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Construction 1 Spanish Unit 7

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Unit 7 The contractor’s office

Word Definition Translation

approximately (adv) an approximate number, amount aproximadamente (adv)

or time is close to the exact
number, amount, etc. but could
be a little bit more or less than it

area (n) the amount of space that a flat área (n)

surface or shapes covers

available (adj) someone who is available is not disponible (adj)


bank (n) a business that keeps and lends banco (n)

money and provides other
financial services

beam (n) a long heavy piece of wood or viga (n)

metal used in building houses,
buildings, bridges, etc.

book shop (n) a place where you can buy librería (n)

bookkeeper (n) the person who records the contable (n)

accounts and transactions of a

café (n) a small restaurant where you cafetería (n)

can buy drinks and simple meals

can (n) a metal container lata (n)

circular (adj) shaped like a circle circular (adj)

circumference (n) the distance or measurement circunferencia (n)

around the outside of a circle or
any round shape

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Word Definition Translation

civil engineer (n) someone whose job is to design ingeniero de caminos (n)
or build roads, bridges,
machines, etc.

cone (n) a shape that is round at one cono (n)

end, has sloping sides and has a
point at the other end

confirm (v) to tell someone that a possible confirmar (v)

arrangement, date or situation is
now definite

congratulations a phrase to tell someone that enhorabuena (loc)

(phr) you are happy because they
have achieved something or
because something nice has
happened to them

cross section (n) something that has been cut in sección transversal (n)
half so that you can look at the

cubic metre (n) British English a solid object with metro cúbico (n)
six equal square sides each
measuring one metre [= cubic
meter American English]

cylinder (n) a shape, object or container with cilindro (n)

circular ends and long straight

damper (n) piece of equipment that stops a amortiguador (n)

movement from being too strong

diameter (n) straight line from one side of a diámetro (n)

circle to the other side, passing
through the centre of the circle
or the length of this line

dimension (n) the length, height, width, depth dimensión (n)

or diameter of something

entrance (n) a door that you go through to entrada (n)

enter a place

expect (v) to think that something will esperar (v)

happen because it has been
planned or is likely

feature (n) a part of something that you rasgo (n)

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Word Definition Translation

notice because it seems

important or interesting

fruit shop (n) a place where you can buy fruit frutería (n)

gift shop (n) a place where you can buy tienda de regalos (n)
something that you give
someone as a present

girder (n) a strong beam, made of iron or viga (n)

steel, that supports a floor, roof
or bridge

government official someone who is in a position of representante gubernamental

(n) authority from the group of (n)
people who govern a country or

graduate (v) to complete a university degree graduarse (n)

hang (v) to put something in a position so colgar (v)

that the top part is fixed or
supported, and the bottom part
is free to move and does not
touch the ground

imperial (adj) relating to the system of weights imperial (adj)

and measurements based on
pounds, inches, miles, etc.

in charge of (v phr) to instruct or urge authoritatively; estar a cargo de (v)

to command somebody or

include (v) to make someone or something incluir (v)

part of a larger group or set

introduce (v) if you introduce someone to presentar (v)

another person, you tell them
each other's names for the first

I-shaped (adj) a shape that looks like the letter En formade I (loc)

job title (n) the description of the work a cargo (n)

person does

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Word Definition Translation

look forward (phr v) planning for and thinking about Estar deseando (phr v)
the future in a positive way

metric (adj) relating to the system of weights métrico (adj)

and measurements, based on
kilos, metres, kilometres, etc.

out of the office (adj not in work at the present time fuera de la oficina (loc)

passage (n) a long narrow area which pasillo (n)

connects one place to another

pendulum (n) a long metal stick in a structure, péndulo (n)

e.g. a skyscraper with a weight
at the bottom that swings
regularly from side to side to
offset movement

perfect (adj) not having any mistakes or faults perfecto (adj)

pleased to meet you a phrase to tell someone that encantado de conocerle (loc)
(phr) you are happy to meet them

post office (n) a place where you can buy oficina de correos (n)
stamps, send letters and
packages, etc.

project manager (n) someone whose job is to gestor de proyecto (n)

manage a project

race (n) a competition in which people carrera (n)

compete to run the fastest and
finish first

radius (n) the distance from the centre to radio (n)

the edge of a circle

rectangle (n) a shape that has four straight rectángulo (n)

sides, two of which are usually
longer than the other two

rectangular (adj) having the shape of a rectangle rectangular (adj)

responsible for (v to be in charge of someone or ser responsable de (loc)

phr) something

restaurant (n) a place where you can buy and restaurante (n)
eat a meal

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Word Definition Translation

rod (n) a long thin pole varilla (n)

skyscraper (n) a very tall modern city building rascacielos (n)

sphere (n) a ball shape esfera (n)

square (n) a shape with four straight sides cuadrado (n)

that are equal in length

square metre (n) British English one metre on metro cuadrado (n)
each of the four sides [= square
meter American English]

staff directory (n) a list of names of the employees directorio de personal (n)
of a workplace, usually arranged
in alphabetical order

structural engineer an engineer skilled in planning ingeniero de construcción (n)

(n) the building of large structures,
e.g. bridges

team assistant (n) the person who provides asistente de equipo (n)
administrative support to a team

thickness (n) how thick something is espesor (n)

toy shop (n) a place where you can buy an juguetería (n)
object for children to play with

triangular (adj) having the shape of a triangle triangular (adj)

truss (n) a frame that supports a roof or entramado (n)


underground (adj) below the surface of the earth subterráneo (adj)

volume (n) the amount of space in a volumen (n)


web (n) the long thinner part of a beam alma (n)

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