Database Sever Report
Database Sever Report
Database Sever Report
Computer Science
Database Server
Prepared By:
Rayan hemn
Kizhan muhamad
Lhon kamal
Hevar hasan
Supervised By:
Brzw tahir
o A database server is a type of hardware that runs database software. Database software helps users or
companies store, manage, retrieve, update or change files, information logs and other forms of digital
data. The two primary components of database servers are back-end functions and client-facing
services. The back end of a database server stores all the digital files and information. Client-facing
services allow the people or companies using that database to access, modify, add to or monitor the
data stored on the server. A company can rent a database server from a provider to store its crucial
business information. Database server companies often use one server to provide services to multiple
clients. Many businesses decide to rent databases from providers because a database server requires
large memory and storage capabilities. Some businesses may also choose to own and maintain their own
History The foundations for modeling large sets of data were first introduced by Charles
Bachman in 1969. Bachman introduced Data Structure Diagrams (DSDs) as a means to
graphically represent data. DSDs provided a means to represent the relationships
between different data entities. In 1970, Codd introduced the concept that users of a
database should be ignorant of the "inner workings" of the database. Codd proposed the
"relational view" of data which later evolved into the Relational Model which most
databases use today. In 1971, the Database Task Report Group of CODASYL (the driving
force behind the development of the programming language COBOL) first proposed a
"data description language for describing a database, a data description language for
describing that part of the data base known to a program, and a data manipulation
language." Most of the research and development of databases focused on the relational
model during the 1970s. In 1975, Bachman demonstrated how the relational model and
the data structure set were similar and "congruent" ways of structuring data while
working for Honeywell. The entity–relationship model was first proposed in its current
form by Peter Chen in 1976 while he was conducting research at MIT. This model became
the most frequently used model to describe relational databases. Chen was able to
propose a model that was superior to the navigational model and was more applicable to
the "real world" than the relational model proposed by Codd.
• Database servers provide an easy way to store, organize and maintain large amounts of
digital information. Many companies have large amounts of data stored on their
computing devices or networks, such as client information, operational processes or
financial information. By storing valuable information on a database server,
organizations can:
• Access business data through multiple devices: A database server gives businesses a
simple method for accessing business intel or digital procedures through multiple devices
on their network. For example, if many employees at a company use computers, a
database server can give them instant access to company files simultaneously.
• Authorize specific users to view or edit certain files: Database servers allow you to
grant specific access privileges to various users. For example, you can give all team
members access to files on the company's clients, but decide to authorize only company
supervisors to view or modify financial data.
• Protect sensitive and valuable company data: A database server can help improve a
business' security system. Using a database server may minimize the chances of an
unexpected situation or challenge, such as a natural disaster or a cyberthreat, affecting
data and digital processes.
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How do database servers work?
• Database servers work by containing the database storage and memory space, along
with a database management system (DBMS). The DBMS is the application clients use to
access their digital information through the database server. When a database server
client sends a specific command to the DBMS, the application then executes the client's
requested task. Commands from a client to a database server may include updating
access privileges, uploading new information to the database server, accessing existing
data from the server or changing the information stored on the server.
• Clients typically connect to database servers through a database service provider on
the internet. If a company has database servers on its premises, that business may access
the database server directly through the company's internal network.
• A database refers to an application that provides the ability to store, back up, organize or
modify digital files to a separate computing system. A server is a piece of hardware or software
assigned to handle a specific type of computing function, such as connecting to multiple
printers or hosting a website. When a database application runs on a hardware server, this
creates a database server.
• Types of database servers
• There are multiple types of database servers, including:
• Centralized database servers: Centralized database servers operate from one specific
location. Larger companies may use a centralized database server to access the servers that
control, store, organize and back up their data directly.
• Operational database servers: Operational database servers function simultaneously,
allowing users to update the information on a database server immediately from any
authorized device within their network. An operational database can be a great option for
companies that use the information on their database to send communications between
• Cloud database servers: A cloud database server connects users to their database server
through the internet. Many database server providers use cloud computing databases to
give users easy and fast access to their services
• 1. Microsoft SQL
• One common database server is Microsoft (MS) SQL. SQL is a type of programming language
that organizes data for a DBMS. Both Windows and Linux computing systems and devices can
run and connect with MS SQL. Users can connect with data on Microsoft SQL either locally or
through the internet and at the same time as other users.
• 2. MySQL
• 4. SQLite
• SQLite is an open-source database server. Open-source means users can personalize
the software and code of SQLite to best fit the functions and needs of their organization.
SQLite also needs much less memory, storage and computing power than many other
database servers. This may make SQLite a great choice for organizations that want to
access their database servers through devices with less computing power, such as mobile
phones or tablets.
6. Microsoft Access
If a company frequently analyzes its data, it may consider using Microsoft Access as its
database service provider. MS Access helps users evaluate large amounts of data and easily
discover or report their findings to others. Many businesses with online stores use MS
Access to manage information about their clients and inventory. One benefit of using MS
Access is that it's easy for people new to database servers to get started, as it provides you
with a beginner's guide.
• Below are tips you can use to create a more efficient and secure database server:
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Implement recovery options
• When creating your database server, it's a good idea to consider recovery options if
something happens to your data. For example, if you store your data on a physical
server within the office, this could become damaged in the event of a fire or flood. You
may explore recovery options such as cloud storage, automatic backups and error
logs. By doing this from the beginning, you may give yourself better protection to
restore your data if an accident occurs.
• When designing your database server, consider how much storage space you likely
need, and be sure to include extra space. By giving yourself more storage than you
need, you can give your database room to expand in the future without needing to
adjust your storage capabilities. Check your server settings to see whether the default
settings allow databases to grow automatically, and adjust this based on what you
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