The Boastful Turtle
The Boastful Turtle
The Boastful Turtle
Cold season
There was once a turtle who talked so much that no creature could bear to be near him. He
talked about anything and everything. He always talked how he would fly like the geese when
the cold season comes. Older and wiser creatures advised him to speak less and be more
content with his lot, but the turtle would listen to no one.
He wanted to fly. He called out to a goose in flight, once, as she was flying off to meet her flock,
“Teach me how to fly.” the turtle said. “I can’t right now. My flock is migrating for the cold season.” the
goose answered.
“But I want to fly, and I want to fly now!” the turtle cried.
“We’ll have to ask my flock,” the gentle goose said. So the goose and the turtle came to the
flock, and asked if anyone could help the turtle out. “He could bite sideways on a thick, strong stick,
while two of us would hold either end of the stick in our beaks,” someone volunteered. “But he should
not speak while biting, or else he will fall and we could do nothing about it.” In truth, the flock didn’t like
the idea of having the turtle fly with them in such manner. “Mind you, never open your mouth while we
are above ground!” they reminded the turtle, as they started to lift themselves off the ground.
So, biting a stick held horizontally by two strong geese, the boastful turtle became the first of his
kind to experience flight. Far below him he saw the most wondrous things like fields looking like small
patches of grass. But, most of all, he saw the other earthbound creatures of the world looking up at him,
watching him, and he was deeply affected by their silent awe.
“They must think I am a magnificent creature, to have come so high above,” the turtle thought.
”Well, I really am so marvelous. I feel like I am the greatest turtle in the world!” The turtle became so
caught up in this delusion that, while looking down on his earthbound brothers, he opened his mouth to
boast. The poor being’s mindless conceit made him plunge to his untimely death.
The turtle became boastful while he was flying with the geese.
He died because he opened his mouth to boast.
Do not be boastful. Be contented of what you have and what you are.