The Problem and Its Background 1.1
The Problem and Its Background 1.1
The Problem and Its Background 1.1
1.1. Introduction
Having a broken family is hard to accept. How does it happen, Because of temptation,
Lust, Misunderstanding, Isn't it better if every family is happy and complete.
The people who's more affected aren't the parents nor the family but the children. Seeing
their parents fighting wich results to annulment or divorce causes emotional problems for the
kids. It affects their growth as well as the way they think.
Heaving a broken family is hard. Not knowing who to choose, some of the children
sometimes decide to live with none. Some can't accept the fact that their family is torn apart.
Our researchers target is about how kids who experience having a broken family behaves within
the family relationship.
Family is the basic unity of society. It is one of the most essential component of a
nation. A home is where family lives. Children from broken families are nearly five times
more likely to suffer mental troubles than those whose parents stay together.
Parents are much better than one if children are to avoid slipping into emotional distress
and anti- social behavior and also looked at conducted disorders. Several findings said that
children's family background are as important if not more so than whether their home is poor,
work less, and has a bad health, or has no one with any educational qualification
1.3. Theoretical Framework
The study is focused on the effects of broken family to the family relationship status of
UBIX Institute of Technology. This is based on the framework of Epstein, Bishop, and Levin in
the early 60’s. As present in Figure 1 that describes the different family structure or functioning,
the responses of the students that lead the behavior towards to the relationship in their family.
Figure 1: Diagram of the Theoretical Framework
Problem Solving
Effective Responsiveness
Effective Involvement
UBIX Institute of
With the theories discussed and the behavior of the students, the researcher searches the
conceptual framework that focuses on the Broken Family in the Family Relationship Status of
UITI Students.
The researcher includes three variables namely; Broken family, Family Relationship
Statues and the UITI students. The researcher included the Problem Solving, Roles, Effective
Responsiveness, and Effective Involvement for the Independent, Parents, Family, Self,
Community for the Dependent. A survey was conducted to gather the information on the tree
1.5. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the Effects of Having a Broken Family in the Family
Relationship Status of UBIX Institute of Technology.
2. What are the effects of having a broken family to the respondents in terms of;
a. Problem Solving
b. Roles
c. Effective Responsiveness
d. Effective Involvement
3. How do the respondent deals with their relationships status in terms of;
a. Parents
b. Family
c. Self
d. Community
5. Based on the study, What are the recommendation that you may suggest to promote a good
relationship in their Family.
HO¹:This statement Assumed That there Are Effects Of being member In a broken Family
In the relatioships Status of the family.
HO²: There will be no significant relationship between broken family and their behaviour
of the adolescents.
1. Students
This study important and essential for the students to keep their mind open regarding to the
topic or having a broken family.
2. Professors
This study can help professors to understand more the situations experience by the students
who are in the broken family.
3. Parents
This study can be helpful to those seperated parents on how they can handle the behavior of
their children's.
This study is covered the effects of having a broken family in the family relationships status
of UITI studennts that belongs to broken family. The researchers would focus to McCain
Master's model of Family Functioning specifically Problem Solving, Roles, Effective
Responsiveness, Effective Involvement.