Forest Resource 12345
Forest Resource 12345
Forest Resource 12345
Forests provide us with useful and important raw materials for our livelihoods and economic
development. If we maintain these resources through responsible use households, communities and
businesses can continue to use them in the future, helping to improve the local and national economy.
However, very often, little attention is paid to the importance of sustainable forest resource
management, resulting in overexploitation and wanton destruction of the resources upon which we all
depend. This Action Sheet aims to share information about responsible forest management, describing
the basics of forest management planning and suggesting ways in which forestry practices could be
improved in order to achieve sustainable forest management.
Forest ecosystems have the following vital functions: Productive functions.Forests provide timber,
wildlife, medicine, fuelwood, wild fruit, and spices Protective functions: By soaking up rainfall and
stopping it from hitting bare soil, forests stop floods, forests protect against soil erosion and silting up of
watercourses Forests also often protect areas of cultural importance (e.g. sacred groves) Ecological
functions: Tropical forests hold the greatest diversity of plants and animals in the world; Forests
affect local climate, keeping rainfall and temperatures stable. Forests absorb more heat from the sun
than do bare soil or grasses. This heat is re-radiated, warming up the air above the forest, which causes
it to rise. The water held in the air condenses into clouds and then falls as rain. Forests also feed water
to the air through evapotranspiration (the process by which plants release water through their leaves),
adding to local rainfall. The declining rainfall in inland West African countries is thought to be due to the
clearing of coastal rainforests; Forests play a vital role in global climate regulation by absorbing carbon
dioxide, one of the gases responsible for global warming. Plants naturally absorb carbon dioxide and
give off oxygen gas during photosynthesis. Tropical rain forests absorb more carbon dioxide than any
other terrestrial ecosystem on earth. Socio-economic functions: Forests provide food for rural
people; Forests pro ide fertile soils for far er s use a d suita le o ditio s for produ tio of ash
crops (e.g. Cocoa and Oil palm) Forests provide raw materials for the timber and building industry
What is SFM?
“FM has ee des ri ed as forestr s o tri utio to sustai a le de elop e t. “ustai a le
development is development that is economically viable, environmentally benign and socially beneficial,
and which balances present and future needs. Achieving sustainable forest management is a long-term
activity involving careful planning. It also involves time and resources input, which can be very costly
initially. However, a number of studies have shown that the benefits of sustainable forest management
far outweigh the cost in the medium to long-term.
It is i porta t to ote that so e people feel that the phrase sustai a le forest a age e t should
ot e used to des ri e urre t a age e t s ste s, as e do t et k o hether they will turn out
to be sustainable. Interactions between the flora (plants) and fauna (animals) in a forest ecosystem are
complex and often poorly understood. The consequences of actions taken today may only show up in 50
to ear s ti e.
How can we make sure that forests are well managed in our country?
What you can do depends on what type of forest stakeholder you are, but there are many activities that
you can get involved in to promote responsible forest management in your country or locality. If you live
near a forest, you could get involved in community forest management. The governments of many
African countries have developed ways to work with people living near forests, and they may be able to
support the process of developing a community forest management plan through a series of community
meetings, the setting up of a management committee, and the signing of official papers to show that
the forest is under community management.
As described above, the first step in community forest management is to gather the people who use the
forest together, discuss how the forest is currently being used, and talk about what they all want from
the forest in future. Make a list of further information that needs to be collected in order to know more
about the state of the forest, who uses it and what they need it for. The people at the meeting elect a
management committee whose first job is to find ways to collect the necessary information. This can be
presented in a report and on a map of the forest showing the different activities that people do in
different places. A government forestry officer or an experienced NGO will be able to advise the
management committee.
At the next meeting, the topic is ways to protect the forest from degradation. One way is to establish
protected forest areas and buffer zones. Everyone agrees to stop using the forest in the protected area,
or use it only at certain times of year and for certain activities. A government forestry officer or an
experienced NGO may be able to advise how big the protected area needs to be, or how several
protected areas can be linked together. In the forest surrounding the protected area, people can
continue to use the forest to help earn their living, but their activities should be monitored so that they
can be managed with rules made to safeguard the forest for the future. All decisions on resource use are
recorded in the community forest management plan, like the one described above.
If you live in the city, the forest may be far from you but bad practices in the forest may have an indirect
effect on you, your family and relatives. Even the next generation of children may well be adversely
affected by bad forest and environmental practices. This is why you may want to get involved in
promoting responsible forest management. And there are varieties of ways of doing this: Signing up to
join as an active member of an NGO campaign group Educating people about the importance of
forests by working with schools and environmental education centres Getting involved in tree-planting
schemes (See Action Sheet 49) Making sure the wood products your family or your workplace
purchase are from well-managed forests (See Action Sheet 48: Forest Product Certification)
Participating in environmental awareness campaigns Calling into radio and TV shows to air your views
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This Action Sheet was written by chijioke obinna, based on professional
experience and the sources listed below.
Creating space for local people to participate to benefit J. Mayers and S. Bass, Policy that Works for
Forests and People: Real prospects for governance and livelihoods. Earthscan, London, 2004
Sustainable Forestry and Forest Certification A. Molnar, Forest Certification and Communities: Looking
forward to the next decade.
Available to order from R. Nussbaum and M. Simula, The Forest Certification
Handbook (2nd ed). Earthscan, London, 2005. Available to order from