Medical Surgical 422 Part 1 Final
Medical Surgical 422 Part 1 Final
Medical Surgical 422 Part 1 Final
It comes from a Greek word geron-“old man” and ology–“the study of” which is coined by Ilya Ilyich
Mechnikov in 1903.
GERONTOLOGY – involves the scientific study of aging, maturity and development through middle age
and later life and the ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of older people.
.It is also deals with the study of the social, cognitive , and biological aspects of aging
It also covers both the science of aging and the practical aspects of elder care including nutrition,
physical activity and independence
. It is a stage of aging which is the process of growing older and development which deals on the change
within old age or change that affects older people.
It involves( Purpose)
1. Developing an understanding of being old, communicating with and advocating for the elderly
2. Biology of Aging - the effects of aging on the human body cells and tissues.
3. Mental Health and Aging - problem in psychiatric disorder common in later life, assessment and
treatment of clients
4. Optimal Aging - involve theories on aging that influences personality, culture, spirituality and
5. Physical activity and Aging- involvement in fitness program , the physical and psychological
effect of exercise on elderly people
6. Gender and Aging - the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual aspects of aging from the male and
female perspective
7. Ethno gerontology Aging- from an ethnic perspective about family and cultural influences .It is
a study of causes, process of causes and the system of care that acknowledge the importance
of culture .It also assess cross-cultural relations and adopt services to meet cultural needs
8 Care taking Aspect- on maintaining the body and returning to normal functioning following an
injury and illness
9 Problems Associated with Aging- depression, stress and anxiety (excessive feeling of loneliness,
loss of interest, feeling tired, life change e.g. loss of hearing and independence)
10 Food and Nutrition for the Elderly -the changing nutritional needs of elderly people
11 Genosex - involvement of sexuality in later life
12 Dementia -problems and different forms of this illness and caring process
13 End-of-Life Care -palliative and hospice care and helping them face their own fear of death
1. Assessment and report writing this involves tracking, assessing and recording of clients progress
2. Communication and Interpersonal Skills one must be able to interact, listen to understand and
to present possible solutions to the clients and their families regarding problems presented
3. Critical and Problem Solving Skills it involves dealing with patients emotional, social and financial
problems and the ability to assess situation and think critically to find solutions -this is the key
or the significant part in the elderly care
4. Cultural awareness and Appreciation of Diversity experts are exposed to different home
environments so they must work effectively with people from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural and
gender backgrounds
5. Empathy and Compassion it is the capacity or ability to empathise and show compassion are
needed because they work in a very stressful environment and situations
6. Patience and Sense of Humour an ability of a health professionals to work with the elderly and
helping them cope is a challenge and this calls for understanding and patience and appreciation
of small victory
7. Trust Building -working with people of different or with various background that entails a lot of
establishing rapport and requires trust from elderly people (they must have to feel for a safe
and supportive environment if they to share th
11. eir burdens and accept help.
1. TASTE and SMELL –there is a decrease in the taste buds and papillae on the tongue.
3. TEETH- loosing teeth and have ill fitting dentures which makes chewing very difficult
they are omitting fresh fruits and vegetables which leads to vitamins and mi-
neral difficiency accompanied by decrease gastrointestinal motility and
create problems of elimination (constipation or loose bowel movement)
Acids, Intrinsic Factor and Pepsin are decrease as a result it affects the
The age 60 years and above the emptying of liquid is rapid and fast which
The pH of the proximal small bowel is increased and there is bacterial over
motility and prolong transit trough the colon which leads to CONSTIPATION.
5. LIVER AND BILIARY FUNCTIONS – There is a decrease of blood flow to the liver leading to a
minor structural and biological changes (e.g. gall bladder becomes sluggish
in releasing the bile which slows down fat metabolism thereby INCREASING
There is a decline of the enzyme drug activity therefore lower drug doses are
6. METABOLIC FUNCTION - there is a decrease in metabolic rate and impaired glucose tolerance
and body protein level which needs dietary modifications
10. RENAL FUNCTION-The GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE is decreased affecting the elimination of
waste products and re absorption of electrolytes .At the age of 40 years the
11. SKELETAL TISSUE- There is demineralisation of bone is more rapid and quick than mineralisation
BONES becomes more vulnerable to FRACTURES and the VERTEBRA may collapse
and as a result there is a DECLINE IN HEIGHT and a STOOPED OR BOOWED POS-
ture resulting to affect RESPIRATORY FUNCTION
12. PULMONARY FUNCTION- There is a decline in pulmonary function about 40% throughout life.
It may not affect much on their health but energetic exercise should be impose
13. HORMONAL CHANGES-The activity of other glands(e.g. thyroid, adrenal cortex and Islet of
Langerhans) decline resulting in changes in METABOLISM and METABOLIC
There is also a decrease in IRON REQUIREMENT OF WOMEN IN MENOPAU