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Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

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1.1 QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT (QFD) Quality Function Deployment (QFD) was introduced by Mitsubishi and has been widely

used in Japan by Toyota, in the late 1970s, and more recently in the United States and other leading industrial countries.
One of its founders, Dr. Yoji Akao, defined the concept as follows: QFD provides

specific methods for guaranteeing quality at each stage of the product development process, starting with design. In other words, it is a method for introducing quality right from design stage to satisfy the customer and to transform customer requirements into design objectives and key points that will be required to ensure quality at production stage It was developed to bring this personal interface to modern manufacturing and business. In today's industrial society, where the growing distance between producers and users is a concern, QFD links the needs of the customer (end user) with design, development, engineering, manufacturing, and service functions. QFD is

Understanding Customer Requirements.

Quality Systems +Thinking + Psychology + Knowledge. Maximizing Positive Quality That Adds Value. Comprehensive Quality System for Customer Satisfaction. QFD provides a system of comprehensive development process for: Understanding 'true' customer needs from the customer's perspective. What 'value' means to the customer, from the customer's perspective. Understanding how customers or end users become interested, choose, and are


Analyzing how do we know the needs of the customer. Deciding what features to include. Determining what level of performance to deliver. Intelligently linking the needs of the customer with design, development,

engineering, manufacturing, and service functions. QFD is a comprehensive quality system that systematically links the needs of the

customer with various business functions and organizational processes, such as marketing, design, quality, production, manufacturing, sales, etc., aligning the entire company toward achieving a common goal. It does so by seeking both spoken and unspoken needs, identifying positive quality and business opportunities, and translating these into actions and designs by using transparent analytic and prioritization methods, empowering organizations to exceed normal expectations and provide a level of unanticipated excitement that generates value. The QFD methodology can be used for both tangible products and non-tangible services, including manufactured goods, service industry, software products, IT projects, business process development, government, healthcare, environmental initiatives, and many other applications.

When trying to determine customer requirements, each QFD team is challenged to

look beyond what the customer is asking for in order to look beyond what the customer is asking for in order to determine the expected quality and the exciting quality demands. Customer information comes from a variety of sources; some are solicited and

some are not, some are quantitative or measurable and some are qualitative, some are obtained in a structured manner and some are obtained in a random manner. Data that are solicited, quantitative, and structured tend to take the form of Customer surveys.

Market surveys. Trade trials. Preferred customers. Analyzing other manufacturers products. Product Purchase Survey. Data that are unsolicited, quantitative, and structured tend to take the form of Complaint Reports. Governmental and regulatory agencies. Data that are unsolicited, qualitative, and random tend to take the form of Sales Force. Training Programs. Conventions. Trade Journals. Trade Shows. Vendors. Suppliers. Academic. Employees. Stuart Pugh developed a technique to look at new technology concepts and utilizes

a matrix to check how each new technology meets the expected quality characteristics. If better, it is assessed for technical difficulty to see how feasible it is for implementation. This is another area for creating customer delight. New technological concepts could create additional benefits, which can win over customers.


The tools used for the development of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) are discussed in brief in following. 1.3.1 House of Quality The different steps of the planning phase for a new product. In the initial phase the scope of the project has to be established and should be communicated. The steps are Select a product that has real opportunity for improvement. Kind of customer to be focused. To collect information about customer requirement. Importance rating can be done using a scale from 1(not very important) to 5 (very important). Competitive benchmarking for identify the requirement. The design requirements result from the translation of customer wishes into technical specifications. The weighing and completion of the relation matrix translate the project objectives into a technical priority list. To set the targets, it is quite common to perform a competitors analysis on technical data. The benchmarking on technical performance reveals on technical position with respect to our competitors. Correlation matrix different degree of interaction will be represented.

Figure 1. The "House of Quality" showing the "rooms" of the various steps in the QFD process.

The other QFD tools for product development are listed below. 1.4.1 Seven New Planning Tools 1. Affinity Diagram/KJ method 2. Interrelationship digraph. 3. Tree diagram/Systems Flow Diagram. 4. Matrix Diagram. 5. Matrix Data Analysis. 6. Process Decision Program Chart.

7. Arrow Diagram. It is used of unlock creative thinking. This method looks for a different way of describing some relationship. When done correctly, it discourages the pigeonholing that some technical people tend to do, and it encourages team members to group items into similar sets, while not challenging the choice. Each person can regroup items as he or she sees fit. Generally, the team might spend the first five minutes grouping in silence. When the initial flurry of activity has slowed down, the talking takes place usually to clarify the odd cards. Interrelationship Digraph It takes some issue and develops a flow of logical steps. This is used to show the logical progression of steps needed to make something happen. This can be helpful in understanding how things relate, but experience has shown limited usefulness in a QFD study. The time required to develop it may be more productive when spent working on other matrices. Tree Diagram/Systems Flow Diagram It is used to define the hierarchy of tasks needed to be completed. It also defines the broader description of what is going on. You strive to go down to a level of detail that helps everyone understand what is going on. When that is done, go back up to see if there is agreement on the higher-level description. This check is important in case the decision is made to use the higher levels for the relationships. In some respects, the Tree Diagram is similar to a Cause-andEffect Diagram in that it helps funnel the groupings arrived at in the Affinity Diagram into a logical sequence when it does not logically flow from one step to another. Matrix Diagram It is simply the joining of two sets of Tree Diagrams. This is the simplest of matrices and the most common to the QFD process. This forms the body of the QFD chart, which looks at the various relationships. By design, if forces the team to consider all aspects of the Tree Diagrams with each other, which then sheds some new perspectives on how things are looked at. Matrix Data Analysis It is a complex data analysis set of techniques that looks at many relationships and responses simultaneously. This is also known as Multivariate Statistics or Multivariate Analysis. Principle Component Analysis is the most popular technique, but others such as factor analysis,

Discriminate Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling and Multidimensional. They look to define the relationships in a truer description of what really happens. These are not trivial calculations, and one should exercise caution when interpreting the result. Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC) It attempt to look at every possible outcome and decision that can occur. This chart can be considered the opposite of a Failure Mode and Effective Analysis (FMEA), because it starts at the broad perspective and narrows the possible outcomes. This chart can become quits large very quickly. A good approach is to focus on an area that is considered critical and develop that area first. Arrow Diagram They are the variations of PERT charts. They help define how the subtasks interact in a new product development cycle. The key knows all the tasks that are necessary in a generic sense this may be possible, but many times there are thing we just do not know about a new product. 1.4.2 Value Analysis It is a systematic method to improve the "value" of goods or products and services by using an examination of function. Value, as defined, is the ratio of function to cost. Value can therefore be increased by either improving the function or reducing the cost. It is a primary tenet of value engineering that basic functions be preserved and not be reduced as a consequence of pursuing value improvements.

1.4.3 Experimental Design It is used to understand the relationships in the body of the QFD matrix. There is much controversy among statisticians as which tools do the job best. There are situations where both Philosophies can be effectively utilized. Through this understanding will come more efficient manufacturing operations, which will result in better utilization of the many SPC techniques so that higher-quality products will be produced at minimum cost.

All the QFD tools discussed have to be implemented for the application of proposed product development of centrifugal monobloc pump. By implementing the QFD tools the problems in the product can be rectified and can be made to satisfy the customer requirements.

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