Grade 6 Lesson Plans
Grade 6 Lesson Plans
Grade 6 Lesson Plans
1. Read and write large numbers
Topic 1: Count, order, compare 2. Count large numbers
1 2 hours
and represent whole numbers 3. Use place value to order numbers
4. Use symbols to compare numbers
1. Number sentences with multiple
1–2 Topic 2: Number sentences 3 hours operations
2. Equivalent number statements
2 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Estimation
2. Have fun with calculators
3. Use the column method to add
2–3 Topic 3: Addition and subtraction 7 hours
4. Use the column method to subtract
5. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations
6. Solve addition and subtraction problems
1. What is a fraction?
2. Fractions by grouping
3. Equivalent fractions
3–5 Topic 4: Common fractions 10 hours
4. Compare and order fractions
5. Add and subtract fractions
6. Solve problems with fractions
5 Revision 0.5 hours
Formal Assessment:
5 Assignment – Different number 0.5 hours
1. Read and write time
2. Convert units of time
5–6 Topic 5: Time 4 hours
3. Time zones
4. Interpret calendars
1. Identify and name 2-D shapes
2. Angles and lines in 2-D shapes
6–8 Topic 6: Properties of 2-D shapes 8 hours
3. Compare and sort 2-D shapes
4. Identify and draw 2-D shapes
8 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Collect and organise data
2. Read and draw pictographs
3. Read and draw bar graphs
8 – 10 Topic 7: Data handling 10 hours
4. The mode and median in a set of data
5. Interpret and make sense of graphs
6. Work through a data cycle
1. Flow diagrams
2. Interesting properties of multiplication
10 Topic 8: Numeric patterns 4 hours
3. Multiplication and division are inverse operations
4. Find missing rules and numbers
10 Revision 0.5 hours
10 Formal Assessment: Test 1 hour
Topic 9: Count, order, compare 1. Work with nine-digit numbers
1 1 hour
and represent whole numbers 2. Round off whole numbers
1. Factors and multiples
2. Break up numbers to multiply
1–2 Topic 10: Multiplication 5 hours 3. Estimate answers
4. Use the column method to multiply
5. Solve multiplication problems
2 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Identify 3D objects
2. Construct 3D objects
Topic 11: Properties of 3-D
2–3 5 hours 3. Describe, sort and compare 3D
4. Interpret drawings of 3D objects
1. Extend patterns and look for rules
2. Tables and flow diagrams
3–4 Topic 12: Geometric patterns 6 hours
3. Look for patterns and rules
4. More fun with patterns
4 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Line symmetry
4–5 Topic 13: Symmetry 2 hours
2. Rotational symmetry
5 Formal Assessment: Test 1 hour
1. Work with factors
2. Work with prime factors
3. Multiplication and division as inverse
5–6 Topic 14: Division 8 hours 4. Use the long division method
5. Solve division problems
6. Solve problems by comparing quantities of the same kind
7. Solve problems by comparing two
different quantities
6 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Read and write decimal fractions
2. Count in decimals
3. Convert decimal fractions
4. Multiply and round off decimals
6–8 Topic 15: Decimal fractions 10 hours
5. Compare and order decimals
6. Add and subtract decimals
7. More calculations with decimals
8. Solve problems with decimal fractions
1. The capacity of containers
2. Estimate and measure capacity
8-9 Topic 16: Capacity and volume 5 hours 3. Convert units of capacity
4. Compare and order capacities
5. Solve problems involving capacity
10 Revision 0.5 hours
Formal Assessment: Exam
10 1 hour
Topic 17: Count, order, compare 1. Place value and expanded notation
1 1 hour
and represent whole numbers 2. Read, write and order nine-digit numbers
1. Units of measure for mass
2. Read measuring scales
1–2 Topic 18: Mass 5 hours 3. Estimate and measure mass
4. Convert between units of mass
5. Solve problems involving mass
2 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Estimate answers
2. Use the column method to add
Topic 19: Addition and 3. Use the column method to subtract
2–3 8 hours
subtraction 4. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations
5. Add and subtract with brackets
6. Solve addition and subtraction problems
1. Different viewpoints
4 Topic 20: Viewing objects 3 hours
2. Draw views from different viewpoints
4 Revision 0.5 hours
Topic 21: Properties of 2-D 1. Identify, describe and compare 2-D shapes
4–5 4 hours
shapes 2. Draw 2-D shapes
1. Use transformations to describe patterns
5–6 Topic 22: Transformations 3 hours
2. Describe patterns around us
6 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Understand the meaning of percentage
2. Convert fractions to percentages
6–7 Topic 23: Percentages 5 hours
3. Decimal fractions and percentages
4. Find the percentage of a whole number
1. Read, compare and order temperature
7 Topic 24: Temperature 1 hour
2. Calculations with temperature
7 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Collect, organise and represent data
2. Find the mode and median of data sets
7–9 Topic 25: Data handling 9 hours
3. Interpret and analyse data
4. Compare graphs on the same topic
Formal Assessment: Project –
Data Handling
1. Special types of sequences
9 Topic 26: Numeric patterns 5 hours
2. Find the rule
9 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Estimate and measure lengths
2. Convert units of length
10 Topic 27: Length 5 hours
3. Order lengths
4. Solve problems involving lengths
10 Formal Assessment: Test 1 hour
1. Read and write large numbers
Topic 28: Count, order, compare
1 1 hour 2. Round off, compare and order large
and represent whole numbers
1. Estimate answers
1–2 Topic 29: Multiplication 5 hours 2. Multiply using the column method
3. Solve problems with multiplication
2 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Find equivalent forms and compare common
2. Different fractions for different contexts
2–3 Topic 30: Common fractions 5 hours 3. Convert decimals and common fractions
4. Convert percentages and common fractions
5. Add and subtract common fractions
6. Calculate and solve problems with fractions
Formal Assessment:
3 Assignment – Percentages, profit 5 hours
and loss
1. Model 3-D objects
Topic 31: Properties of 3-D 2. Sort and compare 3-D objects
3–4 5 hours
objects 3. Interpret 3-D drawing
4. Identify nets
4 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Where did measurement begin?
4 Topic 32: History of measurement 1 hour
2. How things have changed
1. Measure perimeter
2. Area
Topic 33: Perimeter, area and
4–6 7 hours 3. The area of rectangles
4. Volume
5. Surface area of an object
6 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Use long division
6–7 Topic 34: Division 7 hours 2. Inverse operations
3. Solve problems with division
Formal Assessment:
7 Investigation – Use simple 1 hour
budgets and accounts
1. Number sentences and rules
2. Solve a number statement
7–8 Topic 35: Number sentences 3 hours
3. Use number sentences when solving problems
4. Multiple choice questions
8 Revision 0.5 hours
1. Recognise transformations in patterns
2. Enlarge a shape
8–9 Topic 36: Transformations 1 hours 3. Reduce a shape
4. Compare the size and shape of triangles and
1. Find positions on maps and grids
2. Work with street maps
9 Topic 37: Position and movement 2 hours
3. Describe how to change positions on a grid
4. Maps and compass directions
9 Revision 0.5 hours
1. List possible outcomes of experiments
9 Topic 38: Probability 2 hours
2. Record outcomes of experiments
Formal Assessment: Exam
10 1 hour
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 1: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers
Duration: 2 hours Term 1, Week 1
1.1 Whole numbers
CAPS Counting
Content Ordering
Place value of digits
Unit 1: Read and write large numbers
Unit 2: Count large numbers
Unit 3: Use place value to order numbers
Unit 4: Use symbols to compare numbers
LESSON 1: Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Read Grade 6 Learner's
Duration: 30 minutes Book and Teacher's
and write Guide
large Preparation and suggested resources
numbers Place value cards; number lines that are marked but not numbered, over the place DBOE Mathematics
value boundaries; place value table – blank; numbers written in words on large Grade 6 Workbook
cards. Term 1 and 2
Common errors
Learners misread or write incorrectly numbers which have zeros, such as Place value cards,
2 009 050. Emphasise the importance of each place holder. Practise reading the number lines, place
numbers in sets of three and emphasise that each space represents a word value table
(thousand, hundred). If necessary, allow learners to work with smaller numbers
before moving onto six-digit numbers.
Key words
whole number
Mental Maths (10 minutes daily)
See the Mental Maths section at the back of the Teacher’s Guide.
Teaching guidelines
1. Using the place value cards, allow learners to create a variety of two, three, four,
five and six digit numbers on the board.
2. Once you have at least fifteen different numbers, ask for volunteers to first read
the numbers out and then to write the numbers down in words.
3. Explain to the learners that it is important when reading to group the digits in
4. Now read through the examples on page 4 in the Learner’s Book.
5. Reinforce the use of a zero as a placeholder. If necessary, place a few examples on
the board and ask the learners to give the place value of those zeros.
6. Once the learners understand how to read and write the numbers out, allow them
to start Exercise 1.1.
7. Walk around and monitor the learners’ progress and assist where necessary.
Support and extension guidelines
1. Learners can make up 10 six-digit numbers, using their place value cards. Each
number needs to be written out in words.
2. Learners can also complete Target Worksheet 1.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 1.1 (LB page 4)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 2)
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 2: Count Preparation and suggested resources
large numbers Place value cards; number lines that are marked but not numbered, over the place
value boundaries; place value table – blank; numbers written in words on large
Common errors
Learners misread or write incorrectly numbers which have zeros, such as 209 050.
Emphasise the importance of each place holder. Practise reading the numbers in
sets of three and emphasise that each space represents a word (thousand,
Mental Maths (10 minutes daily)
See the Mental Maths section at the back of the Teacher’s Guide.
Teaching guidelines
1. Revise 6-digit numbers. Ask a few volunteers to come to the board. Say a number
and ask the learners to write it down in figures.
2. Include a few examples with zeros in place holders.
3. Ask the learners to now choose one of the numbers and count in twos, for the
next ten numbers, going forwards and then going backwards.
4. Each time ask the volunteer to count forwards or backwards, either adding on or
subtracting the number they have chosen.
5. Ask the other learners to monitor their counting.
6. Once the learners are comfortable counting forwards and backwards, read
through the example on page 5 in the Learner’s Book.
7. Place a few more examples on the board and allow the learners to count orally.
8. Learners can now complete Exercise 1.2.
For homework, the learners can complete outstanding class work.
Support and extension guidelines
Find examples of large numbers (six-digits), such as telephone numbers, and
practise reading them. The Challenge changes the focus from reading a number to
understanding the place value of each number. Allow learners to write the number
they think matches the verbal description and to read their answers out loud to
check if they have found the correct number. Then using the squares of paper from
the game, choose a number to add on or to subtract from, allowing the learners to
count forwards and backwards up to five numbers from the original number.
Challenge: Guided instruction
The ‘Challenge’ extends their understanding that basic number bonds still apply
with very large numbers. Encourage learners to find and use the pattern that
emerges and to use this to continue the task to 22 222 222 and 11 111 111.
1. Learners play in pairs.
2. Prepare the squares of paper beforehand.
3. Cut out (or fold and neatly tear) ten squares of paper.
4. On each piece of paper, write one of these instructions: +50; –50; +100; –100;
+150; –150; +200; –200; +250; –250. Shuffle these numbers and place them face
down on the table.
5. On another page, each write down the number 100 000. Now take turns to pick
up a number and add it to or subtract it from your number until all the numbers
have been used. Check each other’s working. The highest number wins.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 1.2 (LB page 5)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 4)
LESSON 3: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 3: Use Preparation and suggested resources
place value to Place value cards; number lines that are marked but not numbered, over the place
order value boundaries; place value table – blank; numbers written in words on large
numbers cards.
Common errors
Learners make errors when ordering numbers.
Learners simply often misread the numbers, mistaking a six digit number for five-
digit number or similar. This usually happens when the numbers look similar at
first glance: 345 687, 34 597; 3 456 700. Encourage learners to count the digits in
each number first and to look carefully at the value of each digit in turn from the
highest place value.
Mental Maths (10 minutes daily)
See the Mental Maths section at the back of the Teacher’s Guide.
Teaching guidelines
1. Revise the value of digits in numbers to 999 999.
2. Draw a place value table onto the board and ask for a volunteer to write
999 999 in the table.
3. Ask the volunteer to determine the value of each digit.
4. Ask the learners to give you a few more numbers, with a variety of digits, to write
onto the board.
5. Discuss the value of various digits with the learners.
6. Work through the example on page 6 of the Learner’s Book, writing the number
onto the board.
7. Ask the learners to explain the value of the digits in 456 129.
8. Write four examples onto the board and ask the learners to explain the value of
each digit.
9. Revise with the learners the process of ordering numbers. The more digits the
whole number has, the larger it becomes, so a six-digit number will always be
larger than a five-digit number. If the hundred thousand digits are the same, then
they need to look at the ten thousand digits and so on, until they find a digit that
is larger in the one number than in the second example.
10. Finally go through the second example on page 6 of the Learner’s Book. Get
learners to order the four numbers written onto the board.
11. Read through the ‘Did you know’ feature on page 6 of the Learner’s Book.
12. Learners can now begin Exercises 1.3 and 1.4.
Support and extension guidelines
Roll a dice six times (or turn over three-digit cards) to generate six-digit numbers.
Use these to complete a set of six random six-digit numbers (or continue using the
dice/cards to generate the rest of the number). Ask learners to put these numbers
in order.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 1.3 & 1.4 (LB page 6)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 6)
LESSON 4: Duration: 30 minutes
Use symbols Preparation and suggested resources
to compare Place value cards; number lines that are marked but not numbered, over the place
numbers value boundaries; place value table – blank; numbers written in words on large
Common errors
Learners make errors when ordering numbers.
Learners simply often misread the numbers, mistaking a six-digit number for five-
digit number or similar. This usually happens when the numbers look similar at
first glance: 345 687; 34 597; 3 456 700. Encourage learners to count the digits in
each number first and to look carefully at the value of each digit in turn from the
highest place value.
Mental Maths (10 minutes daily)
See the Mental Maths section at the back of the Teacher’s Guide.
Teaching guidelines
1. Using the six-digit numbers that the learners created during the previous lesson,
allow the learners to pair the numbers into two columns of ten numbers.
2. Ask for volunteers to read out the pairs of numbers, one by one. 10
3. Then get the volunteers to decide which number is larger out of the pair. Work
through the column.
4. Get the other learners to monitor the answers given.
5. Revise with the learners how they use place value to determine which number is
6. Each digit is compared until they find a digit which is higher in place value.
7. That number is now of a higher value.
8. If one number has more digits than the second number, then it is automatically
higher in value.
9. Revise the use of the symbols < and >.
10. The ‘mouth’ of the symbol always faces towards the larger number.
11. Read through the example on page 7 in the Learner’s Book.
12. Learners can now begin Exercise 1.5.
13. Read through the ‘Did you know?’
Support and extension guidelines
Learners complete outstanding class work. They can do the Target Worksheet to
consolidate the work taught.
Challenge: Guided instruction
Let the learners sit in pairs. Allow learners to work out what each number is. Once
they have completed that, they can start to order them from the smallest to the
If the learners are struggling, choose seven learners to represent the columns from
Units to Millions. Let these learners each hold a label with units, tens, hundreds, etc.
written on them. Learners can now call out their digit’s place value, for example the
learner holding the ‘Millions’ label can call out three million, while the learner
holding the ‘Tens’ label can call out 9 tens.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 1.5 (LB page 7)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 8)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 1: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers
Duration: 2 hours Term 1, Week 1
1.1 Whole numbers
CAPS Counting
Content Ordering
Place value of digits
Unit 1: Read and write large numbers
Unit 2: Count large numbers
Unit 3: Use place value to order numbers
Unit 4: Use symbols to compare numbers
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Read Explain to the learners that it is important when reading numbers to group Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
and write the digits in threes.
large Reinforce the use of a zero as a placeholder.
numbers DBOE Mathematics
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Grade 6 Workbook
Exercise 1.1 (LB page 4)
Term 1 and 2
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 2)
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes
Place value cards,
Unit 2: Count Revise 6-digit numbers.
number lines, place
large Learners practise counting forwards and backwards.
value table, number
numbers cards
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 1.2 (LB page 5)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 4)
LESSON 3: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 3: Use Revise the value of digits in numbers to 999 999.
place value to Discuss the value of various digits within a number with the learners.
order Revise with the learners the process of ordering numbers.
numbers Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 1.3 & 1.4 (LB page 6)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 6)
LESSON 4: Duration: 30 minutes
Use symbols Revise with the learners how they use place value to determine which
to compare number is larger.
numbers Revise the use of the symbols < and >.
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 2: Number Sentences
Duration: 3 hours Term 1, Weeks 1 - 2
2.1 Number sentences
CAPS Write number sentences to describe problem situations
Content Solve and complete number sentences by inspection, trial and improvement
Check solutions by substitution
Unit 1: Solve number sentences
Unit 2: Equivalent number statements
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Solve Explain how brackets are used in number sentences. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
number Guide
sentences Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 2.1 (LB page 8) DBOE Mathematics
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 22) Grade 6 Workbook
LESSON 2: Duration: 120 minutes Term 1 and 2
Unit 2: In this lesson learners are required to use their understanding of
Equivalent properties such as order and grouping to decide on which statements are
number equivalent.
sentences Ensure that learners understand how to read the question carefully to
decide on whether there is only one correct answer, or the possibility of
more than one answer.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 2.2 – 2.5 (LB page 9 - 10)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 22)
Revision: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 1 - 2 TG page: 11
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 3: Addition and subtraction
Duration: 7 hours Term 1, Weeks 2 - 3
1.1 Whole numbers, addition and subtraction
Number range for counting, ordering, comparing and representing, and place value of digits: order, compare and
CAPS represent numbers at least 9-digit numbers
Content Number range for calculations: addition and subtraction of whole numbers with at least 6-digit number
Calculation techniques
Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative; associative; distributive properties
Solving problems
Unit 1: Estimation Unit 4: Use the column method to subtract
Unit 2: Have fun with calculators Unit 5: Addition and subtraction are inverse operations
Unit 3: Use the column method to add Unit 6: Solve addition and subtraction problems
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Revise the rules of rounding off to the nearest 10, 100 and 1 000. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Estimation Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Guide
Exercise 3.1 (LB page 12)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 10)
DBOE Mathematics
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Grade 6 Workbook
Unit 2: Have Explain to the learners that when they work with their calculators, they still Term 1 and 2
fun with need to be careful when pressing the keys because they can press the
calculators incorrect key and get the wrong answer. Place value cards,
Allow the learners to experiment with their calculators. calculators, number
Explain the functions of the CE and C keys. lines, whiteboards,
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) whiteboard markers
Exercise 3.2 (LB page 13)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 12)
LESSON 3: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 3: use Remind learners that there are various methods that they have been taught
the column in Grade 5 to do addition. The column method is the most effective method
method to to use as there is little chance of losing numbers.
add Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 3.3 (LB page 14)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 58)
LESSON 4: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 4: Use the Remind learners that there are various methods that they can use for
column subtraction. Explain to the learners that the column method is the most
method to effective method to use as there is little chance of losing numbers.
subtract Explain how learners are to exchange.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 3.4 (LB page 15)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 66)
LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes
Addition and Remind learners that we can use two ways to check the accuracy of our
subtraction answers, namely: estimation and inverse operations.
are inverse Ask the learners to explain to you how they would use the two methods.
operations Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 3.5 (LB page 16)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 62)
LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve addition We often use addition and subtraction to solve real-life problems. Explain
and that some problems need more than one calculation to solve them – these
subtraction are called multi-step problems.
problems Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 3.6 (LB page 17)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 64)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 4: Common fractions
Duration:10 hours Term 1, Weeks 3 - 5
1.2 Common fractions
Describing and ordering fractions: compare and order common fractions
CAPS Calculations with fractions: addition and subtraction of common fractions
Content Solving problems
Percentages: find percentages of whole numbers
Equivalent forms
Unit 1: What is a fraction? Unit 4: Compare and order fractions
Unit 2: Fractions by grouping Unit 5: Add and subtract fractions
Unit 3: Equivalent fractions Unit 6: Solve problems with fractions
LESSON 1: Duration: 120 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: What This lesson focuses on revision of common fractions and the terminology involved. Grade 6 Learner's
Use many different shapes as you do this work, so that the learners don’t only think Book and Teacher's
is a fraction? of fractions in terms of only circles or rectangles. Guide
Time must be spent emphasising the significance of the denominator and the
numerator. DBOE Mathematics
Be sure to incorporate examples of fractions used in daily life. Grade 6 Workbook
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Term 1 and 2
Exercise 4.1& 4.2 (LB pages 18 - 19)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 28) Fraction strips,
LESSON 2: Duration: 120 minutes Cuisenaire rods,
Unit 2: Spend time using apparatus to divide objects up into equal groups. fraction pieces,
Discuss how to share out the objects left over. fraction number lines,
Fractions by
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) different fraction
grouping Exercise 4.3 – 4.5 (LB pages 20 - 21) shapes, counters,
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 30) buttons, fraction wall
LESSON 3: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 3: It is crucial that learners understand equivalent fractions before progressing to
addition and subtraction with different denominators.
Equivalent Discuss how the denominator and the numerator are one number, and that it is not
fractions possible to change part of a number.
Keep referring the learners to the fraction wall in this lesson.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 4.6 – 4.8 (LB pages 22 - 23)
Incorporate the exercises in DOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 32)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: Explain that before fractions can be compared or ordered, the denominators have
to be the same.
Compare and Mental Maths (TG page 180)
order Exercise 4.9 (LB page 24)
fractions Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 88)
LESSON 5: Duration: 120 minutes
Add and Revise Grade 5 work.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
subtract Exercise 4.10 (LB page 25)
fractions Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 90)
LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve Insist on an open number sentence, that all the workings are shown and that they
conclude with an answer sentence.
problems with
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
fractions Exercise 4.11 (LB page 26)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 92)
Revision: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 3 - 4 TG page: 21
Assignment – Different number systems
TG page: 21
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 5: Time
Duration: 4 hours Term 1, Weeks 5 - 6
4.4 Time
Reading time and time instruments: read, tell and write time in 12-hour and 24-hour formats on both analogue and
CAPS digital instruments
Content Reading calendars
Calculations and problem-solving related to time
History of time
Unit 1: Read and write time
Unit 2: Convert units of time
Unit 3: Time zones
Unit 4: Interpret calendars
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Read Revise telling time from analogue and digital clocks. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
and write Revise the meaning of a.m. and p.m. Guide
time This lesson focuses on reading time and then translating 12-hour time to
24-hour time and vice versa.
DBOE Mathematics
Ensure that they understand that they need to write the time in words and Grade 6 Workbook
then convert it to 12-hour time. Term 1 and 2
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 6: Properties of 2-D shapes
Duration: 8 hours Term 1, Weeks 6 - 8
3.1 Properties of 2-D shapes
CAPS Know and name shapes
Content Features of shapes: describe, sort and compare 2-D shapes
Unit 1: Identify and name 2-D shapes
Unit 2: Angles and lines in 2-D shapes
Unit 3: Compare and sort 2-D shapes
Unit 4: Draw and identify 2-D shapes
LESSON 1: Duration: 120 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Start this unit with a game. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Identify and Revise the basic concepts covered in the previous year. Guide
name 2-D Introduce new shapes, namely the parallelogram and the octagon.
shapes Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) DBOE Mathematics
Exercise 6.1 (LB page 36) Grade 6 Workbook
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 42) Term 1 and 2
LESSON 2: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 2: Angles Explain the following terms through demonstration: straight angle, acute Wall charts, flash
cards, rulers, cut out
and lines in angle, obtuse angle, reflex angle, revolution, parallel lines.
shapes, square dotted
2-D shapes Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) grid paper
Exercise 6.2 & 6.3 (LB pages 37 - 38)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 42)
LESSON 3: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 3: Stick any two shapes on the board. Get learners to list the features of each
Compare and shape.
sort 2-D Ensure that the learners are able to identify what the shapes have in
shapes common and what the differences are.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 6.4 (LB page 39)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 42)
LESSON 4: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 4: Draw The purpose of this unit is to consolidate learners’ knowledge of 2-D
and identify shapes.
2-D shapes Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 6.5 – 6.7 (LB pages 40 - 42)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 42)
Revision: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 5 - 6 TG page: 31
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 7: Data handling
Duration: 10 hours Term 1, Weeks 8 - 10
5.1 Collecting and organising data: collect data
5.2 Representing data: Draw a variety of graphs to display and interpret data
Content 5.3 Analysing, interpreting and reporting data: Critically read and interpret data; analyse data by answering
Questions; summarise data verbally and in short written paragraphs; examine ungrouped numerical data
Unit 1: Collect and organise data Unit 4: The mode and median in a set of data
Unit 2: Read and draw pictographs Unit 5: Interpret and make sense of graphs
Unit 3: Read and draw bar graphs Unit 6: Work through a data cycle
LESSON 1: Duration: 120 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Collect Revise what the learners should know: how to collect data, make tables to Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
and organise organise data, use tallies and totals.
data Introduce the idea of a questionnaire. Discuss how they would complete
the questionnaire.
DBOE Mathematics
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Grade 6 Workbook
Exercise 7.1 (LB page 45) Term 1 and 2
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 48)
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Statistics
Unit 2: Read Revise the key words with the class.
and draw Spend time discussing the pictograph and the key on Learner’s Book page
pictographs 46.
Explain the use of symbols in a pictograph.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 7.2 (LB page 46)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 58)
LESSON 3: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 3: Read Remind learners that the graph needs a title, and that the bars and the scale
and draw bar on the other axis must be labelled.
graphs Discuss the concept of a double bar graph with the class using the example
on page 47.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 7.3 (LB page 48)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 62)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: The Remind the learners that they have already found the mode of a data set.
mode and Introduce the term median.
median in a Explain that to find the median, we have to put the data in order.
set of data Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 7.4 (LB page 50)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 208)
LESSON 5: Duration: 120 minutes
Interpret and Remind learners how to write a paragraph and provide the frame used in
make sense of Grades 4 and 5 if necessary.
graphs Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 7.5 (LB page 52)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 210)
LESSON 6: Duration: 120 minutes
Work through Revise the data cycle.
a data cycle Point out to the learners that they also need to interpret and summarise the
data that they collect.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 7.6 (LB page 53)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 64)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 8: Numeric patterns
Duration:4 hours Term 1, Week 10
2.1 Numeric patterns
CAPS Investigate and extend patterns: investigate and extend numeric patterns looking for relationships or rules of
Content patterns
Input and output values: determine input values, output values and rules for patterns and relationships
Equivalent forms
Unit 1: Flow diagrams
Unit 2: Interesting properties of multiplication
Unit 3: Multiplication and division are inverse operations
Unit 4: Find missing rules and numbers
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Flow Explain clearly the description of flow diagrams and how they can be Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
diagrams represented.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 8.1 (LB page 54)
DBOE Mathematics
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 50) Grade 6 Workbook
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Term 1 and 2
Unit 2: Apart from completing flow diagrams, the emphasis in this unit is on
Interesting learners writing what they notice in the diagrams. Stress the importance of
properties of them doing this in their own words.
multiplication Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 8.2 (LB page 55)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 54)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: This unit requires learners to show how division is the inverse of
Multiplication multiplication, and vice versa.
and division The emphasis in this unit is on learners writing what they notice in the
are inverse diagrams.
operations Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 8.3 (LB page 56)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 56)
LESSON 4: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 4: Find Work through the explanations given in the Learner’s Book at the beginning
missing rules of the unit with the learners.
and numbers Explain the principle: by inspection, as explained in the Learner’s Book, and
the principle of inverse operations.
Ensure that learners are confident before moving on to the explanation of
finding the rule.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 8.4 & 8.5 (LB pages 57 - 58)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 102)
Revision: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 7 - 8 TG page: 42; LB page:
Term 1 Test: TG page: 43
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 9: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers
Duration: 1 hours Term 2, Week 1
1.1 Whole numbers
CAPS Ordering
Content Comparing
Representing digits
Place value of digits
Unit 1: Work with nine-digit numbers
Unit 2: Round off whole numbers
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum
Unit 1: Work Shuffle the place value cards and ask for volunteers to create different Mathematics Grade
with nine- numbers. 6 Learner's Book
digit numbers Continue creating numbers until you have seven numbers on the board, and Teacher's Guide
ranging from a two-digit number to a nine-digit number.
Ask the learners to compare the seven numbers. DBOE Mathematics
Get the learners to organise the numbers in descending order and then in Grade 6 Workbook
ascending order. Term 1 and 2
Revise the place value chart with the learners.
Ensure the learners understand the rules for comparing numbers and are Place value cards,
able to apply them. number lines, place
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) value table, dice
Exercise 9.1 & 9.2 (LB page 62)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 104)
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 2: Round Revise how we round off to the nearest 10. Get the learners to explain the
off whole rule.
numbers Ensure that all learners understand the concept of rounding off to the
nearest 5, 10, 100 and 1 000.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 9.3 (LB page 63)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 106)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 10: Multiplication
Duration: 5 hours Term 2, Weeks 1 - 2
CAPS 1.1 Whole numbers, multiplication
Content Properties of whole numbers: recognize and use the commutative; associative; distributive properties
Solving problems
Unit 1: Factors and multiples
Unit 2: Breaking up numbers to multiply
Unit 3: Estimate answers
Unit 4: Use the column method to multiply
Unit 5: Solve multiplication problems
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Ensure that learners are able to explain the difference between a multiple Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Factors and and a factor.
multiples Encourage the learners to pair the factors.
Find out whether learners know what to do when multiplying by a multiple DBOE Mathematics
of 10. Grade 6 Workbook
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Term 1 and 2
Exercise 10.1 (LB page 64)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 14, 18) Table charts
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 2: Revise the breaking up methods by working through the examples on page
Breaking up 67 of the Learner’s Book.
numbers to Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
multiply Exercise 10.2 & 10.3 (LB page 65)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 16)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Ensure that learners understand that estimation before you calculate is a
Estimate very important skill for them to use.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 10.4 & 10.5 (LB page 66)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 120)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: Use the Explain the vertical column method of doing multiplication.
column The concept that the numbers have to be in the correct columns is
method to important.
multiply Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 10.6 (LB page 67)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 136)
LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve Just a few reminders will be necessary about estimating answers and
multiplication ensuring that the digits are in the correct columns.
problems Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 10.7 (LB page 68)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 138)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 9 - 10 TG page: 53
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 11: Properties of 3-D objects
Duration: 5 hours Term 2, Weeks 2 - 3
CAPS 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects
Content Objects learners need to know and name
Distinguish, describe, sort and compare objects
Unit 1: Identify 3-D objects
Unit 2: Construct 3-D objects
Unit 3: Describe, sort and compare 3-D objects
Unit 4: Interpret drawings of 3-D objects
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Ensure that the learners are able to define what a prism and pyramid is. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Identify 3-D Guide
objects Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Incorporate the exercises in DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 42) DBOE Mathematics
LESSON 2: Duration: 90 minutes Grade 6 Workbook
Unit 2: Work through the worked example with the class. Term 1 and 2
Construct 3-D Demonstrate on one of the nets how the concept of a tab for gluing the net
together works. Wall chart, 3-D objects,
square grid paper,
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
cardboard, glue, sticky
Exercise 11.1 & 11.2 (LB page 71 - 72) tape, rulers, pictures
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 42)
LESSON 3: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 3: This unit uses Exercise 11.2 to revise the features of objects that were
Describe, taught in Grade 5 and Exercise 11.3 to introduce new concepts such as
compare and vertices and edges.
sort 3-D Learners discuss the differences and similarities between objects.
objects Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 11.3 & 11.4 (LB page 73 - 74)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 44)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: Find pictures of 3-D objects and show learners the model of the same
Interpret object in reality, and then get learners to match up the angles and the sides
drawings of 3- with the model.
D objects Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 11.5 (LB page 75)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 46)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 12: Geometric patterns
Duration: 6 hours Term 2, Weeks 3 - 4
2.2 Geometric patterns
CAPS Investigate and extend patterns: investigate and extend geometric patterns looking for relationships or rules
Content Input and output values: determine input values, output values and rules for the patterns and relationships
Equivalent forms
Unit 1: Extend patterns and look for rules
Unit 2: Tables and flow diagrams
Unit 3: Look for patterns and rules
Unit 4: More fun with patterns
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Extend Revise the concept of a number sequence with learners. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
patterns and Explain to learners that they will again be asked to look for number Guide
look for rules sequences in geometric patterns.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) DBOE Mathematics
Exercise 12.1 (LB page 76) Grade 6 Workbook
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 198) Term 1 and 2
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 2: Tables Remind learners of the trial and improvement method for finding a rule Match sticks, counters,
and flow and using flow diagrams to check a rule. dots
diagrams Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 12.2 (LB page 78)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 200)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Look Remind learners of the trial and improvement method for finding a rule.
for patterns Remind learners of how they can use the inverse operations in reverse
and rules order to find the input number when the output number is known.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 12.3 & 12.4 (LB page 79)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 200)
LESSON 4: Duration: 180 minutes
Unit 4: More Learners should be sufficiently familiar with what is required of them to go
fun with straight into Exercises 12.5 and 12.6.
patterns Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 12.5 & 12.6 (LB page 80 - 81)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 200)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 11 - TG page: 62
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 13: Symmetry
Duration:2 hours Term 2, Weeks 4 -5
CAPS 3.3 Symmetry
Content Recognise, draw and describe lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes
Unit 1: Line symmetry
Unit 2: Rotational symmetry
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Line This lesson revises learners’ existing knowledge of line symmetry. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
symmetry Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Guide
Exercise 13.1 & 13.2 (LB page 84 - 85)
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Small mirrors, poster
Unit 2: Read through the introductory text with your class.
Rotational Work through the worked examples.
symmetry Encourage learners to be creative.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 13.3 & 13.4 (LB page 87)
Test: TG page: 65
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 14: Division
Duration: 8 hours Term 2, Weeks 5 - 6
1.1 Whole numbers, division
Number range for counting, ordering and representing, and place value of digits
CAPS Number range for calculations: division of at least whole 4-digit by 3-digit numbers
Content Calculation techniques
Number range for multiples and factors
Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative; associative; distributive properties
Solving problems
Unit 1: Work with factors Unit 5: Solve division problems
Unit 2: Work with prime factors Unit 6: Solve problems by comparing quantities of the same kind
Unit 3: Multiplication and division as inverse operations Unit 7: Solve problems by comparing two different quantities
Unit 4: Use the long division method
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Work Briefly revise the rules for 2, 5 and 10 divisibility. Grade 6 Learner's
with factors Let the rule for divisibility by 3 be an investigation. Book and Teacher's
This topic also includes some examples of dividing by multiples of 10. Guide
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 14.1 (LB page 88) DBOE Mathematics
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 20) Grade 6 Workbook
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Term 1 and 2
Unit 2: Work Use Eratosthenes’s sieve to help with the identification of prime numbers less than 100.
with prime Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Tables chart
factors Exercise 14.2 (LB page 89)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 20)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Where the learners are to do the order of operations, it is important for them to realise
Multiplication that when we have multiplication and division in the same sum, we do not necessarily
and division as need brackets and must work from left to right,
Irrespective of which operation comes first.
Encourage learners to write the remainder as a common fraction.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 14.3 (LB page 90)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 78)
LESSON 4: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 4: Use the The concept of long division is introduced.
long division Mental Maths (TG page 180)
method Exercise 14.4 (LB page 91)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 28)
LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve division Ensure that learners first estimate their answers before working out exact answers.
problems Remind learners to: write a number sentence, to show all calculations and to end off with
an answer sentence.
Ensure that learners are able to check their answers by using an inverse operation or
another method.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 14.5 (LB page 92)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 82)
LESSON 6: Duration: 90 minutes
Solve problems The concept of ratio fits in well with division
by comparing Mental Maths (TG page 180)
quantities of the Exercise 14.6 (LB page 93)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 24)
same kind
LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve problems Simple calculations of division are done to find a unit rate for each sum. Give examples
by comparing from everyday life where we compare two different types of quantities.
two different Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 14.7 (LB page 94)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 80)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 13 - 14 TG page: 71
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 15: Decimal fractions
Duration: 10 hours Term 2, Weeks 6 - 8
1.2 Decimal fractions
CAPS Recognising, ordering and place value of decimal fractions
Content Calculations with decimal fractions: addition and subtraction of decimal fractions of at least two decimal places
Solving problems and equivalent forms
Unit 1: Read and write decimal fractionsUnit 5: Compare and order decimals
Unit 2: Count in decimalsUnit 6: Add and subtract decimals
Unit 3: Convert decimal fractionsUnit 7: More calculations with decimals
Unit 4: Multiply and round off decimals Unit 8: Solve problems with decimal fractions
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Read The learners play place value Bingo. Grade 6 Learner's
and write Ensure that learners can explain what the difference is between tens and tenths. Book and Teacher's
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Guide
fractions Exercise 15.1 (LB page 96)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 168) DBOE Mathematics
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Grade 6 Workbook
Unit 2: Count in Practise the bonds to 100 and 1 000. Term 1 and 2
decimals Make the link between working with whole numbers and working with decimals,
explaining that learners can use the same strategies. Place value cards, digit
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) cards, calculators
Exercise 15.2 (LB page 97)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 170)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Convert Explain the concept of one decimal place and two decimal places.
decimal Explain how to change decimals into fractions or convert fractions into decimals
fractions and what you do to the denominator, you need to do with the numerator.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 15.3& 15.4 (LB page 98)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 170)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: Multiply Read through the rules of multiplying a decimal by 10 and then by 100.
and round off Revise the general guidelines for rounding off numbers to the nearest 5, 10 and 100.
decimals Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 15.5& 15.6 (LB page 99)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 172)
LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes
Compare and Write three or four decimal numbers on the board with the same tens and units, but
order decimals different tenths. Order the numbers with the learners.
Repeat with a set of decimal numbers with the same tens, units and tenths, but
different hundredths.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 15.7 (LB page 100)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 172)
LESSON 6: Add Duration: 120 minutes
and subtract When adding decimal numbers using the column method, they need to line up the
decimals numbers one under each other according to the digits’ place value.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 15.8 (LB page 101)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 54)
LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes
More Refresh the column method used for addition and subtraction.
calculations Remind learners that they must remember to insert a ‘0’ where necessary.
with decimals Remind learners that calculations in brackets need to be done first.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 15.9& 15.10 (LB page 102)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 56)
LESSON 8: Duration: 120 minutes
Solve problems Learners are to use the inverse operation to check their answers.
with decimal Mental Maths (TG page 180)
fractions Exercise 15.11 (LB page 103)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 56) 26
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 16: Capacity and volume
Duration: 5 hours Term 2, Weeks 8 - 9
CAPS 4.3 Capacity /volume
Content Practical measuring of 3-D objects
Calculations and problem-solving related to capacity/volume
Unit 1: The capacity of containers
Unit 2: Estimate and measure capacity
Unit 3: Convert units of capacity
Unit 4: Compare and order capacities
Unit 5: Solve problems involving capacity
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: The Discuss and revise the units for measuring capacity. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
capacity of Explain that 1 ml is a very small amount (less than a teaspoonful) and 1 Guide
containers litre is quite a large amount - the size of a bottle of milk.
Discuss the approximate capacity of familiar containers. DBOE Mathematics
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Grade 6 Workbook
Exercise 16.1 (LB page 104) Term 1 and 2
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 38)
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Containers, measuring
Unit 2: Explain carefully how to measure the amount of liquid in a measuring jug dropper / syringe,
Estimate and or cylinder. milk, juice, yogurt
Ensure that the learners are aware that they should take the error of containers, sand,
measure measuring jugs,
capacity parallax into account.
measuring cups,
Spend some time looking at a variety of scales if possible to help learners plastic bottles,
work out what each division stands for. teaspoons
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 16.2 & 16.3 (LB page 105)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 38)
LESSON 3: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 3: In this lesson we introduce the kilolitre.
Convert units Explain that you can convert between units of capacity. Work slowly
of capacity through the examples when explaining.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 16.4 (LB page 106)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 156)
LESSON 4: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 4: Remind the learners that they need to convert measurements to the same
Compare and units before they compare them.
order Ensure that learners understand the concepts and can order capacities.
capacities Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 16.5 (LB page 107)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 156)
LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve In this lesson, the focus is on calculating with units of capacity.
problems Stress that one can only add and subtract capacities if the capacities have
involving the same units.
capacity Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 16.6 (LB page 108)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 156)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 15 - TG page: 83
Exam Practice: TG page: 83
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 17: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers
Duration: 1hour Term 3, Week 1
Content Representing
Place value of digits
Unit 1: Place value and expanded notation
Unit 2: Read, write and order nine-digit numbers
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Place Give the learners practice adding mentally a string of three, four or five Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
value and multiples of 10s, 100s and 1 000s.
expanded Repeat the activity but with numbers not in place value order.
notation Learners are to explain what the value of each digit is in a number.
DBOE Mathematics
Grade 6 Workbook
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Term 3 and 4
Exercise 17.1 (LB page 112)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 2) place value cards,
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes number lines, place
value tables
Unit 2: Read, When learners are counting, they must be able to understand that when
write and they add 1 to 99, they move from the ‘tens’ place value into the ‘hundreds’
order nine- place value. This applies to moving from the hundreds to the thousands,
digit numbers and so on.
The learners must understand the concept that the tens has two digits,
while the hundreds has three digits and eventually the hundred millions
has nine digits.
Revise with the learners how to group the digits in the numbers and that
they have to leave spaces in appropriate places.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 17.2 & 17.3 (LB page 113)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 76)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 18: Mass
Duration: 5 hours Term 3, Weeks 1 - 2
CAPS 4.2 Mass
Content Practical measuring of 3-D objects
Calculations and problem-solving related to mass
Unit 1: Units of measure for mass
Unit 2: Read measuring scales
Unit 3: Estimate and measure mass
Unit 4: Convert between units of mass
Unit 5: Solve problems involving mass
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Units Discuss which units of mass to use for each object on display. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
of measure Ask learners to estimate the mass of each object. Guide
for mass Use a digital scale to show learners the mass of each object.
Learners are to order the masses from the lightest object to the heaviest
DBOE Mathematics
object. Grade 6 Workbook
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Term 3 and 4
Exercise 18.1 (LB page 114)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 40) bags of sand, objects,
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes bathroom scales,
Unit 2: Read Revise with the class how to read off an analogue scale with unnumbered kitchen scales,
measuring intervals. analogue and digital
balances, wall chart
scales Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 18.2 (LB page 115)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 40)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Revise with the class how to read off an analogue scale with unnumbered
Estimate and intervals.
measure mass Learners are to practise this skill before moving on to estimating and
measuring on scales.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 18.3 & 18.4 (LB page 116)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 152)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: Use a balance to remind learners how many grams are in 1 kg.
Convert Ensure that learners understand when to multiply or divide to convert
between units units of mass.
of mass Explain how to compare mass by first converting all measurements to a
common unit of mass.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 18.5 & 18.6 (LB page 117)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 154)
LESSON 5: Duration: 90 minutes
Solve Remind learners how to do calculations with mass.
problems Mental Maths (TG page 180)
involving mass Exercise 18.7 (LB page 118)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 154)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 17 & TG page: 95
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 19: Addition and subtraction
Duration: 8 hours Term 3, Weeks 2 - 3
1.1 Whole numbers, addition and subtraction
Counting, ordering, comparing and representing, and place value of digits
CAPS Number range for calculations: addition and subtraction of whole numbers of at least 6-digit numbers
Content Calculation techniques
Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative; associative; distributive properties
Solving problems
Unit 1: Estimate answers
Unit 2: Use the column method to add
Unit 3: Use the column method to subtract
Unit 4: Addition and subtraction are inverse operations
Unit 5: Add and subtract with brackets
Unit 6: Solve addition and subtraction problems
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Ask the learners why it is important to be able to round off numbers. Grade 6 Learner's
Remind learners of the process of rounding off to the nearest 10 and 100. Book and Teacher's
Estimate Guide
Explain the rules for rounding off to the nearest 1 000.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 19.1& 19.2 (LB page 120) DBOE Mathematics
Grade 6 Workbook
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 4)
Term 3 and 4
LESSON 2: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 2: Use Remind learners that when using the column method, we always start with the
units’ digits first. Place value cards,
the column number lines,
Make sure that when doing calculations the learners estimate first and then
method to whiteboards,
work out the exact answer. whiteboard markers,
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) calculators
Exercise 19.3 (LB page 121)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 6)
LESSON 3: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 3: Use Remind the learners of the procedure that they followed when using the
the column column method in their addition calculation.
Revise the concept of place value for each digit in a number.
method to
Explain to the learners that when using the column method for subtraction,
subtract they need to understand the concept of ‘exchange’.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 19.4& 19.5 (LB page 122)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 8)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: Work through all the examples with the learners so that they can see that
Addition and addition and subtraction are opposite or inverse operations.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 19.6& 19.7 (LB page 123)
are inverse Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 78)
LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes
Add and Explain to the learners that it is important to always complete the calculation
subtract with that is inside the brackets first.
brackets Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 19.8& 19.9 (LB page 124)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 86)
LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve addition Remind learners of the correct setting out procedure, and how important it is
and to show all of their working.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
subtraction Exercise 19.10 (LB page 125)
problems Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 98)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 20: Viewing objects
Duration: 3 hours Term 3, Week 4
CAPS 3.5 Viewing objects
Content Position and views: link the position of viewer to views
Unit 1: Different viewpoints
Unit 2: Draw views from different viewpoints
LESSON 1: Duration: 90 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Start by looking at a collection of real life objects from different viewpoints. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Different Discuss these different views. Guide
viewpoints Ask learners to draw what they see.
Use pictures of objects taken from different views and ask learners to DBOE Mathematics
identify the objects and explain where the photographer was standing to Grade 6 Workbook
take the photograph. Term 3 and 4
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 204)
Exercise 20.1 (LB page 126) Pictures, models of 3-D
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 44) objects – soccer ball,
LESSON 2: Duration: 90 minutes shoe, cup
Unit 2: Draw Through demonstration and visualisation try to get learners to see another
views from view and to draw what they have visualised.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 204)
Exercise 20.2 – 20.5 (LB page 127 - 130)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 190)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 19 - TG page: 103
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 21: Properties of 2-D shapes
Duration: 4 hours Term 3, Weeks 4 - 5
CAPS 3.1 Properties of 2-D shapes
Content Learners need to know and name shapes
Distinguish, describe, sort and compare shapes
Unit 1: Identify, describe and compare 2-D shapes
Unit 2: Draw 2-D shapes
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Revise the work done in Term 1. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Identify, Remind learners about all the features of 2-D shapes. Guide
describe and Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 205)
compare 2-D Exercise 21.1 (LB page 132) DBOE Mathematics
shapes Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 34) Grade 6 Workbook
Term 3 and 4
LESSON 2: Duration: 180 minutes
Unit 2: Draw Demonstrate how to draw a circle using a board compass. Rulers, wall chart,
2-D shapes Explain to learners that the dimension needed to draw congruent circles is flash cards, square grid
the radius of the circle. paper, compasses,
ruler, pencils, erasers,
Demonstrate how to measure off the radius and draw the circle. small screwdriver,
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 205) board compass
Exercise 21.2 – 21.4 (LB page 133 - 135)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 36)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 22: Transformations
Duration: 3 hours Term 3, Weeks 5 - 6
CAPS 3.4 Transformations
Content Describe patterns
Enlargement and reductions
Unit 1: Use transformations to describe patterns
Unit 2: Describe patterns around us
LESSON 1: Duration: 180 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Use Remind learners of the three types of transformations they have studied Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
transformations in Grade 5.
to describe Have a discussion with the class where you show them a collection of
patterns pictures of tessellation patterns.
DBOE Mathematics
Discuss which shape is being tessellated for each pattern and how the Grade 6 Workbook
shape is being transformed to the next position. Term 3 and 4
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 22.1 (LB page 137) Pictures, cardboard,
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 70) rulers, scissors, wall
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes chart
Unit 2: Describe Learners are to identify transformations in the patterns they see in
patterns around nature, in our cultural heritage and in objects around them.
us Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 22.2 (LB page 138)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 72)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 21 - 22 TG page: 108
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 23: Percentages
Duration: 5 hours Term 3, Weeks 6 - 7
CAPS 1.2 Percentages
Content Calculations: find percentages of whole numbers
Equivalent forms
Unit 1: Understand the meaning of percentage
Unit 2: Convert fractions to percentages
Unit 3: Decimal fractions and percentages
Unit 4: Find the percentage of a whole number
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: It is important that the learners understand that all three types of fractions Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Understand are related and equivalent to each other and are generally interchangeable.
the meaning Explain the term “percentage” and where the word originates from.
of percentage Explain the relationship and the equivalency between the three different
DBOE Mathematics
kinds of fractions. Grade 6 Workbook
Explain that percentages must add up to a hundred when comparing Term 3 and 4
different things.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Magazines,
Exercise 23.1 (LB page 140) newspapers, quad
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 92) paper
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 2: We start by converting common fractions to percentages. Once a
Convert denominator is a hundredth it is easy to work out the percentage.
fractions to Remind the learners that what you do to the denominator must also be
percentages done to the numerator.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 23.2 & 23.3 (LB page 141)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Start the practical part of the lesson by converting decimals to common
Decimal fractions.
fractions and Explain that all the decimals first have to be converted to common
percentages fractions, and then into percentages.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 23.4 & 23.5 (LB page 142)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 94)
LESSON 4: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 4: Find Discuss why the percentage must first be converted to a common fraction
the percentage before one can proceed.
of a whole Explain that you then divide the whole number by the denominator and if
number there is a numerator, multiply the new number by the numerator.
Learners need to ensure that the common fraction is always in its simplest
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 23.6 (LB page 143)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 96)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 24: Temperature
Duration: 1 hour Term 3, Week 7
CAPS 4.5 Temperature
Content Practical measuring of temperature
Calculations and problem-solving related to temperature
Unit 1: Read, compare and order temperature
Unit 2: Calculations with temperature
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Read, Explain the meaning of a maximum and minimum temperature, and of a Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
compare and temperature range.
order Introduce the idea of below zero temperature.
temperature Draw a number line showing integers from –5 to +5 to show learners how
DBOE Mathematics
to calculate the difference in temperature between –3°C and 5°C. Grade 6 Workbook
Discuss what affects weather temperature and how temperature is Term 3 and 4
measured using various scales and thermometers.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Thermometers,
Exercise 24.1 & 24.2 (LB pages 144 - 145) weather maps
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 126)
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 2: Teach the learners how to work out the average temperature.
Calculations Ensure that the learners are confident that they can estimate and measure
with temperature.
temperature Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 24.3 and 24.4 (LB page 146)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 128)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 23 - TG page: 114
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 25: Data handling
Duration: 9 hours Term 3, Weeks 7 - 9
5.1 Collecting and organising data: collect data
5.2 Representing data: Draw a variety of graphs to display and interpret data
Content 5.3 Analysing, Interpreting and reporting data: critically read and interpret data; analyse data by answering
questions; summarise data verbally and in short written paragraphs; examine ungrouped numerical data
Unit 1: Collect, organise and represent data
Unit 2: Find the mode and median of data sets
Unit 3: Interpret and analyse data
Unit 4: Compare graphs on the same topic
LESSON 1: Duration: 90 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Revise the basic concepts of how to draw up a questionnaire. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Collect, Learners will need time to draw up their questionnaires, collect the data Guide
organise and they need and draw their graphs.
represent Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) DBOE Mathematics
data Exercise 25.1 (LB page 148) Grade 6 Workbook
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 58) Term 3 and 4
LESSON 2: Duration: 90 minutes
Die, six sided spinners
Unit 2: Find Revise the terms mode and median with the class.
the mode and Read through the introductory text on page 149 with the class.
median of Make sure all the learners know how to find the middle value when there is
data sets an even number of data.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 25.2 (LB page 149)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 60)
LESSON 3: Duration: 150 minutes
Unit 3: Remind the learners how to write a paragraph and provide the frame used
Interpret and in Grades 4 and 5.
analyse data Work carefully through the example on page 156 with the class.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 25.3 (LB page 151)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 62)
LESSON 4: Duration: 150 minutes
Unit 4: Remind learners that if they count different things in different places, or
Compare ask different people to answer a questionnaire, they will get different data.
graphs on the When they get different data, their graphs will look different.
same topic Read through the text on page 153 with the class.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 25.4 (LB page 154)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 64)
Project – Data Handling
TG page: 119
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 26: Numeric patterns
Duration: 3 hours Term 3, Week 9
2.1 Numeric patterns
CAPS Investigate and extend patterns: investigate and extend numeric patterns looking for relationships or rules of
Content patterns
Input and output values: determine input values, output values and rules for patterns and relationships
Equivalent forms
Unit 1: Special types of sequences
Unit 2: Find the rule
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Special Learners must know and understand the meaning of constant difference Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
types of sequences and constant ratio sequences.
sequences Remind learners of what a sequence of numbers is.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) DBOE Mathematics
Exercise 26.1 (LB page 158) Grade 6 Workbook
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 132) Term 3 and 4
LESSON 2: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 2: Find Remind learners of how to try a number in the flow diagram and continue Squared paper,
the rule adjusting it until one is found that satisfies the rule. number lines, hundred
Focus the learners’ attention on being able to predict the next numbers in square, scrap paper
the output sequence using the sequence rule.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 26.2 & 26.3 (LB pages 159 - 160)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 134)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 25 - TG page: 122
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 27: Length
Duration: 5 hours Term 3, Week 10
CAPS 4.1 Length
Content Practical measuring of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
Calculations and problem-solving related to length
Unit 1: Estimate and measure lengths
Unit 2: Convert units of length
Unit 3: Order lengths
Unit 4: Solve problems involving lengths
LESSON 1: Duration: 90 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Discuss and revise the units for measuring length and distance. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Estimate and Remind learners about the approximate length of familiar objects. Guide
measure Discuss ways of measuring.
lengths DBOE Mathematics
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Grade 6 Workbook
Exercise 27.1 (LB page 162) Term 3 and 4
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 34)
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Metre stick, tape
Unit 2: Explain that to convert from a larger unit to a smaller unit, you have to measure, rulers,
Convert units multiply, and to convert from a smaller unit to a larger unit, you have to conversion wall chart
of length divide.
Show the learners how to measure distances with a trundle wheel.
Revise the conversion between kilometres and metres.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 27.2 (LB page 163)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 90)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Order Ensure that learners are confident with converting between the units of
lengths length.
Explain that when they have to order measurements of length, it is best to
convert the measurements to the same unit.
Explain that the learners must remember the final step of converting back
to the original measurements.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 27.3 (LB page 164)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 186)
LESSON 4: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 4: Solve Explain that learners can work out word problems involving length in the
problems same way as whole number and decimal calculations.
involving Mental Maths (TG page 180)
lengths Exercise 27.4 (LB page 165)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 188)
Test: TG page: 127
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 28: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers
Duration: 1hour Term 4, Week 1
1.1 Whole numbers:
CAPS Counting
Content Ordering
Place value of digits
Unit 1: Read and write large numbers
Unit 2: Round off, compare and order large numbers
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Read Ask the learners to give you nine digit numbers to use as examples. Ask the Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
and write learners to read, write and place these numbers in expanded form.
large Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
numbers Exercise 28.1 & 28.2 (LB page 168)
DBOE Mathematics
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 76) Grade 6 Workbook
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes Term 3 and 4
Unit 2: Round Ask the learners to round numbers off to the nearest 10 or 100 or
1 000. Hundred block chart,
off, compare
place value cards
and order Ensure that the learners can compare numbers using the symbols < and >.
large Remind learners of the rule for rounding to the nearest 5.
numbers Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 28.3 & 28.4 (LB page 169)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 76)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 29: Multiplication
Duration: 5 hours Term 4, Weeks 1 -2
1.1 Whole numbers, multiplication
Number range for counting, ordering and representing, and place value of digits: order, compare and represent
numbers at least 9-digit numbers
CAPS Number range for calculations: multiplication of at least whole 4-digit by 3-digit numbers
Content Calculation techniques
Number range for multiples and factors
Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative, associative and distributive properties
Solving problems
Unit 1: Estimate answers
Unit 2: Multiply using the column method
Unit 3: Solve problems with multiplication
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Revise the importance of checking answers, while reminding the learners Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Estimate that the more we round off, the less accurate our answers will be.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
DBOE Mathematics
Exercise 29.1 (LB page 170) Grade 6 Workbook
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 136) Term 3 and 4
LESSON 2: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 2: Time is to be spent consolidating the column method for multiplication.
Multiply using Remind learners to check their answers.
the column
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 29.2 (LB page 171)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 140)
LESSON 3: Duration: 120 minutes
Unit 3: Solve Ensure that the learners set out the problem calculations properly.
multiplication Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 29.3 (LB page 172)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 142)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 28 - TG page: 135
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 30: Common fractions
Duration: 5 hours Term 4, Weeks 2 - 3
1.2 Common fractions
Describing and ordering fractions: compare and order common fractions
CAPS Calculations using fractions: addition and subtraction of common fractions
Content Solving problems
Percentages: calculate percentages of whole numbers
Equivalent forms
Unit 1: Find equivalent forms and compare common fractions
Unit 2: Different fractions for different contexts
Unit 3: Convert decimals and common fractions
Unit 4: Convert percentages and common fractions
Unit 5: Add and subtract common fractions
Unit 6: Solve problems with fractions
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Find It is important to spend more time converting common fractions into Grade 6 Learner's
equivalent Book and Teacher's
equivalent common fractions.
forms and Explain that when we divide the fraction we are simplifying it, and when
compare we multiply we are creating an equivalent fraction.
fractions DBOE Mathematics
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Grade 6 Workbook
Exercise 30.1 (LB page 174) Term 3 and 4
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 40)
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes Fraction pieces,
Unit 2: Spend time discussing how the different fractions are equivalent, but are pictures, recipes, car
Different usually used to describe different contexts. speedometer,
fractions for counters, buttons
It is important that the learners can distinguish between the appropriate
different usages of the different fraction types.
contexts Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 30.2 & 30.3 (LB page 175)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 42)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: Convert Ensure that learners understand how to convert from decimals to common
decimals and fractions or mixed numbers and vice versa.
common Mental Maths (TG page 180)
fractions Exercise 30.4 (LB page 176)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 44)
LESSON 4: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 4: Convert Work through the examples on page 177 of the Learner’s Book.
percentages and Mental Maths (TG page 180)
common Exercise 30.5 (LB page 177)
fractions Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 46)
LESSON 5: Add Duration: 30 minutes
and subtract Remind the learners that the denominators have to be the same and that
common they should first add or subtract the whole numbers.
fractions Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 30.6 (LB page 178)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 48)
LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes
Solve problems Remind learners of the relationship between division and fractions.
with fractions Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 30.7 (LB page 179)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 100)
Assignment – Percentages, profit and loss
TG page: 140
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 31: Properties of 3-D objects
Duration: 5 hours Term 4, Weeks 3 - 4
CAPS 3.2 3-D objects
Content Learners need to know and name various shapes
Distinguish, describe, sort and compare objects
Unit 1: Model 3-D objects
Unit 2: Sort and compare 3-D objects
Unit 3: Interpret 3-D drawing
Unit 4: Identify nets
LESSON 1: Duration: 180 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Model Revise the properties of a rectangular prism on the board. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
3-D objects Get one of the learners to propose a possible net. Guide
Point out how one wrong measurement could result in the face not fitting
into the model.
DBOE Mathematics
Explain to learners how the activity works and that you expect their full Grade 6 Workbook
cooperation during the activity. Term 3 and 4
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 32: History of measurement
Duration: 1hour Term 4, Week 4
CAPS 4.7 History of measurement
Content Know how people measured and recorded measurement in the past.
Unit 1: Where did measurement begin?
Unit 2: How things have changed
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Where Explain to the learners what exactly happened in ancient times when there Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
did were no proper tools and units of measurement to measure things like
measurement time, mass, length or capacity.
begin? Discuss the use of carob seeds to measure gems and precious metals and
Rulers, measuring
how we use ‘carat’ today to measure the mass for measuring gems and tape, carob seeds,
precious metals. pictures
Ensure that the learners understand the concept of using a forearm or a
hand to measure length.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 32.1 (LB page 188)
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 2: How Have a class discussion with the learners based on their homework.
things have Discuss why they think that these strange units of measurement had to
changed change and become standardised or the same in each country.
Discuss how the various units of measurement changed.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 32.2 & 32.3 (LB page 189)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 33: Perimeter, area and volume
Duration: 6 hours Term 4, Weeks 4 - 6
CAPS 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume
Content Measurement of volume
Unit 1: Measure perimeter
Unit 2: Area
Unit 3: The area of rectangles
Unit 4: Volume
Unit 5: Surface area of an object
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Revise the concept of measuring perimeter by modelling how to do this on Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Measure the board.
perimeter Ensure that the learners understand the concept of drawing to scale.
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) DBOE Mathematics
Exercise 33.1 (LB page 190) Grade 6 Workbook
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 182) Term 3 and 4
LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 2: Area Remind the learners that they worked with area in Grade 5. Ask them what Rulers, squared grid
they remember. paper, rectangles
Pay attention to the steps used for estimating area. drawn on squared
paper, blocks / cubes,
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) cardboard, prestik
Exercise 33.2 (LB page 191)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 36)
LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 3: The Learners need to understand that you can calculate the area of a rectangle
area of by multiplying the number of blocks in the length by the number of blocks
rectangles in the breadth.
Explain the concept of working out area without counting.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 33.3 (LB page 192)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 116)
LESSON 4: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 4: Volume Remind the learners that volume and capacity are related.
Remind the learners that two differently shaped objects can have the same
Discuss how you can find the volume of a cuboid by multiplying or adding
the layers.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 33.4 (LB page 193)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 120)
LESSON 5: Duration: 90 minutes
Surface area of Point out the difference between surface area and volume.
an object Explain that volume is three dimensional, area is two-dimensional.
Point out that volume is measured in cubic units and area in square units.
Explain that volume uses height as a third dimension while area has only
two dimensions.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 33.5 (LB page 194)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 118)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 32 - TG page: 152
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 34: Division
Duration: 6 hours Term 4, Weeks 6 - 7
1.1 Whole numbers, division
CAPS Representing
Content Place value of digits
Number range for calculations: division of at least whole 4-digit by 3-digit numbers
Calculation techniques
Number range for multiples and factors
Properties of whole numbers: recognize and use the commutative, associative distributive properties
Solving problems
Unit 1: Use long division
Unit 2: Inverse operations
Unit 3: Solve problems with division
LESSON 1: Duration: 120 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: use Discuss and explain what a remainder represents. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
long division Briefly revisit the breaking of the divisor into factors. Guide
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 35: Number sentences
Duration: 3 hours Term 4, Weeks 7 - 8
Number sentences
CAPS Write number sentences to describe problem situations
Content Solve and complete number sentences by: inspection, trial and improvement
Check answers by substitution
Unit 1: Number sentences and rules
Unit 2: Solve a number statement
Unit 3: Use number sentences when solving problems
Unit 4: Multiple choice questions
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Number Remind learners of the rule for order of operations. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
sentences and Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Guide
rules Exercise 35.1 &35.2 (LB page 202)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 86)
DBOE Mathematics
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes Grade 6 Workbook
Unit 2: Solve a Remind learners of the three different ways in which a number statement Term 3 and 4
number may be solved.
statement Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 35.3 (LB page 203)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 86)
LESSON 3: Duration: 90 minutes
Unit 3: Use Encourage learners to: read the question carefully, associate the
number numbers given in the question with the quantities that the numbers
sentences when represent, identify the unknown quantity to be represented, write the
solving number sentence, solve the number sentence.
problems Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 35.4 (LB page 205)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 98)
LESSON 4: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 4: Multiple Emphasise the concept of equivalent statements.
choice questions Ensure that learners give the answer as the letter representing the
answer, not the answer itself.
Show learners how to recognise when there might be more than one
correct answer by carefully reading the question.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 35.5 (LB page 206)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 88)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 34 - 35 TG page: 160
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 36: Transformations
Duration: 3 hours Term 4, Weeks 8 - 9
CAPS 3.4 Transformation
Content Describe patterns
Enlargement and reductions
Unit 1: Recognise transformations in patterns
Unit 2: Enlarge a shape
Unit 3: Reduce a shape
Unit 4: Compare the size and shape of triangles and quadrilaterals
LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Revise the different types of transformations. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
Recognise Guide
transformation Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
in patterns Exercise 36.1 (LB page 208)
DBOE Mathematics
Grade 6 Workbook
LESSON 2: Duration: 90 minutes Term 3 and 4
Unit 2: Enlarge Use this exercise to explain how a fractional scale factor results in a
reduction Pictures, grid paper,
a shape
pencils, erasers, rulers
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 36.2 (LB page 209)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 66)
LESSON 3: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 3: Reduce a Learners are to complete Exercise 36.3 in the Learner’s Book.
Mental Maths (TG page 180)
Exercise 36.3 (LB page 210)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 66)
LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes
Unit 4: Compare Learners are to complete Exercise 36.4 in the Learner’s Book.
the size and Mental Maths (TG page 180)
shape of Exercise 36.4 (LB page 211)
triangles and Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 68)
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 37: Position and movement
Duration: 2 hours Term 4, Week 9
CAPS 3.6 Location and directions
Content Location and directions
Unit 1: Find positions on maps and grids
Unit 2: Work with street maps
Unit 3: Describe how to change positions on a grid
Unit 4: Maps and compass directions
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Platinum Mathematics
Unit 1: Find Introduce the concept of a grid reference to locate position. Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
positions on Discuss global positioning systems and how they work. Guide
maps and Focus on locating positions on a grid and giving the position of a place from
grids a map. DBOE Mathematics
Grade 6 Workbook
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Term 3 and 4
Exercise 37.1 (LB page 212)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 202) Grid paper, rulers,
LESSON 2: Duration: 30 minutes maps
Unit 2: Work Learners are to complete Exercise 37.2 in the Learner’s Book.
with street
maps Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 37.2 (LB page 213)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 202)
LESSON 3: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 3: This unit deals with describing changes in position on a seating plan or
Describe how map.
to change Mental Maths (TG page 180)
positions on a Exercise 37.3 (LB page 214)
grid Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 202)
LESSON 4: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 4: Maps Learners are to complete Exercise 37.4.
and compass Mental Maths (TG page 180)
directions Exercise 37.4 (LB page 216)
REVISION: Duration: 30 minutes
Topics: 36 - TG page: 166
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 6
Topic 38: Probability
Duration: 2 hours Term 4, Week 9
CAPS 5.1 Probability
Content Perform simple repeated events and list possible outcomes for events
Count and compare the frequency of actual outcomes for a series of trials
Unit 1: List possible outcomes of experiments
Unit 2: Record outcomes of experiments
LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes
Unit 1: List Demonstrate how to toss a coin. Platinum Mathematics
possible Remind learners that heads is the side with the value of the coin printed on Grade 6 Learner's
Book and Teacher's
outcomes of it.
experiments Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 38.1 (LB page 218) DBOE Mathematics
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 112) Grade 6 Workbook
LESSON 2: Duration: 90 minutes Term 3 and 4
Unit 2: Record Remind learner that the word frequency means total.
Explain to the learners that they are going to do experiments on their own Coins, die, paper, glue,
outcomes of
and record their outcomes. cardboard, toothpicks,
experiments colouring pencils
Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180)
Exercise 38.2 – 38.4 (LB page 219-21)
Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 114)
Exam Practice
TG page: 169