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Piping Hydrotest Procedure

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The key takeaways from the document are that hydrotesting is done to test the integrity of piping systems by applying pressure and checking for leaks or deformation. It involves cleaning, inspection, isolation, pressurization to test pressure levels and monitoring for an extended period before depressurization.

The purpose of hydrotesting is to check the material and welding of a piping system to ensure it can withstand operational pressures without leaks or damage.

The main steps in hydrotesting preparation are verification of materials, visual inspection for compliance to drawings, securing joints, installation of pressure gauges, recorders, vents and blinds, and isolation of the test section.

Piping Hydrotest Procedure

Hydrotest adalah pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan cara memberi tekanan/ pressure
pada rangkaian pipa yang sudah selesai dikerjakan oleh team konstruksi. Tujuan dari
pekerjaan ini adalah untuk mengecek/ test material yang dipakai maupun hasil dari
pengelasan apakah masih tahan terhadap tekanan sesuai dengan tekanan sewaktu
operasinal nantinya. Sebelum pekerjaan hydrotest terlebih dahulu dilakukan flushing
untuk membersihkan bagian dalam rangkaian pipa dari kotoran, debu dan sisa2 las2an
hasil pekerjaan pengelasan.

Hydrotest Photo

Hydrotest Chart
Sample Hydrotest Schematic

Berikut ini adalah inti dari procedure/ tata cara (selain daftar isi, referensi dokumen,
safety, daftar peralatan, dan lain2) kerja untuk pekerjaan hydrotest :

1.1 Hydro test preparation
Ready for inspection (RFI) notification shall be informed by construction supervisor to
quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) department when a piping system is ready
for testing. Verification of all materials, test and mill certificates etc. are compiled
and documented by QA/QC department and traceable for each component, fitting and
pipe applied to each spool or line number. All required non-destructive examination
(NDE) results shall be verified to conform to Company general specifications prior
perform hydrotest.

The contractor’s QC inspector and Company representative shall together check

visually in detail for the piping network prior to test. The checking shall include of:
          Compliance with drawing and battery limit of related subsystem
          Welded or flanged joints
          Secure and correct bolting
          Pipe routing and slope
          Location of vent and/or drains
          Pipe support, permanent and/or temporary
          Temporary spading or blinding
          Pipe painting and color coding

The piping supervisor will be responsible for conducting preparation and execution of
pressure test and shall take coordination with QC inspector. Additional material for
close the spools such as blind flange shall be available on test site and tighten
properly prior hydro test (check correct rating).

Pressure gauges and recorder shall be in Bar or Psi unit. Temperature indicator shall
be in degree Celcius. Full gauge range (indicated span) of pressure test gauges are to
be selected in such a way that the test pressure will be in between 50% to 80% of the
full range. A minimum of 2 (two) pressure gauges shall be required for the test. The
gauges shall be installed at predetermined locations with one at the highest elevation
point and one at the lowest elevation point wherever possible.

A certified pressure/temperature recorder (maximum validity of pressure equipment

calibration 6 months) with full range in steps shall be used to record the test
pressure, temperature and duration of testing. All relevant details are to be entered
in onto the chart. Recorded to be used shall be of dual pen. All gauges and recorder
shall be calibrated prior to utilization for test. Any indicator showing an
unrecoverable zero error or error more than plus or minus 1.0% of full scale range
shall not be used without repair and re-calibration. One temperature indicator
recorder shall be provided.

1.2. Hydrotest Execution

Test manifold shall be assembled onto the piping network for connection to pressure
gauges and recorder. Temperature indicator and pressure source connection. Sufficient
valves shall be provided to allow blocking or releasing pressure.
For hydrostatic test, the pressure is applied by means of a suitable test pump
(hydrotest pump shall be equipped with PSV as safety devices if used during pressure
test) and gradually built up to 35% of the test pressure and held for at least 15
minutes to uniform stress along the piping network. Pressure then shall be applied
until 70% of test pressure and, again, held for 15 minutes. Thereafter, once the
required pressure reaches (1.5 design pressure) test pressure, piping network shall be
isolated from the pressure source.

The test pressure shall be maintained 2 hours for holding time as per Company
specification However this holding time can be prolonged to allow sufficient time for
inspection. QC Inspector and Company representative shall carry out a detailed
inspection of weld joints and connections for any leak, attention shall also be paid for
dislocation or movement of the supports or distortion.

In case of pressure test is performed in the sunny day, the pressure gauge and
temperature indicator shall be monitored to prevent undue pressure increase due to
thermal expansion In order to avoid excessive pressure the system may be
depressurized down to the required test pressure.
1.3 Limit of Test Pressure
Hydrotest pressure shall be 1.5 times of design pressure and hydrotest pressure shall
be indicated in the drawing, lower limit of the test pressure shall be not less than test
pressure specified. Upper limit is 5% of the test pressure, if during hydrostatic test the
test pressure increased by more than the upper limit, the test pressure shall be released
or bleed off to the specified test pressure.

If during hydrostatic test the test pressure is decreased to a pressure lower than the
specified test pressure and there is no evidence of leakage, the line shall be
pressurized back to reach the specified test pressure and held for 2 (two) hours
1.4    Inspection During Hydrotest
Upon reaching the desired holding time, the test pressure shall be reduced to a
pressure not less than the test pressure by QC Inspector and the Company
representative shall be carry out visual examination at this pressure. Examination for
leakage shall be performed by QC Inspector at all welding joints and connections

Leakage is not allowed at time of the required visual inspection, except for leakage that
might occur at temporary test closures for those openings intended for welded
connections and leakage from temporary seals (gaskets). Leakage and damages found
during the test shall be repaired and rectified. And retest shall be performed.

1.5    Pressure Release

After the pressure test, pressure shall be released at a rate so as not to endanger
personnel or to damage equipment by drawing test medium off the line. Pressure
released slowly until the pressure drop to 70% then holding for 15 minutes, release
again until pressure drop to 35% then holding for 15 minutes. Pressure released again
until gauge shown 0 bar, all vent shall be opened before the system is drained and shall
remain open during draining prevent pulling vacuum on the system.

1.6    Record
Pressure test chart shall be signed by authorized persons. The following information
shall be added on to the chart:
          Pressure & temperature ranges
          date of test
          identification of piping system tested (line and/or spool number)
          weather condition
          test pressure
          test medium
          result of testing
          names and signatures of executor or supervisor, QC inspector and Company
The record and pressure chart will be included in the pre commissioning dossier.


Upon completion of hydrostatic testing, CONTRACTOR shall dewater the pipeline.
Contractor shall begin the drying operation only after all testing activities are
complete and accepted by Company. Water shall be moved ahead or disposed of after
depressurized. Blowing some dry air inside the pipe spool to ensure that inside pipe is
completely drained. Close the spool with proper closure before continue to other
process, which is painting or installation.

Dalam melakukan Hydrotest, ada beberapa prosedur yang umum dilakukan antara lain ;

1. Referensi Code yang digunakan

 ASME Section VIII Div. 1 Latest Edition (Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessel)
 ASME V Latest Edition (Non Destructive Examination)

2. Personal Responsibilities

 QC Inspector

a. Mempersiapkan semua peralatan seperti pressure gauge, temperature indicator dan pressure
recorder dan memastikan bahwa semua dalam kondisi bagus dan sudah dikalibrasi
b. Memonitor selama proses hydrotest dan memastikan bahwa tidak ada kebocoran dan
deformasi pada pressure vessel

c. Memonitor pressure aktual dan holding time pada recorder

 Fabrication Supervisor

a. Mempersiapkan hyrotest location

b. Mempersiapkan Safety Line

c. Mempersiapkan semua blind flange dan koneksinya

3. Preparation

 Pressure Vessel dan komponen pendukungnya harus sudah melalui tahap akhir untuk
dimensional check, visual check.
 Radiography test dan NDE harus sudah dilakukan sesuai dengan code yang berlaku
 Dalam kondisi tertentu, pressure vessel dapat dilakukan dengan posisi horizontal
meskipun dalam dalam posisi vertical saat operating
 Kondisi permukaan internal dan external harus sudah bersih dari pengotor-pengotor
seperti serpihan besi, kerak dan lain-lain
 Jika ada reinforcement pad, kondisi pengelasan harus bebas dari kebocoran udara dengan
dilakukan soap solution test pada tekanan minimum 50 psig. Khusus untuk tell tale hole,
akan dibiarkan terbuka pada saat hydrotest

4. Semua opening, flange nozzle dan coupling harus sudah ditutup (blinded off) untuk
mencegah kegagalan selama hydrotest berlangsung.

5. Pressure Gauge (min. 2 buah) dan Pressure Recorder yang dilengkapi dengan 2 buah
Pens (Temperature & Pressure Record) yang akan digunakan selama hydrotest. Range
dari Pressure Gauge dan Pressure Recorder tidak boleh kurang dari 1.5 kali tapi tidak
boleh lebih dari test pressure yang digunakan.

6. Temperature Gauge harus sudah dipasang pada Pressure Vessel selama proses hydrotest
berlangsung untuk melihat perubahan temperatur yang terjadi.

7. Sebuah venting system harus dipasang pada titik tertinggi dari permukaan vessel dan
dibuka selama pengisian air ke dalam vessel untuk membuang udara yang terjebak selama
pengisian. Pressure Gauge harus dipasang pada titik tertinggi pada permukaan vessel.

8. Sebelum melakukan test pressure, pastikan jalur/pipa pengisian, perlengkapan yang

tidak berhubungan dengan proses hydrotest sudah dilepas/disconnect.

9. Besar test pressure sekurang-kurangnya 1.3 kali dari MAWP (Maximum Allowable
Working Pressure). Apabila mau menaikkan tekanan, harap mengikuti prosedur berikut :
 Tekanan harus naik pelan-pelan sampai menuju ke nilai test pressure yang digunakan
 Jika tidak ada kebocoran dan deformasi, tekanan dinaikkan sampai batas MAWP dan
ditahan minimum 15 menit
 Jika tidak ada kebocoran dan deformasi, tekanan dinaikkan sampai 1.3 x MAWP dan
ditahan selama 2 jam
 Setelah 2 jam, tekanan diturunkan sampai batas MAWP dan ditahan selama 15 menit

10. Selama proses penekanan pada pressure vessel dengan holding time 2 jam, harap
diperhatikan kebocoran dan deformasi. QC Inspector harus mencatat test pressure dan
temperatur setiap 15 menit. QC Inspector harus mengecek semua weld connection apabila
ada kebocoran atau rembesan air.

11. Apabila holding time sudah tercapai, maka kurangi tekanan sampai pressure gauge
dan pressure recorder menunjukkan angka 0 pada pembacaannya.

12. Buang air sampai habis dan lepaskan blind flange pada setiap opening.

13. Semua opening ketika dilepas blind flange-nya, harap ditutup/dilindungi dari udara
luar. Dan tell tale hole harus ditutup dengan heavy duty grease.

14. Equipment yang umum digunakan dalam Hydrotest

Test Pump
Pressure Gauge

Barton Chart

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