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Process Planning 2

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Janvi Kawtikwar1 , Swati Kesarwani1 , Vaishnavi Khedekar1 , Manoj Ghag2
Student, 2_Assistant Professor

(Department of General Engineering, Usha Mittal Institute of Technology, SNDT Women’s University’s
Santacruz(W), Mumbai-49, India)

ABSTRACT - The process planning including a cloud-based infrastructure, a

service model design based on cloud centralized process planning server, and a
computing is an approach to enable set of software tools for process modeling,
businesses to achieve optimal planning and analysis, and optimization. The model also
management of their manufacturing incorporates data analytics capabilities,
processes. This model leverages the cloud which enable businesses to collect and
computing paradigm to provide flexible analyze data from various sources to gain
and scalable services that can be accessed insights into their manufacturing
from anywhere at any time. The cloud- processes.
based process planning service model
involves the use of virtualized resources, KEYWORDS - Process planning,
such as computing power, storage, and Manufacturing processes, Cloud
networking, to provide a cost-effective and computing, Virtualized resources,
scalable solution for process planning. The Scalable solution, Collaborative planning,
model relies on a centralized server that Real-time updates, Centralized server,
can be accessed by multiple users Software tools, Process modeling,
simultaneously, allowing for collaborative Process analysis, Process optimization,
planning and real-time updates. The design Data analytics, Cost-effectiveness,
of the process planning service model Flexibility.
involves several key components,

INTRODUCTION - Process planning is a crucial their manufacturing processes. This model involves
aspect of manufacturing that involves designing a centralized server that provides access to process
and optimizing the steps involved in producing a modeling, analysis, and optimization tools over the
product. It involves coordinating resources, internet, enabling businesses to collaborate on
identifying potential bottlenecks, and optimizing process planning in real-time. This model has
the production process to ensure maximum significant advantages over traditional process
efficiency and profitability. With the increasing planning approaches. It provides businesses with
complexity of manufacturing processes and the the flexibility and scalability needed to adapt to
growing demand for customized products, process changing market conditions and customer demands.
planning has become more challenging than ever. Additionally, it enables businesses to leverage
Cloud computing, on the other hand, has emerged advanced analytics capabilities to gain insights into
as a powerful technology that enables businesses to their manufacturing processes, identify potential
access virtualized resources over the internet, bottlenecks, and optimize their operations for
providing flexibility, scalability, and cost- maximum efficiency and profitability. In this
effectiveness. By leveraging cloud computing, context, the process planning service model design
businesses can reduce infrastructure costs, increase based on cloud computing offers a promising
operational efficiency, and gain access to advanced solution for businesses looking to improve their
analytics capabilities. The process planning service manufacturing processes and stay competitive in
model design based on cloud computing is a today's rapidly changing market.
promising approach that leverages the power of
cloud computing to enable businesses to optimize
CAD and the sharing of decentralized computing
resources became possible. Later on, web-based
Evolution of design and manufacturing systems CAD system based on the thin server–strong client
Engineering design architecture turned out to be hard to implement
because of the heavy-weighted client mechanism;
Engineering design is a social and technical process however, CAD systems based on the strong server–
in which products are designed by teams of people thin client architecture model are more effective
in single or multiple companies. Many researchers and efficient in distributed and collaborative
have proposed descriptive models that abstract the settings because of their light-weighted client
engineering design process. Among these models, mechanism [4–6]. One of the latest technological
one of the most widely known is perhaps the one advancements related to computer-aided product
proposed by Pahl and Beitz. It presents a development, often referred to as cloud-based
systematic engineering design approach including design (CBD), started to emerge at the beginning of
four core design phases: product planning and the 2010s. Because of the inherent characteristics
clarifying the task, conceptual design, embodiment of CBD systems as stated before based on cloud
design, and detail design [1]. Similarly, Ulrich and computing, virtualization, multi-tenancy,
Eppinger [2] introduce a more refined design ubiquitous access, software-as-a-service, pay-
process by incorporating prototype testing, peruse business model, and so on, it has the
refinement, and production ramp-up into the potential to become a game changer for the next
original Pahl and Beitz approach. Since these two generation distributed and collaborative design. In
well-accepted design approaches were first this paper, we focus on the system/tool-related
proposed and later on become common design aspects of engineering design as opposed to the
practice in industry, many similar models based on design process itself. A discussion of the potential
a similarly linear sequence of design phases have impact of CBD on the design process itself in the
been proposed. Interestingly, almost all of these broader context of social product development
models represent incremental variations or deserves a separate paper [5].
modifications of the before-mentioned two original
based models. In addition to systematic design Manufacturing systems
processes, product design also needs to be Similar to design systems, manufacturing systems
facilitated by computer-aided systems to assist have undergone a number of major transitions due
designers in the creation, analysis, and optimization to changing market demands and emerging
of a design. Design engineers have used Computer- technologies [3]. Table 3 shows a brief evolution of
Aided Design (CAD) systems to design products manufacturing paradigms from the assembly line,
since the 1960s. Table 2 briefly summarizes key to Toyota production systems (TPSs), to flexible
milestones of the evolution of computer-aided manufacturing systems (FMSs), to reconfigurable
design from centralized standalone systems, to manufacturing systems (RMSs), to web- and agent-
distributed web-based systems, and finally to CBD. based manufacturing systems, and finally to CBM.
It is argued that the first CAD system, For example, Henry Ford created the first assembly
SKETCHPAD, was developed at MIT by Ivan line, in which interchangeable parts can be added to
Sutherland in the early 1960s [2]. SKETCHPAD a product in a sequential manner to produce
was a centralized standalone system which finished products more efficiently and cost-
consisted of a large and at the time expensive effectively. In the 1960s, to reduce manufacturing
computer with 306 kilobytes of core memory, an costs, TPSs, also known as just-in-time production
oscilloscope display screen, a light pen for input, systems, were devised. TPSs are characterized by a
and a pen plotter for output [4]. The first number of principles that assist in eliminating
commercial applications of CAD systems were waste by reducing waiting time, inventory, and the
found in large enterprises, mainly in the automotive number of defective products. In the 1980s, to yield
and aerospace industries. Back then, those were the new product variants, FMSs were developed,
only ones who could afford and justify the allowing for a high degree of functional flexibility.
extremely high operation and maintenance costs of Specifically, the major advantage of an FMS is that
the early-day CAD systems. With the advancement it allows for variation in both parts and assemblies;
of computer hardware and geometric modeling, however, its implementation is usually costly.
CAD systems could be run on more affordable According to Koren et al., ‘‘in order to quickly
personal desktop computers and allowed for 3D adjust production capacity and functionality within
solid modeling. With the advancement of the a part family in response to sudden changes in
Internet and the client–server model, distributed market or in regulatory requirements,
reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs) are technology to enhance the efficiency and
designed at the outset for rapid change in structure, effectiveness of process planning.
as well as in hardware and software components’’ .
The key features of RMS include modularity,
integrability, customization, convertibility, and
diagnosability [1].

The previously stated manufacturing systems fall

into the category of centralized manufacturing with
significant changes in machine tools,
manufacturing plant layouts, and business models.
With the development of the Internet, distributed
manufacturing systems have been increasingly
adopted by industry; two major approaches for
distributed manufacturing are web- and agent-
based manufacturing systems. Web-based systems
use the client–server architecture with the Internet
to provide a light-weight platform for
geographically dispersed teams to access and share
manufacturing-related information via a web
browser [4]. Likewise, with the increasing
structural and functional complexity of web-based
manufacturing systems, agent-based manufacturing Fig-2
systems aim at improving computational
performance and communication using agents [5]. Cloud computing is a technology that allows
Agent-based manufacturing systems consist of businesses to access virtualized resources over the
agents (e.g., manufacturing cells, machine tools, internet, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost-
and robots) exhibiting autonomous and intelligent effectiveness. By leveraging cloud computing,
behaviour such as searching, reasoning, and businesses can centralize their process planning
learning. For example, an agent is an independent activities and provide access to process modeling,
problem-solver capable of marketing decisions by analysis, and optimization tools over the internet,
interacting with other agents and its environment. enabling real-time collaboration and information

Fig-1 Fig-3

LITREATURE REVIEW - Process planning is a

Several studies have investigated the potential
critical component of manufacturing that involves
benefits of using cloud computing for process
designing and optimizing the steps involved in
planning. For example, a study by Zhou et al.
producing a product. In recent years, there has been
(2014) proposed a cloud-based process planning
a growing interest in leveraging cloud computing
system that enabled real-time collaboration among incorporating blockchain technology. The study
stakeholders, including designers, planners, and found that the framework could enhance the
manufacturers. The study found that the system security and privacy of manufacturing data and
could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of enable seamless data exchange among different
process planning by reducing the time and cost systems and application.
required for process planning.
Cloud computing architecture refers to the
Another study by Singh et al. (2016) proposed a underlying structure and design of cloud computing
cloud-based manufacturing platform that integrated systems that provide on-demand access to shared
process planning, production scheduling, and computing resources such as servers, storage,
resource allocation. The study found that the applications, and services over the internet. Cloud
platform could improve the agility and computing architecture typically involves multiple
responsiveness of manufacturing operations by layers of abstraction that allow users to access and
enabling real-time decision-making and resource utilize computing resources without having to
optimization. manage the underlying infrastructure.
Similarly, a study by Sankar and Saravanan (2017)
proposed a cloud-based process planning system
that integrated process planning, scheduling, and
quality control. The study found that the system
could improve the quality and reliability of
manufacturing processes by providing real-time
monitoring and feedback.


Fig-4 The following are the main layers of cloud

computing architecture:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This layer

Despite the potential benefits of using cloud provides users with virtualized computing
computing for process planning, there are also resources such as servers, storage, and networking.
several challenges that need to be addressed. For Users can provision and manage these resources
example, ensuring data security and privacy is a on-demand, allowing them to scale up or down as
critical concern when using cloud computing, as needed.
sensitive manufacturing data may be vulnerable to
unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. In addition, 2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): This layer provides
ensuring interoperability and data exchange among users with a complete development and deployment
different systems and applications can also be a environment that includes operating systems,
challenge databases, middleware, and other tools. Users can
develop, test, and deploy applications without
To address these challenges, several studies have having to manage the underlying infrastructure.
proposed frameworks and methodologies for cloud-
based process planning. For example, a study by 3. Software as a Service (SaaS): This layer
Wang et al. (2018) proposed a cloud-based process provides users with access to software applications
planning framework that addressed the challenges over the internet. Users can access these
of data security and interoperability by applications from any device with an internet
connection, without having to install or maintain 1. Cloud-based process planning software: The first
any software on their own devices. component is a cloud-based process planning
software that provides users with access to process
4. Network as a Service (NaaS): This layer modeling, analysis, and optimization tools over the
provides users with virtualized network resources internet. The software should be user-friendly and
such as routers, switches, and firewalls. Users can customizable to meet the specific needs of different
configure and manage these resources on-demand, users.
allowing them to create custom network topologies
to meet their specific needs. 2. Real-time collaboration and information sharing:
The second component is a real-time collaboration
5. Security as a Service (SecaaS): This layer and information sharing platform that enables
provides users with cloud-based security services stakeholders to share information, data, and
such as antivirus, intrusion detection, and data insights in real-time. This platform should be
encryption. Users can access these services on- secure, reliable, and easy to use.
demand, without having to manage the underlying
security infrastructure. 3. Integration with other systems: The third
component is integration with other systems such
as manufacturing execution systems (MES),
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and
product lifecycle management (PLM) systems. This
integration should be seamless, allowing users to
access and exchange data between different
systems without any issues.

4. Data security and privacy: The fourth component

is data security and privacy. This is a critical
concern in process planning, as sensitive
manufacturing data may be vulnerable to
unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. The process
planning service model design should incorporate
robust security measures such as data encryption,
access controls, and intrusion detection and
prevention systems.
5. Scalability and cost-effectiveness: The final
component is scalability and cost-effectiveness.
Cloud computing architecture can be implemented Cloud computing technology enables users to scale
in several ways, including public, private, and up or down their process planning resources as
hybrid clouds. Public clouds are owned and needed, making it a highly cost-effective solution
operated by third-party cloud service providers, for manufacturing organizations of all sizes. The
while private clouds are owned and operated by process planning service model design should
individual organizations. Hybrid clouds combine ensure that users can access the resources they need
elements of both public and private clouds, quickly and easily, without incurring significant
allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of costs.
both while maintaining control over their sensitive
data and applications.


DESIGN - Process planning service model design
involves creating a framework for delivering
process planning services using cloud computing
technology. The goal is to provide users with a
flexible and scalable process planning platform that
enables real-time collaboration, analysis, and
optimization. The following are the key
components of the process planning service model
with a clear understanding of how their business
processes operate.

2. Collaboration and sharing: The tool should

enable users to collaborate and share their process
models with other stakeholders such as team
members, customers, and partners. This
collaboration should be real-time, allowing users to
work together on the same model simultaneously
and see changes as they occur.

3. Analysis and optimization: The tool should

provide users with a range of analysis and
optimization tools that enable them to identify
bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and other process
issues. These tools should help users to optimize
their processes for maximum efficiency and

4. Integration with other systems: The tool should

integrate with other systems such as ERP
Fig-7 (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM
CLOUD-BASED PROCESS MODELING AND (Customer Relationship Management) systems,
ANALYSIS TOOLS - A cloud-based process enabling users to access data from these systems
modeling and analysis tool is a software application and incorporate it into their process models.
that enables users to create, visualize, and optimize
business processes using cloud computing 5. Security and privacy: The tool should
technology. This tool typically runs on a cloud- incorporate robust security and privacy measures
based platform, which provides users with access to such as data encryption, access controls, and
a range of resources such as servers, storage, and authentication protocols. This ensures that users'
networking over the internet. data is protected from unauthorized access and



The following are some of the key features of a DATA ANALYTICS CAPABILITIES - Data
cloud-based process modeling and analysis tool: analytics capabilities refer to the ability of a system
1. Process modeling: The tool should allow users to or software to collect, process, analyze, and
create process models using a range of modeling interpret data in order to generate insights, identify
techniques such as flowcharts, activity diagrams, patterns, and make data-driven decisions. In the
and BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) context of process planning service model design
diagrams. These models should be easy to create, based on cloud computing, data analytics
visualize, and modify, and should provide users
capabilities are crucial for optimizing business manufacturing process based on the insights
processes and improving operational efficiency. generated from the analysis. This helps to optimize
the process and improve operational efficiency.

The following are some of the key data analytics
capabilities that a process planning service model LIMITATION AND ASSUMPTIONS - The
should have: following are some of the limitations and
1. Data collection and integration: The model assumptions that could apply to a study on process
should be able to collect data from various sources planning service model design based on cloud
such as manufacturing equipment, sensors, and computing:
other data sources. The data should be integrated
into the model to provide a complete view of the
manufacturing process

2. Data processing: The model should be able to

preprocess data, clean it, and transform it into a
format that is suitable for analysis.

3. Descriptive analytics: The model should be able

to analyze data to provide descriptive statistics such
as mean, median, and mode. This helps to provide a
better understanding of the current state of the
manufacturing process.

4. Diagnostic analytics: The model should be able

to identify patterns in the data that indicate why
certain events occurred. This helps to diagnose the
root cause of issues and address them effectively.

5. Predictive analytics: The model should be able to

use historical data to predict future events. For
example, predictive analytics can be used to
forecast equipment failures, identify potential
1. Sample size: The sample size of the study may
bottlenecks in the manufacturing process, and
be limited due to factors such as time constraints,
optimize inventory levels.
budget, and access to participants. This could limit
6. Prescriptive analytics: The model should be able the generalizability of the results.
to recommend specific actions to improve the
2. Data quality: The quality of the data collected
may be affected by factors such as measurement
errors, respondent bias, and missing data. This
could affect the accuracy of the results and limit the hardware and software, and enabling organizations
validity of the study. to scale their computing resources as needed.

3. Selection bias: The participants in the study may 3. Improved flexibility: Cloud computing
not be representative of the broader population, technology could provide greater flexibility in
which could limit the generalizability of the results. process planning service model design by enabling
organizations to quickly adapt to changing business
4. Assumptions about cloud computing: The study needs and customer demands.
may assume that cloud computing technology is
widely adopted and accessible, which may not be 4. Security concerns: The use of cloud computing
the case for all organizations. technology could raise security concerns around the
storage and management of sensitive data.
5. Technological limitations: The study may Organizations would need to implement
assume that the technology used for process appropriate security measures to address these
planning service model design based on cloud concerns.
computing is fully developed and functional, which
may not be the case in practice. 5. Adoption challenges: The adoption of cloud
computing technology could be challenging for
6. Environmental factors: The study may not some organizations due to factors such as limited
consider external factors such as economic, social, resources, lack of technical expertise, and
and political factors that could impact the design of resistance to change.
process planning service models based on cloud


RESULT - The results of a study on process

planning service model design based on cloud
computing would depend on the research
methodology, data collection, and analysis
techniques used. However, some potential results
of such a study could include:
1. Increased efficiency: The use of cloud
computing technology could result in increased SCOPE –
efficiency in process planning service model
1. Cloud Architecture: Cloud architecture involves
design. This could be due to factors such as faster
designing and developing cloud-based solutions for
data processing, improved collaboration, and
businesses. Cloud architects have a vast scope of
access to real-time data.
opportunities to work with various cloud platforms
2. Cost savings: Cloud computing technology could and technologies such as Amazon Web Services,
lead to cost savings in process planning service Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
model design by reducing the need for expensive
2. Cloud Security: With cloud computing, data of production processes to meet specific goals and
security has become a critical concern for objectives. The primary goal of process planning is
businesses. Cloud security professionals can help to ensure that production processes are efficient,
organizations secure their data and applications by cost-effective, and meet customer demands.
implementing robust security protocols and Effective process planning involves various tasks,
practices. including process modeling, analysis, simulation,
and optimization.
3. Cloud Migration: Many businesses are moving
their applications and data to the cloud for cost- The emergence of cloud computing technology has
effectiveness and scalability. Cloud migration provided new opportunities for organizations to
experts help organizations with the seamless improve their process planning service model
transition to the cloud. design processes. Cloud computing is a technology
that allows users to access computing resources,
4. Cloud Infrastructure Management: Cloud such as software, storage, and processing power,
infrastructure management involves managing the over the internet. This technology enables
underlying infrastructure of cloud-based solutions. organizations to leverage the power of the cloud to
It includes tasks such as configuring servers, streamline their process planning service model
monitoring network traffic, and ensuring high design processes.
One of the main benefits of cloud computing
5. Cloud DevOps: Cloud DevOps involves technology in process planning service model
integrating software development and IT operations design is increased efficiency. Cloud computing
in a cloud-based environment. It offers a vast scope technology enables organizations to process data
of opportunities for professionals to streamline faster, collaborate more effectively, and access
development and deployment processes. real-time data. This allows organizations to
6. Cloud AI/ML: Cloud-based Artificial optimize their production processes and improve
Intelligence and Machine Learning services have their overall performance.
become popular, and many businesses are Another benefit of cloud computing technology in
exploring their potential. Cloud AI/ML process planning service model design is cost
professionals can help businesses develop and savings. Cloud computing technology eliminates
deploy AI/ML models on cloud platforms. the need for organizations to invest in expensive
hardware and software and enables them to scale
their computing resources as needed. This helps
organizations to reduce their operating costs and
improve their bottom line.

Cloud computing technology also provides greater

flexibility in process planning service model
design. Organizations can quickly adapt to
changing business needs and customer demands by
leveraging cloud computing technology to access
the computing resources they need when they need
them. This enables organizations to stay
competitive and agile in an increasingly dynamic
business environment.

However, the adoption of cloud computing

technology can also present security and adoption
challenges that need to be carefully considered and
addressed. Cloud computing technology raises
security concerns around the storage and
management of sensitive data. Organizations need
to implement appropriate security measures to
address these concerns.

CONCLUSION - Process planning is a critical The adoption of cloud computing technology can
component of manufacturing and production also be challenging for some organizations due to
processes that involves the design and optimization
factors such as limited resources, lack of technical REFRENCES –
expertise, and resistance to change. Organizations
need to carefully consider these factors and develop 1. Cloud computing made easy by Carly
strategies to overcome them when adopting cloud landis and dan blacharski
computing technology in their process planning 2. Cloud computing principles and
service model design processes. paradigms by wiely
3. https:///www.computerscijournal.org
Cloud computing technology has the potential to 4. https://doi.org/10.1016/h.promfg
transform process planning service model design 5. https://www.zvei.org
and help organizations to stay competitive in an
increasingly dynamic and complex business 6. Recent applications of internet of
environment. By embracing cloud computing things (iot) in manufacturing sector-a
technology and addressing the challenges review Muhammad Hafidz Fazli Md Fauadi,
associated with its adoption, organizations can Amis Abdullah Muhamad Damanhurt, Ruzy
unlock new opportunities for innovation, growth, HaryatiHamball, Ahamad Zaki Mohamed
and success. Noor, NurulIzah Anusr

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