Group 3 Community Development
Group 3 Community Development
Group 3 Community Development
Ezzy Delos Santos LEADER Jessabel Tenolete
Jan Ruphert Ancaya Jonaissa Mantes
Jeremie Acoba Mikaela Escanlar
Aubrey Lynn Barrera Nicole Manalo
EJ Tactay Rainier Estorico
Faith Alcantara Eulene Rabanes
What is
A Community as described by Tucay
(2002), as cited by Viray (2003) in her
NSTP Handbook, regarding community
organizing, stated it is an aggregation
of families and individuals, settles in a
family compact and contiguous
geographical area, with significant
elements of common life as shown by
manners, customs, traditions and
mode of speech.
A Community may consist of only a few
families. Their homes are built in group.
They have many things in common. They
know each other well, being neighbors.
Many of them go to the same church. The
fact that people live close to one
another does not necessarily mean that
they have so much to do with each other.
The most important characteristic of a
community is that people have common
goals and interests.
People in a community are social
beings. Connection and interaction both
widen and deepen what they can
achieve and make possible improved
individual character and knit the social
Comm u n i t y
O r g a n i z a t i o n
ity o rg a n iz in g is
p in e s , c o m m u n
In the Philip n n e d a n d
a s ys t e m a tic , p la
see n a s in g
es s o f tr a n sf o r m
g c h a n g e p ro c
liberatin e d , co n s cio us,
in t o a n o rg a n iz
a commu n it y n e
t, ju s t a n d h u m a
re d , s e lf -r e lia n
empowe o n .
nd in s tit u ti
entity a
Community Organization
put things into proper Through community
perspective so that efforts organization,
exerted for community
development work, will have People are helped to deal more
a clear direction and would successfully with their problems,
not fall into the trap of the needs and aspirations by
dole-out system of help. It helping them develop,
aims to have a lasting effect, strengthen and maintain
where people start to feel qualities of participation, self-
that they are capable of direction, cooperation and
making things happen to integration of efforts.
their communities.
Go to people, live Learn, plan and work
among the people. with the people.
Change agents cannot help a community work The people know better than any outsider
towards development if they stay and work within what their needs and problems are. The
the comforts of an office and do not live with the change agent must be able to comprehend
people. Organizers can determine which approach and articulate these. An organizer must be
can be employed best if they know and feel what open to what the people want to achieve
the community believes, does and wants to attain. and how they plan to achieve it. He should
Through integration, they become one with the facilitate changes and ensure
Purposes of Community
01 to solve certain problems and meet needs:
02 to achieve selected social goals;
Community Development refers to
the improvement, growth and
change of the area and its people
from backwardness to modern
ways, from crudeness to
refinement, from ignorance to
learning, from faultiness to
01 Peace and Order 04 SK Development
02 Disaster 05
Program Program
Barangay Justice
03 Codification 06
Preparedness Program
of Barangay
Ordinance Assembly
Community Needs
Assessment Defined
Community Needs assessment is the process
wherein problems, issues and concerns of the
community are identified through the use of
several tools for assessment. It encourages
the participation of the community, as they
are the stakeholders, to the findings in the
Importance of
1. Gather information about citizens' attitudes and
options in order of importance.
2. Determine how citizens rank issues, problems
and opportunities in order of importance or
3. Give citizens a voice in determining policies,
goals and priorities.
4. Evaluate current programs and policies.
5. Provide speculations about what people are
6. Provide speculations about what people rally
Information to be Included in
Assessing Community Needs
Geogr a p hic
Pro file
A.Physical B.Cultural
1. Location/Boundaries (north,
1. History of place and people
East, West, South)
2. Languages being used
2. Terrain
3. Peace and Order situation
3. Facilities (like
(usual community conflict
clinic/hospital, schools,
and/or crime rate)
recreation hall, etc.)
4. Clothing (most applicable
4. Climate
to rural setting)
5. Basic food
II. Social
1. Total population
2. Total number of household
3. Population distribution by
Educational Attainment
4. Health and common illnesses
5. Recreation
Econ o mic
ers in th e F am ily
1. Wag e Ea rn
2. E m p lo y m e nt
m o nt hly inc om e
3. Hou se ho ld
Life Sk ills
itual Asp e c t
Spir h
ip i n t h e c h u r c m b e r s h
p e o p l e w i t h a c t i v e m e
1. Nu m b e r o f
Methods in Collecting Data for
Community Needs Assessment
01 Focused Group Discussion with Key informants.
02 Community Forum/Assembly.
03 Public records.
04 Survey.
Establish a working
committee to solicit
citizen and community
Identify the population to
be surveyed.
Select a random sample
of person to survey
Collate the information.
Go back to the community
for validation of
involvement and develop
a plan of action.
2 4 6 8
List important Determine the Develop and pretest Analyze the data
aspects that are information that is a questionnaire.
needed to be needed.
looked upon.