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Community Organizing Three Basic Rights: 1.: Copar/Cbpr

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COPAR/CBPR mobilization of resources to address these needs,

Lecturer: Mrs. Evelyn U. Rances, M.H.S.,R.N and monitoring and evaluation by the people.

Community Organizing THREE BASIC RIGHTS:

- Is a process of educating and mobilizing members 1. Human Rights – are universally held principles
of the community to enable them to resolve anchored mainly on the belief in the worth and
community problems. dignity of people. These includes the right to life,
- Is teaching the community to apply the nursing self-determination, and development as persons
process (assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and and as people.
evaluate) on its own, utilizing resources that are 2. Social Justice – means equitable access to
available to it, thereby allowing the community to opportunities for satisfying people`s basic needs
be an active participant in the process of and dignity. It requires an equitable distribution of
development, rather than just being a passive resources and power through people`s
recipient of service or care. participation in their own development.
- It is the development of the community`s 3. Social Responsibility – is premised on the belief
collective capacities to solve its own problems and that people as social beings must not limit
aspire for development through its own effort. themselves to their own concerns but should
- It entails harnessing and developing the reach out to and move jointly with others in
community`s capacity to recognize a community meeting common needs and problems. Society
problem, identify and implement solutions, and has the responsibility to ensure an environment
monitor and evaluate the efforts in resolving the for the fullest development of its members.
- Is a continuous process of educating the
community to develop its capacity to assess and CORE PRINCIPLES IN COMMUNITY ORGANIZING
analyse the situation, plan and implement I. Community Organizing is People-Centered
interventions and evaluate them.  The people are the means and ends of
Common Goals of Community Organizing & CHN;  It is a people-centered strategy, with emphasis
 People empowerment on the development of human resources
 Development of self-reliant community necessitating education.
 Improved quality of life  Educational process is interactive empowering
both learners and the teacher, leading to
Emphasis of Community Organizing in Primary Health decision-making that plays a part in human
Care development.
1. People from the community working together to
solve their own problems. II. Community Organizing is Participative
2. Internal organizational consolidation as a  The community is considered as the prime
prerequisite to external expansion. mover and determinant, rather than
3. Social movement first before technical change. beneficiaries and recipients of development
4. Health reforms occurring within the context of efforts, including health care.
broader social transformation.  Community participation is evident in the
involvement of many people in community
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT  People are aware of their potential
◊ Is the end goal of community organizing and all contribution to the common good. Decision-
other efforts towards uplifting the status of the making and responsibility are in the hands of
poor and marginalized. ordinary people, not just the elite.
◊ Entails a process of assessment of the correct
situation, the identification of needs, deciding on III. Community Organizing is Democratic
appropriate courses of actions or responses,  Community organizing should empower the
disadvantaged population. It allows the
majority of people who recognize and critically review of the barangay profile, referrals from
analyse their difficulties and articulate their other communities or institution or through
aspirations. Hence, their decisions must reflect series of meetings or consultations from LGU
the will of the whole, more so the will of or private institutions.
common people.
 Effort must be exerted to achieve a consensus. 2. Entry into the Community
⌂ This is the stage where the organizer gets to
IV.Community Organizing is Developmental know the community and the community
 It should be directed towards changing current likewise gets to know the organizer.
undesirable conditions. ⌂ Make courtesy calls to local formal leaders
 The organizer desires to change for the (Mayor and Municipal Council, Brgy.
betterment of the community and believes that Chairperson, Council members)
the community shares these aspirations and ⌂ A visit to informal leaders recognized in the
that these changes can be achieved. community, like the elders, local health
 It affords empowerment of the marginalized workers, traditional healers, church leaders, and
people. Through the process, the community local neighbourhood association leaders.
gains insights, hones their capacities, and
develops their confidence in themselves and in 3. Community Integration
each other that will allow them to take the lead ⌂ It is termed as “pakikipamuhay”, the phrase
in the holistic improvement of their community. when the organizer may actually live in the
it seeks authentic human development. community in an effort to understand the
community better and imbibe community life.
V. Community Organizing is Process-Oriented ⌂ Integration frequently requires immersion in
 Empowerment and development are achieved community life.
through the process of change. Community ⌂ Respect for community culture and traditions is
organizing is dynamic. With the evolving and of utmost importance.
community situation, monitoring and periodic ⌂ The manner of dressing must be in accordance
review of plans are necessary. with norms of the community.
 The community may initially face simple
Integration Styles;
barangay problems. Resolution of these
a. “Now you see, Now you don`t” Style –
problems through the efforts of community
organizer visit the community as per the
members develops confidence to identify and
schedule but is not able to transcend the
deal with other problems. This leads to
“guess” status.
sustenance of the community organizing
b. “Boarder” Style – organizer rents a room or a
house in the village, lives his/her own life, and
does not share the life of the community.
c. “Elitist” Style – the organizer lives with the
PHASES OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZING barangay chairman, or some other prominent
1. Pre-Entry persons in the community. Frequently seen in
⌂ Involves preparation on the part of the company of local officials.
organizer and choosing a community for
⌂ Preparation includes knowing the goals of the
approach allows the organizers to develop a deeper
community organizing activity or experience.
relationship with the whole community through various
⌂ Proper selection of the community is crucial,
identification of possible barriers, threats,
strengths and opportunities at this stage is an a. Pagbabahay – Bahay or Occasional Home Visits –
important determinant of the overall this technique requires the organizer to observe
outcome of community organizing. the daily schedule of activities of households to
⌂ Initial data gathered through an ocular avoid inconvenience on the part of the families.
survey, review of records of health facility,
b. Huntahan or Informal Conversation – done in a  They express belief in the need to change the
variety of venues as village poso during laundry current undesirable situation in the community,
time, basketball court, and sari-sari store. that change is possible, and that change must
c. Participation in the Production Process – begin with the members of the community.
organizer participate in livelihood activities like  They are willing to invest time and effort for
farming. This is to gain knowledge of the process community organizing work.
and to share the daily experience of ordinary  They must have potential management skills.
people in the community.
d. Participation in Social Activities – social functions
and activities help the organizer and the people to
6. Core Group Formation
get to know each other through face-to-face
⌂ The organizer works with potential community
encounter. (fiestas, weddings, baptismal
leaders, the membership of the group is
celebration, and funeral wakes)
expanded, by asking them to invite one or two
of their neighbors or friends.
⌂ These new recruits must also be from the
4. Social Analysis community, sharing the same problems the
⌂ The process of gathering, collating, and group seek to correct, while at the same time
analysing data to gain extensive understanding believing in the same core values, principles,
of community conditions help in the and strategies the group is employing.
identification of problems of the community, ⌂ The group size should be manageable between
and determine the root causes of these 8-12 members.
problems. ⌂ The formation of a visible, functioning core
⌂ This process is also referred to as social group is the focal point of community
investigations, community study, community organizing. This requires a series of training
analysis or community need assessment. sessions to “transfer the technology” of
community organizing, enabling the core group
Factors that Comprehensive Analysis; to take charge of the subsequent organizing
1) Demographic data process.
2) Sociocultural data ⌂ An essential component of core group
3) Economic data formation in reinforcement of the social
4) Environmental data consciousness of the members, particularly in
5) Data of health pattern (morbidity, mortality, & terms of analysing the root causes of
fertility) community problems.
6) Data of health resources ⌂ The formation program may focus on self-
awareness and development of community
health leaders.
5. Identifying Potential Leaders
⌂ Organizers identifies partners and potential
leaders who will help lead the people.
7. Community Organization
⌂ Provide the organizer with opportunity to
⌂ With the initiative of the core group, the
identify prospective allies in the organizing
community conducts an assembly or a series of
efforts, particularly credible and influential
assemblies with goals of arriving at a common
members of the community willing to
understanding of community concerns and
participate activities of the community.
formulating a plan of action in dealing with
Desirable characteristics of Potential Leaders; these concerns.
 They represent the target group/community. ⌂ Collective decision making must dictate what
(Local officials) projects and strategy must be undertaken.
 They possess or display leadership qualities. ⌂ Community may then decide to register the
 They have the trust and confidence of the organization with the Securities & Exchange
community. Commission or Cooperative Development
Agency with recognition of LGU.
Characteristics of an Organization; 10. Exit & Expansion Phase
 An organizational name and structure. ⌂ The organizer must have a clear vision of the
 A set of officers recognized by the members of the end with a general time frame in mind. “The
community. best entry plan is an exit plan” .
 Constitution and bylaws stating the vision,
mission, and goals, rules and regulations of the
organization, and duties and responsibilities of its
officers and members. GOAL OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZING
1. People`s Empowerment – people learn to
LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE (RA 7160) – the overcome the powerlessness and develop their
organization may also establish linkages and networks capacity to maximize their control over the situation
with other government agencies, non-government and start to place the future in their own hands.
organizations/agencies, or other people`s organizations
that will further strengthen and expand the 2. Building relatively permanent structure and
organization, facilitating the attainment of its goals and people`s organization
objectives.  It aims to establish and sustain relatively
permanent organizational structure that best
serve the needs and aspiration of the people.
8. Action Phase/Mobilization Phase  It ensure people`s maximum participation at
⌂ Refers to implementation of the community`s the same time provide the venue through
planned projects and programs. which the people`s organization can link up
with other groups and sectors.
Important Considerations during the Mobilization  Alternative ways of doing things can be
Phase; tested and a new system of values can be
 Allow the community to determine the pace and internalized.
scope of project implementation.
 Start with simple barangay projects (Tapat 3. Improved Quality of Life
ko, Linis Ko or Clean & Green)  Community organizing seeks to secure short
 The process is an important as the output. and long term improvements in the quality of
 A project may fail, but as long as the life of the people.
community gains valuable experience and  The process of mobilization can gain
learn from the process, is not a failure in concessions for fulfilling basic needs for food,
itself. clothing, shelter, education, and health.
 Regular monitoring and continuing community  Must create a conducive environment for the
formation program are essential. development of human creativity and
 Regular meetings are conducted for solidarity through equitable distribution of
monitoring and continuous training for power and resources.
community leaders.

9. Evaluation Community Organizing Participatory Action Research

⌂ It is a systematic, critical analysis of the current (C.O.P.A.R)
state of the organization and/ or projects Is a community development approach that allows
compared to desired or planned goals or the community (participatory) to systematically
objectives. analyse the situation (research, plan a solution, and
⌂ Done periodically to allow revision of strategies implement project/program, action) utilizing the
when needed and at the end of the prescribed process of community organizing.
project period. For COPAR to succeed, the nurse researcher must
be able to adopt methodologist that are creative,
interesting, and easy to apply at the community

Strategies that are informal provide fun, utilize local researcher, the members as
resources, and create excitement among the people community researchers: the
are plus factors. members are nurse is a
The major role of the nurse in COPAR is to facilitate subjects or facilitator and
and guide the community in the critical assessment objects of recorder
of the situation. research, usually
COPAR requires the nurse to use techniques that respondents of
does not only provide a wealth of relevant the research
information but also allow meaningful participation instrument
of as many members of the community as possible.
COPAR is supposed to break the practice of making Data analysis is Data analysis is
people passive recipients of services, merely done by the done
answering surveys and listening to the “expert`s nurse, and then collectively by
analysis of their own situation”. presented to the the community
COPAR passes the responsibility for health to the community
people. Research tools Research tools
Basic Qualities of a Community Organizer: methodologies methodologies
 A community organizer is someone who; are are identified
 Has exemplary professional and moral predetermined/ and developed
qualities pre-packaged by by the
 Possesses good communication/facilitation the nurse community
skills to be able to call and lead small group organizer
discussion/trainings and community meetings Upon Conclusions and
 Has the ability to set good leadership OUTPUT completion, the recommendatio
examples for the community to emulate study is ns are made by
 Displays a charismatic personality that draws packaged, the community.
people towards the organizing work and submitted to the these will lead
community activities. agency and to agreed
 Adopts and enjoys working with and living published. community
with all types of communities/people Recommendatio actions/projects
 Can empathize with the people or community ns are made by . The whole
he/she is working with the researcher research cycle
 Believes in the vision of change, based on the continues until
empowerment, and development findings of the it becomes part
 Has a personal conviction consistent with the study of community
values and principles being advocated development.
TRADITIONAL formulate the
POINTS OF recommendatio
Top – down Bottom – up
MAKING Expert/nurse – Community METHODS PROCEDURES
EMPHASIS driven process driven process For making an ocular survey, the
TRANSECT WALK nurse asks a group from the
Much premium Premium is community to come along and join.
is placed on the placed on the The nurse requests the community
data and output process members to take the lead in the
ROLES Nurse as Community inspection (pasyal), asks them
critical questions about the perspective and provides them with
community, and allows them to insights as to how they can deal
analyse and draw conclusions. effectively with community
The nurse asks some members to concerns.
draw a detailed map of the This method focuses on
MAPPING community emphasizing certain relationships within the community
aspects of the community such as; VENN DIAGRAM and between the community and
outside groups or agencies.
Resource Map – depending on its
purpose, this may show the sources The community is asked to draw a
of their livelihood, such as farming big circle representing their
areas, what specific plants are community with smaller circles
planted in particular areas of the inside the big circles signifying
community, fishing grounds, grazing organizations or groups in the
areas, and water sources. A community. They are instructed to
resource may also show physical draw at the center of the circle of
resources, such as health centers, the most active or influential
barangay health stations, organization or group. Smaller
churches/chapels, basketball circles outside the big circle stand
courts, and barangay halls. for organizations or institutions –
government or private outside their
Health Map – health workers community. The proximity or
respondents (barangay health distance of the outside circles in
workers or the Midwife) may draw relation to the big circle symbolizes
a spot map of the community, the outside institutions` degree of
highlighting households with support and influence among their
identified health problems, such as community.
malnutrition, tuberculosis,
diabetes, and diarrhea. Household The diagram provides the
with vulnerable members such as community with a visual
pregnant mother, infants, representation of the social support
differently abled persons, or elderly system, particularly of the groups
may also be indicated. that actively support community
efforts in various capacities. The
Seasonal Map or Calendar – people diagram also provides a clear idea
are asked to make a calendar of social resources that can be
showing various activities and tapped for the future efforts.
events significant to the
community. it may focus on
livelihood planting season, harvest SYNTHESIS:
season, fishing season, social events  Primary Health Care states that the vision of
(Fiesta, Christmas, religious “Health For All” is achieved through full
activities), or it may be a historical community participation.
mapping of significant disasters that  Active community participation is a deliberate
the community has experienced process of education and building community
(floods, drought, fire, food capacities.
shortage, etc)  The community are the ones initiating the
research (COPAR).
 The community organize the meetings to identify
Mapping allows the people to view their problems, plan possible solutions, implement
their community from a different
initiatives, and monitor and evaluate these
 Community organizing process is grounded on the
core principles of being people-centered,
participative, democratic, developmental and
process-oriented, ensures that the participation of
the community in the whole process is effective
and sustained.
 Therefore, the essence of Primary Health Care and
Community Organizing is the development of self-
reliant communities, fully responsible for their
health decisions, and that is health in the “hands
of the people”.


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