8 Short Columns
8 Short Columns
8 Short Columns
8 Short Columns
Columns, generally referred as compression members, are members that
carry loads chiefly in compression. Usually columns carry bending moments
as well, about one or both axes of the cross section.
The most common types of RC compression members in use are:
1. Members reinforced with longitudinal bars and lateral ties.
2. Members reinforced with longitudinal bars and continuous spirals.
Other type is the composite compression members reinforced longitudinally
with structural steel shapes, pipe, or tubing, with or without additional
longitudinal bars, and various types of lateral reinforcement.
Accordingly, ties and spirals should be closely spaced, and number of ties
may be placed in the same plane. (See Figs c, d, f, g and h)
Fig. below shows column cross sections frequently found in buildings and
In Figs a to d, columns with large axial forces and small moments are shown
in which bars are spaced uniformly around the perimeter.
In Figs e to h, columns with large bending moments are shown in which the
bars are concentrated at the faces of high compression or tension.
For spirally reinforced columns, according to ACI Code 7.10.4, spirals shall
consist of a continuous bar or wire ≥10 mm in diameter, and the clear
spacing between turns of spiral (pitch) must be (25 mm ≤ pitch ≤ 75 mm).
In addition, according to ACI Code 10.9.3, the volumetric ratio of spiral
reinforcement (ρs) shall not be less than: (fy must be ≤ 420 MPa)
The volumetric ratio = ratio of (vol. of spiral steel / vol. of core concrete)
ρs = (2π dc Asp / 2) / (π dc2 s / 4) = 4Asp / (dc s)
Design of columns is based on factored load, which must not exceed the
design strength:
φMn ≥ Mu φPn ≥ Pu
Interaction Diagrams
Fig. (a) below shows a member loaded parallel to its axis by a compressive
force Pn at an eccentricity e measured from the centerline. Fig. (b) shows the
strain distribution at section a-a, at failure. The corresponding stresses and
forces are shown in Fig. (c).
From equilibrium:
ΣF = 0, (Fexternal = Finternal)
Mn= Pne = 0.85f'c ab (h/2 – a/2) + A's f's(h/2 – d') – As fs (d – h/2) …. (2)
For any eccentricity e, there is a unique pair of Pn and Mn. That pair can be
plotted as a point on a graph relating Pn and Mn, see Fig. below. A series of
such calculations, corresponding to different eccentricities will result in a
curve having a shape typically as shown below:
b) Any c < cb = 256 mm will give a point in tension failure region: e > eb
For e.g., choose c = 125 mm.
f’s = 200,000 ×0.003(125 – 65)/125 = 288 MPa
a = β1c = 0.85(125) = 106 mm
C = 0.85×28 ×106×300×10–3 = 757 kN
Pn = 0.85f'c ab + A's f's – As fs
= 757 + 1290×288×10–3 – 1290×420×10–3 = 587 kN
c) Any c > cb =256 mm will give a point in compression failure region: e < eb
For e.g., choose c = 460 mm.
fs = 200,000 ×0.003(435 – 460)/460 = – 33 MPa (indicates As is in comp.)
f’s = 200,000 ×0.003(460 – 65)/460 = 515 MPa > 420
a = β1c = 0.85(460) = 391 mm
C = 0.85×28 ×391×300×10–3 = 2792 kN
Pn = 0.85f'c ab + A's f's – As fs
= 2792 + 1290×420×10–3 – 1290×(– 33)×10–3 = 3376 kN
Mn = 0.85f'c ab (h/2 – a/2) + A's f's(h/2 – d') – As fs (d – h/2)
= 2792(250 – 196) + 1290×420(250 – 65) + 1290×(– 33)(435 – 250)
= 243×103 kN-mm = 243 kNm
e = 72 mm
Distributed Reinforcement
It is often advantageous to place steel uniformly around the perimeter when
axial compression is predominant (small e). The intermediate bars will be
stressed below yield point. This situation can be analyzed based on strain
Example 3:
The column below (300×670 mm) is reinforced with 10 No.36 bars
distributed around the perimeter. Load Pu will be applied with eccentricity e
about the strong axis. f'c = 42 MPa and fy = 550 MPa. Find the load and
moment corresponding to a failure point with NA c = 460 mm from the right
face. [2½'' = 65 mm, 7'' = 180 mm, 12'' = 300 mm, 26'' = 670 mm]
Circular Columns
Spirally reinforced columns show greater ductility than tied columns, esp.
when load eccentricities are small. Also, the max design load for axially
loaded members is larger for spirally reinforced columns than tied columns.
For these reasons, the ACI Code provides φ = 0.75 for spiral columns,
compared with φ = 0.65 for tied columns.
Fig. (a) below shows a cross section of a spirally reinforced column.
Fig. (b) shows the strain distribution.
Fig. (c) shows the internal forces.
Calculations for Pn and Mn can be carried out exactly as in the previous
example, except that the concrete compression zone has the shape of a
segment of a circle.
Design Aids
In practice, design aids are used. They cover the most frequent practical
cases for reinforced rectangular and square columns and circular spirally
reinforced columns.
Graphs A.5 through A.16 are RC column design charts for concrete with
f'c = 28 MPa and steel with fy = 420 MPa:
Graphs A.5 through A.8: Rectangular columns with bars distributed
around perimeter.
Graphs A.9 through A.12: Rectangular columns with bars along 2 opposite
Graphs A.13 through A.16: Circular columns with bars in a circular
Use of charts:
They may be used in 2 ways as follows.
For a given factored load Pu and equivalent eccentricity e = Mu / Pu:
a) Select trial cross section dimensions b and h.
b) Calculate the ratio γ, and select the corresponding chart.
c) Calculate Kn= Pu/ φf’cAg and Rn= Pue/ φf’cAgh, where Ag= bh.
d) From graph read reinforcement ratio ρg
e) Calculate the total steel area Ast = ρg bh.
a) Select the reinforcement ratio ρg
b) Choose a trial value of h and calculate e/h and γ.
c) Select the graph, and read Kn = Pu / φf’cAg and calculate the
required Ag.
d) Calculate b = Ag / h.
e) Revise h if necessary to obtain a well-proportioned section.
f) Calculate the total steel area Ast = ρg bh.
Example 4:
An exterior rectangular column (b = 500 mm, h = 650 mm) is to be
designed for a service dead load of 990 kN, live load of 1320 kN, dead load
moment of 190 kNm, and live load moment of 270 kNm. Find the required
column reinforcement. f'c = 28 MPa and fy = 420 MPa.
Pu = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(990) + 1.6(1320) = 3300 kN
Mu = 1.2MD + 1.6ML = 1.2(190) + 1.6(270) = 660 kNm
Assume bending is about the strong axis (h = 650).
Reinforcement distributed around column perimeter will be used, and
assume d' = 65 mm
γ = (h – 2d')/h = (650 – 130) / 650 = 0.8 Thus, graph A.7 will be used.
Kn = Pu / φf’cAg = 3300 ×103/ (0.65×28×325,000) = 0.558
Rn = Pue / φf’cAg h = 660 ×106/ (0.65×28×325,000×650) = 0.172
From graph A.7 read ρg = 0.023
Ast = ρg bh = 0.023×325,000 = 7475 mm2. Use 12No.29 (7740 mm2), one at
each corner and two evenly spaced along each face of column.
Example 5:
A column is designed to carry a factored load Pu = 2140 kN and factored
moment Mu = 690 kNm about the strong axis. Cost studies indicate that ρg =
0.03 is optimum with steel arrangement in two layers parallel to the axis of
bending. Find the required dimensions b and h of the column. f'c = 28 MPa
and fy = 420 MPa.
A trial h = 650 mm is selected and assume d' = 65 mm
γ = (h – 2d')/h = (650 – 130) / 650 = 0.8 Thus, graph A.11 will be used
e = Mu / Pu = 690 / 2140 = 0.322 m = 322 mm
e / h = 322 / 650 = 0.50
From graph A.11 with e / h = 0.50 and ρg = 0.03, read Kn = 0.505
Kn = 0.505 = Pu / φf’cAg = 2140 ×103 / (0.65×28× b × 650),
Find b = 373 mm
Use column 375 × 650 mm with Ast = ρg bh = 0.03×375 × 650 = 7031 mm2.
Use 8No.36 (8048 mm2), arranged in two layers of 4 bars each.
Biaxial Bending
There are situations in which axial compression is accompanied by
simultaneous bending about both principal axes of the section. Such is the
case of corner columns of buildings, and of interior columns if the column
layout is irregular.
The situation is described in the Figs. below.
Figs a and b describes uniaxial bending about Y and X axes, respectively.
Fig. c describes the case of biaxial bending. The orientation of the resultant
eccentricity is defined by the angle λ:
λ = tan−1 (ex / ey) = tan−1 (Mny / Mnx)
Bending is about an axis defined by the angle λ w.r.t. X axis.
Column strength is defined by the interaction curve labeled case (c). For
other values of, similar curves are obtained to define a failure surface for
axial load plus biaxial bending.
Due to many difficulties related to the subject, a simple approximate method
is widely used, as follows.