Volleyball is a team sport that is played by two teams on a divided court, with each team trying to score points by grounding the ball on the opponent's side. It was invented in 1895 in Massachusetts and originally called Mintonette. Players use different techniques like spiking, blocking, and digging to keep the ball in play over the net. The game involves different positions like setter, hitter and blocker working together towards the goal of winning sets and matches.
Volleyball is a team sport that is played by two teams on a divided court, with each team trying to score points by grounding the ball on the opponent's side. It was invented in 1895 in Massachusetts and originally called Mintonette. Players use different techniques like spiking, blocking, and digging to keep the ball in play over the net. The game involves different positions like setter, hitter and blocker working together towards the goal of winning sets and matches.
Volleyball is a team sport that is played by two teams on a divided court, with each team trying to score points by grounding the ball on the opponent's side. It was invented in 1895 in Massachusetts and originally called Mintonette. Players use different techniques like spiking, blocking, and digging to keep the ball in play over the net. The game involves different positions like setter, hitter and blocker working together towards the goal of winning sets and matches.
Volleyball is a team sport that is played by two teams on a divided court, with each team trying to score points by grounding the ball on the opponent's side. It was invented in 1895 in Massachusetts and originally called Mintonette. Players use different techniques like spiking, blocking, and digging to keep the ball in play over the net. The game involves different positions like setter, hitter and blocker working together towards the goal of winning sets and matches.
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A team sport that generally takes
place indoors nor outdoors. It is played with a ball on a rectangular, 18 meter by nine- meter court that is divided in half by an elevated net. Each team plays on one side of the net and consists of six players. The game is broken down into sets and matches. Each team's goal is to win enough points to win a set and then win enough sets to win the match. HISTORY Mr. William G. Morgan, Physical Education Director of YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts (USA) invented the game in the year 1895. ● Originally the sport was called “Mintonette” and was played by middle aged businessman who found the game basketball to strenuous. ● It was Professor Alfred Halstead, who after viewing the game, suggested that its name be changed to volleyball¨. Since the basic idea of the game was to volley the ball back and forth over the net. TIMELINE Ball - Made up of leather or any synthetic design material weigh of 260- 280g. Net - It is placed vertically over the center line. Jersey - It is typically made from any synthetic materials designed to keep athlete cool and comfortable during POSITIONS AND ROLES competition. Outside Hitter - Also known as the left- Knee Pads - Protection surrounding side hitter – attacks from the left muscles and ligaments and they also antenna and requires a player with good against scrapes. jumping ability. Shoes - Designed which consists of Opposite Hitter - Also known as the gum rubber. right-side hitter – plays near the right Court - Divided by center line into equal antenna. areas. Opposite hitters tend to be players who Yellow & Red Card - Formal Warning have the most versatility and can excel and Calling for punishment. on both offense and defense. Flag - used for line judge to call whether Setter - This position is essentially the in or out. quarterback or point guard of the team. OFFICIALS A setter runs the team’s offense. Officials play multiple roles in Middle Blocker - Team’s tallest athlete volleyball, they are the overseers tends to play here. They block the of the game, the peace keepers center area of the net and has to be in tense situations and the ready for the opponent’s quick middle deciders in close calls. attacks. blocks the center area of the First Referee - Has the authority over net and has to be ready for the the other members of the officiating opponent’s quick middle attacks. crew and is in charge from the Libero - This position focuses on beginning of the match until the end. defense. Liberos only play in the back Second Referee - Works to assist the row and often receive the attack or first referee throughout the game. Also, serve. if the scorer has problem or don't Defensive specialist - Come in to understand something, they should be replace a player who may not have the comfortable enough to ask the second right skills for the back row. Unlike the referee for help. libero, defensive specialists must make Scorekeeper - Keeps track of the score a substitution with the referees. throughout the volleyball game. Its main EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIALS job is to make sure the score is correct at all times. Assistant Scorer - Is responsible for HISTORY tracking the libero player's entries and Early Soccer aiding the scorekeeper. Games like soccer were invented Line Judges - Watch the end line and over 2000 years ago in China sideline of their respective corners. Main Chinese soldiers used the heads responsibility is to make signals to help of their enemies or pig-bladder as out the referees in making judgement soccer balls calls. They used flags to make signals. As soccer advanced they started COURT using leather balls with feathers Volleyball Court are flat horizontal There was 15-20 people on a playing surfaces sized for the team. Now its 11 per team. game of volleyball. Indoor volleyball court surfaces are The modern game seen today, starts required to be made of resilient with the official rules for soccer, made in wood flooring. 1863, at a Freemason's Tavern, located COURT DIMENSIONS in London. 18m Length 9m Width Soccer started in early Asia. It 3m for Attack Line was called TSU CHU or Kick 3m for Free zones Ball ("Kicking the Ball"). It 6m Back zone started dates back to the Han FUNDAMENTALS OF VOLLEYBALL Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.), COURT when the game was played using 6 Types of Line enemies' heads for a ball. And it - Baselines/End lines may have been a training - Sidelines exercise for soldiers. The main difference between - Attack Line Tsu'Chu and soccer was the - Center Line height of the goal, which hung - Coach Restriction about 30 feet from the ground. - Service Line Harpastum in Roman Game and Episkyros in ancient Greeks. SOCCER A game played by two teams of eleven 9th Century (Britain is the Home of players with a ground ball that may not Soccer) be touched with the hands or arms From the medieval period during play except by the goalkeepers. onwards, soccer began to evolve The object of the game is to score goals in modern Europe and they called by kicking or heading the ball into the it “Folk Football or Mob opponents' goal. Football” which is involves the entire villages or town and it was Soccer Spreads Worldwide considered as chaotic game. The International Federation of Both teams had to kick the ball Association Football (FIFA) was towards specific landmarks to formed in Paris in 1904 with defend. The ball was made out of seven members. This included inflated pig’s bladder or leather Belgium, Denmark, France, the skins stuffed with feathers. Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and The Emergence of Modern Soccer Switzerland. (Early 19th Century) In 1930, the first-ever FIFA World Dedicated summer clubs emerged in Cup was held in Uruguay. British schools EQUIPMENTS It was introduced to British Two Goalposts and Crossbar - The schools in order to keep young crossbar in football is the horizontal bar boys fit. at the bottom of the upright goal posts In 1862, Ebenezer Cobb Morley on both ends of the football field in the formed a semi-professional back of end zones. The goalpost is soccer club in Barnes, called the made up of 3 parts; the base, the Barnes Club. crossbar and the uprights. the base is In 1848, the "Cambridge Rules" what holds the goal up into the air. were established at Cambridge A net goal - A net is useful not just to University. stop the ball when a goal has been The Creation of the Football scored but also clearly show the ball has Association passed between the goalposts and not The association came from the missed on either side on the outside of formation of the Football the post. Association (FA) on October 26, Corner Flags - The corner flag is there to 1863. clearly show where the boundary of the field Soccer was derived from an is. abbreviation from the word Soccer Ball - There are few items of association and it was a popular equipment as important to a game of slang used for all sort of nouns. soccer as a soccer ball. Without it, you Soccer Goes Pro simply wouldn’t be able to play the Over the years, more clubs joined the game. FA until the number reached 128 by Shin Guards - Having a good pair of 1887. The country finally had a nearly shin guards can give protection for your uniform rule structure in place. shins but, at the same time, will still give In 1872, the first Football you good freedom of movement. Association Cup was played. Shorts - There is no specific color that In 1888, the first championship the shorts have to be, but, as with the league games were played. jerseys, it’s important that the whole team matches (except for the obviously different color from any of the goalkeeper). player’s uniforms. Long Socks - The reason for the socks Referee’s Assistant Flags - The being long rather than short is due to the intention of these flags is to clearly fact that the socks are required to cover signal to the referee when an the shin guards that are being worn infringement of the rules has happened. Cleats - There are literally thousands of FACILITIES different options for footwear that can be Facilities worn during a soccer game. But one of 2 teams with 7 to 11 players and the things that they all have in common each player has its own role is that they have cleats. Soccer Pitch Dimension Goalkeeper Gloves - Goalies wear Pitch length = 90m to 120m them not just to protect their hands from Pitch width = 45m to 90m the sting of a ball traveling towards them Soccer Goal Net at speed but also to provide more grip 24ft and 8ft when they need to catch or stop the ball. Referee’s Power Goalkeeper Uniform - Wearing a Has the authority different uniform allows not just the referee to be able to easily tell the goalkeeper apart but also helps the Player’s Safety other players on the team know where Players must not use any the goalkeeper is, especially while the accessories. ball is in the penalty area. Changing of Goalkeeper Referee’s Whistle - The whistle is an Any of the 10 outfield players can important tool for the referee to use change places with the goal when communicating with players on keeper. the field. It helps them to understand PENALTY KICKS what is happening and what is expected When a foul occurs in the penalty of them. area, the fouled team is awarded Referee’s Watch - Being able to a penalty kick. accurately keep time during a soccer They can only use their hands in game is one of the more important jobs penalty area. for a referee. To do this, they need to Must wear different color uniform have a reliable timer or watch with them throughout the game. Can change places with another Red and Yellow Cards - When a player during game. referee shows a player a yellow card, it They may not cross midfield, or signifies a warning. score a goal. Referee’s Uniform - It is important in a game that the referee’s uniform is an