SIF ASME B31J For Special Geometries Not Covered in ASME B31
SIF ASME B31J For Special Geometries Not Covered in ASME B31
SIF ASME B31J For Special Geometries Not Covered in ASME B31
Stress Intensification Factors (SIF) are parameters that allow the designer to
estimate the maximum stresses in the pipe line and the fatigue failure in a piping
component or joints. Following paragraphs explain in detail the determination of the
stress intensity factor for special geometries not covered by ASME B31.1 or B31.3
ASME piping codes (ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3) stablish the formulation to obtain
the stress intensification factor “I” and flexibility factor “k” for fitting geometries according
to ASME B16.9.
Table D300 - ASME B31.3 - Examples of Stress Intensification Factor formulation for some
For special geometries (such as valves, strainers, anchor rings, bands, etc.) or modified
geometries from ASME B16.9 codes (as for instance trimmed elbows), it is necessary
to obtain a valid stress intensification factor in order to avoid problems due to flexibility
analysis. These values of SIF are out of the scope of design codes as ASME B31.1 or
ASME B31.3. However, ASME B31J code provides the standard method for
determining the stress intensification and flexibility factor required.
According to ASME B31J, there are two ways in order to obtain SIFs:
Caesar II Pipe flexibility analysis with the SIF obtained in the trimmed elbow.
• Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) is a multiplier factor on nominal stress obtained
in a beam analysis (as for instance, calculations performed with CAESAR II
• ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 codes established the stress intensification factor
(SIF) for geometries show in ASME B16.9 code (normal geometries).
• For special or modified geometries (such as valves, strainers, anchor rings,
bands, trimmed elbows, etc.) the stress intensification factor shall be calculated
according to a specimen show in ASME B31J code which establish two ways in
order to obtain the stress intensification factor: real test specimen in a laboratory
or virtual test specimen with a FEM analysis.
• FEM (Finite Element analysis) is the cheapest option to simulate the test
specimen mandatory in ASME B31J in order to obtain a real SIF.
• CADE engineering is the best option to perform these types of multidisciplinary
analyses, because it has the engineering knowledge (with more than a thousand
projects in more than 15 years of activity), highly skilled and committed team of
engineers, together with a solid business management, which make CADE an
independent leading engineering and consultancy company around technology,
equipment and plants within oil power industries.