Manufacturing Systems
Mohammed Imran Hossain – MH24171
The main aim of concurrent engineering is to reduce significantly the time from design to
manufacture by applying a simultaneous rather than sequential approach to the various product
and process design activities. The full realization of concurrent engineering is a challenging task
that requires an in-depth understanding of the designer’s decision-making logic and
comprehensive models describing the information flow between concurrent activities in product
and process design. The task involves choosing a design representation scheme capable of
capturing the designer’s intents and of being used for various downstream applications[1, 2]
Implementation of concurrent engineering also entails the provision of intelligent system support
to the designer. This requires the identification of the information needed for supporting the
different design activities and the determination of adequate techniques for information selection
and presentation. The designer is, through his or her decisions, responsible for 70 to 80 per cent
of the product cost[3], but during the design process there is usually no access to existing
knowledge about the manufacturing environment which could facilitate and direct decision-
making activities.
The decision logic employed in concurrent design is primarily based on simultaneously matching
the functional requirements of a product to the technological requirements of each component
and the technological requirements to the capabilities of a given manufacturing system.[2, 4, 5]
Product designs have been a significant aspect of mass manufacturing since the early days, with
a division of intellectual work between the designer and producer. This gap between design and
production has led to increased competition, new manufacturing techniques, and reduced
development. Engineering authors argue for the reduction of these obstacles and the importance
of interaction between the design department and production.
The rising degree of competition is justified by the need for more collaboration in product
creation. As new manufacturing techniques come into service, information about these processes
must be made accessible to the product designer, enabling designers to adapt to the limits of new
processes. Design engineers often collaborate closely with production engineers when new
manufacturing techniques are deployed.[6]
A concurrent engineering method aims to reduce the development cycle and offer a competitive
edge by tackling all parts of the design challenge concurrently, resulting in reduced development
time. Cross-functional interaction is necessary for achieving this integration, and organizational
approaches include demanding consent from other departments, creating a liaison department,
assembling all interested parties into one cross-functional team, and employing job rotation to
ensure functional cross-pollination.
Liaison people coordinate the operations of design and production, solving challenges that
traverse organizational boundaries. High-level interdepartmental meetings, such as the
establishment of a Design Committee, can help overcome coordination concerns. Cross-
functional design teams, created in the 1940s-1960s, are crucial organizational strategies for
concurrent engineering, ensuring close coordination between engineering and manufacturing for
optimal production efficiency.[6]
Various Approaches of Concurrent Engineering
The methodologies of concurrent engineering stem from personal preferences and backgrounds. The
overarching structure of these methodologies is examined in greater detail. [7]
Fig. 1 shows a system approach to design and development of an integrated manufacturing information
system. In Fig. 1, the inner layer represents the manufacturing functions; the innermost layer represents
commercial functions; and the outer layer represents the logistical functions. Each of the functional
needs can be employed in a modular format with substantial hierarchical structure.
Design of complex items demands a vast deal of data during the design process. To employ successfully
the information system for design of mechanical systems, two pieces of data are required. The first
collection of data, referred known as design data, consists of:
Design database: This consists of the data that can be communicated among the design and
manufacturing tools in the design environment. The data should be capable of being represented in
numerous forms in an evolving format. Design databases should allow for concurrent access and change
by many users. A data control system should be added to ensure the data integrity and provide for limits
for unauthorized users.
The second collection of data, referred known as performance data, is acquired from multiple
sources once the design is placed in service. These data provide feedback to design teams as to
the operation and performance of a product in an actual operational environment. The
performance data can be categorized into three time-phased stages:
Preliminary performance statistics: These apply to the data initially accessible when a product
is placed in service. These performance statistics assist the designers in detecting any faults or
malfunctions that are integrated in the design.
Intermediate performance data: These refer to a considerable period of the useful life of the
product. These metrics represent the overall performance of the product.
Final performance data: These refer to the short duration of the life of the product before its
disposal. These data consist of dependability and maintainability information.
After one design cycle is completed, the performance data gathered will be used to refine and modify
the design process. The effectiveness of this procedure is defined by the availability of timely, relevant,
and correct information.
The current software and technologies lack comprehensiveness and good communication with existing
systems. High development costs and cycle time, performance concerns, inflexibility, and obsolescence
lead to functionality problems. More effort is needed to improve these characteristics.
Although this method to concurrent engineering still requires further research, various tools and
technologies have arisen that fulfill the information requirements of a concurrent engineering
1. Mechanical computer-aided engineering (MCAE) software assists engineers in conceptual design
development, drafting, analysis, testing, documentation, communication, and information retrieval,
while also functioning as a communication medium.[8]
2. Computer-aided simultaneous engineering (CASE) is a technique that facilitates human-computer
interaction in fragmented and disassembled mechanical systems. [9]
3. An advanced knowledge-based system capable of efficiently resolving design optimization challenges
and evaluating the resultant outputs.[10-13]
4. Maher.[14] has developed a program named HI-RISE which is capable of giving configurational design
of three-dimensional high-rise buildings. The program often generates multiple structural configurations
consisting on standard structural subsystems
5. Mittal et al. [15] created PRIDE, PRIDE is a knowledge-based computer software designed for
designing paper transport systems in copiers, enabling the development, assessment, and redesign of
The suggested framework for CAD/CAM integration involves determining design requirements,
manufacturing process planning, design and manufacturing features, and building a knowledge base
management system (KBMS) based on these features.[7]
• The advantages of concurrent engineering are promising but frequently unappreciated owing to
the control of bigger systems by top management.
• Most divisions concentrate too much on methods of concurrent engineering without addressing
the key management philosophy behind their use.
• The customer's acquisition strategy might sometimes delay the deployment of concurrent
• A contracting process that separates engineering from production may restrict cost reduction,
enhance quality, and decrease scrap.
• Engineering modifications are typically created by rival engineering companies, inhibiting
continual improvement and disconnecting manufacturing from design.
• The expectation of rapid success might lead to higher initial project expenditures and delay in
the execution of early design activities.[29, 30]
Concurrency planning on the basis of forward and backward effects : In sequential
manufacturing processes, each process's findings are passed to the next, producing a lack of
systematic attention to subsequent phases. Concurrency planning can be based on forward
effects, backward effects, or combination forward and backward effects. Forward effect (FE)
believes each process effects solely its previous ones, whereas backward effect (BE) includes
each process impacting its preceding ones. Analyzing BE is crucial for scheduling operations and
increasing concurrency. In parallel work, both FE and BE (FBE) should be considered for
scheduling activities, building up interdisciplinary teams, and defining focus points. Thorough
concurrency planning needs both forward and backward chaining.[31]
Future aspects
The theory of connections is a promising technique for mathematical modeling of
complex systems, providing quantitative study of constituents and system
towlogy. Knowledge Processing Technology (KPT) is another potential topic for
Concurrent Engineering, concentrating on group productivity. Current tools are
built for individual productivity, but future ones should facilitate group interaction
of engineering teams with various technical backgrounds and geographical
locations. These technologies need to manage group problem-solving exercises,
collaborate across conflicting disciplines, communicate upstream and
downstream, and include complementary technical skills.[32, 33]
Further developments: networks
Concurrent Engineering in the extended enterprise: In the future, firms will need
to work more with suppliers, consumers, and other stakeholders, leading to
changes in organizational structure. Improved communication methods will
increase distance between sites, and the corporation will become a factory with a
flat organization. The plant manager will concentrate on assisting the organization
get its task done, while suppliers will become partners and build strategic
connections. Communication between suppliers and the firm will increase,
enabling suppliers to engage in product development early. Customers will
become designers of future, and corporations must build up modules for them to
customize their own goods. For example, a Japanese company employs a
technology to let consumers to create their own outfits by dressing up a
computer-based 3-D picture, which will control automated fabric cutters and
sewing machines at an experimental plant.[34]
Agile manufacturing
Japanese corporations have promoted inter-firm collaboration to combine skills
and capabilities in response to fast technological advances. This has led to the
establishment of extended businesses where each stakeholder is accountable for
a subset of Product Development operations. Ensuring information sharing
without jeopardizing each participating firm's position is a significant challenge in
Product Development. This tendency may evolve to Agile Manufacturing, where
each chain activity can be done by various partners for each project. Knowledge
centers are also significant. Environmental concerns are generating increasing
cooperation between manufacturers and recycling firms. Product disposal has
become relevant in Product Development owing to increased prices and the
necessity to address reuse of components or basic materials. Companies that
swiftly create their essential network have the greatest chance of becoming a
successful firm.[34]
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