Turan 2015 HF Methods
Turan 2015 HF Methods
Turan 2015 HF Methods
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The effect of roasting on functional properties of defatted hazelnut flours was evaluated by using
Received 2 January 2014 response surface methodology (RSM). Color, water absorption capacity, emulsion and foaming properties
Received in revised form were the main responses that determine the degree of roasting. After roasting of hazelnuts, the oil ab-
13 March 2015
sorption and water absorption capacity, foam and emulsion stability of the flour were increased, whereas
Accepted 14 March 2015
bulk density, foaming capacity and emulsion activity of flours decreased. The roasting temperature was
Available online 21 March 2015
found to be the main factor affecting color development, emulsion properties and foaming capacity. The
maximum responses for color, emulsion and foaming properties were obtained at 140 C and 40 min
Response surface methodology (RSM)
from the regression equations. RSM is a useful tool which can be applied to adjust the desired functional
Defatted hazelnut flour properties of flours. The results indicated that roasted defatted hazelnut flours may have a good potential
Roasting conditions to be used as value-added food ingredients, similar to other protein sources with various functional
Emulsion properties for food applications due to their nutritional value and improved functionality.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction (Alasalvar, Shahidi, Amaral, & Oliveira, 2008; Kirbaşlar & Erkmen,
2003; Ozdemir & Akinci, 2004; Yag cı & Go
€güş, 2008).
Hazelnut (Corylus maxima M. and Corylus avellana L.) is a pop- Roasting is one of the most important processes which gives the
ular tree nut worldwide (Alasalvar, Hoffman, & Shahidi, 2008). In product the necessary alterations to become value-added nuts
addition, Turkey dominates hazelnut industry by contributing 80% (Demir, Celayeta, Cronin, & Abodayeh, 2002). The term “roasting” is
of total world's production (Huntrods, 2012) and supplying 80% of defined as the dry heat treatment of seeds and nuts for flavor, color
global hazelnut exports (Anonymous, 2012; FAO, 2010). and texture development whereas the term “dehydration” means
Although the world tree nut market is divided into two major merely removal of water (Alamprese, Ratti, & Rossi, 2009; Fallico
categories as “in shell” and “shelled tree” nuts, the most common et al., 2003). Time and temperature of the roasting process are
form in food processing sector is the shelled nut. The shelled nuts important factors in hazelnut production in terms of both quality
undergo processes such as blanching, dicing, coating, roasting or and safety. Hazelnuts are generally roasted at temperatures be-
grinding to meet the product’ formulation requirements, or to add tween 100 and 180 C from 5 to 60 min (Demir et al., 2002). When
consumer appeal (Demir, Baucour, Cronin, & Abodayeh, 2003). It is many factors and interactions affect desired responses for a given
important to provide accurate scientific data on the characteristics process, the response surface methodology (RSM) is an effective
of hazelnut to design the process and the equipment better due to technique for evaluating the process parameters with the least
the fact that hazelnuts constitute one of the most important raw number of experiments (Firatligil-Durmus & Evranuz, 2010;
materials for the pastry and chocolate industry because of their Ozdemir & Devres, 2000).
organoleptic characteristics (Fallico, Arena, & Zappala, 2003). In After extracting the oil from hazelnut, residual fruit waste is
addition, hazelnuts add flavor and texture to bakery, confectionery, defined as the defatted hazelnut flour. It is high in protein
cereal, dairy, salad, entree, sauce and dessert formulation (35e41%), fiber (10%), and other nutritional constituents which
makes it a promising source for the production of various func-
tional ingredients (Yagcı & Go
€güş, 2008). Proteins perform various
functions in food systems, and therefore functional properties of
proteins in oily seeds have recently taken the attention of re-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ90 212 2857318; fax: þ90 212 2857333.
searchers. Several studies on functional properties of proteins in
E-mail address: turande@itu.edu.tr (D. Turan).
0023-6438/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Turan et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 63 (2015) 758e765 759
2.4.6. Foaming properties Results for the proximate composition of raw hazelnut flour
The foaming capacity (FC) and the stability (FS) were measured indicated that hazelnuts are good sources of proteins and are rich in
for raw and roasted defatted hazelnut flour samples. 150 ml 3% (w/ oil content (Table 2). All results were in accordance with the pre-
v) solution was prepared with de-ionized water. The solutions were vious published data (Artık, 2004; Kirbaşlar & Erkmen, 2003;
stirred in a homogenizator at 9500 rpm for 2 min. The blend was Ozdemir & Akinci, 2004). The high protein content of raw hazel-
immediately transferred into a 250 ml graduated cylinder. The nut (15.35 g/100 g dry solid) leads the hazelnut flour to be
volume was recorded before and after stirring. FC was expressed as considered as rich in protein and compared favorably with other
the volume (%) increased due to stirring. For the determination of meals as a potential non-conventional source of proteins (Mizubuti,
FS, foam volume changes in the graduated cylinder were recorded Biondo Júnior, de Oliveira Souza, dos Santos Ferreira da Silva, & Ida,
at 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 min of storage. All analyses were performed in 2000; Oladele & Aina, 2007).
duplicate. FC and FS were then calculated according to the
following formula, respectively (Njintang et al., 2001):
3.2. Effect of different roasting processes on functional properties
Volume after whippingðmlÞ Volume before whippingðmlÞ
FC ð%Þ ¼ The regression equations obtained were used to generate
Volume before whippingðmlÞ
response surfaces (Figs. 1e3). All showed quadratic model. More-
over, for quadratic models, the critical point can be characterized as
maximum, minimum, or saddle. It is possible to find the optimum
Volume after standingðmlÞ Volume before whippingðmlÞ region through visual inspection of the surfaces (Bezerra, Santelli,
FS ð%Þ ¼ Oliveira, Villar, & Escaleira, 2008).
Volume before whippingðmlÞ
3.2.1. Color measurements
The results of Hunter L, a, and b values of defatted hazelnuts are
shown in Table 3. Hunter L value is for lightness to darkness
2.4.7. Experimental design and statistical analysis (0 ¼ black and 100 ¼ white), a (redness (þve) to greenness (ve))
RSM was used to determine the influence of two independent and b (yellowness (þve) to blueness (ve)) are for the color-
variables, time and temperature, on the functional properties of opponent dimensions (Ma et al., 2011). Hunter L values of hazel-
defatted hazelnut flour. The process variables and the responses nuts were used to quantify the color change to determine the op-
were defined from published data (Demir et al., 2002; Saklar, timum temperature and time during roasting (Demir et al., 2002;
Katnas, & Ungan, 2001). The effect of variables temperature (x1) Ozdemir et al., 2001). The correlation coefficient of regression
and time for roasting (x2) on functional properties of hazelnut flour equation was 0.91 for color parameters Hunter a value of the
was investigated. Each variable was coded at five levels: 2, 1, 0, 1, roasted defatted hazelnut with non-significant lack of fit (Table 4).
2 (Table 1). Alpha value was 2. The central point was 140 C and Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed model approximates
30 min and replicated four times. the response surfaces and can be used suitably for prediction at any
The variables were coded according to the following equation: values of the parameters within the experimental domain. It was
observed that the linear and quadratic terms of the roasting tem-
xi x*i perature significantly affected all color parameters of the roasted
Xi ¼ defatted hazelnut (Table 4). Demir et al. (2002) reported that
among the color parameters L, a and b, the L values of hazelnuts had
where Xi is the dimensionless value of an independent variable, xi is the highest sensitivity for air roasting time and temperature. In this
the real value of an independent variable, xi* is the real value of an study, it was also observed that both time and temperature were
independent variable at the center point, Dxi is the step change. The significant for color parameters (p < 0.05) although Ozdemir and
response function investigated was Ycolor, Ybulk (g/ml), YWAC (g Devres (2000) stated that roasting time was insignificant for the
water/g defatted flour), YOAC (g oil/g defatted flour), YEA, YEC, YFC, color attributes of hazelnut. The regression equations (Table 5)
andYFS (%) for each functional property, respectively. were used to generate response surfaces for all responses.
A central composite design (CCD) was used to allow for fitting of Maximum temperature responses were reached at 149 C, 131 C
second-order model. All experiments were carried out in a ran- and 158 C for L, a and b values, respectively. Maximum time
domized order to minimize any effect of extraneous factors on the response for L value was found 43 min. The response surfaces of the
observed responses. color values are shown in Fig. 1. Color parameters showed that an
To approximate a mathematical function Y(Y ¼ f(T; t)), second- increase in roasting temperature and time led to an increase in
degree polynomial equations were used: brown color due to Maillard reactions and the amount of hydrox-
ylmethyl furfural (HMF), as expected (Fallico et al., 2003). It was
2 2
Yi ¼ B0 þ B1 Xi1 þ B11 Xi1 þ B2 Xi2 þ B22 Xi2 þ B12 Xi1 Xi2 þ e observed that L value decreased with increasing temperature and
variation of time does not have an effect (Fig. 1a), while a and b
where B0 is the intercept when Y equals zero; Bi and Bij are constant values increased with increased roasting time (Fig. 1b and c). These
coefficients, and Xi's are the coded independent variables, linearly results similarily with recent studies indicated that roasting yielded
related to T and t. darker color (lower L value, higher a and b value) (Ozdemir &
The results were statistically analyzed by the analysis of vari- Devres, 2000). This color change on the thermally treated flours
ance method (ANOVA) and means were compared using least sig- may be advantageous during their incorporation into certain foods,
nificant difference (LSD) at 0.05 level using Minitab 16 (State such as cookies and extruded snacks, in which a golden or brownish
College, PA, USA). color is desired (Ma et al., 2011).
D. Turan et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 63 (2015) 758e765 761
Fig. 1. Response surfaces for L-value (a), a-value (b), and b-value (c) of defatted roasted hazelnut flours.
762 D. Turan et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 63 (2015) 758e765
Fig. 2. Response surfaces for oil absorption capacity of defatted roasted hazelnut flours (a), water holding capacity of defatted roasted hazelnut flours (b), emulsion activity of
defatted roasted hazelnut flours (c) and emulsion stability of defatted roasted hazelnut flours (d).
OAC, the amount of oil absorbed by gram of sample, is an roasting (Table 3). The correlation coefficients of the WAC model
important characteristic in food formulations since they improve were found higher than OAC model with non-significant lack of fit
the satiety, flavor and mouthfeel of foods (Odoemelam, 2005; (Table 4). Therefore, it can be can be used suitably for prediction at
Omosulis et al., 2011). Binding oil ability of protein is very impor- any values of the parameters within the experimental domain. It
tant for applications as meat replacement and extenders (Giami, was observed that the linear and quadratic terms of the roasting
Adindu, Akusu, & Emelike, 2000). The improved OAC of the heat time significantly affected the WAC of defatted hazelnut flour.
processed samples may be useful in cold meat industry, particularly Moreover, significant cross-product term was found (p ¼ 0.012)
for sausages, where the protein usually bridge the fat/oil and water (Table 4). The regression equation with given significant co-
in order to obtain high quality products (Mao & Hua, 2012). efficients (Table 5) were used to generate the response surface.
There was a maximum point and the highest WAC among all the
roasted samples was found at 150 C and 40 min (Fig. 2b). From the
3.2.4. Water absorption capacity (WAC)
regression equation, maximum point was calculated as 150 C and
According to the results, while raw defatted hazelnut flour did
15 min. The largest increase in WAC was observed as 200%. This
not absorb water, there was an increase in defatted flours after
Fig. 3. Response surfaces for foam capacity of defatted roasted hazelnut flours (a), foam stability at 60 min of defatted roasted hazelnut flours (b).
D. Turan et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 63 (2015) 758e765 763
Table 3
Experimental data of response parameters color, bulk density, oil and water absorption capacities, emulsion activity and stability, foaming capacity and stability for defatted
hazelnut flour measurements under different roasting conditions of temperature and time. Color analyses was performed in triplicate. All the other analyses were replicated
Roasting Response
T ( C) t (min) L value a value b value Bulk Oil absorption Water absorption Emulsion Emulsion Foaming Foaming stability (%)
density capacity capacity activity (%) stability (%) capacity (%)
5 min 10 min 20 min 30 min 60 min
(g/mL) (g/g flour) (g/g flour)
effect might be due to the structural differences of the thermally process decreased the EA of flours, ES of flours were increased after
treated flours allowing greater porosity and fluid entrapment and/ roasting (Table 3). The correlation coefficients of regression equa-
or greater water binding properties of subunits or higher polar tion were 0.89 and 0.75 for EA and ES of the roasted defatted
amino acid residues exposed as a result of denaturation. Moreover, hazelnut flour with both non-significant lack of fit, respectively
starch gelatinization and the swelling of crude fiber during heating (Table 4). Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed models of
might also support to increase WAC since they contain hydrophilic emulsion properties approximate the response surfaces and can be
parts, such as polar or charged side chains (Eltayeb et al., 2011). The used suitably for prediction at any values of the roasting parame-
fact that WAC is a critical function in various food products such as ters within the experimental domain. It was observed that the
soups, dough and baked product, incorporation of hazelnut flour linear and quadratic terms of the roasting temperature significantly
into food formulation enhance both their nutritive values and affected emulsion properties of the roasted defatted hazelnut flour
handling characteristics (Ma et al., 2011; Olatidoye et al., 2011). (p ¼ 0.005). Significant linear term of time (p ¼ 0.044) for ES of
defatted roasted flour was also found (Tables 4 and 5). The
regression equations with given significant coefficients (Table 5)
3.2.5. Emulsion properties
were used to generate response surfaces for all responses. Among
Emulsion activity (EA) and emulsion stability (ES) was studied
roasted flours conditions, there was a maximum at 140 C and
as emulsion properties and results were shown in Table 3. The EA
30 min for EA (Fig. 2c). From the regression equations, maximum
value of raw defatted hazelnut flour was 63%, and the ES of raw
points were found at 143 C and at 142 C, 31 min for responses of
defatted hazelnut flour was 34%. It is found that while roasting
Table 4
ANOVA table showing the effect of treatment variables as a linear term, quadratic term and interactions (cross-product) and model fitting for response parameters of roasted
df L value a value b value Bulk density (g/mL) Oil absorption Water absorption Emulsion Emulsion Foaming Foaming stability
capacity (g/g flour) capacity (g/g flour) activity (%) stability (%) capacity (%) @60 min (%)
Model 5 229.02 (S) 28.94 (S) 12.53 (S) 0.004 (NS) 0.005 (NS) 1.81 (S) 1194.05 (S) 986.57 (S) 17293.7 (S) 977.407 (S)
Linear 2 53.67 (S) 1.31 (S) 2.73 (S) 0.002 (NS) 0.003 (S) 0.44 (S) 174.18 (S) 615.25 (S) 804.3 (NS) 44.309 (NS)
Quadratic 2 47.83a 0.38a 2.10a 0.002a 0.002a 0.22a 121.21a 854.03a 1572.9a 100.532a
2FI 1 0.34 (NS) 1.39 (NS) 1.29 (NS) 0.005 (NS) 0.002 (S) 0.36 (S) 24.50 (NS) 66.12 (NS) 112.5 (NS) 3.125 (NS)
Residual 14 114.14 2.72 24.72 0.05 0.005 0.62 145.95 311.98 1761.3 147.393
Lack of fit 3 43.42 (NS) 0.28 (NS) 9.06 (NS) 0.002 (NS) 0.002 (NS) 0.19 (NS) 48.95 (NS) 121.48 (NS) 686.3 (NS) 19.143 (NS)
Pure error 11 70.72 2.44 15.66 0.003 0.003 0.42 97.00 190.50 1075.0 128.250
R2 (%) 86.74 91.40 33.64 42.92 49.65 74.64 89.11 75.98 90.76 86.90
Table 5
Regression equation coefficients, presented as actual terms, for response parameters of color, bulk density, oil and water absorption capacities, emulsion activity and stability,
foaming capacity and stability @ 60 min for defatted hazelnut flour measurements under different roasting conditions of temperature and time.
L value a value b value Bulk density Oil absorption Water absorption Emulsion Emulsion Foaming Foaming
capacity capacity activity stability capacity stability @60 min.
B0 342.643(S) 27.136(NS) 67.5923(S) 1.4542 (NS) 1.53601(S) 10.6393(NS) 336.226(S) 631.223(S) 1163.56(S) 119.339(S)
B1 3.633(S) 0.3336(NS) 0.6620(S) 0.0185(NS) 0.00887(NS) 0.0825(NS) 5.417(S) 9.275(S) 13.79(S) 3.000(S)
B2 0.809(S) 0.552(S) 0.6779(S) 0.0052(NS) 0.02364(S) 0.3357(S) 1.923(NS) 5.020(S) 1.34(NS) 0.434(S)
B11 0.012(S) 0.0011(NS) 0.0021(S) 0.0001(S) 0.00005(NS) 0.0001(S) 0.019(S) 0.036(S) 0.05(S) 0.011(S)
B22 0.006(S) 0.0005(S) 0.0022(S) 0.0001(S) 0.00002(NS) 0.0008(S) 0.011(NS) 0.014(S) 0.02(NS) 0.017(S)
B12 0.002(S) 0.0042(S) 0.0040(S) 0.0001(NS) 0.00016(S) 0.0021(S) 0.017(NS) 0.029(S) 0.04(NS) 0.006(S)
Y ¼ B0 þ B1x1 þ B2x2 þ B11x21 þ B22x22 þ B12x1x2 where x1 ¼ roasting temperature ( C) and x2 ¼ roasting time (min).
S: significant at P < 0.05; NS: not significant.
EA and ES, respectively. The ES value of raw defatted hazelnut flour present (Omosulis et al., 2011; Radha et al., 2008). The relatively
was 34% and showed a saddle point and an increase minimum by high FC and FS of the hazelnut flour obtained in this study suggests
32% in flours after roasting (Fig. 2d). Interaction between protein that this flour have the potential to find application in cake baking,
molecules, when induced by heating, may give rise to the formation coffee whiteners and confectionery products where foaming
of protein aggregates high enough to entrap oil in the three- properties are important (Omosulis et al., 2011).
dimensional matrices of the aggregates, so it could form a good
emulsion (Radha, Ramesh Kumar, & Prakash, 2008). Moreover, 4. Conclusion
solid hazelnut particles may be acted as Pickering particles due to
their proteins. It is reported that partial unfolded protein particles In conclusion, RSM technique proved to be a useful tool in
improved the diffusive mobility of protein and enhanced interfacial establishing optimum roasting conditions for the desired functional
wetting at the oilewater interface, producing Pickering emulsions properties of hazelnut flour which were found to be 140 C and
with superior stability against coalescence (Gao et al., 2014). 40 min for color, emulsion and foaming properties. The results
Therefore, the above result may be explained on the basis of a showed that while temperature was the most important factor in
structureefunctionality relationship based on protein denaturation color development, emulsion properties and foaming capacity,
and Pickering effect. Those properties are very important in interaction between time and temperature was observed to be
development of traditional or novel foods due to the contribution of more critical for other properties. Thus, roasting might be a po-
proteins and other amphoteric molecules. Superior emulsifying tential way to enhance the use of hazelnut in food formulations as
properties of hazelnut flour could be very useful in food systems this may shorten the times required for processing and preparation
such as salad dressing, beverages, and meat analogs (Ma et al., while enhancing the nutritional value. Therefore, heat processed
2011). hazelnut flour might be a potential ingredient as functional agents
in food systems such as bakery products and it might be useful to
improve textural and leavening characteristics in, cakes and con-
3.2.6. Foaming properties fectionery products where foaming properties are important. The
The foaming capacity (FC) and foaming stability (FS) results of optimum conditions obtained from RSM can be used for any given
defatted roasted hazelnut flours are given in Table 3. The results functional properties separately.
indicated that FC of raw defatted nut flour was 400%, which was
significantly high compared to the values reported among nuts in
the literature (Eltayeb et al., 2011; Mao & Hua, 2012; Olatidoye
et al., 2011; Yadav, Yadav, & Dhull, 2012). FS of raw defatted nut
The authors would like to thank Ebru Firatligil-Durmus for her
flour was 45% after 60 min and while roasting increased the FS of
comments on the manuscript and for accessing her laboratory
flour, FC values showed a decrease after roasting. The correlation
equipment. We thank Damak Kuruyemiş for generously providing
coefficients of regression equation were 0.91 and 0.87 for FC and FS
us hazelnut samples.
of the roasted defatted hazelnut flour with both non-significant
lack of fit, respectively (Table 4). Therefore, it can be concluded
that the proposed models of foaming properties approximate the Appendix A. Supplementary data
response surfaces and can be used suitably for prediction at any
values of the roasting parameters within the experimental domain. Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
It was observed that the linear and quadratic terms of the roasting dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2015.03.061
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