Geography Grade 11 Cnotes and Worksheet On Topgraphy Associated With Inclinedtilted Strata
Geography Grade 11 Cnotes and Worksheet On Topgraphy Associated With Inclinedtilted Strata
Geography Grade 11 Cnotes and Worksheet On Topgraphy Associated With Inclinedtilted Strata
Angle of Dip
Angle formed between the dip
slope and the horizontal line
This angle is used to classify
the homoclinal ridge as being a
Hogsback or cuesta
1. Characteristics and processes associted with the development of
Homoclinal ridges
Landform Utlization
Cuesta Basins Allow for the seepage of water into the centre of the basin
resulting in a good source of ground water.
Sandstone acts as a aquifer sand shale acts as a
Farmers can use the water for irrigation.
New Settlements can be established.
1.1 Refer to FIGURE 1.1 which indicates a cuesta and a hogsback. Match each of
the descriptions below with sketches A or B.
1.1.1 Can form in a dome or basin
2.1.4 Refer to the dip slope and scarp slope in (1x2) (2)
landforms A and B.