Inhibitor 1
Inhibitor 1
Inhibitor 1
Received December 27, 2011; revised January 27, 2012; accepted February 5, 2012
Graft polymerization has been considered as a general method for the modification of the physical and chemical proper-
ties of polymeric materials and of particular interest for synthesis of the hydrophilic membrane. In this study, hydro-
philic carboxylic acid groups were introduced by radiation-induced grafting of acrylic acid (AAc) onto non-woven
polypropylene fabric (NWPP). Different irradiation doses and (AAc) monomer concentrations were used to optimize
grafting yield. Characterization and properties of the prepared graft copolymer were studied by employing X-ray Dif-
fraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM ), Fourier Transform Infra-
red Spectrometry (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The prepared grafted materials were used for
removing some heavy metals ions. The results showed that the non-woven PP grafted with (AAc) has good affinity to-
ward Cu, Ni and Co.
minimal impact on the environment are desirable. amount of transition metal ions are commonly used as
In the present work, radiation grafting of AAc mono- inhibitors (1), ammonium ferrous sulfate (Mohr’s salt)
mer onto non-woven polypropylene fabrics is investi- was added to the reaction medium (0.5 wt%).
gated to obtain homogeneous distributed graft copolymer
chains with high grafting yield. Characterization and pro- 2.4. Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR)
perties of the prepared graft copolymer are studied by
To justify the introduction of functional groups onto the
(XRD), (TGA) and (DSC). Also, the study included
nonwoven PP, infrared spectroscopy analysis was carried
measurements of the mechanical properties and determi-
out using a FTIR spectrometer. The infrared spectra of
nation of the tensile strength of these materials as a func-
NWPP and grafted NWPP sheets were performed using
tion of degree of grafting. The application of the pre-
Jasco 6300FT-IR.
pared NWPP-AAc as adsorbent materials for waste water
treatment from heavy and toxic metals is investigated.
2.5. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
2. Experimental TGA for the investigated samples were performed under
nitrogen atmosphere at a flow rate 50 ml/min. of pure
2.1. Materials
nitrogen gas and the heating rate was 10˚C/min. from
The materials used in this study were needle punched ambient temperature up to 600˚C using Perkin Elmer
nonwovens made of melt blown nonwovens extruded system of type pyris-6 thermal analysis system.
from PP polymers. Film sheets were cut to the dimention
of 4 × 5 cm. The monomer used throughout this work 2.6. DSC Measurements
was acrylic acid (AAc) of laboratory grade chemicals of
Thermal parameters of the prepared grafted NWPP such
purity 99% (Merck).
as; melting temperature (Tm) heat of melting and recrys-
tallization (ΔHm) were determined by differential scan-
2.2. γ-Irradiation
ning calorimeter (DSC) (Perkin Elmer equipped with a
Irradiation to the required doses was carried out using a DSC-7 data station). Specimen (≈5 mg) of the sample is
Co γ-cell. The irradiation facility was constructed by used for DSC measurements. Indium and Zinc standards
the National Center for Radiation Research and Tech- were utilized to calibrate the temperature and thermal
nology, Atomic Energy Authority of Egypt. Irradiation scale. The measurements were carried out in N2 atmos-
was carried out in air atmosphere at different irradiation phere at a heating rate of 10˚C min–1.
2.7. X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD)
2.3. Radiation Grafting of Non-Woven
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded using
Shimadzu X-ray diffractometer (XRD-6000 model) equip-
NWPP sheets were washed with acetone, dried at 50˚C in ped with X-ray tube at operating voltage of 40 kV and an
an electric oven until they attain a constant weight and electric current of 30 mA.
then immersed in the monomer solution in glass tubes.
Distilled water was used as a diluent of AAc. The graft 2.8. Mechanical Properties
copolymers were prepared by direct radiation grafting of
AAc onto NWPP at different irradiation doses. The Tensile tests were performed according to the ASTM
grafted films were removed and washed thoroughly with D412-80 test method and were carried out using an In-
the proper solvent (hot distilled water) in order to extract stron testing machine (Model H10KS from Hounsfield
the residual monomer and homopolymer which may be Co., England, loaded cell 10 KN) at 25˚C and the cross-
accumulated in the film and then soaked overnight in head speed was 10 mm/min. Five samples per formula-
distilled water. These prepared grafted polymers were tion were tested.
then dried in an electric oven at 40˚C for 24 h and
weighed. The degree of grafting was calculated using the 2.9. Metal Uptake Measurement
following equation: The fixed weight of the prepared hydrogel was immersed
Wg W0 in the metal feed solution of definite concentration (100
Degree of grafting % 100 (1) ppm). Merck atomic absorption standard solutions of
these metals were used for the calibration process. The
where W0 and Wg represent the weights of initial and pH and temperature of metal feed solutions were ad-
grafted film, respectively. justed before applying the hydrogels for treatment proc-
To overcome homopolymerization of AAc, a small esses. The remaining metal ions in its feed solution were
Swelling (%)
40 60 80 100 120 140
percent tends to decrease with further increase in the gr- Figure 4. FTIR spectra for (a) NWPP; (b) NWPP-g-AAc.
afting yield. As the irradiation dose increases, the increase The AAc concentration (30 wt%) and degree of grafting
in degree of grafting and cross-linking density which pre-
vents a space for the AAc chain to swell freely in water
and restricts and hindered the diffusivity of water thro-
ugh the cross-linked chains is expected. In other words,
results showed clearly that the increase of irradiation dose
during radiation grafting process enhanced the crosslink-
ing via hydrogen bonding. As a consequence, the water
uptake tends to decrease at high degrees of grafting.
ever, the tensile strength increases with increasing the 40 60 80 100 120 140
any increase in the grafting degree leads to de crease in ten- Figure 5. Elongation percent at break for NWPP-g-AAc
sile strength. The decrease in the percentage elongation having different degrees of grafting.
0 160 61.9
66 157 14.5
93 155.8 16.6
66 220 2.1 87
93 215 1.5 87
50 kGy
Intensity (arbitrary unit)
10 kGy
0 kGy 80
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 40
2 (deg) 20
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