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Marten Van Dijk

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Marten van Dijk Curriculum Vitae

Email: vandijk@engr.uconn.edu

Eindhoven University of Technology, PhD in Mathematics, the Netherlands 1997
Eindhoven University of Technology, M.S. in Mathematics, Cum Laude, the Netherlands 1993
Eindhoven University of Technology, M.S. in Computer Science, Cum Laude, the Netherlands 1991

Professional Experience
ECE Department, University of Connecticut 2016 - present
Charles H. Knapp Associate Professor

ECE Department, University of Connecticut 2013 - 2015

Associate Professor

MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 2013

Research Scientist

RSA Laboratories 2010 - 2012

Consultant Research Analyst

MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 2005 - 2010

Research Scientist

Philips Research Laboratories, the Netherlands 2001 - 2005

Visting research scientist at MIT CSAIL

Philips Research Laboratories, the Netherlands

Research Scientist in the Digital Signal Processing group 1996 - 2001

Chinese University of Hong Kong 1996

Cryptology Research Associate

Teaching Experience
Lecturer “Secure Computation and Storage (ECE 6095 / CSE 5095)” Spring 2016
Lecturer “Microprocessor Application Lab (ECE 3411)” Fall 2015
Lecturer “Natural Computing (ECE 6095)” Spring 2015
Lecturer “Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing (ECE 3431 / CSE 3802)” Fall 2015
Lecturer “Microprocessor Application Lab (ECE 3411)” Spring 2014
Recitation instructor “Computer System Engineering (6.033)” at MIT Spring 2013
Lecturer “Mathematics for Computer Science (6.042)” at MIT Fall 2010
Lecturer “Design and Analysis of Algorithms (6.046)” at MIT Spring 2009
Lecturer “Mathematics for Computer Science (6.042)” at MIT Fall 2008

Recitation instructor “Computer System Engineering (6.033)” at MIT Spring 2008
Teaching assistant “Introduction to Algorithms (6.046)” at MIT Spring 2007
Teaching assistant “Introduction to Algorithms (6.046)” at MIT Fall 2005
Invited as a guest lecturer by the Euler Institute for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications 1996-2001
(EIDMA) to develop and teach a series of 4 lectures on secret sharing every two years, as part
of an advanced cryptography course for graduate students from various Dutch and Belgium
Teaching assistant at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands for the courses 1992-1994
Matrix Theory I and II over two consecutive years for undergraduate students in architecture
and business.

A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation 2015
AEGIS: Architecture for Tamper-Evident and TamperResistant Processing selected for inclusion in the 25
years of International Conference on Supercomputing” 2014
CCS Best Student Paper Award (one of 3) 2013
NYU-Poly AT&T Best Applied Security Paper Award, 3rd place 2012
Nominated for best paper award Eurocrypt’10 (Invited to J. Cryptology, one of 3 papers selected) 2010
ACSAC’02 outstanding student paper award, http://www.acsac.org/ 2002

Charles H. Knapp Associate Professor 2016

Electrical and Computing Engineering Research Award (UConn) 2015

NSF (Self-Recovering Certificate Authorities using Backward and Forward Secure Key Management) for
$325K 2016
Comcast Center for Excellence (User and Embedded Systems Authentication) for $65K plus an additional
$35K fellowship 2016
Comcast Center for Excellence (several projects) for $195K plus an additional $96K fellowship 2015
NSF Frontier (A Modular Approach to Cloud Security) for $10M 2014
MURI (Development of Universal Theory for Evaluation and Design of Nanoscale Devices) for $7.5M 2014
UTRC (Tagged Architectures for Hardware Trojan Detection) for $25K 2014
CHASE (Gideon: A High Performance HW Interface for Guaranteed Detection of Executed Injected Mali-
cious Code) for $100K 2013
NSF (Applications and Evolution of TPM Technology) for $500K 2007

Fluent in Dutch and English. Well developed passive understanding of German. Limited in speaking Ger-

The Netherlands. Greencard in the category priority worker – alien with extraordinary ability (E16).

Journal Papers
[1] M. van Dijk, On the Information Rate of Perfect Secret Sharing Schemes, Designs, Codes, and
Cryptography 6(2), 143-169, 1995, preliminary versions appeared in the Proceedings of the 2nd
International Winter Meeting on Coding and Information Theory, December 12 - 15, p. 27,
1993, and in the Proceedings of ISIT’94, June 27 - July 1, p. 489, 1994.

[2] M. van Dijk, W.-A. Jackson, and K.M. Martin, A note on duality in linear secret sharing scheme,
Bull. of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 19, 93-101, 1997.

[3] M. van Dijk, On a special class of broadcast channels with confidential messages, IEEE Trans.
on Inform. Theory 43(2), 712-714, 1997.

[4] M. van Dijk, More information theoretical inequalities to be used in secret sharing, Information
Processing Letters 63(1), 41-44, 1997.

[5] M. van Dijk, A linear construction of secret sharing schemes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography
12(2), 161-201, 1997.
[6] M. van Dijk, W.-A. Jackson, and K. Martin, A general decomposition construction for incom-
plete secret sharing schemes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 15(3), 301-321, 1998.

[7] M. van Dijk, C. Gehrmann, and B. Smeets, Unconditionally Secure Group Authentication, De-
signs, Codes and Cryptography 14(3), 281-296, 1998.

[8] M. van Dijk and L. Tolhuizen, Efficient encoding for a class of subspace subcodes, IEEE Trans.
on Inform. Theory 45, 2142-2146, 1999.

[9] T. Narahara, S. Kobayashi, M. Hattori, Y. Shimpuku, G.J. van den Enden, J.A.H.M. Kahlman,
M. van Dijk, and R. van Woudenberg, Optical Disc System for Digital Video Recording, Jpn.
J. Appl. Phys. Vol.39 (2000), Part 1, No. 2B, 912-919, February 2000. An abstract has been
published in the Proc. of ODS/ISOM, Hawaii, July, 1999.

[10] W. Coene, H. Pozidis, M. van Dijk, J. Kahlman, R. van Woudenberg, and B. Stek, Channel
coding and signal processing for optical recording systems beyond DVD, IEEE Trans. on Magn.,
Vol.37 (2001), Issue 2, Part 1, 682-688, March 2001.
[11] S. Liu, H.C.A. van Tilborg, and M. van Dijk, A practical protocol for advantage distillation and
information reconciliation, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 30(1), p. 39-62, 2003.

[12] M. van Dijk, A.J.E.M. Janssen, and A. Koppelaar, Correcting systematic mismatches in com-
puted log-likelihood ratios, European Transactions on Telecommunications 14, p. 227-244,
[13] M. van Dijk, S. Egner, R. Motwani, and A. Koppelaar, Simultaneous zero-tailing of parallel
concatenated codes, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory 49(9), p. 2236-2241, 2003. An abstract
appeared in the Proceedings of ISIT 2000, June 25-30, p. 368, 2000.

[14] B. Gassend, D. Lim, D. Clarke, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Identification and authentication
of integrated circuits, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16(11), p. 1077-
1098, 2004.
[15] M. van Dijk, S. Egner, M. Greferath, and A. Wassermann, On two doubly even self-dual binary
binary codes of length 160 and minimum weight 24, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory 51(1), p.
408-411, 2005. The abstract “On binary linear [160, 80, 24] codes” appeared in the Proceedings
of ISIT 2003, p. 162, 2003.

[16] F.M.J. Willems and M. van Dijk, Capacity and codes for embedding information in grayscale
signals, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory 51(3), p. 1209-1214, 2005.

[17] D. Lim, J.W. Lee, B. Gassend, G.E. Suh, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Extracting secret keys
from integrated circuits, IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 13(10), p. 1200-1205, 2005.

[18] M. van Dijk, D. Clarke, B. Gassend, G.E. Suh, and S. Devadas, Speeding up exponentiation
using an untrusted computational resource, Designs, Codes, and Cryptography 39(2), p. 253-
273, 2006.
[19] M. van Dijk, T. Kevenaar, G.J. Schrijen, and P. Tuyls, Improved constructions of secret sharing
schemes by applying (λ, ω)-decompositions, Information Processing Letters 99(4), p. 154-157,
2006. An abstract appeared in the Proceedings of ISIT 2003, p. 282, 2003.

[20] B. Gassend, C.W. O’Donnell, G.E. Suh, W. Thies, A. Lee, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Learn-
ing biophysically-motivated parameters for alpha helix prediction, BMC Bioinformatics 8(5),
p. S3, 2007. Poster at 10th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2006), 2006.

[21] B. Gassend, M. van Dijk, D. Clarke, E. Torlak, S. Devadas, and P. Tuyls, Controlled physi-
cal random functions and applications, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security
(TISSEC) 10(4), p. 15:1-15:22, 2008.

[22] Ulrich Rührmair and Marten van Dijk, On the practical use of physical unclonable functions in
oblivious transfer and bit commitment protocols. J. Cryptographic Engineering 3(1): p. 17-28,
[23] M. van Dijk, A. Juels, A. Oprea, and R. L. Rivest, FlipIt: The Game of ”Stealthy Takeover”, J.
Cryptology 26(4): p. 655-713, 2013.

[24] C. Fletcher, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Lets stop trusting software with our sensitive data,
The Last Byte, Design and Test, IEEE 30(2): p. 103-104, 2013.

[25] S.K. Haider, D.M. Shila, and M. van Dijk, Security Agents for Embedded Intrusion Detection,
Circuit Cellar 297, April 2015.

[26] C. Herder, L. Ren, M. van Dijk, M.-D. Yu, and S. Devadas, Trapdoor Computational Fuzzy
Extractors and Stateless Cryptographically-Secure Physical Unclonable Functions, accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.

Conference Contributions
[27] M. van Dijk, A linear construction of perfect secret sharing schemes, Advances in Cryptology -
Eurocrypt’94, LNCS 950, p. 23-34, 1995.

[28] M. van Dijk, Coding Gain Strategies for the Binary Symmetric Broadcast Channel with Confi-
dential Messages, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux,
May 18 - 19, 53-60, 1995.

[29] M. van Dijk, The binary symmetric broadcast channel with confidential messages, with tam-
pering, Proceedings of the EIDMA Winter Meeting on Coding Theory, Information Theory and
Cryptology, December 19-21, p. 42, 1994, and in the Proceedings of ISIT’95, September 17-22,
p. 487, 1995.

[30] M. van Dijk and A. Koppelaar, Quantum key agreement, Proc. of the 18th Symposium on
Information Theory in the Benelux, May 15-16, 97-104, 1997, Proc. of ISIT’98, August 16-21,
p. 350, 1998.

[31] M. van Dijk and A. Koppelaar, High rate reconciliation, Proc. of ISIT’97, June 28 - July 4, p.
92, 1997.
[32] M. van Dijk, “The optimal linear worst-case information rate”, Proc. of ISIT’97, June 28 - July
4, p. 89, 1997.

[33] J.P. Linnartz and M. van Dijk, Analysis of the sensitivity attack against electronic watermarks in
images, Proceeding of the Workshop on Information Hiding, Portland, 15-17 April 1998, LNCS
1525, Springer-Verlag, 258-272, 1998.

[34] T. Kalker, J.P. Linnartz, and M. van Dijk, Watermark estimation through detector analysis, Proc.
of the ICIP, Volume I, Chicago, October 4-7, 425-429, 1998.

[35] M. van Dijk and J. Keunig, A quaternary BCH-code based binary quasi-cyclic code construction,
Proc. of the 19th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, 83-90, 1998.

[36] M. van Dijk and H. van Tilborg, The art of distilling [secret key generation], invited contribution,
Proc. of the ITW’98, Killarney, June 22-26, 1998, 158-159, 1998.

[37] A.G.C. Koppelaar and M. van Dijk, Symbol by symbol APP decoding with a generalized Viterbi
decoder, Proc. of the ITW’99, Kruger National Park, South Africa, June 20-25, 1999, p. 95,

[38] M. van Dijk and R. Motwani, Generalised Trellis Termination, 2nd International Symposium on
Turbo Codes and Related Topics, Brest, France, September 2000, 255-258, 2000.

[39] M. van Dijk, S. Baggen, and L. Tolhuizen, Coding for Informed Decoders, Proc. of ISIT 2001,
p. 202, 2001.

[40] M. van Dijk and F.M.J. Willems, Embedding information in gray-scale images, Proc. 22nd
Symp. on Information Theory in the Benelux, 147-154, 2001.

[41] F.M.J. Willems and M. van Dijk, Codes for embedding information in gray-scale signals, cdrom
Proceedings 39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing,
Allerton House, Monticello, IL, USA, October 3-5, 2001, SPS-30 [06.11], 2001.
[42] A. Gorokhov and M. van Dijk, Optimised labelings for bit-interleaved transmission with iterative
demodulation, Proc. 22nd Symp. on Information Theory in the Benelux, 2001.

[43] A. Gorokhov and M. van Dijk, Optimised labeling maps for bit-interleaved transmission with
turbo demodulation, VTC 2001, IEEE VTS 53rd, Vol. 2, 2001, 1459-1463, 2001.
[44] M. Kuijper, M. van Dijk, H. Hollmann, and J. Oostveen, A unifying system theoretic framework
for errors-and erasures Reed-Solomon decoding, 14th International Symposium on Applied Al-
gebra and Error-Correcting Codes (AAECC) 2001, 343-352, 2001.

[45] D. Woodruff and M. van Dijk, Cryptography in an unbounded computational model, Advances
in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2002, LNCS 2332, 149-164, 2002.

[46] D. Clarke, B. Gassend, T. Kotwal, M. Burnside, M. van Dijk, S. Devadas, and R. Rivest, The
untrusted computer problem and camera-based authentication, Proceedings of Pervasive 2002,
114-124, 2002.
[47] B. Gassend, D. Clarke, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Silicon physical random functions, Pro-
ceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’02),
November 2002.
[48] B. Gassend, D. Clarke, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Controlled Physical Random Functions,
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC’02), best
student paper award, 149-160, December 2002.

[49] B. Gassend, D. Clarke, G.E. Suh, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Caches and hash trees for
efficient memory integrity verification, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on
High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-9), 295-306, 2003.

[50] P. Tuyls, T. Kevenaar, G.J. Schrijen, A.A.M. Staring, and M. van Dijk, Visual crypto displays
enabling secure communications, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Security
in Pervasive Computing, LNCS 2802, 271-284, 2003.

[51] B. Gassend, D. Clarke, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Delay-based circuit authentication and
applications, Proceedings of the 2003 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’03), 294-
301, 2003.
[52] G.E. Suh, D. Clarke, B. Gassend, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, The AEGIS processor architec-
ture for tamper-evident and tamper-resistant processing, Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM
International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS’03), June 2003.

[53] D. Clarke, S. Devadas, M. van Dijk, B. Gassend, and G.E. Suh, Incremental multiset hashes and
their application to integrity checking, Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2003, LNCS 2894,
188-207, 2003.
[54] G.E. Suh, D. Clarke, B. Gassend, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Efficient memory integrity
verification and encryption for secure processors, Proceedings of the 36th Annual IEEE/ACM
International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 339-351, 2003.

[55] J.W. Lee, D. Lim, B. Gassend, G.E. Suh, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, A technique to build a
secret key in integrated circuits for identification and authentication applications, 2004 Sympo-
sium on VLSI Circuits, p. 176-179, 2004.

[56] M. van Dijk and D. Woodruff, Asymptotical optimal communication for torus based cryptogra-
phy, Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2004, LNCS 3152, p. 157-178, 2004.

[57] D. Clarke, G.E. Suh, B. Gassend, A. Sudan, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Towards constant
bandwidth overhead integrity checking of untrusted data, IEEE Symposium on Privacy and Se-
curity 2005.

[58] M. van Dijk, R. Granger, D. Page, K. Rubin, A. Silverberg, M. Stam, and D. Woodruff, Practical
cryptography in high dimensional tori, Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2005, p. 234-250,
[59] M. van Dijk and P. Tuyls, Robustness, reliability and security of biometric key distillation in
the information theoretical setting, Proc. of the 26th Symposium on Information Theory in the
Benelux, 2005.
[60] M. van Dijk and P. Tuyls, Secure biometrics, European Signal Processing Conference (EU-
SIPCO 2005), 2005.
[61] B. Gassend, C.W. O’Donnell, W. Thies, A. Lee, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Predicting sec-
ondary structure of all-helical proteins using hidden Markov support vector machines, PRIB
2006, p. 93-104, 2006.

[62] L.F.G. Sarmenta, M. van Dijk, C.W. O’Donnell, J. Rhodes, and S. Devadas, Virtual monotonic
counters and count-limited objects using a TPM without a trusted OS, The First ACM Workshop
on Scalable Trusted Computing (ACM STC’06), 2006.

[63] C.W. O’Donnell, G.E. Suh, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Memoization attacks and copy pro-
tection in partitioned applications, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Workshop on Information
Assurance (IAW 2007), 2007.
[64] M. van Dijk, J. Rhodes, L.F.G. Sarmenta, and S. Devadas, Offline untrusted storage with im-
mediate detection of forking and replay attacks, The 2nd ACM Workshop on Scalable Trusted
Computing (ACM STC’07), 2007.

[65] L.F.G. Sarmenta, M. van Dijk, J. Rhodes, and S. Devadas, Offline count-limited certificates,
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’08), 2008.

[66] V. Costan, L.F.G. Sarmenta, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, The trusted execution module: com-
modity general purpose trusted computing, CARDIS 2008.

[67] M.A. Kinsy, M.H. Cho, T. Wen, E. Suh, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas, Bandwidth-sensitive
deadlock-free oblivious routing, ISCA 2009.

[68] M. van Dijk, C. Gentry, S. Halevi and V. Vaikuntanathan, Fully homomorphic encryption over
the integers, Eurocrypt 2010, 24-43, 2010.

[69] M. van Dijk and A. Juels, On the impossibility of cryptography alone for privacy-preserving
cloud computing, HotSec 2010.

[70] T. Denning, K. D. Bowers, M. van Dijk and A. Juels: Exploring implicit memory for painless
password recovery, CHI 2011, 2615-2618, 2011.

[71] K. D. Bowers, M. van Dijk, A. Juels, A. Oprea, R. L. Rivest, How to tell if your cloud files
are vulnerable to drive crashes, ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
2011, 501-514, 2011.

[72] U. Rührmair and M. van Dijk: Practical security analysis of PUF-based two-player protocols,
CHES 2012, 251-267, 2012.
[73] Marten van Dijk, Ari Juels, Alina Oprea, Ronald L. Rivest, Emil Stefanov, Nikos Triandopoulos,
Hourglass schemes: how to prove that cloud files are encrypted. ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security 2012, 265-280, 2012.

[74] C. Fletcher, M. van Dijk and S. Devadas, Secure processor architecture for encrypted computa-
tion on untrusted programs, STC’12, 2012.

[75] C. Fletcher, M. van Dijk and S. Devadas, Towards an interpreter for efficient encrypted compu-
tation, CCSW’12, 2012.
[76] K. D. Bowers, M. van Dijk, R. Griffin, A. Juels, A. Oprea, R. L. Rivest and N. Triandopoulos,
Defending against the unknown enemy: Applying FlipIt to system security, GameSec’12, 2012.

[77] E. Stefanov, M. van Dijk, A. Oprea and A. Juels, Iris: A scalable cloud file system with efficient
integrity checks, ACSAC’12, 2012.

[78] Ulrich Rührmair and Marten van Dijk. PUFs in Security Protocols: Attack Models and Security
Evaluations. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2013: p. 286-300, 2013.

[79] L. Ren, X. Yu, C. Fletcher, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas. Design Space Exploration and Op-
timization of Path Oblivious RAM in Secure Processors. In Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2013, pp 571-582. Available at IACR Cryptol-
ogy ePrint Archive, Report 2012/76.

[80] L. Ren, C.W. Fletcher, X. Yu, M. van Dijk and S. Devadas. Integrity Verification for Path
Oblivious-RAM. IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) 2013.

[81] E. Stefanov, M. van Dijk, E. Shi, C.W. Fletcher, L. Ren, X. Yu, and S. Devadas. Path ORAM:
An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Com-
puter and Communications Security (CCS) 2013. Available at IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive,
Report 2013/280.

[82] X. Yu, C.W. Fletcher, L. Ren, M. van Dijk and S. Devadas. Generalized External Interaction
with Tamper-Resistant Hardware with Bounded Information Leakage. CCSW’13, 2013.

[83] C.W. Fletcher, L. Ren, X. Yu, M. van Dijk, O. Khan and S. Devadas. Suppressing the Oblivi-
ous RAM timing channel while making information leakage and program efficiency trade-offs.
HPCA 2014: 213-224.
[84] M. van Dijk and U. Rührmair. Protocol attacks on advanced PUF protocols and countermea-
sures. DATE 2014: 1-6.
[85] M. van Dijk and U. Rührmair. PUF Interfaces and their Security. ISVLSI 2014.

[86] G.E. Suh, C.W. Fletcher, D.E. Clarke, B. Gassend, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas. Author ret-
rospective AEGIS: architecture for tamper-evident and tamper-resistant processing. ICS 25th
Anniversary 2014: 68-70.

[87] V. Grindle, S.K. Haider, J. Magee, and M. van Dijk. Virtual Fingerprint – Image-Based Au-
thentication Increases Privacy for Users of Mouse-Replacement Interfaces. HCI International

[88] C.W. Fletcher, L. Ren, A. Kwon, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas. Freecursive ORAM: [Nearly]
Free Recursion and Integrity Verification for Position-based Oblivious RAM. ASPLOS 2015:
[89] C. Fletcher, L. Ren, A. Kwon, M. van Dijk, E. Stefanov, D. Serpanos, and S. Devadas. Tiny
ORAM: A Low-Latency, Low-Area Hardware ORAM Controller. FCCM 2015.

[90] A. Masab, S.K. Haider, F. Hijaz, M. van Dijk, and O. Khan. Exploring the Performance Impli-
cations of Memory Safety Primitives in Many-core Processors Executing Multi-threaded Work-
loads. HASP 2015.
[91] X. Yu, S.K. Haider, L. Ren, C.W. Fletcher, A. Kwon, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas. PrORAM:
dynamic prefetcher for oblivious RAM. ISCA 2015: 616-628.

[92] L. Ren, C. Fletcher, A. Kwon, E. Stefanov, E. Shi, M. van Dijk, and S. Devadas. Constants
Count: Practical Improvements to Oblivious RAM. Usenix Security 2015.

[93] S.K. Haider, M. Ahmad, F. Hijaz, A. Patni, E. Johnson, M. Seita, Omer Khan, and M. van
Dijk. M-MAP: Multi-Factor Memory Authentication for Secure Embedded Processors. IEEE
International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2015).

[94] M. van Dijk. Hardware Security and its Adversaries. TrustED 2015.

[95] S. Devadas, M. van Dijk, C.W. Fletcher, L. Ren, E. Shi, and D.Wichs. Onion ORAM: A Constant
Bandwidth Blowup Oblivious RAM. TCC 2016.

Book Chapters
[96] B. Gassend, M. van Dijk, D. Clarke, and S. Devadas. Controlled physical random functions.
Chapter 14 in Security with Noisy Data: On Private Biometrics, Secure Key Storage and Anti-
Counterfeiting, eds. P. Tuyls, B. Skoric, and T. Kevenaar, Springer, 235-254, 2007.

[97] E. Torlak, M. van Dijk, B. Gassend, D. Jackson, and S. Devadas, Knowledge flow analysis for
security protocols, http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0605109, 2006.

[98] M. van Dijk, E. Torlak, B. Gassend, and S. Devadas, A generalized two-phase analysis of knowl-
edge flows in security protocols, http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0605097, 2006.

[99] M. van Dijk and U. Rührmair, Physical unclonable functions in cryptographic protocols: Secu-
rity proofs and impossibility results. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2012: 228, 2012.

Issued Patents
[100] M.E. van Dijk, W.M.J.M. Coene, and C.P.M.J. Baggen, Method of decoding a stream of channel
bits of a signal relating to a binary channel signal into a stream of source bits of a signal relating
to a binary source signal, US 6362754, 2002.

[101] H.D.L. Hollmann, M.E. van Dijk, and P.J. Lenoir, Method and device for executing a decrypt-
ing mechanism through calculating a standardized modular exponentiation for thwarting timing
attacks, US 6366673, 2002.

[102] M.E. van Dijk, L.M.G.M. Tolhuizen, J.A.H.M. Kahlman, C.P.M.J. Baggen, M. Hattori, K. Ya-
mamoto, T. Narahara, and S. Senshu, Encoding multiword information by wordwise interleav-
ing, US 6367049, 2002.

[103] M.E. van Dijk, L.M.G.M. Tolhuizen, and C.P.M.J. Baggen, Method and apparatus for encoding
multiword information with error locative clues directed to low protectivity words, US 6378100,
[104] J.P.M.G. Linnartz, M.J.J.J.-B. Maes, A.A.C.M. Kalker, G.F.G. Depovere, P.M.J. Rongen, C.W.F.
Vriens, M.E. van Dijk, Device for optically scanning a record carrier, US 6415040, 2002.

[105] M.E. van Dijk, W.M.J.M. Coene, and C.P.M.J. Baggen, Information carrier, device for encoding,
method for encoding, device for decoding and method for decoding, US 6529147, 2003.

[106] M.E. van Dijk, W.M.J.M. Coene, and C.P.M.J. Baggen, Information carrier, device for encoding,
method for encoding, device for decoding and method for decoding, US 6650257, 2003.

[107] M.E. van Dijk, C.P.M.J. Baggen, and L.M.G.M. Tolhuizen, Coding for informed decoders, US
7103829, 2006.
[108] C.P.M.J. Baggen, M.E. van Dijk, and W.M.J.M Coene, Method of storing or decoding a stream
of bits, US 7174497, 2007.
[109] M.E. van Dijk and K. Yamamoto, Method and apparatus for embedding an additional layer of
error correction into an error correcting code, US 7188295, 2007.

[110] M.E. van Dijk, , K. Yamamoto, and M. Hattori, Method and apparatus for embedding an addi-
tional layer of error correction into an error correcting code, US 7340663, 2008.

[111] M.E. van Dijk and F.M.J. Willems, Embedding auxiliary data in an information signal, US
7392453, 2008.
[112] M.E. van Dijk, System and method of reliable forward secret key sharing with physical random
functions, US 7653197, 2010.
[113] D. Clarke, B. Gassend, M. van Dijk and S. Devadas, Authentication of integrated circuits, US
7840803, 2010.
[114] M.E. van Dijk and P.T. Tuyls, Proof of execution using random function, US 7877604, 2011.

[115] P.T. Tuyls, E. Verbitskiy, B. Schoenmakers, and M.E. van Dijk, Securely computing a similarity
measure, US 8281148, 2012.
[116] A. Juels, M.E. van Dijk, A.M. Oprea, R.L. Rivest, E.P. Stefanov, Remote verification of file
protections for cloud storage, US 8346742, 2013.

[117] M. van Dijk, A. Juels, B.W. Fitzgerald, and G. Matthews, Providing a security-sensitive envi-
ronment, US 8621649, 2013.
[118] M. van Dijk, K.D. Bowers, S. Curry, S.P. Doyle, W.M. Duane, A. Juels, M.J. O’Malley, N.
Triandopoulos, and R. Zolfonoon, Soft token posture asessment, US 8683563, 2014.

[119] M. van Dijk, K.D. Bowers, S. Curry, and N. Triandopoulos, Scheduling soft token data trans-
mission, US 8683570, 2014.

[120] E.P. Stefanov, M.E. van Dijk, A.M. Oprea, and A. Juels, Scalable cloud file system with efficient
integrity checks, US 8706701, 2014.

[121] M. van Dijk, K.D. Bowers, S. Curry, S.P. Doyle, N. Triandopoulos, and R. Zolfonoon, Providing
authentication codes which include token codes and biometric factors, US 8752146, 2014.
[122] M. van Dijk, K.D. Bowers, S. Curry, S.P. Doyle, N. Triandopoulos, and R. Zolfonoon, Detecting
soft token copies, US 8752156, 2014.

[123] E.P. Stefanov, M.E. van Dijk, A.M. Oprea, and A. Juels, Remote verification of file protections
for cloud data storage, US 8799334, 2014.

[124] K.D. Bowers, M.E. van Dijk, A. Juels, A.M. Oprea, R.L. Rivest, and N. Triandopoulos, Graph-
based approach to deterring persistent security threats, US 8813234, 2014.

[125] R. Stockton, R.D. Hopley, M. van Dijk, A. Juels, and N. Triandopoulos, Variable epoch sched-
uler for proactive cryptography systems, US 8817988, 2014.

[126] M. van Dijk, K.D. Bowers, S. Curry, S.P. Doyle, E. Kolman, N. Triandopoulos, and R. Zol-
fonoon, Managing user access with mobile device posture, US 8819769, 2014.

[127] M. van Dijk, K.D. Bowers, J.G. Brainard, S. Curry, S.P. Doyle, M.J. O’Malley, and N. Trian-
dopoulos, Controlling a soft token running within an electronic apparatus, US 8875263, 2014.

[128] S. Devadas, M. van Dijk, and C.W. Fletcher, Technique for secure computation, US 8909967,
[129] M. van Dijk, S.J. Curry, R.D. Hopley, J.G. Linn, A.M. Oprea, and R. Kenneth, Methods and
apparatus for mediating access to derivatives of sensitive data, US 8978159, 2015.

[130] A. Juels, N. Triandopoulos, R. Rivest, and M. van Dijk, Methods and apparatus for embedding
auxiliary information in one-time passcodes, US 8984609, 2015.

[131] R. Hodgman, M.E. van Dijk, and E. Kolman, Distributed anonymized communications, US
9015231, 2015.
[132] M. van Dijk, N. Triandopoulos, A. Juels, and R. Rivest, Forward secure pseudorandom number
generation resilient to forward clock attacks, US 9083515, 2015.

[133] A. Juels, N. Triandopoulos, M.E. van Dijk, Methods and apparatus for authenticating a user
using multi-server one-time passcode verification, US 9118661, 2015.

[134] S. Curry and M. van Dijk, Software license management with drifting component, US 9122878,
[135] J. Brainard, N. Triandopoulos, M. van Dijk, and A. Juels, Event-based data signing via time-
based one-time authentication passcodes, US 9225717, 2015.

[136] A. Juels, A.M. Oprea, M.E. van Dijk, and E.P. Stefanov, Remote verification of file protections
for cloud data storage, US 9230114, 2016.

[137] A. Juels, N. Triandopoulos, M. van Dijk, J. Brainard, R. Rivest, and K. Bowers, Configurable
one-time authentication tokens with improved resilience to attacks, US 9270655, 2016.

[138] A. Juels, N. Triandopoulos, M. van Dijk, J. Brainard, R. Rivest, and K. Bowers, Server meth-
ods and apparatus for processing passcodes generated by configurable one-time authentication
tokens, US 9294473, 2016.
[139] E.P. Stefanov, M.E. van Dijk, A.M. Operea, and A. Juels, Scalable cloud file system with effi-
cient integrity checks, US 9323765, 2016.

[140] M. van Dijk, Graph algorithms, Master’s thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Netherlands, 1991. Anne Kaldewaij, advisor.

[141] M. van Dijk, Wyner’s wire-tap channel and its cryptographic application, Master’s thesis, Eind-
hoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 1993. Henk van Tilborg, advisor.

[142] M. van Dijk, Secret key sharing and secret key generation, PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University
of Technology, The Netherlands, 1997. Henk van Tilborg, advisor.


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