Construction 1 Spanish Unit 7
Construction 1 Spanish Unit 7
Construction 1 Spanish Unit 7
book shop (n) a place where you can buy librería (n)
civil engineer (n) someone whose job is to design ingeniero de caminos (n)
or build roads, bridges,
machines, etc.
cross section (n) something that has been cut in sección transversal (n)
half so that you can look at the
cubic metre (n) British English a solid object with metro cúbico (n)
six equal square sides each
measuring one metre [= cubic
meter American English]
fruit shop (n) a place where you can buy fruit frutería (n)
gift shop (n) a place where you can buy tienda de regalos (n)
something that you give
someone as a present
I-shaped (adj) a shape that looks like the letter En formade I (loc)
look forward (phr v) planning for and thinking about Estar deseando (phr v)
the future in a positive way
out of the office (adj not in work at the present time fuera de la oficina (loc)
pleased to meet you a phrase to tell someone that encantado de conocerle (loc)
(phr) you are happy to meet them
post office (n) a place where you can buy oficina de correos (n)
stamps, send letters and
packages, etc.
restaurant (n) a place where you can buy and restaurante (n)
eat a meal
square metre (n) British English one metre on metro cuadrado (n)
each of the four sides [= square
meter American English]
staff directory (n) a list of names of the employees directorio de personal (n)
of a workplace, usually arranged
in alphabetical order
team assistant (n) the person who provides asistente de equipo (n)
administrative support to a team
toy shop (n) a place where you can buy an juguetería (n)
object for children to play with