Action Research2023
Action Research2023
Action Research2023
This action research aim to improve and evaluate the counting skills of Grade 1
Section Glory pupils of Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Colleges through the use of
homework notebooks and familial interviews were taken into consideration in the
lessons. Before and after the intervention, we measured the students’ level
results indicate that the designed intervention increased the acquisition level of
enhance counting skills for the children. In particular, after the intervention
with number conservation remained. Finally, the role of the age participants was
also analyzed in relation to their acquired counting skills, indicating that children
are more interactive regarding of what they see in their surrounding that catches
their eyes.
The researcher would like to thank those who contributed to the completion of this
First, we are so grateful to our respectable instructor, Mr. Junrey A. Mosquesa, for
his unending astute guidance, advice, and knowledge, which were necessary in
Thank you so much for the support and presence; this had a big impact and
Second, we would also like to thank everyone who’s involved for their commitment
to this project.
Last but not least, we would like to thank God for giving us the strength and
opportunity to undertake the action research proposal. Without his guidance and
Due to Covid19, which affected the Philippines, pre-school education was affected
skills (MEB, 2013). Development is very rapid in the pre-school period, the basic
concepts, and skills that children acquire in this period form the basis of
mathematical knowledge and concepts in school life when they start formal
education (Karakuş & Akman, 2016). Schools are responsible for planning and
the preschool period. They should create new learning opportunities that support
the child to develop their existing abilities, acquire new skills and serve as a good
model for the child (Kandır & Orçan Kaçan 2010). The basic mathematical
concepts and skills that should be acquired for the mathematical development of
the skill of thinking critically. Van Gelder’s (2001) recommendations for improving
In this context, the counting numbers of Grade 1 and problem solving are based
the phase where real objects, object pictures, and then representations and
representations (May, 2001; Olkun & Ucar, 2007). Based on all the above-
gradual process and the concept of readiness through the use of concrete objects
The counting skills intervention program focuses on verbal and object counting
skills in the range of 1-20.
1. What is the total average score of ten Pre-test and Post-test of Grade-1 Glory
concrete object?
2. What is the total average score of Pre-test and Post-test of ten Grade-1 Glory
concrete object?
3. Is there a significant difference between the total average scores of the Post-test
of five pupils using concrete objects and the five pupils of Grade-1 Glory without
The main goal of this research was to improve the counting skills of Grade 1
To examine the difference between the means of the Pre-test and Post-test of the
controlled and the experimental groups. In addition, this study also aims to
determine the means of the Pre-test and Post-test results among the controlled the
experiment groups.
Pre-Test and Post-Test Means
5 no. of respondent
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Means Score
Figure 1. Pre-test and Post-test Means of Experimental Group
Problem 1. What is the total average score of ten Pre-test and Post-test of
Based on the graph data above, the mean score(15) of the post-test are more
advance than the mean score (4) of the pre-test in the experimental group which
has the difference off 11. This showed that after the intervention was conducted,
5 no. of respondent
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Means Score
Figure 2. Pre-test and Post-test Means of controlled Group
Problem 2. What is the total average score of Pre-test and Post-test of ten
Illustration number 2 above, the means score (4) of the pre-test was closer to the
mean score (5) of the post-test in the controlled group. The two means had the
difference of 3. Thus, it indicates that the data score of the pupils in their Pre-test
5 no. of respondent
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
of the Post-test of five pupils using concrete objects and the five pupils of
Grade-1 Glory without using the concrete objects in the actual activity?
Based on the illustration number 3 above, the post-test mean score (15) of the
experimental group are more advance the post-test means score (5) of the
controlled group. This showed that the mean scores of the two groups in their
post-test has a greater different of 10. Thus, the scores in the post-test of the
improved the counting skills of the Grade-1 Glory pupils by using of the concrete
objects, in that way the score is increased. To answer the question 1 and 2, the
descriptive statistic was applied where the average score in the pre-test and post-
test, collected and record during actual activity demonstration. In the
experimental group the post-test is greater than the re-test. It means that the
Moreover, the intervention helps the students enhance their counting skill and
their score where the students did nit use the concrete object in counting in the
average score in pre-test and post-test means score. In general, the post-test
result of the controlled and experimental groups was computed to answer the
research question number 3 using the independent sample t-test. Thus, the
statistical decision was to reject the null hypothesis. Since the null hypothesis had
rejected, there was full measure evidence to support the claim that there is a
experimental group. Therefore, the use of concrete object in counting enhance the
numbers and the numeral that represents each one. They will count with
1. Submit result.(Action
Research) to the
Researcher MOOE APRIL2023
Aktaş- Arnas. Y. (2013). Okul öncesi dönemde matematik eğitimi (2nd ed.). Vize
Karakuş, H., & Akman, B. (2016). Okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının matematik
kavram kazanımlarının incelenmesi. In Eğitim Bilimlerinde Yenilikler ve Nitelik
Arayışı, (pp. 476-488). Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Kandır, A., & Orçan Kaçan, M., (2010). Okul Öncesi Dönemde Matematik
Eğitimi. Morpa Kültür Yayınları.