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Kofax SignDoc 1.3.

User's Guide
© 2017 Kofax. All rights reserved.

Kofax is a trademark of Kofax Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in
any form without the prior written permission of Kofax.

Kofax SignDoc 1.3.1 - User's Guide

Saved 19-Apr-2017
Page 3 of 111 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

I Introduction 5

II General Overview 5
1 Kofax SignDoc
Wizards 6
2 Soft Prompts,
Red Stars, Triangle 9
3 Supported
Languages 11

III Get Started 12

1 Login into
Kofax SignDoc 12
2 Log out of
the Kofax SignDoc 14

IV Create and Send Documents 14

1 Create Signing
Package 16
2 Add Recipients
to Signing Package 17
3 Document(s)
................................................................................................................................... 21
Handling .........................................................................................................................................................
Word Documents 29
4 Prepare Document(s)
................................................................................................................................... 30
5 Review and
Send 35

V Sign and Review Documents 39

1 When Can
a Package be Signed? 40
2 Remote Signing
Session 41
3 In-person...................................................................................................................................
Signing Session 43
4 Agree with
Electronic Signing 46
5 Sign Document(s)
................................................................................................................................... 46
6 TSP Signature
................................................................................................................................... 52
7 Finish ................................................................................................................................... 60
8 Decline a...................................................................................................................................
Signing Package 61

VI Completed Signing Package 62

1 The Final...................................................................................................................................
Document 62
2 Audit Trail
................................................................................................................................... 64

VII Manage Packages 66

1 Search and
List Packages 67
2 View Package
Details 68
3 Void, Delete
and Archive Signing Packages 71
4 Resend a...................................................................................................................................
Signing Request 73
5 View History
of Signing Package 75

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6 Use a Template
Package 77

VIII Administrate Account 78

1 Manage Users
................................................................................................................................... 80
2 Invite a User
................................................................................................................................... 81
3 Update User
Permissions 83
4 Account ...................................................................................................................................
Details 85
5 Signing Settings
................................................................................................................................... 86
6 Notifications
................................................................................................................................... 88
7 Personalize
an Account 88
8 Account ...................................................................................................................................
License 92

IX User Preferences 93

X Work in Teams 96
1 Create a Team
................................................................................................................................... 97
2 Add a Team
Member 100
3 Delete Team
................................................................................................................................... 101
4 Delete Team
Member 102

XI Glossary 103

XII Appendix 105

1 Time Zone
Information 105
2 Contact...................................................................................................................................
Information 108
3 Trademarks
................................................................................................................................... 108
4 Copyright
Notice 108

Index 109

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Page 5 of 111 Introduction

1 Introduction

Kofax SignDoc transforms customer experiences by streamlining the signing of documents.

SignDoc accelerates business workflows by removing steps such as printing, routing, and shipping
documents back and forth. Constituents can sign electronically on any device anywhere resulting in
significant operational cost reductions, productivity increases, and improved compliance.

Kofax SignDoc
· is designed to manage document-based transactions in a multi-channel environment.
· is the fastest way to get a signature from people in a convenient and secure process.
· is an end-to-end solution enabling preparation, execution and management of transactions in
a digital environment across organizations and individuals.
· is compliant with federal e-signature legislation, which gives electronic documents and
signatures the same legal standing as paper documents and ink signatures.
· provides a signed document containing all audit information if desired (self-contained
· supports multiple signature types such as click-to-sign, handwritten, and photo.
· can be operated behind the firewall (in-house) or in an enterprise cloud environment.

The Kofax SignDoc fundamentals are

· Intuitive UI (self manageable process)
· Customizable workflow (who, what, where, how & when, expiration, call back)
· Signer authentication (options and API)
· Sign anywhere and anytime – individually adapted to environment (click, mouse, photo,
handwritten - be mobile and flexible)
· Audit trail included in signed documents
· Self-contained documents ("standard" PDF viewer also for audit trail)

For enterprise workflow applications Kofax SignDoc provides integration interfaces via web
Kofax SignDoc has been designed to be flexible - for Kofax SignDoc users and recipients of
Signing Packages.

Recipients of Kofax SignDoc do not need a Kofax SignDoc account.

2 General Overview

Kofax SignDoc provides complete workflow and management to create, send, track, and sign
documents and forms digitally. Icons and help text pop-outs guide the user through every step of

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General Overview Page 6 of 111

the process. Recipients of documents can sign electronically on any device anywhere resulting in
significant operational cost reductions, productivity increases, and improved compliance.

2.1 Kofax SignDoc Wizards

Kofax SignDoc uses the concept of Wizards for two main tasks:
· one for creating Signing Packages and Template Packages

· and the other as guidance for the signing process

Wizard Page Overview

In general a Wizard page shows in following regions:
· Navigation bar on top
· Information panel on the right side
· Content region
· Navigation controls on bottom

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Wizard Navigation Bar

The wizard progress will act as a means to graphically present the progress through the wizard,
and also as a means of navigation. Each step in the wizard will be represented by a graphic and
The following states are possible.

Step completed Currently active step Step not yet visited

Wizard Navigation Controls

Below the content are the main navigation controls the user.

Button Description

Discard Discards the current signing package, with confirmation

message box.

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Button Description

Save Saves the current signing package, redirect to manage

page, Drafts tab.

Previous Goes to the previous step (hidden if in first step).

Next Goes the the next step (hidden if in last step).

Complete Only shown in the last step.

Send for Signing Packages.
Save for templates.

Wizard Information Panel

Each step in the wizard will include an Information panel. This shows concise instructions on how
to complete the current step. And also if applicable the progress.

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Within the panel there is a Guide me link, this will show an annotated overlay for the current page,
describing the main controls and their purpose.

2.2 Soft Prompts, Red Stars, Triangle

Soft prompts
After completion of each step in the wizard a soft prompt will be displayed overlaying the wizard
progress icons. The soft prompt shows the result of the previous completed step.
· If an error occurs the soft prompt is red

· If it is information the soft prompt is blue

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Red stars in graphical user interface

· Fields with a red star are mandatory fields

· User input is validated as it is entered.

Invalid field entry creates an error message

Display or enter additional information

· additional information can be entered or displayed by clicking the gray bars, dots or triangles.
Here are some samples:

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2.3 Supported Languages

The graphical user interface of Kofax SignDoc supports the English language.

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Get Started Page 12 of 111

3 Get Started

Get started requires for

· Kofax SignDoc users a login, see Login into Kofax SignDoc
· recipients of Signing Packages, Internet access and a modern browser, see Signing Wizards

3.1 Login into Kofax SignDoc

Kofax SignDoc users are invited by an account administrator. You receive an email with the
request to provide a password. Email address and password are your credentials to log-in.
1. Open your Internet browser.
2. Enter the Kofax SignDoc portal page.

3. Click Login button.

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4. Type your email address and password and click Sign in. In some instances, you will also be
asked to enter your Account Id. The Account Id will have been provided to you when you
purchased Kofax SignDoc and is unique to your (or your company’s) account.

When you are logged-in into Kofax SignDoc first time the page Manage Signing Packages page
is displayed and a Guide me is shown. The Guide me introduces the main controls on the page. A
Guide me is available for each page and can be activated by the user every time.

To continue with creating and sending documents for signing and reviewing please see Create and
Send Documents.

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3.2 Log out of the Kofax SignDoc

When you are done in working with Kofax SignDoc it is recommended to log out from the
1. To log out, click Log out. It returns you to the Kofax SignDoc portal page.

Kofax SignDoc is configured to automatically log off inactive users.

4 Create and Send Documents

Kofax SignDoc offers two ways for a user to add recipients and the request for signing or filling
fields to documents:
· Guided Creation Wizard (4 step process)
· Use a Template Package (also guided)

With guided Creation Signing Packages, the Kofax SignDoc user places fields for signing and
filling in the documents manually. The user assigns the fields to a recipient so that the recipient will
see only the relevant fields. When the recipients open the document Kofax SignDoc guides the
user through all documents and all required actions.

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With Use a Template Package on the Manage Page, the Kofax SignDoc user assigns only
recipients to previously used aliases. In this case documents are already prepared with the
necessary fields.

A click on the button Create Signing Package starts the Wizard. Creating Signing Package is a
four step process.
1. Signing Package – Purpose and Explanation
2. Define Recipients / Signers of the signing package
3. Define documents to be included and preparation for signing
4. Check data before send out
The wizard guides the user through process. However the user is not restricted to follow the steps
in the recommended order. The Create Signing Package Wizard allows to jump back or forward to
enter information.

If a user clicks on the back button in the browser window running the Create Signing Package
wizard the last "save as draft" status will be displayed next time when the user continues with
the creation.
· The user continues with creation by selecting button Continue related to the signing
package on manage page.
· If the signing package hasn’t been saved as draft during creation, the user will not be able to
continue when hit the browser back button.

Kofax SignDoc validates entered data.

Create Signing Package is a wizard where every page shows the elements: navigation bar,
navigation controls and information panel

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4.1 Create Signing Package

A Kofax SignDoc Signing Package is a container used to send one or more documents for signing
or reviewing. A Signing Package can have multiple multipage documents and several recipients
with different roles.
1. Click on Create Signing Package.

2. Setting up basic information for the signing package or loading a template if desired.

Setting up signing package information:

Package Name: Enter here the name of the Signing Package
Description: Enter here your description for the Signing Package
Audit trail options: By default audit information is added to package container and created for
each document
If you load a signing package from Template Package
Load from template: Enter here the name of a pre-existing Template Package (a drop down
list displays all available templates).

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Selecting the template prefills the wizard in the consecutive steps with template information.

Soft prompt shown "[Template Name] is loaded".

3. Click the Next button to continue.

4.2 Add Recipients to Signing Package

In the Add Recipient(s) page a Kofax SignDoc user

· adds recipients name and email address
· specifies identification methods
· defines the routing order

In case the signer will participate in an in-person signing session the field Email for entering
the recipient's email address does not have to be filled out.

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Add recipients name

The user enters name or email in the appropriate field and hits enter to add contact to list or select
the plus sign. If the recipient is stored in the contact list Kofax SignDoc fills automatically email
address and recipient name.

· Selecting a known contact

Typing text into the field creates a drop down populated with contact(s) that match entered text.
Selecting the contact from the drop down can be done by clicking the arrow key + enter.
Selected contact is added to the recipient list.
· Not selecting a known contact
"Inputting text + enter" directly in the text field adds a new recipient, depending on the format the
text will be interpreted as either name or email address. Adding a recipient in this manner adds
the recipient item expanded with the email or name (depending which is empty) highlighted,
cursor automatically placed in the corresponding incomplete field.

Delete recipient

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A recipient can be deleted from the list. Clicking the delete button will show a warning informing if
the user that the signer has already assigned signature field(s). Continuing will remove the
signature fields from the document(s) in the signing package.

After adding a recipient the Kofax SignDoc user can select the role for the recipient (Reviewer or
Signer), but the reviewer will not be allowed to fill any editable fields.

A recipient may act as signer or as reviewer

· Signer
Recipients with the role signer are requested to fill editable fields - especially to sign signature
fields, to enter data in text fields or to select check boxes - in the documents grouped to the
signing package.
· Reviewer
Reviewer with the role reviewer receive the signing package for information. The person will only
open the documents of a signing package for reading (including all entries done by users with

Signer certificate required

When Signer certificate required is selected a signer certificate is necessary. A client certificate
can only be used with the Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox browsers on Windows operating
system. The SignDoc Device Support setup and the appropriate Browser Extension or Add-On
must be installed on the client computer.
For capturing handwritten signatures using SignPads you need to:
1. Install SignDoc Device Support.

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The SignDoc Device Support setup is part of the SignDoc shipment or can be downloaded from
the Kofax Services page:
2. Extend your Browser with according add-on or extension for the DeviceConnector.
For the following browsers download and install additionally:
· Firefox Add-on URL:
· Chrome Extension from Chrome Web Store
or use URL: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/signdoc-
· Internet Explorer Add-on
Add-on is installed with SignDoc Device Setup.

The support webpage mentioned in step 1 will also guide you to the appropriate Browser
Extension or Add-on.
When Signer certificate required is not selected the installed certificate is used (see Signing

The Kofax SignDoc user may request that recipients must authenticate before opening the Signing
Package. The authentication section allows to identify a recipient. This option is to limit access to
the Signing Package to authorized persons only.

Authentication methods:
· None (default): authentication is based only on email address
· Access Code: additional authentication code is delivered to the recipient using another channel.
Text field prefilled with random characters and numbers (individual changeable).
The authorization code cannot be changed after a signing package is sent.
· SMS Authentication: only available if configured for your account. The SMS Authentication
delivery channel option requires the recipient’s phone number. Kofax SignDoc will send an SMS
with the access code to the phone number when the signing session is started. The recipient
must enter this access code to open the signing package.

Routing order

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The routing order sets the order in which recipients receive and can work on the document(s). The
routing order of the recipient can be determined if desired:

· Parallel signing (default)

To all recipients invitations are sent at the same time (send date).
All recipient will show order number 1.
· Series signing
Each recipient is invited (via email) in sequential order. The next recipient is invited only after the
previous recipient ‘completes’ his/her part.
Depending on the order for each recipient an order number is displayed.
A message appears alerting the user to arrange the signers in the desired order by dragging the
recipient item in the appropriate order. Dropping the recipient updates the order number.
Define routing order if in series using toggle button (parallel/series) to do this. This option is
available only if the Signing Package has at least two signers defined otherwise it is disabled.

4.3 Document(s)

In the Add Document(s) page a user adds documents from local storage or online documents.
The user can upload one or more documents either by file upload or by drag & drop.
The Document(s) page is for
· uploading documents
· autoprepare documents
· adding document description
· start document preparation

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Upload document(s)
For each uploaded document a description can be added to inform the recipient about
expectations or document content.
· After files are selected for upload (either ‘drag and drop’ or the ‘file picker’) new document items
are added to the bottom of the list.
o To upload documents click into the grey box and pick a PDF file with the file chooser dialogue
o Drag & Drop a PDF file into the grey box area

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Upload Behavior
· A progress bar indicating upload progress is displayed

· Upload progress bar is replaced with Prepare button when upload is completed


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· Document name field is prefilled with the file name.

A Kofax SignDoc user can change the name by clicking in the document name field and typing a
new name.

· All uploaded documents are listed in upload order.

User can arrange the documents in the desired order by dragging the document item in the
appropriate order. Moving the document item is constrained to the document item list area.
Order labels are updated with the item is dropped.

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· For each document a description and a message can be added. Click either on the triangle or
below the document name.

· To remove a document, click the Delete button.

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Prepare document
You can view the PDF document by clicking on the document icon or on Prepare button. The click
opens the document prepare editor.

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Autoprepare a document
The user can decide if Kofax SignDoc shall prepare the uploaded document(s) with one signature
field at the end of each page for each recipient.
· Auto prepare flag is set when uploading the document.
If the flag set document is 'autoprepared' with one mandatory signature field for each recipient
with the role signer when upload is completed.
o Signature fields are placed on the first document page and can be moved to other pages.

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If you are uploading a PDF document with form fields Kofax SignDoc detects the fields and
keep them (no conversion to a proprietary fields).

Next button
The Next button will guide the Kofax SignDoc user to the Review and Send page.

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4.3.1 Handling Word Documents

Kofax SignDoc supports uploading MS Word documents for signing.

It supports both Office 2007 (.docx) and Office 2003 and earlier (.doc) formats.
These Word documents are automatically converted to Portable Document Format (PDF). The
PDF file format is more appropriate for digital signatures and archiving.

Microsoft Word Signature Lines

The MS Office signature lines are recognized by Kofax SignDoc and are automatically converted to
PDF signature fields.

Microsoft Word Signature Setup

Kofax SignDoc will evaluate the "Suggested signer" and "Suggested email" when trying to assign
the PDF signature fields to a recipient.
If the signature line "Suggested signer" is not empty and the signature line "Suggested email" is not
empty Kofax SignDoc will look for a match from in the list of existing recipients. If only one recipient
with the same name is found the signature field will be assigned to this recipient. If there are more
than one recipients with such a name, the recipient with the same email will be used.
If there are more than one recipients with the same name and email, the recipient with assigned
signature fields will be used.
If the signature line "Suggested signer" if not empty and the signature line "Suggested email" is
empty, Kofax SignDoc will look for a match from the list of existing recipients. If only one recipient
with the same name is found the signature field will be assigned to this recipient. If there are more
than one recipients with the same name, the recipient with assigned signature fields will be used.

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If the signature line "Suggested signer" is empty and the signature line "Suggested email" if not
empty Kofax SignDoc will look for a match from in the list of existing recipients. If there are more
than one recipients with the same email, the recipient with assigned signature fields will be used.
If there is no recipient that matches either the name or email a new recipient will be added to the
package, using the "Suggested signer" and "Suggested email" from the signature line. If more than
one signature line has the same "Suggested signer" and "Suggested email" these signature fields
will all be assigned to the same recipient.

4.4 Prepare Document(s)

A Kofax SignDoc user can make changes to the uploaded document. The content of the selected
document is shown on this page. The standard browser zooming methods are supported. The user
can browse through the current documents of the package in both directions (forward, backward).
Kofax SignDoc displays the current document list number of the selected document and the
number of all documents in the signing package. If the first document is shown, the user will not be
able to select a previous document and vice versa.

The Kofax SignDoc document editor informs about selected document (title, description,
messages) and supports placement
· signature fields
· text fields
· check boxes

Adding fields can only be done for recipients with role signer.

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Field Assignment
To assign a field to a signer select the recipient name in the interactive field tool. Click and drag the
field from the palette and drop it on the document.

A field is assigned either to a specific recipient or all recipients (any user) and can be
· resized (sizing by dragging the lower right corner)
· moved from page to page by scrolling
· deleted via the properties dialog
· specified as required (mandatory field)

Field Properties
When a field from the interactive Field panel is inserted in the document the Kofax SignDoc user
can set properties for this field.

Basic properties for all field types are:

· associated name of assigned recipient
· field name - identifier and label for the field
· decision if a field is defined as required or not

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Signature field options

Following signing methods are
selectable additionally to the basic
· handwritten signature
· click-to-sign signatures
· take a photo
A Kofax SignDoc user can limit the
available methods or leave it to the
recipient to select.
Default signature fields are marked
as required and allow all supported
signing methods.

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Text field options

Text fields accept user input, which
can be alphabetic characters,
numbers, or both.
Default text fields are single line text
fields and marked as required.
Following options can be set
additionally to the basic properties.
· text field for typing information to
the recipient(s)
· decision if a field is defined as read
only or not
· placing a multi-line text field or not

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Check box options

· set the check box to Read Only

Field Controls
The field properties dialog includes two controls:
· Delete button: to remove a field
· OK button: to accept changes

Continue with other documents

The document count indicator in the page header shows the number of documents within the
signing package. The previous button next to the count indicator links to previous document. The
previous button is disabled if the first document is displayed. Next document button takes user to
the next document in the list. It is disabled if the last document is shown.

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Done Button
The Done button in the page header will guide the Kofax SignDoc user to the Document(s) page

4.5 Review and Send

The Review and Send page is the final step in the Create Signing Package wizard. The page
provides an overview of assigned recipients and content of the package. It validates available
information corresponding to the steps used to create the Signing Package. The validation result
provides a quick overview of acceptance, errors and information of the current signing package.
· If there are no errors a green tick provides positive confirmation when a section is fine.
· If there is a validation error in a section, text is shown in red

The Review and Send page is divided into following sections

· Validation box
· Signing Package send settings
· Package information
· Recipients information
· Documents information
· Save as Template Package option

Validation box

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The validation table provides a quick overview of acceptance, errors and information of the current
· If there are no errors in the section a green tick provides positive confirmation when a section is

· If there is a validation error in a section, text is shown.

In the Review and Send page of the signing wizard an informational message appears if there
is a recipient without an email address.

· Each section shows a list of error or information messages. The text links to the section and
input field the message relates to:
o Error:
explanation of the error, text shown in red
o Information warning:

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If the validation is successful the user is able to send the signing package to the recipients. The
user selects the Send button. After sending the signing package the user is redirected to the
manage page. The user is informed via a soft prompt that the package is sent.

Signing Package Send Settings

This section shows when will the package be sent with which information.

Setting Description

Send Date A Kofax SignDoc user can define when the email is sent to recipient(s).

Expiration Date A Kofax SignDoc user can define if the availability of a Signing Package is
limited or not (default: never).

Reminders A Kofax SignDoc user can define when reminder emails are sent to recipients
(after sent or before expiry day).

Email settings A Kofax SignDoc user can customize the text for the email subject and
messages for the recipients in the email body. Email subject and email body
text are prefilled with default text.

Audit trail A Kofax SignDoc user can specify if a container PDF document with audit trail
information for the package and for each document is sent to the recipients
after completion of Signing Package.

Start and expiration date of a signing package and start date of a reminder are now shown with a
time (hh:mm) part.

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For a newly created package the time part of the dates should always show as 00:00 for midnight
in the creator time zone.
Changing the time zone will not affect the dates of existing packages as long as they keep
Changing one of these dates will recalculate all the dates with the active time zone.

It is recommended not to uncheck the check boxes.

Package information
This section displays the entered information for the package from Create Signing Package start
page as read only text. A Kofax SignDoc user can change the text by clicking the Edit button.

Recipients information
This section displays the entered information for recipient from Add Recipients to Signing Package
page as read only text. A Kofax SignDoc user can change the data by clicking the Edit button.

· If a recipient is removed from the recipient list, in this case all assigned fields are removed from

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· If a recipient with role signer is added to the recipient list, in this case an error message appears
on the Document(s) page that the new signer needs to be assigned to a signature field.

Documents information
This section displays the entered information (document name, description, messages and status
information) for uploaded documents from Document(s) page as read only text. A Kofax SignDoc
user can change document information or availability of documents by clicking the Edit button.

Save as Template Package option

When opening the section Readonly/Writeable a Kofax SignDoc user can decide to save the
created Signing Package as Template Package when selecting the check box Save as template.
The prefilled name of the Template Package can be changed.
The template is only saved when you select finish. It is not saved in case you select the Save
The check box Save as template is only active if the package is complete.

5 Sign and Review Documents

This section is about how recipients of prepared documents will use Kofax SignDoc service to sign
or review the documents.
· If the signer receives an email notification from the sender on behalf of Kofax SignDoc he can
sign in a straight forward 4 step remote signing session:

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1. Authentication of the recipient

2. Agree with the E-sign Consent
3. Review and Sign documents
4. Finish the signing procedure

· The signer can also use the in-person signing session, which enables the signing of documents
without the need to send an email to the recipient:

1. Welcome
2. In-person signing
3. Finish

A recipient is not requested to login into Kofax SignDoc. The recipient or the signing host in
case of in-person signing needs access to Internet and his or her email application.
The recipient can decline the process every time.

5.1 When Can a Package be Signed?

In general a template or draft are not directly signable.

A package must contain at least one signer, and there must be at least one document with a
signature field for a signer. Go through the Guided Creation Wizard and click the Finish button
on the Review and Send page to prepare it for signing.
If an email address has been included the signer will be notified via email and a link to open a
browser to start signing is included in the email. There are a number of options for how and when
this notification is sent:
· See Review and Send > Send Date
· See Add Recipients to Signing Package > "series" signing
· See Resend a Signing Request

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If the package has been Declined, Voided, Completed, Archived or if it has Expired it can
no longer be signed by any persons.
It is possible that a package is edited so that it is no longer signable, for example a document
is deleted. If this occurs, the package goes back into draft state.

There are two channels how signing can be started.

1. Remote Signing
2. In-person Signing

5.2 Remote Signing Session

Receive Signing Request

Recipients first experience with Kofax SignDoc is an email informing them about the request that
documents need their review or signatures.
The email is sent from Kofax SignDoc on behalf of the sender (the user organization). The email
· information about the sender (sender name)
· a message from the sender in the email body
o to inform who invites whom and for what
o and a secure personalized link to Kofax SignDoc to open the document.

Welcome Page for the Remote Signing Session

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When the recipient clicks on the link or the button Open Documents the Kofax SignDoc guided
signing and review process starts. This page informs the recipients about:
· who requested reviewing or signing
· what is requested to review and sign
· expiration date
· request from sender for recipients authentication

Authentication Option
If defined by the sender the recipient must be authenticated before the next page with the E-sign
Consent form will be displayed.
Kofax SignDoc offers authentication based on access code. The recipient will enter the code in the
field next to Access code.

If authentication fails a message is shown.

The next step requires the signer to Agree with Electronic Signing.

The package creator may have used Kofax SignDoc to automatically send the SMS containing the
access code to the recipient. This SMS is only sent when the signing session is started.

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5.3 In-person Signing Session

There are typically two scenarios when in-person signing might make sense for you.
· When the signer are physically present and would like to e-sign the documents immediately
without the need to open an email
· Sending an email invitation to the signer is not possible. For example the signer does not have
an email address, computer, or an internet connection.
In-person signing allows one or more persons to review and/or sign the documents with the
assistance of the signing host (the account holder). The participants of the signing session need to
be physically present. As the signing host you will facilitate but not necessarily participate in the
signing session. The signing host will oversee that control of the signing device is passed on to the
active signer.
There are no additional prerequisites when preparing a package for in-person signing.
An in-person signing session can be started for a valid package for one or more signers that have
not finished signing. You can launch the in-person signing process in the following ways:
1. Initiate the process by pressing the Sign now button.

2. Click the Start button to open the in-person signing session in a new tab.
3. You can open the common signing session on your mobile device using the QR code.

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The wizard will guide you through the in-person signing process. The participants of the signing
session will take turns completing their part. It is the signing host duty to ensure control of the
signing device is passed on to the active signer.

Instructions for the Signing Host

Select one or more participants for the in-person signing session. You will need to manually
authenticate the signers before you can start the in-person signing session. Select one or more
authentication mechanisms for each of participant. You can also add a text comment in the other

Disclaimer. Any information entered in the Other field will be stored as plain text, and will be visible
in the audit trail.

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Welcome Page for the In-person Signing Session

This page shows the necessary steps to sign packages. An additional description for each step is
provided in the Instructions panel.

After verifying the details click the NEXT button to start the in-person signing session.

The next step requires the signer to Agree with Electronic Signing.

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5.4 Agree with Electronic Signing

Signers and reviewers must confirm the use of electronic documents in order to view and sign
· The e-sign consent can be downloaded and printed.
· The NEXT button on this page is disabled as long as the agree check box is not checked. After
that, the NEXT button is enabled. The recipient will be directed to Review and Sign documents

The "E-sign Consent" text included in the srollable region has to be read carefully by the signer.
Ticking the I agree check box enables the NEXT button to continue with the review and sign step.
By clicking the DECLINE button the transaction will be canceled and the the initiator of this signing
ceremony will be informed about this decision.

In case of a common signing session the signer needs to accept the signing consents only
once per session.

5.5 Sign Document(s)

On this page users get an overview of documents included in the signing package. The recipient
selects a document for signing.
For each document status information is shown (Complete, Action required, Review). Clicking
on the action button (Sign or Review) of the row will open the document.

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Click the RESUME LATER button to save all changes without the user finishing the package.
The FINISH button is only enabled, if all required fields of all documents of the signer are
completed and/or all documents have been reviewed by the reviewer. Once a user has finished
they can no longer edit the documents in the package.
The finished documents are shown in the upper area of the page.

If the document is opened for reviewing the recipient is not allowed to sign or to fill other
editable fields.

All pages of the document are displayed in a continuous paging view.

In the header you can see the title and description of the current document.

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If a document message has been set, a message icon is shown.

Documents may have form fields that recipients need to complete. Fields in the document are
shown with a blue background. Required fields are marked with an asterix. Users can click the
fields to fill them in.
A form filling guide is displayed on the left side of the page to assist navigation to the required fields
of the document. On mobile devices this guide is shown in the toolbar. The guide will point users in
the direction of the next required field. You can also click the guide to automatically scroll there.
To sign, click on the signature field and follow the instructions. You can also remove any signatures
added by clicking again and pressing Clear signature.
If the Signer certificate required option is enabled (see Signer certificate required), a client
certificate will be requested the first time you sign a field in any of the documents. This certificate
will be used for all subsequent digital signatures for the current signer unless removed.
After the signer certificate is available to the signing session a new icon will be visible in the toolbar.

Clicking the icon will display information about the certificate. From this dialog you can also remove
the certificate from the signing session

After clicking the icon a message will inform you that the Client Signing certificate has been
removed and a different certificate may be applied to new signatures.
There are three signing options.
1. Signature: sign with your mouse or signature pad.

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2. Click-to-Sign: sign by typing your name.

3. Photo Capture: use your device’s camera to take a picture to sign with. To take a picture
press the SNAP button. If you would like to take the picture again press RE-TAKE. Once you
are satisfied with the picture press the APPLY button.

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If no camera is connected you have the possibility to download an image from your computer.

You can also remove any signatures added by clicking again and pressing Clear Signature.

The availability of the signing options depend on how the document was prepared.

Once you are done editing or reviewing the document press the SAVE button to save your changes
and return to the previous page.

Download your Documents

To download your documents, click the Download icon:

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After you have finished filling or reviewing all your documents, click the Download All button to
save all of your completed documents as a zip file:

When all documents are completed and the user is returned using the SAVE button to Review &
Sign page then the FINISH button is highlighted and the recipient can finish the view and sign

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Recipients can select FINISH button only when all required actions for them for all documents
are done.

Clicking on FINISH button Kofax SignDoc guides the recipient to the Completeness & Thank you

5.6 TSP Signature

A trust service provider (TSP) is a legal entity providing and preserving digital certificates to create
and validate electronic signatures and to authenticate their signatories. The trust service provider
has the responsibility to assure the integrity of electronic identification for signatories.
A TSP signature can be defined through the REST API for every recipient per document. It is not
possible to define TSP signature via User interface but it is possible to see when TSP signature is
required for the document in the Package wizard and Manage Packages page.
1. Add Recipient(s) page of the Package wizard:
The TSP icon indicates that the recipient is requested to sign a document with a TSP signature.

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2. Add Document(s) page of the Package wizard:

The document marked with the TSP icon is prepared with a TSP signature, that has to be
signed by the recipient.

3. Review and Send page of the Package wizard:

For every signer it is displayed whether a certificate is required or not. The type of the TSP
signature is also displayed for the recipient.

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4. Manage Signing Packages page:

The TSP icon is visible if at least one signer has to sign at least one document with a TSP

5. Package Information page:

In case a TSP Signature is required its type is shown in the Recipients section.
In the Documents section, it is shown that the document has to be signed with TSP signature.

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On the signing process the recipient can see when the TSP signature is required.

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To proceed to TSP signature process all the required fields must be completed.

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Complete all required fields and return to the documents list. A dialog with TSP information is
displayed. Clicking PROCEED will redirect the browser to the TSP website to complete the TSP
signing process.

You will not be able to change the document after the TSP signing.

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To reopen the TSP dialog and initiate the TSP signing process click .

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The document is not finished until the TSP signature is completed.

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After the TSP signature is completed the document is set to read only mode, none of the fields can
be changed.

5.7 Finish

Goodbye page
After the in-person or remote Signing Session has been ended you will be taken to the Goodbye
page. This page will show a message confirming the end of the process. We recommend that you
close your browser window.

Audit Trial information will be provided automatically to recipients and sender after the Signing
Package is signed and reviewed by all requested persons.

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5.8 Decline a Signing Package

A recipient of a Signing Package can decline the Sign and Review process at any time.
The recipient is asked to provide a reason for declining. Recipients can type additional comments
into a free text field.

The signing session for the recipient will be closed and the recipient will be redirected to the finish
The recipient will see following information:

The sender receives an email.

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The Signing Package is displayed in the manage page with status declined.

6 Completed Signing Package

The Final Document

Audit Trail

6.1 The Final Document

After all recipients have signed and reviewed the document(s), a final PDF document named with
the Signing Package is sent via email by Kofax SignDoc. This PDF document includes information
about the package and as attachment the signed documents and their audit trails.
1. Open the email attachment in PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Reader) showing digital signatures.
· Page 1 includes Instructions
· Page 2 contains Package Information
· Page 3 provide the Audit Trail for the package
2. Open attached documents.
· option a: click on the grey area in the final document on page 1

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· option b: using e.g. Adobe Reader controls

Click the attachments tab on the left bar Open attachments

(the paperclip icon)
Attachments panel automatically opens, listing the
attached files open these files for viewing

3. Select document to view.

4. Goto page with Audit trail information.

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6.2 Audit Trail

The audit trail for a Signing Package and the signed documents is distributed immediately after
completion to all recipients of a Signing Package as one document readable in standard PDF
viewers like Adobe Reader. It is included as attachment to the email.

The audit trail records all relevant actions during the Signing Package life cycle. This means it
contains relevant actions/data created within the Kofax SignDoc.

An audit trail contains information about

· the signing package
· the recipients of the signing package
· performed actions for accessing the signing package for each recipient
· performed actions for each document of the signing package in chronological order.

The tables below show more detailed information contained in the audit trail.
Package information

Information Description

Package Name The name of Signing Package

Package Description The package description

Package ID The unique identifier for a package

Date Time created The date and time the Signing Package was created.

Status Signing Package status when the audit trail was generated.
Completed: The status is used when the Signing Package is
completed by all recipients

eConsent Text Text which the signer or reviewer has to accept before accessing the
Signing Package.
This text can be changed by the Kofax SignDoc Account Owner.

Date Time completed The date and time the Signing Package was completed.

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Information Description

Actions The events recorded for activities on the package container (see
section Actions).

Recipient list

Information Description

Name The name of the recipient

Email address The email address of the recipient.

Role The role of the recipient: either signer or reviewer

Date time completed The date and time the recipient has completed the required actions
for package.

Authentication The used method for authentication

Actions The events recorded for activities of the recipient independent from
the document (see section Actions).

Document list

Information Description

ID The identifier for the document.

Name The name of the document

Description The document description

Actions The events recorded for activities on the document (see section


Information Description

Date Time The date and time the action was created.

IP Address The IP Address provided from the computer where the Internet
Browser was opened for the action.

Performed by The name of the recipient performing the action.

List of Actions

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Information Description

Open The action when a document is opened

Viewed page The action when a recipient visits a document page.

Acceptance of eConsent The action when a recipient agreed to e-sign consent.

Authentication The action when a recipient is authenticated.

Signed The action when a recipient signed.

7 Manage Packages

Kofax SignDoc central overview page is responsible to manage user's Signing Packages and
Template Packages. The Manage page offers following features:
· Searching for packages
· Select actions for packages like View, Edit, Void, Use, ...
· Access for user preferences, help, guide me
· Create packages

The Signing Certificate icon is visible if at least one signer required a Signing Certificate.

Each package is shown with its

· document thumbnail:
o Signing Package: A thumbnail of the first page of the first document will be placed atop a
o Template Package: A thumbnail of the first page with the label Template of the first document
will be placed atop a rectangle.
· date and time of last update
· package title

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· TSP required
· Signer certificate required
· package status information
o shows a progress bar when Signing Package is ready for sending.
§ The blue bar shows the completed part and the orange part still needs to be done.
§ A text below the bar indicates how many recipients already signed or reviewed the
· available actions for packages
o View, Edit, Void, Use, Delete, Archive
and Sign now for in-person signing
o The View action offers additional actions for the Signing Package
§ Resend Signing Package, Download documents, Cancel Signing Package, Create Template
from Signing Package, View History, Sign now for in-person signing

7.1 Search and List Packages

Search for packages

A user can filter available packages. Kofax SignDoc distinguishes between packages created by
users themselves (default view) and packages created from team members (see Work in Teams).
By default the All tab is selected which means all packages of the logged in user and their team
member are shown. If there are more packages available than listed, you can switch to the next
page by clicking on the appropriate page number.
Kofax SignDoc has configured following filter tabs for user's packages.

Additional filter criteria are available in the drop down menu above the filter

For working on packages created by team members the user selects first the appropriate team.

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1. Select via the search extension (3 dots) the team.

2. Select the team.

7.2 View Package Details

A user can view the details of a package when selecting View on the main Manage page for a
dedicated package.
The View page shows information about
· Package information
· Signing Package send settings
· Recipients information
· Documents information
entered during the Create and Send Document phase of a Signing Package.

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The View page allows the user to

· Resend a Signing Package to all or only to one recipient
Sometimes a Kofax SignDoc user is requested to resend the Signing Package to recipients.

A new email address of the recipient can be entered. Changing the email address of a
recipient is available if you email only one recipient.

· Download documents e.g. to offer them via another channel

Sometimes a user is requested to send the documents for e.g. reviewing to another person.

Sign Now

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There is a Sign Now button for every recipient in a signing package on state Waiting for

1. On the Package Information page in Recipients section select Sign now.

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2. After authentication a modal dialog should appear containing the QR code and a Start button
which starts the Kofax SignDoc guided signing and review process.

To use the QR code follow the description on the left side of the dialog.

Some QR Code Readers use their own browsers to open read links by default.
Therefore when using a QR Code Scanner it is recommended that the website should be
opened in a supported browser for signing a package.

See In-person Signing Session for a description of the Sign Now process.

7.3 Void, Delete and Archive Signing Packages

Beside viewing the details of a package Kofax SignDoc offers additional features for handling
Signing Packages by the Kofax SignDoc user.

Not every action is available in each status of a Signing Package.

The sender of the Signing Package (Kofax SignDoc user) has canceled the Signing Package as
long it is not completed. A confirmation message box is shown. If the user confirms the signing
package is voided and can be deleted from the system. Once a Signing Package is voided,
recipients cannot longer view or sign the Signing Package. Recipients are notified by Kofax

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The sender of the Signing Package (Kofax SignDoc user) can delete a Signing Package when it is
completed. A confirmation message box is shown. If the user confirms the signing package is
removed from the system.

The sender of the Signing Package (Kofax SignDoc user) can archive a Signing Package when it is

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7.4 Resend a Signing Request

Sometimes a Kofax SignDoc user is requested to resend the Signing Package to recipients. A new
email address of the recipient can be entered.
A user can resend a Signing Package to all or only to one recipient.
1. Select View of a Signing Package on the Overview manage page.

2. Select View History.

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3. Go to section Recipients and click Email next to the recipient.

4. Type mail subject and body text (message to the recipient) and select the checkbox to include
link for signing. An email address of the recipient can be entered, if no emails have been saved
for the signer yet.

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5. Confirm sending.

7.5 View History of Signing Package

For each Signing Package a View History page shows the current status of the Signing Package
immediately the package was sent.

View History shows all actions during the Signing Package life cycle. This means it contains
relevant actions/data created within the Kofax SignDoc. It contains information about
· the signing package
· the recipients of the signing package
· performed actions for accessing the signing package for each recipient
· performed actions for each document of the signing package in chronological order.

The audit trail of a Signing Package provides following information:

Package Information

Information Description

Package Name The name of Signing Package.

Package The package description.


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Information Description

Package id The unique identifier for a package.

Creator The user which created the signing package.

Date Time created The date and time the Signing Package was created.

Status Signing Package status when the audit trail was generated.
· Started: The status is used when the start date has been reached but not
all signers have been notified.
· Completed The status is used when the Signing Package is completed by
all recipients.
· Rejected: The status is used when one recipient has declined the signing
· Expired:The status is used when the time for signing the documents are
outside the time limit.
· Canceled: The status is used when a Kofax SignDoc user (not a recipient)
has stopped processing of the Signing Package before it is expired.
· Archived: The status is used when a Kofax SignDoc user moved the
Signing Package to Archive.

eConsent Text The eConsent text the signer has to agree to in order to be able to continue
the signing process.

Date Time The date and time the Signing Package was completed.


Information Description

Name The name of the recipient.

Email The email address of the recipient.

Role The role of the recipient: either signer or reviewer.

Date Time The date and time the recipient has completed the required actions for
Completed package.

Status The recipient status

Authentication The used method for authentication.

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Information Information

id The identifier for the document.

Name The name of the document.

Description The document description.

Audit Trail

Information Information

Date Time The date and time the action was created.

Performed by The name of the recipient performing the action.

Document File name of the document.

Action Description of the action performed.

7.6 Use a Template Package

A very fast method to create a Signing Package is the usage of an existing Template Package.
A Kofax SignDoc user
1. selects Use of a Template Package on the Overview manage page.

2. When the Create and Send Documents wizard is opened the Kofax SignDoc user
a. changes only if needed
§ Signing Package name and description
§ recipient name and email address
b. selects Review & Send in the wizard navigation bar

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c. clicks Send.

Alternatively, the user starts with selecting Create Signing Package from the header

and selects Load from template to open a pre-existing Template Package.

1. Type the name of the Template Package.

The autocomplete search function will show available packages.
2. Select Use or press Enter.
3. Template Package is loaded.
Selecting the template pre-fills the wizard in the consecutive steps with template information.
4. A blue soft prompt is shown "[Template Name] loaded".

8 Administrate Account

The Account Administration area is only available to users with the corresponding access rights.

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Summary Dashboard
At the top of the page, a dashboard provides you with a summary overview of information that is
relevant for the account. The following information is presented:

License State: specifies whether or not the currently installed license is valid.
Number of Users: displays both the number of users that have been created within this account,
as well as the maximum number of users that are permitted for this account based on the current
Number of Signing Packages: displays both the number of signing packages that have been
created within this account, as well as the maximum number of signing packages that are
permitted for this account based on the current license.
Number of Documents: displays both the number of documents that have been added to signing
packages within this account, as well as the maximum number of documents that are permitted for
this account based on the current license.
License expires on: displays the date on which the current license will expire, as well as the
number of days left before the expiry. Once the license is expired, the system can no longer be
fully used.
Url: displays the URL for direct access to this specific Kofax SignDoc account.
Status: displays the status of this account. Specifically, it displays whether or not the account is
active or has been suspended.

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Warnings: displays any warning messages that are important for the account administrator to be
aware of.

Account Settings Section

Underneath the summary dashboard, you will find a section of links to settings pages that are
specific to configuring the account settings for this account. The options include:
Manage Users: Edit individual user details, passwords and groups membership.
Account Details: View and edit your personal account details.
Signing Settings: View and edit default settings to be used during the signing process.
Notifications: View and configure your package notifications.
Personalization: Adapt the look of Kofax SignDoc to your own style.
Clicking on any of the blue links in the Account Settings section will lead you to a further page that
will allow you to perform the configuration of a particular type of account settings.

License and Billing Section

Underneath the summary dashboard, you will find a section of links to settings pages that are
specific to configuring licensing and billing options for this account. Currently, the only option
available is the Account License option:
Account License: View and configure account license information.

8.1 Manage Users

The Users page of the Administration section provides an overview of users joining this account.

This page is only available when the account is defined as multi-user account.

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This page allows the account administrator to:

· Search for account users (account members)
Type characters of the user name in the field and press enter. All users including the characters
are listed.
· List of all members of the account
All users of the account are listed in alphabetical order. The number of presented items per page
is predefined (e.g. 10 users per page).
· Add new users to account
A click on the button New User opens a page to invite a user to join the account.
· Edit individual users
The account administrator can update name and email address of the user, reset password,
assign new roles to the user or delete the user from the account.
· Delete users
Performing this action deletes the user’s access data and blocks the user from accessing the
· Suspend users
Performing this action blocks the user from accessing this account. The user cannot log in, but
be reactivated with the same credentials.
· Re-activate users
After suspending a user an account administrator can restore the account membership at any
time. Once restored the user can sign in and access Kofax SignDoc functionality.
· Reinvite users
An account administrator is now able to reinvite an already invited user e.g. if the original email
got lost. For this purpose a new action Reinvite is added to the drop menu of each invited user
in the Manage Users page. He can do this as often as he wants until the user has become
active. This happens when the user provides a password for the first time. Reinviting a user will
invalidate all invitations previously sent.

8.2 Invite a User

1. On the Account Administration page click New User.

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2. Enter the fields requested for creating the new user and assign one of the following roles:
· Account Admin
· Team Manager
· User
The administrator may select a time zone for the user.

3. Click the Invite button.

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4. The new user has to accept the received invitation email.

5. The invited user must provide a password. After the password is available the account will be
created for the new user.

8.3 Update User Permissions

The account administrator can update name and email address of the user, reset password, or
delete the user from the account as well as assigns role(s) to user.

Name & Email

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The name of the user how it is displayed and the address where notifications via email are sent to
for this user. Kofax SignDoc checks if the email address is already used within the application. A
soft prompt appears when the email address is already in use.

The email address is used as one unique identifier for the user.

Reset password
The administrator can request from the user to reset the password. The user will receive an email
with a link to password change page.

In this section the administrator assigns roles to users of the account. When selecting a role all
inherent roles are automatically assigned to this user (enabled grey check boxes).
A user with the role account administrator has the same privileges like a Kofax SignDoc user with
the role team manager. The administration of team roles and configurations of team settings is
assigned to a user with the role team manager.
A user with role team manager can add users and remove team members, change settings, delete
the team.


Button Description

Done Button returns the user to the Account

administration page back.

Delete Button to block the user to access the account.

Before a user will be blocked for Kofax SignDoc checks if the user has active packages. If yes, an
information appears.

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8.4 Account Details

On the Account Details page you can set specific attributes to be used for the account. They are
as follows:
Account ID: This is a mandatory field that is used to identify your specific account. The account id
may be requested from users of your account during login to the system and differentiates your
account from other tenants that may be active in this Kofax SignDoc installation. The Account ID
must be unique system-wide.
Name: This is the name to be used throughout the system for your account. This field is
Company: This is an optional field identifying the name of the company to which this account
Contact Information: This is an optional field describing the contact information for this account.
DNS Label: This label allows this Kofax SignDoc account to be accessible via a subdomain. E.g. If
your company’s account should be accessible via the url yourcompany.kofax-signdoc.com, the
label "yourcompany" will appear in the DNS label field. This field is configured upon creation of this
account by the system administrator and is not editable.
Date/Time format: A drop down box is provided to allow you to select the time zone to be used for
all timestamps during signing, as well as for any time and/or date indications within the application.

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8.5 Signing Settings

The Signing Settings allow an administrator to set preferences and configurations for this account
that are specific to the actual signing of documents.

Biometric Encryption Key

This is the encryption key that will be used to encrypt biometric signature data whenever it is
captured during the signing process. Generally, such data is only captured when using specific
hardware signature tablets during the signature capture process. Ideally, you should upload the

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public key for your company here, and take all precautions to put the private key in safekeeping.
This will allow you to encrypt signature data such that only the person with access to the private
key will be able to decrypt it at a later time (if necessary). In order to upload the public key, you
must click on the Browse button and select the public key file from your local computer.
If no biometric key is set here, a default biometric key will be used, and a warning will appear at the
top of each Kofax SignDoc page instructing the administrator to update the biometric key.

Signing Certificate
This is the digital signing certificate that will be used for each Kofax SignDoc signature placed in a
document. By clicking on the Install Certificate you will be provided with a dialog that will allow you
to browse the local computer’s file system in order to select and upload the digital certificate. Once
uploaded, the selected certificate will be used for all signing ceremonies. The possibility to select
your own signing certificate allows an administrator to ensure that a certificate’s credentials match
the account holder’s. This is particularly important for the final signed documents. When inspecting
signed documents, the certificate selected here will be displayed and the document will be shown
as having been signed by the owner of the certificate. If no certificate is selected, a default self-
signed certificate will be used, and a warning will appear at the top of each Kofax SignDoc page
instructing the administrator to update the signing certificate.

E-sign Consent Text

The e-sign consent text is the text that will be displayed to each recipient of a signing package
before signing. The recipient will be asked to acknowledge their agreement with this text before
being permitted to continue the signing process. It is important that the text provided here
represents you, or your company’s legal terms and conditions concerning electronic signing of
documents. A default text is provided which the account administrator must modify here. Kofax
takes no responsibility for documents signed using the default text. The text is provided as-is and
must be modified before using SignDoc.

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8.6 Notifications

The Notifications settings page allows an administrator to specify whether or not email
notifications should be sent to users upon event changes e.g. to notify a user that a recipient has
signed a document. Notifications are enabled or disabled for the entire account by checking or
unchecking the checkbox on this page.

8.7 Personalize an Account

You can personalize the account to allow users identify the account owners organization.
The personalization is visible to both the package owners and signing package recipient. Using the
personalization options you can set colors, logos, and links in the footer.

Personalization Page
To personalize the account you need to login with a user with account administrator privileges.
Administration > Personalization

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The Personalization page is divided into several section, each section relates to a group or region
of a page. Each section has a preview area to confirm the changes are as you expect it. After an
adjustment has been made click the Apply button to view the results. When you are finished click
the Done button to return to the account administration dashboard.

Logo and Header

You can personalize the appearance of the header in the following locations:
· Kofax SignDoc main pages; Manage Packages, Teams, Account Administration, Prepare
Package etc.
· The Signing wizard

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· Emails
Foreground and Background color can be customized. Type the hexadecimal RGB code or click
the color to select from the color palette.
To change the logo click the browse button and locate the desired image.

Secondary Logo

You can change the logo of the login screen here. To change the logo click the browse and locate
the desired image.

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The footer can be customized for all account pages. This includes:
· Kofax SignDoc main pages; Manage Packages, Teams, Account Administration, Prepare
Package etc.
· The Signing wizard
Foreground and Background color can be customized. Type the hexadecimal RGB code or click
the color to select from the color palette.
The links in the footer can also be changed. Click the Add link button to create a new link in the
footer. Type the Text and Url. Multiple links can be added by clicking the Add link button again.

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Titles and Header

Titles and headers in various locations within Kofax SignDoc can be changed.
Text color can be customized. Type the hexadecimal RGB code or click the color to select from the
color palette.

8.8 Account License

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The Account License settings page provides an overview of the current license metrics, as well
as an option to upload a new license (e.g. to renew, prolong, or upgrade the current account). To
set a new license, click on the Update License button. A file browser will open that will allow you to
load the Kofax SignDoc license file from your local computer’s file system.

9 User Preferences

The preferences page shows settings which can be changed by each user. In the Kofax SignDoc
header click the drop down icon next to the user account icon or name and select Preferences.

The preference page is displayed.

User preferences are not available from a Wizard page.

Available preferences depend on the permission settings for the account.

User preferences include following topics:

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The Back button will return the user to the page from where he started opening preferences.

Personal information (readonly)

This section lists the name of the user, the email address, the assigned roles within and the
membership in Teams.

Your time zone

This setting allows the selection of a time zone. See Time Zone Information for detailed
information. The user may select another time zone if desired.

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Option to change password

If permitted by settings of the application the user can change his password for Kofax SignDoc.

The user enters the requested information and clicks on Change password. A password must be
at least 6 characters long. The system will update the password and notifies the user.

API Key for headless interacting with Kofax SignDoc (readonly)

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Kofax SignDoc REST API can be consumed by any programming language able to do so. It
requires nothing more than an API key for authentication to enable a user to interact with Kofax
SignDoc in a headless manner.

Default package settings

Here a user can change the default name of a Signing Package or a Template when created or
enter his default Email subject and message to recipients. All these settings can be updated also
during the Signing Package creation process.

10 Work in Teams

Kofax SignDoc offers that work can be organized in teams. This allows a group of users to be
responsible for a certain set of packages.
Kofax SignDoc enables account administrators to create teams and to assign users as Team
A team consists of users joining the same Kofax SignDoc account. Users with Team Manager role
can add users to their teams. A team can have more than one users with the role team manager.
Changes of the team or modifications in the team settings are accepted from each user with the
role team manager. This section is only available if a user has the corresponding permissions.
A user can be a member of various teams. Kofax SignDoc lists for users their membership in the
user preference page.

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Every team member can follow up with Signing Packages of his team – a team member can
continue creation of Signing Packages available for his team. That means each team member can
view, edit and process packages available for the team.
If a user has the role account administrator or team manager the user can administrate the team
via Teams page. The teams page displays information about users associated with this account.

A team can have multiple team managers.

This page allows the team manager to:

· search for teams
Type characters of the team name in the field and press enter. All teams including the characters
are listed.
· list all teams of the account
All teams of the account are listed in alphabetical order. The number of presented items per
page is predefined (e.g. 10 users per page).
· add new teams to account
A click on the button New Team opens a page to create a new team.
· delete teams
Performing this action deletes the team. Packages are assigned to the user who performed an
action on it. Deleting a team does not delete a user.

10.1 Create a Team

This functionality is only available when the accessing Kofax SignDoc user has the role
account administrator.

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1. Go to the Teams panel on the left hand navigation side.

2. Click the button New Team.

3. Type Team Name.

The team name can be changed whenever the team is edited.

4. Optional: Define a new Team Manager. The account administrator creating the team is set as

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a. Add a Kofax SignDoc user as team manager.

5. Optional: Add a Kofax SignDoc user as team member.

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6. Click on Done button.

The members and managers of the team will be notified per email.

10.2 Add a Team Member

This functionality is only available when the accessing Kofax SignDoc user has the role team
manager for this team or account administrator.

1. Go to the Teams panel on the left hand navigation side.

2. Optional: Add a Kofax SignDoc user as team manager.

3. Add a Kofax SignDoc user as team member.
a. Enter user name.
b. Press Enter key or click on Add button.

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4. Click on Done button.

The users you added to a team will be notified with an email about their new team membership.

10.3 Delete Team

This functionality is only available when the accessing Kofax SignDoc user has the role team
manager for this team or account administrator.

1. Go to the Teams panel on the left hand navigation side.

2. Select a team.

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3. Select Delete button.

or click Edit and then the Delete button from the dropdown menu.

4. The team is removed from the list of teams.

10.4 Delete Team Member

This functionality is only available when the accessing Kofax SignDoc user has the role team
manager for this team or account administrator.

1. Go to the Teams panel on the left hand navigation side.

2. Select the appropriate team.

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3. Click the button Edit next to the team.

3. Select a user name.

4. Click on Remove button.

11 Glossary

Term Description

Account Administrator A person who uses the software for creating Signing Packages or
Template Packages. The person will initiate the Kofax SignDoc
sequence and administrate roles of users within the account. An
account can have more than one administrators.

Any Any is used when an editable field (text field, check box) can be filled
by each recipient with the role signer.

Authentication Option to limit access to the signing package to authorized persons


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Term Description

Autocomplete search Search function that helps finish what is being typed by comparing the
current text with that which was entered previously.

Completed Signing All recipient have fulfilled the required actions. No recipient has
Package declined the signing package.

Customer Company buying Kofax SignDoc.

Declined Signing A recipient has declined to sign or review the Signing Package.

FinalDocument A pdf file containing the audit trail information and the signed pdf

In-person signing In-person signing allows one or more persons to review and/or sign the
documents with the assistance of the signing host (the account holder).
The participants of the signing session need to be physically present.
The signing host will facilitate but not necessarily participate in the
signing session. The signing host will oversee that control of the signing
device is passed on to the active signer.

Kofax SignDoc user A person who will initiate the Kofax SignDoc sequence to create a
Signing Package or a Template Package,
Manage his own created tasks
Create / maintain workflow
View (dashboard) / receives (email) status information / notifications
Receives audit data specific information

Recipient Is a person (identified by name and email address) that will receive an
invitation to the signing package.

Reviewer Reviewer is a role of a recipient. Recipients with the role reviewer

receive the signing package for information.
· A reviewer can not edit the contents of interactive fields.
· A reviewer must accept e-sign Consent.
· A reviewer must open the document.
· A reviewer can decline or complete a package only once.
o A reviewer must provide a decline reason.

Signer Signer is a role of a recipient.

· A signer has interactive fields assigned to.
· A signer can edit the contents of interactive fields if the field is not set
to readonly.
· A signer must accept the e-sign consent before completing the
· A signer must open the document.

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Term Description

o If all fields are marked as optional for the signer, the document is
immediately considered completed after it is opened.
· A signer must complete all required fields of a document that have
been uniquely assigned to the signer.
· A signer can decline or complete a package only once.
o A signer must provide a decline reason.

Signing Package A Signing Package is a container used to send one or more documents
for signing or reviewing. A Signing Package can have multiple multi-
page documents and several recipients with different roles.

Team A team is responsible for a certain set of Signing Packages of one

Kofax SignDoc account.

Team Manager A Kofax SignDoc user defined to administrate a team,

Assign Team Manager for this team.
Invite Users to become a Team member.
A team can have more than one manager.

Team Member A Kofax SignDoc user associated with the account and with Signing
Packages and Template Packages of a team

Template Package A Template Package is a container that can have multiple multi-page
documents and several recipient aliases with different roles.

Voided Signing The sender of the Signing Package (Kofax SignDoc user) has
Package cancelled the Signing Package.

12 Appendix

Time Zone Information

Contact Information
Copyright Notice

12.1 Time Zone Information

Process Changes
If no time zone is set for a user date and time values are shown in the default time zone as before.
This is the time zone where the server runs.

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A new class providing a Windows-like list of time zones combined with a 2-char ISO3166 country
If the time zone of the user is empty in the database a time zone is looked up by using the given
offset and the locale derived from the HTTP request header ‘Accept-Language’. If no locale can be
derived from the request the default locale is used, which is the servers locale.
If the offset AND the 2-char ISO3166 country code can be found in the CirrusTimeZoneList the first
matching entry is used.
If the offset from the client does not match the standard offset of the country only one of the
following time zones are set which have in general no country assigned.

-720| Dateline Standard Time (GMT -12:00) International Date Line West
-660| GMT -11 (GMT -11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11
0 | GMT (GMT) Coordinated Universal Time
720| GMT +12 (GMT +12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+12

In all other cases where the offset from the client does not match the standard offset of the country
the time zone is not set.
The four pairs below have the same country and offset information but differ in daylight saving
settings. In that cases the user must correct the setting manually if appropriate.
-420|US US Mountain Standard Time (GMT -07:00) Arizona
-420|US Mountain Standard Time (GMT -07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

-300|US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
-300|US US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00) Indiana (East)

570|AU Cen. Australia Standard Time (GMT +09:30) Adelaide

570|AU AUS Central Standard Time (GMT +09:30) Darwin

600|AU E. Australia Standard Time (GMT +10:00) Brisbane

600|AU AUS Eastern Standard Time (GMT +10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Listing of the time zones in the selection list:

-720| Dateline Standard Time (GMT -12:00) International Date
Line West
-660| GMT -11 (GMT -11:00) Coordinated
Universal Time-11
-600|US Hawaiian Standard Time (GMT -10:00) Hawaii
-540|US Alaskan Standard Time (GMT -09:00) Alaska
-480|MX Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) (GMT -08:00) Baja California
-480|US Pacific Standard Time (GMT -08:00) Pacific Time (US &
-420|US US Mountain Standard Time (GMT -07:00) Arizona
-420|MX|BO Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) (GMT -07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz,
-420|US Mountain Standard Time (GMT -07:00) Mountain Time (US
& Canada)
-360|GT Central America Standard Time (GMT -06:00) Central America
-360|US Central Standard Time (GMT -06:00) Central Time (US &
-360|MX Central Standard Time (Mexico) (GMT -06:00) Guadalajara,
Mexico City, Monterrey
-360|CA Canada Central Standard Time (GMT -06:00) Saskatchewan
-300|CO|PE|EC SA Pacific Standard Time (GMT -05:00) Bogota, Lima,
-300|US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00) Eastern Time (US &
-300|US US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00) Indiana (East)
-270|VE Venezuela Standard Time (GMT -04:30) Caracas
-240|PY Paraguay Standard Time (GMT -04:00) Asuncion
-240|CA Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -04:00) Atlantic Time
-240|BR Central Brazilian Standard Time (GMT -04:00) Cuiaba
-240|BO|BR|AR SA Western Standard Time (GMT -04:00) Georgetown, La
Paz, Manaus, San Juan

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-240|CL Pacific SA Standard Time (GMT -04:00) Santiago

-210|CA Newfoundland Standard Time (GMT -03:30) Newfoundland
-180|BR E. South America Standard Time (GMT -03:00) Brasilia
-180|AR Argentina Standard Time (GMT -03:00) Buenos Aires
-180|GF|BR SA Eastern Standard Time (GMT -03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza
-180|GL Greenland Standard Time (GMT -03:00) Greenland
-180|UY Montevideo Standard Time (GMT -03:00) Montevideo
-120| GMT -02 (GMT -02:00) Coordinated
Universal Time-02
-120| Mid-Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -02:00) Mid-Atlantic
-60|PT Azores Standard Time (GMT -01:00) Azores
-60|CV Cape Verde Standard Time (GMT -01:00) Cape Verde Is.
0 |MA Morocco Standard Time (GMT) Casablanca
0 | GMT (GMT) Coordinated Universal
0 |IE|PT|GB GMT Standard Time (GMT) Dublin, Edinburgh,
Lisbon, London
0 |LR|IS Greenwich Standard Time (GMT) Monrovia, Reykjavik
60 |DE|NL|CH|IT|SW|AT W. Europe Standard Time (GMT +01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin,
Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
60 |RS|SK|HU|SI|CZ Central Europe Standard Time (GMT +01:00) Belgrade,
Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
60 |BE|DK|ES|FR Romance Standard Time (GMT +01:00) Brussels,
Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
60 |BA|MK|PL|HR Central European Standard Time (GMT +01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje,
Warsaw, Zagreb
60 |NG W. Central Africa Standard Time (GMT +01:00) West Central
60 |NA Namibia Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Windhoek
120|JO Jordan Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Amman
120|GR|RO|TR GTB Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Athens, Bucharest,
120|LB Middle East Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Beirut
120|EG Egypt Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Cairo
120|SY Syria Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Damascus
120|ZW|ZA South Africa Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Harare, Pretoria
120|UA FLE Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv,
Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
120|IL Israel Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Jerusalem
180|BY E. Europe Standard Time (GMT +02:00) Minsk
180|IQ Arabic Standard Time (GMT +03:00) Baghdad
180|SA Arab Standard Time (GMT +03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
180|KE E. Africa Standard Time (GMT +03:00) Nairobi
210|IR Iran Standard Time (GMT +03:30) Tehran
240|RU Russian Standard Time (GMT +03:00) Moscow, St.
Petersburg, Volgograd
240|AE Arabian Standard Time (GMT +04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
240|AZ Azerbaijan Standard Time (GMT +04:00) Baku
240|MU Mauritius Standard Time (GMT +04:00) Port Louis
240|GE Georgian Standard Time (GMT +04:00) Tbilisi
240|AM Caucasus Standard Time (GMT +04:00) Yerevan
270|AF Afghanistan Standard Time (GMT +04:30) Kabul
300|PK Pakistan Standard Time (GMT +05:00) Islamabad, Karachi
300|UZ West Asia Standard Time (GMT +05:00) Tashkent
330|IN India Standard Time (GMT +05:30) Chennai, Kolkata,
Mumbai, New Delhi
330|LK Sri Lanka Standard Time (GMT +05:30) Sri
345|NP Nepal Standard Time (GMT +05:45) Kathmandu
360|RU Ekaterinburg Standard Time (GMT +05:00) Ekaterinburg
360|KZ Central Asia Standard Time (GMT +06:00) Astana
360|BD Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT +06:00) Dhaka
390|MM Myanmar Standard Time (GMT +06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)
420|RU N. Central Asia Standard Time (GMT +06:00) Novosibirsk
420|TH|ID SE Asia Standard Time (GMT +07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi,
480|RU North Asia Standard Time (GMT +07:00) Krasnoyarsk
480|CN China Standard Time (GMT +08:00) Beijing,
Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
480|SG Singapore Standard Time (GMT +08:00) Kuala Lumpur,
480|AU W. Australia Standard Time (GMT +08:00) Perth
480|TW Taipei Standard Time (GMT +08:00) Taipei
480|MN Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (GMT +08:00) Ulaanbaatar
540|RU North Asia East Standard Time (GMT +08:00) Irkutsk
540|JP Tokyo Standard Time (GMT +09:00) Osaka, Sapporo,
540|KR Korea Standard Time (GMT +09:00) Seoul

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570|AU Cen. Australia Standard Time (GMT +09:30) Adelaide

570|AU AUS Central Standard Time (GMT +09:30) Darwin
600|RU Yakutsk Standard Time (GMT +09:00) Yakutsk
600|AU E. Australia Standard Time (GMT +10:00) Brisbane
600|AU AUS Eastern Standard Time (GMT +10:00) Canberra,
Melbourne, Sydney
600|PG West Pacific Standard Time (GMT +10:00) Guam, Port Moresby
600|AU Tasmania Standard Time (GMT +10:00) Hobart
660|RU Vladivostok Standard Time (GMT +10:00) Vladivostok
660|SB Central Pacific Standard Time (GMT +11:00) Solomon Is., New
720|RU Magadan Standard Time (GMT +11:00) Magadan
720|NZ New Zealand Standard Time (GMT +12:00) Auckland,
720| GMT +12 (GMT +12:00) Coordinated
Universal Time+12
720|FJ Fiji Standard Time (GMT +12:00) Fiji, Marshall Is.
720|RU Kamchatka Standard Time (GMT +12:00) Petropavlovsk-
Kamchatsky - Old
780|TO Tonga Standard Time (GMT +13:00) Nuku'alofa
780|WS Samoa Standard Time (GMT -11:00) Samoa

Normative source for time zone information: IANA time zone database
Convenient presentation with country codes:

12.2 Contact Information

The Kofax technical support team will be happy to assist you.

If you need support with regards to purchased Signature products please contact us via Kofax
Customer Portal:

12.3 Trademarks

· SignDoc, SignPlus, FraudOne, SignWare, SignInfo, SignCheck, SIVAL, SignPad, SignSecure

are registered trade marks of Kofax Inc. or its affiliates – all rights reserved.
· All other brand and product names can be trademarks, service marks or other intellectual
property of the respective owners who reserve all related rights.

12.4 Copyright Notice

© 2017 Kofax. All rights reserved.

Kofax is a trademark of Kofax Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Kofax.

© 2017 Kofax Kofax SignDoc 1.3.1 - User's Guide

Page 109 of 111 Index

review process 61

Index sign process 61

recipient 17
signing package 71
A team 101
team member 102
access code 17 user 80
account details
details 85 account 85
license 92 document
personalize 88 autoprepare 21
settings 78 create 14
add limit 92
recipients to signing package 17 prepare 30
team member 100 send 14
user 80 sign 39, 46
agree upload 21
electronic signing 46 view 39
signing package 71 E
field 30 edit
audit trail 64 user 80
authentication method 17 electronic signing
autoprepare agree 46
document 21 encryption key
biometric 86
B e-sign
consent text 86
billing 78
biometric F
encription key 86
C assign 30
properties 30
signing 86 G
signing package 62 get started 12
consent text
e-sign 86 I
document 14 in-person
signing package 16 signing 43
team 97 invite
user 80, 81

Kofax SignDoc 1.3.1 - User's Guide © 2017 Kofax

Index Page 110 of 111

K field 30

Kofax SignDoc R
log out 14
login 12 re-activate
portal page 12 user 80
supported languages 11 recipient
wizards 6 assign role 17
delete 17
L welcome 41
red stars 9
license 78, 92 reinvite
account 92 user 80
update 92 remote signing 41
limit resend
document 92 signing request 73
signing package 92 review
user 92 signing package 35
list role
packages 67 assign to recipient 17
log out routing order
Kofax SignDoc 14 parallel 17
login series 17
Kofax SignDoc 12

manage packages 67
user 80 user 80
N document 14
signing package 35
notifications 88 series
routing order 17
P settings
signing 86
package details sign
view 68 document 39, 46
packages signing 86
list 67 certificate 86
search 67 in-person 43
parallel remote 41
routing order 17 settings 86
personalize signing package 35
account 88 add recipients 17
portal page archive 71
Kofax SignDoc 12 completed 62
prepare create 16
document 30 delete 71

© 2017 Kofax Kofax SignDoc 1.3.1 - User's Guide

Page 111 of 111 Index

signing package 35
limit 92
review 35
send 35 view
view history 75 document 39
void 71 history of signing package 75
signing request package details 68
resend 73 viod
SMS authentication 17 signing package 71
soft prompts 9
summary dashboard 78 W
user 80 Word documents 29

create 97
delete 101
team member
add 100
delete 102
template package
use 77
time zone 105
triangle 9

license 92
user permissions 83
document 21
template package 77
add 80
delete 80
edit 80
invite 80, 81
limit 92
manage 80
preferences 93
re-activate 80
reinvite 80
search 80
suspend 80
update permissions 83

Kofax SignDoc 1.3.1 - User's Guide © 2017 Kofax

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