This document discusses the impacts of broken families on student academic performance. It defines a broken family as one experiencing crises such as divorce or parental separation due to issues like misunderstanding or abuse. Research shows children from broken homes often experience lower academic achievement, psychological issues, and economic difficulties. They are more likely to have problems socializing, feel isolated, and struggle to complete their education. The document provides factors that can contribute to family breakups and ways to strengthen family bonds to avoid breaking apart.
This document discusses the impacts of broken families on student academic performance. It defines a broken family as one experiencing crises such as divorce or parental separation due to issues like misunderstanding or abuse. Research shows children from broken homes often experience lower academic achievement, psychological issues, and economic difficulties. They are more likely to have problems socializing, feel isolated, and struggle to complete their education. The document provides factors that can contribute to family breakups and ways to strengthen family bonds to avoid breaking apart.
This document discusses the impacts of broken families on student academic performance. It defines a broken family as one experiencing crises such as divorce or parental separation due to issues like misunderstanding or abuse. Research shows children from broken homes often experience lower academic achievement, psychological issues, and economic difficulties. They are more likely to have problems socializing, feel isolated, and struggle to complete their education. The document provides factors that can contribute to family breakups and ways to strengthen family bonds to avoid breaking apart.
This document discusses the impacts of broken families on student academic performance. It defines a broken family as one experiencing crises such as divorce or parental separation due to issues like misunderstanding or abuse. Research shows children from broken homes often experience lower academic achievement, psychological issues, and economic difficulties. They are more likely to have problems socializing, feel isolated, and struggle to complete their education. The document provides factors that can contribute to family breakups and ways to strengthen family bonds to avoid breaking apart.
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Factors of Having a
Broken Family and
Its Impacts Towards Student Academic Performance Family life is in crisis when some problems aroused and which causes separation of the members in the families, which is a simply called “broken family” (Dr. Goswamee Gayatree, Child Development, Child Care et. al., 2008). However, a mere separation due to education, job, etc. is not a broken family, even though the family members are staying away from each other. To be broken family, there must be some crisis which are arisen out of misconception, mistreating, misunderstanding, misacceptance, etc. Then the occurring crises lead to the divorce of parents, disposal of sons or daughters and leaving home by any members of that family. It is very controversial that whether to claim every splitting up is broken family, while they still run the family well (Dr. Goswamee Gayatree, Child Development and Child Care et. al.,2008). In Nigeria, researches have shown that academic performances is declining at a disturbing rate (Tenibaje, 2009) some the reasons that have been identified for such decline are personal factors such as individuals intelligence, knowledge, study habit, achievement motivation, anxiety, self-esteem and locus of control (Fathi – Ashtiani et. al., 2012). Family background is the bedrock of children’s psychological development, social relation, moral advancement, and socio- economic attainments. This view was shared by Ajila and Olutola (2009) when they noted that has a great influence on the child’s psychological, emotional, social and economic state. The United Children ‘s Emergency Fund (UNICEF, 2011) posits that the influence of type of family structure on academic success continue through high school and significantly influence outcomes such as high school dropout rates, graduation and age at first pregnancy (www. Journals org). FACTORS of BEING BROKEN FAMILY (Qiaser et al, 2012) • Socio-economic status • Level of educating • Culture background • Family size • Parental involvement in both academic and extra-curriculum activities of the children • Domestic of the children • Organizational and physical closeness REASONS or CAUSES of HAVING BROKEN FAMILY
The incidences of broken marriages
are on the increase as well as the failure of children in all levels of education (Bubelwa, 2014). Broken home is a situation whereby one’s family is submerged with misunderstanding of marriage and family structure (Ghaerba,2001). The amount of family conflict experienced by the children their religious background, age and place in the sibling order were reported to have a vital impact on their efforts to adopt to this situation ( Farber et. al.1993). Reasons for broken home under various types of family disorganization was randomly follows: divorce cause maltreatment from the man. Lack of proper care for the family, maladaptive behavior by either party, charge of adultery and charge of with craft against wife. Broken home due to death bread winner. In addition, different reasons for broken home are marriage without mutual consent, husband dislike wife and lack of true love .Wife dislike their husband, parental disagreement. Some reasons of separation are cause by economic activities, problem of urbanization, quest for job (social mobility), economic equality (education), breakdown of social status. Other, because of inter-family misunderstanding, childlessness, disrespect and disloyalty for husband and wife The children from broken homes are easily moved emotionally than their counterparts from stable homes (Ghaerba, 2001). In his view, Henry Pasco stated in Nwaozuzu (1998) that a child who for any circumstance who has been deprived of a substantial of the variety of stimuli which he is maturational capable of the respondent to, is to likely to be deficit in equipment of the child depend grossly on the qualities of parents Davision According to Nwaozuzu (1998) said that children who are ill nourished are reduced their responsiveness to environment distracted by their visceral state and ‘without doubt’ most children who constantly disciplinary problems in school and public places are product of troubled and broken. EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of BROKEN FAMILY to the STUDENTS As the home become insecure, children respond by developing tension, frustration, aggression, anger and hatred toward one or both parents because their behavior, that lead to separation. It leads to the children to feel isolation and humpies. Hence, they are frustrated and psychologically disturbed even when they are in classroom. As a result, they cannot do well in the school activities (Okoye 2001). According to Agulanane 1999 the family lays the psychological, moral and spiritual foundation. In the overall development of the child. Broken home has a number of effects on the particular family involved. Some of these are immediate while the others only begin to manifest after a short period of time (Polanen 1990). Chief among the effects of a broken home on the family is it effects on children of such homes. There is a mountain of scientific evidence showing that when families disintegrate, children often end up with intellectual, physical and emotional scars that persist for life (Colcord 1919). The most significant consequences of a broken home is that it increases the propensity of children from such homes to experience marital instability in future (McLanahan 1989). The breakup of home ushers in a dramatic decline in the standard of living of its members (Krantz 1988). According to Morgan et al, 1987 after a home is broken, their assets and most times, the matrimonial home inclusive maybe sold and proceeds used to start off again. Base on a government research reveals that a broken family is likely to cause children to suffer damaging mental troubles five times more than children with parents staying together, (Steve Doughty N.D). Children from broken homes experience hard time finishing school and finding a job (Stephen Lunn). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIVING IN AN ORGANIZED (COMPLETE FAMILY) and INORGANIZED (BROKEN) FAMILY Children that grow up in a broken home are unlikely to develop the academic potentials to the fullest (Okoye 2001).Broken family can cause parents to be called “single parents”. Children from single parent homes are more hostile, hyper active and aggressive in nature (Nwachukwu 1998). While living in an organized family are more likely to develop to full fledge of human beings, being able to discover their academic and other attributes leading to success in life (Okoye 2001). A child from intact homes will be well take care of and well socialized as possible. Furthermore, according to Muller and Cooper 1986, young adults who were raised in single parent homes often gain inferior education, employment and economic status. WAYS to AVOID of BEING BROKEN FAMILY This is preventing suggestion that the family need to keep the relationship of the members unchanged or more keeping it more strength. To have a kind of family, there should be proper arrangement of doing things together. Some suggestion are first having choose the “perfect day” each week, keeping in budget of course. Second, praying on family day. Even if only for a few minutes, praying together creates better relationship. Then, planning a break away from anyone and everything except spouse and children for some time is sometimes to be practiced. And engage teens in the planning process. Letting children or teens to help the father with research, reservations, and ideas is very meaningful points. Adventure is important and make you “way cool” to your teen. Lastly, find something to do together. Doing something together as a couple or family is another ideal developing relationship. Nearly any activity done together can inspire communication(Drenda 2012) . CONCLUSION Family is the most important and number one group that makes a society complete. As a result of the study, the researchers concluded that in every family several consequences came within the group. Then, problems or consequences of the family, is similarly to a news, which give information to all either you are rich or poor, professional, famous or not. Sad to say that every corner of this world, there are a number of family living in a broken home. Because of this, destruction in academic performances of students who are living in a broken family might happened. It has a big impact towards students’ behavior. In addition, students’ attention will rely in finding ways to help their family fix their family problems. Furthermore, the researchers also concluded that if there are negative effects of having broken family, there are also several ways, tips to make one family stay together. Complete family bring an inspiration to the children. Inspiration to do well at school and to have a peace of mind everyday wherever they go. Because at the end, home is always goanna be home. PREPARED BY : GROUP 4 BATIS, SARAH JANE ABOTITA, LOUZEL Z. FLORENDO, ROSE ABORITA, LENON JAY BATIS, EDWARD L. PALACIO, ARBIE BOY PREPARED TO: SIR ALJON B. AGUNOS MA’AM SHERYL GONGOB MRS. ANABEL YERO