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A family that has been split up or separated for a

number of reasons is referred to as a broken family.

Children who grow up in a broken family may start to

doubt their own worth, which can lead to unneeded

anguish, guilt, and uncertainty. Living with a single

parent in a dysfunctional household can be hard for

both the parent and the child. A family may split for a

number of reasons, but the most frequent ones include

money issues, parental behavior, religion, infidelity,

and parental or friend influence. These factors, such

as receiving poor grades, skipping classes, being

depressed, becoming misinformed, and deciding to be

independent, can have an impact on a student's academic


Family has many different meanings, the

traditional family is made up of a mother, a father,

and children. According to Mayntz (2006), the simplest

definition of a family is a collection of individuals

who are related by blood or by a legal relationship.

Family is a word that is very essential. It implies

feeling safe, having a friend you can confide in, and

being able to talk about your issues. Everybody is

content in the perfect family. They can relate to,

love, and support one another. Parents put in work to

provide for their families. They are in charge of their

kids. Children should receive a good education. Parents

play a significant role in their child's education in a


The parameters and purposes of education are being

redefined, according to Muller (2009), through family-

school and community partnerships. They increase

community and parental resources and foster

environments that help kids learn more efficiently.

Actual learning is shaped by a student's combination of

education at home and in school. They play a part in

school events as well, so their duty is not just at

home. In order for a student to succeed in fulfilling

his or her personal life goals, the home, the school,

and the environment all play a significant role in the

development of the student's academic achievement.

Experts believe that parental participation is crucial

for a child's success in school. Furthermore, according

to Bulataos (1978), who was cited by Bonbon (1998), one

of parents' goals for their kids is for them to achieve

a high level of education. To do that, parents should

show their child love, camaraderie, and understanding

while also extending to him the advantages of moral

instruction, self-discipline, and training. Both

parents actively participate in their children's

socialization, according to Mercado (1991), referenced

by Bonbon (1998). The mother typically takes on the

majority of child care duties since she spends more

time at home and has a closer bond with the child. She

is responsible for the husband, kids, house, and

household duties. A close relationship between a child

and his father, as per Pearl (1981), as cited by Bonbon

(1998), is said to have made it easier for the child to

accept standards and incorporate them into his values.

As a result, such children had an easier time adhering

to the rules, roles, and standards set by other

authority figures throughout their lives.

Successful kids have benefited greatly from

parental support, but a shattered family also has an

impact on how well a child performs in school. Broken

families are those that have been divided by a death in

the family or an annulment of the marriage. Broken

families, according to Bangera (2018), are ones in

which the parents don't cohabitate or are divorced.

Children are frequently cared for by one of the

grandparents or reside with one of the parents.

Children in such a home experience a poor upbringing

because they see their parents' divorce or lack of

parental love. A child's misdirection in life is

thought to be caused by a broken family; some people

attribute children's rebellious and ambiguous behavior

to this.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to analyze the impact of having a

broken family on students’ performance at the Naga City

School of Arts and Trades (NCSAT) in S/Y 2023–2024.

Specifically, this will be used to answer the following


1. What is the main reason why people have a broken


a. Having an affair

b. Financial problem

c. Physically abuse

d. Lacking love

2. What are the effects of having a broken family?

a. Bad behavior

b. Entering a new relationship

c. Happy to be single

d. Lack of trust

3. What are the steps to overcome the negative


a. Learn how to be mentally strong

b. Be physically fit

c. Strengthen the fellowship and show good

relations to people

d. All of the above

4. What is the effect on students' academic


a. Poor grades

b. Be a bully

c. Being quiet and passive

d. Lack of self-esteem and self-confidence

Measures of Analysis The researchers prepared

the questionnaire for the respondents and

gathered information regarding the effects of

broken family to student academic performance.

The researchers distributed the questionnaire.

Then, the questionnaires were collected by the

researchers afterwards. The answers of the

selected respondents were tallied by the

researchers. In order to secure the validity

and reliability of the questionnaire the

researcher analyzed and interpreted the data

gathered. The researcher will use the

quantitative research with descriptive design.

The researcher will use the casual-comparative

research. This type of research attempts to

establish the cause-effect relationship among

variables of the study. The attempt is to

establish that values of the independent

variable have a significant effect on the

dependent variable.
Scope and Delimitation

The study covers the Naga City School of Arts and

Trades as a case study on the effect of broken family

on student academic performance.

The study is limited to some selected students

whom the product of a broken family, examples of

selected students are the Grade 12 students of Naga

City School of Arts and Trades.

By using a random sampling process, the researcher

will collect information from the respondents and

evaluate the results. The study will be completed ahead

of schedule by the researcher. The following will be

evaluated in this study by the researcher: a. the

responders' profiles; b. the impact of absentee

parenting on children's academic performance; c.

student performance at school is impacted by parental

security and discipline issues.

Significance of Study

This study will be important since it will provide

students in the future with a wealth of knowledge on

the subject. It will raise awareness of how families

with problems affect students’ academic achievement.

1. This study will aid children who come from broken

families in understanding how their situation affects

their ability to achieve academically.

2. This study will aid parents by bringing to light the

fact that a strong family is the cornerstone of our

society and that a strained family can have an impact

on a child's conduct and academic achievement.

3. This study will be a useful tool for guidance

counselors as they provide advice and counseling to

parents and students.

4. Teacher will learn about the impact of broken

families on kids' academic performance from this, and

they will be better equipped to support their pupils

despite the issue raised by the study, recognize their

individuality, and instruct them as such. The teacher

will benefit from this study's guidance on how to

interact with and assist students who are struggling

with this particular issue.

Conceptual Framework

The researcher observes from the readings that

broken families and the absence of a parent may have an

impact on a student's academic performance. It is

crucial that parents fulfill all their responsibilities

to their children.

The Impact of Having a Broken Family: Students on

Academic Performance

Input Process

Output The researcher conducted a study that is concerned with

This study will
This study will help those
the impact of having a broken family among students on the
determine the reason
students cope with their
and result of having a
issues regarding having a
broken family among The researchers provide questionnaires, and the targeted
broken family and
students on the NCSAT. student will be a 12th grader in NCSAT, which comprises 20
enable them to surpass
HUMMS students, 12 STEM students, 20 GAS-A students,
all those issues they
and 20 TVL students, for a total of 80 students in grade 12
have been through.
on different tracks.
Theoretical Framework

The Impact of Having a Broken Family: Students'

Academic Performance

1.Single-parent families

2. Two parent families

FAMILY INVOLVEMENT Academic Good performance or

1. Time Performance Bad performance

2. Economics

3. Parenting style

4. Supervision

5. Communication
Definition of Terms

Academic Performance- is the measurement of student

achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers

and education officials typically measure achievement

using classroom performance, graduation rates, and

results from standardized tests.

Student- A student is a person who goes to school to

learn something. Students can be children, teenagers,

or adults who are going to school, but it may also be

other people who are learning, such as in college or


Broken family- is the one that includes unhealthy or

severed relationships within the family unit," explains

Anderson. "They are often associated with divorce but

certainly can occur in an intact family where various

members are in conflict with or estranged from each


Financial instability- it occurs when problems (or

concerns about potential problems) within institutions,

markets, payments systems, or the financial system in

general significantly impair the supply of credit

intermediation services - so as to substantially impact

the expected path of real economic activity.


SARAH ME D. BITOREN Palawan State University - Graduate

School (May 2019)











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