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Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

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Progress in Energy and Combustion Science

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Synthesis gas as a fuel for internal combustion engines in transportation

Amin Paykani a, *, Hamed Chehrmonavari a, Athanasios Tsolakis b, Terry Alger c,
William F. Northrop d, Rolf D. Reitz e
School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, AL10 9AB, UK
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Automotive Propulsion Systems, Powertrain Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute, TX, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 111 Church St. SE Minneapolis, MN, 55419, USA
Engine Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1500 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53705, USA


Keywords: The adverse environmental impact of fossil fuel combustion in engines has motivated research towards using
IC engine alternative low-carbon fuels. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in studying the combustion of
Syngas fuel mixtures consisting mainly of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, referred to as syngas, which can be
Fuel reforming
considered as a promising fuel toward cleaner combustion technologies for power generation. This paper pro­
vides an extensive review of syngas production and application in internal combustion (IC) engines as the pri­
Emissions mary or secondary fuel. First, a brief overview of syngas as a fuel is presented, introducing the various methods
for its production, focusing on its historical use and summarizing the merits and drawbacks of using syngas as a
fuel. Then its physicochemical properties relevant to IC engines are reviewed, highlighting studies on the
fundamental combustion characteristics, such as ignition delay time and laminar and turbulent flame speeds. The
main body of the paper is devoted to reviewing the effect of syngas utilization on performance and emissions
characteristics of spark ignition (SI), compression ignition (CI), homogeneous charge compression ignition
(HCCI), and advanced dual-fuel engines such as reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engines.
Finally, various on-board fuel reforming techniques for syngas production and use in vehicles are reviewed as a
potential route towards further increases in efficiency and decreases in emissions of IC engines. These are then
related to the research reported on the behavior of syngas and its blends in IC engines. It was found that the
selection of the syngas production method, choice of the base fuel for reforming, its physicochemical properties,
combustion strategy, and engine combustion system and operating conditions play critical roles in dictating the
potential advantages of syngas use in IC engines. The discussion of the present review paper provides valuable
insights for future research on syngas as a possible fuel for IC engines for transport.

minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a well-to-wheel basis to

meet worldwide emissions legislation [4]. The next generation of
1. Introduction cleaner fuels is governed by several important factors, including the
availability of the feedstock, production efficiency and environmental
Worldwide, approximately 80% of useful energy, including high- impact, distribution and storage, safety issues, integration and
quality heat, propulsion work, and electricity, is produced by compatibility with engines, vehicle, and transportation systems – costs,
combustion-driven processes using fossil fuels. The main detriments of regional variations, standardization and public acceptance [5,6]. In this
the application of fossil fuels in IC engines are their contribution to regard, natural gas [7,8], hydrogen [9] and ammonia [10,11] and
global warming and environmental pollution, and therefore govern­ optimized engines [12] have recently drawn much attention from en­
ments are encouraging the use of zero/low-carbon fuels in power and gine researchers to meet the future emission standards.
propulsion systems for achieving energy security and meeting emissions Hydrogen (H2) has been considered as a viable energy carrier for fuel
targets [1,2]. In the coming decades, both IC engine efficiency and fuel cells and future IC engines. The wide flammability range of hydrogen
technology must improve and contribute to achieving carbon-neutral makes it suitable for engine operation over a wide range of air-fuel
transportation [3]. Engine technology must also use fuels that

* Corresponding author:
E-mail address: a.paykani@herts.ac.uk (A. Paykani).

Received 30 June 2020; Received in revised form 3 February 2022; Accepted 6 February 2022
Available online 18 February 2022
0360-1285/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Nomenclature HRR Heat release rate

HTHR High-temperature heat release
Greek HWFET Highway Fuel Economy Test
λ Air–fuel equivalence ratio ICE Internal combustion engine
ϕ Fuel–air equivalence ratio IDT Ignition delay time
γ Ratio of specific heats IGCC Integrated gasification combined cycle
θ Crankshaft angle IMEP Indicated mean effective pressure
η Efficiency ITE Indicated thermal efficiency
LFS Laminar flame speed
Abbreviations LD Light duty
AFR Air fuel ratio LFG Landfill gas
AHRR Apparent heat release rate LHV Lower heating value
AKI Anti-knock index LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
ATDC After top dead center MAP Manifold absolute pressure
ATR Autothermal reforming MBT Maximum brake torque
BMEP Brake mean effective pressure MES Methane enriched syngas
BSFC Brake specific fuel consumption MFB Mass fraction burned
BTDC Before top dead center ML Machine learning
BTE Brake thermal efficiency MN Methane number
CA Crank angle NIMEP Net indicated mean effective pressure
CDC Conventional diesel combustion NOx Nitrogen oxides
CFD Computational fluid dynamics NTC Negative temperature coefficient
CFR Cooperative fuel research NVO Negative valve overlap
CHP Combined heat and power PG Producer gas
CI Compression ignition POX Partial oxidation
CN Cetane number PPM Parts per million
CNG Compressed natural gas PRF Primary reference fuel
CO Carbon monoxide PRIEMER Premixed mixture ignition in the end-gas region
COV Coefficient of variation RCCI Reactivity controlled compression ignition
CR Compression ratio R-EGR Reformed exhaust gas recirculation
CRI Common rail injector RG Reformer gas
D-EGR Dedicated exhaust gas recirculation RMG Reformed methanol gas
DFBG Dual fluidized bed gasifier RON Research octane number
DF Dual fuel SAC Superadiabatic combustion
DI Direct-injection SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
DISI Direct injection spark ignition SEC Specific energy consumption
DME Dimethyl ether SI Spark ignition
DNS Direct numerical simulation SMR Steam methane reforming
EGR Exhaust gas recirculation SOC Start of combustion
EPA Environmental protection agency Syngas Synthesis gas
ERC Engine research center SZM Single zone model
FTP Federal test procedure SwRI Southwest Research Institute
FT Fischer–Tropsch TCR Thermochemical recuperation
GA Genetic algorithm TFR Thermochemical fuel reforming
GDI Gasoline direct injector TFS Turbulent flame speed
GHG Greenhouse gas emissions THC Total hydrocarbons
GIE Gross indicated efficiency TIDR Total inert dilution ratio
GT Gas turbine TWC Three-way catalyst
GTL Gas-to-liquid UHC Unburned hydrocarbons
HCCI Homogenous charge compression ignition WGS Water–gas shift
HD Heavy-duty WHR Waste heat recovery
HE Hydrous ethanol WOT Wide-open throttle
HOME Honge oil and its methyl ester

mixtures, and the lean mixture operation can increase the fuel economy In contrast, hydrogen’s high auto-ignition temperature (858 K) ne­
of the hydrogen-fueled engines. Moreover, its high diffusivity and flame cessitates the use of a spark plug or a supplementary low auto-ignition
speed result in a faster uniform fuel/air mixture and an improved temperature fuel. On the other hand, its low ignition energy increases
combustion inside the cylinder [13,14]. The carbon-free structure of the the propensity of phenomena like pre-ignition, backfire and knock. NOx
hydrogen also makes it an excellent fuel for the clean and efficient emissions can also be increased due to the higher combustion temper­
operation of IC engines. Fig. 1 shows the energy density of various fuels atures associated with hydrogen combustion in IC engines [15].
based on lower heating values (LHV) compared to hydrogen. As can be Hydrogen can be produced in various ways to be stored in a pres­
seen, hydrogen has nearly three times the energy content of gasoline on surized tank on-board in a vehicle aiming at improving both combustion
a mass basis. and aftertreatment processes [17]. The comparison of hydrogen usage in

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

stored liquid fuels on vehicles can mitigate many of the hydrogen stor­
age and combustion challenges [27–31], and this will be extensively
discussed in the upcoming sections.

1.1. What is syngas?

Syngas (an abbreviation for synthesis gas) can be derived by gasifi­

cation processes from natural gas, heavy oil, biomass, and coal (carbon-
containing fuels) for stationary application or by chemical processes
from liquid and gaseous fuels for vehicular application, in which a
complex and long-chain molecule converts to simpler molecules
including H2 (hydrogen), CO (carbon monoxide), and CH4 (methane),
CO2 (carbon dioxide), H2O (water vapor), and N2 (nitrogen). Based on
the process adopted and the type of feedstock used, end-products as a
form of syngas will have varying compositions and heating values, thus
different terms such as “town gas”, “wood gas”, “water gas”, “producer
gas”, “reformer gas”, “power gas”, and etc. have been used in the litera­
ture. A possible range for the volumetric composition of syngas is shown
in Table 2, indicating that it is comprised mainly of H2 and CO. The
preferred composition generally depends upon the purpose of syngas
usage, feedstock, and production cost. For example, if the goal is
hydrogen production by a biomass gasification process, much more cost
and effort are needed for adequate purification than the reaction
Fig. 1. Gravimetric and volumetric density of hydrogen and other fuels [16]. reforming process.
Syngas can also be produced through fuel reforming with steam and/
vehicles through on-board hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, and or air using compact systems that can be located on-board a vehicle [27,
stationary power generation systems is summarized in Table 1. The low 33,34]. External on-board and in-cylinder fuel reforming techniques
ignition energy and volumetric energy density make storage of hydrogen have been identified as possible pathways to produce syngas on-board in
on-board a challenging task [18,19]. Hydrogen as a low-density fuel IC engines to improve efficiency and emissions [33]. The details of
needs to be compressed at high-pressure tanks (350–700 bar) to allow an on-board fuel reforming and syngas production will be covered in sec­
adequate driving range of more than 500 km with safety and cost to be tion 4.
the main challenging issues. Difficulties involved in the storage and
transport of hydrogen still present barriers to the commercial use of 1.2. Syngas applications
hydrogen as a secondary or a main fuel for IC engines [19,20]. However,
hydrogen is currently viewed as the most promising clean energy carrier Syngas can be used as an intermediate to create other attractive clean
of the future, and the hydrogen infrastructure is now rapidly expanding fuels such as ammonia (NH3), dimethyl ether (DME), and methanol
in many counties, both in the EU and outside. This has sparked research (CH3OH) [35–39]. Another use of syngas is as a primary chemical
interest in the energy conversion technologies, particularly fuel cells building block in petrochemical and refining processes [40]. Syngas can
that are capable of using hydrogen as the fuel [21]. be used in many different applications, including:
While the merits of operating IC engines with varying concentrations
of hydrogen have been well documented [25], the key challenges • Power generation in existing coal power plants [22]
remain unresolved, including practical approaches to hydrogen pro­ • Combined heat and power (CHP) plants [41]
duction without sacrificing system efficiency and/or sufficiently • Integrated gasification combined cycles (IGCC) [42]
addressing its adverse combustion properties [26]. Syngas is considered • Fuel cells [43–46]
an intermediate step in the transition from carbon-based fuels to • Production of transportation fuels from gas-to-liquid (GTL) processes
H2-based fuels, since it is composed mainly of hydrogen (H2) and carbon [47]
monoxide (CO). In IC engines, using syngas produced from on-board • Gas turbines [48–50]
• Directly as the primary or secondary fuel in IC engines [51]

Table 1
Comparison of hydrogen usage in vehicles through on-board hydrogen pro­
duction, hydrogen storage, and stationary power generation systems [22–24].
Transportation (on-board Transportation Stationary power
in vehicles) (storage in vehicles) generation Table 2
• Ability to operate on H2 • Ability to operate on • Ability to operate on
A possible range for syngas composition on a volume percent basis [29,32].
partly 100% H2 100% H2 Species Min Max
• More complicated design • Simple design • Simple design
• Less space required • More space required • No space problem H2 8.6 61.9
• Few safety concerns • Serious safety • No safety problem CO 22.3 55.4
• Challenge with the catalyst concerns • Hydrogen can be CH4 0.0 8.2
activation under a wide • Challenge with produced or can be CO2 1.6 30.0
range of temperature and hydrogen production, used from the N2+Ar 0.2 49.3
reactants changes store and distribution storage system H2O - 39.8
• Moderate cost • Highest cost • Lowest cost H2/CO 0.33 2.36*
• Fast response during • Fast response during • Aesthetic issues are LHV (MJ/m3) 5.02 12.57
transient operation is a transient operation not important *
The broad experimental studies of syngas-fed IC engines reviewed in sec­
tions 3 and 4 have been performed with simulated syngas whose H2/CO ratio
• Aesthetic issues
can go beyond this value, i.e., H2/CO: 3/1 (by vol.).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

1.3. Syngas production methods power generation. The biomass used consisted of bones and meat resi­
dues sampled directly from the industrial line, characterized by high
Solid fuel (coal, biomass, wastes) feedstocks are sources for syngas water content, about 42% in mass, and potential health risks. They re­
production [52,53] by traditional gasification methods [54,55]. Also, ported that syngas with a composition of 19.1%CO, 17%H2, and 1.6%
liquid and gaseous feedstocks can be converted to syngas by CH4 was produced.
non-gasification methods [56] that comprise one or a chain of reforming New gasification concepts such as dual fluidized bed gasifiers (DFBG)
processes using the catalysts; such processes are expected to be viable [76], plasma gasification [77–80], and supercritical water gasification
in-situ methods of syngas production for automotive engines. In this [81,82], have demonstrated the potential to improve syngas quality
section, only a brief review of different syngas production methods is from biomass gasification. However, they are not of significant interest
presented since several comprehensive review papers [57,58] explain at present, and are more applicable for stationary power generation.
them in detail and emphasize the IC engine operation with gasification Moreover, wood and solid fuels seem to be not effective for transport
fuel [59,60] and non-gasification fuel [33]. applications due to their low energy density. A further analysis on this
topic is presented in section 3.
1.3.1. Gasification processes
Biomass gasification converts a solid fuel into syngas which can be 1.3.2. Non-gasification processes
burnt in stationary gas turbines and IC engines. Gasification is a ther­ Non-gasification processes include catalytic fuel reforming, where
mochemical process that converts a solid hydrocarbon feedstock like the parent fuel reacts with steam and/or oxygen in a heterogeneous
coal, petroleum coke, refinery residuals, biomass, and municipal solid process to produce syngas [27,83]; and non-catalytic processes like
waste, into syngas without consuming a large part of its heating value plasma-assisted reforming [84]. The three main global reactions in fuel
[58]. In gasification, the carbon-containing feedstock reacts with a reforming are partial oxidation (POX), steam reforming (SR), and
gasifying agent like oxygen, steam, and air, which breaks down the auto-thermal reforming (ATR) [47,85], which will be explained in the
mixture into syngas, as illustrated in Fig. 2 [54,57,61,62]. The type and following.
design of the gasifier, gasification temperature, type and flow rates of When a mixture of sub-stoichiometric oxygen and feedstock reacts to
the feedstock and oxidizing agents, and type and amount of catalysts produce syngas, this self-sustaining chemical reaction is called “partial
[63], are the main parameters in influencing the gasification process and oxidation (POX),” It is an exothermic reaction. The complete combustion
syngas production [64–70]. Oxygen as the gasifying agent produces reaction forming CO2 is restricted due to insufficient O2 in the reactants
syngas called “medium syngas,” and if air is used, then it is called “pro­ [86,87]. In endothermic steam reforming (SR), a high-temperature
ducer gas” [71]; the following sub-section will clarify the terms used in mixture of fuel and steam is sent through a bed of catalyst. The heat
the rest of the paper. Using gasification methods, in addition to H2 and required to drive the endothermic reaction is provided externally (e.g.,
CO, other typical products including H2O, CO, CH4, unwanted tars, electric heaters or combustion of fuel). The syngas stream from the
small amounts of NH3, and H2S are also produced. The relative amount steam reforming can then flow to a water gas shift (WGS) reactor, where
of each species depends on the feedstock and the gasification process additional steam converts CO to CO2 and generates additional H2
[57]. Modeling approaches for biomass gasification have been exten­ [88–91].
sively reviewed in [72]. When both the POX and SR reforming reactions are combined in a
For syngas production, a typical solid fuel gasification system single reactor, it is called autothermal reforming (ATR). Industrially, the
coupled to spark ignition and dual-fuel diesel engines is illustrated in ATR reactor is implemented in a refractory-lined pressure vessel with a
Fig. 3 [73]. The system includes a gasifier, a gas clean-up and cooling combustion chamber, burner, and catalyst bed. In this reactor, a sub-
system, a gas mixer, a starting blower, and the engine. The engine draws stoichiometric environment oxidizes fuel, natural gas in most cases,
air from the gasifier during the intake stroke, through the cleaning with O2. In the ATR reaction, POX provides heat for later SR reactions,
system, and from the gas mixer where air is combined with the syngas thus controlling the exit temperature of the reactor. Endothermic dry
[74]. For example, Marculescu et al. [80] used food processing industry reforming (DR) where the CO2 is reacting with hydrocarbons feedstock
waste for energy conversion, using gasification and an IC engine for to create H2 and CO can also be employed [92–95]. The advantages and

Fig. 2. Schematics of biomass gasification process [66].

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 3. a) Syngas production system for an SI engine (Reprinted from [73] with permission of Elsevier); b) diagram of the entrained-flow gasifier for power gen­
eration on dual-fuel diesel engine (Reprinted from [75] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

disadvantages of these processes and the corresponding chemical re­ 1956 by Szezich [108]. Later, further interest in biomass-based fuel
actions are summarized in Table 3 as main reforming reactions and in application in engines was sparked by the oil crisis in the mid-1970s
Table 4 as side reactions that may occur. These fuel reforming processes [109]. Simultaneously, in response to the oil price shocks, US
have been proposed for on-board hydrogen-rich gas production in Congress passed the first national standards for tailpipe-out emissions to
vehicular applications, discussed in detail in section 4. Note that the goal increase miles per gallon (mpg) of passenger vehicles within ten years
is high hydrogen content; therefore, understanding the nature of these [110], which was the onset of adopting further stringent regulations for
reactions aids us in deciding which reactions should participate in oil-based fuels. As already mentioned, by that time, syngas use was
reforming processes within a designed reactor and which ones to avoid. mainly limited to IGCC for stationary power generation [40,111,112],
and as an intermediate to produce other biofuels [113,114].
1.3.3. Syngas as an IC engine fuel On the other hand, fuel reforming has been used for producing
Syngas as an IC engine fuel can be utilized in power generation and syngas industrially for more than 70 years [115], but the concept of
transportation, produced mainly by gasification and reforming pro­ compact on-board reforming for engine applications dates back to the
cesses, respectively. As mentioned above, syngas names would be 1970s [116]. Investigations carried out in 1973–1975 in the US with a
different based on composition and LHV, while the terminology we use Chevrolet car with an engine equipped with a syngas generator
throughout the current work can be seen in Fig. 4, taken from IC engine- demonstrated a decrease in petrol consumption by 26% when driving
relevant published works. It is worth noting that the figure does not according to the Federal Drive Cycle CVS-3 [117]. On-board fuel
encompass all viable routes for syngas production. reforming was first practically applied to a carbureted gasoline engine
As seen in the first row of Fig. 4, producer gas (PG) or low heating through a project named “Boston Reformed Fuel Car” by Newkirk and
value (LHV) fuel [59] is a gasification product with low LHV due to Abel [118], which had an on-board non-catalytic system operated at
using air as the gasifying agent and, therefore, the presence of high N2 higher than T = 1100 ◦ C for the steam reforming reactions of gasoline.
content in products. With steam or oxygen or a combination of both Martin [119] at the University of Arizona demonstrated a better concept
utilized as the gasifying agent, the gasification product can be upgraded of this project using a catalyst to reduce the temperature of the steam
to fuel with a medium LHV. In general, the gasification process suffers reforming of gasoline to around T = 620 ◦ C. In the meantime, Houseman
from low thermal efficiencies (~ < 50%) due to the extra step of and Cerini [120] from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) evaluated
vaporizing the moisture contained in biomass and then from tar in the on-board hydrogen generation by adding partial oxidation reforming to
products [101]. Noting that in addition to gas constituents, tar and steam reforming along with the catalyst to perform the whole reforming
residue co-exist in the end-product of gasification, but their amounts process for both hydrocarbon and alcohol feedstocks fueled SI engine. A
reduce as high-temperature steam reforming is employed, as seen in series of works from Lindström and Sjöström [121–123] at the Royal
Fig. 5. Thus, gasification fuel presumably creates concerns of NOx Institute of Technology (Sweden) was seemingly the first investigation
emissions (due to probably high N2 content) and deposit formation in on directly using the recirculated exhaust gases as the primary heat
the combustion chamber, which should be considered when this fuel is supplier for driving the endothermic reactions of the steam reforming
being used as an IC engine fuel. Several IC engine related studies, process and as species that can participate in the reforming process. At
particularly with SI engines, with gasification fuels have been investi­ the University of Birmingham, Jones [124,125] evaluated the feasibility
gated so far, which will be discussed in section 3. of this concept as exhaust-gas reforming in more detail by incorporating
In the second row of Fig. 5, reformate or reformer gas (RG) is a the exhaust gases and using the entire fuel feedstock in the reforming
reforming reaction product, which often has high H2 and CO contents process. For more reading on this topic, there are two notable reviews in
with negligible N2 and high heating value. RG can be economically the literature [126,127], and additional discussions are provided in
produced with in-situ methods, which will be discussed partially in section 4.
section 3 (sub-sections of 3.2.2, and 3.3) and comprehensively in sec­ The development of syngas-fueled IC engines was not commercial­
tion 4 (on-board fuel reforming technologies). ized because of the low lifespan of the catalysts and tightening of NOx
The overall purpose of using syngas as a primary or secondary IC emission standards. However, research on syngas as a potential fuel for
engine fuel is to benefit from renewable energy sources and clean power IC engines in transportation has gained much interest in recent decades
conversion technologies without scarifying efficiency, power derating, with advances in catalysts and the potential for on-board generation
and pollutant emission formation of engines fueled with syngas [102, through waste heat recovery (WHR). An average of 30% substitution of
103]. However, its advantages are dependent on the physicochemical fossil fuels by syngas has been proposed, based on extrapolating from the
properties of syngas (i.e., the amount of CO and H2) (see section 2), the current EU Directives [128,129]. For further information, several review
type of combustion engine (see section 3), and the fuel reforming papers [27,51,59] and a book chapter [29] have been published on the
technique used for on-board syngas production (see section 4). historical and trends of syngas for power generation.

1.4. Historical use of syngas as an engine fuel

1.5. Scope and structure of the current review
The first application of syngas in vehicles was reported in the 1920s
when German engineer Georges Imbert developed a wood gas generator There are many studies in the literature on the use of syngas in
for automobile use [104]. The gases were cleaned and dried, and then different types of IC engines, and it has been shown that syngas can be
fed into the vehicle’s combustion engine. Later, during World War II, used as a renewable and alternative low-carbon fuel for both spark
shortages of petroleum fuels led to further development of wood gas ignition (SI) and compression ignition (CI) engines [130–133]. How­
vehicles [105,106]. By 1945 syngas was used for trucks, buses, agri­ ever, there are still numerous subjects such as on-board syngas pro­
culture, energy generation, and industrial machinery. After the end of duction and application in advanced combustion strategies that require
World War II, the application of syngas was changed to integrated further investigation and review. This work is focused on determining
gasification combined cycles (IGCC) for stationary power generation. syngas’ potential as a renewable IC engine fuel in transportation. To do
This could be due to less interest in syngas usage in IC engines related to this:
the sharp drop in global oil price and intensified ambitions towards high
power engines by increasing the anti-knock index (AKI) of gasoline fuel. • Section 2 presents the fundamental physicochemical characteristics
The 1950s and 1960s are recalled as the “Power Wars” age [107]. The of syngas, which ultimately help us perceive the combustion
potential of syngas production and application in a low compression behavior of syngas as an IC engine fuel under engine-relevant con­
ratio SI engine fueled with a syngas-methane mixture was studied in ditions. Due to the composition variability of syngas, various H2/CO

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 3
Advantages and disadvantages of the three main fuel reforming technologies [43,96-98].
Reforming Chemical formulaEnthalpy of Characteristics Advantages Disadvantage
process reaction (kJ mole− 1) 1

( y) Endothermic • Highest H2 generation (H2/CO ~ Highly endothermic
Cx Hy + xH2 O→xCO + x + H2 •
Reforming 2 3:1 by vol.) • Low rate of hydrogen production
(SR) ΔhR = +12591 • Need significant quantity of water
• Complex system regarding working in high
• Careful thermal management (S/C ratio
• Less fuel flexibility (only certain fuel)
Partial x y Exothermic • Simple system (absence of external Lowest H2 generation
Cx Hy + O2 →xCO + H2 •
Oxidation 2 2 heat and water) and compactness • Lower heating value of reformate than base fuel
Reforming ΔhR = − 676 • Rapid start • Catalyst’s deactivation issues by Sulphur and
(POX) • Fast response to temperature and coke depositions
reactant changes • Non-catalytic partial oxidation needs costly
• Not have thermal management materials because it operates at very high
issue temperatures
• High fuel-type flexibility
( z) Combination of exothermic • Simple System (lack of water and • H2 and CO selectivity is small, because the
Cx Hy + zH2 O + x − O2 →
Reforming 2 and endothermic external heat requirements) device uses two different catalyst types
( y)
(ATR) xCO2 + z + H2 (thermally neutral) • Compact • During load changes and start-up, careful con­
• Quick to start trol system is required to balance SR and POX
With assuming that fuel is n-octane, and reactants and products are both at 273.15 K and 1 bar.

Table 4
Other side reforming reactions that may take place [99,100].
Reforming process Reaction Enthalpy of reaction(kJ mole− 1) Notes

Dry reforming y ΔhR = +15881 Lower H2 yield than SR (H2/CO ~ 1:1 by vol.).
Cx Hy + xCO2 →2xCO + H2
(DR) 2 Likely to happen at high temperature and low pressure.

( y) y ΔhR = − 51161 If enough O2 is available.
Cx Hy + x + O2 →xCO2 + H2 O
(complete oxidation) 4 2

Water-gas shift (WGS) CO + H2 O

CO2 + H2 ΔhR = − 411 A route to CO purification and thus increased H2 yield at low temperatures.

Methanation 1 ↼
CO + 3H2 CH4 + H2 O ΔhR = − 2061 H2 will be consumed to increase CH4 yield.

Methanation 2 ↼
CO2 + 4H2 CH4 + 2H2 O ΔhR = − 165

Boudouard ↼
2CO2 CO2 + C ΔhR = − 1721 Undesired reaction in catalytic reforming

Thermal Decomposition C8H18 → CH4 + C7H14 Endothermic May occur on the catalyst and increase CH4 yield.

Hydrogenolysis C8H18 + H2 → CH4 + C7H16 Exothermic May occur on the catalyst and increase CH4 yield.
Assuming that the fuel is n-octane, and reactants and products are both at 273.15 K and 1 bar.

Fig. 4. Syngas terminology used in the current review paper.

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

• The transition from syngas as an IC engine fuel to syngas as a

transportation fuel requires producing and carrying the syngas on-
board a vehicle, such that both fuel economy and engine efficiency
can increase. We discuss all proposed on-board fuel reforming
technologies compatible with IC engine in section 4 to achieve these
goals, especially paying attention to waste heat recovery (WHR)
from engine exhaust.
• The final section represents the summary and demonstrates sugges­
tions to make a feasible future for syngas as a transportation fuel.

2. Fundamentals

2.1. Physicochemical properties of syngas relevant to engines

Table 5 lists the physicochemical properties of typical syngas mix­

tures compared to hydrogen, methane, biogas, and conventional fossil
fuels. It is apparent that syngas has the highest laminar flame speed and
widest flammability limits amongst all fuels after hydrogen, making it
beneficial for application as a secondary fuel in IC engines, especially at
low engine loads. It means that a wide range of stable operation (from
rich to lean) could be achieved with syngas fuel, especially promoting
the ultra-lean combustion in spark-ignition engines. The volumetric
energy content is the main parameter determining the fuel injection
system design and required storage tank for vehicular applications
[134]. In the case of syngas use in IC engines, the fuel injection system
size should be larger, or the injection duration should be longer.
Although there is no available data for the minimum ignition energy
of syngas mixtures, it can be concluded that the high hydrogen content
in syngas could facilitate cold starts and guarantee rapid ignition [135],
considering the unwanted ignitions, specifically pre-ignition and back­
fire (see sub-section 3.1.1). A scarcity in data has also continued for the
Fig. 5. Yield of product for biomass gasification with thermal decomposition
and steam reforming (Reprinted from [101] with permissions of Elsevier). quenching distance, and a lower value means a more complete com­
bustion [136], but with a higher heat transfer losses.
Detailed combustion characteristics of syngas mixtures for gas tur­
mixtures are considered in the first place, then the effects of diluents
bine engine-relevant conditions have already been reviewed by Lee et al.
are discussed.
[137] and Jithin et al. [138]. In the following section, characteristics of
• To better understand the effects of syngas on combustion, emissions,
the ignition delay times, laminar and turbulent flame speeds of syngas
and performance of IC engines with conventional and advanced
mixtures under engine-relevant conditions are reviewed and discussed
combustion strategies, section 3 reviews the syngas application in SI,
with a focus on those aspects which have not been addressed carefully in
HCCI and dual-fuel engines. In SI engine section, the power gener­
previous reviews.
ation applications of the syngas-fueled engines are also included.

Table 5
Physicochemical properties of a typical syngas mixtures compared to other fuels [59,139-143].
Properties Syn11 Syn21* Syn31 Syn41þ Syn51þ Biogas Hydrogen Carbon Methane Gasoline Diesel
* monoxide

Density [kg/m3] 2 0.54 0.67 0.68 1.05 1.04 1.11 0.0824 1.145 0.656 719.7 832
Molecular weight [kg/kmol] 2 13.91 15 15.2 23.2 34.4 2.0 28 16.04 103 200
Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio [kg/ 5.3 4.58 7.23 1.4 2.07 5.67 34.2 2.5 17.2 14.7 14.7
Flammability limits [vol.% in air] 24-60 6.06- 5.8- 7-21.6 13.4-58 7.5-14 4-75 12.5-74 5-15 1.4-7.6 0.6-
74.2 41.4 7.5
Flammability limit [ϕ] 0.2-7.2 - - - - - 0.1-7.5 0.3-6.8 0.4-1.6 0.7-4.3 1.0-
Autoignition temperature [K] 980 873-923 873- 898 898 923 858 882 813 550 589
Minimum ignition energy [mJ] 3 - - - - - - 0.02 - 0.28 0.24 -
Laminar flame speed [m/s] 3 1.0 1.8 - 0.5 0.5 0.25 1.8-2.8 0.4 0.38 0.37- -
Adiabatic flame temperature [K] 3 2584 2385 2400 - 2200 2145 2390 2214 2214 2580 -
Quenching distance [mm] 3 - - - - - - 0.64 1.6 2.1 2.84 -
Lower heating value [MJ/kg] 15.7 17.54 24.4 5 7.47 17.0 119.7 10.1 50.0 43.4 42.6
Volumetric energy content [MJ/ 8.47 11.75 16.59 5.25 7.84 18.87 9.86 11.56 32.8 31235 35443
m3 ]
Syn1:57/43:H2/CO, Syn2:50/50:H2/CO, Syn3:40/40/20:H2/CO/CH4, Syn4: 22.6/24.3/2.2/9.3/41.2:H2/CO/CH4/CO2/N2, Syn5: 19.6/29.6/5.27/5.41/40.56:
H2/CO/ CH4/CO2/N2 and Biogas: 55.6/42.3/2.1: CH4/CO2/N2 (by volume).
at NTP: normal temperature (T=298.15 K) and pressure (p=1 bar). 3 at ϕ=1 (stoichiometry).
A typical reformate, + A typical producer gas

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

+ OH reaction. Those works were completely reviewed in [157,158].

Recently, in order to justify the observed discrepancies, Mansfield
and Wooldridge [159] indicated two distinct ignition behaviors attrib­
uted to the strong (or spontaneous ignition which is referred to as
spatially homogeneous ignition) and mild ignition (or deflagration
ignition which is characterized by the onset of localized reaction sites)
for a syngas, with a molar ratio of H2/CO = 0.7, mixed with air (O2/inert
gas molar ratio = 1/3.76) at ϕ = 0.1 and 0.5, T = 870-1150 K, and p =
3-15.4 bar through high-speed imaging in RCM experiments. Two
high-speed imaging frames of that work are depicted in Fig. 7, in which
multiple localized flame-like structures can be seen on the right side. The
authors [159] indicated that the ignition behavior is weakly affected by
the molar ratio of H2/CO, and, by comparison to other work [160], is not
strongly dependent on the combustion device used, albeit strongly
dependent on the initial thermodynamic state (i.e., pressure, tempera­
ture, and equivalence ratio). Also, they stated that the mild ignition
behavior is not avoidable by reducing the equivalence ratio towards lean
condition; however, the available chemical kinetics mechanisms used in
the zero-dimensional (0-D) homogeneous reactor modelling would be
capable of predicting the IDTs quite accurately.
Fig. 6. Discrepancies of ignition delay times between five homogenous reactor As mentioned earlier, a review by Lee [137] evaluated IDTs of syngas
models’ predictions and three experimental datasets for syngas (H2/CO: 50/50, mixtures at different H2:CO ratios with different pressures ranging from
by vol.)/air mixture at ϕ = 0.5 and p = 20.2 bar (Reprinted from [156] with 1.6 to 49 atm, by collecting data from Krejci et al. [161,162], Mathieu
permission of Elsevier). et al. [163], Vasu et al. [164], Keromnes et al. [165], Gersen et al. [166],
and Mittal et al. [152], as shown in Fig. 8. Relying on this review and
2.2. Ignition delay time (IDT) related works, the effects of various parameters on IDTs of syngas
mixtures are summarized below:
The ignition delay times, IDTs, of syngas mixtures were measured in Temperature and equivalence ratio (ϕ) effects:
earlier studies mostly using a shock-tube apparatus confined to low While increasing the temperature shortens the IDT substantially, the
pressure (up to 2.2 bar) and low-to-high temperature (up to 2850 K) IDT of the various compositions of H2/CO syngas at lean equivalence
conditions, which are less applicable to typical gas turbines and IC en­ ratios (ϕ) has a decreasing trend, but only at higher pressures, e.g., 49
gines operating conditions [144–150]. The emergence of advanced in­ atm, as seen in Fig. 8(h). Conversely, at lower pressures, e.g., 7.9 atm,
tegrated system technologies like syngas-fired IGCC as an alternative to the IDTs can have an increasing trend by reducing the ϕ, which is the
conventional coal-fired power plants, together with reported discrep­ case of Fig. 8(b).
ancies between measurements and reaction model predictions of IDTs of Pressure effect:
syngas mixtures (see Fig. 6), has provoked researchers to reproduce The influence of pressure on IDT of 50:50 H2:CO at ϕ = 1.6, and at p
experimental measurements and refine the reaction kinetics for syngas = 8, 12, and 32 atm are shown in Fig. 9 (left). The complex behavior of
oxidation at higher pressures and temperatures [151,152]. Thus, some IDT can be seen with altering pressure at different temperature regions.
later studies were conducted using rapid compression machines (RCM) At high temperatures (>1250 K), higher pressures significantly shorten
[152–154] and shock-tubes [155,156] at higher pressures, suggesting the IDT, while at intermediate temperatures (1110 K<T<1250 K),
that the observed discrepancies between measured and calculated IDTs increasing pressure from 1.6 to 32 atm exhibits a mild decreasing and
at these pressures are due to not considering the overall activation en­ even increasing decreasing trend for IDT, which implies that a compe­
ergy correctly, HO2/H2O2 chemistry dominance in the tition effect may exist. Actually, this was attributed to the pressure
chain-propagation regime, and particularly the role of CO + HO2 = CO2 dependence of H2 ignition [165], which is the competition between the

Fig. 7. High-speed imaging of homogenous (left) and inhomogeneous (right) ignition behaviors of syngas, with a molar ratio of H2/CO = 0.7, mixed with air (O2/
inert gas molar ratio of 1/3.76) illustrating uniform and non-uniform chemiluminescence (Reprinted from [159] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 8. Ignition delay times of different H2:CO mixtures as a function of temperature at different pressures (Reprinted from [137] with permission of Elsevier).

chain branching reaction (H + O2 → O + OH) that dominates in the concentration (i.e., CO < 60%), adding CO to H2 did not lead to a sig­
high-temperature region, and the pressure-dependent propagation re­ nificant increase in IDT, as shown by Gersen et al. [166] (see Fig. 8 (a)).
action (H + O2(+M) → HO2(+M)) that dominates in the Further discussions regarding the CO’s inhibiting effect have been re­
low-temperature region. Moreover, the latter reaction is more favorable ported in [152,166].
at high pressures and is also pressure-dependent, inhibiting the chain CH4 effect:
branching and resulting in longer IDT at elevated pressures, as seen in Under engine-relevant conditions, it has been reported [167–169]
Fig. 9 (right). that the addition of H2 has ignition-promoting effect in CH4 mixtures,
CO effect: with substantially reduced IDT by replacing CH4 with a 50% mole
Though the H2-chemistry is dominant at low CO content, the CO has fraction of H2, particularly at higher temperatures. For the purpose of
an inhibiting effect on the IDTs of H2/CO fuel due to the decrease in IDT measurement in CH4/H2/CO/oxidizer mixtures, Gersen et al. [166]
activation energy. Lower activation energy can be detected in the high- carried out experiments and calculations at ϕ = 0.5 and 1, p = 20-80 bar,
temperature region, followed by a very steep increase at around T = and T = 900-1100 K conditions using an RCM and the SENKIN code
1000 K. The inhibition effect is much more prominent as pressure in­ [170]. With the addition of CH4 (> 50% by mole fraction) to the
creases from ~15 to 30 bar; that is, the CO oxidation is retarded by H2/CO-oxidizer mixture, CO, with low mole fraction (≤ 30%), had no
increasing pressure. Beyond p=30 bar, the incremental variation in the inhibiting effect on either IDTs of CH4/H2/CO or CH4/CO, while CH4
inhibiting effect would be trivial. These mentioned trends can be seen in had this effect, particularly at high temperatures, as illustrated in Fig. 10
the labeled pictures of (a), (c), (e), and (g) in Fig. 8. For high H2 (a). In contrast to CO, CH4 with an even low mole fraction (~ 6%) in the

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 9. Effect of pressure on the ignition delay times for 50:50 H2:CO at ϕ = 0.5 (left) and for a mixture of 0.7 H2 + O2 + 3.76 Ar (right) (Reprinted from [137,165]
with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 10. Effect of CH4 on ignition delay times of syngas (Reprinted from [166,171] with permission of Elsevier).
(a) ϕ = 0.1, and p ~ 40 atm [166]
(b) ϕ = 0.1, and p ~ 15 atm [171]

fuel showed an ignition-inhibiting effect due to OH consumption by CH4 the data set:
+ OH = CH3 + H2O, as can be seen from Fig. 10 (b); noting that the ( )
ignition stage is depicted as a two-step ignition process, i.e., τign1 and τ τign = 3.7 × 10− 6 P− 0.5
ϕ− 0.4
χ O2 − 5.4
exp (1)
ign2, due to the presence of two separate regions of fast pressure increase
on the recorded pressure-time history plot. This behavior has not been In this correlation, τign denotes the ignition delay time [ms], p pres­
explicitly reported before [171] for syngas fuel mixtures. The experi­ sure [bar], T temperature [K], φ the equivalence ratio, and χ O2 the ox­
mental works measuring IDTs of syngas mixtures under engine-relevant ygen mole fraction. The experimental data were also in good agreement
conditions are summarized in Table 6. with model predictions based on the detailed mechanism proposed by
There have been several correlations proposed in the literature for Davis [151].
IDT calculation, which can provide a means to estimate syngas ignition As a final note, it is also important to study ignition delay times of
properties in a simplified form, where detailed kinetic models are syngas blended with other gases such as CO2, and H2O, since syngas is
computationally expensive. Walton et al. [154] performed ignition not suitable as a sole fuel for some type of IC engines (as will be dis­
studies of simulated syngas mixtures of H2, CO, O2, N2, and CO2 in an cussed in section 3). The effects of diluents like H2O [163,173], CO2
RCM. The IDT data spanned pressures between p = 7.1-26.7 bar, tem­ (negligible) [163], impurities (e.g., trimethylsilanol) [171] and NH3
peratures from T = 855-1051 K, equivalence ratios from ϕ = 0.1-1.0, (negligible) [163] on IDT of syngas mixtures have been studied in only a
oxygen mole fractions from 15% to 20% and H2:CO ratios from 0.25 to few studies. It was suggested that H2O has contradictory impacts on the
4.0 (molar basis). Regression analysis yielded the following best-fit to IDTs under various pressures, increasing IDT at high pressures as

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 6 Table 7
Available experimental datasets for ignition delay times of syngas mixtures. Measured MN for various test gases [182].
Year Author(s) Facility Mixture (by p T (K) ϕ (-) Test gas H2 CO CH4 CO2 N2 MN
vol.) (bar)
Reformer gas 44.5 2.30 38.1 13.0 2.10 62.4
2007 Mittal et al. RCM* H2/CO/O2/ 15- 950- 0.36- Coal gas 22.3 63.1 - 1.30 13.3 30.0
[152,153] N2/Ar 50 1100 1.60 Wood gas or PG 39.2 23.5 8.50 26.4 2.40 61.4
2007 Walton et al. RCM H2/CO/O2/ 7.1- 855- 0.1- Digester gas - - 60.8 37.8 1.50 139.1
[154] N2/CO2 26.4 1051 1.0 Landfill gas - - 60.5 39.5 - 139.5
2007 Peterson et al. ST* H2/CO/O2/ ~ 20 943- 0.5
[156] N2/CO2 1148
2012 Gersen et al. RCM CH4/H2/ 20- 900- 0.5 & comparing the tested fuels to reference blends, Malenshek and Olsen
[166] CO/O2/N2/ 80 1100 1
[182] conducted a direct comparison by developing a test procedure
2012 Krejci et al. ST H2/CO/O2/ 1.5- 960- 0.5
with a computer-controlled gas blending system, minimizing the effects
[161] Ar 32 2000 of other uncontrolled variables besides CR, such as ambient temperature
2013 Kéromnès et al. RCM & H2/CO/O2/ 1-70 914- 0.1- and atmospheric pressure, and producing maximum knock by sweeping
[165] ST N2/Ar 2220 4.0 the air-fuel ratio (rather than ϕ=1 for indirect comparison). Some results
2014 Mansfield and RCM H2/CO/O2/ 3-15 870- 0.1-
for a wide range of syngas composition are presented in Table 7.
Wooldridge N2 1150 0.5
[159] Experimental data, such as that represented in Table 7, were used in
2015 Mansfield and RCM CH4/H2/ 5& 1010- 0.1 the literature to compare with the programs that estimate the MN of
Wooldridge CO/O2/N2 15 1110 natural gas as a function of its composition. It was found that estimates
[171] + TMS**
can deviate considerably with respect to experimental data when syngas
2015 Ouyang et al. ST CH4/H2/ 5-10- 1100- 0.5-
[172] CO/O2/N2 15 1700 1.0-
is considered as fuel [183]. These deviations are mainly caused by the
/Ar 2.0 various and high concentrations of carbon monoxide, and especially
* carbon dioxide (as a knock suppressor) and hydrogen (as a knock
RCM: Rapid compression machine, ST: Shock tube.
** propagator) in syngas. The other reason, for example, for early version
TMS: Trimethylsilanol which is added to syngas as impurity, 10-100 ppm.
of AVL program was that carbon monoxide effects are not included
[177]. Diaz et al. [177] carried out a comprehensive analysis of the
HO2/H2O2 reactions become more profound, thereby increasing the
auto-ignition tendency of binary mixtures of hydrogen and carbon
reactivity of the mixture [173]. Although substantial progress has been
monoxide diluted with carbon dioxide. They proposed a statistically
obtained in our awareness of IDT for H2/CO syngas, there are still few
validated second-order regression model to predict MN. Results revealed
studies to achieve a general description for a representative H2/CO/di­
that increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the mixtures strongly
luents/(possible) impurities syngas under engine-relevant conditions.
increases the MN of the mixtures. A great fraction of H2 and CO intensely
reduces the MN, whereas the CO2 or N2 raise knock resistance and thus
2.3. Methane number (MN) increase the MN [176]. Lechner et al. [184] showed that the classical
methane number or the propane knock index1 fail for the syngas com­
In the IC engine community, to isolate the knock propensity of the positions in practice. Based on a review of published fuel data, 31 gas
fuel from the specific engine design and condition, a practical measure mixtures were developed using a D-optimal statistical design consisting
was required to indicate the ability of a fuel to resist knock [174]. Due to of H2, CO, CH4, CO2, and higher hydrocarbons up to C3. Additionally,
this, octane number is defined, and some octane rating methods like the pure methane, pure propane, pure hydrogen and a biogas mixture
motor octane number (MON) have been established by ASTM for liquid consisting of 60 vol% CH4 and 40 vol% CO2 were examined as reference
fuels based on primary reference fuel blends, in which iso-octane-like fuels. Practically all syngas blends were more prone to knock than
fuel is assigned with ON (or MON) of 100 and n-heptane-like fuel with methane or biogas. Admixtures of higher hydrocarbons were found to
ON (or MON) of 0; which means fuels with high MON resist substantially increase the knock propensity. This indicates the promi­
auto-igniting more than those with low MON. Extending this concept to nent role of higher hydrocarbons with regard to the knock propensity of
gaseous fuels leads to the so-called methane number (MN), taken from fuel gases. Lean equivalence ratios, exhaust gas recirculation, and the
the work done for the Austrian AVL Company through 1964-1969 [175]. addition of water vapor were effective measures to mitigate the risk of
The system rating of MN employs a reference fuel blend of methane and knock.
hydrogen, by which methane and hydrogen are given to MN of 100 and Under the MN determination, hydrogen should have the lowest
zero, respectively. CH4-CO2 mixtures were also considered as reference resistance to knocking, which somehow is not true since some work has
mixtures for MN beyond 100, defining 100 plus the volume of existing presented a research octane number (RON) of around 130 for hydrogen.
CO2 for MON; for example, 20%CO2 + 80%CH4 (by vol.) results in MON Also, hydrogen and methane as reference fuels in the MN rating system
of 120 while 20%H2 + 80%CH4 (by vol.) leads to MON of 80. Therefore, have very different characteristics in flame speeds and ignition delays, in
it is expected that an engine fueled with a syngas fuel having a higher contrast to those in the ON rating system, which have similar flame
CO2 fraction leads to a rise in the upper limit of compression ratio (CR) speeds [185]. It was seen that the MN could be correlated to the adia­
without knock issue. More generally, once the MN number through this batic flame temperature and laminar flame speed, a high MN fuel having
method is determined, regulating both spark timing and CR can be a low adiabatic flame temperature and long flame initiation period
employed to avoid knock, applicable to an engine fueling with either [176]. However, compared to H2, propane (C3H8) has shown more
100% syngas or syngas blended with other gaseous fuels. To determine knock tendency, which may stem from its lower auto-ignition
the MN, some researchers [176–179] have conducted their own pro­ temperature.
cedure and compared it to developed MN programs, such as the AVL To summarize, there is still no comprehensive consensus to deter­
Methane program V3.20 [180] and the MWM MN program [181], which mine the knock propensity of gaseous, namely syngas fuels. The
are partly looked at in the following. currently potential errors in the MN method, such as various operating
Generally, the procedure for specifying the MN of tested fuel is
basically a comparative basis in which unknown fuel is indirectly
compared to a map of reference blends at the same CR via a curve;
however, this subject is out of scope for the current review and can be 1
The propane knock index is one of MN alternatives to index knock pro­
found elsewhere [182,183]. As an alternative approach for indirectly pensity of gaseous fuels.

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 11. Published measured data of laminar flame speeds for the model syngas mixture of H2/CO: 5/95 with oxidizer (by vol.) at atmospheric (symbols), 5 and 10
atm (lines) (adopted and extended from [194] with permission of Elsevier, other references [165,188,189,192,193,195,196]).

engine conditions and heavy hydrocarbon presence in syngas, lead to For the high-pressure operating condition, Sun et al. [196] were one
keep investigating this matter. of the first groups that conducted the LFS measurement of H2/CO mix­
tures at pressures up to p=40 atm. They substituted nitrogen (N2) with
helium (He) to increase the Lewis number (Le) of the mixture, mini­
2.4. Laminar flame speed (LFS)
mizing flame-front instability3 due to wrinkling and cell formation over
the flame surface. It is also noteworthy that if the ignition energy sup­
Laminar flame speed is a crucial parameter, which results from the
plied by the spark plug of a SI engine is not enough to drive the flame
net effects of the diffusivity, exothermicity, and reactivity of the mixture
front to a minimum radius at which stretch effects are decreased, the
[186], and has a strong dependency on pressure, temperature, mixture
propagating flame of a mixture with Le>1 can extinguish [199]. Refer­
composition, and equivalence ratio [187]. The LFS of syngas-air mix­
ring back to Fig. 11 and now to Fig. 13 (left) for pressures higher than
tures at typical temperatures and pressures (NTP) conditions were
p=10 atm, it is obvious that increasing initial pressure substantially
extensively reported in [188–194], and Fig. 11 shows an example of
reduces LFS, which is attributed to hydrodynamic instabilities due to
published data for LFS of a syngas mixture (H2/CO: 5/95 by vol.) at
decrease in flame thickness as seen in Fig. 13 (right). Some studies are
atmospheric and high-pressure conditions. As can be seen, a relatively
available concerning the LFS of syngas mixtures at higher pressure [162,
decent consistency in measured LFS values can be observed among all
165,194-196, 200,201]; most of them used helium rather than nitrogen.
data, with a maximum variance of 10 cm/s peak-to-peak, while the
High-H2 syngas, the target fuel for IC engines, is more susceptible to
difference was seen to be larger as pressure increases.
flame front instabilities, taken from LFS of pure H2-oxidizer mixtures
Moreover, the discrepancies among measured LFS data are as high as
[19]. Both thermal-diffusive and hydrodynamic instabilities are
40 cm/s at fuel-rich conditions (ϕ > 2) by increasing H2 concentration
involved in amplifying the flame front’s destabilization by affecting the
by just 10%. Fig. 12 shows that the maximum LFS value increases
Lewis number and flame thickness, respectively. So, as compared with
approximately from 65 in Fig. 11 to 130 cm/s by substituting 20% of CO
CO, H2 has a more dominant effect on flame stabilities [202]. To mea­
with H2 in the syngas mixture. This can be attributed to the wide range
sure LFS of syngas with H2/CO: 85:15% (by vol.) at elevated pressures
of data sets used for extrapolation2 (to eliminate stretch effects from
up to p = 10 bar and lean conditions (ϕ = 0.5-0.6), which is relevant to
data), the applied stretch extrapolation model, the chosen flame radius
IC engines with premixed charge, Goswami et al. [203] conducted ex­
range, and the inhibiting effect of carbonyl compounds coming from the
periments using the heat-flux method and then compared the resulting
steel containers utilized to store the CO content of syngas. More infor­
LFSs with those obtained from the available mechanisms [165,204-206]
mation on fundamentals and technical possible sources of observed
by kinetic modeling. They observed significant differences between
discrepancies and uncertainties are described in [187] and [197] for
experiment and modeling, attributed to the uncertainty in key reactions,
each distinct fuel-air mixture, and in [198] for spherically expanding
and suggested that further studies are requisite to modify their rate
syngas flames.

2 3
To correctly determine the LFS, particularly in spherical propagating flame Two common intrinsic flame instabilities have been pointed out within the
at elevated pressures, stretch effects due to flame curvature and flame un­ present work, the thermo-diffusivity instability that is characterized by Lewis
steadiness should be subtracted from experimental data to avoid scattering the number and the hydrodynamic (as known as the Darrieus-Landau) instability,
data. Stretch effects can be eliminated by using non- and linear extrapolation which is due to density jump across the flame-front, that is characterized by the
equations. flame thickness and thermal expansion ratio.

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 12. Published measured data of laminar flame speeds for the model syngas mixture of H2/CO: 25/75 with oxidizer (by vol.) at atmospheric (adopted from [194]
with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 13. Effect of pressure increase on laminar flame speeds of syngas diluted in helium (left) and flame front growth of syngas diluted in air with flame radius of 60
mm (right), for H2:CO = 25:75 (by vol.) and at room temperature; p/pi: pressure ratio, σ: thermal expansion ratio, andδf: flame thickness. (Reprinted from [137] with
permission of Elsevier).

constants. Later, Zhang et al. [207] studied the LFS of the same lean
high-H2 syngas of the previous study [203] at elevated pressures but
using the spherical flame method. Fig. 14 depicts that the measured LFS
is seen to diminish monotonically as pressure increases, due to the fact
that SL ~ p(n/2− 1) [197] and the overall order of reaction n is normally
less than 2, due to the third body, inhibiting the H + O2 + M → HO2 + M
reaction. As can be seen from Fig. 14, while mechanisms have better
predicted the results of the latter study compared to that of the former
study, the reason is unclear and needs additional study. In addition, the
preferential diffusivity of high-H2 syngas must be noted here due to the
high mass diffusivity of H2 [19], as it plays a vital role in the future of
flame front structure [208]. Interestingly, at elevated pressures and lean
conditions but lower H2 content (35:65 H2:CO mixtures), syngas laminar
flames were determined [209] to be extremely unstable, resulting in
cellular structures in the spreading flame front surface, where SL ~p− 0.15
having a fairly small reduction in pressure compared to lean methane
flames where SL ~p− 0.50. As a result, it is challenging to measure the LFS
of syngas-air mixtures free of flame instability effects without diluents. It
is almost impossible to obtain accurate LFSs before the onset of flame
instabilities at lean and elevated pressure conditions [210].
Based on the above discussions and Refs. [211,212], it is worth
Fig. 14. Laminar flame speed of 85%H2–15%CO/12.5%O2–87.5%He mixture noting that lean high-H2 syngas (H2/CO) flames at elevated pressures
as a function of pressure (Reprinted from [207] with permission of Elsevier). tend to wrinkle and exhibit cellularity even at the early stage of kernel
development. Such unstable cellular flames can be self-accelerated by

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

gradually increasing their frontal surface area, and, thus, this should be The LFSs of H2O diluted syngas-air mixtures have been explored by
noted as a reason for knocking combustion in SI engines. Both intrinsic some researchers at atmospheric conditions using both stagnation [224]
flame instabilities and the acceleration characteristic of the flame front, and spherical [193] flame methods, consistently concluding that H2O
at decreased critical (minimum) flame radius, result in more difficulties addition will non- and monotonically reduce the LFS of CO- and H2-rich
in accurately measuring the LFS. Accordingly, Xie et al. [211] proposed syngas, respectively. For higher pressures up to p=10 bar, Santner et al.
an updated method, based on Bradley et al. [213], to obtain the LFS at [225] found a monotonic drop in mass burning rate with increasing H2O
various flame radii without the acceleration effect. Identification and concentration for an equimolar H2/CO syngas. Besides, they indicated
characterization of self-acceleration of syngas flame are still in their that the inhibitory effect of H2O addition would be increased with
infancy and an ongoing topic for research. increasing pressure. In a research on CH4 blended with H2/CO, Zhou
As H2/CO mixtures do not represent real syngas and always refer to et al. [226] conducted measurements and numerical simulations at
bottled gas or simulated gas, the effect of dilutions with CO2, N2, H2O, at Tin=303 K, ϕ = 0.6–1.5 and p = 0.1–0.5 MPa with a wide range of
least on LFS of H2/CO mixtures must be investigated by scrutinizing the bio-syngas (H2/CO/CH4) compositions. They experimentally deter­
thermal, chemical, and transport impacts of each of them. It has been mined and measured LFS of premixed bio-syngas/air flames under
separately reported in [195,200,202,214,215] that CO2 decreases the various compositions of fuel mixtures, as depicted in Fig. 16, in which
flame temperature, thereby reducing the rate of H2/CO oxidation and αBasis, as a base for comparison, is set to H2/CO/CH4 = 40/40/20 (% by
thus the LFS, which means the chemical effect of CO2 is dominating. Han vol.) with constant mole ratios among species; and αH2-60 equals
et al. [200] measured the LFS of H2/CO (3/1, 1/1, and 1/3 by vol.) with H2/CO/CH4 = 60/26.6/13.3. It was observed that the Li mechanism
CO2 dilution for elevated pressures p=1, 4, and 10 bar and temperatures [204] is well in line with the measured LFS of premixed bio-syngas
T=298, 375, and 450 K using the outward spherical flame propagation flames, particularly under fuel-lean conditions. There is a slight differ­
method, and indicated that increasing CO2 dilution linearly decreases ence between the expected findings and the experimental ones for
the LFS and directly affects the elementary reaction rates. A compre­
hensive study by Vu [202] revealed that CO2- and N2-diluted syngas-air
flames are more sensitive to stretch effects than a He-diluted one
because of the reduced Markstein number with increasing diluent con­
centrations. Also, from Fig. 15, it can be seen that the effective Lewis
number (defined as a combination of fuel and oxidizer Lewis numbers) is
reduced in both cases of CO2 and N2 dilution and will be more prone to
thermo-diffusive instability at lean conditions; according to such trend,
Parthap et al. [214] showed the minimum permissible quantity of the
equivalence ratio to achieve flame stability would be shifted from 0.6 to
0.8 for increasing CO2 concertation from 0 to 30%, respectively, for a
H2/CO: 1/1 (by vol.) mixture. A recent study [216] showed that for a
diluted H2/CO mixture, the flame would be more stabilized by
increasing ϕ when the H2 fraction is more than 50%. Also, it was shown
that the flame instability of high-H2 syngas (as H2/CO mixture) scarcely
varies with increasing CO2 or N2 dilution fraction compared to a
high-CO syngas whose flame becomes more stable with rising dilution.
While decreasing LFS with both CO2 and N2 addition has been
proven [217–222], syngas-air mixtures have higher LFS with N2 dilu­
tion, which has a thermally dominant impact [222]. Therefore,
increasing CO2 dilution has a more substantial inhibiting effect on LFS
due to its direct engagement in the chemical reactions through CO + OH
↔ CO2 + H [214,223], and hence it is necessary to evaluate it with more Fig. 16. Laminar flame speed of H2/CO/CH4/air mixtures at various compo­
caution in predicting syngas containing CO2 by a reaction model. sitions (Reprinted from [226] with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 15. Effective Lewis number at rich/lean conditions and room temperature with the (Reprinted from [202] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

fuel-rich conditions. results of such studies are vastly dependent on the capability of the
It can also be seen in Fig. 16 that the peak value of LFS moves to­ developed reaction mechanisms in predicting the LFS under desired
wards fuel-rich conditions with increasing H2 content in the mixture due simulation conditions.
to the very high diffusivity of hydrogen [227], which has a severe, Finally, measured LFS data can establish correlations [245], which is
increasing trend with ϕ. Conversely, the addition of CH4 to the mixture a simpler and more convenient approach than detailed simulations with
leads to shifting the peak value to the lean side with a quite large kinetic mechanisms, for easy use in estimating the LFS of syngas-based
reduction in the quantity of LFS due to the inherent slower LFS of CH4. mixtures during engine combustion simulations [191]. However, those
Also, with an increase in CO fraction in the fuel, the LFS is not much are only applicable to regions far away from stretch and ignition energy
influenced. The thermal and chemical kinetic analysis shows that the effects. An example of the kind of LFS correlation is given below, which
addition of CO has much more impact on the adiabatic flame tempera­ is a function of equivalence ratio, temperature, and pressure [194]:
ture but plays a minor role in its chemical kinetic impact as opposed to ( )( )
( ) T c p d
the addition of H2 [228]. The influence of H2 addition to LFS is mainly Su = Su0 1 + a(ϕ − 1) + b(ϕ − 1)2 (2)
due to its chemical effect at lean and stoichiometric conditions. How­ T0 p0
ever, with the addition of around 75% CO, the rise in laminar flamma­
where Su0 is the reference LFS at certain point (ϕ = 1, T0 = 298.15 K, p0
bility is attributed to the high adiabatic flame temperature (thermal
=1 bar), ϕ the equivalence ratio, T the temperature in K and p the
effect) [229].
pressure of the mixture in bar. The fitting coefficients, a, b, c, and d were
The effects of inert gases like N2, CO2, and H2O, and CH4 on the
obtained for different hydrogen concentrations using a nonlinear, least-
laminar flame speeds of syngas, in the form of H2/CO, were briefly
squares method. This correlation is valid only for non-cellular laminar
reviewed here and are extensively discussed in [137,230]. The LFS of
flames within the equivalence ratio range of 0.6 < ϕ < 5. The pressure
syngas in the form of producer gas (PG) have also been addressed in
and temperature ranges are a function of the equivalence ratio and
[231–235], which is the case of 100% syngas fueled IC engines in sta­
hydrogen fraction.
tionary applications. Monteiro et al. [234] investigated the impact of
Semi-empirical correlations are also available to predict the LFS of
various compositions of PG generated through fluidized bed, updraft,
H2/CO/air flames with N2 and CO2 dilution [246]. Although such cor­
and downdraft gasification on the LFS, using the spherical flame
relations are preferred to comprehensive chemical kinetic models in
method. Fig. 17 illustrates that the LFS of two studied PG over a wide
terms of computational cost, they have been restricted to specific con­
range of ϕ have a similar trend to those of syngas with high CH4 content,
ditions, beyond which the predictions are inaccurate. This is because
although the maximum values are at stoichiometric conditions. Tippa
many earlier correlations were based on a small collection of experi­
et al. [236,237], concluded that PG combustion with higher H2, CO, and
mental data, mostly carried out over a narrow range of engine operating
N2 fractions and comparatively lesser amounts of CH4 and CO2 are stable
conditions [73,191,196,238,245,247,248]. In addition, no flame speed
to preferential diffusion effects and predictable for minor changes in
correlation is available that allows the calculation of LFS for blends of
syngas and gaseous fuels. For gaseous blends, blending has a non-linear
Other researchers have tried to determine the LFS of syngas blended
effect on the LFS, resulting in complicated mathematical correlation
with hydrocarbon fuels [238–240] and with exhaust gas recirculation
equations to capture this behavior [249]. Therefore, the use of reaction
(EGR) [241,242], which is the primary case in syngas fueled engines
kinetics calculations is preferred for the combustion study of
through reforming fuel on-board a vehicle, of which detailed discussions
syngas-fueled engines. With this in mind, data-driven machine learning
can be found in sections 3 and 4. For instance, Kwon and Min [238]
(ML) algorithms [250], as a more recent solution, can be trained to
calculated the LFS of syngas/iso-octane-air mixtures by a 1-D model
overcome this issue based on a large dataset having high accuracy to
under conditions relevant to SI engines. The EGR effect was also
anticipate the LFS of syngas with large fluctuations in their composition
included using different fractions of burnt gas up to 0.5 in volume. The
at various conditions. This approach also allows more researchers to
LFS of the studied mixtures were observed to be proportional to the
participate in developing syngas-based combustion systems without
initial temperature, LHV, the fraction of syngas in the fuel mixture and
requiring the in-depth knowledge that only qualified experts have.
H2 fraction in the syngas, and inversely proportional to the initial
In summary, instabilities induced by high H2-containing syngas at
pressure, deviation of equivalence ratio from the stoichiometric condi­
elevated pressures make LFS measurements with reasonable accuracy
tion, and the fraction of burnt gas. A few studies have also considered the
impossible. In general, with an increase in pressure and concentration of
combustion characteristics of syngas mixtures in premixed SI engines
H2, the LFSs for premixed H2/CO-oxidizer mixtures reduce and increase,
[73,243,244]. However, the extent of accuracy and reliability in the
respectively. Diluting syngas with N2, CO2, or H2O decreases the LFS.
The maximum flame speed occurs at fuel-rich conditions, while the
maximum flame temperature occurs near the stoichiometric condition.
Also, the LFS has shown a strong dependency on pressure, inlet tem­
perature, and equivalence ratio. It was shown that extensive modifica­
tions in kinetic mechanisms should be taken into account. There is a
broad experimental data collection available in the literature for the
combustion of syngas with various concentrations of H2:CO. Nonethe­
less, research on syngas mixed with other gases such as CO2 and H2O is
still limited, and a few experimental data are available for the LFS of
syngas mixed with CH4 at elevated pressures [158,195,239,251]. New
measurements with thorough uncertainty analysis on the LFS of syngas
(H2/CO + diluents) solely and blended with other fuels (like gasoline,
diesel, etc.), which are of great interest in vehicular applications at
elevated pressures and engine-relevant conditions, will help us to un­
derstand syngas combustion behavior properly.

Fig. 17. Laminar flame speeds comparison between two producer gas gener­ 2.5. Turbulent flame speed (TFS)
ated by up- and downdraft gasification with H2/CO [189], H2/CO/N2 [217,
231] mixtures (Reprinted form [234] with permission of Elsevier). Like the LFS, the turbulent flame speed (TFS), ST, is of interest and is

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

defined when the surface area of thin laminar flames interacting with intensities used in the measurements. It is believed that these fuel effects
the turbulent flow is increased. Unlike LFS that exclusively depends on are due to the reactant mixture’s stretch sensitivity, which has a strong
mixture properties, TFS is also a function of turbulent flow, enclosed by effect on the positively strained leading points of the turbulent flame
the IC engine geometry. So, measuring TFS is sensitive to the experi­ brush for non-zero Markstein length fuels [265].
mental rig used, and it was confirmed [252,253] that it is an The second topic was devoted to extracting ST correlations for ease of
experiment-dependent variable. Turbulent spherical flames propagating use in combustion modeling. Regarding syngas-air mixtures at higher
inside the IC engine consume the unburned mixture when the pressure than atmospheric, some of them are presented in Table 8.
flame-front enters to reaction zones, thereby determining the heat However, such correlations are obviously incapable of capturing all
release rate. From an engine viewpoint, TFS is dependent on sensitivities of the TFS. For example, Venkateswaran et al. [267] used ST
trapped-mass conditions, residual turbulence at trapping, and the mean databases for negative Markstein length fuel blends, i.e., mixtures with
piston speed, while processes such as auto-ignition, combustion, and small Lewis number like H2-rich syngas- or H2-air mixtures, and high­
heat conduction are also affected [254]. Generally, Lipatnikov and lighted that it is challenging to distinguish the effects of time-scale,
Chomiak [253] demonstrated that flame stretch and instability could length-scale, and ReT on these correlations. Thus, future works are
significantly affect TFS, depending on the conditions and mixture needed with novel correlations in a more unified form.
properties. As the final point of this section, the detailed experimental study on
Because of high stretch sensitivity due to the high mass diffusivity of chemistry-turbulence interaction and instabilities of the flame front for
H2 content [255], the turbulent flame properties of model syngas simpler fuels like H2 particularly, in turbulent flame combustion is next
(H2/CO) mixtures are of great importance and interest. A few helpful to impossible at this instant, while it is possible with the aid of the direct
experimental measurements on the H2/CO-air mixtures have been car­ numerical simulation (DNS) [268]. An exciting subject addressed with
ried out under elevated pressures, such as those by stabilized DNS is the effect of preferential diffusivity on turbulent spherical syngas
Bunsen-type flames [256–259] and centrally-ignited propagating flames flames on the lean side of stoichiometric. This is due to the well-known
[209,260]. The findings of several flame configurations suggested that behavior of lean hydrogen-air mixtures, which is a non-unity Lewis
the TFS of lean hydrogen flames are around a factor of two faster than number fuel and differs from heavy hydrocarbon fuels. In an example
those of hydrocarbon flames, although their magnitudes vary signifi­ study of three-dimensional DNS with detailed chemistry for lean 70:30
cantly for various flame geometries [29]. Regarding measuring the TFS H2/CO syngas at p = 4 bar, it was found [269] that thermo-diffusive
of syngas-air mixtures in high-pressure environments, the two most instabilities have negligible impact on cellularity development of
discussed topics in the literature are: flame structures under high turbulence levels, though the flame accel­
eration and species diffusive flux are still influenced by the preferential
1- The impact of pressure increase, fuel composition, flame-front sen­ diffusion. The same authors [270] showed how the interaction between
sitives, and ReT on TFS. equivalence ratio variation and instabilities could affect the heat release
2- Extracting ST correlations from experimental data for a particular rate. Performing two-dimensional DNS for a turbulent expanding 50/50
fuel-air mixture at specific conditions and generalizing them. H2/CO syngas flame at ϕ = 0.6 and atmospheric conditions, Bhide and
Sreedhara [271] found heat release rate enhancement and a rise in flame
Herein, the turbulent Reynolds number is defined as ReT = (u′ l0)v, speed for even a quiescent medium due to high mass diffusivity of
where u′ , l0 and ν are the turbulent intensity or root-mean-square (r.m.s) hydrogen. Under greater turbulence levels, a further increase in HRR
turbulent fluctuating velocity, the integral length scale, and the kine­ and a shift in the peak location of HRR towards low-temperature zones
matic viscosity of the reactants, respectively. In the first topic, the in­ were also seen. The shifting trend was ascribed to atomic hydrogen
fluence of pressure, two scenarios have been reported to date. The first species, and it disappeared at high pressure and temperature conditions.
states that the TFS increases with increasing pressure due to the The differential diffusion effect (related to the different values of the
improvement of flame instabilities, at constant u′ andl0, regardless of the species Le) was also observed to diminish when raising the CO fraction
fact that ReT also increases due to the inverse proportion of ν to pressure to 70%.
elevation. However, the second proved that TFS decreases, similar to In conclusion, while noting that high-pressure turbulent combustion
LFS in a negative exponential behavior, with increasing pressure as the
ReT is held constant [260,261].
As instances of the first scenario, Liu et al. [209] studied TFS for Table 8
35:65 H2:CO-air mixtures at ϕ = 0.5 and 0.7 over an initial pressure Some correlations based on measured data for the turbulent flame speed (ST) of
range of p = 1–10 bar. They found that ST increases with increasing syngas-air mixtures at elevated pressures.
pressure (ST~p0.15 for ϕ = 0.7 and ST~p0.11 for ϕ = 0.5) at a fixed r.m.s Author(s) Correlation for ST Constants Eq.
turbulent fluctuating velocity (u′ ≈ 1.4 m/s), often attributed to cellular
Daniele ST P0= 1 bar, T0 = (3)
instability promotion due to thinner flame thickness (hydrodynamic et al. = 1K
instability) [253,262]. At higher pressure up to 20 bar, Daniele et al. (2011) ( ′ )0.63 ( )− 0.37 ( )0.63 ( )−
u l0 P T 0.63 a = 337.5
[257] mentioned that the ST increase is because of diffusive-thermal [257] B a
SL [( )( δL ′ )] P0 T0
instability co-acting with hydrodynamic impact. Additionally, it was Wang et al. ST P u n For H2/CO: 35/ (4)
(2013) SL P0 SL 65
demonstrated that increasing u′ /SL is much more effective in increasing
[263] B a = 3.8, n ≈ 0.42
ST/SL than increasing pressure, particularly in the weak turbulence Shy et al. ST For lean H2/CO: (5)
= aDab
regime. Besides the pressure influence, the increase of ST/SL with (2015) u′ 35/65 with Le ≈
increasing hydrogen fraction in syngas (H2/CO) mixtures was observed [260] S 0.76: a=0.12,
using OH-PLIF measurements in a work by Wang et al. [263], which
Sun and Zhu ST 0 = (1.325.XH2 + 0.916).u + 0.597.

- (6)
resulted in the promotion of the intensity of flame front wrinkles due to (2020) e2.XH2
amplified preferential diffusive-thermal instability. In addition to results [266] S
consistent with prior studies, Venkateswaran et al. [264] displayed
Note(s): the Damköhler number is defined asDa = (l0/u′ )(SL/δL), where δL is the
measured quantities of ST for 90:10 H2:CO that are around three times
laminar flame thickness which is approximated byδL ≈ α/SL, and α is the thermal
larger than for CH4 blends, with the same SL,u′ , and operating condi­ diffusivity of unburned mixture.
tions. An important conclusion from the work of the same authors [255] XH2 : Hydrogen fraction in H2/CO syngas.
was that fuel effects on ST are not simply a low turbulence intensity B
: Bunsen-type flame method,
phenomenon – it clearly persists over the entire range of turbulence S
: Spherical-type flame method.

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

cannot be directly inferred from atmospheric turbulent combustion re­ pyrolysis/reforming process in a small-scale naturally aspirated (NA)
sults [209], there is no consensus among published findings at higher single-cylinder SI engine with variable compression ratio from 8.47 and
pressures than atmospheric, nor even a general description for turbulent 11.9 and an installed mixer instead of the original carburetor. The gas
premixed syngas flames. There are also very few studies presenting the produced from gasification was hydrogen-rich, while that from the
turbulent combustion of spherical (model) syngas flames compared to two-step pyrolysis was methane-rich. They found that both gases pro­
Bunsen-type flames. As in Daniele et al. [257] study under gas vided similar thermal efficiency compared to CNG. In addition, the
turbine-relevant conditions, there is a need to study turbulent spherical hydrogen-rich gas was observed to show a wider stable engine operation
syngas flames with boundary conditions matched with those in an IC range with the λ up to 2.0, and NOx and HC emissions were quite low for
engine, also considering the dilution effect. it compared to both CNG and the methane-rich gas. Bika [275] inves­
tigated the combustion characteristics and knock limits of a
3. Syngas application in IC engines syngas-fueled SI engine with a variable compression ratio
(CR=6:1-10:1). The fuels investigated were pure H2, H2/CO: 75/25, and
3.1. Syngas in SI engines H2/CO: 50/50 (% by vol.). He reported that increase in the CO fraction
increased the knock limit of syngas and advanced the ignition timing of
Research on syngas application in SI engines has been focused on MBT but did not affect the indicated efficiency up to H2/CO: 50/50. In
improving the fuel consumption (or fuel conversion efficiency) and addition, the maximum heat HRR was observed with pure hydrogen.
engine-out emissions. All employed strategies that result in a more However, the compression ratio increase affected the peak pressure
efficient SI engine4 can be divided into two categories, along with the more than by the CO percentage increase. A maximum ITE of 32% was
associated engine design modifications: reported with H2/CO: 50/50 at ϕ=0.6 and CR=10:1. The general
conclusion was that the extended combustion duration with a higher CO
1- Improve stoichiometric operation with a combination of downsizing, percentage provides more knock resistance at a higher compression
boosting, and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) strategies. ratio.
2- Move towards lean or ultra-lean operation through the intake charge As mentioned earlier, the power output of SI engines is usually de-
dilution and advanced direct injection strategies. rated during operation with 100% syngas. For instance, Mustafi et al.
[272] studied a syngas fuel named “Powergas” that contained 44%H2,
The lean combustion concept in gasoline SI engines has allowed 52% CO, and 4% N2 produced from the Aqua-fuel process5, to evaluate
higher brake thermal efficiency due to reducing pumping and heat the performance and emissions with Powergas (15.3 MJ/kg LHV) in a
transfer losses, while keeping NOx emissions low because of lower peak variable CR Ricardo E6 single-cylinder SI engine and also compared it
combustion temperatures. However, ultra-lean combustion requires with those with gasoline at lean (ϕ = 0.81) and CNG at stoichiometric
careful consideration in order to operate the engine beyond the lean conditions (ϕ = 1.0). The Powergas indicated no superior performance
limit or dilution limit. While a number of methods, including intake relative to CNG and gasoline as the main fuel in the SI engine. They
design improvement, advanced ignition systems, and EGR stratification, observed more than 20% decline in brake torque output and more than
could address this, reformate containing hydrogen-rich gas can serve as 100% increase in BSFC compared to gasoline and CNG at 1500 rpm and
an extender of lean and flammability limits of the engine. Additionally, CR = 8.1:1, as seen in Fig. 18. Although the engine-out THC and CO
since the choice of fuel directly affects the engine’s lean limit, alterna­ emissions with syngas fueling were lower than those with gasoline and
tive fuels with reformate can also be used in SI engines. Also, synergies CNG, both CO2 and NOx emissions were higher. Similar power losses
can emerge from syngas production via on-board fuel reforming and have also been reported with syngas combustion in SI engines [272,274,
thermochemical energy recovery techniques. However, the focus of this 276-280], especially at lower CR and closer to stoichiometric conditions
section is to run SI engines with syngas as the primary fuel, which can and operating away from the MBT timing. Munoz et al. [276] also found
only improve engine’s efficiency by extending its lean limit. around 50% reduction in power output of a carbureted SI engine with
producer gas compared to gasoline, at CR=8.1:1.
3.1.1. 100% Syngas in carbureted and port fuel injection (PFI) SI engines Shah et al. [277] experimentally studied the performance of a
The majority of studies on 100% syngas-fueled SI engine have used single-cylinder SI engine with syngas produced from biomass gasifica­
carburetor or port fuel injection (PFI) technologies in power generation tion. The syngas was composed of 16.2–24.2% CO, 13–19.4% H2,
for two main reasons. First, the SI engine can integrate thermo- and bio- 1.2–6.4% CH4, 9.3–13.8% CO2, and the balance N2 with an LHV of about
chemical processes in which feedstock can be supplied from viable, eco- 5.79 MJ/Nm3. Based on the results obtained, the overall engine effi­
friendly energy resources, e.g., biomass. Second, since the LHV of syngas ciency from the combustion of both syngas and gasoline fuels was found
is lower than that of typical fuels such as gasoline and natural gas, the to be similar at the same maximum power output, albeit higher
engine output power and torque could drop by 20-40% with syngas maximum power output was achieved by gasoline operation. CO was
operation, as reported in several published works [59,272,273]. This observed to be 30–96% lower with syngas than gasoline at each oper­
drawback makes using 100% syngas in SI engines via carburetor or PFI ating point due to the higher carbon content of gasoline fuel. In addition,
technologies unsuitable for vehicular applications. However, it is a good the HC emission of syngas was negligible at less than 40 ppm in all
choice for stationary applications where some limited operating points operating conditions due to the presence of very less HC (1.2–6.4%) in
can be optimized by MBT timing. Also, the engine-out emissions can the syngas used in this study. However, the main reason for HC reduc­
vary by changing the ways of syngas production or adding some other tion could be the increased H2 content in the fuel mixture, which is
species to syngas. A brief review of 100% syngas fueled SI engines for responsible for promoting fast conversion of HCs [273]. It was also re­
stationary and transportation applications is presented below. ported that NOx emissions in syngas operation were lower, about
Syngas composition variability can affect the level of extending the 54–94%, compared to gasoline operation. This was due to the lower
lean limit of engine combustion. Ando et al. [274] evaluated the per­ cylinder temperatures as a result of the lower LHV of syngas. The
formance of low-BTU gases produced from gasification and a two-step operating fuel/air equivalence ratio (ϕ) in this study was not directly
declared while appearing that the operation of a designed
gasoline-based engine is stoichiometric for gasoline and is lean for
Here we can consider two ways of reduced pumping losses (also referred to
as either throttling or gas exchange losses) at low to part loads and/or
decreased friction losses at high speeds while maintaining emissions low Aqua-fuel technology transforms clean by-products like glycerin into
enough. renewable fuels for standard generators.

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 18. Brake torque and BSFC versus engine speed at WOT and MBT timing and CR = 8:1 (Reprinted from [272] with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 19. Brake thermal efficiency contour maps for specified fuels at ϕ = 1, 0.85, and 0.7 and a fixed ignition timing of 15◦ BTDC and CR = 10.7:1 (Reprinted from
[281] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

syngas. It is complicated to run a 100% syngas-fueled SI engine close to high methane fraction of the syngas fuel accounts for the increased
stoichiometric conditions (i.e., ϕ > 0.75) because the retardation of levels of HC emissions. The general increasing CO2 trend of syngas cases
ignition timing after the TDC is required due to hydrogen presence in the with respect to gasoline and methane cases seen was due to the CO2
syngas composition (irrespective of unstable combustion possibility due content in syngas. Nevertheless, a fixed injection timing (15◦ BTDC) of
to high hydrogen content in syngas). With this in mind, the following gasoline used as a baseline for all cases in this study may result in a
two studies are presented for fixed and varying ignition timings. deviation from a realistic comparison.
In a study intended for vehicular applications, Arroyo et al. [281] In the case of varying ignition timing to achieve MBT, Ran et al.
conducted an experimental study to compare the operation of a NA SI [282] conducted experiments to differentiate the performance and
engine fueled with two different syngas cases and two typical gasoline emissions of a NA PFI single-cylinder CFR engine operating on E10 (90%
and methane fuels, at ϕ = 1, 0.85, and 0.7 in full and medium-loads over gasoline + 10% ethanol vol.), CNG (95% CH4 vol.), ethanol (95%
a wide range of engine speeds. Two syngas fuels produced from catalytic ethanol + 5% water vol.), and syngas (60% H2 + 40% CO vol.) at an
decomposition of biogas with molar composition of 23% H2 and 23% engine speed of 1200 rpm and CR = 8:1. The ϕ was in the range of
CO, 26% CH4, and 28% CO2, with the LHV=14.095 MJ/kg as syngas #1, 0.74-0.99, 0.63-0.98, 0.76-0.97, and 0.3-0.78 for fuels in the above­
and 40% H2, 39% CO, 11% CH4, 10% CO2, with LHV=16.525 MJ/kg as mentioned order. The high heat release rates and spark timing restricted
syngas #2, were tested. A considerable loss in BTE was observed in the upper side of ϕ for syngas (see Fig. 20 (b)). Among tested fuels,
gaseous fueling cases at stoichiometric conditions; however, a slight syngas indicated the lowest net IMEP due to having the lowest volu­
increase in power occurred at ϕ=0.85, as shown in Fig. 19 (gasoline did metric efficiency and LHV. Generally, the volumetric efficiency of syn­
not achieve stable combustion at ϕ=0.7). As the authors reported, the gas and CNG due to their gaseous nature and lack of evaporative cooling
reason for higher NOx emissions was the increased H2 and the decreased effects is lower than for liquid fuels. Also, the stoichiometric air/fuel
diluent contents, e.g., CO2, in syngas composition. The established ratio of syngas is lower than CNG; therefore, extra mass fuel is injected
comparison with syngas #1, syngas #2, and methane showed that the for syngas fueling, resulting in more degradation of volumetric

Fig. 20. Volumetric efficiency (a), gross heat release rate (b), net indicated efficiency (c), and combustion efficiency(d) for specified fuels at MBT timings and CR =
8:1 (Reprinted from [282] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

efficiency, as can be seen in Fig. 20 (a). Moreover, the lowest CA0-10%

(flame development period) and CA10-90% (rapid burn period) belonged
to syngas because of the high laminar flame speed and high diffusivity of
the H2 content in syngas. However, the smaller quenching distance of
H2, which implies the flame could travel nearer to the cylinder wall,
leading to higher heat loss, reducing the net indicated efficiency (Fig. 20
(c)) at closer stoichiometric conditions.
Another work [283] tried to draw a comparison between syngas, and
biogas, biogas-syngas blend fueling cases in a NA SI engine at various
MBT timings and at a fixed engine speed of 1500 rpm, using experiments
and numerical simulations. The syngas used had a molar composition of
17% H2, 15% CO, 4% CH4, 15% CO2, and the balance N2 (HHV= 5.65
MJ/nm3) and biogas had 65% CH4, 35% CO2 (HHV=25.83 MJ/kg). The
corresponding ITE, NOx emissions, higher temperature, and maximum
pressure derivative for both syngas and biogas fueling are shown in
Fig. 21. As seen, all observed variables have a relatively distinct sensi­
tivity to where ignition timing occurs, revealing that the previous work Fig. 22. In-cylinder pressure versus crank angle at different CRs (Reprinted
lacks a reasonable basis for comparison. Although the syngas fueled SI from [284] with permission of Elsevier).
engine due to having high H2, low CO2, and presence of N2 contents
produces more NOx and has the highest temperature regions over the
entire ignition timing sweep than the biogas one, lower NOx formation
belongs to syngas, 3 g/kWh, rather than biogas, 7 g/kWh, at maximum
MBT operation, where the maximum ITE happens (26◦ and 50◦ BTDC for
syngas and biogas, respectively). Additionally, syngas fueling not only
indicates 1.5% more ITE compared to biogas at maximum MBT, but also
tends to maintain high ITE over the whole range of ignition timing in
contrast to biogas, indicating the superior combustion characteristics of
H2 relative to CH4.

3.1.2. 100% syngas in CI engines retrofitted to SI mode

To mitigate the power loss with syngas use in SI engines, Sridhar
et al. [284,285] experimentally studied syngas combustion in a
multi-cylinder SI engine modified from a diesel engine at varying CRs
(11:5:1 to 17:1). Fig. 22 shows in-cylinder pressure traces at different
CRs, which did not show any trace of knock for all the studied loads.
Performance of the engine at higher CRs was smooth and proved that Fig. 23. Power generation efficiency of the syngas, diesel and natural gas en­
syngas use in the SI mode at higher CR is technically feasible. Homdoung gines at different loads (Reprinted from [289] with permission of Elsevier).
et al. [286,287] also reported that for CRs as high as 17:1, the engine
fueled with producer gas (PG, see section 1) could operate smoothly density recorded in the diesel engine (1.5-12%) was much higher than
without knock risk. This was attributed to the faster burn rate due to the that in the PG case (0-2%). Zero-dimensional (0-D) modeling was also
presence of H2 in the PG. Although the maximum BTE for the PG engine employed to compare the brake power results obtained under a
was lower than the original diesel engine by about 3.5%, and the smoke wide-open throttle (WOT) condition, and a good agreement was noticed

Fig. 21. The effects of ignition timing on other variables for syngas (left) and biogas (right) fueling, at CR= 12.9 and 1500 rpm (Reprinted from [283] with
permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

with experimental results [288]. Following the work of Hagos [292], Fiore et al. [297] numerically
Raman and Ram [289] studied the efficiency of a syngas-fueled en­ investigated the effect of piston shapes and injection specifications on
gine at different loads. Fig. 23 illustrates the comparison of syngas, the performance and emissions of a syngas-fueled DI SI engine. The
diesel, and natural gas engines in power generation efficiency at parametric study included three different piston bowl profiles and
different load conditions. The maximum power generation efficiency of half-angles of injection of 30◦ , 45◦ , 52.5◦ and 60◦ . The SOI timing was
the diesel, natural gas, and syngas engine is 28%, 24%, and 21%, also varied from 90◦ BTDC to 130◦ BTDC. They found that the Omega
respectively. Again, a reduction in torque and power de-rating for the shaped profile can provide best performance, despite of maximum NOx
syngas engine was observed, but at a lower amount. The syngas engine emissions compared to the high clearance and low clearance combustion
operates at 21% power generation efficiency at the full load condition, cups. The results were very sensitive to the injection angle and SOI,
which is about 20% and 10% less than that of the diesel and natural gas which affected the fuel distribution.
engines. Particulate matter (PM) emission:
It can be mentioned that increasing the engine compression ratio Compared to PFI engines, particulate matter (PM) emissions lead to a
through use of CI engines retrofitted to the SI mode is an efficient way to known big challenge in DISI engines, especially for ultrafine particles,
increase brake power. However, an average of 16% power loss can be which harmfully affect human health [298]. The sources of PM forma­
observed in the gas mode compared to diesel operation at a comparable tion in DISI stem from mixture inhomogeneity because of a lack of time
CR. Recently, Park et al. [290] demonstrated that high compression for fuel atomization and spray impingement, which depends on many
ratios and intake boosting could improve syngas (30% H2, 25% CO, 45% factors, including operating engine conditions, air-fuel equivalence
CO2) fueled SI engine power and efficiency. Engine operation with a ratio, injection timing, spark timing, and fuel-specific properties [299].
high compression ratio of 17.1:1 was possible in the lean combustion While fueling a DISI engine with hydrocarbon-free gaseous fuels is
mode owing to the low combustion temperature. The gross ITE in the seemingly expected to lead to lower particle emission, Thawko et al.
lean combustion mode was 18.4% higher than that in the stoichiometric [300] surprisingly showed a 170% increase in total particle concentra­
combustion mode, mainly because of a significant reduction in the heat tion of reformate (H2/CO2:75/25 %by mole) fueling compared to gas­
transfer loss. However, the gross indicated power in the lean combustion oline at the same and fixed engine speed and load. The most likely
mode was 25.6% lower than that in the stoichiometric combustion reason for the high measured particle is attributed to the interaction
mode. In summary, stoichiometric operation using syngas was appro­ between lubricating oil and high-pressure reformate jet, as the authors
priate for a high-power engine generator, whereas lean operation using claimed. Due to its lower density, the required time for syngas fuel in­
syngas is more suitable for a high-efficiency engine generator. jection at high pressure is much longer than that for the liquid fuel.
Besides, the small flame quenching distance of hydrogen content in
3.1.3. 100% Syngas in direct injection (DI) SI engines syngas may result in the syngas flame traveling closer to the lubricated
Hagos et al. [291–293] were the first researchers to utilize syngas cylinder walls. Thus, the chance of lubricant participating in the com­
(50%H2/50%CO) as the primary fuel in a direct-injection spark-ignition bustion rises. In terms of particle size distribution, it was indicated that
(DISI) engine, and then compared its combustion, performance, and the nucleation mode (< 50 nm) is primarily responsible for the
emissions characteristics to those with CNG operation (as the baseline). discrepancy in total particle number concentration between reformate
It should be noted that besides overcoming the issues related to the and gasoline fueled DISI engines, as can be seen in Fig. 25 (right).
volumetric efficiency of gaseous fuels, the backfire phenomenon is also In contrast, Bogarra et al. [301] indicated that the addition of
being addressed by the DI ignition system. As well-known, imple­ reformate (H2/CO/CO2/H2O: 5/2.7/11/9.0 %vol.) plus EGR (called
mentation of gaseous injectors in comparison with liquid ones has its R-EGR, see Section 4.1) as supplementary fuel to gasoline in a gasoline
own difficulty in terms of injector geometry and engine-related char­ direct injection (GDI) engine reduced the engine PM emissions even
acteristics such as the interaction between piston design6 and the mixing more than the addition of EGR only, as shown in Fig. 26. It was found
process with late injection, injector width pulse, etc. An improvement to that the reformate combustion can significantly decrease the PM emis­
the previous work [272], as the authors stated, was a slight decrease in sions, however, the reduction was dependent on the PM nature. Refor­
brake torque from ranging 20-30% to 14-19% at the same speed of 1500 mate combustion was also found to remove soot cores more efficiently
rpm, due to eliminating issues attributed to volumetric efficiency pen­ than the volatile PM. Moreover, fuel reforming technology did not show
alty of delivering gaseous fuels at the intake. Despite the improvement, significant detrimental influence on the TWC operation for the studied
Hagos et al. [294] came across a limitation on the injection duration at conditions.
late injection timings and higher BSFC with syngas fueling than CNG
fueling. Thus, the engine operation was limited to near stoichiometric 3.1.4. Syngas addition in SI engines
conditions, leading to a restriction in maximum brake power and a As mentioned earlier, a possible use of syngas in SI engines is as an
request for a bigger fuel tank. These all were attributed to the low LHV of additive to enrich or improve the performance of another fuel such as
syngas, which is lower than a fifth of LHV of CNG (see Table 5). To methane or a methane-rich biofuel (natural gas or landfill gas); and
overcome this, in a series of works Hagos et al. [294–296] investigated gasoline. Since syngas has a lower heating value than these two fuels, the
enriching the syngas with methane (a higher LHV fuel) in a DISI engine. improvement obtained by adding it is not really on the engine power but
The new fuel was named methane enriched syngas (MES), consisting of rather on the efficiency, combustion, and pollutant emissions. Con­
H2/CO/CH4: 40/40/20 (% by vol.). It was found that the MES shortens cerning knock studies, Gerty and Heywood [302] experimentally
the injection duration of syngas and extends the air/fuel stoichiometric investigated the performance of a knock-limited SI engine by consid­
ratio (λ) compared to CNG and syngas at the same engine speed. ering the effects of relative air/fuel ratio, inlet boost pressure,
Furthermore, the MES improved the maximum BTE and the BSFC by compression ratio, and reformate added to the tested fuel-air mixtures.
30.2% and 21.3%, with a little effect on the CO, NOx, and THC emissions The tested fuels were: Unleaded test gasoline (UTG96, representing as
[294] (see Fig. 24). gasoline or indolene fuel with octane number of 96), primary reference
fuel (PRF, a mixture of iso-octane and n-heptane), and toluene reference
fuel (TRF, a mixture of toluene and n-heptane). A bottled mixture, as
6 reformate, of H2/CO/N2: 25/26/49 (% by vol.) was utilized to simulate
Even by eliminating the physical processes associated with the spray of
liquid fuel (droplet breakup to evaporation), a sufficient time for the charge the output of a POX fuel reformer (named Plasmatron, see subsection
mixing process at late injection is still needed because the shape of the piston 4.1.1). The mixture was considered the replacement for a portion of the
head affects the charge distribution, which may result in an uneven air/fuel main fuel (gasoline), which then mixes with the gasoline in the intake
ratio in the chamber. manifold. Fig. 27 (a) shows the combustion retard, which was defined as

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 24. Comparison of injection duration at maximum IMEP (left) and maximum brake torque vs. engine speed (right) for syngas, MES, and CNG at CR=14:1
(Reprinted from [294] with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 25. Total PN vs. time (left) and total PN vs. particle diameter (right) comparisons between gasoline and methanol steam reforming (MSR) products as the fuel of
a DISI engine at IMEP of 5 bar and engine speed= 2800 rpm (Reprinted from [300] with permission of Elsevier).

was most effective when added to PRFs that are entirely composed of
alkane hydrocarbons. The combustion retard needed to avoid knocking
decreased by about 2◦ CA per 3% reformate fraction. When applied to
TRF fuels composed of more than 20% n-heptane with octane numbers
of 95 or lower, reformate addition was only marginally less effective
than for PRF fuels. As the content of alkanes declined and the aromatic
content increased, reformate addition seemed to be less successful for
TRFs to the point where there was no value in reformate addition to pure
Using the same reformate and at low CR (9.8:1), a direct comparison
between pure hydrogen and reformate additions showed that both of
them could extend both peak efficiency and the lean limit of indolene
Fig. 26. Total PN vs. particle size comparison among no EGR, EGR, and REGR,
as well as with after and before using the three way catalyst (TWC) operation combustion linearly [303,304]. On the contrary, at high CR (13.4:1), the
(Reprinted from [301] with permission of Elsevier). reformate addition was no longer had a linear relationship, while pure
hydrogen still indicated an obvious, proportional/linear extension of
the combustion phasing disparity at the current state and the optimal peak efficiency [305], as can be seen in Fig. 28 (left). The main reason
one (i.e., MBT spark timing), as a function of reformate fraction. A for this behavior was due to the proportional extension of the location of
reduction in combustion retard can be seen with increasing reformate the Δθ10 − 90%=30◦ CA. However, no distinguishable curves were seen
fraction. The reduction with the addition of reformate for each fuel was with increase of reformate, as shown in Fig. 28 (right).
normalized, as shown in Fig. 27(b). As can be seen, reformate addition Smith and Bartley [306] evaluated stoichiometric operation of nat­
ural gas + EGR and natural gas with syngas + EGR in a single-cylinder

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 27. a) Combustion retard to just avoid knock with increased reformate fraction for fuels with PRFs and TRFs; CR = 11.6:1, λ = 1.0, 1500 rpm, MAP for 40%
boost (NIMEPMBT = 14.7 bar, 1.4 times un-boosted NIMEPMBT). b) Decrease of combustion retard with increased reformed fuel fraction at 1500 rpm, PRFs at λ =
1.0 (40% boost) and λ = 1.3, TRFs at λ = 1.0 (40% boost) and λ=1.3, and UTGs at λ = 1.3. Data is from all three compression ratios [302].

Fig. 28. Effect of air dilution on net indicated engine efficiency and CoV NIMEP (left) and on 10-90% burn duration (right) for various amounts of reformate
(produced by Plasmatron) and pure hydrogen; at MBT, 1500 RPM, CR = 13.4:1, and NIMEP = 3.5 bar [305].

Caterpillar engine converted to SI operation. A 44% extension of EGR 3.2. Syngas in HCCI engines
tolerance on a mass basis and a 77% reduction in raw NOx emissions for
using syngas with natural gas were detected compared to the natural gas Research on syngas utilization in advanced combustion strategies
case. Cha et al. [307] experimentally investigated the operating char­ has significantly increased due to its clean-burning properties and
acteristic of an SI engine for power generation upon mixing CH4 and possible production from several paths. The homogeneous charge
simulated syngas (H2 and CO) in a diesel engine that was modified to run compression ignition (HCCI) engine is a low-temperature combustion
in the SI mode with a CR=13:1. Fig. 29 shows the fuel conversion effi­ (LTC) concept which combines the best features of SI and CI engines.
ciency versus NOx emissions for various fuel mixtures, where NOx The HCCI engine has shown the potential for higher efficiency and ultra-
emissions were elevated as fuel conversion efficiency increased. How­ low NOx and soot emissions, however it has some drawbacks in terms of
ever, this increase was insignificant for syngas compared to H2 or CO limited operating range, combustion control and excessive unburned
when added to CH4-air mixtures at a ratio of 5% of the overall LHV. products [319,320]. In this part, syngas-fueled HCCI combustion is
Since on-board fuel reforming methods can produce syngas as the pri­ analyzed in detail.
mary fuel, this will be discussed in section 4.
A summary of the main research works published on syngas utili­ 3.2.1. 100% syngas fueling
zation in SI engine is presented in Table 9. Future study of 100% syngas- According to the finding of previously published papers, HCCI
fueled SI engines can be followed in designing an appropriate injection combustion with syngas has not shown superior performance over other
system for gaseous fuel like syngas in DISI engines and applying fuels. It faces a similar barrier, such as the limited operating window and
advanced spark systems like multiple injections. a need for regulating the intake temperature to control the combustion
event. For instance, Stenlåås et al. [321] focused on HCCI combustion of
100% syngas, which was reformed methanol gas (RMG), a mixture of
hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the volume ratio 2:1, and then

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

combustion, Maurya et al. [327] used a stochastic reactor model (SRM)

with a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism (32 species and 173 re­
actions) to numerically investigate syngas fueled HCCI combustion
validated against previous experiments [323]. Within the SRM, a
probability density function (PDF) was used to define the local (vari­
able) and global (constant) physical parameters. For various engine
operating conditions, simulations were performed by changing intake
temperature, engine load, and speed at a constant compression ratio of
19:1, and the obtained operating window is shown in Fig. 30. The in­
clined hatched line represents operating conditions with a combustion
efficiency of less than 80%. The area with PPRR > 5 MPa/ms is repre­
sented by the crossed hatched region, and the contour lines in the plot
represent IMEP. Operating conditions with combustion efficiency higher
than 80% and PPRR < 5 MPa/ms are considered as the operating area of
the HCCI engine. It can be seen that increasing the intake temperature
(or Tivc, specified at intake valve closing) can help the operating range in
the lean-side of stoichiometry, but at the expense of lowered IMEP due to
decreased volumetric efficiency. At higher engine speed, suitable oper­
ating range has adversely shifted to a more bounded region that is highly
sensitive to intake temperature and excess air (λ or air-fuel ratio). In this
Fig. 29. NOx emissions versus fuel conversion efficiency for various compo­ case, the chance of incomplete or vigorous combustion is severe. The
nents added to CH4-air mixtures at different spark timings (Reprinted and maximum combustion efficiency of 98% is reported in the study.
modified from [307] with permission of Elsevier).
While the abovementioned works have dealt with 100% syngas in
the form of simulated reformate gas (with only H2 and CO), there are a
compared it to pure hydrogen fueling [322] in SI operating mode. They number of published works with producer gas generated from a biomass
found that a higher temperature for RMG fueling than pure hydrogen gasification process. Przybyla et al. [328] compared SI and HCCI fueled
was required to achieve the same combustion duration with HCCI mode. with low calorific producer gas under the same load; they reported that
Both hydrogen- and RMG-fueled HCCI did not provide sufficient exhaust the syngas-fueled HCCI engine had extremely high CO and a lower
energy for the on-board reforming process by waste heat recovery. In indicated efficiency than SI, equaling a more than 10% loss in the base
summary, the operating mode based on 100% reformate was more fuel’s chemical energy. It is worth mentioned that the use of high intake
favorable for SI mode operation. temperature to control the combustion in syngas-fueled HCCI engines
Several years later, Bika et al. [323] measured the HCCI performance has been reported in previous works. Bhaduri et al. [329] employed high
on 100% syngas fueling at two equivalence ratios, 0.26 and 0.30, and an temperature strategy as a positive advantage over a syngas-fueled SI
engine speed of 1800 rpm, with a diesel engine converted to HCCI mode engine to introduce a novel concept of unprocessed syngas-fueled HCCI,
by adding PFI injection and intake air heating systems. Three compo­ which has tar contents and moisture. Because the intake temperature
sitions were considered: H2=100%, H2/CO=3/1, and H2/CO=1/1 by was set to around T=250◦ C, which is higher than the dew point of the
volume. By increasing intake temperature, it was seen that the tars, issues related to tar condensation were eradicated. According to the
in-cylinder pressure, temperature, and heat release started to increase, authors, moisture in syngas tends to delay combustion, while tars’ effect
and finally led to advancing the combustion phasing, which had com­ was negligible. Nevertheless, such an intake temperature is not accept­
bustion efficiency in the range of ηc = 83%-88%. Also, by altering the able for vehicular applications, but the readers can refer to their later
equivalence ratio towards leaner regions and increasing CO in syngas, works [330–332] for in-depth information on this concept. We believe
the intake temperature was increased to maintain the best IMEP that a brief discussion of syngas impurities can also be useful here.
With the aim of improving HCCI combustion and reduction of 3.2.2. Syngas addition
pollution emissions based on the syngas-air mixture, a few modeling Reformate as ignition controller:
studies [324,325] have been carried out to explore the effect of various The operating range of kinetically-controlled HCCI combustion is
species addition. Starik et al. [325] assessed the potential of the addition narrow due to lack of any direct control on ignition timing; this can lead
of a highly reactive species such as ozone or singlet delta oxygen (SDO) to extremely high pressure rise rates corresponding to nearly constant
into an HCCI fueled with syngas (50%H2/50%CO by volume). They volume heat release of a homogeneous air-fuel mixture in the combus­
noticed that the presence of 0.38% of O3 mole fraction (=1% of SDO) in tion chamber at high loads (for low octane fuels), and poor combustion
total oxygen could diminish the dependency on high intake temperature and misfiring at low loads (for high octane fuels). To mitigate this,
by accelerating and intensifying the ignition and combustion event, various techniques such as intake charge preheating [333], EGR [334,
especially under the low load regime (φ = 0.2); this resulted in a 7-14% 335], boosting [336,337], using two fuels with different reactivity (i.e.,
improvement of engine power output and up to a 15% reduction of both one has a high octane and the other has a high cetane number) [338,
CO and NO emissions due to lack of excessO2. 339] have been proposed which proved to have a profound effect on
For better understanding of auto-ignition and combustion develop­ control of ignition event. For more details about these techniques, one
ment in HCCI based on 100% syngas, Yamasaki and Kaneko [326] can refer to [340,341].
conducted an experimental and modeling study using mock syngas with Syngas or reformate plays the role of the ignition-timing controller
varying compositions, ranging from 20% to 40% for H2, 7-27% for CO, by either retardation (if it is the primary fuel with high octane number,
20-40% for N2, 10-30% for CO2, and a 3% CH4 by volume. An e.g., syngas/diesel fueling case) or advancement (if used as the sec­
auto-ignition temperature of T=1100 K, almost similar to hydrocarbon ondary fuel with higher combustibility characteristics, e.g., natural gas/
fuels, was observed for syngas, governed by in-cylinder gas temperature syngas) of the main combustion, which leads to widening the load
and not by the fuel composition tested. It was also found that H2 has a operating range of the HCCI engine. In the former case, syngas has two
longer conversion time than CO during the combustion process, and widespread effects on fuels, showing two stages of heat release such as
combustion duration can be roughly determined by the volumetric ratio diesel, n-heptane, and dimethyl ether (DME). These result in prolonged
of H2/ CO2. For detailed analysis of the syngas combustion in HCCI ignition delay times, and widened combustion duration (in other words,

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 9
Summary of syngas utilization studies in SI engines.
Author(s) Objective(s) Syngas Experimental info Simulation Finding(s)
(% vol.)

100% Syngas in carbureted, port fuel injection (PFI), direct injection (DI) SI engines
Mustafi et al. A comparison study H2/CO/N2: 44/52/ A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, SI Engine simulation Compared to gasoline and CNG:
[272] between ‘Powergas’, 4.0 engine, CRs= 8:1-11:1, program ISIS 23-30% ↓ in brake torque, ↑NOx, ↑CO2 while HC
(2006) S gasoline, and natural gas LHV= 15.3 MJ/kg rpm= 1000-2000, WOT, and CO were negligible.
fueled SI engine ITs = MBT timings
Conte and Effect of RG addition on H2/CO/N2: 21/24/ A 4-stroke, 2-cyl, PFI SI — When the stability limit was met, combustion took
Boulouchos flame speed and flame 55 engine, CR= 8.7:1, place in a very similar way for different
[308] front propagation in LHV= 5.3 MJ/kg rpm= 2000, BMEP= 2 gasoline–RG blends.
(2006) premixed, homogeneous bar, ITs = MBT timings
charge gasoline engines
Papagiannakis Comparison between H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 20-cyl, TC, SI Two-zone ↑syngas fuel concentration with ↑engine load:
et al. [309] conventional natural gas N2: 19/29/6/8/38 engine, CR= 11:1, 1500 thermodynamic ↑peak cylinder pressure and an improvement of
(2007) (NG) and syngas fueled SI LHV= 7.45 MJ/kg rpm model the engine efficiency. Compared to NG: ↑CO, ↑NOx
engine emissions

Rakopoulos and Development of a zero- // // A zero-dimensional, More reliable NO emissions prediction with
Michos [310] dimensional, multi-zone multi-zone, multiple burned zones than single burned zone.
(2008) combustion model for thermodynamic Calculated NO were kept low at all engine loads (<
predicting the performance combustion 200 ppm) with lean combustion of syngas.
and NO emissions of a SI model
engine fueled with syngas
Shah et al. [277] Evaluation of syngas fueled H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, NA, SI — Lower power output (by about 1000 W), a
(2010) S SI engine-alternator and N2: engine, capacity= 5.5 significant ↑ in CO2 (33-167%) but lower NOx (54-
compared it with gasoline 13-19.4/16.2-24.2/ kW 84%) and CO (30-96%) compared to gasoline
operation 1.2-6.4/9.3-13.8/ operation
LHV= 5.79 MJ/kg
Arroyo et al. Efficiency and emissions of Syn1: H2/CO/CH4/ A 4-stroke, 2-cyl, NA, SI — Both syngas cases have ↑ CO2 trend at all tested ϕ,
[281] a SI engine fueled with CO2: 23/23/26/28 engine, CR= 10.7:1, and a ↓ BTE among others.
(2013) V syngas, CH4, and gasoline Syn2: H2/CO/CH4/ rpm= 2000-4500, Syn2 and CH4 had the highest NOx and lowest CO,
CO2: 40/39/11/10 loads= 50% and 100%, respectively.
ϕ= 0.7-0.85-1, IT=
15◦ BTDC
Arroyo et al. Combustion behavior of SI Syn1: // // — In all speeds and ϕ: CoV of IMEP:
[311] engine with syngas, CH4, Syn2: // biogas>CH4>syn1>gasoline>syn2.
(2014) V biogas, and gasoline Biogas: CH4/CO2: Maximum HHR and cylinder Pressure, highest
60/40 NOx, and lowest HC belonged to syn2.
Arroyo et al. Effects of IT and // //, various ITs= 11◦ -59◦ — ↑H2, ↑CO, and ↓CO2 contents: ↑advancement of IT
[312] supercharging BTDC, intake boost= 1 retardation. Right ϕ and IT result in higher
(2015) V to 1.3 bar efficiencies than the gasoline. ↑boost pressure:
↓CO2, ↓CO, ↑NOx, ~HC.
Hagos et al. First attempt at study on a H2/CO: 50/50 A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, DISI — Compared to CNG operation: ↓brake torque (14.2-
[292] direct-injected (DI) syngas LHV= 17.54 MJ/kg engine, CR= 14:1, 19.6%) and ↓BTE (16.7%), and ↑BSFC. At higher
(2014) fueled SI engine and rpm=1500-2400, ϕ= loads: ↑NOx and ~CO. THC was negligible.
compare it with CNG 0.67-1, a fixed SOI of
(baseline) 180◦ BTDC
Hagos et al. Methane-enriched syngas Syngas: // // — At all tested BMEP: BTE at 1500 rpm:
[294] (MES) in DISI engine MES: H2/CO/CH4: CNG>MES>syngas. BTE at 2100 rpm:
(2015) 40/40/20 LHV= MES>CNG>syngas. BSFC at both rpms:
24.4 MJ/kg syngas>MES>CNG. Little effect on CO, THC and
Hagos et al. Study of effect of injection H2/CO: 50/50 //, SOIs= 120◦ and 180◦ — SOI= 120◦ compared to 180◦ BTDC: Better BTE,
[293] timing on a syngas fueled BTDC power, and BMEP at all engine speeds. With
(2016) DISI engine ↑speed, BTE started to ↓. THC, NOx, and CO all
Hagos et al. Effect of SOI timing on a H2/CO: 50/50 // — Based on improved performance and emissions:
[295] DISI engine with 20% CH4 CH4 augmentation: the engine well-performed with SOI=180 but with
(2017) augmented syngas 20% (volume/ SOI=120 just at lower speeds.
Hagos et al. Engine speed and A/F ratio // A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, DISI — With ↑λ: ↑CoV of IMEP in all speeds, ↑flame
[296] (λ) effects on the CH4 engine, CR= 14:1, development and ↑flame propagation durations.
(2019) augmented H2-rich syngas rpm=1500-2400, ϕ= All the durations were more sensitive to λ at lowest
combustion in DISI engine 0.3-0.8, SOI= 180◦ speed as compared to the other speeds.
Kan et al. [283] Effects of IT, H2 and CH4 H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 4-cyl, SI KIVA4-CHEMKIN Under WOT and MBT operation:
(2018) contents on SI engine O2/N2: 17/15/4/ engine, CR= 12.9:1, ITE (%): syngas (39) > biogas (37.5), NOx (g/
fueled with syngas and 15/0.14/48.86 rpm= 1500, ϕ=0.8, IT= kWh): syngas (3.3) < biogas (7.2)
biogas Biogas: CH4/CO2: variable At advanced ITs: ↑H2 (11-20% by vol.): was less
65/35 sensitive to NOx change, than ↑CH4 (55-88% by

(continued on next page)

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 9 (continued )
Author(s) Objective(s) Syngas Experimental info Simulation Finding(s)
(% vol.)

Ran et al. [313] The potential of lean SI H2/CO: 60/40 A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, SI With ↑CR: ↑engine efficiency and improved lean
(2020) combustion with E10, LHV= 20.4 MJ/kg engine, CRs= 9:1-11:1, burn capability for all tested fuels. The leanest
CNG, ethanol, and syngas. rpm= 1200, intake misfire limit (0.4<ϕ<0.7) was achieved with
pressure= 0.75 bar, ϕ= syngas with low NOx, low CO, and no THC.
0.3-1, various ITs
100% syngas in CI engines retrofitted to SI mode
Sridhar et al. Use of producer gas (PG) in H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 3-cyl, NA, CI — Smooth combustion at CR=17:1. To achieve MBT,
[284] engines at high CRs H2O/N2: 19/19/2/ engine, CRs= 11.5:1- a retardation in spark timings is needed. Compared
(2001) 12/2/46 17:1, 1500 rpm, various to diesel mode, at equal CR, the maximum power
LHV= 4.5 MJ/kg ITs loss was 16% in SI mode with PG.

Sridhar et al. Develop a PG engine // A 4-stroke, 3-cyl, NA, CI — 20 – 30% loss in power compared to diesel
[131] integrated with a biomass engine, CRs= 11.5:1- (baseline) case
(2005) gasifier, with a new 17:1 At CR =17:1 and maximum MBT: both NOx and
designed gas carburetor. A 4-stroke, 12-cyl, TC, CI CO were minimum.
engine, CR= 12:1
A 4-stroke, 6-cyl, NA, SI
engine, CR= 10:1
Gamino and Simulation of syngas H2/CO/CH4/ CO2/ — 2-D thermodynamic A predictive model with capability to use in
Aguillon [314] combustion with a multi- N2: 6/25/5/11/53 code and commercial parametric studies of syngas combustion.
(2010) spark ignition system CFD package,
Ulfvik et al. Engine performance, H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, CR= — Compared to NG: ↓NOx, ↓THC, and ↓maximum
[315] efficiency and emissions of N2: 30/20/1/15/34 12.6:1, rpm= 1050, IMEP, ↑CO, wider the lambda range, with PG
(2011) SI engine with PG and ITs= variable under comparable conditions.
natural gas
Raman and Ram Comparison of PG engine H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 6-cyl, NA CI — At all loads:
[289] with diesel and natural gas H2O/N2: 23/21/ engine, CR= 12:1, 1500 Overall efficiency: Diesel>NG >PG.
(2013) (NG) engines at various 0.9/9.0/2.0/46.1 rpm, a fixed IT of 28◦ Specific fuel consumption: PG>NG>PG.
loads BTDC At full load the discrepancies were decreased.
Shivapuji and The PG impact on overall H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 6-cyl CI zero-dimensional TC imbalance led to the highest power de-rating.
Dasappa [316] engine performance with H2O/N2: 19/19/2/ engine, CR= 16.5 in CI model The selection and optimization of TCs were
(2014) turbocharger (TC) 12/2/46 mode and 10.5 in SI described as the technique for recovering the loss
mode, 1500 rpm of non-thermodynamic power.
Shivapuji and Analysis of thermo- // – Effect of H2 A 4-stroke, 2-cyl, CHEMKIN ↑H2 part from 12.8% to 19.4% by vol.: ↑BTE
Dasappa [317] physical properties and ratio SI research engine, CR= ↑H2 part up to 37.2% by vol.:
(2015) experimental analysis of 11:1, 1500 rpm ↑engine cooling load, ↓BTE, due to increasing the
the proportion of fuel combustion stage
hydrogen on syngas fueled
by SI engine
Cha et al. [307] Study of a SI engine by H2/CO: 50/50 A 4-stroke, 4-cyl, TC, CI — ↑Syngas mixing ratio (5%, 10%, and 15%):
(2015) adding syngas into CH4, engine, CR= 13:1, Combustion was improved, ↑fuel conversion
with a mixing ratio various ITs efficiency, ↑NOx, and the rate of ↑ was non-linear.
A/F and spark timings should be calibrated.
Homdoung et al. Effects of variable CRs, H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, CI —
[286] engine speeds and loads on O2/N2: 8.5/30.5/ engine, CRs= 9.1-17:1, The modified engine worked well at higher CRs
(2015) the performance of a small 0.35/4.8/6.3/49.55 rpm=1000-2000, with PG than with gasoline. Up to 23.9%, BTE was
engine operated on PG 8.5%H2; 30.5% CO; load=20%-100% obtained.
0.35% CH4; 4.8% Rather to the original diesel:
CO2; 6.3%O2 and ↓BTE (11.3%), ↓engine’s smoke density, ↑CO, with
49.55%N2 similar HC emissions.
Kim and Kim Feasibility assessment of H2/CO/CO2: 70/ A 4-stroke, 1-cyl, CI 1-D multicylinder
[318] hydrogen-rich syngas 15/15 engine, CRs= 15:1, engine model in GT- The vehicle with the syngas engine could travel for
spark-ignition engine for rpm=1800 SUITE 152.6 km without refilling. The syngas bus
heavy-duty long-distance exhibited lower fuel consumption than the
vehicle application equivalent CNG bus by 15%.

Denotations: ↑: increase, ↓: decrease, ~: nearly constant or insignificant, //: similar to above.

IMEP: indicated mean effective pressure, CR: compression ratio, ITE: indicated thermal efficiency, BTE: brake thermal efficiency, CoV IMEP: coefficient of variation of
IMEP, TC: turbocharge, NA: naturally aspirated, IT: ignition timing, SOI: start of ignition, ϕ: the fuel/air equivalence ratio, WOT: wide open throttle, and MBT:
maximum brake torque.

smoother combustion). This can be justified according to the following: 2- Chemical effect: OH generated from the first HR stage may be
consumed by hydrogen (i.e., H2 + OH = H2O + H), suppressing
1- Dilution (or concentration) effect: O2-deficiency happening by chemical kinetics of the mixture before the combustion.
replacing O2 with H2 leads to weakening the low-temperature HR
(LTHR or partial oxidation) stage of the fuel, which is a preparation In the latter case, the strong thermal effect of syngas on high octane
step of combusting the in-cylinder mixture, resulting in lowering the fuels like natural gas may result in rising the specific heat capacity of the
hydroxyl (OH) concentration, and thus retarding the high- mixture and increasing the compression temperature of in-cylinder
temperature HR (HTHR or combustion). It was shown that the charge eventually, depending on intake temperature. To highlight the
magnitude of LTHR has a direct correlation with advancing or thermal effect, valving strategies may be helpful without needing intake
retarding the HTHR [342]. preheating. Eng et al. [343] reopened the exhaust valve during the

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 30. Operating range for syngas fueled HCCI engine under various engine speeds at a constant compression ratio [327].

intake stroke to obtain more hot gases in the cylinder, i.e., exhaust They stated that this concept with HCCI combustion can result in
re-breathing. The combustion chamber of an HCCI-mode engine fueled high thermal efficiency over a wide operable window of equivalence
with iso-octane and partial oxidation gas (POX gas) added to the intake ratio and high overall system efficiency, which is comparable to the fuel
experiences a high quantity of internal residuals and thermal stratifi­ cell system. A brief summary of their work is given as follows:
cation; this causes the ignition timing to advance. Another technique is
negative valve overlap (NVO), in which the residuals are trapped and 1- Using an optimal compression ratio along with a suitable DME/MRG
recompressed, as described in section 4. ratio (with increasing amount of MRG) resulted in a higher thermal
Dimethyl ether (DME) has some more interesting combustion char­ efficiency for HCCI combustion, and a higher overall thermal effi­
acteristics than diesel (i.e., soot-free combustion and lower NOx emis­ ciency can be achieved by using waste heat recovery (WHR) [346].
sions), but still faces challenges with regard to its physical properties (i. 2- Higher compression ratio led to advanced ignition timing, but with
e., low viscosity, which leads to higher leakage and in turn engine higher heat transfer (cooling) loss [346] due to the small quenching
durability concerns) [344]. Similar to syngas, DME can benefit from distance and fast burning velocity of hydrogen content in MRG
on-board fuel reforming in vehicles via a methanol-steam reforming (syngas) [353].
process [345]. With these mentioned potentials for DME, and emerging 3- While both H2 and CO have influence on retarding the second stage
dual-fueling strategies for achieving controllable HCCI combustion, HR, the role of H2 is much more intense due to having a larger effect
Shudo et al. [346–351] conducted a number of experiments supported on first stage HR by consuming the OH radical [347]. Also, com­
by chemical kinetics analysis, to run a single-cylinder SI engine con­ bustion of hydrogen during LTHR is controlled by H + O2 → OH + O
verted to the HCCI mode fueled with DME and MRG (methanol reformed and less reactive HO2 [349]. CO2 also caused a slight retardation
gas or syngas). Both fuels were produced from endothermic methanol [348].
steam reforming using engine exhaust gases, and then followed by 4- Despite larger amounts of H2 being useful for ignition control effects,
methane dehydration for DME generation; with a single fuel tank H2 has a lower effect on WHR.
required for liquid methanol, as seen in Fig. 31 (left). While using 5- Highest overall thermal efficiency was expected from thermal
simulated reformate comprising 67% H2 and 33% CO (by volume) in the decomposition [350] and highest output would be from steam
experiments, they found that ignition of the second heat release (main reforming, which resulted in MRG with higherH2 content.
combustion) and engine load could be controlled by altering the pro­
portion of the MRG/DME ratio; by increasing the ratio, the overall A collection of works [354–356], which have studied use of a cata­
system efficiency reached 49% and a 14% rise in engine efficiency over lytic reforming reactor in the exhaust stream of a natural gas HCCI en­
the baseline was obtained (see Fig. 31 (right)). This controllable HCCI gine, have shown that hydrogen-rich gas could be a substitute for intake
concept was achieved due to delayed ignition and increased temperature preheating for the same emitted NOx, greatly benefiting low engine
before the main combustion, corresponding to the hydrogen content of loads. These works have been expanded to form on-board fuel reforming
the MRG. Similarly, they proposed this concept by storing a tank of DME strategies, which are called reformed exhaust gas recirculation (R-EGR),
and partial oxidation of it to produce DME reformed gas (DRG) [352]. as described in the next section. Those works concluded that employing

Fig. 31. Schematic of proposed concept (left) heat balance of this concept (right) (Reprinted from [349] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

on-board fuel reforming products to extend the lower load-limit, along Later in 2008, the same researchers [361] examined the effects of
with using the supercharging and high internal EGR technologies for varying simulated RG compositions on HCCI combustion timing with
increasing the upper load-limit could be a solution for extending the natural gas, iso-octane, and n-heptane. The RG compositions chosen had
entire operating window of HCCI engines fueled with natural gas or H2/CO ratios of 3/1 (H2/CO=75/25 %by volume) and 1/1
gasoline [357]. (H2/CO=50/50 %by vol.). The first and latter are a typical output of
At the University of Alberta, a series of research works have been natural gas steam reforming and gasoline partial oxidation in an
experimentally conducted to capture the effect of reformer gas (RG) on-board fuel reformer, respectively. Fig. 33 reveals the impact of two
blending on the base fuels, including high-octane primary reference selected RG compositions on ITE and SOC for selected fuels. For
fuels (PRF) [358], low-octane PRF [359], natural gas [360,361], iso-octane, both compositions retarded the combustion timing similarly
n-heptane [361,362], and iso-octane [361] in a variable compression (i.e., +1.5 CAD per each 10% of RG); which implies that iso-octane may
ratio, single-cylinder CFR engine operated in the HCCI mode. The effect behave more sensitively to the thermal effect than the chemical effect of
of varying RG blend fraction (mRG +m mRG
base fuel
∗ 100) was studied, while the H2 content in RG. Also, at the same IMEP, the RG 75/25 moved the
intake temperature, air-fuel ratio, and EGR were kept constant. For mixtures towards the richer region compared to the RG 50/50, which
low-octane PRF, such as PRF0 (i.e., 100% n-heptane) and PRF20 (i.e., was operated at the leaner condition. Fig. 33(a) shows the ITE with the
20% iso-octane and 80% n-heptane), it was observed, in conformity with expanded rich-limit of RG75/25 decreased, presumably due to increased
the above discussion, that increasing values of RG replacement leads to a heat transfer losses. For natural gas, both compositions advanced the
retarded and prolonged combustion event even after TDC [359]. As a combustion timing with no obvious discrepancy by increasing the spe­
reported case, 20% of RG replacement delayed the start of combustion cific heat ratio and compression temperature of the mixture. The sup­
(SOC) by about 14 CAD (3 ms) and lengthened the combustion duration porting modeling studies showed that the thermal effect is dominant,
by 50%, and increased the indicated power and thermal efficiencies by and the chemical effect arising from the various compositions used has
17% and 12%, respectively. This remarks that combustion can be an insignificant effect. Also, ITE with RG75/50 is increased due to H2
controlled by syngas without using other strategies like preheating the properties in extending the lean limit of the mixture (see Fig. 33(c)).
intake charge, adjusting dilution level or EGR, and by using valving For n-heptane, both compositions retarded the combustion timing by
strategies, which do have slow response or penalty in engine power. suppressing the LTHR stage (see Fig. 33(e)), in which H2 indicates a
They also applied a similar procedure to high-octane PRF [358], PRF80 stronger effect than CO (see Fig. 34). Indicated efficiency of the RG 75/
and PRF100, except by increasing CR and intake temperature (from 25 fueling decreased after reaching an RG fraction of 10%, staying away
100◦ C to 140◦ C). Fig. 32 displays representative in-cylinder pressure from optimal combustion phasing of n-heptane, with more retardation
traces and their corresponding heat release. As can be seen, the peak (see Fig. 33(b)).
in-cylinder pressure and pressure rise rate were reduced by increasing Thus, it is evident that RG with emphasis on the H2 content acts as an
the RG, with peak pressure shifting from approximately TDC to LTHR inhibitor (chemical effect) due to its participation in low tem­
approximately 10◦ ATDC. RG substitution effectively smoothed com­ perature oxidation for fuels having two-stage heat releases like n-hep­
bustion by retarding the combustion phasing towards a more efficient tane, PRFs, and DME. In this regard, Gou et al. experimentally [364] and
timing for HCCI combustion, and by widening the combustion duration. numerically [365] studied the thermal, chemical, and dilution effects of
Replacing RG did not impact NOx emissions but increased CO and HC hydrogen enrichment on HCCI fueled with n-heptane. Recently, based
marginally, therefore, with a slight decrease in combustion efficiency. on numerical validation against experimental data acquired from the
The indicated fuel conversion efficiency was slightly increased, because work of Hosseini and Checkel [358,359], multi-zone modeling studies
the combustion phasing was better than the baseline case. It was found with detailed chemical kinetics and with artificial inert species have
that 40% of RG blended in a PRF80 fuel (by mass) has an octane number been carried out to assist in the fundamental understanding of the
as close as PRF100, but with totally different combustion characteristics. chemical, dilution, and thermal effects of RG blending on the base fuels
Thus, the calculated octane number is not a good indicator of the during the HCCI combustion [363,366-370]. For n-heptane [370] and
characteristics of HCCI combustion. low-PRF fuels [368], the dominance of the chemical effect among other

Fig. 32. Effect of reformer gas on in-cylinder pressure traces and heat release rates with PRF80 at CR = 14.4:1 and EGR = 33% [363].

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 33. Effect of RG composition on ITE and start of combustion of HCCI combustion of iso-octane (a & d), n-heptane (b & e), and natural gas (c & e) [361].

Fig. 34. Heat release of HCCI combustion of n-heptane for: (a) RG 75/25 and (b) RG 50/50 [361].

effects on retarding the SOC was confirmed, mostly due to H2 presence Table 10 summarizes the main syngas works on HCCI engines pub­
in low-temperature oxidation reactions during the negative coefficient lished in the literature. Syngas as a primary fuel of an HCCI engine has
temperature or NTC (period between LTHR and HTHR). For high PRF serious obstacles such as its lower combustion efficiency than 90%, high
fuels, the dilution effect increases by increasing the PRF number [368]. CO emissions, and excessive dependency on intake preheating and high

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 10
Summary of syngas utilization studies in HCCI engines.
Author(s) Experiments/Simulation Main fuel Fuel addition (% Objective(s) Finding(s)
by volume)

Syngas addition (Bold ones showed retarding effect on SOC), others showed advancing effect on SOC)
Shudo and 1-cyl SI converted to HCCI, CR= Dimethyl-ether A model gas for Using onboard generated DME Combustion ignition timings were
Ono [346] 8.3, 9.7, 12.4, 15.8, rpm= 1000, (DME) methanol reformed and MRG by waste heat recovery controlled by DME/MRG ratio.
(2002) Tintake= at room temp. gas (MRG): to control HCCI combustion With ↑ CR: HRR advances and cooling loss
H2/CO: 67/33 timing increases
Peucheret and A modified 1-cyl SI, Natural gas 10% of Reformate A solution to: Proposed an onboard catalytic exhaust gas
Wyszynski CR= 12.0-14.5, Tintake=140◦ C- (NG) was added into High auto-ignition of NG fueling fuel reforming strategy for NG HCCI engine.
[354] 230 C

intake. needs a high compression ratio Stable combustion
(2004) H2/CO/CH4/CO2/ (CR) and high intake Lower intake temperature requirement
O2/N2: 10/0.3/0.4/ temperatures at low load ↓ NOx ↑ HC ↑ CO.
Hosseini and 1-cyl CFR, CR= 16.0, 17.0, 18.5, CNG Reformer gas (RG) A solution to: By ↑ RG replacement fraction:
Checkel rpm= 470, 700, Tintake= 140◦ C was introduced to Pure NG-fueled HCCI with knock Expanding the operating window to very
[360] the intake charge severity, high NOx and low lean range:
(2006) (0-60% replacement performance ↓ Knock
with the main fuel ↓ NOx ↑ CO ↑ Combustion eff.
by mass)
H2/CO = 3/1
Hosseini and 1-cyl CFR, CR= 14.4, 16.0, PRF80 (20% n- RG A solution to SI at part load: By ↑ RG replacement fraction:
Checkel rpm= 700, Tintake=140◦ C heptane, 80% (0-40% replacement RG effects on high octane fueling Expanding and shifting the engine operating
[358] iso-octane) by mass) in an engine with dual SI/HCCI window towards ultra-lean:
(2007) PRF100 RG1: H2/CO = 3/1 modes (improving HCCI ↓ Maximum cylinder pressure
RG2: H2/CO = 1/1 operating at part load) ∼ NOx ↑ HC ↑ CO ↓ Combustion efficiency.

Hosseini and 1-cyl CFR PRF0 RG A solution to high emissions of By ↑ RG replacement fraction:
Checkel CR= 9.5, 11.5, rpm= 700, PRF20 (0-40% replacement diesel engines: Expanding the engine operating window on
[359] Tintake= 100◦ C by mass) RG effects on low octane fueling the rich side:
(2007) H2/CO = 3/1 in an effective HCCI ↓ Peak cylinder pressure and PRR
↑ IMEP ↓ CoV IMEP ↑ Engine power
∼ NOx ↑ HC ↑ CO.
Hosseini and 1-cyl CFR, CR= 14.4, rpm= 800, iso-octane H2/CO = 3/1 Thermal and chemical effects of At high initial temperature:
Checkel Tintake=100◦ C H2/CO = 1/1 RG blending Thermal effect dominates (advancing the
[361] combustion phasing). At moderate
(2008) temperature: Chemical effect dominates
(retarding the combustion phasing).
Overall: insignificant effect on combustion

Hosseini at al. 1-cyl CFR n-heptane RG blending A solution to: With RG blend fraction of 10%:
[371] CR= 11.8, rpm= 800, Tintake= (0-40% replacement Knock propensity at high load 4.4 CA retardation in SOC,

(2009) 110◦ C by mass) ↑ H2content was more effective in retarding,

RG1: H2/CO = 3/1 ↑IMEP by 0.25 bar, ↑ITE by 2.8%
RG2: H2/CO = 1/1
Voshtani et al. Single-zone and multi-zone NG RG1: H2/CO = 3/1 RG enrichment effects on a HCCI
[372] thermodynamic-kinetic models, RG2: H2/CO = 1/1 combustion engine operating Both chemical and thermal effect advance
(2014) based on [360] with NG. the SOC, but dilution retards that.
chemical > dilution > thermal
H2 and CO in RG at low and high amount of
RG have strong responsibility of altering

Zheng et al. Zero-dimensional (0D) and DME DME reformed gas Effect of REGR on HCCI fueled REGR (EGR + DRG): can delay ignition
[373] three-dimensional (3D) (DRG) produced by with DME time, allowing main combustion closer to
(2014) combustion models REGR strategy: TDC, minimizing negative compression
H2/CO: 66.7/33.3 work.
Compared to EGR-only: ↓HC, ↓CO.
Neshat et al. Multi-zone model PRFs (0-30% Effect of RG blending on HCCI By RG addition: ↓ H abstraction reactions
[368] and semi detailed chemical- replacement) combustion of PRFs rate ↑ decomposition fuel time ↓ LTHRR
(2016) kinetic mechanism H2/CO = 1/1 peak.
↑ PRF number: ↑ dilution ↓ chemical effect.
↓ NOx ↑ HC ↑ CO
Reyhanian Multi-zone model NG H2/CO = 3/1 Understanding of various effects
and Hosseini with detailed chemical-kinetic iso-octane of RG addition, with composition Thermal effect:
[370] mechanism normal- of RG in HCCI combustion SOC was advanced for all fuels.
(2018) + heptane Chemical effect:
an artificial inert species method SOC was advanced with NG and iso-octane
and retarded with n-heptane, mainly due to
Dilution effect:
SOC was retarded for all fuels.
2D CFD simulation iso-octane H2/CO = 2/1 Combustion and emission Ignition timing and combustion duration
Kozlov et al. At ϕ= 0.2, 0.4 characteristics of HCCI operating were retarded and decreased, respectively,
[374] on iso-octane/syngas especially at ϕ= 0.2.
(continued on next page)

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 10 (continued )
Author(s) Experiments/Simulation Main fuel Fuel addition (% Objective(s) Finding(s)
by volume)

↑ NOx at ϕ= 0.4
↓ HC ↓ CO at ϕ= 0.2
100% syngas fueling (%vol)
Achilles et al. Modified, 1-cyl truck/bus PG: — Comparing producer gas (PG) PG as compared to NG fueling:
[375] engine, CR= 22.5:1, 1050 rpm, H2/CO/CH4/ and natural gas (NG) in HCCI Wider ϕ range, faster combustion, more
(2011) Tintake=80-180◦ C for NG, CO2/N2: 30/20/ engine smooth and stable, ↓maximum IMEP,
Tintake=75-145◦ C for PG 1.0/15/34 ↓intake temperature requirement, ↓THC,
and ↑CO emissions.

Bika et al. 1-cyl engine, CR=21.2:1, 1800 RG 1: H2/CO: — Studying HCCI engine with two ↑CO fraction in RG: ↑auto-ignition
[323] rpm, Tintake=60-90◦ C 75/25 different syngas compositions at temperature, ↑intake temperature
(2012) RG 2: H2/CO: ϕ=0.26 and 0.3 requirement, ↓combustion efficiency (83-
50/50 88%). At low load and high intake temp.:
↑↑heat transfer to wall.

Przybyla et al. SI engine with CR=8.2, HCCI H2/CO/CH4/ — Fueling of SI (ϕ=1) and HCCI ITE: SI>HCCI by about 3.5%,
[328] engine with CR=20, CO2/N2: 10.1/ (ϕ=0.5) engines with low Energy loss in exhaust based on chemical
(2016) Tintake=132-153◦ C 24.9/2/5.2/ heating value PG energy of the fuel:
57.8 HCCI (10%) > SI (2%). The SI efficiency can
be easier than HCCI optimized.

Bhaduri et al. Air cooled mono-cylinder HCCI H2:CO ratio — Proposing a novel tar-tolerant Moisture in syngas: water’s damping effect
[329] engine CR= 12, rpm=1500, from 30:70 to HCCI engine in response to on chemical reaction rate, delay in
(2015) Tintake=230-270◦ C 55:45% various syngas compositions combustion (positive effect). Tars in syngas:
(with water and tars) ↑LHV of syngas, but their effect on the
combustion phasing were negligible.

Bhaduri et al. Air cooled mono-cylinder HCCI H2/CO/CH4/ — Testing the stability of the engine Over a 24 h test: high ITEs of 33%-39%, a
[330] engine CR= 12.2, rpm=1500, CO2/N2: in response to the naturally low IMEP of about 2.5 bar, and a relatively
(2016) Tintake=250◦ C 15-25/15-25/1- occurring random variations in high NOx (due to ammonia in the syngas)
3/8-15/balance the syngas composition were observed.

Bhaduri et al. Air cooled mono-cylinder HCCI H2/CO/CH4/ — EGR effect on a tar tolerant HCCI ↑EGR from 0% to 25%:
[376] engine CR= 12.2, rpm=1500, CO2/N2: engine ↑IMEP from 2.5 bar to 3.3 bar, via damping
(2017) Tintake=250◦ C 18/22/1.0/11/ maximum pressure rise and allowing higher
48 ϕ.

Starik et al. Zero-dimensional single-zone H2/CO: 50/50 — Improvement of combustion in a Ignition can be accelerated before TDC, thus
[377] thermochemical model syngas fueled HCCI engine by ↓intake temperature. At the same IT, 1% of
(2017) adding ozone or excited oxygen SDO in total oxygen may ↑ the power by 7-
molecules 14% compared to the base case with higher
intake temperature.
Jamsran et al. 1-cyl 126TI-II series, Doosan H2:CO:CO2: — Investigate the combustion and ↑ intake temperature and boosting: Low-
[378] Infracore, CR= 17.1, rpm= 30/2545 emissions of an HCCI engine calorific syngas (15% H2, 15% CO, and 70%
(2021) 1800, Tintake=140◦ C-140◦ C- 30/15/55 with various syngas CO2 3.34 MJ/Nm3) can be auto-ignited
230◦ C 15/25/60 compositions

Denotations: ↑: increase, ↓: decrease, ~: nearly constant or insignificant, //: similar to above.

IMEP: indicated mean effective pressure, CR: compression ratio, ITE: indicated thermal efficiency, BTE: brake thermal efficiency, CoV IMEP: coefficient of variation of
IMEP, TC: turbocharge, NA: naturally aspirated, IT: ignition timing, SOI: start of ignition, ϕ: the fuel/air equivalence ratio, WOT: wide open throttle, and MBT:
maximum brake torque.

compression ratios, hindering it from progress in vehicular engines. In conventional diesel combustion (CDC). Similar to compressed natural
contrast, syngas as a fuel additive can support the HCCI combustion of gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) [382], syngas is also a
other fuels to push its operating window to a broader range with good candidate for the premixed fuel in dual fuel mode owing to its
attainable high thermal efficiency comparable to that of SI combustion. variable composition, flexible feedstocks, and possibility of on-board
Briefly, syngas addition can be regarded as a means of extending the production on a vehicle [383,384]. In this part, syngas utilization in
lean- or the rich-side of the operating equivalence ratio of HCCI com­ dual-fuel combustion is analyzed and reviewed in detail.
bustion fueled with low- and high- octane fuels, respectively.
3.3.1. Diesel/syngas engine performance and emissions
Several studies have been focused on using syngas in dual-fuel con­
3.3. Syngas in dual-fuel engines cepts, where diesel is directly injected into the cylinder as a pilot fuel to
initiate the ignition, while syngas is introduced into the intake port as a
Stable combustion of a premixed syngas-air mixture is problematic in premixed fuel. Syngas application in diesel engines as a secondary en­
CI engines due to the low reactivity and high auto-ignition temperature ergy carrier has been considered to be a promising alternative method
(> 500 ◦ C) of syngas [59]. Also, more stringent diesel engine emissions mainly for emissions reduction. In the early stages of the research, ef­
regulations have directed research towards further development of forts were dedicated to clarifying and distinguishing dual-fuel combus­
advanced combustion engines. Meanwhile, dual-fuel operation tion from CDC, which led to the recognition of two-stage combustion for
[379–381] with a premixed fuel and pilot-injected diesel has shown dual fueling at higher engine loads. Specifically, Garnier et al. [385]
interesting advantages in terms of efficiency and emissions over

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

established a predictive model to determine the ignition delay and injection strategy has not received much attention. It is also worth
combustion of a syngas/diesel CI engine, based on an empirical model noting that higher efficiency with H2/diesel dual operation than
and three Wiebe functions (for pilot-fuel, gaseous-fuel, and diffusive diesel-only operation has been obtained when H2 is injected directly
combustions) calibrated with experimental data. After that, some ex­ within the cylinder [393,394]. Antunes et al. [393] indicated fuel effi­
periments were conducted to characterize syngas/diesel dual-fuel ciencies of 34% for H2/diesel and 43% for H2-only compared to 28% for
combustion in terms of engine performance and emissions by varying the diesel-only case.
syngas compositions. Sahoo et al. [386] evaluated the dual-fuel concept At Okayama University, a group has conducted research on dual-fuel
using syngas with a H2/CO ratio = 1/1 by volume in a single-cylinder operation [395–402] with different producer gas generated by biomass
diesel engine at a constant 1500 rpm and injection timing of 23◦ gasification (BMG) and coke-oven gasification (COG) in a supercharged,
BTDC by altering the load from 0 to 100%. Compared to the diesel-only single-cylinder diesel engine. They reported performance and emissions
mode, a lower BTE with a peak reduction of 21% at 80% load, increased characteristics of a dual fuel syngas/diesel engine considering the effect
exhaust gas temperature (50-100◦ C), increased CO and HC emissions for of pilot injection. Their key findings are summarized below:
all engine loads were observed; however, both NOx emissions and peak
cylinder pressure were decreased. Also, by varying H2/CO’s volumetric • The effect of injection pressure and amount of pilot fuel (diesel):
ratio during various loads [387], the maximum HC, CO, and CO2 Smoke emissions were increased with increasing amount of injected
emissions and minimum BTE occurred with 100% CO; however, the diesel, while decreasing with increasing injection pressure (i.e., 2
opposite behavior was observed with 100%H2 [388]. Moreover, from mg/cycle with 400 bar has the same measured smoke with 10 mg/
the second law efficiency point of view, the same authors [389] cycle with 800 bar) [395].
concluded that a syngas/diesel CI engine’s theoretical performance fa­ • The effect of pilot-injection strategy with timings ranging from 4 to
vors higher load (beyond 40% load) over lower loads, where the exergy 12 BTDC, injection pressures of 40, 60 and 80 bar, pilot quantities of

destruction increases due to the heat transfer losses, see Fig. 35 (right). 2 to 10 mg/cycle: 80 MPa with 3 mg/cycle was optimal for best
Bika et al. [390] experimentally assessed the cycle efficiency of a performance [396].
single-cylinder syngas/diesel engine for four diesel substitutions of 0% • The lowest energy content PG used showed the lowest level of NOx
(diesel-only baseline case), 10%, 20%, and 40%, at two net IMEPs of 2 emissions and smoke-free operation with smooth combustion [398].
and 4 bar, see Fig. 35 (left). Bottled gases of H2 and CO with varying • The effect of varying hydrogen content in PGs from 13.7% to 20% by
proportions (H2/CO: 100/0, 75/25, 25/75, and 0/100 by %volume) volume: High hydrogen content in syngas led to a wide operating
were used to simulate syngas. Compared to the diesel baseline case, they
displayed lowered efficiencies at both loads (10-25% for 2 bar and
5-17% for 4 bar IMEP), presumably attributed to the unburned syngas
discharged in the exhaust stream. Moreover, NOx emissions were
increased for all syngas proportions at 4 bar IMEP.
So far, syngas/diesel dual fuel operation findings have shown a
common trend of efficiency degradation particularly at low- and part-
engine loads with the decrease in combustion efficiency being due to
increased H2 and CO. Wagemakers and Leermakers [382] reviewed the
comparison of dual fueling of diesel with various gaseous fuels like CNG,
LPG, syngas, and hydrogen. They reported that all gaseous fuels could
reduce soot emissions except for syngas. As a consequence of the dual
fuel mode for diesel substitution, methane demonstrated better perfor­
mance than syngas. The drawbacks generally reported from engines
operating on gaseous fuels/diesel at part loads are excessive HC and CO
emissions, and high fuel consumption, resulting in lower combustion
efficiency and low thermal efficiency [391]. Also, a recent review on
natural gas (NG)/diesel engines reported the same trend with up to a
2.1% fall in engine power and low BTE at low-to-part engine loads,
while a maximum rise of 3% at high loads would be attainable compared
to the diesel engine [392]. The only reported solution to the stated
Fig. 36. Premixed mixture ignition in the end-gas region (PREMIER) com­
problems was to increase the H2 content of the syngas, while the pilot bustion concept (Reprinted from [401] with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 35. Comparison of cycle efficiency vs. diesel substitution at 4 bar IMEP (left) [390] and exergy efficiency vs. engine load (right) [389] for various H2/CO
volumetric ratio (Reprinted with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

range (i.e., equivalence ratio) and high thermal efficiency; however, would augment more stability in the flame of the H2+PG/ diesel case,
increased NOx emissions [397]. presumably attributed to the high stability of H2-air flames while the PG
flames tend to become unstable. Nevertheless, the increase in H2 from a
Following this work, Azimov et al. [403] suggested a novel com­ certain amount (here, 40% of H2 in PG/H2 mixture) resulted conversely
bustion strategy with inspiration from the knock event in the end-gas in the destabilization of the flame, which may be attributed to a decrease
regions of SI engines. The natural gas engine with a homogenous in the Markstein length [412]. At higher loads, much oxygen was
air-fuel mixture could be controlled; when natural gas combusts with the consumed by PG/H2 while hydrocarbon fuel received not enough oxy­
flame front supported concurrently by pilot-injected diesel fuel, which gen; thus, a reduction in BTE would be sensible.
has already been ignited. They called it premixed mixture ignition in the Fig. 38 depicts the variation in emissions at 80% load conditions for
end-gas region (PREMIER) combustion; also, shifting from diffusion the three cases, with PG/H2 ratio of 60:40. Because of the low pilot
combustion to flame front combustion for syngas/diesel dual-mode was quantity, HC emission is high with gaseous fuel replacement at higher
reported in [404]. With the proposed combustion strategy illustrated in engine loads. As noted above at higher loads, larger gaseous fuel sub­
Fig. 36, the effect of H2 and CO2 content in syngas on the performance stitutions, which replace some of the air during the intake stroke, can
and emission of a syngas/diesel engine was investigated under lean lead to increased utilization of oxygen and the reduction of oxygen
operating conditions [401]. PREMIER combustion was observed pri­ available for further combustion of the pilot diesel fuel, thus raising the
marily when the amount of pilot fuel used was minimal. Additionally, HC level. Higher CO emissions implies that incomplete combustion and
they [401] stated that an increase in syngas’s hydrogen content short­ burning of lubrication oil take place, together with the lower heating
ened the main combustion period and caused the mean combustion value of PG, CO-containing PG (lower mean effective pressure), lower
temperature, IMEP, and efficiency to increase. They also found that adiabatic flame temperature, and lower over-mixing. For the PG case,
diesel could not be substituted completely, or syngas could not be used the drop in NOx may be due to the lower adiabatic flame temperature of
as a single fuel in the diesel engine. PG and the absence of nitrogen in the PG, as well as a more uniform
Some other researchers [396,405-409] have explored the feasibility temperature distribution achieved with the gaseous fuel-air mixture,
of the dual-fuel concept with syngas generated from various sources by allowing the number of high-temperature regions around the diesel
either gasification like producer gas or on-board reforming processes flame to decrease.
like reformer gas. Dohle et al. [409–411] performed a series of experi­ The summary of relevant literature that has been reviewed so far
mental studies to investigate the combustion characteristics of a indicates:
dual-fuel diesel engine fueled by three cases of H2, PG, which was
generated from rice husk, and PG in combination with H2 (PG + H2) as a 1- Feasibility of syngas/diesel among gaseous fuels/diesel as a good
secondary fuel. Fig. 37 (left) shows the thermal efficiency variations choice for dual-fuel operation: according to all cited work here, while
with five different combinations of gaseous fuel replacement at 13%, it has no beneficial aspects in terms of engine performance, and even
40%, and 80 % engine loads. Again, up to 30% load, a decrease of BTE also emissions, it performs well at low and part loads.
was found due to the poor combustion characteristic of low calorific 2- The influence of syngas compositions confirmed that increasing the
producer gas even in combination with H2 at low loads. While by H2 content of the syngas has considerable merit in combustion
increasing the total mass quantity of fuel through increasing the engine improvement.
load, the combustion of the dual fuel mode improved due to the higher 3- Modifying the pilot injection strategy can be a promising way of
flame velocity and diffusivity of gaseous fuels compared to diesel. As extending the prospects of the dual-fuel mode with syngas.
compared to H2/diesel and PG/diesel cases (see Fig. 37 (right)), H2

Fig. 37. Brake thermal efficiency for PG+H2/diesel mixtures (left) and for H2/diesel and PG/diesel (right) at different loads (Reprinted from [409] with permission
of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 38. UHC, CO and NOx emissions at 80% load for different Diesel+PG+H2 mixtures (Reprinted from [409] with permission of Elsevier).

4- This concept’s flexibility with a broad range of synthetic gases compression stroke. With respect to emissions, the introduction of syn­
derived from varying sources has led to more attention in research. gas increases NOx emissions due to the higher temperature induced by
the higher adiabatic flame temperatures of carbon monoxide and
The pilot injection strategy of Roy [396], is regarded as a means of hydrogen. It also decreases soot emissions, due to the higher tempera­
controlling the in-cylinder reactivity and combustion phasing. By ture of combustion resulting from the hydrogen content of the syngas,
introducing two fuels having different reactivity (i.e., low and high which allows soot oxidation. It is also confirmed in a recent study by
reactivity) with a pair of separate injections for the high-reactivity fuel Zhong et al. [425] that hydrogen in syngas promotes NOx emission but
within the cylinder control can be achieved. This concept has been suppresses soot emission. Even though HC and CO emissions at medium
presented by Kokjohn et al. [413], who named it reactivity-controlled load operation are relatively low, syngas addition slightly reduces HC
compression ignition (RCCI). In terms of commercialization, RCCI emissions and increases CO emissions due to the syngas CO content, as
[380,381,414,415] is under more investigation for single-fuel operation, depicted in Fig. 40. In another work, Rahnama et al. [418] numerically
where high reactivity like diesel as the parent fuel, can be converted into studied the effects of reformer gas composition (3% syngas enrichment
a low-reactivity fuel by suitable in-situ on-board fuel reforming [34, of intake air) on the combustion and emission characteristics of a natural
416-424]. gas/diesel RCCI engine at a low load condition. They observed that with
Rahnama et al. [34] investigated the effects of reformer gas, increasing CO fraction in the syngas, peak pressure, ringing intensity,
hydrogen, and nitrogen on the combustion characteristics of a and pressure rise rate increased significantly. Using a mixture with a
heavy-duty RCCI engine fueled with natural gas/diesel. The impact of higher CO content, a shorter ignition delay and combustion time and
the introduction of syngas (up to 5%vol) at medium load engine oper­ advanced CA50 were achieved. These were interesting results but was
ation was also investigated. As shown in Fig. 39, by adding syngas, peak attributed to the lower cylinder temperatures as a result of using lower
pressure, combustion, and gross indicated efficiency values significantly intake temperatures with high-H2 syngas.
increase, but after a certain point, the gross efficiency drops due to Chuahy and Kokjohn [416] were the first to experimentally examine
improper phasing in combustion and heat release during the the effect of varying syngas composition on a single-fuel RCCI fueled

Fig. 39. Syngas addition effects on cylinder pressure and HRR, gross indicated efficiency and ringing intensity at 9 bar IMEP for a natural gas/diesel RCCI engine
(Reprinted from [34] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 40. Effect of syngas addition on engine emissions at 9 bar IMEP (Reprinted from [34] with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 41. In-cylinder pressure and heat release rate of a single-fuel RCCI fueled with diesel and syngas with lowest and highest H2 content (Reprinted from [416] with
permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 42. In-cylinder pressure and heat release rate of a single-fuel RCCI fueled with diesel and syngas, with various syngas replacement (Reprinted from [416] with
permission of Elsevier).

with diesel and simulated reformed diesel (50% H2 and 50% CO by high-temperature heat release (HRHR) or combustion with rising its
mole); it was done by keeping both the fuel energy level (4100 J/cycle) peak, as seen in Fig. 41. They pointed out that by keeping the combus­
and the combustion phasing (at -0.3◦ and 0.5◦ ATDC for 0% and 40% tion phasing constant, increasing the H2 content in syngas has an iden­
EGR, respectively) constant by adjusting the injected diesel mass. The tical effect on the engine’s gross indicated efficiency. Moreover, as
authors indicated that syngas with high H2 content suppresses the shown in Fig. 42, the effect of syngas replacement by energy on the
low-temperature heat release (LTHR) stage and shortens the duration of combustion phasing was shown that excessively high syngas has HTHR

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

with two distinct stages and higher cyclic variability, represented by honge oil–PG due to the significantly higher combustion rates during the
shaded regions, which is ± standard deviation. later stages. However, HOME–PG operation showed improvement in
In light of the integration of single-fuel RCCI with varying fuel heat release rate compared to neat honge oil–PG dual-fuel operation.
reforming reactions, work by Chuahy and Kokjohn [417] has shown that Yaliwal et al. [51,433-438] increased the fuel efficiency of a
reformate generation from all reactions, including steam reforming, single-cylinder, dual-fuel DI stationary diesel engine using
partial oxidation, and auto-thermal, have the capability of raising the HOME-Bioethanol (BE) blends, such as HOME+5% bioethanol (BE5),
net indicated efficiency of the engine by 4% compared to that of con­ HOME+10% bioethanol (BE10) and HOME+15% bioethanol (BE15).
ventional diesel. The steam reforming case had the highest system effi­ Fig. 44 depicts in-cylinder pressure versus crank angle for diesel-PG,
ciency if exhaust energy recovery was enabled. Further, it was reported HOME-PG, and HOME+ bioethanol-PG combinations at a load level of
[426] that the engine-reformer system with endothermic reforming has 80%. The cylinder pressure was determined to depend on the combus­
comparable efficiency to a conventional diesel engine at equal tion rate, the type of combinations of fuel utilized, and how much of the
tailpipe-out NOx and negligible soot emissions; lower hydrogen to car­ fuel is involved in the rapid combustion cycle. Lower cylinder pressure
bon ratios allows to achieve more engine-reformer efficiency. was observed for the combination of HOME –PG and HOME+ bio­
By utilizing a thermally integrated R-EGR reactor (see the next sec­ ethanol – PG compared to the combination of diesel–PG, due to the
tion), single-fuel RCCI operation in a light-duty diesel engine was ach­ combined impact of the lower heating value of the blends and PG and
ieved by Hwang et al. [427]. Data were collected over a range of EGRs the longer ignition delay due to inadequate mixing with the
and main diesel injection timings at a constant fuel flow rate. The slow-burning nature of the PG. Nonetheless, for the BE5–PG combina­
analysis indicated that RCCI is achievable with low efficiency in reactor tion, a significantly higher in-cylinder pressure was observed compared
conversion as long as reformate produced has reasonably small reac­ with the combinations of HOME–PG, BE10-PG, and BE15–PG. This may
tivity compared to diesel. The results also showed that while operating be attributable to the BE5 blend’s improved spray properties. Further­
the reformer at a lower equivalence ratio resulted in higher hydrogen more, when PG is present, a higher blend of bioethanol with HOME
production, ignition was significantly delayed at achievable diesel in­ lowers the energy content for dual-fuel operation.
jection timings. This work showed that while single-fuel RCCI is possible Overall, experimental work on the dual-fuel engine utilizing BE5-PG
using an R-EGR diesel engine design, more research is required to operation resulted in up to 4-9% increased BTE with reduced HC, CO
optimize the system in order to reach the efficiency and emission rates emissions, and slightly equivalent NOx emissions compared to HOME-
achieved by dual-fuel RCCI engines. PG, BE10-PG, and BE15-PG modes. However, the overall performance
of BE-PG operation was lower compared to diesel-PG operation.
3.3.2. Biofuels/syngas engine performance and emissions Later in 2018 [439], the same group compared the performance,
Vegetable oils such as honge, rice bran, and neem oils have been combustion, and emission characteristics of a single-cylinder, DI sta­
investigated for their suitability as diesel engine fuels [428] due to being tionary diesel engine operated in dual fuel mode with a combination of
renewable, non-toxic, and biodegradable. Many researchers have per­ HOME and the gaseous fuels CNG, HCNG, and PG. The combined effect
formed tests on CI and dual-fuel engines with different vegetable oils at of poor mixture preparation, longer ignition delay, lower heating value,
different operating condition. Banapurmath et al. [429–432] studied the and adiabatic flame temperature (1800 K) and slowing burning velocity
combustion characteristics of a CI engine operated on the dual-fuel nature of the PG (50 cm/s) resulted in the lower peak pressure and
mode with PG as the premixed fuel and honge oil and its methyl ester lowered rate of pressure rise for HOME–PG operation compared to
(HOME) as the injected fuels (liquid pilot fuels). Fig. 43 represents heat HOME–CNG/HCNG operation.
release rate comparisons for the dual-fuel mode at optimum injection Carlucci et al. [440–442] studied the improvements in dual-fuel
timings for the selected fuel combinations. It was observed that the biodiesel-producer gas combustion seen at low loads through pilot in­
premixed burning phase associated with a higher heat release rate is jection splitting. Utilizing a common-rail injection, single-cylinder
significant with diesel–PG dual-fuel mode leading to the higher thermal research diesel engine fitted with a high-pressure common rail injec­
efficiency of diesel–PG operation. Furthermore, the diffusion burning tion system controlled in dual-fuel mode, they measured changes
process indicated under the second peak was higher for honge oil-PG resulting from splitting of the liquid fuel injection. In this case, the
and HOME-PG than diesel-PG dual fuel operation, which is in agree­ inducted gaseous fuel was a synthetic PG, while biodiesel was utilized as
ment with the effects of the viscosity of vegetable oils on the fuel spray the pilot fuel. The experimental campaign was split into two parts,
and reduced air entrainment and lower fuel-air mixing rates. Higher running on engine speed at 1500 rpm. First, only one pilot injection of
exhaust temperatures and lower thermal efficiency were noticed with constant fuel quantity (11 mm3/cycle) was used, the rail pressure was
set at 500 or 1000 bar, while the quantity of gaseous fuel produced in the
cylinder was varied on three stages. Second, splitting pilot injection was
shown to be an efficient way to increase the efficiency of fuel conversion
and to reduce the levels of all polluting emissions compared to the single
pilot strategy. Based on the comprehensive experimental tests, a dwell
ranging from 10 to 30 degrees of crank angle combined with a first in­
jection timing varying from 35 to 20 degrees of crank angle BTDC
allowed the highest fuel conversion efficiency and the lowest emission
levels. The injection pressure was verified to be a significant factor
affecting the development of combustion, while the gaseous mass
inducted in the cylinder determined a side effect in terms of oxygen
depletion. Eventually, pilot injection splitting proved to be an efficient
way to boost the combustion of gaseous fuel under low load (lean
mixture) conditions in the dual-fuel system. Kan et al. [443] simulated
the combustion and emission performance of three dual-fuel strategies
for utilizing the syngas and biodiesel produced from the biomass wastes,
namely syngas-biodiesel, hydrogen-enriched syngas-biodiesel and
Fig. 43. HRR for honge oil–producer gas and honge oil methylester–producer DME-biodiesel in a compression ignition engine using the
gas at optimum injection timings (Reprinted from [429] with permission KIVA-CHEMKIN code. It was found that syngas-biodiesel and
of Elsevier). hydrogen-enriched syngas-biodiesel cases can improve the combustion

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 44. In-cylinder pressure and HRR versus crank angle for different HOME/bioethanol blend–PG combinations at the 80% load condition [433].

and had higher indicated power at high engine loads of 50% and 100%. components, as shown in Fig. 46 (right), such deposits have never been
The DME-biodiesel case was advantageous for the combustion at 10% found when running the engine with CNG, hydrogen, or a combination
load comparing to the other two cases. With the increase in fuel sup­ of them. It was pointed out that producer gas with light tar compounds
plement ratio, the soot emission generally showed a decreasing trend at as fuel has less impact on the deposit formation [458], although neither
all engine loads for all three strategies. the effect of engine hours running nor the effect of syngas composition
Table 11 summarizes the main syngas combustion works on dual fuel on the deposit quantity were investigated. The deposit characterization
engines published in the literature. revealed that reacting the CO content in syngas with the metallic wall of
storage tanks at high pressure may result in metallic carbonyl contam­
3.4. Syngas contaminants in IC engines inants such as iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)5) in the syngas, which in turn
participates in the engine’s combustion. Before deposit formation, as
There are two sources of contaminants leading to deposit formation mentioned in section 2.4, these components also affect the ignition delay
after running the engine with syngas fuels: and laminar flame speed of the whole combustion process. Besides, such
metallic carbonyl could be generated during syngas production via
1- Impurities that originate from the production method, gasification. Consequently, extra attention should be paid to the design
2- Changing syngas composition during the storage process. of syngas production and storage systems.

Impurities in biomass feedstocks and partial gasification lead to 4. Syngas from on-board fuel reforming in IC engines
contaminants in syngas, which are mainly classified as tars, PM, alkali,
nitrogen (NH3), Sulphur (H2S), halides, and trace elements [451]. These A study by Yang et al. [459] reported that syngas could be stored
contaminants are responsible for downstream problems in the gasifier, under pressures as high as p=83 bar and temperatures of T = -15◦ C to
such as corrosion, clogging, and catalyst deactivation [61,452-455]. 45◦ C. However, with on-board syngas production, the storage-related
Syngas produced from biomass gasification should be refined to remove issues such as the demand for a large storage tank due to the low en­
condensable tars prior to using it as a fuel for IC engines [456]. Syngas ergy density of the syngas and the syngas contaminants (see Section 3.4)
impurities affect engine performance for all types of IC engines, but can be eliminated. This section provides a comprehensive overview of
there are few studies in the literature on this. Bhaduri et al. [329,331, previous research on on-board fuel reforming and syngas production in
376] developed a tar tolerant system, wherein syngas with tar IC engines. Regarding the vehicular applications, the fuel reforming
contamination was used as a fuel for an HCCI engine where intake process can be achieved either inside cylinders (i.e., in-cylinder fuel
temperatures were set to be above the tar dew point to prevent reforming) or outside the engine cylinders (i.e., external fuel reforming).
condensation of tars. They noticed that the moisture content of the In-cylinder reforming methods are a preventive measure to achieve a
syngas adversely affects combustion efficiency. In addition, the results more efficient engine by increasing thermal efficiency, reducing energy
demonstrated that the introduction of tars leads to an increase in the content in the engine’s exhaust stream. In contrast, external reforming
LHV without affecting the timing of combustion for neat syngas opera­ methods are a corrective one to a lower engine efficiency by capturing
tion. In another work, Bhaduri et al. [330] carried out experiments using the exhaust gas energy via placing a WHR device (reformer) in the
an impure and hot biomass syngas burned in an HCCI engine without the exhaust stream. Both methods are considered as thermochemical recu­
intermediate cooling and tar purification steps to test the engine’s sta­ peration (TCR) technologies [460–462], which can be more efficient
bility in response to naturally occurring random variations in the syngas than thermomechanical methods [463] such as turbo-compounding and
composition. Minimal tar deposits were found due to the use of a low tar bottoming cycles because the energy transfer is not bounded by isen­
gasifier after 24 h of operation (see Fig. 45). Besides, brown discolor­ tropic expansion and Carnot efficiency. Additionally, there is no sig­
ation from some deposits was observed on the piston and cylinder heads, nificant modification needed in the design of production engines. Fig. 47
which was attributed to the regular oil-related deposits. shows the schematic of the mentioned techniques by classification, and
In the second case, Hagos et al. [457] ran a DISI engine with various they are reviewed in detail in the following sections.
syngas compositions free of tar and periodically checked the fuel
injector, spark plug, piston, cylinder head, and valve seats during the 4.1. External fuel reforming
engine shutdown. Deposit formation was visibly observed on the surface
of the injection tip, turning the color glow red, as can be seen from 4.1.1. Intake fuel reforming
Fig. 46 (left). While a similar deposit color was also seen in other engine Engine intake on-board fuel reforming involves all methods in which

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 11
Summary of syngas combustion research in the dual fuel engine mode.
Authors Research objectives Syngas Experiments Simulations Main results

Reformer gas (RG)/diesel dual fuel CI engine

Bika et al. [390] Cycle efficiency comparison between RG1: 100%H2; 0% 4-stroke, 1-cyl Yanmar — Cycle efficiency:
(2011) RG-diesel dual case and diesel-only CO L100V CI engine, CR= 10-25%, 5-18% lower than the diesel-
case, at 2 and 4 bar IMEP RG2: 75%H2; 25% 21.2:1 only for 2 and 4 bar IMEP,
CO rpm= 1825 respectively.
RG3: 25%H2; 75% NOx:
CO ∼ for 2 bar, ↑ for 4 bar with increasing
RG4: 0%H2; 100% diesel substitution.
Sahoo et al. [387] Effect of load level on the RG1: 100%H2; 0% 4-stroke, 1-cyl Kirloskar — Maximum diesel replacement = 72.3%
(2011) performance of the RG-diesel and CO CI engine for RG1. At almost all loads:
diesel (baseline) operation (119.81 MJ/kg) CR= 17.5:1 Ignition delay:
with varying H2/CO content RG2: 75%H2; 25% rpm= 1500 diesel < RG4 < RG3 < RG1, RG2
CO (23.09 MJ/kg) HC:
RG3: 50%H2; 50% RG1 < diesel < RG2 < RG3 < RG4
CO (14.81 MJ/kg) CO:
RG4: 0%H2; 100% RG1 < diesel < RG2 < RG3 < RG4
(10.12 MJ/kg) RG4 < RG3 < RG2 < diesel < RG1

Sahoo et al. [389] Second-law analysis of RG-diesel // // — At higher loads:

(2011) operation under varying load ↑ Combustion temperature and
conditions pressure; ↑ cumulative work
availability; ↑ exergy efficiency.
At 80% loads: max. ITE for RG 1-4:
19.8, 18.3, 16.1, 15.7%
At lower loads:
Opposite of higher loads due to poor

Christodoulou and RG-N2 mixture effects on an high 60%H2; 40%CO 4-stroke, 4-cyl Ford Puma — With introducing RG+ N2 mixture:
Megaritis [444] speed direct injection (HSDI) diesel CI engine ↓ NOx and smoke emissions over a
(2014) engine’s emissions and performance CR= 18.2:1 large engine operating conditions;
at various speeds rpm= variable ↑ Engine speed: ↓ overall rate of
pressure rise.
Engine is more fuel efficient with neat

Rahnama et al. The effects of H2, RG and N2 (by H2:CO – 0-100% — 3-D simulations Extending high load by adding N2:
[34] direct injection) on combustion, variation in using CONVERGE ↑ combustion phasing delay,↓ ringing
(2017) emissions and load limits of a heavy- hydrogen fraction CFD intensity
duty natural gas/diesel RCCI engine Extending low load by adding H2 and
syngas: ↑combustion efficiency
At medium load with adding syngas:
↑ NOx, ↑ ringing intensity, ↑ pressure
rise rate.

Chuahy and Effects of RG composition on a single- 50%H2; 50%CO 4-stroke, 1-cyl Caterpillar Constant volume By replacing CO with H2:
Kokjohn [416] fuel RCCI engine at constant fuel H2 is variable from C15 CI engine ignition delay ↑ Charge reactivity, ↓ combustion
(2017) energy and combustion phasing 10% to 80% by mole CR= 16.9:1 calculation by duration, ↓ magnitude of low
rpm= 1300 ChemkinPRO temperature heat release.
↑Soot with increasing fuel reforming.

Hariharan et al. Study on single-fuel RCCI with diesel H2:3%, CO:11%, 4-stroke, 1-cyl Ricardo 3-D simulations In comparison to gasoline/diesel and
[421] and reformed diesel by catalytic CO:3.4%, Hydra CI engine using CONVERGE natural gas/diesel RCCI:
(2020) partial oxidation N2:78.15%, CR= 15.5:1 CFD Comparable thermal efficiency with
CH4:1.35%, rpm= 1200 ↓NOx, ↓THC, and good controllability,
C2H4:2.9% but at ↑CO and ↑CO2.
(2.3 MJ/kg)
Producer gas (PG)/diesel dual fuel CI engine
Roy et al. [397] Performance and emission PG 1: 13.7%H2; 4-stroke, 1-cyl CI engine, — Smooth and smoke-free, two-stage
(2009) comparison of a supercharged dual- 22.3%CO; 1.9% CR= 16:1, rpm=1000 combustion was obtained.
fuel diesel engine fueled by PG with CH4; 16.8%CO2 and Pilot injection timing= High H2-content PG compared to low
varying 45.3%N2 variable H2-content PG:
H2 content PG 1: 20%H2; ↑12% at engine power
22.3%CO; 1.9% ↑operable range of φ ( from 0.52-0.68
CH4; 16.8%CO2 and to 0.42-0.79)
39%N2 ↓combustion duration by 4-5 CA

↓HC and CO by 10–25%.

Azimov et al. PG composition effects on a dual-fuel 7 different 4-stroke, 1-cyl CI engine, — ↑ H2 content:
[401] engine with PREMIER combustion at composition, H2 CR= 16:1, rpm=1000 ↑ Combustion temperatures, ↑ IMEP,
(2011) various equivalence ratios varying between ↑efficiency, ↓ CO,↓ HC, but ↑ NOx.
(continued on next page)

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 11 (continued )
Authors Research objectives Syngas Experiments Simulations Main results

13.7-56.8%. ↑ CO2 content up to 34% in gas (just at

PG was from cock- a certain level):
oven and biomass ↓ Combustion temperatures, ↓ IMEP,
gasification ↓efficiency, ↓ maximum pressure rise
rate, ↓ NOx.
COVIMEP< 4% at various φ for all types
of fuel.

Dhole et al. [409] Effect of H2, PG, and H2(40%)+PG 21.6%H2; 23 %CO; 4-stroke, 4-cyl, — At all loads and gaseous fuel
(2014) (60%) as secondary fuels on 2.1%CH4; 10.2% Turbocharged, Ashok substitutions:
combustion CO2 and 43.1%N2 Leyland ALU WO4CT BTE: PG < PG+H2 < H2
parameters of a dual fuel diesel (6 MJ/kg) engine CR= 17.5:1, rpm= Mean cylinder temperature:
engine 1500 H2 < PG < PG+H2
HC: PG+H2 < PG < H2
CO: H2 < PG < PG+H2
Lowest NOx: for H2 at 20% for PG at
80% load.
Rinaldini et al. Exploring the potential of using both 9.4%H2; 22.4%CO; 4-stroke, 4-cyl VM Motori — No need to significantly alter the
[445] Diesel fuel and syngas in a current 3.4%CH4; 5.4%CO2 CI engine , CR= 17.5:1, standard stock engine design.
(2017) turbocharged diesel engine and 59.4%N2 rpm=3000 ↑ Engine brake efficiency up to 5%.
(4.65 MJ/kg) The use of syngas:
↓ Diesel oil consumption, ↑ quality of

RG or PG/biodiesel dual fuel CI engine

Balakrishnan and CR effects on CI engine performance 12.31%H2; 10.13% 4-stroke, 1-cyl Modified — With ↑ CR: ↑ BTE and decrease ↓brake-
Mayilsamy with biodiesel and PG in mixed fuel CO; 1.48%CH4; Kirloskar AV1 engine specific energy consumption.
[446] mode 14.58%CO2 and CR= 5:1 to 20:1, At higher possible CR: ↓emissions, due
(2014) 58.8%N2 rpm= 1450-1600 to the well-mixed fuel with no engine
(3.56 MJ/m3) modifications. The CR is limited by the
ignition delay, noise pollution, and
engine vibration to a maximum of 18.

Balakrishnan et al. Investigation on a CI engine fueled // // — Maximum BTE:

[447] with 4 cases: D:28.5%, BD:29.9%, D/PG:27.2%,
(2015) Diesel (D) – D/PG - BD/PG:26.8%
vegetable oil methyl ester (biodiesel Ignition delay: dual-mode > single-
or BD) – BD/PG mode, BD/PG < D/PG by 13.6◦ .
Smoke: BD/PG < D by 16%.
The ICE could operate without any
modifications with all fuel modes.

Carlucci et al. Study on splitting pilot injection to 20%H2; 20%CO and 4-stroke, 1-cyl Modified — By splitting the pilot injection:
New(2014) improve of dual-fuel biodiesel-PG 60%N2 Kirloskar AVL model ↑ Fuel conversion efficiency, ↓ THC
combustion at low loads 5402 engine CR= 17.1:1 and ↓ CO.
↑ Dwells between two injections:
Two-phase HRR was clearer.
NOx showed an increasing-decreasing

Carlucci et al. Investigate on pilot biodiesel // 4-stroke, 1-cyl AVL model — Highest fuel conversion efficiency and
(2017) injection parameters and strategy on 5402 engine CR= 17.1:1, lowest emissions:
the biodiesel-PG dual-fuel rpm= 1500 Dwell with a range of 10-30 CA + first

combustion injection in the range of 20-35 BTDC.

The injection pressure reported to be a

major factor.

Yaliwal et al. Honge oil methyl ester (HOME) and 15-19%H2; 18-22% 4-stroke, 1-cyl Kirloskar — ↑ CR from 15 to 17.5:
[434] PG fueled dual-fuel engine operated CO; 1-5%CH4; 4% CI engine, CR= variable ↑ BTE by 39.1%, ↓ exhaust gas
(2014) with varying CRs HO2 and 45-55%N2 (15:1, 16:1, 17.5:1) temperature by 26%, ↑ peak pressure
(5-5.6 MJ/m3) by 9.65%, ↓ smoke by 20.5%, ↓ CO by
44.5%, ↓ HC by 30.2%, ↑ NOx by
At various CRs, lower BTE was seen
with HOME/PG than diesel/PG.
More improvement by turbocharging
was suggested.

Yaliwal et al. Combustion chamber and nozzle // 4-stroke, 1-cyl Kirloskar — ↑ Injection pressure, ↑ hole number
[436] geometry effects on a diesel engine CI engine, CR= 17.5:1 with ↓ hole size could result in efficient
(2016) performance operated on HOME/PG preparation of mixtures.
dual-fuel mode With re-entrant combustion chamber
+ optimized nozzle geometry: ↑BTE by
4-5%, ↓ smoke by 19%, ↓ CO by
(continued on next page)

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Table 11 (continued )
Authors Research objectives Syngas Experiments Simulations Main results


Yaliwal et al. Influence of producer gas and dairy // // — Diesel and DiSOME based DF mode of
[448] scum oil methyl ester (DiSOME) on operation:
(2021) the thermal efficiency and emission ↑BTE by 4.01% and 6.4%;
character of a compression ignition ↓ HC by 7.4% and 9.6%
engine under dual and HCCI mode ↓ CO by 8.5% and 13.4%
↑NOx by 26.4% and 23.6%
respectively than the operation with
HCCI mode at 80% load.
Costa et al. [449] Highlight the main influences on the 18.58%H2; 21.77% — 3D engine model ↑ Percentages of syngas:
(2017) combustion process related to the use CO; 1.03%CH4; with ↓ Combustion efficiency but ↑thermal
of syngas and the effects of different 10.35%CO2 and the AVL Fire™ efficiency.
biomass moisture contents on power 48.28%N2 With syngas addition:
output and main pollutants emission ↓ NO formation ↑ CO and ↑ soot as
compared to the case of pure use of

Krishnamoorthi Experimental and numerical study on 50%H2; 50%CO 4-stroke, 1-cyl 3-D simulations As compared diesel-only:
et al. [450] syngas/diesel and syngas/B20 (20% direct injection, naturally using CONVERGE Syngas/diesel with an inj. timing of
(2020) biodiesel) aspirated KIRLOSKAR CFD 19◦ BTDC:
TV1 diesel engine Slightly ↑ BTE, ↓ NOx by 22%, ↓PM by
CR = 15:1 77%.
Syngas/B20 with a pre-inj. at 50◦
BTDC and main inj. at 18◦ BTDC:
Maximum BTE of 24%, ↓NOx by 29%.

↑: increase, ↓: decrease, ∼: approximately constant, //: similar to above.

IMEP: indicated mean effective pressure, CR: compression ratio, ITE: indicated thermal efficiency, BTE: brake thermal efficiency, BTDC: before top dead center, φ: air-
fuel equivalence ratio, COVIMEP: coefficient of variation of IMEP, and UHC: unburned hydrocarbon

Fig. 45. (a) Tar deposits on a component of the check valve; (b) piston showed no deposits, but small impurities were found in the oil rings (Reprinted from [330]
with permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 46. Injector tip (left), cylinder head and valve seat (right) after and before syngas fueling [457].

fuel for the reformer is supplied from the engine’s main fuel, and no reformers have been employed to reduce HC and CO emissions during
relationship exists between the reformer and engine exhaust in terms of cold start and warm-up periods of a SI engine. Isherwood et al. [464]
heat recovery, and the main purpose is not only to improve the com­ integrated a multi-cylinder SI engine with an electrically-heated proto­
bustion process, but also to improve the aftertreatment system perfor­ type POX reactor to produce reformate as replacement of gasoline fuel
mance at particular operating conditions. For example, on-board during cold-start, and then observed time-averaged reductions in HC

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 47. Schematic layout of current on-board fuel reforming strategies.

and CO by about 80% and 40%, respectively. Kirwan et al. [465], at more stringent emission standards are in progress.
Delphi automotive, also established an intake-side, external POX Plasma reforming:
reformer to convert a fraction of gasoline at rich conditions to reformate Plasma-assisted fuel reforming is a technique to generate hydrogen-
by catalytic reforming; then, the reformate was split into separate in­ rich gas on-board the vehicle by supplying a small fraction of the main
jections, a portion into the cylinder and the rest into the exhaust stream, fuel stream to a device where fuel and air are converted to a stream
resulting in a reduction of both engine-out and tailpipe emissions during containing the syngas by POX process, and then mixed with the main
cold-start. Another study [466] proposed an on-board water electrolysis intake air/fuel charge for SI and HCCI combustion improvements or
system to reduce fuel consumption of the SI engine fueled with ethanol directly applied to exhaust aftertreatment systems for a NOx trap [469]
and gasoline at the idle condition. or for diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration [470], as demonstrated
The most significant way of producing reformate from this category in Fig. 48. The device, which was initially developed and tested by
is partial oxidation because of its inherently fast start-up and shut-down, Bromberg et al. [471,472] at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center
rapid response to transient loads, and high hydrogen production, but at (PSFC) of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and they called it
the expense of a drop in the reforming process efficiency, which should “Plasmatron”, can be categorized into thermal and non-thermal plasma
be offset by the increased engine thermal efficiency. Overall, enhance­ reformers, depending on how electrical power input transfers from the
ment in engine-reformer efficiency was reported for motorcycle appli­ electric field to plasma components including electrons, ions, neutral
cations assisted with plasma converter [467,468]. gases to form and maintain plasma [473].
Briefly, although these on-board reforming processes could be In thermal plasma reformers, the plasma energy input supplied by a
operated independently of the engine condition (as a positive point), the DC source creates a small region with an extremely high temperature (in
complexity and extra costs bring additional issues. It is worth noting that the range of 5000 to 10000K) to heat the electrons and the other plasma
developments in the aftertreatment systems following the adoption of components, such that temperatures reach thermal equilibrium. While

Fig. 48. Thermal (left) and low current (non-thermal) (right) Plasmatron fuel converters (Reprinted from [470] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

the provided high-temperature environment, along with created plasma in engine efficiency at partial loads.
heating, boost the slow reaction rates associated with POX reactions, In short, plasma-assisted reformers have shown vastly superior
irrelevant inert species (such as N2) are also heated, meaning that much- characteristics compared to traditional catalytic reformers, including
unused energy is wasted through this non-selective way. On the other fast response, rapid startup, fuel flexibility, size requirements, and
hand, in non-thermal plasma reformers, only the electrons have very absence of sulfur and soot as bi-products. Nevertheless, they deteriorate
high temperatures; however, the other components are relatively cold the vehicle’s overall power output by about 2%, as the engine must
(near room temperature) and capable of absorbing and storing energy to provide the electrical power. Additionally, they are immature for IC
efficiently produce locally highly reactive species to perform fuel engine applications since plasma technology is still being under
reforming at low temperatures. Due to this behavior acting as a catalyst, development.
many researchers believe that non-thermal plasma reforming has
inherent catalysis effects that are fundamentally yet unknown [84]. 4.1.2. Exhaust gas fuel reforming
Rabinovich et al. [474] developed a high current (>10 A), thermal Since in an IC engine approximately about 30% of the fuel’s energy is
compact Plasmatron reformer to convert various fuels, namely biofuels, lost through hot exhaust gases, utilizing a part of these hot gases for
gasoline, and diesel, into H2-rich gas, and also integrated it with an SI providing heat and the reactants required, along with a portion of engine
engine fueled with methane [475] and gasoline [476] to investigate fuel for an exhaust gas fuel reformer placed inside the EGR loop, can
engine performance, NOx emissions, and engine-reformer interactions. result in reformate having higher enthalpy than the base fuel, as seen in
They succeeded to potentially apply the compact Plasmatron to IC en­ Fig. 50. Reformate mixed with the rest of the EGR (in total, reformed
gine, resulting in substantial NOx emissions reductions but at the exhaust gas recirculation or R-EGR) is fed back to the intake manifold to
expense of the high power requirement, the high overall run the engine similar to a dual-fuel (the base fuel + R-EGR (EGR +
engine-reformer efficiency cost, and possibly lower electrode lifetime Reformate)) engine. The same concept with varying configurations has
[477]. Besides, as seen in Fig. 49(left), they needed two or more chan­ been investigated by several researchers, as seen in Fig. 50. Because of
nels in which water flows for electrode cooling prohibit electrodes from using a catalyst to convert the fuel, it is also called on-board catalytic
erosion. reforming.
To overcome thermal compact Plasmatron-related issues, the same Catalyst considerations:
authors developed a low current (<120 mA) version of that through the The catalyst formulation determines the catalyst activity and resis­
non-thermal plasma generation mechanism, as indicated in Fig. 52 tance to deactivation due to carbon deposition, and reformer design
(right) [470]. A wide range of fuels such as heavy hydrocarbons, alco­ affects catalyst temperature; therefore, both influence reformer perfor­
hols [478], and renewable fuels [479] can be used with different types of mance and reformate product. An earlier work [489] on an R-EGR
non-thermal plasma reformers. reformer with a gasoline SI engine exhibited poor performance at
It’s worth noting that due to developing an understanding of plasma- moderate temperatures (T=600-650 ◦ C) as compared with values pre­
chemistry interaction mechanisms, the role of plasma, specifically the dicted by thermodynamic equilibrium, resulting in a low concentration
non-equilibrium one, in combustion enhancement by assisting ignition of hydrogen (2-5%). This low fuel conversion was mostly attributable to
and flame stabilization has been drawing more attention than the low- the inactivity of the catalyst that was however not specified in that
temperature fuel reforming application in recent years. For instance, study. Recent works by Gomez et al. [490,491] showed that high activity
microwave non-equilibrium plasma could enhance an ignitor such as the of precious metal catalysts, e.g., 1 wt% rhodium (Rh) supported on
spark plug of SI engines to initiate a sufficiently large flame kernel, zirconia, can bring yields near equilibrium for a given fuel conversion
which in turn causes lean limit extensions by maintaining nearly con­ rate by preventing methanation reactions at typical exhaust tempera­
stant combustion variability by increasing the air-to-fuel ratio, in addi­ tures of a gasoline engine. The study revealed that increased fuel con­
tion to the observed improvements in fuel consumption and CO version occurred with higher catalyst mass and temperature (see
emissions. This is beyond the current review’s scope, but in this regard, Fig. 51). A 10% drop was also observed in hydrogen production when
two critical and comprehensive reviews have been published [480,481]. increasing pressure from p=1 to 1.3 bar. In a current configuration, the
Several studies were also conducted to mimic the Plamsatron-generated exhaust gas reformer is placed after the TWC in the exhaust gas system
reformate in gasoline engines through simulated gases using bottled gas [492], and achievable hydrogen and CO yields were in the range of
[305,482,483] with a typical reformate composition consisting of 25% 5-10%.; another current (and more complex) layout [487] is that the
H2, 26%CO, and 42%N2, which indicated an improvement of about 12% reformer is positioned close to the exhaust manifold, as will be discussed

Fig. 49. Thermal (left) and low current (non-thermal) (right) Plasmatron fuel converters. (Reprinted from [470] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 50. Schematic of various integrations of on-board exhaust gas fuel reformer in IC engines adapted from literature.
R-EGR (University of Birmingham) [484]
On-board fuel reformer (Nissan Motor Co.) [485]
Catalytic EGR− loop reforming strategy (ORNL) [486]
Integrated steam reforming (ISR) reactor (University of Minnesota) [487]
Shoebox reformer design (Monsanto Company) [488]
Vehicle hybrid propulsion system with onboard methanol reforming (TIIT) [24]

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

conditions. Efficient TCR with a high heating value reformate occurs

when all reactions are eventually net endothermic; therefore, the target
is to maximize endothermic reforming reactions, primarily dry and
steam reforming. Nevertheless, the low temperature of the exhaust at
low engine loads cannot drive endothermic reactions alone; thus, in this
case, partial and complete oxidation reactions are useful to provide the
heat required to achieve the reforming process and the likelihood of
tailpipe-out emission reduction, with the possibility of heat loss. Hence,
the exhaust gas fuel reformer may act like an auto-thermal reformer
(ATR) without needing a separate water tank and air supply system.
Recently, Tartakovsky and Sheintuch [33] thoroughly reviewed this
concept and we would recommend to refer to this paper for more
IC engine considerations:
Incorporating the exhaust gas fuel reformer at various engine oper­
ating points at different combustion modes, including CI [495–502], SI
Fig. 51. Thermodynamic and experimental product yields as a function of
[484,489], HCCI [356,498,503], and partially premixed compression
temperature for iso-octane fuel and REGR conditions; experimental data were
ignition (PCCI) [504] to produce R-EGR reformate has been widely
obtained during an increase of 10 ◦ C/min and at p = 1.3 bar. (Reprinted from
[490] with permission of Elsevier).
investigated at the University of Birmingham over the last two decades;
and more recently with a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine reported
in [100,492,505-510].
in the following. In general, optimized heat transfer from exhaust gas
A series of studies on diesel engines integrated with a prototype
stream to catalyst with minimized heat loss positively affects hydrogen
exhaust gas fuel reformer (see Fig. 52 (left)) has been done with precious
and CO yields, and this can be addressed with an appropriate reformer
metal catalysts. Tsolakis et al. [496] employed this reformer whereby
design and a fitting place of the reformer relative to the engine. How­
direct catalytic reforming of diesel is performed with the exhaust gas of a
ever, before all of these, the engine operating conditions decide what
single-cylinder diesel engine operating at part load. They achieved up to
will happen inside the reformer.
16% hydrogen content in the R-EGR products for a reformer inlet tem­
Thermochemical recovery:
perature of T=290◦ C. They also indicated that the use of R-EGR shifted
The engine provides heat and reactants (oxidizer or steam) for
the traditional NOx-smoke trade-off curve to lower values and lowered
evaporating liquid fuel and initiating reactions involved in the reform­
the incremental slope of smoke as compared to conventional EGR, as
ing process. The exhaust gas stream contains CO2 (for dry reforming),
depicted in Fig. 52 (right). The same author [499] externally heated a
H2O (for steam reforming), and O2 (for partial or complete oxidation);
diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) Pt/AL2O3 at the temperature of
each of them can initially react with the engine fuel with a proper
T=250◦ C (same condition as the engine running at 1800 rpm and 25%
catalyst. Thereafter, CO supplied by incomplete combustion from the
load) and then added R-EGR products to the engine intake manifold with
engine or by the product of preceding primary reactions can react with
reduced diesel fuel injected in order to maintain the engine condition
steam not yet consumed to perform the water-gas shift (WGS) reforming
constant at low load. They found that poor use of gaseous fuel (diesel
reaction as a means of minimizing CO, which may be considered as a CO
combustion was still predominant) occurred with 20% R-EGR addition
clean-up strategy for the catalyst [116,493], similar to that for avoiding
due to increased fuel consumption (i.e., a higher BSFC in g/kWh); while
poisoning of fuel cell anodes [494]. Finally, methanation reactions may
improving gaseous fuel oxidation with 30% R-EGR addition lowered
take place to consume available hydrogen in reformate, decreasing the
BSFC due to approaching the stoichiometric air-fuel mixture by reducing
potential H2 yield.
O2 concentration in the cylinder and the higher intake temperature.
Understanding which of the reactions has a significant share in the
Note that all these engine tests were achieved with simulated R-EGR
reforming process depends on the temperature and composition of the
bottled gas replaced with a part (or entire) of EGR.
engine exhaust gas, which directly relies on the engine operating

Fig. 52. Schematic of liquid fuel reforming system (left) and effects of EGR (0–20%) and R-EGR (0–20%) on the NOx and Bosch smoke number (BSN), both upper
and both lower curves pertain to 6.1 and 4.6 bar IMEP, respectively, and 1500 rpm (right) (Reprinted from [495,496] with permission of Elsevier).

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 53. Variation of oxygen and water contents of exhaust gas with IMEP (left) and reformer inlet composition for production of a 10.4% (vol.) H2 in R-EGR (right).
(Reprinted from [356] with permission of Elsevier).

Yap et al. [356] introduced a closed reforming loop system in the in contrast, reformer efficiency was less than 100%, meaning some en­
inlet of the exhaust manifold of a natural gas HCCI engine to perform ergy is lost in the base fuel (gasoline) during the reforming process
methane (base fuel) reforming at low temperatures (~ 300◦ C) corre­ [507]. Finally, they offered that the downsizing strategy and using a
sponding to lean operation. Since hydrogen yield varies with engine boost device with GDI engine would be favorable for exhaust gas fuel
operating load (see Fig. 53 (left)), they suggested that a part of the reforming because operating IMEPs of engine will be shifted to the
exhaust gas can be displaced by extra O2 content from the incoming higher loads, resulting in increasing the exhaust gas temperature.
fresh air (see Fig. 53 (right)) to maintain the hydrogen production target Ashida et al. [485,513] used a 4 wt% Rh/Al2O3 catalyst reformer
of 10% (by vol.) from 1 to 3 bar IMEP. Recently, another study [511] installed in the external EGR line of a SI engine (see Fig. 50, under the
also reported that the adverse effect of highly endothermic conditions label of ‘On-board fuel reformer’) for catalytic steam reforming of
(ϕcatalyst >7) on the suppression of high reformate yields could be injected gasoline in the presence of high-temperature EGR gas, without
counteracted by adding a small quantity of O2, reaching 15% H2 (by any additional O2. They initially observed an H2 production close to the
vol.). calculated equilibrium concentration, but later catalyst deactivation
In general, if the steam reforming process reduces the reformer almost started appearing within 5 hours, affecting the catalyst’s dura­
temperature sufficiently, the possibility of inactivating the entire bility [514]. Thus, steam reforming only will potentially face the chal­
reforming process must be considered. Therefore, the addition of O2 lenges of catalyst activity and durability in R-EGR strategy. Similarly,
contained in the incoming fresh air as an option affords partial oxidation Brookshear et al. [515] at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
reforming to prevent inactivity of reforming process at low temperature incorporated a 2 wt% Rh/Al2O3 catalyst into the EGR loop of a
and high reformer equivalence ratio (near to stoichiometric and higher multi-cylinder, stoichiometric SI engine. That work was followed by
engine loads) conditions. Interestingly, despite stressing on pure O2 to Chang et al. [511] to characterize the catalytic reforming performance
provide a large amount of H2 in fuel cells [512], just fresh air is sufficient using equilibrium modeling and experiments with iso-octane fueling.
due to the need for a small amount of H2 for IC engine applications. They firstly showed that reformer temperature, O2 mole concentration,
The effects of water added into the exhaust gas fuel reformer on H/C ratio of the fuel, and equivalence ratio of the catalyst are all key
hydrogen yield and conversion efficiency of catalytically diesel factors for determining the reformate products. Findings at a
reforming were also investigated by Tsolakis et al. [497]; at T=290◦ C quasi-state-state condition revealed that the highest H2 yield (15% vol.)
reformer inlet temperature, H2 in the reformer product was obtained up (Fig. 54-A) for O2 catalyst flow rate of 12 g/min (and higher) has
to 15% more than with reformer operating without supplying water, due coincided with maximum water consumption (Fig. 54-D) in the range
to presence of WGS reactions and then CO consumption in the reforming of4 < φcatalyst < 7, suggesting the strong presence of SR or WGS re­
process. While heat losses from oxidative reactions can be mitigated by actions. Moreover, forφcatalyst > 5, CO began being consumed
water addition, however, endothermic nature of WGS can lead to a (Fig. 54-B), and then H2/CO captured higher values, meaning that the
reduction in overall engine-reactor efficiency. WGS would predominate at lower catalyst temperatures (Fig. 54-C).
Full scale engine-reformer integration: Hwang et al. [516] were the first researchers who introduced a
A problem with aforementioned works was that the reformer and IC thermally integrated Rh/Pt catalyst reformer with a diesel engine to
engine was not considered as a fully integrated system. As described in mitigate heat losses to the environment by mounting the reformer inside
Fennel et al. [100,492], for the first time, a full-scale prototype gasoline the exhaust manifold system. In this way, much more heat is readily
reformer consists of a stack of five metallic catalyst plates loaded by accessible to the exhaust fuel reformer; thus, the primary candidate for
3.3% Pt/ 1.7% Rd was integrated with a modern TC, multi-cylinder GDI catalytic reactions will be steam reforming. While the study showed the
engine, by installing the reformer after TWC. A high pressure EGR loop capability of producing high concentrations of hydrogen (as much as
was used to introduce a fraction of engine exhaust gas as the feed gas 10% indicating high conversion efficiency), the on-board reforming
into the reformer and then the produced reformate was inducted into the system indicated a decrease in overall engine efficiency due to a fuel
intake manifold of the engine. Initially, they showed R-EGR benefits energy penalty for diesel at conditions with low reformer equivalence
over the baseline and conventional EGR in GDI engine, in terms of en­ ratio (φreformer~1.5). Hence, a thermally integrated reforming system
gine efficiency, NOx and PM emissions, due to extension of the dilution with a high reformer equivalence ratio (lower dependency on POX re­
limit [505,506]. Secondly, it was shown that temperature distribution actions) demonstrated improvement in both engine and reformer con­
and generally performance of the reformer have a great dependency on version efficacies. Completely eliminating POX in the reformer along
the exhaust temperature and mass flow rate of the feed gas. At high with using water contained in the fuel, like hydrous ethanol as the
temperature conditions (> 650◦ C), both efficiencies of engine and secondary fuel to provide a source of water for SR, is a solution to boost
reformer process were improved up to 8% and being more than 100%, TCR effect; in this regard, the same authors [487] developed their pro­
respectively, indicating an improvement in the base fuel enthalpy. At posed reformer and called it integrated steam reforming (ISR) (see
lower temperatures (~ 600◦ C), engine efficiency increased up to 4%; but Fig. 50, under the label of ‘Integrated steam reforming (ISR) reactor’) to

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 54. Concentration of H2 (A), CO (B), and H2O (C) as function of Φcatalyst and O2 catalyst flow rate at the outlet of the catalyst, and correlation of H2/CO ratio and
the catalyst-out temperature (D) [511].

enable diesel engine dual-fuel (diesel/syngas) operation. It was shown production compared to ULSD, especially at lower reformer inlet tem­
that the heating value of the fuel increased by 23% at 100% conversion. peratures (~290◦ C). Thus, reforming process efficiency has a strong
Reforming fuel type: reliance on reforming fuel type. For CI engines, other fuels such as
It has been reported that the reformer and catalyst designs should be biogas [501,520,521] are also used to upgrade into reformate through
optimized exclusively for each type of reforming fuel in the REGR- exhaust gas reforming.
assisted IC engine application. For instance, Tsolakis et al. [517] SI engine fueled with bioethanol was investigated for the first time by
compared the reforming of ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) with Leung et al. [484] for R-EGR; the activity of a precious-metal catalyst
ultra-clean gas-to-liquid (GTL) fuels for a single-cylinder diesel engine. containing 1%Rh – 2%Pt (by mass) on 30% (by mass) ceria-zirconia for
They showed decreased methanation reactions, which ends with CH4 all expected reaction routes of bioethanol reforming during exhaust gas
present in the reformed products with GTL fueling. Thus, results in reforming were observed, except for the WGS reaction. Their results
higher hydrogen generation and fuel conversion compared to ULSD predicted that the overall reforming process is oxidative, increasing fuel
reforming. These advantages of such fueling can result in reformer heating value by 6% while increasing it up to 20% with less O2 present in
compactness improvement and catalyst cost-benefit. the exhaust. Researchers at AVL and Monsanto Co. [488,522,523]
The feasibility of R-EGR with renewable fuels such as biodiesel was designed a compact lightweight, exhaust gas ethanol reformer, called
shown in the earlier stages of research in a CI engine [495], and later "shoebox", with a copper-nickel powder catalyst to combine with a
with renewable oxygenated fuels like bioethanol and rapeseed methyl multi-cylinder SI engine fueled with ethanol or E85 (see Fig. 50, under
ester (RME) in both CI and HCCI engines [356,503,504,518]. Tsolakis the label of ‘Shoebox reformer design’), with the objectives of reducing
et al. [519] indicated that both of them have higher reforming efficiency HC emissions during cold start and improving part-load dilution. They
(as defined by low heating values of products over the fuel input) and H2 initially observed that mixing 50% of (simulated) reformate, known as

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

the “low-temperature ethanol reformate” due to low temperatures

requirement (300-350◦ C), with E85 enables diluted engine operation,
leading to a 10-17% and 20-25% rise in brake thermal efficiency as
compared to stoichiometric E85 and gasoline baselines, respectively
[522]; mixing 25-40% of real ethanol reformate in E85 increased the
efficiency by 10-12.3% at part load and idle conditions, as well as HC
emission reduction [523]. Ji et al. [524] placed an ethanol steam
reformer loaded with the copper catalyst inside a multi-cylinder SI en­
gine fueled gasoline. Note that deionized water and ethanol were the
feedstock of SR, meaning that the engine exhaust was just the source of
heat, not reactants. They reported around 4.5% improvement in indi­
cated thermal efficiency with 2.43% of reformate (by vol.) in the total
intake gas. Also, the exploration of suitable catalyst formulation for
exhaust gas-driven ethanol steam reforming (ESR) of a single-cylinder SI
engine is discussed in [525]. Unlike the TCR goal, catalytic partial
oxidation (CPOX) of ethanol over Pt, Pt-Palladium (Pd), and Pt-Rh cat­
alysts at typical diesel exhaust temperatures up to 400◦ C have been
experimentally carried out as a viable pathway of producing reformate
for the automotive exhaust gas aftertreatment systems [526,527]. For
instance, it has been reported that for the CPOX of ethanol over a Pt-Rh Fig. 55. The maximum Otto cycle efficiency of methanol, ethanol-CO2 and
on alumina at a constant reformer inlet temperature of 300◦ C, that ethanol-CO at the same combustion stability limit (Reprinted from [537] with
oxygen/ethanol (O/E) molar ratio has a key role in the determination of permission of Elsevier).
ethanol conversion, reaction temperature, H2 generation, and selectivity
towardH2, such that the maximum H2 would be produced at a higher reforming (MSR), at a higher reforming fraction. On the figure’s y-axis,
O/E ratio than that predicted by equilibrium, for a given ethanol two lower cases indicate no EGR and no reforming usage, and the top of
concentration. those relate to an EGR limit of 25% without reforming.
Hydrous ethanol (HE) or wet ethanol has considerable saving energy As another renewable fuel, ammonia, an affordable hydrogen carrier
rather than anhydrous ethanol, (as typical alcoholic engine fuel) in [538], can be converted into reformate which is free of COx. Earlier,
terms of not only eliminating the water removal requirement, but use of ammonia in the form of urea was applied on catalytic after-treatment
water content for assisting steam reforming. It has been claimed that HE systems of heavy-duty diesel engines to reduce NOx [539]. Then,
distillation and dehydration account for about 50% consumption of total exhaust reforming of ammonia, which needs ~ 500◦ C for decomposing
base ethanol energy [484]; thus, HE has higher overall energy cycle than [540], with a diesel engine that provided 100-400◦ C was investigated
anhydrous ethanol. HE as standalone fuel for IC engines may result in through the auto-thermal (i.e., NH3-ATR) process and using a ruthenium
poor performance due to incomplete combustion and severe charge (Ru)-Al2O3 catalyst [541]. It was observed that the H2 production was in
cooling effect of water [528]. Li [529] indicated the feasibility of 150 the range of 2.5-3.2 l/min with the O2/NH3 ratio from 0.03 to 0.175
proof HE (i.e., 75% ethanol with 25% water volume content) as exhaust with a fixed NH3 feed flow of 3 l/min; and when the small amount of
reformer fuel of SI engine fueled with gasoline; the HE conversion produced reformate was added to the intake air (representing as 5%
peaked at approximately 675 K using a copper-based catalyst. Also, replacement of diesel fuel), a substantial reduction was obtained in CO,
Hwang et al. [487] catalytically converted a 150 proof HE over a Pt-Rh CO2, and THC emissions. In a more recent study [542], exhaust
catalyst into a secondary fuel (with a 23% increase in heating value) for reforming of ammonia at higher exhaust temperatures of a GDI engine
a diesel engine coupled to an exhaust reformer. Nevertheless, ethanol (450-550◦ C) over an Rh-Pt/Al2O3 catalyst was evaluated by two cases of
production is confined to certain regions such as Brazil and North direct catalytic conversion of ammonia (a portion of exhaust used) and
America. ammonia decomposition (only exhaust heat used) to produce H2-N2
Methanol has been the primary fuel in reforming applications for products. They showed that 30 and 32% improvements were achieved in
many years because it requires a slightly lower reforming temperature the case of extracting exhaust heat and using exhaust gas, respectively.
than ethanol due to having no C-C bonds. This makes it candidates for In summary, ethanol and methanol as suitable reforming feedstocks
100% reforming such that its resultant reformate would be as standalone can facilitate catalyst reforming at lower temperatures, mainly due to
fuel for the IC engines [33]. In this regard, Tartakovsky et al. [530–535] having a simpler structure than the complex long-chain hydrocarbons.
conducted a series of studies on on-board methanol steam reforming Another advantage is that they are soluble in water and can be premixed
(MSR) with a high-pressure TCR system and then introducing it with to contain appropriate molar steam-to-carbon ratio for reforming. Pure
direct injection into the IC engine. Results from a DISI engine fed with steam reforming of alcohols can be accomplished using waste heat in a
100% methanol SR products as engine fuel showed an 18-39% TCR reactor due to their ability to be reformed at engine exhaust-
improvement in the indicated efficiency and a reduction of 73-94%, relevant temperatures. The temperature needed for reforming HC fuels
90-95%, 85-97%, and 10-25% in NOx, CO, HC, and CO2 emissions, is at least about 550◦ C while for methanol and ethanol is typically in the
respectively compared to gasoline within a wide range of engine loads. range of 250-300◦ C. However, because of methanol’s toxicity, it is less
Lia and Horng [536] employed the exhaust heat of a 4-cylinder SI engine desirable than ethanol for reforming.
to drive MSR reactions over a CuO–ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst at a controlled Conclusion:
reforming temperature of 300◦ C; a maximal methanol conversion of With the assumption of a proper catalyst reformer choice and
93% and the molar flow rate of produced H2 by about 1.34 mole/min for appropriate integration with the IC engine:
a steam to carbon (S/C) ratio of 1.2 were reported. More recently,
Nguyen et al. [537] numerically examined the efficiency of a • At close to stoichiometric conditions and high engine loads: more
REGR-assisted SI engine fueled with methanol and then compared it provided heat and steam to drive predominantly endothermic re­
with ethanol counterpart, considering only steam and dry reforming actions (steam and dry reforming) increase the heating value of the
reactions for both fuels. As illustrated in Fig. 55, steam reforming of base fuel and afford a high TCR effect. In the case of low tempera­
ethanol with H2/CO products (EtOH-CO) and with H2/CO2 products tures (<700◦ C), fresh air addition is an option to maintain catalyst
(EtOH-CO2) have higher engine-cycle efficiency than methanol steam activity by providing more heat from POX or combustion reactions

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

within the reformer. The overall process can be either exothermic or (LTC) modes, such as in partially premixed combustion (PPC) [549].
endothermic; depending upon catalyst temperature and reforming In the case of the SI engine, low-temperature combustion modes such
fuel type. as HCCI and spark assisted compression ignition (SACI) have been used
• At lean conditions and low engine loads: higher oxygen concentra­ to switch the stoichiometric mode of a traditional SI engine to an
tions in the engine exhaust stream are accessible to the reformer but effective dilution mode, presenting a higher fuel economy than before;
at lower temperatures. A high achievable conversion efficiency, however, they encounter a narrower load range for the HCCI engine
which yields high reformate concentrations in the range of 10-15% along with TWC deficiency. As a solution, employing NVO fuel
for both H2 and CO, can be demonstrated. In this case, the risk of reforming in stoichiometric SI engines has recently drawn attention,
combustion occurrence exists due to the possibility of complete fuel resulting in extending the dilution limit at low and maybe part engine
oxidation. POX reactions may increase the reformer temperature loads. For instance, Chang et al. [550] explored the effects of sweeping
exceedingly until the catalyst burns out or deactivation takes place. the start of injection (SOI) timing, from 300 to 420 CAD BTDCfiring,
• Moreover, in an engine operating map, transients from low to high during a fixed NVO period of 80 CAD and varying the NVO periods
loads impose controllability issues due to variations in local reformer dilution limit in a stoichiometric SI engine fueled with E10 (baseline
equivalence ratio (O2 availability). Hence, there is a continuous engine fuel) at BMEP=3 bar and engine speed of1800 rpm. At a fixed
balance to manage between high fuel enthalpy achievement and high NVO period of 80 CAD, while the maximum peak heat release rate with
reformate production (high fuel conversion) across all engine speed/ lowest CoV of IMEP belonged to the SOI=380 CAD BTDCfiring case, the
load conditions. volumetric efficiency remained unaffected by the swept NVO SOI, which
means that no variation was seen in BMEP. Also, an extended dilution
According to the literature, stoichiometric exhaust at higher tem­ limit was seen with a total EGR rate of 32%, and a 22% reduction in
peratures (i.e., modern SI engines) is the priority to fully take advantage BSFC as compared to the reference engine version, in the case of TDC
of exhaust gas reforming in terms of heat recovery benefits; and for injection (SOI=360 CADBTDCfiring) and 80 CAD NVO.
overall lower exhaust temperature, and proven feasibility of renewable A comparison between symmetric NVO and PVO strategies has been
oxygenated fuels such as methanol and ethanol with R-EGR suggest the conducted by Rodriguez and Cheng [551], which resulted in NVO
need for more research in this area, despite having more cost relative to benefits at low load by 7% improvement in fuel consumption due to
in-cylinder reforming strategies. reduced pumping losses. At part load, IMEP can increase up to 6 bar by
combining symmetric NVO with optimized EVO timing to minimize
4.2. In-cylinder fuel reforming losses of the blowdown process; which means that the PVO strategy is
superior to the NVO strategy at part-load of a SI engine. More recently,
4.2.1. Negative valve overlap (NVO) reforming the possibility of using NVO fuel reforming in a gasoline/diesel dual fuel
Negative valve overlap fuel injection or NVO fuel injection (initially engine [552] and RCCI engine fueled with natural gas(NG)/diesel has
referred to as activation injection) was suggested [543] as a chemical been proposed and evaluated through the simulation based on a
extender for homogenous combustion by injecting fuel into the developed in-house code [553]. The low-load efficiency of NG/diesel
remaining exhaust gas (called residuals, iEGR or residual gas fraction) RCCI with NVO reforming was better than a lean strategy and EGR
between two timings of early exhaust valve closing and late intake valve baselines by 5.5% and 3%, respectively, due to increased combustion
opening. This technique offers control of the activation energy of the efficiency and despite NVO’s increased pumping losses.
main combustion reactions by potentially providing an in-cylinder NVO fuel reforming effects:
environment prone to ignite, as shown in Fig 56. Thermal and chemical effects corresponding to the NVO fuel
On the other hand, the absence of any direct control of in-cylinder reforming process directly influence the main combustion; hence, these
fuel processing in a typical HCCI engine will lead to a narrower en­ effects must be identified individually. Retained and recompressed
gine operating range due to the possibility of misfiring at low-load and exhaust enthalpy during the NVO period can raise the overall charge
severe high-pressure rise rates at high load. Urushihara et al. [545] temperature and this increases the specific heat ratio (γ) of the charge.
recognized the concept of shifting the chemical composition of the fuel Moreover, NVO fuel injection, and the corresponding reactions and heat
in the high-temperature residual gases and then recompressing during release, produce reformate, which itself has a high specific heat ratio
the exhaust stroke, and called it the fuel reforming process. They tested (~1.40), which further enhances the overall γ of the charge prior to the
various patterns of direct fuel injection to explore the effect on subsequent main-combustion event. As an outcome, increased thermal
expanding the operating range of a gasoline-fueled HCCI engine at low efficiency can be expected. On the other hand, NVO-reformate products
load. They represented an optimal direct fuel injection strategy in which can reduce the mixture’s overall ignition delay and expedite the mix­
a small amount of the fuel is injected during the NVO exhaust stroke ture’s chemical kinetics (i.e., a mixture with higher reactivity than the
while the rest is injected during the intake stroke, representing a split base fuel), which leads to improved stabilization of the main combustion
injection ratio. HCCI with NVO fuel reforming has been drawing a great and low-load limit of the engine. Here, temperature and available oxy­
deal of attention for several years [546–548]. The usefulness of this gen in the residuals during NVO link both effects together.
technique was also investigated in other low temperature combustion Song et al. [554] noticed that there is a competing effect between
thermal and chemical effects by performing simulations on a gasoline
HCCI engine operating at various equivalence ratios from 0.6 to 1 with
NVO pilot injection, which resulted in optimum oxygen availability
(equivalence ratio) for successfully reducing ignition delay. At lean
conditions (high oxygen concentration) and near-stoichiometric (low-­
oxygen concentration), exothermic reactions and endothermic reactions
(from fuel pyrolysis) will become dominant, respectively. Szybist et al.
[555] pointed out that a large amount of reformate and other
short-chain hydrocarbons could be obtained in the low-O2 environment.
Reported oxygen concentrations from documents are in a range of 2–4 %
during the NVO period.
Due to the complexity of measuring in-cylinder temperature, espe­
Fig. 56. Cylinder pressure versus crank angle degrees for NVO fuel injection cially at the IVC of an engine cycle with NVO fuel reforming, several
and LTGC combustion, including valve events [544]. thermodynamic-based predictor models have been developed, relying

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

on temperature measurements at the exhaust port during the exhaust performance [544] have been discussed. For instance, it was reported
event (blowdown and recompressing). For instance, Fitzgerald et al. that more fuel decomposition was achievable with longer chemistry
[556] developed an algorithm to isolate the thermal effect of NVO fuel residence times and lower spray impingement on piston surface (i.e., an
reforming on iso-octane HCCI combustion from the chemical effect advanced NVO SOI).
through calculating cycle temperature. In a later work they found [557] As an energy recovery method:
that chemical effects are dominant in late NVO fueling, because the early NVO fuel reforming can be regarded as a thermochemical recuper­
exothermic reactions due to the presence of ethylene and formaldehyde ation process in which waste exhaust thermal energy converts to more
(reformed NVO species) offsets the cooler charge at IVC (thermal effect), accessible chemical energy for the main combustion; the injected fuel
and the main combustion remains advanced similar to the early fueling during the NVO period uses the heating provided from trapped and
case. But, thermal effects have prominent role in early NVO fueling, with recompressed exhaust residuals left from the previous cycle to drive
higher fuel conversion efficiency (~ 80-90%) as compared with the late endothermic reactions, resulting in the reformate having higher overall
fueling case. As an overall conclusion, NVO heat release depends on the energy content. However, heat transfer and pumping losses are two
mass and injection timings of the NVO fuel and oxygen availability. main source of losses which come from the trapped and recompressed
For better understanding of fuel reforming chemistry, kinetics, and NVO-gasses, and mixing of the NVO-period charge with the cooler
the evolving reactive species, various sampling approaches in conjunc­ intake charge, respectively. Adjusting a combination of fueling rate, fuel
tion with gas analyzers have been implemented experimentally to injection timing, and available oxygen concentration during NVO
characterize the NVO-period reformate [558,559]. In this regard, re­ period, such that the recovered energy compensates for the losses, and
searchers at the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Oak Ridge National the reformate species maximize at that combination is an important
Laboratories (ORNL), and the University of Minnesota had valuable topic. Ekoto et al. [563] modeled a single-cylinder, LTGC engine with a
relevant contributions [544,560-568]. Through these studies the effect NVO fuel reforming technique as a closed system (from EVC to IVC)
of molecular structure of the NVO-fuel [565] on NVO fuel reforming undergoing thermodynamic processes to perform energy analysis for
were explored for various fuels. The related ensemble-averaged in-cy­ two fuels of ethanol and iso-octane. In comparison with iso-octane
linder pressure and heat release rate profiles during the NVO period are fueling, ethanol produced higher NVO-apparent heat release (AHR)
shown in Fig. 57. For ethanol fueling, the exothermic heat release despite its higher evaporative cooling effect, but with lower recovered
resulted in the highest peak bulk-averaged in-cylinder temperature energy due to its fast ignition chemistry. Among the findings, it has been
among the fuels. As shown, for most fuels the lack of sufficient heat reported that approximately 70% of usable energy recovery, which was
release reveals that the fuel-injected was mainly converted into refor­ defined as the sum of AHR and recovered fuel energy, is achievable in
mate. Later modeling work by the same authors [567] used a detailed NVO in-cylinder fuel reforming for gasoline-like fuels with low (or zero)
kinetic mechanism for iso-octane in a stochastic reactor model (SRM) toluene content. As a result, a higher NVO global equivalence ratio by
that examined the NVO reforming process. This work found that endo­ either reducing the NVO-period oxygen concentration or increasing
thermic and exothermic reactions are mainly balanced for most fuels, fueling rates leads to a larger fraction of recovered fuel energy. Addi­
limiting obvious heat release as found using in-cylinder pressure anal­ tionally, large NVO fuel injection and NVO-SOI advancement resulted in
ysis. The modeling work also suggested that the in-cylinder mixture the highest overall-cycle thermodynamic efficiencies, all of which
gradient during NVO reforming was responsible for producing reactive depended on NVO-fuel type (fuel chosen for the NVO reforming
species, in addition to the main syngas components, such as allene, process).
acetaldehyde, and acetylene, which were partially responsible for Conclusions:
improved reactivity in the main low-temperature gasoline combustion To sum up, NVO fuel reforming is a direct-injection fuel method that
(LTGC) ignition event. The significance of the NVO-fuel type also was assists the NVO technique (a valving strategy) to address problems of
reported by another work [560], in which hydrogen fraction of undesirable combustion in the SI engine and misfiring at low load in the
NVO-reformate was less than 1.5% with iso-octane and more than 8% HCCI engine fueled with low reactivity fuels by changing the chemical
with methanol fueling. and thermal effects, and consequently, the reactivity of the in-cylinder
Moreover, pathways to get more fuel decomposition (more reac­ combustible mixture by reforming the base fuel. Application of NVO
tivity) during NVO [566], and the impacts of NVO-reformate on engine fuel reforming to control combustion phasing and as an extender of the
low-load HCCI/LTGC and stoichiometric SI engines by providing more
stabilized combustion has been successfully proved. However, the
resultant NVO-reformate has shown great sensitivity not only to in-
cylinder conditions, but also heavily to the NVO-injection strategy,
which is varied by the selected fuel. Therefore, this sensitivity leads to
complex interactions that must be considered to result in an overall
optimum charge to favor the main combustion. Demonstrating this on-
board fuel reforming technique with a combustion mode like RCCI,
developing suitable kinetic mechanisms, and achieving the best fuel
energy recovery in terms of appropriate in-cylinder thermal manage­
ment might be attractive research topics for the future.

4.2.2. Dedicated exhaust gas recirculation (D-EGR)

Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is well-known as an effective tech­
nique of SI engine efficiency improver and NOx reducer; however, there
are some severe impediments for EGR, including limited dilution and
combustion instability at a higher EGR rate (10-20%). Developing
concepts aiming at higher engine efficiency led to the idea of combining
the EGR with the fuel reformation through dedicated cylinder(s) to
perform in-cylinder partial oxidation reactions associated with rich
Fig. 57. In-cylinder pressure and heat release rate versus crank angle during combustion.
the NVO period for various fuels (Reprinted from [544] with permission The idea of using one or some of the cylinders of a multi-cylinder
of Elsevier). engine as a fuel reformer (or a reactor) to perform the fuel reforming

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

process was first introduced by Meyers and Kubesh [569] at the

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), where they studied a lean natural
gas-fueled SI engine with an assigned rich-burn cylinder to produce the
EGR, primarily consisting of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The work
resulted in an efficient lean-burn SI engine with more combustion sta­
bility and thermal efficiency, called the “hybrid rich-burn/lean-burn
engine.” The idea was then further developed into forming an engine
technology termed dedicated exhaust gas recirculation or D-EGR [570]
from the sequential works at SwRI. In this technology, while the dedi­
cated cylinder(s) runs beyond stoichiometric (i.e., rich combustion), the
rest of the cylinders can operate at nearly stoichiometric conditions to
properly comply with the three-way catalyst after-treatment system in SI
engines. The dedicated cylinder’s exhaust stream, containing not only
the inert species (i.e., typical EGR products) but also the reactive con­
stituents (i.e., reformate), is entirely separated from the exhaust mani­
fold and redirected to the intake manifold to serve as the only EGR for
the entire engine, as demonstrated in Fig. 58. The D-EGR concept from
various aspects to its demonstration in modern engine technology will
be discussed in the following.
D-EGR / TFR concept:
In the first practical attempt, Alger and Mangold [572] reconfigured
a 2.4 L gasoline engine to dedicate one of its four cylinders for only EGR
production of the entire engine by a fixed rate of 25% (by vol.). Prior to
metal engine experiments, they calculated the concentration of refor­
mate relative to the air-to-fuel (A/F) ratio variations from stoichiometric
to rich, by measuring the gasses in the D-EGR cylinder exhaust (see
Fig. 59). Then, they investigated the effects of the D-EGR products on the Fig. 59. Calculated exhaust species (mass and mole fractions) for different
engine performance for the various engine speed/load combinations. levels of enrichment by performing a chemical balance in the D-EGR cylinder
The results obtained showed substantial improvements in thermal effi­ exhaust [570].
ciency and emissions at both high and, in particular, low loads when the
D-EGR cylinder steadily undergoes rich combustion up to about an reforming (TFR) concept (see Fig. 61 right). Initially, they applied it to a
equivalence ratio of 1.2 (φD − EGRcylinder = 1.2) and the other cylinders turbocharged, 4-cylinder SI engine specifically designed for natural gas
run at fixed stoichiometric conditions(φothercylinders = 1). Fig. 60 shows fueling with stoichiometric operation to exhibit the potential benefits of
the low-load results in which fuel consumption, stability in terms of CoV the TFR concept over conventional EGR. Moreover, they defined the
IMEP, and emissions have been improved over the baseline case. Also, it term in-cylinder TFR to evaluate the in-cylinder thermochemical pro­
was observed that the total burn duration decreased significantly by cess, in which a higher in-cylinder TFR would result in a greater amount
reducing the early stages of kernel formation near the spark plug (i.e., of H2 and CO and lower unreformed CH4 fraction in the exhaust gas of
0-2% MFB duration), resulting in increased in-cylinder temperature and the TFR cylinder (the cylinder dedicated to the TFR process). At a fixed
elevated NOx emissions, but still lower than the baseline. speed of 1500 rpm and the same ignition timing of 20◦ BTDC applied to
Later, Zhu et al. [573] from Shanghai Jiao Tong University employed all cylinders, they performed a line of experimental works coupled with
the analogous concept to D-EGR, named the thermochemical fuel laminar flame calculations using CHEMKIN to evaluate in-cylinder TFR

Fig. 58. Schematic of a turbocharged engine in a D-EGR configuration [571].

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 60. Engine-out emissions, engine-average CoV (left) and fuel consumption (right) of an engine running 25 % D-EGR at 2000 rpm / 2 bar BMEP [570].

Fig. 61. Schematic of D-EGR [570] (left) and TFR [573] (right) experimental setups.

and engine uniformity by sweeping the equivalence ratio (ϕ) of the TFR ratio that means φDEGR=1.3. The produced reformate is also called D-
cylinder from 1 to 1.4. At ϕ=1.2, where the maximum CO and H2 con­ EGR/TFR gas. Some new terms have also been extracted from the
centrations were achieved, an upper limit for stability of the comparison between traditional EGR (inert gases) and D-EGR (EGR +
rich-combustion with natural gas fueling in the TFR cylinder was found reformate) that are explained in the following.
over a range of low-to-high loads. Therefore, φTFR = 1 indicated a In this concept, when routing the reformate-enriched EGR (or EGR in
constant EGR rate of 25%, and φTFR = 1.2 is representative of the same D-EGR engine) back to the intake manifold, it is vital to characterize the
rate but containing reformate gas. Early results indicated that the CoV of intake concentrations, since highly reactive species like H2 in the intake
IMEP improved by about 65% for low engine loads and engine perfor­ charge could promote backfiring, which can damage the intake system.
mance and emissions except that NOx was elevated over the entire load Moreover, the contributions of isolated reactive species and inert gases
range tested in the case of φTFR = 1.2 compared to φTFR = 1 (conven­ from D-EGR in the intake charge are not well-known, and eventually,
tional EGR). affect the main combustion. Thus, a new parameter of total inert dilution
New term definition: ratio (TIDR) was empirically defined by Alger et al. [574] as a common
From the literature reviewed here cylinder(s) dedicated to run under basis for comparison EGR and D-EGR. The definition is:
on-board fuel reforming conditions and rich combustion can be marked
XN2 in + XCO2 in + XH2 O in
as the D-EGR/TFR or rich cylinder(s) and the rest referred to as normal TIDR = (7)
XN2 in + XCO2 in + XH2 O in + XO2
or stoichiometric cylinders. Additional fuel required for performing fuel-

rich combustion in the D-EGR cylinder(s) can also be referred to by the where the X is mole fraction of intake constituents.
over-fueling or reformation ratio, e.g., 30% over-fueling/reformation Based on the TIDR definition, a decrease of nearly 2% in the con

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 62. Total Inert Dilution Ratio (TIDR) comparison between LPL EGR and D-EGR, (a) from simulations and; (b) from engine tests along with measured intake CO2
and EGR*rate [574].

ventional EGR rate (calculated by the ratio of CO2 at the intake and
exhaust manifold) has been shown when the air-fuel mixture’s equiva­
lence ratio in the D-EGR cylinder was swept from 1 to about 1.5.
Therefore, this term shows the discrepancy between conventional EGR
(i.e., stoichiometric EGR with 100% diluents) and D-EGR (i.e., rich EGR
with a mixture of diluents and reactive species). Nevertheless, since
TIDR has a slight variation range (0% and 30% EGR rate = 0.77 and 0.83
of TIDR, respectively) and the largest constituent of diluents is N2, a
substitute term named EGR* [575] also is defined to show sufficiently
the differences between the nominal rate of conventional EGR (e.g.,
low-pressure loop EGR) and D-EGR, as shown in Fig. 62, and:
( )
ṁEGR ∗ mmEGRinert
EGR∗ [0 − 1] = ( ) , = 1 ∗ ϕD− EGR − 0.2501
m EGRt
ṁEGR ∗ mmEGR
+ ṁair

where ṁEGR and ṁair are the mass flow rate of EGR and air; minert and
mEGRt are inert mass and total EGR (inert + reactive species) mass,
respectively, andφD − EGR denotes the fuel/air equivalence ratio of the
dedicated cylinder.
Comparison with conventional EGR:
Fig. 63. Engine operating map with 25% LPL EGR [577].
The D-EGR concept was introduced to overcome conventional EGR
shortcomings, such as combustion instability and misfiring at a high
rate, and inappropriate flow control. Therefore, in most earlier studies, EGR system. It is noteworthy that the D-EGR engine was allowed to
the D-EGR concept was compared to conventional EGR. operate with higher compression ratios (12.5:1 and 13.5:1 at high load)
In a direct comparison study, Gukelberger et al. [576,577] compared than the baseline case (9:1). The engine operation map for 25% LPL EGR
D-EGR with low-pressure loop (LPL) cooled EGR at part- and high-load is demonstrated in Fig. 63. It can be seen that only 25% EGR has com­
operation in a turbocharged, 2L PFI SI engine. They found that at low parable performance with D-EGR (with the same nominal EGR rate, i.e.,
engine load, combustion stability of φD − EGR= 1.45 is comparable with 25%) in the green region. The yellow region could be covered with EGR
almost 13-14% LPL cooled EGR. Both HC and CO emissions were but at a lower rate of 25% and approximately a 5% increase in BSFC. The
reduced; however, NOx emissions were increased slightly with D-EGR region colored red could be covered with D-EGR and an adequate
operation. Generally, at low loads, the findings indicated that the D-EGR boosting system, but cannot be accessed with the LPL EGR setup due to
engine could withstand higher levels of EGR dilution, allow faster knocking propensity.
burning speeds, and afford a further improvement in efficiency, and at Overall, the D-EGR concept is a revision of conventional EGR (cooled
high loads, provides superior knock tolerance and stability over the LPL EGR) concepts, and has advantages over those, including eliminating
any uncertainty in EGR production and the need for the EGR valve,

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

providing an easy way for transient control, and increasing the EGR compared with ethanol, propanol, ethylene glycol, aiding to the higher
quality by the reformate from in-cylinder fuel reforming. Interestingly, formation of H2 and CO, due to the presence of OH. Thus, methanol is
the potential of more than 25% nominal EGR has numerically been the optimal enrichment fuel for the TFR-cylinder operating on natural
explored for a V6 engine modified to run at 50% D-EGR using three of gas.
the six cylinders in D-EGR mode [578,579]. Reformate analysis:
Fuel type effects: D-EGR reformate gas provided by running fuel-rich combustion de­
The main research related to D-EGR have been carried out on gaso­ pends on how the fuel-air mixture’s rich limit behaves under engine-
line or natural gas fueled SI engines. Gasoline with various research relevant conditions, which itself depends upon the fuel type used.
octane number (RON) or anti-knock indices (RON+MON/2) and with Alger et al. [590] reported that only 0.2% and about 0.4% hydrogen by
different ethanol blended (E0:100% gasoline [by vol.] and E47: 47% volume is needed in the intake stream of a SI engine fueled with gasoline
ethanol [by vol.]) [580,581], and natural gas [573] blended with and natural gas, respectively, to enhance engine stability significantly.
alcohol fuels like ethanol [582], methanol [583–585], propanol isomers For instance, Fig. 59 and Fig. 65(b) represent the reactive species
[585,586], n-heptane [587,588], iso-octane [588] and propane [589] generated in the D-EGR and TRF concepts, respectively, based on the
fuels have been studied so far. fuel used.
Gasoline fuels with various anti-knock indices (AKI) were selected to Liu et al. [591] ran a single-cylinder, natural gas SI engine, retro­
examine the relationship between the reformation rate (over-fueling) fitted from a diesel engine, in a fuel-rich combustion mode (as a D-EGR
and octane fuel number [580]. It was shown that a 1.8 AKI increase cylinder) to characterize the generated reformate quantitatively by gas
corresponds to a 10% increase in the reformation rate. As shown in chromatography. They found that both H2 and CO mole fractions were
Fig. 64, higher octane fuel would be the same as lower octane fuel at a increased linearly from ϕ=1 to ϕ=1.4 by about 8% with a nearly con­
reformation ratio of 30%. Additionally, more than 30% over-fueling stant H2/CO ratio (1:1 by vol.). They also employed rapid compression
could worsen the IMEP balance between the dedicated cylinder and machine (RCM) experiments [592] for the CH4 ignition at similar con­
normal cylinders, resulting in degenerating engine uniformity. Also, it ditions. They also examined the effect of 1% (φD − EGR= 1.2) and 2% (φD
was shown that higher ethanol content in gasoline fuel (e.g., E-47) leads − EGR= 1.4) H2/CO ratio (by vol.) on stoichiometric natural gas com­
to an apparent increase in hydrogen production through the D-EGR bustion at a part load condition of ~ 6 bar IMEP at two nominal EGR
in-cylinder fuel reforming having a higher H/C ratio, but the brake rates of 15% and 20%.
thermal efficiency is virtually independent of that [581] (see Fig. 64 From the literature, φD − EGR between 1.2-1.4 is a decent range in
right). terms of stability while φD − EGR>1.4 imposes a rich limit for fuels used.
A small amount of alcohol as an enriching fuel can improve fuel The possibility of φD − EGR up to 3 and its effects on reformate generation
reforming due to higher radical production to ease the partial oxidation were investigated numerically [579]. Although D-EGR is indeed a
reactions participating in the in-cylinder fuel reforming process. He et al. non-catalyst fuel reforming technique, catalyst formulation such as the
[582] experimentally compared natural gas and ethanol enrichment at WGS catalyst with Rhodium and Barium was employed in the exhaust
φTFR=1.25 and a fixed spark timing of 20 BTDC for a natural gas SI stream of the D-EGR cylinder to further boost H2 generation [593]; it

engine. Their results indicated more stable engine operation (i.e., lower was shown that H2 generation reaches 7% (by volume) through opti­
cyclic variability, see Fig. 65 (c)), higher engine uniformity (i.e., less mizing the catalyst formulation, though an activity loss was seen after
IMEP disparity between the TFR cylinder and a normal cylinder, as about 12 hours. This imposes durability challenges.
shown by cylinder2, see Fig. 65 (d)), higher rates of produced H2 and CO Demonstration of D-EGR vehicle:
concentrations and also lower unburnt CH4 fraction in the reformate (i. As mentioned before, the constraints of a downsized boosted SI en­
e., complete in-cylinder TRF, see Fig. 65 (a)), and significantly lower gine operating stoichiometric with traditional (cooled or uncooled) EGR
NOx with the case of ethanol enrichment. More reactive species are due pertain to knock limitations, EGR tolerance, and combustion instability,
to presence of hydroxyl in the structure of ethanol that might potentially which can be improved using reformate along with EGR. Therefore, the
lead to higher O, H, OH radicals (see Fig. 65 (a)) and improved fuel D-EGR concept provides the pathways of achieving high-efficiency SI
oxidation. engines. To better demonstrate an actual D-EGR vehicle, several in­
Zhu et al. [585] numerically and experimentally showed that struments, including an advanced high-energy dual coil offset (DCO)
methanol enrichment has a great contribution to methane oxidation as ignition system [594] for facilitating ignition of dilute mixtures and a

Fig. 64. Engine stability as a function of φD − EGR in D-EGR cylinder with varying AKI – solid line related to a normal cylinder [580] (left), H2 concentration and BTE
for a specific designed high energy ignition system (DCO) [581] (right), at 2 bar BMEP / 2000 rpm.

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Fig. 65. Comparison natural gas with ethanol enrichment [582], in terms of laminar flame speed from calculation of CH4-air and C2H5OH-air mixtures (a), and
reformate production (b), IMEP cyclic variability (c) and IMEP discrepancy (c), from experiment. (With permission of Elsevier).

Fig. 66. New designed air handling system for D-EGR engine (left) and D-EGR and LEA power and torque comparisons (right) [571,599].

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

D-EGR mixer [595] for promoting reformate distribution to suppress cylinder. Profound consequences include increased engine efficiency
sudden imbalances in CoV of IMEP of the normal cylinders, have been with reduced emissions and increased EGR quality due to reformate
developed together with applying improvements in order to increase the presence with reduced/eliminated downside effects of conventional
reformate yield such as improved injection strategies (more effective EGR, namely, uncertainty in EGR production and difficulty in transient
with split and late DI than PFI, except at low speed) [596], valve timing control and the need for high EGR levels (>15%). Isolated combustion
(more sensitive to retardation of exhaust valve compared to advance stability of the dedicated cylinder(s) and the balanced IMEP between D-
intake valve) [596] and ignition timing based on transient control [597, EGR (rich) cylinder(s) and normal (stoichiometric) cylinders (engine
598]. uniformity) represent a new trade-off that must also be considered as
Chadwell et al. [571] first successfully replaced a 2.4 L, NA PFI SI well as fresh concerns related to fuel selection. D-EGR fueling optimi­
engine (LEA, engine produced by GM) with a converted D-EGR, 2 L, TC zation based on fuel type is of significant importance and has not been
DISI engine (LHU, engine produced by GM) fueling with Haltermann well addressed until now. Besides, D-EGR experiments with lean SI en­
EEE certification gasoline with an anti-knock index of 92 on a produc­ gines might be an interesting topic for the future.
tion vehicle (2012 Buick Regal) with a designed air handling system We would like to refer the readers to Fig. 47, where they can see all
consisting of EGR control, boosting and D-EGR mixing systems, as seen the on-board reforming techniques reviewed in this chapter in detail.
in Fig. 66 (left), and with an increased compression ratio of OEM LHU
from 9.3:1 to 11.7:1. The target operating points of torque and power for 5. Summary and outlook
vehicle-based D-EGR with a nominal EGR ratio of 25% were designed
beyond the reference vehicle with GM LEA (see Fig. 66 (right)). It was 5.1. Summary
observed that BSFC is reduced by an average of 10% across most oper­
ating points relative to the reference engine. The most considerable This paper provides a critical comprehensive review on the use of
reduction occurred at high speeds and high engine loads due to syngas for IC engines over the last few decades, since syngas has become
completely removing the over-fueling in the D-EGR cylinder. This fuel more attractive as an alternative and potentially renewable fuel for IC
economy improvement was attributed primarily to increased compres­ engines. Generally, engine configurations studied in the literature are
sion ratio due to enhanced knock tolerance resulting from the reformate considerably different and the results have been rather difficult to
existing in the charge and stoichiometric operation. Also, it was reported compare. An overall observation based on the literature is that the se­
that the sufficient hydrogen concentration to stabilize the combustion at lection of the base fuel for reforming, the syngas production method, its
low loads was about just 1% by volume. Robertson et al. [599] tested the physicochemical properties, engine operating conditions, and the en­
performance of the same converted D-EGR vehicle on the FTP-75 (for the gine design parameters play important roles in dictating the potential
city) and HWFET (for the highway); compared to the baseline vehicle, advantages of syngas use in IC engines. Some important conclusions
they observed that the fuel consumption was reduced by 13% and 9%, from this review are summarized below:
NOx was reduced by 85%, non-methane organic gases (NMOG) emis­
sions remained constant and were reduced by 33%, respectively, for the • Variation of the hydrogen fraction in syngas has been a factor, pro­
FTP-75 and HWFET. hibiting its widespread usage. In addition, other gaseous elements
Also, potential demonstration of D-EGR system in a moderately large such as CO2, N2, and CH4 in the syngas can have adverse effects on
displacement (~ 3-4 L) gasoline engine as substitution of a medium-duty engine combustion characteristics. To address these issues, a better
diesel truck (~ 6-7 L) was shown using GT-Power simulations, and understanding of fundamental combustion properties is vital. A large
comparable thermal efficiency and GHC emissions results were noticed set of experimental data is available for the combustion of syngas
[600]. with various H2/CO contents. However, studies related to ignition
The core aim of the concept is to improve the stoichiometric SI en­ delay times and laminar flame speeds measurements of syngas mixed
gine’s efficiency through extension of its dilution-limit without sacri­ with other gases under engine relevant conditions are still limited.
ficing TWC’s efficiency or increasing the tailpipe-out emissions of the Detailed numerical and experimental studies are required to gap the
vehicle by using reformate (syngas)-enriched EGR. Jung and Lee [601] bridge.
determined computationally the D-EGR potential with a lean SI engine • The most important factors that cause power de-rating in an SI en­
fueled with methane. They founded the highest engine thermal effi­ gine are the low energy density of syngas/air mixtures and reduced
ciency (ηth e ) of 42.9% resulted from a combination of φD − EGR = 2 with engine volumetric efficiency due to air replacement. With high H2-
φNormal = 0.7 operation, compared to the maximum ηth e of 39.4% for φD content syngas addition to the engine as the secondary fuel, com­
− EGR = 1.9 and φNormal = 1. Recently, use of an air-assisted pre-chamber bustion and performance were better than with low H2-content
in a natural gas fueled six-cylinder D-EGR engine has also been shown to syngas. Using higher compression ratios in syngas-fueled engines led
be highly effective in stabilizing the combustion and extending enrich­ to reduced power de-rating without any increase in the knock ten­
ment limits by 11.7% [602]. The leaner mixture permits ignition of the dency. Power de-rating can also be eliminated by direct injection of
mixture and stabilizes combustion. Therefore, the conventional benefits syngas, which is a promising solution to avoid problems of reduced
of the pre-chamber can be utilized for D-EGR applications. Osaka Gas volumetric efficiency and unwanted pre-ignition or surface ignition
Co. [603] has also considered applying a D-EGR system to a turbo­ in the intake system.
charged lean HCCI engine as a long-term pathway for a high-efficiency • Among the different types of engines, syngas as the secondary fuel or
small gas engine in power generation applications. blended with other fuels in dual-fuel engines showed very interesting
Conclusion: results due to their lower power de-rating capability compared to
To sum up, in-cylinder on-board fuel reforming with the D-EGR/TFR syngas-fueled SI engines, which have problems running the engine
concept has been realized in various production vehicle SI engines under near stoichiometric conditions and increased PM emissions
operating stoichiometric without requiring any external reforming de­ with 100% syngas. High efficiencies with low emissions can be also
vice, while avoiding catalyst-related issues (poisoning and aging) and obtained in the whole operating range with the use of appropriate
vast internal engine modifications (excluding potential compression strategies in dual-fuel engines. Recently, efforts have been directed
ratio increase due to enhanced knock resistance). However, some de­ towards the optimization of these engines with advanced numerical
vices are required to convert a SI engine to an effective D-EGR one, techniques. However, the presence of two distinct fuel supply lines is
including a mixer, boosting device, charge air cooler, and suitable a complexity that points out problems related to the storage and the
ignition system as well as an over-fueling requirement along with sup­ transportation of the fuels.
plying injector(s) and delivering the D-EGR loop for the dedicated

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

• Fuel reforming combined with dual-fuel combustion is capable of 5.2. Outlook

increasing the global efficiency of the system over conventional
diesel combustion. On-board fuel reforming is an attractive method Syngas-fueled IC engines with technological advancements are
to convert a dual-fuel RCCI combustion strategy into a single-fuel attractive and economically viable and can serve as a future option for
RCCI concept and thus eliminates the need for two fuel lines and power and transportation applications. New measurements of the
fuel tanks, which is one of the important demerits of RCCI combus­ laminar flame speed of syngas diluted with other gaseous compositions
tion. On-board catalytic fuel reforming is also a promising technique at elevated pressures would help further understand syngas combustion
for improving efficiency and reducing pollutant emissions from IC kinetics. The main issue with modelling combustion kinetics is the de­
engines. Overall, it seems that syngas in a single/dual-fuel engine is a mand for expert knowledge and optimization against experiments, as
promising technique for controlling both NOx and soot emissions in well as the lack of understanding of the associated uncertainties.
existing engines, but with slight engine hardware modifications Therefore, data-driven ML approaches that enable efficient discovery
needed. and calibration of kinetic models can be employed for syngas combus­
• In HCCI engines, 100% reformate at higher intake temperature tion modeling in coming years. The ML model can be a promising
would be a suitable strategy, compared to the 100% reformate, alternative to time-consuming experimental measurements or numerical
which was more favorable for SI engines at conventional operating calculations.
conditions. RG blending was found to be an effective method for It is well documented that supplying syngas directly to the intake
retarding combustion phasing, since it reduces the heat release at manifold has several limitations, including backfire, pre-ignition, and
low temperatures, followed by a prolongation of the NTC delay power loss through reduced volumetric efficiency. Transient operation is
period and a delay in the high-temperature heat release. RG can act also limited due to the time required for gas to travel through the intake
like an ignition controller for the main engine fuel and can eliminate system, depending on where it is mixed. Syngas direct injection tech­
the need for preheating the intake charge. The levels of exhaust CO nology can eliminates these limitations but requires high-pressure
and UHC emissions increase as the RG concentration increases while reforming, which could be an area for future study. Numerical models
NOx decreases. The chemical effects of RG on HCCI combustion of should also account for the intake and exhaust processes, which are
PRFs were found to be stronger than thermodynamic effects and usually not considered in the simulations of syngas-fueled PFI engines.
dilution. Since a considerable fraction of the power derating is related to the
• Exhaust gas reforming systems are currently being considered in decrease of volumetric efficiency, those processes should be included in
different configurations. Fuel choice dictates which R-EGR method is the simulations. Similar to DI technology, stratified lean-burn combus­
preferred. Catalytic on-board fuel reforming can be challenging since tion is also an effective way of using syngas in modern engines to address
some hydrocarbon fuels like gasoline require high temperatures to problems associated with air-handling at lean stoichiometric air-fuel
reform, and the sulfur content in some fuels can poison the catalyst. ratios. However, the required injection durations should be taken due
Another drawback of on-board fuel reforming method using the POX into account. For better performance and emissions, further investiga­
method is the reduced LHV of the fuels, thus reducing overall engine tion of the optimization of injection timing, fuel composition, air-fuel
efficiency. Catalytic R-EGR results showed that good hydrogen rates ratio, and ignition advance are required.
could be produced with adequate control of the reaction parameters Studies have shown that single-fuel RCCI combustion can achieve
at temperatures typical of the exhaust gas temperatures of diesel high efficiencies while maintaining low NOx and soot emissions.
engines operating at part load without any external heat source or air Conversely, the transient performance of the combustion process alone
and steam supply requirements. Overall, the use of R-EGR allowed (i.e., without the reformer) is assumed to be similar to other gaseous
the realization of the benefits of both EGR and waste heat. Moreover, dual-fuel engines operating at early direct injection times, which may
a mixture diluted by R-EGR can reduce the knock tendency pose additional challenges in combustion control [605,606] if hydrogen
compared to EGR dilution cases. With faster laminar burning ve­ percentages in the reformed fuel are not kept below those resulting in
locities, the R-EGR technology is a promising approach to support the high-pressure oscillation region. Future work should further analyze
high levels of EGR dilution in advanced SI engines for increased reformate concentrations and examine fuel reactivity as a function of
thermal efficiency. reactor stoichiometry and temperature. In addition, matching reformer
• In-cylinder fuel reforming techniques like D-EGR/TFR are capable of performance with the engine conditions that enable it to run effectively
delivering up to 15% more efficient engines than today’s mainstream should also be considered. Such studies would provide invaluable in­
ones, while simultaneously improving engine performance. It allows formation to more optimally control combustion, and further define the
manufacturers to address future, more aggressive fuel economy operability range of thermally integrated reforming reactor systems.
standards and meet LEV III/Tier 3 emissions levels [604] To minimize HC and CO emissions, the efficiency of syngas-operated
cost-effectively. The results reported in this paper indicate that the dual-fuel CI engines must be optimized. Moreover, other engine opera­
D-EGR engine can tolerate higher levels of EGR dilution at low loads, tional parameters should be tuned in addition to the amount of
allow faster burn speeds, minimize cycle-to-cycle variations, and can combustible mixture inside the combustion chamber for achieving bet­
further boost performance and emissions. At high loads, the D-EGR ter combustion characteristics. Based on the present review, detailed
technique provides superior knock tolerance and stability over the numerical and experimental studies with different compositions of the
LPL EGR. Disadvantages of in-cylinder reforming strategies include syngas and engine parameters are therefore needed.
slow kinetics and limited reforming stoichiometry. Furthermore, Syngas production and combustion research for IC engines have
homogeneous in-cylinder reforming of heavier fuels like diesel can mainly focused on steady-state operating conditions, and very few
potentially lead to excessive carbon formation at rich equivalence transient operation studies have been investigated. It is expected that
ratios. there will be challenges to allow reforming systems to work efficiently
over the entire operating load and speed range. The long-term viability
Overall, syngas combustion technology seems to have reached a of the reforming catalyst and the reforming reaction’s response to a
considerable level of technical development, and the analysis of the variety of fuels should be examined. In-cylinder reforming processes like
literature on syngas combustion in IC engines shows the potential for D-EGR/TFR and NVO are the most promising for on-board syngas pro­
widespread research and development work on syngas in the automo­ duction. The products of these processes should be evaluated for con­
tive industry in future. trolling combustion phasing and enabling advanced combustion
strategies. For D-EGR vehicles, the low exhaust temperatures are a
challenge for meeting future emissions regulations because some

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

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[573] Zhu L, He Z, Xu Z, Lu X, Fang J, Zhang W, et al. In-cylinder thermochemical fuel [602] Wang Y, Shah B, Conway G, Williams DR, Chadwell C. Combustion Stabilization
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[576] Gukelberger R, Gingrich J, Alger T, Almaraz S, Denton B. LPL EGR and D-EGR® [605] Wang X, Khameneian A, Dice P, Chen B, Shahbakhti M, Naber JD, et al. Model-
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[578] Gingrich JW, Mehta D, Alger T, Czekala M, Shelby MH. OS1-1 Application of a [606] Khameneian A, Wang X, Dice P, Shahbakhti M, Naber JD, Archer C, et al. Model-
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[581] Gukelberger R, Robertson D, Alger T, Almaraz S, Gingrich J, Mohan V. Alternative
Fuel Testing on a Port Fuel Injected LPL EGR and D-EGR® Engine. SAE Technical Dr Amin Paykani is a Senior Lecturer and Climate Mitigation
Solutions (CMS) research group co-leader at the Department of
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[582] He Z, Zhu L, Xu Z, Kaario O, Li A, Huang Z. Effects of ethanol enrichment on in- Engineering, University of Hertfordshire. He received his PhD
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Fuel 2017;197:334–42. Technology. Prior to joining the University of Hertfordshire, he
[583] Randolph E, Gukelberger R, Alger T, Briggs T, Chadwell C, Bosquez Jr A. was a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich (ETH). He is currently the PI of an EPSRC
Methanol fuel testing on port fuel injected internal-only EGR, HPL-EGR and D-
EGR® engine configurations. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants project under the new investigator award scheme to work on
2017;10:718–27. high-efficiency low emission ammonia fuelled thermal pro­
[584] Shao Y, Sun Q, Li A, He Z, Xu Z, Qian Y, et al. Effects of natural gas, ethanol, and pulsion systems. He has been recognised as a "Global Talent" by
methanol enrichment on the performance of in-cylinder thermochemical fuel the Royal Academy of Engineering in the field of Transport and
Mechanical. His areas of interest include computational
reforming (TFR) spark-ignition natural gas engine. Applied Thermal Engineering
2019;159:113913. modelling and optimisation of combustion-based propulsion
systems with the aim of decarbonisation of the transport.
[585] Zhu L, Li A, Zhang Z, Li B, Ma C, Cheng X, et al. Effects of alcohol enrichment on
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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020.
[586] Li B, Sun Q, Li A, Shao Y, He Z, Lu X, et al. Effects of propanol isomers enrichment Mr Hamed Chehrmonavari is currently a PhD student at the
on in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) in spark ignition natural gas School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science
engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020. and Technology (IUST). He was a visiting researcher at the
[587] He Z, Wang J, Li B, Zhu L, Qian Y, Lu X, et al. Effects of n-heptane enrichment on Department of Engineering of University of Hertfordshire. His
in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) characteristics and doctoral work explores the way of increasing the efficiency of
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[589] Lee S, Iida N, Sako T. Numerical Investigation of a Potential of Dedicated EGR bustion regimes. His research interests mainly include clean
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[590] Alger T, Gingrich J, Mangold B. The effect of hydrogen enrichment on EGR energy systems.
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[591] Liu C, Wang Z, Song H, Qi Y, Li Y, Li F, et al. Experimental and numerical
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[592] Liu C, Song H, Zhang P, Wang Z, Wooldridge MS, He X, et al. A rapid compression Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer for the School of
machine study of autoignition, spark-ignition and flame propagation Engineering at University of Birmingham. Thanos obtained
characteristics of H2/CH4/CO/air mixtures. Combustion and Flame 2018;188: BEng in Manufacturing Engineering from Technological Edu­
150–61. cation Institute of Piraeus in Greece in 1999 and BEng in Me­
[593] Gukelberger R, Bartley GJ, Gingrich J, Alger T, Almaraz S, Buckingham J, et al. chanical Engineering in 2001 from the University of
Water-Gas-Shift Catalyst Development and Optimization for a D-EGR® Engine. Birmingham in the UK. He obtained his PhD from the Univer­
SAE Technical Paper; 2015. sity of Birmingham in 2004. From Birmingham, Thanos moved
[594] Alger T, Gingrich J, Roberts C, Mangold B, Sellnau M. A high-energy continuous to Johnson Matthey plc, where he was a Research Scientist
discharge ignition system for dilute engine applications. SAE Technical Paper; (2004-2005), and worked at their Technology Centre on R&D
2013. projects for their catalytic technologies. In October 2005, he
[595] Denton B, Chadwell C, Gukelberger R, Alger T. Design and Implementation of a D- joined the University of Birmingham as a Lecturer 2005- 2010,
EGR® Mixer for Improved Dilution and Reformate Distribution. SAE International Senior Lecturer (2010- 2012), Reader of Thermodynamics
Journal of Engines 2017;10:892–7. (2012 – 2016). Thanos has published over 150 research papers in scientific journals and
[596] Kalaskar VB, Gukelberger R, Denton B, Briggs T. The impact of engine operating conference proceedings in the areas of fuel reforming, low carbon and carbon free energy
conditions on reformate production in a D-EGR engine. SAE Technical Paper; carriers, combustion and vehicle emissions control technologies such as environmental
2017. catalysts and aftertreatment systems. His research covers both fundamentals and industrial
[597] Sarlashkar J, Rengarajan S, Roecker R. Transient Control of a Dedicated EGR applications and he has received funding awards from Research Councils UK, Innovate UK,
Engine. SAE Technical Paper; 2016. Horizon2020 in collaboration with industry.
[598] Rengarajan SB, Sarlashkar J, Roecker R, Anderson G. Estimation of Intake Oxygen
Mass Fraction for Transient Control of EGR Engines. SAE Technical Paper; 2018.
[599] Robertson D, Chadwell C, Alger T, Zuehl J, Gukelberger R, Denton B, et al.
Dedicated EGR vehicle demonstration. SAE International Journal of Engines
[600] Reinhart T, Megel M. An Efficient, Durable Vocational Truck Gasoline Engine.
SAE International Journal of Engines 2016;9:1437–48.
[601] Jung D, Lee S. An investigation on the potential of dedicated exhaust gas
recirculation for improving thermal efficiency of stoichiometric and lean spark
ignition engine operation. Applied Energy 2018;228:1754–66.

A. Paykani et al. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 90 (2022) 100995

Dr Terry Alger is the Director of Engine & Vehicle R&D at Prof Rolf D. Reitz is an emeritus professor at the University of
Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®). Alger holds doctorate Wisconsin-Madison and currently Senior Partner at Wisconsin
and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from UT Engine Research Consultants. His research interest is in the
Austin, a master’s degree in business administration from The area of internal combustion engines. His recent work on diesel/
University of Texas at San Antonio and a bachelor’s degree in gasoline dual-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition
mechanical engineering from the United States Military (RCCI) has demonstrated dramatic improvements in fuel
Academy. Alger joined the SwRI staff in 2003 following economy while meeting stringent emissions mandates,
employment at the Ford Motor Company. Alger specializes in reducing the need for NOx and particulate (soot) after-
combustion research and optical diagnostics. His current treatment. His spray research has revealed new un­
research concerns improving engine efficiency and emissions derstandings about atomization mechanisms. Prof. Reitz has
through in-cylinder combustion processes and advanced en­ authored and co-authored more than 500 journal publications
gine technologies. He also manages SwRI’s HEDGE® II and he has 5 patents. He has lectured widely and has won
Consortium, which focuses on improving gasoline engine effi­ major research awards, including the Soichiro Honda medal.
ciency through the use of cooled EGR, advanced ignition systems and other technologies. He is co-founding editor (Americas) of the International Journal of Engine Research, and
Alger is one of the inventors of SwRI’s DCO® (Dual Coil Offset) Ignition system and the D- serves as an industry consultant. He has served on the executive board of the Institute of
EGR® engine, both winners of R&D 100 Awards. Alger is a Fellow of the Society of Liquid Atomization and Spraying Systems and is director of the UW-Madison Mechanical
Automotive Engineers. He has been selected to receive the Forest R. McFarland Award. He Engineering Department’s Engine Research Center. Before joining the university in 1989,
has been awarded 23 patents and published over 50 papers on topics covering engine Reitz spent six years at the General Motors Research Laboratories, three years as a research
efficiency and emissions. Alger has been inducted into the Mechanical Engineering staff member at Princeton University, and two years as a research scientist at the Courant
Academy of Distinguished Alumni. Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. He received the PhD degree from
Princeton University in 1978.

Dr William Northrop is an Associate Professor in mechanical

engineering and the director of the Thomas E Murphy Engine
Research Laboratory at the University of Minnesota. Northrop
received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from
Carnegie Mellon in 1997 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in me­
chanical engineering from University of Michigan in 2004 and
2009, respectively. After receiving his doctorate, he held the
position of senior researcher at General Motors R&D, where he
worked in the Propulsion Systems Research Laboratory.
Northrop’s research interests are in the area of internal com­
bustion engines and energy conversion. His work involves
fundamental combustion research, emissions characterization,
novel engine cycle development, and alternative fuel use. He is
leading projects to characterize and reduce harmful emissions from combustion-powered
devices and to reduce fuel consumption from engines used primarily in transportation


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