5.lahars Venus
5.lahars Venus
5.lahars Venus
Allaine Demsone G. Benitez
Vinz D. Barnido
of 11 - Venus
1. Describe how Lahars are
generated on the slopes of
2. Differentiate the types of
Lahar processes and deposits.
3. Analyze the effects of
4. List the various Lahar
mitigation measures.
LAHAR It also picks older volcanic
deposits along the river channel.
is a process wherein the wet Despite the fact that lahars are
cement-like mixture of volcanic debris-laden, like wet concrete,
material and water flows down these are quite mobile. Large
the slopes of a volcano. In lahars that can flow at several tens
Javanese, an Indonesian dialect, of meters per second are
"lahar" means "lava" or "lava impossible for people to outrun.
The deposits that lahar leave
flow", but volcanologists have behind are like dry concrete,
adopted the term to refer to this sometimes with boulders as big as
volcanic event. Lahar usually a house scattered everywhere.
carries fresh eruption material These big chunks can be used as
like pyroclastic flows and tephra indicators of the presence of lahars
fall. that occurred during historic times
or in the recent geologic past.
how lahars are generated
Many lahars are formed by intense rainfall during
an eruption. Rainwater can easily erode loose
volcanic material deposited on the upper slopes of
a volcano or along a path of a river on its way down
the slopes. The water may come from other
sources. Eruptions alone can trigger lahars directly
by melting snow and icecap. The breaching of a
dam or crater lake by the eruption may also
provide water that loosens and carries volcanic
materials from the upper slopes.
What Lahars look like
On November 13, 1985, in Colombia, a town called Armero was badly struck
by the '1985 Lahars' cascading down the slopes of Nevado del Ruiz in
Colombia. These are the deadliest lahars in volcanic history. The Armero
tragedy is Colombia's worst natural disaster with 23, 000 facilities, and one of
the 20th century's worst disasters.
The '1985 Lahars' cascaded into the lowlands through the Lagunillas River,
burying the town of Amero, which is about 70 kilometers from the source of
the lahars, Nevado del Ruiz. During the disaster, a schoolgirl in Armero named
Omayra Sanchez always comes to mind. She was 13 years old during the
disaster. The rushing water from the upper slopes of Nevado del Ruiz .
destroyed the house of Omayra's family. Her legs were pinned by concrete
which made her rescue extremely difficult. Her head and hands were above
water, she maintained mental strength during her 55-hour ordeal.
She was surrounded by local and international press
and heroic rescue because of the lack of surgical
equipment and medical facilities. Omayra's story
circulated around the globe and triggered unpleasant
debates among local and national agencies in Colombia.
None of these exchanges, however, could bring back
her life.
Lahar Deposits Flow Deposit
- A few years after its eruption in 1991, rain-induced lahars from Pinatubo's
slopes buried more than 400 km² of productive land, destroyed residential areas,
and caused the relocation of more than 50,000 people.
- So long as materials are available for rainwater to mobilize, Lahars can occur
years after an eruption.
1. 1991 Pyroclastic Flows;
2. Lahars;
3. Isopachs (or lines of
equal thickness) of air fall
deposits in cm;
4. Active lahar channels;
5. Provincial boundaries;
6. Towns
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