Marketing Mix Assignment
Marketing Mix Assignment
Marketing Mix Assignment
Product: Place:
- Along with this product there are - Mainly found in shoppers at drug
tagalongs including conditioner, pre mart. Can be found faintly at grocery
shampoo scalp scrub, and a stores that include a personal and
purification masque all following beauty care products section.This
under the same product line. includes walmart.
- Clear bottle with dark grey colored - Can be purchased on online off shea
shampoo. Black labelling that includes moisture’s main website or amazon.
name of the product, any fair trade - If you go to their store locator section
products used, ingredients, full on the website you can find places that
product description, product details, sell the product.
usage instructions and contact - As of now if the product is ordered
information (website name) online there will be no international
- Comes in only one size - 384ml shipping. Product does not need to be
- Product does not come in packages refrigerated.
only single. If purchasing the entire kit
that falls under this name, they will
need to be purchased individually, not
in a kit or package.
- Owned by Denni’s company, under
Sundial brands.
Price: Promotion:
- Pricing can range from $10.99- 15.99 - Coupons and special offers. For
and higher depending on where you example, london drugs are having a
purchase the product. special offer for the week where they
● Shopper drug marts- $13.99 have dropped their original price from
● Walmart- $11.96 $13.99 to $9.99
● Amazon- $11.56 - Promo codes
- Those that are into or care a lot about - Social media and their website offers
their hair care and fall into medium or many deals and discounts from time to
high class can pay for these products. time.
- Top competitors are image beauty, - In store sales
soap cauldron, stuff4beauty, soapbox
soaps, maple holistics, lavera..
Product: Place:
- White lid with red body label. Label - In store, product can be found in a
includes company name, and beauty or skin care products section.
ingredients. The box the product - Online ordering, retail company stores
comes in includes instructions, for example walmart.
ingredients, and a description of the - Vichy does not ship internationally
product. from United States stores. Products
- Most likely needs to be purchased can only be shipped across the country
individually, not in a package. if the company works in that country.
- Size- 50ML
- Brand is owned by L’oreal
Price: Promotion:
- Price tends to remain same across all - In store sales (coupons)
online and in person shops- $61.99 - If purchasing online there could be
- Target audience would be someone special offers, discounts or promo
that falls under the middle class to codes.
high class income category and is - Social media and website
aging. - Gets advertised in Shoppers Drug
- Vichy's top competitors are Korres, Mart magazine/newspaper.
NUXE, Aubrey Organics, Inc.