parish Church is at the center and
surrounded by the government center and the school.

Poverty incidence

According to CBMS data (2012), 66% are below poverty threshold and
53% are below food threshold. Likewise, elementary and secondary
participation are 18.84% and 41.84% respectively. All of these indicators are
Data Source: CBMS 2016
pointing out to the gravity of poverty incidence in the municipality and its margin

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 13

from Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for the achievement of education for all.

Comparing the 2016 and 2012 data, it can be noted that the poverty threshold and food threshold has almost no change in between
survey years. However, significant decline in the incidence of non-enrolment to elementary and secondary schools can be observed as
well as in the unemployment rate. These indicators show great progress in the Education for All Program as well as the employment programs
of both local and national government.

Historical Growth of Population Figure 3. Historical Growth of Population of Bula,

Camarines Sur, Bicol Region and the Philippines for
Figure 6 illustrates the erratic growth rate CY 1960 to 2015
of the population of the municipality in 55 years.
Between 1960 and 1970, there was an increase
of 7,269 people of Bula, equivalent to 2.66%, way 80,000 3.50
higher than national growth rate of 0.09 at same 70,000 3.00
censal years. The increase in population in 2.50
succeeding censal years declined, but still 60,000
growth rates were way higher than that of the 50,000

No. of Population
national level. The greatest decline in population 1.50
growth is manifested in 2000 census with -807 40,000
persons. In 2015, there is only 1,419 increase in 30,000
five (5) years or 0.41% growth rate, as reflected
as 0.39% in PSA Data. 0.00
10,000 -0.50
The highest growth rates were observed
0 -1.00
between 1970 and 1975; and between 2007 and
1960 1970 1975 1977 1980 1990 1995 1998 2000 2007 2010 2015
2010 with more than 3%. However, a negative
growth rate was observed between 1998 and Year
2000 with -0.70.
Looking at the data, significant event Municipal3 Provincial1 Regional1 National1
between years 1998 to 2000 might have
occurred that contributed to this decline. Based
on LCR’s records, there are 601 deaths on this period with average monthly mortality of 16 persons. These death occurrences show no

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 14

significant difference with other years. Hence, the significant decrease in population could be attributed to out-migration. The municipal
data proves contrast in the provincial and regional data that show almost steady growth rate.

Crude Birth Rate and Crude Death Rate for the Past Five Years

Fertility refers to the live births that occur within a population. The production of live birth is connected with many factors like the start
of cohabitation, use of contraception, infant and child mortality and cessation of pregnancy. Fertility varies with the characteristics of the
mother like educational or occupational status and the like (CLUP Guide, Vol.2, 2014).

It is evident that crude birth rate across the five-year period progressively declined from 28.88 in 2011 to 21.94 in 2015. However, the
mid-year population was only calculated based on the birth and death events per year. Migration was not factored-in due to absence of

Table 1. Crude Birth Rate (CBR) and Crude Death Rate (CDR)
The increase in CBR from 2011 to 2014 was
for the Past Five Years/Planning Period (2011-2015)
stable at 0.96 and dropped to 0.86 in 2015. In
terms of death rate, the CDR dipped in 2013 to
0.79%, but increase in 2014 to 1.33%. Still,
% Increase/ % Increase/
accretion of population is still bigger than
Decrease Decrease
Period CBR CDR attrition or decrease in population.
from Previous from Previous
Year Year
2011 28.88 4.46
2012 27.72 0.96 4.74 1.06
Literacy Rate
2013 26.69 0.96 3.74 0.79
2014 25.65 0.96 4.96 1.33
Literacy simply means ability to read and
2015 21.94 0.86 4.97 1.00 write (merriam-webster.com).
Source: LCR Reports

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 15

Table 2. Literacy Rate of Population 10 Years Old and Over, by Sex, Year 2010

Municipal Province
Male Female Both Sex Male Female Both Sex
No. Rate % No. Rate % No. Rate % No. Rate No. Rate No. Rate
% % %
Literate 25,301 98.54 24,240 98.52 49,541 98.53 680,161 98.56 658,588 98.73 1,338,749 98.65
Illiterate 376 1.46 364 1.48 740 1.47 9,906 1.44 8,480 1.27 18,386 1.35
Total (Population 25,677 24,604 50,281 690,067 667,068 1,357,135
Source: NSO 2010

Literacy rate is the percentage of population which have at least completed a year in elementary education to the population
seven years old and over (CLUP Guide, Vol.2, 2014).

Table 13 shows that based on the 2010 NSO data, Bula has 98.53% literacy rate with male sex having a little higher in rate than
women. Illiteracy has 1.47% with almost the same distribution to both sexes.

Comparing the municipal data with that of Provincial data, it is evident that the municipality is slightly lower than the provincial level
with 0.13% difference.

Labor Force

Labor force or the economically active population refers to population 15 years old and above who are either employed or
unemployed. Employed persons refer to those engaged in any of the major occupation. Looking at the data, 95.7 percent of Bul aeños
and Bulaeñas are engaged in major occupation. Only 4.3% are unemployed or do not have gainful occupation.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 16

These employments are grouped into farmers, forestry workers and fishermen; laborers and unskilled workers; physical, mathematical
and engineering science professional; service workers, and shop and market sales workers.

There are also a number of government officials, special interest organizations, corporate executives, managers, managing
proprietors and supervisors; Technical and associate professionals; clerks; Trade and related workers; plant and machine operators and
assemblers; and other special occupations.

The employment rate of the municipality, although cannot be directly compared to that of the province due to the difference in
data source, still show relatively higher than that of the province.

Those not in labor force are those persons who are neither employed nor unemployed. These are full-time students, stay-home
housewives and retirees.

Table 3. Labor Force Population by Sex and Employment Status, Year 2012

Sex City/Municipal Provincial

tion 15 Populatio *Not in
Employ Unemp Employ Unempl
Yrs. % % n 15 Yrs. % % Labor
ed loyed ed oyed
and and Over Force
Male 21,499 20,520 95.4 979 4.6 571,709 409,142 71.6 162,567 28.4 357,173
Female 20,552 19,739 96.0 813 4.0 556,757 139,926 25.1 416,831 74.9 333,060
Both Sexes 42,051 40,259 95.7 1,792 4.3 1,128,466 549,068 48.7 579,398 51.3 690,233
Data Source: CBMS 2012 for Municipal Data; NSO for Provincial Data

Overseas Filipino Workers for the Past Four (4) Years

CBMS data of the municipality show the comparison in the number of Bulaeños and Bulaeñas who are overseas workers. The data
show significant increase of OFWs from 2012 to 2016. It is also clearly presented the big leap in the women or female OFWs with

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 17

846.06% increase from 330 to 3,122 Table 4. Overseas Workers for the Past Four Years (2012 -2016)
persons. Men OFWs also had 69.44
percent increase over 4 years. The
total increase in the OFWs is 3,017 Increase / Decrease in Increase / Decrease in
No. of Overseas Workers
persons or equivalent to 461.39% Year No. Percent
Total M F Total M F Total M F
2012 654 324 330
2016 3,671 549 3,122 3,017 225 2792 461.39 69.44% 846.06%
Source: CBMS 2012 and 2016

Population of 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Educational Attainment

The data on table 16 (below) show that

Table 5. Household Population 5 Years Old and Over
33.61% of 5 years old and above are within
by Highest Educational Attainment, Year 2016
elementary level, while 33.45% has secondary
level as the highest educational attainment. The
Municipal Provincial
data also shows that more than 50.03% of those Highest Educational Attainment Male Female Both Sexes Both Sexes
with secondary level are female, while majority No. % No. % No. % No. %
Pre-School 1,476 51.36 1,398 48.64 2,874 4.33
of elementary level are male with 53.31%. Elementary 11,882 53.31 10,408 46.69 22,290 33.61 283,096 73.53
Primary (Grade 1-3) 3,142 53.43 2,739 46.57 5,881 8.87
Intermediate (Grade 4-6) 8,740 53.26 7,669 46.74 16,409 24.74
It is also evident that majority of those who Secondary 11,086 49.97 11,099 50.03 22,185 33.45 101,906 26.47
took technical/vocational courses are male with Junior High School (Gr. 7-10) 10,436 50.03 10,423 49.97 20,859 31.45
Senior High School (Gr. 11-12) 650 49.02 676 50.98 1,326 2.00
57.45% of the 2.83% of the population. On the Technical/Vocational Course 1,080 57.45 800 42.55 1,880 2.83
other hand, majority of those who have college Voc-Undergraduate 664 59.23 457 40.77 1,121 1.69
Voc-Graduate 416 54.81 343 45.19 759 1.14
courses are female with 53.68%. This composes College 7,867 46.32 9,118 53.68 16,985 25.61
25.61% of the above 5-year-old population. College Undergraduate 6,681 48.12 7,204 51.88 13,885 20.94
College Graduate 1,186 38.26 1,914 61.74 3,100 4.67
Post Academic Degree 55 51.89 51 48.11 106 0.16
Only 0.16% or around 106 persons have TOTAL 33,446 32,874 66,320 385,002
Source: CBMS 2016
post academic degrees, which is dominated by
male segment of the population. It can also be observed that there are 1,326 enrolled senior high school students in the first year of senior
high school implementation. This comprises 2.0% of the above 5 years old population.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 18

In more specific terms, dominant educational attainment of the Bulaeños
Table 6. Projected Population and Households Based
and Bulaeñas are junior high school, intermediate grades and college on 0.39% Growth Rate from 2015 to 2026
undergraduates. It can also be observed that 61.74% of those who are college
graduates are female. This means that female has higher completion rate than Annual Population Growth Rate: 0.39%
that of male. However, cause of this occurrence cannot be identified in the Average HH size: 5.28
absence of a study. Year Population Household*
2015 69,430 13,150
2016 69,701 13,210
Population Projections and Estimates 2017 69,973 13,261
2018 70,246 13,313
The ten-year projection of population for Bula using the PSA annual growth
2019 70,519 13,365
rate for Bula, which is 0.39% gives an increase of 3,037 persons.
2020 70,794 13,417
2021 71,071 13,908
2026 72,467 14.181
Source: NSO/PSA
Table 6a. Projected Population and Households Based on
1.86% Growth Rate from 2015 to 2026
Parallel to its meager increase is an increase of 1,031
households for 11 years. This figure has an uncomfortable low
Annual Population Growth Rate: 1.86% growth. The planning team and the technical working group
Average HH size: 5.28 decided to provide an option using the average growth rate for the
Year Population Household* past 10 censal years equivalent to 1.86% and with the same average
2015 69,430 13,150 household size.
2016 70,721 13,394
2017 72,037 13,643 Using the average GR, there is an expected increase in
2018 73,377 13,897 population of 15,603 in 11 years and 3,491 households’ increase in 10
2019 74,742 14,156 years. This option was presented to ensure that possible difference in
2020 76,132 14,419 the projected population growth will be provided with required
2021 77,548 15,176 services and opportunities.
2026 85,033 16,641

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 19

Population Projection by Barangay

Table 7. Projected Population and Households Based on 1.86% Growth Rate

from 2015 to 2026

Projected Population
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2025
TOTAL 69,430 1 70,721 72,037 73,377 74,742 76,132 77,543 85,033
PALSONG 5,963 0.09 6,074 6,187 6,302 6,419 6,539 6,660 7,303
SAGRADA 1,973 0.03 2,010 2,047 2,085 2,124 2,163 2,204 2,416
SALVACION 1,136 0.02 1,157 1,179 1,201 1,223 1,246 1,269 1,391
SAN ROQUE 2,649 0.04 2,698 2,748 2,800 2,852 2,905 2,959 3,244
Sub-Total 11,721 0.17 11,939 12,161 12,387 12,618 12,852 13,091 14,355
BAGOLADIO 1,570 0.02 1,599 1,629 1,659 1,690 1,722 1,754 1,923
BAGUMBAYAN 2,459 0.04 2,505 2,551 2,599 2,647 2,696 2,747 3,012
BALAOGAN 3,479 0.05 3,544 3,610 3,677 3,745 3,815 3,886 4,261
CAORASAN 1,553 0.02 1,582 1,611 1,641 1,672 1,703 1,735 1,902
CASUGAD 4,028 0.06 4,103 4,179 4,257 4,336 4,417 4,499 4,933
CAUSIP 2,554 0.04 2,602 2,650 2,699 2,749 2,801 2,853 3,128
FABRICA 4,848 0.07 4,938 5,030 5,124 5,219 5,316 5,415 5,937
INOYONAN 1,430 0.02 1,457 1,484 1,511 1,539 1,568 1,597 1,751
ITANGON 1,806 0.03 1,840 1,874 1,909 1,944 1,980 2,017 2,212
KINALABASAHAN 604 0.01 615 627 638 650 662 675 740
LA PURISIMA 1,349 0.02 1,374 1,400 1,426 1,452 1,479 1,507 1,652
LA VICTORIA 1,471 0.02 1,498 1,526 1,555 1,584 1,613 1,643 1,802
LANIPGA 1,665 0.02 1,696 1,728 1,760 1,792 1,826 1,860 2,039
LUBGAN 2,227 0.03 2,268 2,311 2,354 2,397 2,442 2,487 2,727

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 20

Continuation of Table 7.
OMBAO HEIGHTS 1,680 0.02 1,711 1,743 1,775 1,809 1,842 1,876 2,058
OMBAO POLPOG 2,298 0.03 2,341 2,384 2,429 2,474 2,520 2,567 2,814
PANOYPOYAN 2,029 0.03 2,067 2,105 2,144 2,184 2,225 2,266 2,485
PAWILI 2,846 0.04 2,899 2,953 3,008 3,064 3,121 3,179 3,486
SAN AGUSTIN 1,254 0.02 1,277 1,301 1,325 1,350 1,375 1,401 1,536
SAN FRANCISCO 1,153 0.02 1,174 1,196 1,219 1,241 1,264 1,288 1,412
SAN ISIDRO 1,562 0.02 1,591 1,621 1,651 1,681 1,713 1,745 1,913
SAN JOSE 2,540 0.04 2,587 2,635 2,684 2,734 2,785 2,837 3,111
SAN MIGUEL 2,761 0.04 2,812 2,865 2,918 2,972 3,028 3,084 3,381
SAN RAMON 1,880 0.03 1,915 1,951 1,987 2,024 2,061 2,100 2,302
SAN ROQUE HTS 679 0.01 692 704 718 731 745 758 832
STA. ELENA 2,391 0.03 2,435 2,481 2,527 2,574 2,622 2,671 2,928
STO. DOMINGO 1,678 0.02 1,709 1,741 1,773 1,806 1,840 1,874 2,055
STO. NIÑO 1,249 0.02 1,272 1,296 1,320 1,345 1,370 1,395 1,530
TAISAN 666 0.01 678 691 704 717 730 744 816
Sub-Total 57,709 0.83 58,782 59,876 60,989 62,124 63,2793 64,456 70,678

Figure 4a. Population Projections by Barangay (Urban),

Year 2016 to 2026
Population Projection by Age Group

Population projection by age group gave the planning team a 8,000

clear view of what and how much will the local government need to
provide in terms of basic social services such as education, health,
protection and welfare, among others. 4,000

As gleaned on Figure 4a, from among the rural barangays, Fabrica
is projected to have the most number with 5,289 population in 2025 and -
still the least to be of barangay Kinalabasahan with 726 projected PALSONG SAGRADA SALVACION SAN ROQUE
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2026

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 21

Figure 4b. Population Projections by Barangay (Rural), Year 2016 to 2026

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2026

Table 8. Projected School-Age, Labor Force and Dependent Population from 2015 to 2026

Participation Projected Population

Grouping Base year
Rate 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025
Population 69,430 70,721 72,037 73,377 74,742 76,132 83,480
School going population 32,683 0.47 33,291 33,910 34,541 35,183 35,838 39,297
Pre-school 7,043 0.10 7,174 7,307 7,443 7,582 7,723 8,468
Elementary 10,738 0.15 10,938 11,141 11,348 11,559 11,774 12,911
Secondary 9,582 0.14 9,760 9,942 10,127 10,315 10,507 11,521
Tertiary 5,320 0.08 5,419 5,520 5,622 5,727 5,834 6,397
Labor Force 38,978 0.56 39,703 40,441 41,194 41,960 42,740 46,866
Dependent 30,452 0.44 31,018 31,595 32,183 32,782 33,391 36,614
Young (0-14) 26,989 0.39 27,491 28,002 28,523 29,054 29,594 32,451
Old (65 and over) 3,463 0.05 3,527 3,593 3,660 3,728 3,797 4,164
Source: Computed based on PSA 2015

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 22

C. Geographic Location

Bula is bounded in the

north by the Municipalities of
Pili and Ocampo; on the East
by the Municipality of Baao,
on the Southeast by the
Municipality of Nabua; on the
South by the municipality of
Balatan; Southwest by Ragay
Gulf; and on the West by the
Municipality of Minalabac. It
is approximately 25 kilometers
Southwest of Naga City and
located at the geographical
coordinate N13⁰32’24”;
S13⁰20’57”; E123⁰20’58”; and

Its total land area

based on map data provided
by the DENR-LMS is 16,772.24

Watershed/ Sub-watershed

The municipality
belongs to Bicol River Map 4. Geographic Location of the Municipality of Bula
Watershed that drains to San Miguel Bay. in Reference to the Province of Camarines Sur

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 23

Map 5. Watershed Divide Map
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 24
There are 4 identified subwatersheds in the municipality: Pawili- Bicol River Sub Watershed which is 87.99% or 14,758.28 hectares;
Cagay Subwatershed 4.80% or 805.75; Burabod-Itangon Subwatershed, 4.03% or 675.24 hectares and Caorasan Subwatershed with 532.96
hectares or 3.18%.

Pawili-Bicol River Subwatershed is composed of thirty (30) barangays: Lanipga, Pawili, Sto. Domingo, San Isidro, San Agustin, Ombao
Polpog, Ombao Heights, Sto Niño, San Ramon, Sta. Elena, Fabrica, San Jose, Causip, Bagumbayan, San Miguel, San Roque Pob, Salvacion,
Sagrada, Panoypoyan, Casugad, Balaogan, Palsong, Taisan, Kinalabasahan, Lubgan, La Purisima, San Francisco, part of La Victoria, part
of Inoyonan and part of San Roque Heights.

Subwatershed 2 or the Cagay Subwatershed covers part of La Victoria, most part Bagoladio, part of Inoyonan and part of Itangon.
Burabod-Itangon Subwatershed covers most of Barangay Itangon, part of San Roque Heights and part of Caorasan, while Caorasan
Subwatershed covers most of Caorasan and small part of Itangon.

The four (4) identified Subwatersheds were being fed by various tributaries from the upland barangays. The Pawili/ Bicol river
subwatershed is fed by Sibagat Creek (La Victoria to Taisan), Panoypoyan Creek (La Victoria), Cagabasan Creek (Panoypoyan), Bukal
Bayugan (Ombao Hts), and Cacao Spring (Sto Niño).

Caorasan is fed by single creek named Espiritu Creek. Burabod-Itangon serves respective land areas as drain of Mabuaya Creek,
Masuso Creek, and Nabanggihan Creek (boundary with Hamorawon); whole Cagay Subwatershed is fed by unnamed Burabod or spring.

D. Territorial Jurisdiction and Barangay Subdivision

Bula is one of the Municipalities in Camarines Sur. It is part of the fifth (5th) Congressional District known as Rinconada. It is about 25
kilometers south of Naga City and 10 kilometers south of the Provincial Capital of Pili. Bula is one of the oldest settlements in the area, with
its recorded history dating as far back as 1574.

Among the Camarines Sur towns, it occupies one of the largest land area in Rinconada or District 5 with 16,772 hectares that is
divided into 33 barangays. More than one third of its total land area or 6,990 hectares (MAGO, 2013) is devoted to rice production. That is
why Bula is considered as the “Rice Granary” of the 5th Congressional District of Camarines Sur.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 25

Table 9. Barangay Subdivision by Area and Percentage
of Land Area to the Municipality

Barangay Area % Barangay Area % The municipality is abutted by other towns of

Bagoladio 916.19 5.46 Palsong 871.51 5.20 Rinconada in the East, the third district in the North and West
Bagumbayan 157.79 0.94 Panoypoyan 407.60 2.43 and the Ragay Gulf at the South.
Balaogan 423.88 2.53 Pawili 296.92 1.77
From among the barangays, Lanipga has the biggest
Caorasan 615.34 3.67 Sagrada 52.29 0.31
land area with 1,340.45 hectares, while barangay Salvacion
Casugad 870.48 5.19 Salvacion 20.55 0.12
has the smallest land area with only 20.55 hectares.
Causip 465.20 2.77 San Agustin 400.54 2.39
Fabrica 984.13 5.87 San Francisco 686.98 4.10
The government center of the municipality is located
Inoyonan 589.85 2.52 San Jose 472.60 2.82
at the Poblacion area 7.0 kilometers from the Asian Highway
Itangon 601.15 3.58 San Miguel 485.61 2.90
Kinalabasahan 356.37 2.12 San Ramon 389.08 2.32
La Purisima 376.01 2.24 San Roque Pob 327.29 1.95
La Victoria 479.72 2.86 San Roque Hts 250.06 1.49
Lanipga 1,340.45 7.99 Sta Elena 477.63 2.85
Lubgan 774.61 4.62 Sto Domingo 234.96 1.40
Ombao Hts. 452.39 2.70 Sto Niño 483.28 2.88
Ombao Polpog 423.80 2.53 Taisan 668.79 3.99
TOTAL 16,772.24

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 26

Map 6. Administrative Map
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 27
E. Physical Features and Environmental Condition

Resource Map

This section establishes the baseline information of the Local Government Unit of Bula. Resource mapping was conducted in
participatory manner by all stakeholders to visualize where the resources of the municipality are as well as their existing condition. The maps
prepared by the different sectors were also used in identified issues and concerns; socio-economic conditions; and other valuable
information in the communities.

Soil Type

Table 10 presents the different soil types. These are categorized into ten (10) based on the survey conducted by the Bureau of Soils
in 1976 (CLUP 2000). These are Baao Clay, Bigaa Clay, Iriga Clay, Quingua Clay Loam, Minalabac Clay, Maahas Clay, Nabua Clay Loam,
Taculod Clay Loam, Salvacion Clay and San Vicente Clay Loam. There is undifferentiated mountain soil in mostly forest and forest land
(FFL). There are also new classifications such as Quingua Silty Clay Loam, and Faraon Clay. The predominant soil types are Bigaa Clay,
Maahas Clay, Taculod Clay, and Nabua Clay Loam.

The dominant soil type is the undifferentiated mountain soil that covers almost half of the land area of the municipality.

Table 10. Soil Type

Total Area Covered

Barangay Soil Type Suitability % Total
PALSONG Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 225.00 1%
Nabua Clay Loam suitable 340.00 2%
Baao Clay suitable 214.35 1%
Bigaa Clay suitable 153.80 1%
SAGRADA Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 59.77 0%
SALVACION Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 20.09 0%
SAN ROQUE Bigaa Clay suitable 168.88 1%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 77.47 0%

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 28

Continuation of Table 10
Total Area Covered
Barangay Soil Type Suitability % Total
Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 92.37 1%
BAGOLADIO Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 910.94 5%
BAGUMBAYAN Bigaa Clay suitable 16.95 0%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 40.07 0%
Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 98.47 1%
BALAOGAN Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 160.24 1%
Iriga Clay suitable 201.33 1%
Baao Clay suitable 65.04 0%
CAORASAN Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 611.23 4%
CASUGAD Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 75.09 0%
Maahas Clay suitable 321.00 2%
San Vicente Clay Loam suitable 15.97 0%
Nabua Clay Loam suitable 85.24 1%
Bigaa Clay suitable 361.00 2%
CAUSIP Bigaa Clay suitable 371.75 2%
Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 123.75 1%
FABRICA Maahas Clay suitable 576.69 3%
Bigaa Clay suitable 235.71 1%
San Vicente Clay Loam suitable 38.56 0%
Nabua Clay Loam suitable 78.41 0%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 47.31 0%
Salvacion Clay suitable 24.71 0%
INOYONAN Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 579.64 3%
ITANGON Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 569.87 3%
KINALABASAHAN Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 353.03 2%
LA PURISIMA Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 374.19 2%
LA VICTORIA Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 466.49 3%
LANIPGA Faraon Clay suitable 1,246.83 7%
Maahas Clay suitable 86.26 1%

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 29

Continuation of Table 10
Total Area Covered
Barangay Soil Type Suitability % Total
LUBGAN Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 716.60 4%
Maahas Clay suitable 19.69 0%
Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 2.40 0%
Iriga Clay suitable 37.64 0%
OMBAO HEIGHTS Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 440.00 3%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 3.44 0%
OMBAO POLPOG Bigaa Clay suitable 127.20 1%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 300.00 2%
PANOYPOYAN Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 125.00 1%
Bigaa Clay suitable 103.80 1%
Baao Clay suitable 179.43 1%
Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 3.80 0%
PAWILI Creel Terrace Escarpment 42.42 0%
Maahas Clay suitable 160.00 1%
Faraon Clay suitable 74.00 0%
SAN AGUSTIN Bigaa Clay suitable 283.54 2%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 15.00 0%
Minalabac Clay suitable 101.00 1%
SAN FRANCISCO Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 666.02 4%
SAN ISIDRO Bigaa Clay suitable 310.00 2%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 54.56 0%
Minalabac Clay suitable 53.57 0%
SAN JOSE Bigaa Clay suitable 411.46 2%
Nabua Clay Loam suitable 70.00 0%
Creel Terrace Escarpment 40.00 0%
SAN MIGUEL Bigaa Clay suitable 3.53 0%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 297.00 2%
Quingua Silty Clay Loam suitable 92.50 1%
Baao Clay suitable 113.40 1%

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 30

Continuation of Table 10
Total Area Covered
Barangay Soil Type Suitability % Total
SAN RAMON Bigaa Clay suitable 49.00 0%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 223.34 1%
Minalabac Clay 120.00 1%
SAN ROQUE HTS Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 255.76 2%
STA. ELENA Bigaa Clay suitable 412.25 2%
Maahas Clay suitable 35.00 0%
San Vicente Clay Loam suitable 36.00 0%
STO. DOMINGO Bigaa Clay suitable 142.54 1%
STO. NIÑO Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 470.00 3%
Taculod Clay Loam suitable 26.67 0%
TAISAN Undifferentiated Mountain Soil 667.05 4%
TOTAL 16,772.24 100%

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 31

Map 7. Soil Map
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 32
Surface Drainage

The municipality is endowed with all

forms of water bodies. It has two major river
systems: The Bicol River that dissected the
land cutting through Barangays Palsong,
Balaogan, Casugad, Panoypoyan, San
Roque Pob., Ombao Hts. Ombao Polpog
and Sto. Niño; and the Pawili River that cuts
across Barangays Pawili, Fabrica, Sto.
Domingo, San Jose, Causip, Bagumbayan,
Sagrada and San Roque before it joins the
Bicol River at Barangay Panoypoyan and
San Roque.

It also has a number of creeks, where

biggest of them is the Anayan creek at the
north bordering Barangays San Ramon, San
Agustin, San Isidro and Sto. Domingo.

It also has a lake being shared with

the Municipality of Baao that is locally
named as “Ranu.” This lake is called
phantom lake because it is shallow and
being tilled as Riceland during summer
months. Two of its barangays are also
bordered by Ragay Gulf.

Map 8. Surface Drainage Map

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 33


As gleaned in Table RM-2 and the Slope Map, vast area of the municipality or 8,301.80 hectares range from 0-8% slope. These
particular areas are used in rice farming, which is the primary product of the municipality, bestowing it the reputation as the rice granary in
Table 11. Slope
Around 1,792.29 hectares of land has slope ranging from 8 – 18%.
These are found in Barangays Lanipga, Sto. Niño, Ombao Hts., Taisan, Table RM-2. Slope
small portion of Kinalabasahan, Bagoladio, Lubgan, San Franciso and Slope category Area Covered Suitability
portion of Itangon. The barangays with slopes ranging from 18-30% are
0-8 % 8,301.80 urban use
portions of Lanipga, Sto. Niño, Taisan, Ombao Hts, Kinalabasahan,
Bagoladio, Inoyonan and the rest of La Victoria. 8-18 % 1,792.29 urban use
18-30 % 4,889.52 forest use
The barangays that have slopes ranging from 18 to 50% are 30-50 % 1,788.63 forest use
Barangays Caorasan, Itangon, San Roque Hts and portions of San Source: DENR 5 FMS
Francisco, Inoyonan, Bagoladio and La Victoria.

Although technically, these are classified as forest use in its suitability, there are barangays that support urban uses such as Barangays
Palsong, Balaogan, Casugad, portions of Panoypoyan, Lubgan, and La Purisima. Barangays within forest reserve with mixed uses are Taisan,
Kinalabasahan, La Victoria, Bagoladio, Inoyonan, San Francisco, San Roque Hts, Itangon and Caorasan.

Portions of Barangays Kinalabasahan, a Victoria, Bagoladio, Inoyonan, San Francisco, San Roque Hts, Itangon and Caorasan have
slopes ranging from 18 – 50%. These are the tip of the mountain range that traverse the municipality from Albay to Quezon Province and
bordering the land from Ragay Gulf.
Table 12. Land Classification
Land Classification Table RM-3. Land Classification

The land classes in the municipality are divided into two. Land classification Area (ha) % to total area
Alienable and disposable lands have total land area of 14,138.07 A&D 14,138.07 84.44%
hectares or 84.44% of the total land area. Forest/ Timber land has Forest/Timber Land 2,634.17 15.56%
2,657.08 hectares or 15.84%. TOTAL 16,772.24 100.00%
Source: Forest land – DENR 5 FMS; FLUP 2015

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 34

Map 9. Slope Map
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 35
Specifically, there are four (4) forestland areas. The biggest portion, Forestland 1 contains 2,306.24 hectares covering Barangays
Bagoladio, La Victoria, portions of Panoypoyan, Ombao Hts, Sto. Niño, Kinalabasahan, Taisan, Lubgan and Inoyonan. Forestland 2, the
smallest land area is located at Barangay Caorasan containing 0.61 hectares. Forestland 3 is located partly in Caorasan and greater portion
in San Roque Hts. extending to San Francisco. This has land area of 202.02 hectares. Forestland 4 is also located in Caorasan with land area
of 125.31 hectares.

Based on the FLUP of this municipality, Forestlands 2 to 4 are considered as open access and recommended for closure or providing
community based organization to manage the area.

Land Cover

There are two land cover maps provided by the Table 13. land Cover
DENR 5 FMS comparing two evaluation periods, 2004
and 2010. However, data descriptions cannot be
readily compared because the two periods used
different classifications or descriptions.
2004 2010
Total Area Total Area
Based on the presented data, there is a Land Cover
Covered % Total Covered % Total
decrease in the annual crops with 7.08% or equivalent (ha) (ha)
to 942.12 hectares. On the other hand, perennial crops Annual Crop 11,495.09 68.54 10,552.88 61.46%
increased by 1.76% or 295.79 hectares. The most Built-up area 246.91 1.47%
significant is the absence of data for forest plantation, Grassland 133.88 0.80%
broad leaves in 2010 data, which has 1,278.79 Barren land 0.50 0.00%
hectares in 2004. It is also observed that vast area of
Perennial Crop 3,998.36 23.84 4,294.15 25.60%
land was classified as shrubs with 1,481.55 hectares or
Shrubs 1,481.55 8.83%
8.83% of the total land area of the municipality.
Wooded Grassland 62.38 0.37%
Forest Plantation, Broad leaves 1,278.79 7.62
Built-up area was not previously presented in
TOTAL 16,672.24 100.00% 16,672.24 100.00%
the land cover map, but in 2010, it is indicated to be
Source: DENR 5 LMS (2010 Data)
occupying 246.91 hectares or 1.47% of the total land
area. Grassland has 133.88 hectares or 0.8%, wooded grassland has 62.38 or 0.37% and 0.5-hectare barren land.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 36

Map 10. Vegetative Cover Map, 2004
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 37
Map 11. Vegetative Cover Map, 2010
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 38
Fault Line

Table 14. Fault

Based on PHIVOLCS – REDAS user database for Camarines Sur generated
map below, it shows the lines of active fault (2014). The Municipality is being Type of fault Barangay
traversed by active fault lines through barangays San Roque Hts, Caorasan and Legazpi Lineament Caorasan
Itangon. These fault lines were named “Lake Bato Lineament” published by DENR San Roque Hts.
MGB in 2009. Itangon

Map 12 and 12a. Fault Line

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 39


Based on the CLUP 2000 – 2009 of this local government, the only identified minerals are
gypsum and limestone.

Gypsum is a soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, with the chemical
formula CaSO. 4· 2H2O. It is widely mined and is used as a fertilizer, and as the main constituent in
many forms of plaster, blackboard chalk and wallboard (Wikipedia.org). There is an estimated
reserve of 39,150 MT in Barangay Caorasan (MGB5, 2004).

In 2009, two (2) entities signified interest and applied for a mining permit of the said mineral
located in Barangay Caorasan, this municipality. It has a total area of 19.4219 hectares. During the
public hearing, majority of the residents who attended the activity opposed the application within
their area due to foreseen effects to the environment. However, it was noted that there were
activities conducted in the area despite the opposition as evidenced by the photos at the right.

Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of

skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral, forams,
and mollusks. Its major materials are the minerals calcite and
aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium
carbonate (CaCO3).

Other mineral commodity present in the municipality,

specifically in Barangay Caorasan are Guano and Rock
Phosphate. Gunano is accumulated excrement and remains
of birds, bats, and seals, valued as fertilizer. It has an estimated reserve of 82 MT and grade analysis of
8.71% P2O5, 0.59% N, 0.75% K2O.

Rock phosphate is a non-detrital sedimentary rock which contains high amount of phosphate
materials. It has estimated reserve of 25MT and grade analysis of 36.25% P 2O5, 0.29% N, 0.29% K2O.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 40

F. Existing Land Use and Land Use Trends

Other Uses* 0.00

Land Use AREA (in
Sub-Categories % Navigation
Category hectares)
Tourism 3.77 0.02
Forest and Forest Land Residential 131.60 0.55
Protection Forest Reserve - 0.00 Socialized Housing 0.50 0.002
Forest Buffer 62.99 0.27
Commercial 8.61 0.036
NIPAS: Strict Protection 573.01 2.41
Agri/ Agro- 9.65 0.041
Production NIPAS: Multiple Use 1,993.93 8.40 Industrial
Zone Institutional 85.99 0.362
Mining 19.2419 0.01 Parks and 26.65 0.112
Agriculture Recreation
Protection NPAAAD 0.00 Cemetery/ 5.50 0.023
SAFDZ - 0.00 Memorial Park
Production Crops 9,249.90 38.95 Infrastructure 244.95 1.32
Pasture 49.00 0.21 utilities,
Other Uses* Marshland 2.53 0.01 Transportation and
Water Services
Protection Fish Sanctuary 30.00 0.13
Landfill/ Dumpsite 0.50 0.002
Reef Systems 0.0 0.00
Foreshore Land 32.06 0.14
Delta/Estuary 0.84 0.00 Vacant 896.04 3.773
lakes 145.00 0.61 Total 23,746.10 100.00
Mangrove - 0.00
Seagrass beds - 0.00 The municipality as an interior town no significant change
Rivers and Creeks 2,167.16 9.13 in land use. However, there is an observed growth of residential
Rivers and Creeks 1,077.87 4.54 establishments along road networks.
Production Mariculture Parks - 0.00 Still, the greatest area of the municipality (both water and
Aquaculture 3.00 0.01 land) is still devoted to agriculture and agricultural production,
Commercial Fishing - 0.00 pasture and a small marshland in Barangay Fabrica.
Municipal Fishing 6,942.95 29.24

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 41

Map 13. Existing Land Use Map
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 42
There is also a forest reserve proclaimed in the municipality. The existing use of most FFL area is of multiple use with 1,993.93 hectares
or 8.40%. Large portion is being used as production spaces. Two (2) people’s organizations are managing more than 1,000 hectares of
forest land; however more than 50% of the FFL is considered as open access. It is noted that residential areas in the forest zone or the forest
reserve had expanded. Barangay La Victoria, one of the barangays within the forest reserve has established a secondary school . There is
still observed area being protected that accounts for 573.01 hectares, where most of the spring sources identified in the municipality are

In terms of coastal resource, the mangrove areas were totally denuded and occupied by settlers. In the municipal waters, the Fish
Sanctuary and Marine Reserve was also treated as production zone instead of protection zone.

Vast idle lands are also noted with 896.04 hectares or 3.77%; residential areas account for 131.60 hectares or 0.55%; infrastructure
utilities used up 24495 hectares or 1.03%; institutional area occupied 85.99 hectares or 0.36%; commercial spaces have 8.61 hectares or a
minimal 0.04%; and agro-industrial areas, where mostly are rice mills and poultry have 9.65 hectares or 0.04%.

The municipality takes the rapid economic growth in Pili as an opportunity of development anticipating its spill over to the neighboring
municipality such as Bula, specifically at Barangays Pawili, Fabrica, Lanipga and Sta. Elena. These barangays are along the Maharlika
Highway or Asian Highway 26.

Existing Uses of Coastal and Marine Areas/ Environmental Condition

The two coastal barangays have a total of 10.206 kilometers coastline: 4.736 kilometers for Caorasan and 5.830 for Itangon. T hese
coastlines are being shared by 116 fisherfolk or a fishing pressure of 12 fisherfolks per km of coastline. The municipal water has a total area
of 6,92.95 hectares adjacent at the South by the municipal waters of Balatan and at the North by Minalabac. It has a 30-hectare Fish
Sanctuary and Marine Reserve established in 2005, however, present assessment states poor to good condition of the coral reef and poor
condition in terms of fish population.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 43

There is also significant decline in fish catch from 1950 to 2017 data.
From a 100 kg per fisherfolk using non-motorized banca and scoop net to 40
kg per fisherfolk using bigger nets and motorized banca. These conditions are
attributed to overfishing by having too many fishers over the area; illegal
fishing using damaging gears and obnoxious substances; entry of commercial
fishers; damage to fish habitats; and poor waste management.

The foreshore and/or legal easements are occupied by informal

settlers. Mangrove forests were cut and the area were used to erect pig pens,
chicken coops and other uses. These activities contributed to the siltation and
presence of solid wastes in the coral reefs.

The two major river systems in the municipality: Pawili and Bicol Rivers
are categorized as class C, while the lake is considered as heavily silted, poor
dissolved oxygen content, shallow and high water temperature. This
condition of the lake is considered as unfit for aquaculture. This situation is
attributed to the distinct characteristic of the lake, which is shallow and being
tilled as ricelands during summer. It was also noted that the lake was
cadastrated, thereby making it hard to the local government and other
agencies to regulate the activities in the lake.

In terms of infrastructure facilities, the municipality has a wide gap in

road network, particularly leading to the communities in the forest area and
the coastal areas. The existing unpaved roads pose difficulties to commuters
of the affected barangays during rainy season where the clayish soil turns
soggy and slippery.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 44

Review of Existing CLUP
Table 16. Results of Review of Existing CLUP
The current CLUP of the Municipality covering planning
period 2000 – 2009 was reviewed. Its vision was previously No. of
revisited during the conduct of Comprehensive Development Planning Area Indicators Interpretation
Planning in 2013 and again revisited last September 1 and 2, (PPA)
2016. The Planning Team, Technical Working Group and other 1 Housing Sub-sector 5 1.60 Very Poor
stakeholders opted to retain the vision with minimal change of 2 Water Works 8 3.00 Fair
indicating the name of the municipality in the beginning of the 3 Tourism 5 1.75 Very Poor
statement, thus presented and approves as follows: 4 Local Administration 19 2.90 Fair
5 Sports Development 8 2.47 Poor
Bula, the Bamboo Industry Center in Southern Luzon, a 6 Power 6 2.20 Poor
showcase municipality in agriculture and an ecotourism 7 Education 13 3.15 Fair
destination in the province with God loving, empowered 8 Health 15 3.60 Above Average
sand disaster resilient citizenry; enjoying globally 9 Social Welfare 13 3.50 Above Average
competitive economy in an ecologically balanced, 10 Agriculture 14 2.60 Fair
adequate, and functional environment; guided by 11 Forestry 6 2.50 Poor
dynamic and committed leadership. 12 Protective Services 9 2.30 Poor
13 Communication 9 1.07 Very Poor
In terms of goals, objectives, outcomes, 14 Industry 8 1.78 Poor
accomplishments and milestones, the entire planning team 15 Commerce and 7 1.14 Very Poor
evaluated the CLUP. It was found out that the CLUP
implementation fared “poor” with average rating of 2.57.
16 Mobility and 28 2.96 Fair
Out of the 16 planning areas, only Health and Social
Average 2.57 POOR
Welfare gained “above average” ratings. Legend: excellent 4.21 5.00
above average 3.41 4.20
On the other hand, housing, tourism, communication fair 2.61 3.40
and commerce and trade were rated very poor for having poor 1.81 2.60
very poor 1.00 1.80
obtained less than 1.75 numerical rating from among the 5
sectors’ evaluation.

The rest of the planning areas were rated “poor” and “fair.”

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 45

The planning team and various stakeholders articulated that economic growth in the Poblacion is somewhat felt due to increasing
number of vehicles plying the provincial road. It was also noticed that delivery trucks and hauling trucks along Sagrada section cause
traffic, especially during rush hours. These occurrences prove the increasing number of business establishments along the area.

It was also discussed that the existing state of the road leading to the municipality contributed to the slow economic growth aside
from its being an interior municipality. Moreover, the high vulnerability of the Poblacion area to flooding that happen almost every year
proved a great challenge to existing local enterprises and a reason for possible investors to shun away.

G. Infrastructure Facilities and Utilities

1. Transportation/ Road Network

Bula is connected to the rest of Camarines Sur by the Asian Highway that barangays Pawili, Fabrica, Lanipga and Sta Elena. It is also
traversed by major secondary road or so-called alternate route from Minalabac going to Nabua. A provincial road from Pawili, Pili connects
the municipality to Pili and the Asian Highway. The residents are being served by 54 public utility jeepneys with P30.00 fare from Bula proper
to Naga City, P15.00 to Pili and P50.00 going to Nabua.

Mobility within the municipality is via 323 tricycles with P7.00 base fare. There are also 54 public utility jeepneys serving commuters
going to Naga City; 5 jeepneys going to Nabua; 5 jeepneys going to Taisan and 5 going to Inoyonan. There are only two trips going to
Taisan and Inoyonan with fare of P40.00. Habal-habal or motorcycles supplement the absence of regular transport to the rest of the
barangays in the municipality with fares ranging from P50.00 to P200.00.

A total of 267.19 kilometers of road serve the 33 barangays of the municipality, where, 78.23% or 209.08 kilometers are barangay
roads; 4.299 kilometers of 1.609% municipal road; 35.43 kilometers or 13.26% provincial road; and 18.45 kilometers or 6.90% is national road.
More than 127 km of which is gravel surface or 47.84%, 38.87% or 103.85 kilometers is concrete, 10.81 km or 4.05 is earth and 6.81 km or 1.01%
asphalt surface.

The nearest airport is 15 kilometers away located at Pili, Camarines Sur, and is accessible by land through the Provincial Road and
Asian Highway. The nearest fish port is at Balatan, Camarines Sur, which is 29 kilometers away via alternate route (San Fernando By-Pass
Road) and the nearest seaport at the municipality of Pasacao, which is 54 kilometers away from the town and 64 kilometers by Asian

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 46

Map 14. Road Network Circulation Map
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 47
2. Social Services Facilities/ utilities/ amenities

Health Facilities

Bula has two (2) rural health units, RHU 1 is located within the municipal hall compound at Barangay Salvacion, while RHU II is located
at barangay Balaogan. It has Department of Health (DOH) accredited birthing, newborn and TB DOTS facilities. These facilities are
augmented by 14 Barangay Health Stations and seven (7) private clinics.

Public health services are being provided by 2 medical doctors, 2 nurses, 8 midwives, 2 sanitary inspectors and 1 medical
technologist. The present nurse deployment program of the DOH greatly augments the workforce of the sector as well as the job order
nurses and midwives. To date, all of the barangays are fielded with health workers to provide health services in a daily manner. These
barangay-assigned health professionals ware being assisted by 204 Barangay Health Workers (BHW) and 40 Barangay Nutrition Scholars

There are two (2) ambulances in the municipality where one of which is officially stationed at Rural Health Unit 1, while the other one
serves as rescue vehicle of the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO). These two offices closely work
together in terms of transporting patients and responding to distress calls.

Rural Health Unit 1 at Barangay Salvacion Rural Health Unit 2 at Barangay Balaogan

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 48

Sanitation Facilities

Cemetery. The municipality has a total of 5.5

hectares of cemetery composed of six (6) areas,
where four (4) are considered as public and 2 are
privately run. The biggest among these cemeteries is
the Bula Catholic Cemetery at Barangay Sagrada
with an area of 1.95 hectares, however, this is highly
vulnerable to flooding, aside from being located in
the commercial zone of the Poblacion. The three
other public cemeteries are located at Barangays
Palsong, Sto. Niño and Itangon. Itangon Cemetery is
within the forest zone. The two private cemeteries are
located at Barangays Panoypoyan and Palsong.

Sanitary Toilet. In terms of sanitary toilet

facilities, 10,230 out of 13,252 households have sanitary
toilet facilities. These are categorized into own flush
with 3,592 or 35.11%; shared flush with 1,788 or 17.48%;
own depository with 4,010 or 39.2%; and shared
depository with 840 or 8.21%. On the other hand, 3.022
households do not have sanitary toilets. These are
categorized into closed pit with 1,682 or 55.66% of
those without sanitary toilet; 147 or 4.86%, drop or
overhang with 16 or 0.05%; and open field with 1,177
or 38.95%.

Barangay Fabrica has the highest number of

HH without sanitary toilet with 415 followed by
Barangay San Jose with 190 HH, Sta Elena with 183 HH. Map 15. Sanitary Toilet Facility Map
These top barangays border the Bula-Baao lake and
has high to very high level of vulnerability to flooding as
well as the coastal barangays. Assumptions state that excreta of these areas go directly to the adjacent water bodies.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 49

Solid Waste. To date, the existing
controlled 0.5-hectare dumpsite at Barangay
Bagoladio is undergoing closure. The Municipal
Environment and Natural Resource Officer-
designate and the Solid Waste Management
Board established a temporary Residual
Containment Area (RCA) at the old Material
Recovery Facility (MRF) while the local
government is working on establishing the
sanitary landfill (SLF) or the final disposal facility.

There are fifteen (15) person working on

solid waste management headed by the
MENRO designate, a supervisor of the waste
collection team and 13 job order personnel
who collect the garbage and manage the
disposal site. The existing practice is still mixed
waste collection and only 10% of the wastes
are being sold to junkshops (recyclables) and
composted at respective backyards

Based on the conducted waste

assessment and characterization in 2015, 65.73% Map 16. Solid Waste Management System Map
of the generated waste are biodegradable,
9.94% recyclable, 0.58% special and 23.75% residual.

The SWMB presented and defended its Solid Waste Management Plan before the National Solid Waste Management Board of the
Environmental Management Bureau and was conditionally approved pending update on the establishment of Sanitary landfill and status
of loan agreement with the Municipal Development Fund Office (MDFO) of the Department of Finance.

Hand-in-hand with the preparation and negotiations for the SLF, the MENRO and the SWMB is starting to implement the plan and
establish the required system.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 50

For the waste water or sewerage system, the local government had formulated a drainage master plan, which is being implemented
by phase according to the funds mustered by the LGU. However, there is no waste water treatment facility in place yet.


There are thirty-four (34) public and three (3) private sectarian
elementary schools and ten (10) secondary schools in the municipality.
However, there are no tertiary schools in the area, which is a long-standing
clamor of the communities.

Twenty (20) of the elementary schools are being used as evacuation

center during typhoons and flooding occurrence, while five (5) from
secondary schools. The biggest evacuation center among these schools is
the Bula National High School. Bula Central School is very highly vulnerable
to flood hazard, while Macalinao ES, San Jose ES and Ombao Polpog ES
are highly vulnerable to flooding. In terms of landslide, Kinalabasahan ES
and Salles ES as considered as very highly vulnerable and received a
recommendation from Mines and Geosciences Bureau for relocation.

For the past 5 school years (2011 -2016), it was observed that the
enrolment among preparatory level fluctuated. There was an observed
increase of 14% between SY 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. However, SY 2013-
2014 decreased by 3% and 12% decrease for SY 2014-2015. SY 2015-2016
achieved 11% increase. For elementary level, the first 3 school years (2011 Map 17. Education Facilities Map
– 2014) recorded a steady increase from 10% to 27%. However, SY 2014-
2015 showed 28% decrease in enrolment and 1% decrease in 2015-2016.

On the other hand, secondary level maintained an increasing trend that started from 4% in SY 2012-2013, 6% on SY 2014-2015 and
10% in SY 2015-2016. For alternative learning system (ALS), The increases in enrolment between school years are significant with 18.85% in SY
2012-2013, 29.66% in SY 2013-2014, 84.08% in SY 2014-2015, and 134.7% in SY 2015-2016.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 51


NSO 2010 data for the municipality showed that there are 12,855 households in Bula with 11,449 housing units and 11,373 of which
are occupied, with 76 vacant housing units. CBMS data show that there are 432 doubled-up households, 8,689 unacceptable housing units
and 438 makeshift/ salvaged/ improvised households. More than 6,000 of these housing units were destroyed by TY Nina in December 25,

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 52

Social Welfare Services

The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office of LGU Bula is being run by three (3) permanent personnel and three (3) job
order personnel headed by the Municipal Social Welfare Officer. This office provides services to various sectors in the community. It manages
62 Day Care Centers (DCC) with 61 staff that provide day care services and feeding program to 1,669 day care children (MSWDO, 2016).
The DCC are rated poor to fair.

The office directly supervises the KALAHI CIDSS-NCDDP in the municipality and is implementing a number of infrastructure projects to
support barangay development.

Protective Services

The Bula Municipal Police Station is located at Barangay San Roque Pob. in a 407 square meter lot, with 25 personnel thereby making
a 1: 3,105 police to population ratio. It has 4 vehicles being used in its operations. Community Police Assistance Centers are being
strategically located at the side of St. Mary Magdalene Parish and along National Highway at Pawili area.

The Bureau of Fire Protection Office of Bula is located within the same compound of the MPS. It has 10 fire fighters. The office recorded
19 fire incidents in 2015 and 8 in 2016, with Barangay Lanipga with the most number of incidents caused by cigarette butts.

Barangay Tanods of the 33 barangays serve as force multipliers of the municipal police. There is also a military camp in Barangay

Incidence of index crimes decreased from 107 in 2015 to 60 in 2016, while non-index crimes increased from 268 in 2015 to 276 in 2016.
Crime volume decreased from 375 to 336.

In terms of vehicular accidents, 88 incidents were recorded in 2016, which happened along Barangays Pawili, Sagrada, Casugad
and San Roque Pob.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 53

Sports and Recreation

Sports facilities and spaces in the municipality are mostly basketball courts. It has a total of 45 basketball courts. There is a municipal
covered court that serves as a venue of various events. Schools have their respective open spaces for sports and other outdoor activities.

Tan-Awan Park also serve as open space for rest and recreation with limited activities. As a religious site, the Park only allow certain
activities. Although there is a plan to expand the area and provide additional facilities for recreation and learning purposes.

One of the emerging sports facility of the municipality is its mountain bike trail, which is being frequented by local cyclists. The route
starts from the Municipal Hall going to Barangay San Roque Pob – Panoypoyan - Ombao Hts - Sto. Niño – Taisan – Kinalabasahan – La
Victoria – Bagoladio back to Panoypoyan – San Roque Pob and Municipal Hall. Those who are looking for epic rides, they include the
Circumferential road of Municipal Hall – Sagrada – Causip – Sto. Domingo – San Isidro – San Agustin – San Ramon – Ombao Polpog – San
Roque Pob and linking to the first route. The third route can still be added from junction La Victoria and Bagoladio going to Inoyonan –

There is also a cockpit arena for sabong or cockfighting enthusiasts located at Barangay San Roque Pob. The facility holds events
every Sunday.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 54

3. Agriculture and Agri-Industry Facilities

Agriculture. Bula has been dubbed as the Rice Granary of Rinconada because of its vast Riceland fed by Bicol and Pawili River and
because of its high yield, where farmers of the municipality had been awarded nationally as highest yield farmers by the Department of

According to the records of the Municipal Agriculture Office (MAgO) it has 6,174.16 hectares of Riceland in almost all of the
barangays, except Barangay Salvacion. Barangay Casugad has the biggest Riceland with 761.63 hectares or 12.36% of the entire rice land.
The annual production volume of the entire area reaches up to 26,268.34 metric tons or with farm gate value of P446,562,184.60. These vast
area is being cultivated by 3,485 farmers and 1.263 tenants. The set-back of these fertile lands is the high vulnerability to flooding that occur
almost every after two years.

Corn production in 529 hectares contributes P25,987,755.00 annually to the local economy. The farming technology adopted by 459
farmers is still traditional. The local government through the Municipal Agriculture Office organized these corn farmers to help them access
services of the national government agency and other funding facilities. The organization was awarded with corn Sheller and other
machineries to help them in their production activities.

Other crops produced by the municipality are cassava with 9.8 hectares, vegetable with 125 hectares, pili with 48.34 hectares,
mango with 52.13 hectares, root crops with 213.11 hectares, bamboo with 377.67 hectares, cacao with 58.8 hectares, coffee with 49.25
hectares and banana with 127 hectares. These crops are dispersed among the 33 barangays.

For livestock, all of the large ruminants are raised at backyard level. Most of the carabaos are used as farm help. As of 201 6, there
are 1,523 heads of carabao, with Lubgan and Bagoladio as the Barangays with most number of the large ruminant. There are also 794
cattle, with most number in Lubgan. Other livestock being raised are goats and poultry.

As previously presented, the municipality is endowed with almost all kinds of water bodies. It has lake, rivers and streams, waterfalls
and sea. Marine fishing grounds provided 7,210 kg of fish in 2013, while inland waters including fishponds produce 27.575 metric tons in a
year contributing P3,549,741.25 in local economy. However, there are no support facilities provided for this sector, except the conduct of
annual fingerling dispersal at fresh water bodies. After TY Nina, 30 fisherfolks in Barangays Itangon and Caorasan were awarded with
motorized banca through the Angat-Buhay program of Vice President Leni Robredo. The bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources also
provided materials to rehabilitate their boats and fishing gears.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 55

Water Irrigation Systems provided by the National Irrigation Administration, Department of Agriculture and LGU Bula are being
managed by eight (8) Farmers and Irrigators Association, namely: San Agustin – San Ramon Farmers’ Cooperative, Lirag Agrarian Reform
Farmer Beneficiaries Cooperative, Bula Farmers and Irrigation Management Cooperative, Pecuaria Development Cooperative Inc.,
Ombao Polpog Irrigators Association, Cabangal, La Purisima and RIDA at barangay Fabrica.

Small farm irrigation systems for vegetable production areas were provided by DA and the LGU Bula to 20 production areas. Four of
which were also provided with green houses and rain shelters.

A total of 2,054.06 hectares is covered by Agrarian Reform with 1646 beneficiaries.

Forest. There are two people’s organization awarded with Community Based Forest Management Agreement. These are the La
Victoria-Bagoladio- Panoypoyan Upland Farmers Association, Inc. (LVBPUFAI) with 1,519 hectares and Samahang Organisasyong pang
Kalikasan (SOK) managing 540 hectares.

As of 2015, LVBPUFAI reforested a total area of 538 hectares, while 149 hectares for SOK. Its major uses are water production, food
production and production of wood and non-wood materials:

Water Production – FFL where most springs and water sources originate

Food production – FFL, marine waters and Pawili-Bicol River subwatershed

 2,544 has planted with coconut
 255 hectares rootcrops
 500 hectare coffee and fruit trees
 184 hectares of banana
 Sporadic vegetable production areas

Production of wood and non-wood raw materials

 anahaw,
 abaca,
 karagumoy, and
 other minor forest product
 bamboo

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 56

4. Power, Water, Communication Network

Power. Almost all of the barangays in the municipality are being served by CASURECO III, except Barangay San Roque Hts. The local
government had been working on the project, which is expected to be implemented early this year. The percentage of households served
increased by 0.2% from 82.63% in 2014 to 84.63% in 2015. The barangays with more than 100 households unserved with electricity are
Barangays San Roque Hts., Itangon, Lubgan, Palsong, Fabrica, Bagoladio and San Miguel.

Looking at the data of the service provider, CASURECO III, residential consumers has the most number of connections with 1.097.6%
of the connections for the past three years. Commercial consumers slightly increased from 1.0% in 2013 and 2014 to 1.1% in 2015, while
industrial consumers maintained the 0.3% share in connections for the past three years. On the other hand, institutional consumers
decreased from 1.0% in 2013 and 2014 to 0.9% in 2015.

The main transmission/ distribution line is owned by National Grid Corporation that occupies 0.18 hectares traversing along Barangays
Sta Elena, Fabrica and Pawiili. A power sub-station is located at Barangay Fabrica occupying 0.03 hectares.

Water. Water is a basic need and now viewed as a human right, particularly a women’s right. The women sector has the most need
for water from performing household chores and in personal hygiene. There is an existing level III utility provider operated by the local
government, the Bula Municipal Waterworks System (BMWS) serving 12 barangays and 1,612 households. Other barangays are provided by
Level II water systems. However, these systems only serve 27.4% of the households. Around 51.34% of households rely on shallow well, 10.36%
rely on deep well, while 9.09% get their water supply from nearby undeveloped spring wells, water peddlers and open dug wells.

To date, there are 10 springs tapped for level II water systems at Barangays Sto. Niño, Lubgan La Victoria, Kinalabasahan, Taisan,
Itangon, Caorasan, Ombao Hts, Bagoladio and La Purisima. All of these sources were rated fair. However, Sto Niño spring’s yield dipped
during 2016 dry months. Upon evaluation, it was found out that the spring source was affected by the installed free-flowing pipes in the
Barangay. Regulations on free-flowing pipes was submitted to Sangguniang Bayan for issuance of appropriate policy. These level II water
systems serve a total of 1,228 households.

The existing water and sanitation program of the local government in partnership with national government agencies has improved
the overall conditions of the municipality in terms of potable water supply.

The existing surface water resources are lake, rivers, creeks, spring and falls. From among these sources, Nalalata Falls, Lubgan-
Balaogan Creek, Buluang Creek, and Gabas Creek are considered as Class B or recreational water class for primary contact recreation.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 57

Bula Lake, all other rivers and creeks are categorized as Class C or for fishery water for the propagation and growth of fish and other aquatic
resources. These surface waters can also be used for recreational activities such as boating.

These water sources are continually at risk of pollution due to poor waste management.

Information and Communications Technology. Communication service facilities present in the municipality are Bayantel, a telephone
service provider located at Barangay Salvacion; cell sites of Bayantel at Barangay Salvacion, Globe at Barangays Sagrada and Lanipga
and SMART at Barangay San Roque Pob.; and a cable network service provider with office at Barangay Sagrada. From among these
facilities, the cell sites at Barangays Sagrada and San Roque Pob. are highly vulnerable to flooding.

For print media, the local government tried to maintain a publication named “Bulalakaw” as a reportorial medium of the LGU to the
people. Schools, both elementary and secondary have their own school papers. However, there are no formal media outfits operating in
the locality.

5. Waste Management

The LGU has recently presented and defended its 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan, which was subsequently approved by the
National Solid Waste Management Resource Board (NSWMRB). The plan is directed to institute an effective and sustainable solid waste
management plan with primary emphasis on implementation of all feasible re-use, recycling and composting programs. This is also in
pursuance to Section 17 (b)(2)(vi) of RA 7160 or the Local Government Code where municipalities are directed to put-up solid waste disposal
system or environmental management system and services or facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation.

Derived from the approved vision of the municipality, the solid waste management envisions:

“Bula, a safe community that protects the general welfare, public health and the environment through effective
and dynamic Solid Waste Management System”

The Issues in the municipality pertaining to solid waste are the following:

1. Observed proliferation of plastic wastes anywhere (especially packaging materials);

2. Solid wastes are discarded together (un-segregated);

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 58

3. Schools and other institutions were encouraged to segregate, however, collection are still non-segregated or mixed
since there are only two (2) collecting vehicles (compactor and dump truck) serving the barangays;
4. Rampant practice of burning of farm residues;
5. More than half of the sanitary composites are wastes generated by women and children;
6. Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment (PCRA) result shows that solid wastes end-up in the coralline of the
7. The LGU has existing controlled dumpsite; and
8. Most barangays do not have established solid waste management system.

The general objective of this plan is to reduce and control the projected solid waste for disposal in the next ten years. Specifically,
this plan intends to:

1. Reduce waste generation at sources;

2. Change waste generators’ lifestyle and practices;
3. Discarded materials will become resources for others to use; and
4. Reduce discharges directly to land, water and air.

The scope of the plan includes the following:

1. Conduct of massive information drives in multi-media platform;

2. Establishment of essential facilities;
3. Establishment and operation of sturdy and sustainable system that include equipage;
4. Establishment of linkages with other agencies and stakeholders; and
5. Establishment of rewards and incentives system for sustainability.

Seventeen (17) years after the enactment of RA 9003, and 15 years after the effectivity of its IRR (DAO 2001-34), the Municipality of
Bula has still a lot to do in terms of compliance.

Institutional Arrangements

Currently, the office of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources (MENRO) was established under the office of the Municipal
Agriculture (MAgO). An Agricultural Technologist was designated as the Municipal Environmental and Natural Resources Officer (MENRO)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 59

who takes charge of the information dissemination campaigns and preparation and implementation of various activities indicated in this
Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP).

However, the solid waste collection is still under the Sanitary Services of the Municipal Mayor’s Office (MMO) and being handled by
the designated General Services Officer (GSO). A supervisor of the Solid Waste Management Team (Waste Collectors) is designated for the
supervision and scheduling of the collection of solid waste. Disposal as practiced was at the controlled dumpsite with three (3) pits. The first
two pits were already filled and covered with vegetation. However, these are now undergoing closure and rehabilitation. The remaining
pit (hind pit) was still being utilized in dumping wastes until such time that the temporary residual containment area is established. This
particular arrangement was requested by the local government while it is negotiating the establishment of a sanitary landfill. Until such time
and until the households are religiously complying with the segregation of wastes, the TRCA will cease to exist.

Recycling of wastes are left to women groups or organizations in the barangay that serve as their livelihood activities. There is no
commercial scale recycling activity in the municipality.

Inventory of Equipment and Staff

There are two (2) dump trucks with 4MT capacity and 1 compactor with 3MT capacity being used to collect garbage from service
area. Other equipment being used in the maintenance of the disposal site are 1 unit bulldozer, 1 unit loader and 3 units wheelbarrows. All
of these are functional.

Location for Repairs. There is an existing Municipal Motor Pool, where all manageable repairs of the available skills are being
conducted. It is located at P.N. Parro St., Barangay Salvacion (Poblacion Area). It is approximately 800 meters away from the Municipal Hall
Compound. However, works or repairs beyond the available skills is being sourced out from Naga City.

Solid Waste Management Team. Under the Office of the Municipal Mayor, the 18-member Solid Waste Management Team is in-
charge of collection and disposal of solid waste from 12 identified barangays, Public Market, Municipal Compound and Municipal Health
Center. The Team is being managed by the detailed Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer, being assisted by Mr. Nelson
Ballebar who is responsible in managing the detailed personnel.

The Team is composed of garbage collectors, street sweepers, market cleaners, and detailed drivers. No positions are plantilla in
nature, thus all personnel hold concurrent positions. In terms of solid waste related training, only the consultant, MENRO designate and
technical assistants were able to undergo a number of trainings. The Team supervisor and the rest were not subjected to capacity
development except orientation from the MENRO and technical assistants. However, the position of MENRO was created in the current

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 60

year and will be filled-out before the year ends in order to provide some personnel who will be in-charge of implementing the plan and
cascading it to the barangays and other stakeholders.

Municipal Ecological Solid Waste Management Board. The Sangguniang Bayan of Bula issued Ordinance No. 2011-11-010 entitled
“An Ordinance Providing for an Ecological Solid Waste Management Program, Creating the Necessary Institutional Mechanisms and
Incentives, declaring Certain Acts Prohibited and Providing Penalties, Appropriating Funds Thereof, and for other purposes.”

As an effect, the Local Chief Executive issued an executive order creating the Solid Waste Management Board (SWMB). The Board
is composed of the Municipal Mayor as the Chairperson, the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) as the Vice-
Chairperson, and the members are the SB Chairperson for the Committee on Health and Committee on Environment, the ABC President,
Municipal Health Officer, Municipal Agricultural Officer and the Bula PNP Chief. The Board is being assisted by Technical Working Group as
constituted by the Municipal Mayor.

Source Reduction

Currently, the management uses Information Education Campaign (IEC) to reduce waste generation; to educate the people how
to productively engage in efficient recycling, reusing and composting; and practice of organic farming. These include farmers’ meetings
and trainings, school intervention or fora, and conduct of a “Light A Tree Contest” and “Pasko sa Barangay” during Christmas Season.

The following are some of the observed practices:

1. Farmer’s Classes on selected barangays in which discussion includes lectures on Solid Waste Management.
2. Public Consultations through Barangay Assemblies and meetings at Public Market
3. Distribution of flyers and reading materials showing waste characterization and waste reduction.
4. Punong Barangays are being encouraged to create and institutionalize their respective solid waste management
committees during the Local Development Council Meetings.
5. The Municipal Agriculture Office conducts livelihood trainings on using materials for disposal as resources such as coconut
and corn husk handicraft making; plastic reusable bags; rags making; and the like.
6. Segregation bins were required in the public market and government offices and schools.
7. Barangays were required to put-up their respective material recovery facilities.

Collection. To date, the collection is still mixed. It is an acknowledged issue among partner agencies and entities such as schools
and the municipal hall itself that they are practicing segregation. However, during collection, the garbage collectors toss the contents of

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 61

segregation bins in common vehicle. The LGU acknowledges its challenges and limitations in terms of establishing a system due to several
factors. However, the advent of this solid waste management plan indicates the LGU is ready to firm-up its organization and establish a
viable and sustainable system.

Storage System. The most common waste storage bin used by households are plastic “sando” bags. Some use sacks, others use any
type of container. It is still common that wastes are still unsegregated or mixed in a single container. The Municipality of Bula has a fleet of
two (2) open dump trucks and one (1) compactor used in garbage collection with a total maximum capacity of 12 cubic meter. The
average capacity per truck is 6 cubic meter or 300 - 500 kg. The trucks are maintained in a motor pool located at P.N. Parro St., Salvacion,
Bula, Camarines Sur.

From the collection routes, the collected garbage is transported to the controlled dumpsite at Barangay Bagoladio, Bula, Cam. Sur,
which at present is undergoing closure. The two trucks and one compactor are in good condition, each making up two to three (3) trips
daily. In a week, the team conducts a minimum of two (2) trips of collection within Poblacion Area (Sagrada, Salvacion, San Roque, Public
Market, Municipal Compound and Municipal Health Center) depending on the volume of waste, and at least once a week for barangays
outside Poblacion. Because of the current storage system, the type of collection is still non-segregated. Some of the Rural Barangays are
still not provided with collection service due to unavailability of collection equipment or trucks. Also, the distance and geographic location
are factors to consider.

Other rural barangays, including the two (2) coastal barangays are not provided with collection services due to distance and type
of terrain. Instead, they resort to burning and backyard composting as their mode of disposal, there are even unscrupulous inhabitants that
dump their refuse or wastes in the waterways that end up in the sea and sunk in the coral line or carried by the tides to other municipalities.

Presently, there is no private hauler that provides collection service in aid of the service being conducted by the local government.

Street and Market Cleaning. To keep the streets, public market, sidewalks, gutters, canals and other waterways clean, the Mayor’s
Office detailed five (5) street sweepers and three (3) market cleaners to maintain cleanliness in these areas. To efficiently perform their
functions, they are being scheduled at 5:00AM-10:00AM, then 2:00AM-5:00PM, giving them ample time to clean before the influx of facility

Transfer Facility. Currently, the Local Government has no available Transfer Facility for the collected wastes from different waste
generators, though it is applicable and can be adopted for more systematized collection and cost-cutting strategy considering the
distances of the concerned barangays. But, transfer facilities can be installed for this purpose, especially on distant coastal and upland

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 62

Processing Facilities/Materials Recovery Facility

The Material Recovery Facility of Bula was constructed in 2005 occupying a floor area of 51 square meters at Barangay Bagoladio,
Bula, Camarines Sur. In its current status, our MRF is not properly utilized, but still being used as storage area of waste pickers.

This facility was not optimized due to its issue in the location. The controlled dump and MRF are both within forest and fore st land
(FFL), where documents were not duly secured and approved. There are no privately-owned processing facility operating in the
municipality. Among the barangays, three (Barangays San Roque Poblacion, Sagrada and Sto. Niño) have operational Material Recovery
Facility (MRF). It has a mobile collector or pajak operated by the barangay street sweeper. He roams around the barangay sweeping
streets, segregating wastes and collecting recyclable materials from households. However, in the existing system, the income generated
from the activity becomes incentive for the sweeper/collector and does not contribute to the coffers of the barangay government.

Final Disposal

The Municipality of Bula is temporarily continuing its operation of the controlled dumpsite at Barangay Bagoladio, Bula, Camarines
Sur where the MRF is located. The area is classified as timberland. Thus, the local government had initiated to close the facility in compliance
to both RA 9003 and the Forest Land Use Plan of the municipality. A Safe Closure Plan was formulated by the local government and
conditionally approved by the Environmental Management Bureau Region V. Initial review and evaluation had been conducted by the
EMB furnishing the LGU with their recommendations to fully comply with the requirements.

To date, the closure plan is being implemented that starts from constructing perimeter fence and providing vegetative covering of
the two (2) filled pits while the third pit is still receiving wastes while the establishment of sanitary landfill is still being undertaken. This controlled
dump site is planned to be converted into eco-park after its successful closure. The controlled dumpsite accepts non-segregated collected
wastes from households, public and private facilities, and other waste generators. Recovery of recyclable materials at the end-of-pipe
done by waste pickers for their own benefits. As surveyed, there are total of eighteen (18) waste pickers or scavengers at the facility, eight
(8) of whom are female and ten (10) are male from Barangays Bagoladio and La Victoria. There are no observed scavengers from other

Special Wastes/Health Care Wastes

On daily basis, only 1% of the total daily wastes generated is classified as special wastes; 40% of it is generated from heal th centers
while 60% is from households. This percentage of waste is derived from the Municipal and Barangay Health Centers and few drugstores
within the town center.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 63

The sharp and other toxic and special wastes from the Municipal Health Center are disposed at the septic vault which is located at
the back of the center. Other private medical centers also own a septic vault for their utilization, while Barangay health stations do not
have special disposal vaults.

Outside these facilities with special vaults, all other special wastes are disposed along with other wastes collected from households.

Markets for Recyclables

Recyclable materials sold to the junkshops within the municipality are then further sold to larger junkshops in Pili, Camarines Sur, Naga
City, and Iriga City. Based on the office records, the following are registered junkshops in the municipality: Soreta Junkshop at Bagumbayan,
Bagumbayan Junkshop, Gerry Parro Junkshop at Sagrada and Joel Valera at Barangay Salvacion. These junkshops average quantity of
materials accepted per month range from 250 to 300 kilograms.

Sometime, mobile junk buyers are also operating within the municipality. Some of them are mobile links of the above-identified
junkshops. At present, there is no existing industry that uses recycled materials.

Information Education Campaign (IEC)

The awareness campaign of the municipality is primarily initiated by the MENRO in his lone capacity as the only personnel-designate.
He is being assisted by the board, other LGU offices, barangay councils, civil society organizations, schools and private sectors. The market
and sanitary services also conduct information drives to their target clients.

Often times, the MENRO-designate join barangay assemblies to discuss environment and solid waste concerns to the public. He
developed presentation materials based on his learnings from various trainings attended both Agricultural and Environmental-based.

These info-drives are being conducted to 33 barangays. Aside from these, farmers’ meeting with a minimum of forty fie (45)
participants per meeting, and some trainings/discussions regarding waste segregation, composting, recycling and productive use of farm
wastes are being conducted based on the work plan of the MENRO.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 64

The specific sectors covered by the initiative of the MENRO are the Barangays/Households, Schools/Academe, Business
Establishments and Transport Sector. It can also be noted that innovative activities were also undertaken to promote 3Rs in solid waste

The Agriculture Office help out in the drive by implementing projects using innovative technologies to reduce waste discharge on
the land and water and convert them to usable products such as the hog manure to methane gas through a biogas digester and
production of organic fertilizer through vermin. It is often taught to farmers to avoid burning of farm residue, instead, to make use
decomposition enhancers in the rice paddies.

This technology is being widely disseminated and practiced by the Municipal Agriculture Officer in coordination with the DA Regional
Field Office V.

H. Economic Structure
6. Economic Structure

This section discusses the local economic structure of the Figure 5. Structure of Economy
municipality. It describes the changing balance of output, trade,
incomes and employment drawn from different economic sectors. The
municipality still has the three economic sectors: primary, secondary and Tertiary,
tertiary. Quaternary sector such as banking, software industries are not 1,076 ,
yet available in the municipality.
It is evident that sources of income of most constituents are
derived from primary economy with great majority from agriculture or Primary,
crop production. A noticeable increase in tertiary sector, specifically on 3,031 ,
wholesale and retail is observed.
67% Primary
Based on the CBMS survey for 2016, primary sector accounts for Secondary
67%; where 75.7% of which is agriculture, 18.6% for livestock production,
4.6% in fishery and 1.1% in forestry. It is followed by tertiary sector with , 406, 9%
23.84%, wherein wholesale and retail trade accounts for 68.8% of the Data Source: CBMS 2016

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 65

sector, 23.6% for the transport, storage and communication, and 7.6% for services. Secondary sector has the least number of activities in
the structure with 9%. The biggest share in this sector is coming from construction forming 78.08% of the sector, followed by manufacturing
with 20.69% and mining and quarrying with 1.23%.

a. Economic Base


Out of the 16,772.24 hectares land area of the municipality, 11,793.9 hectares (including coconut) or 70.32% depend on agriculture.
The specific activities are rice production with 6,174.16 hectares, coconut production with 2,544 hectares, corn production with 520.5
hectares and other crop production activities such as cassava, vegetable, bamboo, sugarcane, banana, coffee, pili, mango and root

Of the 6,174.16 ricelands, 94.20% or 5,816.25 hectares are irrigated; 4.87% or 300.86 hectares are rain fed; and 0.92% or 57.05 hectares
are upland. The lands are being tilled by 3,771 farmers, where 69.85% are male and 30.15% are female. Rice contributes P478M to local
economy annually.

By historical data, the municipality has high sufficiency level in rice that reached 300%. The vast ricelands and its characteristics
contribute to the high production. However, these lands are highly to very highly vulnerable to flooding.

It is noted that over time, the yield tapered, which is deemed attributed to the continuous use of synthetic fertilizer and pest infestation
due to not properly managed timing calendars. Farmers are given their respective leeway when to start with their cropping cycle. This
practice was established due to vulnerability to flooding and capacity of farmers to muster capital or farm inputs. Hence, non-synchronized
planting lead to harboring of various pests that migrate from farm to farm with varying stages.
There is an established organic rice production in barangay Lanipga, the Pecuaria Development Cooperative Inc., which is a
certified organic producer being assisted by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department
of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Tourism (DOT) and other national government agencies and private entities. Their products are
not only distributed locally, but even outside the country.

In terms of livestock, all of the 33 barangays are engaged in livestock farming yielding P6.5M per hectare. Fishery contributes P3.9 M.
There is no available data for forest production.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 66

The municipality’s Strategic Fishery Development Zones are located at coastal barangays Caorasan and Itangon for marine
production, while freshwater production is located at barangays along the Bicol and Pawili Rivers and Lake Bula. These barangays are
Palsong, Balaogan, Casugad, Panoypoyan, San Roque Pob., Salvacion, Sagrada, Causip, Sto. Domingo, Pawili, Fabrica, Sta. Elena, San
Jose, Ombao Polpog, Ombao Hts and Sto. Niño. There are also two (2) fishpond operators in the municipality. One of which is located in
Barangay Palsong and the other is in Lubgan. The fresh water fishes that the municipality takes pride of are carpa and burirawan. These
fishes are most sought by locals who have been away for some time. Other fishes caught in the municipal waters are tilapia, hito, dalag,
atas (puyo), and sidic. In marine waters, the top 10 fishes being caught are sirom-sirom, tunsoy, dilis, turingan, kabalyas, galungong, salay
salay, matambaka, talanyasi and silag.

Based on conducted Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment (PCRA), the fish catch in the marine waters has significantly
declined through the years. In 1950, a fisherman using a scoop net catches more or less 10 tins (Rebisco) of fishes and sells it at 2 cents per
tin. The fisherman uses a non-motorized banca. He fishes 26 times a month. In 1960, a fisherman catches approximately the same quantity
of fish, which are 100 tins (Rebisco). In 1970, average catch increased to 150-500 kilos. Fisherman uses motorized boat and sells the catch
at 10 pesos per kilo. In 1980, the average catch gradually decreased to 300-500 kilos selling at 10 pesos per kilo. The identified reasons in
the decrease are the following:

 Use of pangulong
 Use of sinsoro
 Competition with other fisherman
 Use of Palakaya
 Use of basing
 Dynamite fishing

In 1990, the average catch was 80-160 kilos being sold by bulk (banyera) for 150 pesos. The catch is used for fishmeal, dried fish and
bagoong. In 2000, the average catch even decreased to 50-70 kilos sold at 200 pesos per bulk (banyera). Each trip has an average of 70
kilos. In 2010, average catch was 30-40 kilos sold at 300 pesos per bulk (banyera).


Construction services contributes 78.08 % in the secondary sector. This in line with the massive infrastructure development of the
municipality, especially that the government’s programs require community participation in project development. Manufacturing has
20.68% contribution. Most of these are bamboo furniture producers, woodcrafts among others.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 67


Wholesale and retail trades populate the commercial spaces in the Poblacion (Sagrada, Salvacion and San Roque Pob.),
Panoypoyan, Balaogan, and Palsong. The Bula public markets are situated at Barangays Sagrada and Balaogan. Mini groceries or sari-sari
stores are the most common commercial establishments that sprout out almost side by side resulting to cut-throat competition and
eventually lead to satiric label sara-sara store.

Transport and storage establishments are mostly found along the National Highway at Barangays Pawili and Fabrica. On the other
hand, services are spread among the 33 barangays providing grooming services such as salons and barber shops.

For so long a time, Bula Public Market served as the center of commerce in
the municipality, not only of the Poblacion. However, its growth is challenged by
space limitation where almost half of its area is occupied by the public terminal.
Residential building and agricultural/ rice farmlands bordered the market, making
it harder to expand. It is also challenged by high vulnerability to flooding, where it
was out-built by the adjoin structures. Even the recently constructed drainage
system cannot readily draw out the rain waters thereby causing shin-deep flooding
during heavy rains.

As a result of
discussion with various
stakeholders: market goers, stall owners, ambulant vendors, passers-by and
residents, the following issues and concerns were raised: there a need to make the
public market adoptive to flooding or relocate the market; there is also a need to
remove the terminal within the market area because it increases risk of vehicular
accident to market goers due to common use of market road as ambulant vendor
spaces and access road of the jeepneys going to the terminal; the need for proper
parking spaces within the market and along the Poblacion where commercial
establishments are located; and the absence of LGU support to businesses,
especially in promoting local products.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 68

In terms of industry, generally, most are small scale agriculture-based
industries, especially in processing palay into rice, which are being sold locally
and in nearby markets. There are rice-based industries that made their niche
in the bigger market such as the Organic Rice of the PDCI in Lanipga and the
rice coffee of LARBCO in San Isidro.

Bamboo is an emerging industry that brings innovation from tradition

bamboo furniture and novelty items into engineered and wood-like finish of
products. This particular industry was enrolled as One Town One Product
(OTOP) with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Its center is located
at Barangay Pawili.

Other industries as handled by organized groups of sectors such as

processed meat, native candies and snacks and some engagement in

Tourism is a viable economic engine that needs to be tapped. It has a

number of destinations that awaits development along side with various
events that need innovative concepts to entice greater and wider range of interests.
The LGU has been working its way to establishing and developing Bula as an agri-eco
tourism destination. It started out with establishing its roots through a historical research
conducted by Dr. Danilo M. Gerona. The research established the strong connection
of Pawili and Bicol River to the kind of development of Bula as a civil government and
as a people. These same waterways need to be tapped to promote tourism in the

Ballester Spring

A natural spring located at Barangay Casugad. It is 4.0 kilometers away from

the Poblacion. Its natural setting and cool waters are the main reasons why
excursionists love this place, though they have to hike a kilometer to this God-given
wonder, upon arrival, tourists will surely be revitalized.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 69

Nalalata Falls and Caves

The natural attraction is

located at Barangay Lubgan. It
is approximately 9 kilometers
from the Poblacion. This could
be reached by land
transportation and a little hiking
on a hilly terrain. The name
“Nalalata” was taken from a
pail-like earth formation where
this body of water drops from its
descent. Presence of old trees,
large rock formations and two
caves on both sides are among
its distinctive features. The
almost 40 meter drop from its
vertex makes this falls quite astonishing especially during sunny days as rainbows develop
from its midst.

Kinalabasahan – Ombao Heights Cave

It is situated between the boundaries of Barangays Kinalabasahan and Ombao

Heights. The cave is 16 kilometers away from the Poblacion. The unique features of this
cave are its two main openings serving as entrance and exit. One is located at
Barangay Ombao Heights and the other is at Kinalabasahan. There is another opening
just above the second entrance where one can see the different formations of
stalactites and various rock formations developed naturally through decades of
underground water action.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 70

Itangon Beach

Located 17 kilometers from the Poblacion, this beach is scenically shielded by

Bagodila Points with five-hectare cliff, coconut and forest vegetation overlooking the
picturesque gulf. It has a gentle slope from the bank down to the deeper portion
approximately 100 meters from the shore. Soothing waves striking along the seashore,
the idyllic atmosphere and the invigorating sea breeze supplemented by the abundant
seafood in the area provide a prospective tourist with an alternative experience from
the humdrum of city life.

Caorasan Beach

This is located 25 kilometers from the Poblacion and can be reached by land
and sea transportation. It is a 10-minute ride by boat from Itangon Beach or a 45-
minute ride by boat via the town of Balatan. Comparable with Itangon Beach,
Caorasan has also crystal-clear and unpolluted seawater.

Magdaguini Spring is a natural

spring where one could take a
refreshing and cool dip. Situated at
Barangay Panoypoyan, 5.0
kilometers away from the poblacion, this spring is also a potential source of potable
water supply.

Tan-Awan Nature’s Park

It is located at Barangay Bagoladio. It is 6.3 kilometers away from the Poblacion.

It has a natural veranda known to all Bulaeños and considered to be the major attraction
in the municipality. From this point, one can view the mountains (Mt. Isarog, Mt. Iriga
and Mayon Volcano), the entire lowland, the green and golden rice fields, the lakes of Bula/Baao and Bato and the urban centers. One

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 71

major attraction here is the shrine of the towering 25-foot statue of the Blessed Virgin
Mary given the title “Queen of the Family”. Several native huts and a convention
center were completed in 1999 and other amenities are also in progress for the
comfort of visitors.

San Vicente de Ferrer Shrine

Located at Barangay Ombao

Polpog, is 3.0 kilometers away
from the poblacion. St. Vincent
De Ferrer, the secondary patron
of the parish of St. Mary
Magdalene has thousands of
devotees throughout the
province. The miraculous or
supernatural healing aids for
various infirmities are some of the
characteristics of its peculiarity.
The feast of St. Vincent De Ferrer is
being held every 2nd Friday following every Good Friday of the year, but devotees
frequently visit the place on either Tuesdays or Fridays to offer prayers and novenas.

St. Mary Magdalene Parish Church

One of the first established parishes along with Quipayo of Calabanga and
Nabua which is 435 years to date. The town’s first Church of Mary Madalene was
destroyed by fire in 1676. The second, built in 1688, was destroyed by a typhoon in
1700. The present structure was completed in 1706 and repaired in 1876 and 1885. The
feast of the patron saint is celebrated every 21st and 22nd of July.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 72

Alina Resort – located in Barangay Lubgan, where you will experience a 15 minute mountain
terrain walk before reaching the resort. A privately owned resort which offers a refreshing
cool water and a panoramic ambience of the mountains of the municipality.

Papa Rudy Resort. Situated in Sagrada, Bula,

Camarines Sur owned by Mr. Rodolfo P.
Completo. This resort has amenities like
swimming pool, cottages, videoke, food
station and parking area. There is a live band
performance every Friday where everybody
can relax and enjoy after a five-day work.

Socio-Cultural Activities

(Left) Dotoc, (above) street dance completion during

bamboo festival, and (right) annual beauty pageant
during town fiesta celebration.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 73

Map 18. Proposed Tourism Destinations
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 74
I. Ecosystem:
Development Constraints: Priority Issues and Concerns

 Turtle lying grounds in Barangay Itangon covered by a private resort
 Mangrove forest converted into other use
 FSMR trespassed by fishers
 Pollution/Wastes in coralline
 Biodiversity of the FFL of Bula diminishes as the forest cover decreases. Some of the previously known species thriving in the FFL
are eagle, owl, kikiyaw, uwak, ogot/bayawak, sawa, other species of birds, kalabidong/kabog, unggoy, wildcat, usa, kalaw,
orchids, parrot (flora and fauna) has now become endangered or non-existent.

Coastal and Marine Ecosystem

 Poor coral condition in protected area (estimated coral cover: Itangon – 11.8 has; Caorasan – 21.3 has) dominated by massive
and sub-massive species (adapted to high energy environment; silt-tolerant species); coral infestation
 High prevalence of silt, affecting visibility might be terregenous in origin exacerbated by monsoon
 Non target species of fishes are dominant in both sites that might be indicating poor management
 Massive exploitation of MPA (commercial fishing and destructive fishing activities); most hard corals are damaged; high
percentage of dead corals
 Poor MPA management
 Poor inter-municipal coordination (gulf-wide coordination)
 Seagrass bed destruction (nothing was left)
 Coral extraction and trade
 Presence of settlers in high risk or critical areas and legal easements
 Illegal dumping of waste and waste water
 Unregulated mining/ quarrying
 Conflicting use of municipal waters by neighboring municipality
 Use of destructive fishing gears
 Presence of fault line (Legaspi lineament)
 Eroding embankments of waterways

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 75

 Declining forest
 Decreasing non-timber sources, poor monitoring of forest products
 Decreasing yield of spring, turbid and contaminated water sources
 Settlements inside forest and forest land/ intrusion of settlements in forest area/ Settlements in landslide prone areas
 Denuded watersheds draining to flood prone areas
 Destruction of habitats
 Inadequate source of wood raw materials
 Denuded condition of watersheds which are sources of water for irrigation and domestic use
 Destruction of mangrove forests
 Open access condition of forest lands
 Inadequate mechanism for stakeholders and institutional collaboration
 No Bantay Gubat
 Rampant cutting of trees (kaingin)
 CBFMA not fully implemented/ ineffective CBFM Program
 Dependence on DENR
 No DENR checkpoint/ dependent on Sagip Kalikasan
 Presence of Legaspi Lineament
 Lack of alternative livelihood of tenure holders
 Guano over-extraction at Kinalabasahan cave
 Increasing area susceptible to landslide



 Inadequate number of school buildings according to specific location
 Schools within hazard prone areas: Kinalabsahan and San Roque Hts – high landslide susceptibility; Bula Central and Ombao
Polpog ES – high flood susceptibility
 High drop-out rate due to distance and poor access road at mountain barangays
 No tertiary school, very low percentage of college graduates
 No public library and free internet services

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 76

 Inadequate computer facilities
 Not all school have complete facilities
 Erosion near Bagoladio ES

Health and Sanitation

 Poor condition of barangay health centers
 Congested and high flood susceptibility of catholic cemetery
 No public cemetery
 No appropriate disposal facility (Sanitary Landfill)
 Improper disposal of wastes
 Absence of sanitary toilet facilities at 3,022 HH, where majority of which are surrounding Bula lake and along Ragay Gulf
 Presence of non-facility based delivery
 Insufficient number of health personnel
 Absence of 24-hour operating health facility aside from birthing facility
 High incidence of lifestyle related diseases and morbidity
 Contamination of water sources with e-coli
 Foul smell emitted by the Catholic cemetery located at Barangay Sagrada

 Settlements in foreshore/ coastal easement in Barangays Caorasan and Itangon
 Residential area covers 24% of total built-up area or 1,851.48, hectares; however, large portion of which are within flood prone
 No existing commercial subdivisions
 Settlements inside FFL, but not declared as barangay areas
 3,913 vulnerable households and 469 HH informal settlers; 9,559 unacceptable HU (backlog)
 Settlements in flood/ landslide prone areas/ coastal easements
 More than 6,000 housing units destroyed by TY Nina
 Settlement situated in the Tan-Awan Park
 Lack of residential site in San Ramon resulting to over-crowding

Social Welfare
 Day care centers not within standards and highly vulnerable to typhoon
 Under staffed MSWDO

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 77

 No temporary shelter for aged and abandoned children/ street children
 Lack of facility and program for SDUs
 Growing number of Psychotic (wala sa katinuan) roaming within town proper
 Increasing unemployment rate
 Non-functional half way home/temporary shelter for women/ victims of violence
 MSWDO has no appropriate office

Protective Services
 Lack of fire-fighting facilities and fire officers
 Increasing incidence of crime in Poblacion area
 Inadequate number of PNP personnel
 Aging fire truck
 Inadequate space of MPS and MFS

Sports and Recreation

 Concentration of sports and recreation activities in Poblacion barangays
 Inadequate sports and recreation facilities
 No open spaces for civic activities
 Location of some sports facilities near danger areas (cliff)
 Lack of adequate facilities for grassroots sports
 No identified park
 Municipal facility highly vulnerable to flooding
 Undeveloped tourism sites and events


 Decreasing croplands and effective production areas
 Degradation of fishing grounds
 Inadequate road networks
 Aging farmers
 Absence of marketing support
 Wider and shallower rivers and creeks

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 78

 Inadequate irrigation systems
 Eroding embankments
 Vast unproductive/ idle lands

Commerce and Trade:

 High vulnerability to flooding of market/ commercial center
 Unregulated uses
 Un-maximized use of commercial zones


 Insufficient road width (specially along Sagrada area)
 Not properly maintained roads
 Unconnected barangays (common entry and exit areas – Taisan, La Victoria, Bagoladio, San Francisco, Caorasan, San Roque
Hts; separated by water Bodies: Fabrica – Bagumbayan, Sto. Niño – Ombao Polpog; San Roque Pob – Canamnam, Casugad;
Inoyonan-San Francisco)
 Inadequate and inefficient drainage and waterways
 Long standing flood waters during rainy days / typhoon season
 Only 38% of road network is concreted; 47.84% gravel; 4.05% earth and 1.01% asphalt
 Absence of alternate route to be used while Poblacion area is flooded
 Interior municipality - Entry to the municipality is through a barangay of other municipality resulting to poor road maintenance
(least priority of the host municipality)
 Lack of transport terminal facilities
 Existing terminal is highly vulnerable to flood and easily flooded (shin-deep) during heavy rains; no parking spaces; poses risk
to market goers
 There are barangays without transport services
 High fare in habal-habal for areas without transport services (P200.00 – P400.00)
 Isolated barangay due to difficulty of access road (Caorasan)
 High incidence of vehicular accidents along San Roque Pob, Sagrada, Causip, Sto. Domingo, Fabrica and Pawili
 Single lane bridge (Don Mariano Marcos Bridge) at Barangay Panoypoyan and Salvacion – San Jose Bridge
 Absence of road signage

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 79

 Inadequate illumination of roads during night time
 Transportation services are only being served by tricycles, jeepneys and a handful of taxi/ van
 Inadequate/ inefficient road access of fish landing in Barangay Itangon to market

 No power supply at Barangay San Roque Hts.
 Inadequate power supply at mountain barangays
 Poor and unstable power supply
 No alternative source of energy/ power supply
 15% of households still unserved

 Insufficient water supply (poor pressure)/ deteriorating water services
 With spring sources, but limited financial capacity to tap these resources
 Level II water supply systems inadequate
 6 barangays still unserved with potable water supply system/ several households are not yet covered by reliable, safe and
affordable water supply (some residents are forced to use unsafe source of water supply (Dug wells) and some spring sources
are drying up)
 Irrigation: still vast area (rice) un irrigated
 Unregulated/ proliferation installation of free flowing pipe systems
 Depletion of water sources
 Deteriorating classification/ quality of surface waters

 Limited number of service providers/ poor services
 Limited coverage of telephone companies
 No other media/ communication services

Special Area:

 Identified significant infrastructure (building) collapsed/ succumbed to typhoon, but underground structures are still present
 Fabrica was the residence of Rizal’s number 1 antagonist/ critique

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 80

 No facility to serve as repository of historical and cultural treasures
 Unrecognized/ not celebrated and preserved rituals

J. Comparative Advantage and Competitive Edge

1. The two river systems sustain the fertility of its vast ricelands
2. It has rolling terrains very suitable to tourism events
3. It has varied water resources that can be tapped for tourism such as rivers, lake, falls, springs and sea.
4. The municipality lies along midstream of Bicol River Basin making it abundant with freshwater fish species.
5. Its mountain range provides abundant source of water and forest products.
6. Home of longest dotok, organic rice, engineered bamboo, and sweetest camote.
7. Being an interior municipality, it is most suitable host for sports activities.

K. Functional Role of the Municipality

The functional roles of the Municipality relative to the Province of Camarines Sur, the Metro Naga, Ragay Gulf and the Bicol Region
are the following:

1. Agri-tourism destination in the province – an alternative eco-tourist destination with sites for innovative agricultural technology.
2. Bamboo Industry Center – will produce world-class engineered bamboo products
3. Center for certified organic pigmented rice and seeds – supplier of certified organic and pigmented rice supportive to
agricultural development that will be included in tourism circuit
4. Food basket – the municipality has 65,000 MT production of rice per year with 300% sufficiency. It is also the production area of
certified organic rice in the Bicol Region.
5. Host of a Regional Office of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and Provincial Hospital.
6. It has the production center of engineered bamboo furniture, fixture and novelty items in Southern Luzon.
7. It provides the necessary space for the possible spill-over of the development in Pili, especially on commercial and industrial
8. Partner municipality in the protection of coastal resources, especially the coral habitat.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 81


A. Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

The vision statement of the municipality was formulated based on the desired state of its people in consideration of its situation and
comparative advantage in the province and in the region. It is the stakeholders’ shared image of the LGU’s future. It describes what the
LGU wants to become or where it wants to go; it serves as an inspiration and a guide to action; it keeps the LGU in its course despite
changing demands of constituents and shifting political and economic forces.

It is the vital determinant that guide all stakeholders as they collaborate to achieve their desired state. It serves as the fulcrum of all
initiatives defined by the different Programs, Projects and Activities. This vision is stated as follows:

Bula, the Bamboo Industry Center in Southern Luzon, a showcase

municipality in agriculture and an ecotourism destination in the
province with God loving, empowered and disaster resilient
citizenry; enjoying a globally competitive economy in an
ecologically-balanced, adequate and functional environment;
guided by dynamic and committed leadership.

This vision statement was revisited using the peace lens, validating if conflict issues or peace process concerns as well as other
concerns were already considered. There was a suggestion to focus on single outward looking element that will fashion the brand of the
municipality or the desired role of LGU or the best contribution it can make to the nation. However, in consideration of the comparative
advantages of the municipality having the only engineered bamboo industry in the region; its area of coverage and volume of production
of both organic and conventional rice; and its desire to promote its ecology and the kind of people it has, has made this three-pronged

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 82

The resultants for the outward components were “showcase municipality in agriculture, the Bamboo Industry center, and potential
Agri-Ecotourism site”. While the inward looking was “God-loving, empowered and disaster resilient.”

The vision statement clarifies the aspirations of the municipality. It should make certain to include in the vision elements the quality of
the population, the state of the Local Economy, the state of natural environment, the support infrastructure and the capacity and quality
of Local leadership including their experiences and intuitive knowledge in governance.

Qualities of the People

The quality and character of its people is being described as God loving. Being such, every Bulaeño and Bulaeña are expected to
be caring, peaceful, compassionate, trustworthy, and respectful and child friendly. These people live in disaster resilient and empowered
communities. To ensure its resiliency, these communities should be self-reliant, adaptable, flexible and resourceful. On the other hand,
empowerment is believed to be exhibited by people who are responsible, accountable, value independence and interdependence,
committed, self-reliant and gender-responsive.

Local Economy

The Local Economy of Bula is anchored on Bamboo Industry, Agriculture and Agri-Tourism. The desired state can be attained when
human capital is highly trained with specialization on specific industry such as bamboo, agriculture and agritourism; the leadership will
venture on increasing job generation by providing tax incentives to investors, develop the agritourism destination, promote agricultural
products development utilizing rice and other indigenous products available as raw materials and enhanced support to CSF, producing
competitive products, and motivate further producers of native delicacies; Capitalize the presence of the regional fresh water fishery center
by venturing through accessing of financial and technical assistance in the development of inland and marine water resources; and
Institutionalize the Comprehensive Revenue Generation Program through sustainable activities geared toward increasing local revenue.

Infrastructure Support Component

Infrastructure support facilities should be adequate and functional to enhance the development of Social, Economic, Environmental,
and Institutional as well as Administrative/Governance aspects of the municipality.

Capability of Local Leadership

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 83

Bulaeños value the leadership to be committed when they are compliant with the “Full Disclosure Policy,” adheres to ARTA
implementation, and established the internal audit service. The planning and budgeting processes and implementation must comply with
the evidence-based practices utilizing establishment and maintained disaggregated data base per office.

Dynamic leaders enjoin the active participation of CSOs and POs in Governance, work on hard and receive awards (recognition
and incentives from appropriate agencies, establish a functional public information office and less dependent to IRA.

Mission Statement:

The Municipal Government of Bula shall vigorously initiate and assume

the major roles of implementing development programs, projects and
activities by harnessing natural, human and technological resources
with the active support of an enlightened, unified and responsive

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 84

Goals and Objectives

Social Sector

An empowered and resilient community with self-sufficient people that have equal opportunity to achieve their

respective desired state through adequate and responsive programs and services co-implemented with the government.
Protective Sports and
Education Social Welfare Shelter and Housing Health and Sanitation
Services Recreation
Enhanced Enhanced social Safe and secured Improved Improved primary Provide
access to services housing for protective health care services inclusive and

education households living in services responsive

services danger zones, sports
informal development
settlements, and program and
with unacceptable recreation
housing units opportunities to
all sectors

Economic Sector

A globally competitive human capital, products and services improving per capita income

Commerce and
Agriculture Forest Industry Tourism Fishery

Increased To optimize forest To promote safe Expand industry Developed Improved fishery
agricultural role to support forest and lively activities in the environmentally productivity
productivity and non-forest economic appropriate sites sustainable and
communities activities in the in the municipality inclusive tourism
municipality program

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 85

Infrastructure Sector

An integrated and safe infrastructure that promote safety, comfort and convenience among users enhancing economic
and social prosperity of the municipality and its people

Transportation Power Water ICT


Provided transportation Decreased unnerved Expand services of potable Expanded information,

support to various sectoral household 10% or 202 per water and irrigation systems communication technology
development program year services


To have effectively and efficiently managed natural resources, with optimized productivity and maintained ecological
balance through collective undertaking of all sectors.
Coastal and Marine
Forest Biodiversity Special Area
Optimized forest productivity Re-established biodiversity in Improved coastal and To preserve and re-introduce
and role in the watershed various habitats marine resources the culture and heritage of

ecosystem Bula
 To sustain Bula as primary
source of organic rice
producer in Camarines Sur
 To establish an alternative
clean energy source in the

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 86


Goals To establish a financially sound management system led by committed and dynamic personnel with active
people participation in promoting the general welfare

Update and enhance existing policies and plans to make them more responsive to changing needs.
Enhance and sustain good local governance

B. Development Strategies

The provincial development thrust is on promotion of agricultural diversification and innovative production systems, farm
mechanization, establishment of agro-industrial centers with provision of agricultural infrastructures and identification of Tourism
Development Areas (TDAs) with integrated connectivity for tourism marketing and promotion. The municipality is attuned with these
development thrusts of the province. Having an aligned thrust, the municipality is expected to benefit from the development efforts of the
province and conversely, the municipality will be contributing to the attainment of the provincial goals.

Being considered as large town, with 50,000 to 100,000 population, Bula is considered as a rural growth node of the province. The
municipality forms part of the core connectivity strategy on the enhanced tourism development access.

Under vulnerability strategies on CCA and DRR, Bula is included in the El Verde, Upland Resource Management, Coastal Resource
Management, Freshwater Resource Management, Riverbank Stabilization and Solid Waste Management.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 87

Output and Outcome Indicators

The clear set of desired outcome indicators as well as outputs serve as basis of prioritization of local investments and actions by the
local government unit. These will also serve as the foci of the monitoring and evaluation of the CLUP implementation.

Social Sector: Education

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Enhanced access to education services Improved school facilities Increase participation by 100% for
Provided 100 additional pre-school elementary (2.41%) and secondary
teachers, 33 secondary school teachers, (8.62%) level, ALS and initial tertiary level
33 ALS coordinators and college enrolment
Reduced vulnerability of 3 identified
schools within high to very high hazard
Increased coverage of ALS program
Provided scholarship programs
Establish tertiary school/ community
Establish public library/ museum and free
public internet connection

Social Sector: Social Welfare

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Enhanced social services Created, hired and trained additional 3 Enhanced capability of the office in
Plantilla position personnel providing social services
Identified and enhanced compliant
office of the Municipal Social Welfare
and Development

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 88

20 poor condition day care centers Improved social services to men, women,
rehabilitated/ upgraded providing quality children, senior citizen, differently abled,
instruction and other support programs SDUs and other individuals
Hired and trained 1 center chief (licensed
social welfare); 3 house parents; 2 security
guards; 2 operations staff for the
temporary shelter
DSWD-accredited temporary shelter or
half-way home facility and providing
support programs
At least 0.5 hectare lot purchased,
developed and operating community-
based “Bahay Pag-asa” facility
Improved senior citizen office providing
enhanced programs for senior citizens

Social Sector: Shelter and Housing

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Safe and secured housing for households 15 hectares of suitable land purchased/ Safe and secured housing units for 38%
living in danger zones, informal land banking (2,000) of HH within danger zones (3,913),
settlements, and with unacceptable Site provided with required physical informal settlements (469) and those with
housing units development (5,199) unacceptable housing units
2000 units of single detached houses
constructed with
2000 units awarded to qualified
Issued regulations and monitored Enhanced adaptive capacity of 1,036
improvement of houses in moderate to HH (802 male headed and 233 female
very high flood susceptibility headed) with very high vulnerability;
3,017 HH (2,325 male headed, 692

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 89

female headed) with high; and 2,645 HH
moderately susceptible to flood
Issued regulation and monitored Regulated use of home lots within
improvement or housing construction Agrarian Reform Communities
within the declared home lots in ARC
areas, especially in Barangay San Ramon

Social Sector: Protective Services

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Improved protective services Obtained standard personnel to Reduced crime incidence by at least 50%
population ratio within 9 years (index crime: 60 to 30; murder – 6 to 3;
Provided adequate office/ station space rape – 14 to 7 and non-index crime from
to BFP and PNP by relocating the BFP 276 to 138) by fist 2 years and eventually
station by 2020 0% crime incidence in 2026
Sustained implementation of mandatory
programs on peace and order and public
Enhanced skills and equipage of Enhanced fire response and rescue
expanded firefighting groups services
Established fire lanes with strategically
located fire hydrants

Social Sector: Health and Sanitation

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Improved primary health care services Improved health facilities in all Improved general health situation:
barangays 0 Infant mortality rate
Annually reduced non-facility based 0 maternal mortality rate
delivery 0 young child mortality rate

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 90

Provided safe and sanitary final garbage Reduced URTI and HPN morbidity
disposal cases by 50%
Obtained standard health personnel to Reduced lifestyle-related cases of
population ratio within 9 years death
Established a primary health facility 0 cases of 1st and 2nd degree
operating 24/7 malnutrition among 0-15 years old
Reduced households without access to
safe water by at least 21% (300 HH) out of
1,463 HH per year
Provided adequate, safe and aesthetic
final resting place/ cemetery
Reduced number of HH without sanitary
toilet by at least 33% (1,000 HH) out of
3,022 per year
Reduced percentage of lifestyle-related
cause of morbidity especially among
males (baseline – 29.1%)

Social Sector: Sports and Recreation

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Provide inclusive and responsive sports Provided adequate and safe spaces/ More sociable and active populace
development program and recreation places for sports and recreation activities
opportunities to all sectors Provided open spaces and parks to
lowland and upland communities
Defined tourism programs that will
enhance economic activities in the

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 91

Economic Sector: Agriculture

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Increased agricultural Increased irrigated ricelands with 300 hectares Increased conventional rice
productivity Increased volume of production per cropping season production and sustained
Increased support infrastructure to key production areas organic rice production
Increased number of farm to market roads
Increased effective production areas for other crops Increased other crops
Developed agricultural programs that will encourage production
participation of the youth
Provided and promoted innovative agricultural production
technologies, farm mechanization and value adding of local
Increased area of protected habitat Increased fishery production
Regulated harvesting activities In production fishery zones
Strengthened people’s organizations managing the habitats
Allocated adequate land for forage Increased poultry and livestock
Increased applicable technologies for poultry and livestock production

Economic Sector: Forest

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

To optimize forest role to Revived natural rain forest at proposed protection zones. Increased area and enhanced
support forest and non- quality of protected forest
forest communities Provided resettlement to affected households at the proposed Increased forest production
protection zones
Developed and implemented nature-based tourism program.
Formulated policies that will preserve, protect and develop
forest and forest land encouraging stakeholders’ participation

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 92

Strengthened people’s organizations for effective management
and monitoring of FFL
Delineated and regulated barangay sites

Rehabilitated mangrove forest at the two coastal barangays

with at least 1hectare per barangay
Created a mechanism that will institutionalize collaboration
among stakeholders

Economic Sector: Commerce and Trade

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

To promote safe and lively Decreased vulnerability of locators/ occupants of market, Increased number of business
economic activities in the terminal and adjoin commercial area to flooding establishments
municipality Regulated uses and activities in designated zone classifications

Developed marketing strategies of the local government

Established an extension of government center at safer grounds

closer to growth centers

Economic Sector: Industry

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Expand industry activities in Protected the fertile lands and waterways from irresponsible Expanded industry activities in
the appropriate sites in the mining activities the municipality
municipality Sustainably operating the common service facility
Trained/ produced skilled workers on specific industry (bamboo,
agriculture and tourism)
Increased number of industry players in the municipality

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 93

Economic Sector: Tourism

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Developed Developed environmentally sustainable and inclusive tourism Gaining environmentally
environmentally program sustainable and inclusive tourism
sustainable and inclusive Developed sites, events, and programs that will encourage and services
tourism program contribute to social cohesion and cultural preservation

Provided infrastructure that will support tourism activities.

Economic Sector: Fishery

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Improved fishery Improved coral condition in the protected area from poor to fair Increased fish catch and harvest
productivity in 10 years. of other fishery resources
Strengthened and Increased protection area from 30 hectares
to 77 hectares covering all the coralline in the two coastal
Reduced terregenous origin siltation along coral beds.

Established solid waste management system in all 33 barangays

Regulated resource harvesting in municipal waters and coastal

Established a good management relationship with neighboring
municipalities surrounding Ragay Gulf

Provided alternative and sustainable fishing technology among


Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 94

Infrastructure Sector: Transportation

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Provided transportation Increased percentage of concreted road network from 38.87% to Enhanced transportation
support to various sectoral 55.7% or least 5.0 kilometers per year from 2018 – 2026 support to sectoral development
development program Provided alternate route that will divert traffic from Poblacion programs and services
which has moderate to high susceptibility to flooding
Provided entry point to the municipality from the ASEAN Highway
which is within its territorial jurisdiction
Provided standardized, adequate, safe and responsive public
transport terminals and transport services
Provide all barangays with regular, comfortable and safe
transport services

Reduced vehicular accidents by 10% every year or 100% by 2026
(from 88 to 0)
 Expanded the existing single lane bridges at Barangay
Panoypoyan and San Jose to accommodate existing road
Ensured efficient transport network from fish landing to nearest

Infrastructure Sector: Power

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Decreased unserved Energized the remaining Barangay (San Roque Hts) without 100% of households served with
household 10% or 202 per power supply by 2018 electricity
year Provided stable power supply to upland barangays
Developed and harnessed alternative sustainable source of

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 95

Infrastructure Sector: Water

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Expand services of potable Developed at least 2 additional water sources and augment Sustainably expanded services
water and irrigation systems existing water source of BMWS by 2019 of water and irrigation system

Provided level II water systems to 6 unserved barangays targeting

at least 1 per year

Protected and conserved spring sources of all water systems in

the municipality.

Regulated the use of underground water for irrigation and other

purposes aside from potable water supply

Reverted poor classifications of surface water from Class D to at

least Class C

Provided adequate and efficient irrigation system to 300.8

hectares rainfed rice production areas

Infrastructure Sector: ICT

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Expanded information Established community radio station in the municipality Expanded reach of radio,
communication Encouraged telephone and internet service providers to telephone, and internet services
technology services enhance the scope of their services in all viable barangays in the

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 96

Environment Sector: Forest

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Optimized forest Delineated and declared protection of critical and constrained Increased forest productivity
productivity and role in the areas such as habitats of endemic wild animals and areas with
watershed ecosystem slope ranging from 30 – 50% with 626.48 hectares
Established and regulated uses of buffer zones and legal Delineated and enhanced
easements protected areas
Declared local community watersheds or primary spring sources

 Established Tan-Awan Community Eco-Park in Barangay

Delineated production zone in the forest and forest land by 2018
Converted open access areas into community-managed areas
by 2019
Regulated expansion of claims and land uses within forestland

Created and strengthened enforcement teams

Rehabilitated denuded areas in the forestland

Environment Sector: Biodiversity

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Re-established biodiversity Protected identified turtle (pawikan) laying ground in Barangay Protected and sustained
in various habitats Itangon habitats
Re-established mangrove forest in Barangays Itangon and
Caorasan with at least 1 hectare per barangays
Expanded and strengthened protection of coral line and fish
sanctuary by establishing Managed Access Area and Sanctuary
Established waste management systems in all 33 barangays by

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 97

Environment Sector: Coastal and Marine Resources

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

Improved coastal and Improved coral condition in the protected area from poor to fair Improved and sustained
marine resources in 10 years. coastal and marine resources

Strengthened and Increased protection area from 30 hectares to

77 hectares covering all the coralline in the two coastal

Strengthened enforcement of fishery laws by capacitating

deputized enforcers with gulf-wide coordination

Re-integrated seagrass in the coastal zone

Relocated easement and hazard area dwellers in the two

coastal barangays: 18 HH in high flood susceptibility, 28 HH with
very high susceptibility to landslide and 8 HH informal settlers by
Protected old mining and quarry site by converting it to
protection forest
Delineated the 5m buffer area of the Legazpi lineament and
regulate its use

Environment Sector: Special Areas

Goal/ Objective Output Indicator Outcome Indicator

To preserve and re- Declared the remains “casa” as local heritage site being the first Preserved culture and re-
introduce the culture and perfume and starch industry introduced to the new
heritage of Bula generation
Established a facility that will serve as repository of the historical
and cultural treasures of the locality

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 98

 To sustain Bula as primary Strengthened organic food production practices at strategic Expanded organic rice
source of organic rice locations production in the entire
producer in Camarines Sur municipality
 To establish an alternative Harnessed natural resources as alternative sustainable and clean Clean energy provided by the
clean energy source in the energy sources municipality

Proposed development thrust and spatial strategies and options

The development thrust and spatial strategies identified by the various stakeholders to determine the future of the municipality are
the following:

Development Thrust Strategies/ Options to pursue development thrust

Intensified Agricultural Development Crop intensification and expansion
Agricultural Processing/ Value Adding
Agri-Eco-Tourism Development Creation of tour packages linked with exiting circuits
Development of agriculture-based tourism
Agri-Industrial Development Intensification of agro-industries
Strengthening of engineered bamboo industry

Analysis and evaluation of development thrusts and spatial strategies and options

The Goal Achievement Analysis (GAM) was conducted to help decide on the development thrust to pursue based on its extent of
achieving the goals and objectives. This method compared the development options or alternatives or programs/ projects which represent
alternative ways of achieving goals. The objectives were ranked in order of importance by assigning each a weight taking into consideration
the priorities of the planning area.

The participants in the workshop were farmers, fisher folks, environmental planners, youth, and women, elderly and physically
challenged, elective officials, barangay captains, government employees, health workers, forest dwellers, professionals, entrepreneurs,
Agricultural Technologists and Indigenous People.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 99

These groups rated the development thrust based on the perceived importance of each vision element-descriptor to the interests
of the sector, each group assigned weights to each goal. Then the options were rated using the following scale:

0 = Option/ alternative does not contribute t the fulfillment of the particular foal from the sector’s point of view
+ = Option/ alternative does contribute to the fulfillment of the particular goal
- = Option/ alternative is inconsistent with or contradicts the goal

The results are as follows:

Societal Sector Agricultural Agri-Eco Tourism
1 Farmers 1.8 1.8 1.8
2 Fisherfolk 2.5 1.8 1.5
3 Environmental Planners 2.35 2.9 -0.5
5 Youth 1.5 1.5 2.5
6 Women 3 3 3
7 Elderly/ Physically Challenged 2.5 1.3 1.8
8 Elective Officials 2.5 3 2
9 Barangay Captains 2.8 3 2.95
10 Government Employee 3 3 3
11 Health Workers 0.8 0.9 0
12 Forest Dwellers 2.05 2.2 -1.65
13 Professional 3 3 3
14 Entrepreneur 1.9 1.9 1.9
15 ATs 2.9 2.35 2.55
16 IP 2.7 1.5 0.7
total 35.3 33.15 24.55
rank 1 2 3

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 100

C. Development Concept and Structure Plan

The concept/ structure plan was formulated under the guidance of the HLURB planning team. It was conducted in a workshop after
discussions of the purpose of the activity. Concept map translates the vision into broad physical and development terms; identify the
physical and spatial character based on preferred land uses and allocations that will represent the vision; and identify the development
strategies and spatial options to achieve the development goals.

The activity produced the development thrust and spatial strategy as well as the structure plan or map showing preferred
development direction and spatial configuration. The planning team, technical working group and stakeholders generated and evaluated
options for the strategic development, formulated development strategies to pursue the preferred development thrust, evaluated and
selected the most suitable development and spatial strategies, and prepared the structure plan based on the spatial strategies.

The team looked-into the external environment, internal environment, functional role of the municipality, its comparative advantage
and potentials, environment, demographics or growth dynamics and socio-economic conditions.

The three identified development thrusts are Sustainable Agriculture Development, Tourism Development and Industrial
Development. Agricultural development focuses on agricultural sector as main engine of growth. The LGU provides the required physical
infrastructure and services such as irrigation facilities, farm to market roads, credit/ lending facilities, technology, training/ educational
programs and other support systems. Protection of prime agricultural lands or areas covered by the Network of Protected Agricultural and
Agri-Industrial Development Areas (NPAADs) is prioritized. Export of locally produced agriculture products are encouraged after ensuring
that the local food requirement/s of its population is addressed (HLURB, eCLUP Vol. 1).

In tourism development, the LGU provides the required infrastructures to support, improve and strengthen the municipality’s tourism
thrust. The LGU also provides measures to conserve its coastal or upland areas to ensure that tourism will not cause the degradation of the
environment, harm or affect the social or local customs/ traditions of the city or municipality. The LGU prepares a tourism plan to layout the
detailed activities, programs and projects that support the thrust.

In industrialization, the LGU ensures that the support services, facilities and utilities required as power, water, roads,
telecommunications and efficient solid waste disposal, are available, well-planned and provided for. The LGU puts mitigating measures to
address the impacts of industrial operations while taking advantage of processing activities that will complement and further increase the
output/s of other productive sectors like agriculture and commerce and trade.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 101

Agri-Industrial Development
Intensified Agricultural Development

Agri-Eco Tourism Development

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 102

Map 19. Concept Map of Intensified Agricultural – Agri-Industrial – Eco-Tourism
Irrigation systems, FMR, value adding, integrated
farming systems, organic production, and
establishing learning sites
. .

Concept Map

Pawili as major center

with overlay zones for
intensified urban
. development, Sto.
Domingo, Palsong and
AGRI-ECO TOURISM Panoypoyan, Poblacion
DEVELOPMENT to be maintained
Support organic food
production-tourism, site Growth Center
. .
tourism and activities Agri/Eco- Tourism Development
tourism Idustrial Development
Agricultural Development
Flood risks within Poblacion and flood Sanitary Landfill
plains; relocate ISF along legal Major Urban Corridor
easements and flood and landslide
Proposed Road Network
PROTECTION AND prone area, within 5m fault line;
RESTORATION adaptation to sea level rise
of forest, coastal
and river/ riparian

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 103

During the succeeding workshops, it was identified that combination of the three options was the most appropriate based on the
three-pronged vision of the municipality and named it as Intensified Agricultural – Agri-Industrial – Eco-Tourism Development. It can be
noted that large track of land is allocated to agricultural purposes, but with ample supply of land for urban development in strategic places
that will best fit existing and planned infrastructures.

Then, a structure map was formulated that projects the identified development of the municipality. The sustainable agriculture area
were the agricultural plains that flank the Pawili River and Bicol River, tourism areas cut across the forest, upland, lowland and coasts, while
industrial area was confined at the North side of the municipality in consideration of the wind direction, land suitability and strategic location
for spill-over of the neighboring Capital town of Camarines Sur.

Urban development is expected at Barangays Pawili, Palsong, Panoypoyan, and Sto Domingo. A linear growth is observed along
Poblacion going to Barangay Bagumbayan, Causip and Sto. Domingo. Sprouting of commercial centers along Panoypoyan is projected
with the on-going rehabilitation of Minalabac-Topas, Nabua alternate route.
The increase in traffic of people and goods are expected along the route.

An underlying principle in coming-up with the concept/structure map

is the integration of disaster risk reduction and mitigation and climate
change adaptation considering that vast area of the municipality is flood
prone and is within the typhoon belt area. This becomes clearer in Volume
2, the Zoning Ordinance through the incorporation of a flood hazard overlay Major Center
to ensure appropriate mitigation techniques are adopted for all new Major Roads
buildings in land known to be vulnerable to flood, storm and landslide
hazards as well as renovation or improvement for adaptation of existing
structures. Volume 3, the Sectoral Studies, also discusses known disaster
hazards and climate change projections and contains recommendations for

The growth pattern or spatial development concept pursued by the Development Nodes
municipality is centric and nodal form. This is characterized by clusters of
development, having each cluster its own specialization. The major center in
the Poblacion provides the facilities needed by its nodes and acts as linkage
to other nodes. The identified new growth areas in Palsong Panoypoyan, Sto.
Domingo and Pawili will support the Poblacion. Figure 6. Centric and Nodal Growth Pattern

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 104

General location of areas for conservation and protection

Protection at the upland areas include conservation areas within forest and forest land (FFL). These covers areas with more than 30°
slope, critical spring sources, and habitat of endemic species such as kabalang, talas, tagparak, etc. These are fund at Barangays San
Roque Hts. Caorasan, Itangon, San Francisco, la Purisima, Bagoladio, Inoyonan, La Victoria and Kinalabasahan.

Protection areas at Barangays Itangon and Caorasan include the turtle spawning or laying ground at Itangon, Marine Protected
Areas (MPA) encompassing all coral lines of the two (2) barangays, where the planning team considered expanding the protected areas
covering all the coralline in the two coastal barangays. Mangrove rehabilitation and protection at the two (2) costal barangays where the
old growth used to be located. Foreshore or salvage zone and possible extend of sea level rise will be used solely for tourism and research.

These areas also include prime agriculture/ production lands, shoreline and buffer zones, salvage areas, inland waters and marine
protected areas.

Former casa and underground structures of the ancient production facility in Barangay Fabrica will be studied-on to determine its
potential for restoration and conservation. Gabaldon Buildings within Bula Central School will also be submitted for study and possible

General location of development areas for agriculture,

tourism, industry, and agro-forestry

Agricultural Development areas include the vast organic rice production area of Lanipga; conventional rice production areas of
Danawan (Sto. Domingo, San Isidro, San Agustin, San Ramon, Ombao Polpog, San Roque Pob, Causip, San Miguel, Sagrada and
Bagumbayan); Ranu (Fabrica, Sta Elena, San Jose, Casugad, Balaogan, and Palsong); Causip – Sto. Domingo – Bagumabayan rice area;
and upland rice production areas at strategic locations in upland barangays. Vegetable and other crop production areas are located in
Barangays Palsong, Lubgan, Balaogan, La Purisima, Taisan, Sto. Niño and Ombao Hts.

Fishery Development areas are located within Bula lake, Pawili and Bicol River, fish ponds within Palsong and Lubgan, and marine
waters of Itangon and Caorasan.

Agri-tourism areas include Barangay Lanipga, San Isidro, San Agustin, san Ramon, Lubgan, La Purisima, San Jose and Panoypoyan.
Eco-tourism areas include the coastal barangays namely: Barangay Lubgan, Kinalabasahan, San Roque Hts, Ombao Hts. and Bagoladio.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 105

Faith tourism includes Barangay Bagoladio where the Tan Awan Community Eco-Park is located, Barangay Ombao Polpog where the
miraculous St. Vincent Ferrer resides, and the Poblacion where the Parish of St. Mary Magdalene is located and known to be one of the first
churches or mission houses installed in this region. Although the original edifice was destroyed by earthquake. The present church was
constructed in 1978.

General location of buffers surrounding or bordering areas under

protection/ production and development areas

Buffers assigned are mandatory easements of rivers, streams, shores of sea and lake. Rivers abutting the urban barangays of
Poblacion (Sagrada, Salvacion and San Roque Pob) and Palsong were buffed measuring 3 m. Rivers and streams with twenty (20) meters
for rural/ agricultural areas. Forty (40) meters buffer are assigned within forest lands. Forty (40) meter foreshore of Ragay Gulf along the two
(2) coastal barangays, mangrove restoration area will also be provided with 40m buffer.

Identified and duly recognized spring sources will be submitted for local protection and with added 40 m buffer surrounding each
spring source. Protection area or those with more than 30° slope are also provided with 40m buffer. A minimum of 5-meter buffer is also
designated to separate different use zones.

Map 20. Forest and Spring Sources Buffer Map 21. Marine Protected area with Buffer

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 106

Areas for climate resiliency adaptation measures or projects

Flood control structures along critical areas of Pawili River, Bicol River and Anayan Creek. Mangrove areas will be re-established
within Caorasan and Itangon.

Relocation sites will be provided and developed at Barangay Itangon for the coastal easement dwellers and hazard areas along
coastal Barangays. Relocation site for TY Nina victims and other settlers along hazard areas and legal easements will be developed within
Barangay Ombao Hts. Coastal dwellers, especially those beyond legal easement will observe or comply to heights regulations or adaptive
measures based on the projected increase in sea level rise. Provided that during impending emergencies, these coastal barangay dwellers
have to observe evacuation standards or protocol. An evacuation center will be established within the designated relocation site.

Kinalabasahan and Salles Elementary Schools need to be further studied for possible relocation based on recommendations of the
Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) being these schools located within areas highly susceptible to landslide.

Flood prone areas need to comply with regulations on floor heights.

General location of proposed major infrastructure projects

Major infrastructures will be located along Pawili and Bicol Rivers for flood control and slope protection, concreting of major road
networks covering Pawili – Fabrica – Bagumbayan; Pawili – Fabrica- San Jose – Casugad – Palsong; Sto. Domingo - San Isidro – San Agustin
- San Miguel – Ombao Polpog – San Roque Pob.; Panoypoyan – Bagoladio – Inoyonan – Itangon; Itangon – Caorasan; Palsong –La Purisima
– Balaogan; La Purisima – San Francisco – Inoyonan; La Victoria – Kinalabasahan – Taisan Roads.

Construction of Government Center at Barangay Pawili; Infirmary at barangay Panoypoyan; Slaughterhouse at Barangay Sagrada;
Sanitary Landfill and Materials Recovery Facility at barangay Lanipga; Solar Farm at Barangay Lanipga; Central Transportation Terminal at
Barangay Pawili, transport terminals at Barangays Sagrada and Palsong.

Fish landing with light house will be constructed/ established in Barangay Itangon.

Relocation sites will be provided for those families/ households living along legal easements, hazard exposed areas and those who
were devastated by Typhoon Nina and has no means to build-back. These sites are located in Barangays Ombao Hts and Itangon.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 107

Overall direction of urban expansion

Urban expansion will generally be directed to Barangay Pawili, Sto. Domingo Palsong and Panoypoyan, although the present
growth center will be maintained.

Barangay Pawili will be designated as the main growth center in the planning period, where commercial, residential and industrial
zones are overlay zones in the generally assigned zones.

Proposed circulation system that shows the linkage among

the identified development areas within the municipality,
linkage of the municipality with the other municipalities,
province and region

The Municipality is connected to the Municipalities of Baao and Pili through the AH 26, plied along by buses of both local, regional
and national routes. It is also being traversed by a major secondary road connecting the Municipalities of Minalabac and Nabua. Then a
proposed Coastal Highway at the south that will connect the Municipalities of Balatan and Minalabac. All of these major roads will connect
the municipality to the rest of the province, region and the country.

Farm to market roads within the strategic intensified agricultural production areas are proposed within Barangay Lanipga, the seat
of organic rice production; Danawan area connecting rice lands within Barangays San Miguel, San Isidro, San Agustin San Ramon, Ombao
Polpog and San Roque Pob.; Ranu area covering Barangays Sta Elena, Fabrica, San Jose, Casugad, Balaogan and Palsong.

As an alternate route during flooding spells, Barangay San Ramon will be connected to Barangay Sto. Niño. Improvement of road
networks along Lubgan, Panoypoyan to Itangon shall be conducted to connect the tourism sites. Road opening and concreting along San
Francisco – Inoyonan – San Roque Hts – Itangon will be studied-on to provide alternate road going to Itangon due to the observed creeping
of land mass where the exiting road going to Itangon is located.

La Victoria - Taisan will be connected to Magadap, Minalabac by providing road opening and concreting from Taisan to Sto. Niño.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 108

Map 22. Proposed Road Network Circulation Map
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026
D. The Land Use Plan

The proposed Land Use Plan for 2018 – 2027 of the Municipality of Bula intends to balance the development of the municipality with
the sustainability of its environment and welfare of its people. The development efforts should be anchored on the sustainability, protection
and conservation of biophysical feature. Hence, its general goal to obtain equilibrium among protection and production areas.

The following are the highlights of this General Land Use Plan:

 Integration of disaster risk reduction, mitigation and adaptation measures and climate change adaptation
 Promotion of socialized housing in a number of suitable areas, some of which can double as relocation sites for
those living in danger areas
 Provision of buffer zones/greenbelt areas especially along waterway, spring sources and forest and forest land
 Promotion of Crop diversification, integrated farming using climate smart technologies
 Identification and resettlement of households to be affected by sea level rise and flooding
 Stressed the observance of legal easements (e.g. in creeks, rivers, roads, etc.)
 Stressed the need for all new development in land known to be at risk of flood hazard to demonstrate
appropriate mitigation and adaptation techniques
 Stressed the need for sea level rise and flooding adaptation strategies along coastal barangays
 Optimize the zoning layout of the Poblacion area, provision of alleys within large built areas and overlay of commercial
zone and flood adaptation policy
 Identification of growth nodes
 Incorporation of a “Deferred Residential” approach to residential growth areas to help direct residential growth to
locations identified as growth nodes such as that of Barangays within the Forest Zone
 Expansion of commercial areas based on the existing trend
 Expansion of residential areas based on the existing trend and considering the relocation of households within hazard
and easements
 Identification of sites that will host vital institutional facilities (e.g. new PNP station, new BFP station, new recreational
areas, infirmary or municipal hospital, community college, government center, etc.)
 Forest, mangrove and coral rehabilitation and protection, with exception for establishment of road network
 Identification of site for agri-eco tourism development
 Optimization of agricultural lands
 Delineation of expansion areas in all barangays, especially in forest areas
 Identification of new support infrastructures (i.e. road networks, irrigation systems, water system, etc.)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 110

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026

Map 23. The Proposed Land Use Map for 2018 – 2026
The CLUP provides for main land use categories such as Forest and Forest Land, Agriculture, Water, Tourism, Residential, Commercial,
Industrial, Institutional, Parks and Recreation, Cemetery, Infrastructure Utilities, Transportation Services, and Landfill.

For forest land, the mining area for gypsum is included in the production zone with an area of 19.24 hectares at Barangay Caorasan.
The total forest area with more than 30° slope including forest buffer accounts for 636 hectares, with 573.01 strict protection and 62.99
hectares buffer or 0.2655%. These buffer strips measure 5 meters surrounding the forest protection zone and 50-meter radius of all spring
sources within FFL. Production zone reduced from 2,612.79 hectares and 19.24 hectares gypsum mining area, will be reduced to 1,996.03
hectares or 8.41% including the previously open access forest and shall be awarded to the recognized People’s Organizations managing
the CBFMAs.

Within these forest protection zones are the delicate habitats of endemic species of chicken locally known as “talas,” “kabalang,”
“usa,” and “tagparak.”

A total of 38.81% of 9,207.73 hectares Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development (NPAAAD) that
contains the 6,816.50 Strategic Agricultural and Fishery Development Zone. These protected zones are strictly secured from conversion, but
these are used for crops production with aggregate area of 9,249.90 and pasture land of 530.25. Pasture land allocation followed the rule
of thumb of providing 0.5 hectare per cow calf pair for 12 months.

NPAAAD area includes irrigated areas with 5,816.25 hectares, pasture areas with 530.35 hectares, industrial cropland (specially where
bamboos thrive and proposed bamboo plantation) with 470 hectares, Bula Lake with 145 hectares, rivers and creeks with 2,167.16 hectares
fish sanctuary of 77.07 hectares and the proposed mangrove rehabilitation and protection zone with 2.0 hectares. Within this development
area lie the Strategic Agriculture and Fishery Development Zone comprised of irrigated areas, pasture area, and bamboo production area.

Water uses also pursued the policy areas of protection, production and buffer. Protection zones include the Fish Sanctuary of 47.07
hectares, foreshore land of 42.06 with an increase of 10.0 hectares; Bula Lake with 145.0 hectares; mangrove rehabilitation area of 2.0,
proposed seagrass experimental rehabilitation of 1.0 hectare; rivers and creeks of 2,167.16hectares or 9.13%; and buffer of 1,077.87 hectares
or 4.52%. Production zone includes the municipal fishing area of 6,243.67, with an observed reduction of 699.26 from 6,942.95 hectares and
the proposed navigation lane of 624.37 hectares located at 1 kilometer from the protection zones. Foreshore land included the proposed
site to be vacated by residents. Protection zone along foreshore includes the spawning grounds of green sea turtle or locally called as
“pawikan” at Barangay Itangon and “burirawan” or freshwater eel in the two major river systems.

Tourism or eco-tourism area increased with 78.46 hectares from its original 3.77 providing for the development of potential sites.
Expansion areas in the barangays promoting in-filling of residential areas and intensification at Barangays San Ramon, San Agustin and San

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 112

Isidro to optimize allotted home lots and preserving the farm lots. This pattern aims to facilitate ease of access and convenience to services
and facilities within the barangays. Assigned socialized housing in Itangon with 1.5 hectares and the relocation area of 10.0 hectares in
Ombao Hts. Poblacion barangays will pursue the same pattern, but with overlay of general commercial zones and institutional zone at
Barangay Sagrada to include the proposed Slaughterhouse, DRRM Complex and connecting to the existing area of Bula National High

Commercial areas are allocated at the target development nodes, although an overlay zone of vast commercial area is assigned
at Barangay Pawili to anticipate spill-over of the commercial space demand in the Capital Town. It was not directly assigned due to possible
oversupply if the tempo of development in the nearby municipality slackens. Light industries are also allocated with 168.98 hectares.

Institutional zones require 112.37 hectares or an additional 26.38 that will provide for relocation of government center, establishment
of infirmary or municipal hospital, rehabilitation center, community college, relocation of two (2) elementary schools, additional high schools
and elementary schools, required spaces for the Bureau of Fire Protection Municipal Station, and other institutional facilities.

Parks and recreation requires 33.35 hectares based on the projected population, or an increase of 6.70 hectares. This area will house
the proposed children’s park or neighborhood park, the sports complex and other open spaces for sports and recreation.

Public cemetery requires an additional 1.6 hectares or a total of 6.56 hectares. Infrastructure utilities, transportation and services
require a total of 269.16 hectares or an additional 24.21 hectares for road, including water system right of way. The municipality also requires
a category 1 sanitary landfill equivalent to 3.60 hectares including Material Recovery Facility.

The largest portion is still allocated to agricultural development, specifically crop production, which accounts for 38.99% of the total
area of the municipality. Protection forest trailed next with 8.413%. This is followed by water production zone or the municipal sustainable
fishing development zone equivalent to 26.315%. Rivers and creeks followed with 4.54%, navigational use with 2.631%.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 113

Table 17. Future Land Use based on Proposed Land Use Plan of LGU Bula, Camarines Sur for 2018-2027

AREA (in hectares) Symbology Production Aquaculture 3.00 3.00 - AC 175,200,225

Land Use
Sub-Categories Increase/
Category Existing Proposed CODE RGB Municipal Fishing 6,942.95 3,610.52 (3,332.43) MF 175,200,225
Decrease Other Uses*
Forest and Forest Land Navigation - 361.05 361.05
Protection Forest Buffer 62.99 170.19 107.20 FB 0,100,0 Tourism/ Eco-
3.77 82.23 78.46 T/ ECT
NIPAS: Strict Tourism 255,153,0
NSP Residential R
Protection Zone 573.01 636.00 62.99 0,100,0 131.60 319.20 187.60 255,255,0
NIPAS: Multiple Use Socialized Housing 0.50 2.00 1.50 SH 255,255,0
Production Zone 1,976.79 1,996.03 19.24 0,100,0 Relocation Site of
Mining 19.24 (19.24) MI 0,100,0 Informal IS
Agriculture Settlements - 10.00 10.00 255,255,0
Commercial 8.61 89.18 80.57 255,0,0
Protection NPAAAD - 9,207.73 9,207.73 NPA 0,150,0
SAFDZ - 6,816.50 6,816.50 SAF 0,150,0 9.65 - (9.65) AGI
Industrial 200,150,255
Production Crops 9,249.90 9,332.92 83.02 CRO 0,150,0 Industrial - 153.70 153.70 IND 150,0,255
Pasture 49.00 469.20 420.20 PA 0,150,0 Institutional 85.99 112.37 26.38 INT 100,225,100
Water - Parks and
26.65 33.35 6.70 PR
Protection Recreation 100,225,100
FRS Cemetery/
Fish Sanctuary/ MPA 30.00 2,617.17 2,587.17 175,200,225
Memorial Park CM
Foreshore Land 32.06 42.06 10.00 FL 5.50 9.98 4.48 190,190,190
Delta/Estuary 0.84 0.84 - DE 175,200,225 utilities,
lakes 145.00 145.00 - LA 175,200,225 Transportation INF

MN and Services 244.95 269.56 24.61 190,190,190

Mangrove - 4.75 4.75 175,200,225
Seagrass beds - 1.00 1.00 SB Landfill/
175,200,225 LF
Dumpsite 0.50 10.00 3.60
Rivers and Creeks 2,167.16 2,167.16 - RC 175,200,225 Vacant idle land 878.80
Rivers and Creeks
RCB TOTAL 23,726.33 23,726.33 (0.00)
Buffer 1,077.87 1,077.87 - 175,200,225

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 114

Detailed land use allocation and sectoral maps

Forest Land Use Plan

The forest and forest land is allocated

according to protection, production, and
buffer zones. The existing built-up areas
consisting of residential commercial and
institutional areas will be deferred, and no
expansion will be allowed. Instead, a strip
form of development will be allowed along
the existing road with 10 meters depth at
both sides. However, the existing built-up
areas will be submitted to DENR for
recognition and awarding as Barangay

Protection zones are those spring

sources and areas with more than 30° slope.
Waterways within the FFL are also treated as
protected areas.

Production areas are those outside

protection areas and built-up zones
handled by SOK and LVBPUFAI. Open
access areas will be considered as part of
production or protection areas depending
on slope.

Buffers are the added area surrounding the protection zones with 40- meters depth from the edge of protection zones.

Built-up (residential, institutional, commercial) are of barangay Bagoladio is 4.27 hectares, 7.01has for Caorasan, 4.58 has for
Inoyonan, 0.27 has for Kinalabasahan, 2.72 has for La Victoria, and 4.26 has for Taisan.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 115

Coastal Resource Management Plan

Coastal resources were also

allocated according to protection,
production and buffer zones.

The coastal resource map shows

road network, navigational lane, rocky
shoreline, sandy shoreline, rivers/ estuaries,
sustainable marine zone, mangrove area,
MPA and assigned buffer, tourism zone and
residential area and proposed relocation

For protection, 30° slope of Caorasan

part of FFL, waterways, proposed mangrove
rehabilitation and protection at the
Northern part of Itangon and alongside of
Caorasan river. The four (4) coral lines of the
entire stretch of Bula coastline will be
included in the protected area.

The remaining land and marine

waters will be dedicated as production

Buffers of 40 meters for rivers and foreshore will be observed. MPA areas will also be buffed with 1 kilometer to ensure that the fish
sanctuaries will not be disturbed while rehabilitating the coral reefs.

Navigational lanes will be assigned 1 km from the edge of the outermost MPA providing point of entry to Barangays Caorasan and
Itangon, especially at the fish landing established in Barangay Itangon.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 116

The existing settlement area within the coastal foreshore will be relocated at the identified site. Those outside the mandatory
easement or salvage zone will have the option to relocate or institute adaptive measures such as building height and retrofitting of their
respective structures.

Tourism areas along the beaches of Itangon and Caorasan will be used as recreational zone.

Tourism Master Plan

Potential tourism destinations will be

pursued and developed in the context or eco-

Potential sites for agri-tourism are the

organic rice production in Lanipga, BFAR
regional center in Fabrica, bamboo common
service Facility in Pawili and vast rice areas in
the plains of the municipality. Faith tourism will
also be provided in the side visiting the
miraculous St. Vincent Ferrer in Ombao and
one of the oldest parishes in the Region at the
Poblacion. Ecological tourism includes the Tan-
Awan Park in Bagoladio, Magdaguini Spring in
Ombao Hts., Ballester Spring in Casugad, Paniki
cave in Kinalabasahan, Nalalata Falls in
Lubgan and the two (2) beaches in Barangays
Itangon and Caorasan.

Further promotion of the mountain bike

trail traversing the Poblacion-Panoypoyan-
Ombao Hts-Sto Niño-Taisan-Kinalabasahan-La

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 117

Victoria – Bagoladio-Panoypoyan going back to Poblacion for regular trail and extreme trail diverting from Bagoladio going to Inoyonan –
Itangon and Caorasan.

Solid Waste Management Plan

Collection, transfer and disposal activities

will have to pursue two (2) different strategies
based on the geographical locations of the
barangays. Lowland barangays will have
designated pick-up points where the
barangays can pool their residuals and to be
picked-up by the municipal collectors.
Barangay solid waste management system and
their eco-aides will take charge of the collection
of segregated household wastes. Recyclables
or re-usable will be brought to their respective
Barangay MRFs that will eventually be used as
source of new products or in waste-based
livelihood activities, while other wastes could be
sold to junkshops or waste processing
companies outside the municipality. This
strategy is deemed to be cost effective and will
ensure full participation of the barangays.

Incentive and awards system to

recognize performing barangays needs to be
formulated to further encourage full
participation. Collected residual wastes at pick-up points will be brought to the sanitary landfill, if already operational. If the SLF is still not
yet operational, residual wastes will be brought to the temporary Residual Containment Area (RCA) within the existing controlled dumpsite
that will serve as repository of residuals until such time that the SLF is ready.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 118

On the other hand, the upland barangays, although will have the same arrangements in the barangay like those in lowland, they
will have transfer facilities that can store residuals up to one truckload prior to pick-up of the municipal collectors and be brought o RCA or
Sanitary Land Fill. A transfer facility for the barangays of the South (Caorasan, Itangon, San Roque Hts, San Francisco, and Inoyonan) will be
located at the junction Barangay Inoyonan-San Roque Hts-Itangon. Southwest barangays (Bagoladio, La Victoria, Kinalabasahan and
Taisan) will have transfer facility at Barangay Bagoladio.

It is imperative that upland barangays be provided with collection services since per result of the Participatory Coastal Resource
Assessment (PCRA), most of the solid waste of these upland barangays end-up in Ragay Gulf where corals were greatly affected. The
adherence of the systematized schedule of collection will be strongly executed. Barangay MRF shall maintain composting facility, and
procure “mobile MRF” to facilitate the system of collection.

It is imperative that biodegradable wastes be really composted while the residuals are sorted out and the plastics, bottles and other
brittle materials are shredded or pulverized. Output of which will be sold to processing industries to be identified and contracted. The figure
in page 50 illustrates the location of these facilities.

Spatial requirements include the establishment of category 1 sanitary landfill with an area of 3.6 hectares. Pick-up points, MRF and
composting facilities of at least 500 square meters in 17 barangays, 2 transfer facilities in Barangays Inoyonan and Bagoladio, Residual
Containment Area of at least 100 square meters at Barangay Bagoladio.

Agriculture Development Plan

The existing Strategic Agriculture and Fishery Development Zone (SAFDC) will be pursued, where organic rice production at Barangay
Lanipga, conventional rice productions at the plains of Danawan and Ranu areas, RIDA area, vegetable and corn productions at several
upland barangays, livestock production in Lubgan, Ombao Hts, La Purisma and Panoypoyan, and fishery productions at the two coastal
barangays, barangays surrounding the lake and the barangays abutting the two (2) major river systems.

Special Area Plan

A solar farm at Barangay Lanipga will be studied further as well as a possible hydro-electric power plant at Barangay Inoyonan and
San Roque Hts. Identified remains of “casa” as local heritage site being the first perfume and starch industry in the Region. A facility to house
or serve as repository of historical and cultural treasures.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 119

E. Land and Water Policies

Policies that will govern the specific land and water uses in the entire municipality

The role of the land use policies is to provide guidelines in the development control and zoning arrangements for each land use
management zone category and sub-categories that will guide all the development activities in the municipality to support and further
encourage actions toward the achievement of the vision, goals, objectives and targets of the land use plan. Clear guidance for the
regulations are contained in Volume 2 or the Zoning Ordinance.

General Land Use Policies

1. New development and/or change in land use should comply with all relevant national, provincial and municipal laws, policies,
regulations, ordinances and resolutions.
2. New development and/or change in land use should comply with the regulations specified in the Zoning Ordinance, including
any special requirements for such a use and the statement of the zone’s desired character with consideration of green urban
3. New development and/or change in land use adjacent to neighboring municipalities should be complementary to the CLUP
and Zoning Ordinance of that particular municipality.
4. Development at the boundary with another zone should consider the zoning regulations, and land uses/development within the
adjoining zone.
5. Where there is inconsistency between regulations specified in the Zoning Ordinance, the zone and, if applicable, overlay
regulations take precedence over more general regulations.
6. Where new development and/or change in land use is not expressly envisaged through zone regulations, it should be considered
that the development and/or land use is not appropriate.
7. In areas where a mix of land uses is acceptable and desired, more intensive uses should not unreasonably impact less intensive
uses, while less intensive uses should not impose unreasonable restrictions on the activities of more intensive uses.
8. New development should be located and designed to minimize impacts and conflict between land uses, and to protect desired
land uses from the encroachment of incompatible development.
9. New development and/or change in land use should only take place where existing infrastructure and utilities can be accessed.
10. Urban expansion should occur in an orderly sequence and in a compact form to enable the efficient provision of public services
and facilities, and the efficient and cost effective use of existing infrastructure.
11. Urban expansion of rural barangays should seek to promote a “compact” development pattern to ensure that most residents
can walk to key services.

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12. New development should not be located in land known to be exposed to flood, landslide, erosion, fault line, sea level rise and
ground settlement hazards, unless there are adequate measures in place to adequately respond to those hazards.
13. New development and/or change in land use should not detrimentally affect the amenity of the area, create unreasonable
noise or air quality impacts on nearby properties, or contribute to environmental degradation (land contamination, water quality,
biodiversity, erosion, human health).
14. No development should take place in sensitive natural environments.
15. New development and/or change of land use should not result in the disturbance and modification of the natural landform.
16. New development and/or change in land use should re-instate, maintain and enhance natural hydrological condition wherever
17. Development along two major river systems and creeks should not worsen existing erosion, siltation and/or water quality.
18. Development of toilets, pigpens and any other development that creates animal or human wastes adjacent to waterways should
ensure outflow waters do not unreasonably impact the health of the receiving waterways.
19. New development should be sited and designed to protect water quality, reduce run off and peak flows, and downstream flood
risk, maximize the local re-use of storm water and protect storm water from pollution sources.
20. New development and/or change in land use should minimize harm to life, property and environment through appropriate
location of development, and appropriate storage, containment and handling of hazardous materials.
21. New development should provide adequate and safe vehicle access, and vehicle parking, movement and loading areas.
22. Major development should incorporate traffic impact assessment.
23. Development and/or change in land use should incorporate appropriate landscaping for shading, visual amenity and
environmental purposes.
24. Development and/or change in land use should include adequate space and facilities for solid waste management.
25. Private properties falling within expanded easement shall follow restrictions for the portion of the property. Land swap or buy-out
or acquisition of development rights to obtain land control status.
26. Restrictions:
a) Flood Overlay
i. Building Design Standards
1. Required elevation for the lowest floor line of new constructed and improved buildings
2. Wet and dry flood proofing measures such as backflow valves, waterproofing for doors and windows,
elevated electric circuits, etc.
3. Measures to compensate storm water retention capacity of the buildings site due to infilling
4. Measures to retrofit existing buildings on floodplain zone
ii. Environmental conservation and protection standards
1. Preserve riparian strips/ ecological buffers along water channels

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 121

2. Not alter natural drainage patterns
3. Not alter or fill or build on the floodplain without proper drainage design and without proper consideration
of possible inundation effects of nearby properties
4. Avoid/ minimize culverting or canalization of watercourses unless necessary for access
5. Use permeable pavement materials and sustainable urban drainage systems such as filtration trenches,
retention ponds, swales, rainwater storage, green roofs and other related technologies that can improve
storm water quality, decrease runoff, manage peak flows, and make productive use of storm water.
6. Protect water bodies from sedimentation and erosion.
7. Design internal drainage so as not to increase turbidity, sediment yield, or discharge harmful substances.
8. Retain at least 10% of the property for open space
b) Landslide Susceptibility Overlay
i. Site development requirements
1. Locate buildings away from steep slopes, streams and rivers, or the mouths of mountain channels
2. Maintain low density (as designated for R-1 use)
3. Employ slope stabilization measures such as control of surface and groundwater drainage, earth
buttresses, restraining walls, terracing, etc.
c) Liquefaction Susceptibility Overlay
i. Building Design Requirements:
1. Conduct geo-testing to verify soil suitability
2. Employ soil mitigation such as engineered fill if found necessary
3. Employ structural mitigation such as mat foundation or piles if found necessary
d) Storm Surge Overlay Zone
i. Building Design Requirements:
1. Required elevation requirements for the lowest floor line of new constructed and improved buildings
2. Requirements for construction of structures on stilts as applicable
3. Limitations on uses of enclosed spaces below flood elevation (for parking, access, or limited storage
4. Wet and dry flood proofing measures such as backflow valves, waterproofing for doors and windows,
elevated electric circuits, etc.
ii. Environmental Conservation and Protection Standards
1. Developments shall:
a. Build only in the allowable areas beyond the required coastal easement
b. Preserve and maintain mangroves and natural vegetation along the coast

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 122

General Forest Use Policies
1. Complete delineation of protection and production forests
2. Development is limited to establishment of road network connecting barangays outside the forest zone.
3. Co-management of forestland.

Protection Zone

1. Protection zones include:

a. 5m both sides of fault line
b. Very High flooding
c. Very High Landslide
d. High Storm Surge
e. Water sources
f. Bio-diversity area
2. No cutting of trees at revived/ rehabilitated natural rainforest/ proposed rehabilitation and protection zones that will be locally
declared as protection area.
3. Rehabilitation effort will make use of dominant endemic species. Bamboo shall be considered as priority species to be planted
along rivers and creeks easements.
4. Non-buildable or no building of any kind of structures will be allowed.
5. The 40-meter easement of water bodies shall be maintained on both sides.
6. Rehabilitation of river easements must be in multi-storey (agro-forestry) type and considered as biodiversity corridor.
7. Spring sources or community watershed will be rehabilitated using endemic species and no cutting will be allowed, neither
building of any structures will be allowed. Apply with DENR for co-management or declaration of water sources as community
8. Relocate settlers in the delineated protection zone.
9. Use of protection forest shall be limited to nature-based tourism, educational or research purposes.
10. Buffer zones and legal easements shall be regulated.
11. Zoning of landslide prone areas within forestlands as protection zone and strict enforcement of zoning ordinance.
Encourage communities to relocate to safer areas
12. Zoning of habitats as protection zone and strict enforcement of zoning ordinance with information dissemination on the
importance of biodiversity

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 123

Production Zone
1. For existing settlement areas, inventory of legitimate claimants is required; Maintain 40-meter easement of riverbanks; Follow
building standards; and maintain Tree Parks;
2. Production forest must be planted to 50% timber trees and 50% other trees and cash crops.
3. For sustainable forest production, based on site suitability assessment, allowed investment and activities include: agroforestry,
high value crops, and industrial tree plantation. There should be balance of use for timber/lumber purposes between and
other non-timber uses. Maintain blocks of tree buffer strips in between non-timber uses in complement of biodiversity use.
4. Agro-forestry must be limited in production forests with minimal land tilling
5. Delineated and regulated barangay sites.
6. Development in the forest barangay areas will pursue in-filling and no expansion will be allowed outside the applied
barangay sites.
7. Assured participatory management of forest and forest land.
8. For eco-tourism overlay: apply for Special Use Permit. Further define use regulation prior to issuance of special use permit
that incorporate biodiversity, and other protective uses of the forestlands.
9. Identify production zones within forestlands for plantation development or as communal forests of LGUs

General Tourism Use Policies

1. Development will be limited to environmentally sustainable and inclusive tourism.
2. Develop sites, events, and programs that will encourage and contribute to social cohesion and cultural preservation
3. Ensure infrastructure that will support tourism activities.
4. Tourism sites to obtain necessary permits and clearances with mandatory rescue and first aid teams.
5. Within walkable distance to basic services and other facilities.
6. Use of semi to non-permanent structures.
7. Further define use regulation prior to issuance of special use permit that incorporate biodiversity, and other protective uses of
the forestlands.

General Coastal Resource Use Policies

1. Protection of shorelines and buffer zone: 40m coastal shoreline and river; salvage zone; and fish sanctuary. Declared as no build
zone excluding areas for critical government infrastructure in support to economic development (i.e. ports, fish landing, light
house, etc.)
2. Relocation of beach/ foreshore dwellers and along former mangrove area and imposition of adaptation mechanism on
building standards.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 124

3. Beach development must be coupled with appropriate solid waste management program and drainage and sewerage
system and relocation of dwellers within the foreshore and salvage zones.
4. Mangrove rehabilitation will be of endemic species. No cutting will be allowed.
5. Foreshore development shall be limited to tourism purposes and nobody will be allowed to stay longer and use the area except
for the purpose.
6. Provision of protection line of mangrove and other adaptive trees that serve as wave dissipater during storm surge. Strategic
location is at elevation 5 to 7m of the shore line.
7. Local declaration of entire coral line as protection zone and establish a monitoring system of coastal resources.
8. Properly delineate and install markers to indicate boundaries of protection zones.
9. Seagrass experimental/demo-trial re-integration.
10. Delineate the Legaspi lineament and its 5 m buffer, relocate settlers and limit its use to recreation, and other non-permanent
11. Development through managed Access Area and Sanctuary (MAA+S) shall be properly presented to stakeholders and be

General Water Use Policies

1. Water resources should be managed sustainably and equitably between different uses and users.
2. Within the municipality’s waterways, fisheries, tourism and conservation should be balanced to ensure that the ecological
health of the water zone is maintained, thereby ensuring water quality and long term use of the zone.
3. Permanent structures along water bodies should ensure that all human and animal wastes are disposed of away from the water
4. All development (irrigation, fishery, tourism, hydroelectric power plant) should consider the sustainability of the resource, not to
aggravate existing condition and not to enhance flooding/ inundation potential.
5. Observe open and closed season, property rights (either territorial use rights or access rights regulations)
6. Based upon desired water uses, estimate maximum allowable pollution loads and establish regulations to keep pollution within
these levels (e.g. no new development permits issued until pollution is brought within allowed levels)
7. Protection of “upstream” natural habitats

Policies for Residential Land Uses

1 Densification in areas with lower risk to floods and controlled growth in floodplains.
2 Residential development should provide safe, convenient and healthy living environments that meet the full housing needs and
3 Residential dwellings should be located in Residential Zones

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 125

4 New residential development should be made of strong construction materials that are able to withstand storm/typhoon events
comparable to TY Nina (2016).
5 Land division for residential development should occur in an orderly sequence to ensure an efficient provision of new infrastructure
and facilities and to optimize the use of existing under-utilized infrastructure and facilities.
6 New residential subdivisions should form a compact extension of existing built up areas.
7 New residential subdivisions should not be isolated from existing built up areas unless it can be demonstrated that adequate
roads, drainage, water, electricity, waste management, health and educational infrastructure and services can be provided to
8 Roads, open spaces, paths, buildings and land uses should be laid out and linked so they are easy to understand, navigate, allow
for energy efficient building orientation and include appropriate trees/plant strips.
9 Development within specific area in Barangay Bagoladio and Panoypoyan shall not obstruct the panoramic view of the plains
of Bula and neighboring municipalities from the Tan-Awan Community Eco-Park.
10 New residential dwellings should promote safety and reduce crime by providing passive surveillance of the street through ensuring
windows overlook the street, and fences allow good views of the streets.
11 New residential dwellings should avoid overlooking and/or overshadowing adjoining properties.
12 Residential development should ensure sufficient space is provided for vehicle access and parking, storage, clothes drying,
private open space and storage of waste.
13 It is highly encouraged that residential development near the buffer of agricultural zone follow a uniform color of roofs that will
complement the zone.
14 Resettlement areas should be:
 located in Residential Zones
 Within 400m (acceptable walking distance) of a public transport access point
 Within 400m (acceptable walking distance) of an existing store
 Within 2km of the informal settlements where residents are moving from
 Within 2km of an existing school, barangay hall and health clinic.

Policies for Commercial and Industrial Land Uses

1. Commercial and industrial land uses should be located in zones that facilitate clustering of similar activities, sharing of
infrastructures and utilities, and limiting of environmental impacts.
2. Major commercial and industrial land uses should only be located on National Highway, to maximize proximity to major
infrastructure and minimize impacts.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 126

3. Commercial and industrial land uses should only be mixed with uses of lesser intensity when it can be demonstrated that the uses
of lesser intensity will not be unreasonably impacted by the commercial and industrial activities, and that the ongoing operation
of commercial and industrial activities is not compromised.
4. Major commercial development should not undermine the effective operation of the Bula Public Market in the Poblacion.
5. Commercial and industrial developments at the edge of zones should have particular regard to their impact on sensitive uses in
adjoining zones.
6. Commercial and industrial developments should include facilities for efficient waste management compliant to the municipality’s
waste management system.
7. Commercial and industrial development should not have an unacceptable impact on the surrounding environment such as
emissions of noise, dust or odors, or contamination of soil and water.

Policies for Agricultural Land Uses

1. Food sufficiency is ensured through protecting prime/productive agricultural land through zoning.
2. Agricultural land uses should practice integrated and sustainable land management practices to ensure the long term future of
food production.
3. For areas covered by Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, residential dwellings should only be constructed in agricultural
areas where home lots are specifically provided and connection between the continuation of farming and the construction of
the dwelling, can be demonstrated.
4. Buildings in agricultural areas, such as warehouses and processing mills, are acceptable provided they do not have unreasonable
impacts on agricultural production.
5. Larger scale agricultural processing businesses should be limited to Industrial Zones.
6. Prime agricultural land that can access irrigation infrastructure, along with lands known to have high soil fertility and thus
production potential, should never be converted to non-agricultural uses.
7. Agricultural diversification and controlled urban expansion.

Policies for Institutional and Community Land Uses

1. Land for educational institutions, health care facilities and other critical institutional and community land uses is set aside in
strategic locations that are not exposed to hazards, and protected from development to other uses through zoning.
2. Institutional zones should be close to residential zones or with easy access to public transport.
3. Cemeteries should be developed in
b. Zones without sensitive land uses,

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 127

c. Land not known to be flood prone, and
d. connected to a major road network.

Policies for Sanitary Landfill

1. Allotted land shall conform with geological parameters and screening conditions set by the Mines and Geoscience Bureau, such
a. Accessible from major roadways
b. Not more than 15 to 20 kilometer from source
c. Sheltered from winds coming from the SLF site
d. Not more than 20% slope gradient
e. Rocks not porous and permeable
f. > 75m from Holocene fault
g. 50 m from water body
h. Public water supply intake at least a kilometer away
i. Outside floodplain
j. Stable for 100-year recurrence interval of earthquake hazard
k. Not prone to settlement, erosion and liquefaction
l. 1 km from community centers
m. No archaeological sites
n. More than 1 km from school site
o. No habitat of endangered species
p. More than 2 kilometers away from airports
q. At least 5 years estimated life

F. Major Development Programs

The major programs that has gone through the prioritization process of the cross and Intersectoral analysis to drive the development
of the LGU are the following:

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 128

Priority Development PPAs Area/ Location
Social Sector: Education
Relocation of Kinalabasahan Elementary School Kinalabasahan
Relocation of San Roque Hts (Salles) Elementary School San Roque Hts.
Adaptive Development of Bula Central School Poblacion
Establishment of Tertiary school/ Community College Panoypoyan
Establishment of Public Library LGU Compound
Establishment of Museum LGU Compound
Support program: Provision of 100 additional pre-school teachers, 33 secondary Pre-School
school teachers, 33 ALS Coordinators and college instructors
Tertiary School
Support program: Provision of Scholarship Program Municipal Wide
Social Sector: Social Welfare
Identification and enhancement of Municipal Social Welfare Development Office Municipal Compound
Rehabilitate/ Upgrade 20 Day Care Centers in poor condition Salvacion, Bagoladio, Caorasan,
Casugad, Causip, Inoyonan, Itangon,
Kinalabasahan, La Purisima, Lubgan,
Palsong (2), Panoypoyan, Pawili, San
Francisco, San Ramon, San Roque Hts,
Sta Elena, Sto. Nino and Taisan
Establishment of Community Rehabilitation Center or Bahay Pag-Asa Panoypoyan
Renovated/ Upgraded Senior Citizen Center LGU Compound
Support programs: Create, hire and train additional 3 Plantilla position personnel LGU Compound
Support program: Capability enhancement program for Child Development
Support program: Hire and train 1 center chief; 3 house parents; 2 security guards; Sagrada
2 operations staff for the VAWC temporary shelter
Support program: Accreditation of VAWC Temporary Shelter Sagrada
Social Sector: Shelter and Housing
Land banking: Purchase 15 hectares of suitable land Ombao Hts and Itangon

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 129

Development of Relocation Sites with 2,000 units of single detached houses Ombao Hts and Itangon
Social Sector: Protective Services
Provision/Construction of Municipal Fire Station Sagrada
Establish fire lanes within the Poblacion and other strategic locations with fire Poblacion, Panoypoyan, Palsong, Sto.
hydrants Domingo and Pawili
Support Program: Hire additional PNP and BFP personnel PNP
Support Program: Sustained implementation of POPS Plan Municipal wide
Support Program: Capability Development Program for fire fighters with equipage
Social Sector: Health and Sanitation
Establishment of 3.6 hectares Sanitary Landfill Lanipga or Ombao Hts
Establishment of Material Recovery Facility Lanipga or Ombao Hts
Establishment of Infirmary or Municipal Hospital Panoypoyan
Expansion of Level III Water System Sta Elena, Fabrica, San Jose, Causip,
Sto Domingo, San Isidro, San Agustin,
San Ramon, San Miguel and Ombao
Expansion of Level II Water System Lubgan, Palsong, Balaogan, Casugad,
and Panoypoyan
Expansion of Level II water System La Purisima
Expansion of Level II Water System Ombao Hts
Expansion of Level II Water System Sto Niño
Expansion of Level II Water System Bagoladio, Caorasan and Itangon
Conversion of Level II Water System to Level III with Expansion La Victoria
Expansion of Level III Water System Kinalabasahan
Expansion of Level II Water System Taisan
Construction of Level II Water System Lanipga
Construction of Level II Water System San Francisco
Construction of Level II Water System San Roque Hts.
Establishment of public cemetery Casugad
Construction/Installation of sanitary toilets to 3,022 households Municipal wide

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 130

Construction/ Provision of bike lanes and/ or jogging lanes along the provincial road Poblacion
and easements of Pawili and Bicol River along the urban barangays (with plant
Establishment of 33 Barangay MRF
Social Sector: Sports and Recreation
Establishment of children or neighborhood park Sagrada
Enhancement of Tan-Awan Community Eco-Park Bagoladio
Establishment of open spaces or playgrounds in every barangay Municipal wide
Establishment of Man-made forests or tree parks within forest protection zones
San Roque Hts, Inoyonan, Bagoladio,
Caorasan, La Victoria and
Establishment and enhancement of the MTB trail Upland barangays
Establishment of regulated and compliant resorts along Caorasan and Itangon Caorasan and Itangon
Establishment/ construction of sports complex with complete amenities Sagrada
Improvement of multi-function pavements in 33 barangays Municipal wide
Support program: Development of faith tourism circuit Bagoladio, Ombao Polpog and
Support program: Institutionalization and enhancement of Kamuknaan and
Bamboo Festival
Economic Sector: Agriculture
Expansion of communal irrigation systems Palsong, La Purisima, Balaogan;
Ombao Polpog; and San Miguel
Construction of irrigation systems San Roque Pob, San Miguel, (lakeside)
San Jose, Casugad, Balaogan and
Construction of upland irrigation system Lubgan, La Purisima, San Francisco,
Construction of irrigation system Caorasan and Itangon
Construction/ Concreting of Farm to Market Roads :
Concreting of Lanipga – Ocampo 210 m road and bridge Lanipga
Concreting of Bagoladio – Lubgan 1.1 km FMR Bagoladio and Lubgan

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 131

Road opening and concreting of Taisan – Sto Niño 1.3 km road Taisan and Sto. Niño
Concreting od San Ramon – Sto. Niño 310 m road and bridge San Ramon – Sto. Niño
Construction of San Miguel – San Roque Pob 0.45 km FMR San Miguel and San Roque Pob.
Construction of San Agustin – San Miguel 1 km FMR San Agustin and San Miguel
Construction of Casugad (Canamnam) 2.4 km FMR Casugad
Construction of San Jose – Fabrica 1.6 km FMR San Jose and Fabrica
Construction of San Jose (Section 1) 250 m FMR San Jose
Construction of San Jose (Section 2) 130 m FMR San Jose
Construction of San Jose – Palsong 7.1 km FMR San Jose, Casugad, Balaogan and
Construction of Balaogan (lakeside) 1.7 km FMR Balaogan
Construction of Small Scale Irrigation Systems for vegetable Taisan, Ombao Hts, Sto Nino, Lanipga,
Sta Elena, Fabrica, Caorasan, Itangon
Expansion of Small Scale Irrigation Systems for vegetables Lubgan, La Purisima, La Victoria,
Palsong and Balaogan
Establishment of 20 hectare plantation of kawayang tinik Ombao Hts and along river systems
Establishment of corn production areas Sto Nino, Lubgan
Establishment of grazing areas/ pasture Ombao Hts, Sto. Nino
Establishment of fish production zones Lake, river and creek systems
Establishment of Village Type Grain Center San Ramon, San Isidro, Ombao Polpog,
Fabrica, Casugad and Palsong
Establishment of Class “AA” slaughterhouse Sagrada
Establishment of agricultural training or learning site Panoypoyan
Support program: Enhanced mechanization program Municipal wide
Support program: Capability enhancement program for farmers Municipal wide
Support program: Value adding program for local produce/ product development Municipal Wide
Support program: Establishment of Research and Demonstration farms
Declaration of protected agricultural and fishery zones
Economic Sector: Forest
Delineation of different use zones and planting of border fire trees All forest barangays (13.8 km; 2.9 km; 1
km; 10.58 km; 1.33 km; 478 m; 1.28 km)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 132

Reforestation/ rehabilitation of protection areas Taisan, Kinalabasahan, La Victoria,
Bagoladio, Sto. Niño, Ombao Hts,
Panoypoyan, Lubgan, Inoyonan, San
Roque Hts, and Caorasan
Development of relocation site and construction of housing units for HH within Itangon
protection zones
Ombao Hts
Rehabilitation and protection of 3 sites of mangrove forest Itangon and Caorasan
Support program: Development of Nature-based tourism program
Support program: Closure of open access forest and awarding to people’s San Roque Hts, Kinalabasahan, La
organization of appropriate zones Victoria and Bagoladio
Support program: Forging of co-management agreement
Establishment of Tan-Awan Community Eco Park Bagoladio
Support Program: Declaration of protected zones
Economic Sector: Commerce and Trade
Construction of Flood Adaptive Market buildings Sagrada
Construction of Public Transport Terminals Palsong, Sagrada, and Pawili
Establishment of extension government center Pawili
Construction of efficient drainage system:
Construction of covered drainage canals cum sidewalk along provincial road Bagumbayan, Sagrada, San Roque
Construction of drainage canals within Poblacion Salvacion
San Roque Pob.
Construction of drainage canal behind Bula National High School Sagrada
Construction of lined canals with other appurtenant structures along Main San Isidro to Ombao Polpog
Dredging and construction of lined canals along Section 3A Sagrada - San Roque Pob - Ombao
Dredging and construction of lined canals along Section 3B Sagrada - San Roque Pob - Ombao
Construction of floodgates Ombao Polpog

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 133

Operationalization of Municipal Food Terminal Panoypoyan
Support program: Development and Marketing of local products Municipal wide
Economic Sector: Industry
Commercial operation of the bamboo Common Service Facility Pawili
Establishment of bamboo plantation Ombao Hts
Rehabilitation and Expansion of abaca production areas Bagoladio, La Victoria, Kinalabasahan
and Taisan
Establishment of Abaca Fiber production facility Bagoladio
Establishment of Coco Coir production facility La Victoria
Support program: skills development programs Municipal wide
Economic Sector: Tourism
Establishment and enhancement of the MTB trail Upland barangays
Establishment of regulated and compliant resorts along Caorasan and Itangon Caorasan and Itangon
Support program: Development of faith tourism circuit Bagoladio, Ombao Polpog and
Support program: Institutionalization and enhancement of Kamuknaan and
Bamboo Festival
Enhancement of Tan-Awan Community Eco-Park Bagoladio
Support program: Establishment of tourism office
Support program: Capability enhancement of community in handling tourists
Support program: Tourism Marketing Program
Economic Sector: Fishery
Expansion of Marine Protection Area Caorasan and Itangon
Establishment of Marine Access Area + Sanctuary (MAAS) Caorasan and Itangon
Establish solid waste management system in the 33 barangays
Regulated resource harvesting Caorasan and Itangon
Rehabilitation of coral reefs Caorasan and Itangon
Replanting of seagrass Itangon
Continuation of desilting of Pawili and Bicol River, and tributaries along Casugad
Bi-annual fingerling dispersal at Pawili and Bicol River and Bula lake
Construction and operation of fish landing Itangon

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 134

Establishment of lighthouse Itangon
Support program: re-organization and strengthening of fisherfolk association
Support program: Enhancement and capacitating Fishery Law Enforcement Team Itangon and Caorasan; Casugad,
(FLET) Balaogan, Palsong, San Jose, Fabrica
and Sta. Elena
Infrastructure Sector: Transportation
Concreting of Caorasan – Itangon Road Section (2.7 km) Caorasan and Itangon
Concreting of Fabrica – Pawili core road Pawili and Fabrica
Concreting of Bagumbayan – Fabrica core road Bagumbayan
Construction of Bridge Bagumbayan to Fabrica
Concreting with drainage and slope protection works of Bagoladio-Itangon- Bagoladio, Inoyonan, Itangon and
Caorasan Road Caorasan
Paving of Shoulder including replacement/ upgrading of drainage and slope
protection of Camarines Sur – Albay Diversion Road – Minalabac-Bula-Nabua Road
(Sto. Niño – Palsong-Topas Road)
Concreting of Balaogan – Lubgan (Sitio Culpa) 1.3 km Road, Bula, Camarines Sur Lubgan
Concreting of Palsong – La Purisima (3.0 km) Road, Bula, Camarines Sur La Purisima
Concreting of La Purisima – San Francisco – Inoyonan (6.4 km) Road, Bula, La Purisima. San Francisco and
Camarines Sur Inoyonan
Road Opening and Concreting of Sto. Niño – Taisan (2.5 km) Road, Bula, Camarines Sto Nino and Taisan
Concreting of Fabrica – San Jose (5.7 km) Road with exceptions, Bula, Camarines Fabrica and San Jose
Concreting of 1.5 km Road at Sta. Elena, Bula, Camarines Sur Sta Elena
Concreting of San Ramon – Ombao Polpog Road, Bula, Camarines Sur San Ramon and Ombao Polpog
Repair/ Rehabilitation of Sto. Domingo – Causip- Bagumbayan – Sagrada – San
Roque Section of Provincial Road
Construction of Transport Terminals Sagrada, Palsong and Pawili
Construction/ Provision of alleys within General Residential Zones Sagrada
San Roque Pob
Support program: Establishment of efficient transport routes

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 135

Infrastructure Sector: Power
Energize the remaining Barangay San Roque Hts
Provision of higher capacity transformers at upland barangays
Establishment of solar farm Lanipga and Ombao Hts
Development of hydro-electric power plant Lubgan
Infrastructure Sector: Water
Declaration of spring sources as protection zone
Source Development to augment BMWS water supply San Isidro and Sta Elena
Regulated use of underground water and free-flowing systems
Cleaning of Bicol and Pawili River using available technology
Implementation of solid waste management system
Infrastructure Sector: ICT
Establishment of community radio station LGU compound
Encouraged telephone and internet service providers to enhance the scope of
their services in all viable barangays in the municipality
Computerization/ automation of LGU processes LGU Compound
Environment Sector: Forest
Delineate and declare protection of critical and constrained areas such as habitats San Roque Hts, Inoyonan, Bagoladio, La
of endemic wild animals, water sources and areas with slope ranging from 30% and Victoria, Kinalabasahan, Ombao Hts,
higher with 626.48 hectares Sto Nino and Lubgan
Establish buffer zones
Establishment of Tan-Awan Community Eco Park Bagoladio
Conversion and awarding of open access to managed areas San Roque Hts, La Victoria, Sto. Nino
and Kinalabasahan
Reforestation/ Massive planting at protection forest zones with endemic species
Support Program: Hiring of forest aides of at least 2 per barangay with protection
zones and organization and capacitating community enforcers
Environment Sector: Biodiversity
Declaration of turtle spawning area/ laying ground Itangon
Re-establishment mangrove forest in Barangays Itangon and Caorasan with at least Caorasan and Itangon
1 hectare per barangay
Planting of endemic species of mangrove at the re-established and declared

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 136

mangrove forest
Support Program: organization and capacitating enforcement team
Expanded and strengthened protection of coral line and fish sanctuary by
establishing Managed Access Area and Sanctuary (MAA+S)
Protection of habitat of identified endemic monkeys, chicken and other fauna
Environment Sector: Coastal and Marine Resources
Expansion of locally declared fishery reserve/ marine protected area Itangon and Caorasan
Re-planting of seagrass (experimental/demo) Itangon
Relocation of easement and hazard area dwellers in the two coastal barangays Itangon and Caorasan
Convert old mining and quarry site in protection zone Caorasan
Establishment of plant strip beyond salvage zone Caorasn and Itangon
Delineate the 5 m buffer of Legazpi Lineament and regulate use San Roque Hts., Caorasan and Itangon
Environment Sector: Special Areas
Local declaration of the remains “casa” as local heritage site being the first Fabrica
perfume and starch industry
Establishment of museum as repository of historical and cultural treasures of the LGU compound
Expansion of organic rice production areas in strategic location within the Panoypoyan, Ombao Hts, Sto Nino,
municipality Lubgan, Palsong and La Purisima
Establishment of solar farm Lanipga
Establishment of hydroelectric power plant
Provision/ installation of LED solar streetlights along main roads (Provincial and
municipal roads)
Support to livelihood and improvement of household income:
Scholarship Program
Agri-based livelihood program
Access to capital and marketing support
Provision of start-up kits
Establishment of Pasalubong Center and e-bamboo display center
Formulation/ updating of MDRRM and BDRRM Plans, Climate Change Action Plan
Improvement of public buildings:

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 137

Construction of 2nd Floor of Treasury Office
Construction of 2nd Floor of Balikatan Center
Construction of 2nd Floor of RHU 1 Building
Procurement of heavy equipment: 2 units dump truck, road roller, loader, back hoe,
boom truck
Continuous study/ monitoring of impacts of climate change

Local investment and planning incentive areas

Priority Development PPAs Area/ Location Budgetary Requirement

Social Sector: Education
Relocation of Kinalabasahan Elementary School Kinalabasahan 14,310,000.00
Relocation of San Roque Hts (Salles) Elementary School San Roque Hts. 14,310,000.00
Adaptive Development of Bula Central School Poblacion 5,100,000.00
Establishment of Tertiary school/ Community College Panoypoyan 22,100,000.00
Establishment of Public Library LGU Compound 6,000,000.00
Establishment of Museum LGU Compound 1,000,000.00
Support program: Provision of 100 additional pre-school Pre-School 237,600,000.00
teachers, 33 secondary school teachers, 33 ALS Secondary 78,408,000.00
Coordinators and college instructors ALS 7,128,000.00
Tertiary School 26,447,040.00
Support program: Provision of Scholarship Program Municipal Wide 18,000,000.00
Social Sector: Social Welfare
Identification and enhancement of Municipal Social Municipal Compound 500,000.00
Welfare Development Office
Rehabilitate/ Upgrade 20 Day Care Centers in poor Salvacion, Bagoladio, 26,000,000.00
condition Caorasan, Casugad, Causip,
Inoyonan, Itangon,
Kinalabasahan, La Purisima,
Lubgan, Palsong (2),

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 138

Panoypoyan, Pawili, San
Francisco, San Ramon, San
Roque Hts, Sta Elena, Sto. Nino
and Taisan
Establishment of Community Rehabilitation Center or Panoypoyan 8,500,000.00
Bahay Pag-Asa
Renovated/ Upgraded Senior Citizen Center LGU Compound 200,000.00
Support programs: Create, hire and train additional 3 LGU Compound 4,860,000.00
Plantilla position personnel
Support program: Capability enhancement program for 500,000.00
Child Development Workers
Support program: Hire and train 1 center chief; 3 house Sagrada 8,500,000.00
parents; 2 security guards; 2 operations staff for the
VAWC temporary shelter
Support program: Accreditation of VAWC Temporary Sagrada 10,000.00
Social Sector: Shelter and Housing
Land banking: Purchase 15 hectares of suitable land Ombao Hts and Itangon 75,000,000.00
Development of Relocation Sites with 2,000 units of single Ombao Hts and Itangon 600,000,000.00
detached houses
Social Sector: Protective Services
Provision/Construction of Municipal Fire Station Sagrada 1,000,000.00
Establish fire lanes within the Poblacion and other Poblacion, Panoypoyan, 2,000,000.00
strategic locations with fire hydrants Palsong, Sto. Domingo and
Support Program: Hire additional PNP and BFP personnel PNP 7,560,000.00
BFP 7,560,000.00
Support Program: Sustained implementation of POPS Plan Municipal wide 9,000,000.00
Support Program: Capability Development Program for 1,800,000.00
fire fighters with equipage
Social Sector: Health and Sanitation
Establishment of 3.6 hectares Sanitary Landfill Lanipga or Ombao Hts 50,000,000.00

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 139

Establishment of Material Recovery Facility Lanipga or Ombao Hts 2,000,000.00
Establishment of Infirmary or Municipal Hospital Panoypoyan 30,000,000.00
Expansion of Level III Water System Sta Elena, Fabrica, San Jose, 20,000,000.00
Causip, Sto Domingo, San
Isidro, San Agustin, San
Ramon, San Miguel and
Ombao Polpog.
Expansion of Level II Water System Lubgan, Palsong, Balaogan, 30,000,000.00
Casugad, and Panoypoyan
Expansion of Level II water System La Purisima 5,000,000.00
Expansion of Level II Water System Ombao Hts 5,000,000.00
Expansion of Level II Water System Sto Niño 5,000,000.00
Expansion of Level II Water System Bagoladio, Caorasan and 15,000,000.00
Conversion of Level II Water System to Level III with La Victoria 5,000,000.00
Expansion of Level III Water System Kinalabasahan 5,000,000.00
Expansion of Level II Water System Taisan 5,000,000.00
Construction of Level II Water System Lanipga 10,000,000.00
Construction of Level II Water System San Francisco 5,000,000.00
Construction of Level II Water System San Roque Hts. 5,000,000.00
Establishment of public cemetery Casugad 5,000,000.00
Construction/Installation of sanitary toilets to 3,022 Municipal wide 4,533,000.00
Construction/ Provision of bike lanes and/ or jogging Poblacion 4,020,000.00
lanes along the provincial road and easements of Pawili
and Bicol River along the urban barangays (with plant
Establishment of 33 Barangay MRF 1,650,000.00
Social Sector: Sports and Recreation
Establishment of children or neighborhood park Sagrada 10,000,000.00
Enhancement of Tan-Awan Community Eco-Park Bagoladio 50,000,000.00

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 140

Establishment of open spaces or playgrounds in every Municipal wide 660,000.00
Establishment of Man-made forests or tree parks within San Roque Hts, Inoyonan, 6,360,000.00
forest protection zones Bagoladio, Caorasan, La
Victoria and Kinalabasahan
Establishment and enhancement of the MTB trail Upland barangays 500,000.00
Establishment of regulated and compliant resorts along Caorasan and Itangon 2,000,000.00
Caorasan and Itangon beaches
Establishment/ construction of sports complex with Sagrada 30,000,000.00
complete amenities
Improvement of multi-function pavements in 33 Municipal wide 3,300,000.00
Support program: Development of faith tourism circuit Bagoladio, Ombao Polpog 500,000.00
and Poblacion
Support program: Institutionalization and enhancement 18,000,000.00
of Kamuknaan and Bamboo Festival
Economic Sector: Agriculture
Expansion of communal irrigation systems Palsong, La Purisima, 10,000,000.00
Balaogan; Ombao Polpog;
and San Miguel
Construction of irrigation systems San Roque Pob, San Miguel, 18,000,000.00
(lakeside) San Jose, Casugad,
Balaogan and Palsong
Construction of upland irrigation system Lubgan, La Purisima, San 12,000,000.00
Francisco, Taisan
Construction of irrigation system Caorasan and Itangon 6,000,000.00
Construction/ Concreting of Farm to Market Roads :
Concreting of Lanipga – Ocampo 210 m road and Lanipga 63,150,000.00
Concreting of Bagoladio – Lubgan 1.1 km FMR Bagoladio and Lubgan 16,500,000.00
Road opening and concreting of Taisan – Sto Niño 1.3 Taisan and Sto. Niño 19,500,000.00
km road

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 141

Concreting od San Ramon – Sto. Niño 310 m road and San Ramon – Sto. Niño 84,650,000.00
Construction of San Miguel – San Roque Pob 0.45 km San Miguel and San Roque 6,750,000.00
FMR Pob.
Construction of San Agustin – San Miguel 1 km FMR San Agustin and San Miguel 15,000,000.00
Construction of Casugad (Canamnam) 2.4 km FMR Casugad 36,000,000.00
Construction of San Jose – Fabrica 1.6 km FMR San Jose and Fabrica 24,000,000.00
Construction of San Jose (Section 1) 250 m FMR San Jose 3,750,000.00
Construction of San Jose (Section 2) 130 m FMR San Jose 1,950,000.00
Construction of San Jose – Palsong 7.1 km FMR San Jose, Casugad, Balaogan 106,500,000.00
and Palsong
Construction of Balaogan (lakeside) 1.7 km FMR Balaogan 25,500,000.00
Construction of Small Scale Irrigation Systems for Taisan, Ombao Hts, Sto Nino, 4,000,000.00
vegetable Lanipga, Sta Elena, Fabrica,
Caorasan, Itangon
Expansion of Small Scale Irrigation Systems for vegetables Lubgan, La Purisima, La 2,500,000.00
Victoria, Palsong and
Establishment of 20 hectare plantation of kawayang tinik Ombao Hts and along river 300,000.00
Establishment of corn production areas Sto Nino, Lubgan 50,000.00
Establishment of grazing areas/ pasture Ombao Hts, Sto. Nino 20,000.00
Establishment of fish production zones Lake, river and creek systems 10,000.00
Establishment of Village Type Grain Center San Ramon, San Isidro, 14,000,000.00
Ombao Polpog, Fabrica,
Casugad and Palsong
Establishment of Class “AA” slaughterhouse Sagrada 20,000,000.00
Establishment of agricultural training or learning site Panoypoyan 50,000,000.00
Support program: Enhanced mechanization program Municipal wide 2,250,000.00
Support program: Capability enhancement program for Municipal wide 2,250,000.00

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 142

Support program: Value adding program for local Municipal Wide 2,250,000.00
produce/ product development
Support program: Establishment of Research and 900,000.00
Demonstration farms
Declaration of protected agricultural and fishery zones 10,000.00
Economic Sector: Forest
Delineation of different use zones and planting of border All forest barangays (13.8 km; 156,840.00
fire trees 2.9 km; 1 km; 10.58 km; 1.33
km; 478 m; 1.28 km)
Reforestation/ rehabilitation of protection areas Taisan, Kinalabasahan, La -
Victoria, Bagoladio, Sto. Niño,
Ombao Hts, Panoypoyan,
Lubgan, Inoyonan, San Roque
Hts, and Caorasan
Development of relocation site and construction of Itangon 38,200,000.00
housing units for HH within protection zones Ombao Hts 400,000,000.00
Rehabilitation and protection of 3 sites of mangrove Itangon and Caorasan 100,000.00
Support program: Development of Nature-based tourism 20,000.00
Support program: Closure of open access forest and San Roque Hts, 5,000.00
awarding to people’s organization of appropriate zones Kinalabasahan, La Victoria
and Bagoladio
Support program: Forging of co-management 5,000.00
Establishment of Tan-Awan Community Eco Park Bagoladio 20,000.00
Support Program: Declaration of protected zones 5,000.00
Economic Sector: Commerce and Trade
Construction of Flood Adaptive Market buildings Sagrada 20,000,000.00
Construction of Public Transport Terminals Palsong, Sagrada, and Pawili 15,000,000.00
Establishment of extension government center Pawili 50,000,000.00
Construction of efficient drainage system:

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 143

Construction of covered drainage canals cum Bagumbayan, Sagrada, San 45,000,000.00
sidewalk along provincial road Roque Pob.
Construction of drainage canals within Poblacion Salvacion 4,000,000.00
San Roque Pob. 3,200,000.00
Sagrada 3,200,000.00
Construction of drainage canal behind Bula National Sagrada 8,000,000.00
High School
Construction of lined canals with other appurtenant San Isidro to Ombao Polpog 63,170,000.00
structures along Main Channels
Dredging and construction of lined canals along Section Sagrada - San Roque Pob - 39,000,000.00
3A Ombao Polpog
Dredging and construction of lined canals along Section Sagrada - San Roque Pob - 27,300,000.00
3B Ombao Polpog
Construction of floodgates Ombao Polpog 10,000,000.00
Operationalization of Municipal Food Terminal Panoypoyan 2,700,000.00
Support program: Development and Marketing of local Municipal wide 450,000.00
Economic Sector: Industry
Commercial operation of the bamboo Common Service Pawili 2,700,000.00
Establishment of bamboo plantation Ombao Hts 200,000.00
Rehabilitation and Expansion of abaca production areas Bagoladio, La Victoria, 80,000.00
Kinalabasahan and Taisan
Establishment of Abaca Fiber production facility Bagoladio 3,000,000.00
Establishment of Coco Coir production facility La Victoria 5,000,000.00
Support program: skills development programs Municipal wide 450,000.00
Economic Sector: Tourism
Establishment and enhancement of the MTB trail Upland barangays -
Establishment of regulated and compliant resorts along Caorasan and Itangon -
Caorasan and Itangon beaches
Support program: Development of faith tourism circuit Bagoladio, Ombao Polpog -
and Poblacion

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 144

Support program: Institutionalization and enhancement -
of Kamuknaan and Bamboo Festival
Enhancement of Tan-Awan Community Eco-Park Bagoladio -
Support program: Establishment of tourism office 9,000,000.00
Support program: Capability enhancement of 75,000.00
community in handling tourists
Support program: Tourism Marketing Program 180,000.00
Economic Sector: Fishery
Expansion of Marine Protection Area Caorasan and Itangon 5,000.00
Establishment of Marine Access Area + Sanctuary (MAAS) Caorasan and Itangon 5,000.00
Establish solid waste management system in the 33 10,000.00
Regulated resource harvesting Caorasan and Itangon 5,000.00
Rehabilitation of coral reefs Caorasan and Itangon 900,000.00
Replanting of seagrass Itangon 500.00
Continuation of desilting of Pawili and Bicol River, and 9,000,000.00
tributaries along Casugad
Bi-annual fingerling dispersal at Pawili and Bicol River and 45,000.00
Bula lake
Construction and operation of fish landing Itangon 3,900,000.00
Establishment of lighthouse Itangon 500,000.00
Support program: re-organization and strengthening of 7,178,000.00
fisherfolk association
Support program: Enhancement and capacitating Itangon and Caorasan; 10,000.00
Fishery Law Enforcement Team (FLET) Casugad, Balaogan, Palsong,
San Jose, Fabrica and Sta.
Infrastructure Sector: Transportation
Concreting of Caorasan – Itangon Road Section (2.7 km) Caorasan and Itangon 40,500,000.00
Concreting of Fabrica – Pawili core road Pawili and Fabrica 70,500,000.00
Concreting of Bagumbayan – Fabrica core road Bagumbayan 4,500,000.00
Construction of Bridge Bagumbayan to Fabrica 62,000,000.00

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 145

Concreting with drainage and slope protection works of Bagoladio, Inoyonan, Itangon 75,000,000.00
Bagoladio-Itangon-Caorasan Road and Caorasan
Paving of Shoulder including replacement/ upgrading of 50,000,000.00
drainage and slope protection of Camarines Sur – Albay
Diversion Road – Minalabac-Bula-Nabua Road (Sto. Niño
– Palsong-Topas Road)
Concreting of Balaogan – Lubgan (Sitio Culpa) 1.3 km Lubgan 19,500,000.00
Road, Bula, Camarines Sur
Concreting of Palsong – La Purisima (3.0 km) Road, Bula, La Purisima 45,000,000.00
Camarines Sur
Concreting of La Purisima – San Francisco – Inoyonan (6.4 La Purisima. San Francisco and 96,000,000.00
km) Road, Bula, Camarines Sur Inoyonan
Road Opening and Concreting of Sto. Niño – Taisan (2.5 Sto Nino and Taisan 37,500,000.00
km) Road, Bula, Camarines Sur
Concreting of Fabrica – San Jose (5.7 km) Road with Fabrica and San Jose 85,500,000.00
exceptions, Bula, Camarines Sur
Concreting of 1.5 km Road at Sta. Elena, Bula, Camarines Sta Elena 22,500,000.00
Concreting of San Ramon – Ombao Polpog Road, Bula, San Ramon and Ombao 30,000,000.00
Camarines Sur Polpog
Repair/ Rehabilitation of Sto. Domingo – Causip- 70,000,000.00
Bagumbayan – Sagrada – San Roque Section of
Provincial Road
Construction of Transport Terminals Sagrada, Palsong and Pawili -
Construction/ Provision of alleys within General Residential Sagrada 20,158,600.00
Zones Salvacion 20,559,000.00
San Roque Pob 5,659,500.00
Support program: Establishment of efficient transport 10,000.00
Infrastructure Sector: Power
Energize the remaining Barangay San Roque Hts 1,000,000.00

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 146

Provision of higher capacity transformers at upland 150,000.00
Establishment of solar farm Lanipga and Ombao Hts 20,000,000.00
Development of hydro-electric power plant Lubgan 100,000,000.00
Infrastructure Sector: Water
Declaration of spring sources as protection zone 5,000.00
Source Development to augment BMWS water supply San Isidro and Sta Elena 9,000,000.00
Regulated use of underground water and free-flowing 5,000.00
Cleaning of Bicol and Pawili River using available 50,000.00
Implementation of solid waste management system 500,000.00
Infrastructure Sector: ICT
Establishment of community radio station LGU compound 100,000.00
Encouraged telephone and internet service providers to 5,000.00
enhance the scope of their services in all viable
barangays in the municipality
Computerization/ automation of LGU processes LGU Compound 5,000,000.00
Environment Sector: Forest
Delineate and declare protection of critical and San Roque Hts, Inoyonan, -
constrained areas such as habitats of endemic wild Bagoladio, La Victoria,
animals, water sources and areas with slope ranging from Kinalabasahan, Ombao Hts,
30% and higher with 626.48 hectares Sto Nino and Lubgan
Establish buffer zones -
Establishment of Tan-Awan Community Eco Park Bagoladio -
Conversion and awarding of open access to managed San Roque Hts, La Victoria, 5,000.00
areas Sto. Nino and Kinalabasahan
Reforestation/ Massive planting at protection forest zones -
with endemic species
Support Program: Hiring of forest aides of at least 2 per 11,404,800.00
barangay with protection zones and organization and
capacitating community enforcers

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 147

Environment Sector: Biodiversity
Declaration of turtle spawning area/ laying ground Itangon 1,000.00
Re-establishment mangrove forest in Barangays Itangon Caorasan and Itangon -
and Caorasan with at least 1 hectare per barangay
Planting of endemic species of mangrove at the re- -
established and declared
mangrove forest
Support Program: organization and capacitating -
enforcement team
Expanded and strengthened protection of coral line and -
fish sanctuary by establishing Managed Access Area and
Sanctuary (MAA+S)
Protection of habitat of identified endemic monkeys, -
chicken and other fauna
Environment Sector: Coastal and Marine Resources
Expansion of locally declared fishery reserve/ marine Itangon and Caorasan 5,000.00
protected area
Re-planting of seagrass (experimental/demo) Itangon -
Relocation of easement and hazard area dwellers in the Itangon and Caorasan -
two coastal barangays
Convert old mining and quarry site in protection zone Caorasan -
Establishment of plant strip beyond salvage zone of at Itangon and Caorasan 90,000.00
least 5 m wide
Delineate the 5 m buffer of Legazpi Lineament and San Roque Hts., Caorasan and 68,000.00
regulate use Itangon
Environment Sector: Special Areas
Local declaration of the remains “casa” as local heritage Fabrica 5,000.00
site being the first perfume and starch industry
Establishment of museum as repository of historical and LGU compound -
cultural treasures of the locality

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 148

Expansion of organic rice production areas in strategic Panoypoyan, Ombao Hts, Sto 120,000.00
location within the municipality Nino, Lubgan, Palsong and La
Establishment of solar farm Lanipga -
Establishment of hydroelectric power plant -
Provision/ installation of LED solar streetlights along main 34,000,000.00
roads (Provincial and municipal roads)
Support to livelihood and improvement of household
Scholarship Program -
Agri-based livelihood program 225,000.00
Access to capital and marketing support 200,000.00
Provision of start-up kits 10,000,000.00
Establishment of Pasalubong Center and e-bamboo 5,000,000.00
display center
Formulation/ updating of MDRRM and BDRRM Plans, 300,000.00
Climate Change Action Plan
Improvement of public buildings:
Construction of 2nd Floor of Treasury Office 10,000,000.00
Construction of 2nd Floor of Balikatan Center 10,000,000.00
Construction of 2nd Floor of RHU 1 Building 10,000,000.00
Procurement of heavy equipment: 2 units dump truck, 20,000,000.00
road roller, loader, back hoe, boom truck
Continuous study/ monitoring of impacts of climate 180,000.00

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018 - 2026 149

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