Pta 3 Players Handbook 2
Pta 3 Players Handbook 2
Pta 3 Players Handbook 2
Welcome! 4
Additional Origins 53
Building Your Trainer 6
Pokémon Origins 57
Trainer Classes 8
Mega Evolution 62
Martial Artist 10
Z-Moves 74
Aura Master 13
Dirty Fighter 15
Dynamax 76
Mentor 17
Ninja 19
Gigantamax Forms 78
Yogi 22
Terastallization 86
Psychic 24
Air Adept 27
Additional Passives 88
Earth Shaker 29
Firebreather 31
Additional Items 92
Hex Maniac 33
Rain Waker 35
Character Sheets 98
Cross Classing 37
Pokémon 38
Champion 45
Hunter 47
Support 49
Vanguard 51
Welcome to the world of A Game Master
One person must fill the special role of Game Master, or
Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures! GM, who controls every non-Player Trainer or Pokémon.
They must build adventures, narrate, control non-Player
Some Preface… Trainers, non-Player Pokémon and referee and make
In 1996, Pokémon came out in Japan and began a world- judgements for any rules that are not perfectly clear. You
wide craze. Pikachu is a pop culture icon. Hundreds of don’t have to memorize the rules, or be an amazing imagi-
games have come out surrounding the Pokémon franchise. native writer– but it helps if you’re willing to use every bit of
It’s absurd we don’t have an official tabletop role-playing creativity that you have. As the GM you should often check
game yet, but it is my hope that Pokémon: Tabletop Adven- in with players after sessions to see where they are feeling
tures suffices and finds a way into your game night or as a the campaign could be going or if there’s any concerns
part of ongoing sessions that you and your party can enjoy. about the direction. This can be crucial to keeping players
engaged and having more fun together.
If you’ve played tabletop games before, great! If not,
that’s fine too! Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures 3 tries its Books, Paper, Pencil and Dice
best to be accessible to any player. Either way, you’re going Players will need access to the Player’s Handbook and
to need some things: whatever Pokédex books are being used. Players have re-
Players stricted access to the Pokédex books and should avoid
metagaming by only looking up a Pokémon’s Pokédex entry
As a Player, you’ll create a Trainer, who will choose to when they’ve used the Pokédex on a particular Pokémon.
take a up a profession, or Class, and you will capture and The GM should have access to the Player’s Handbook, all
train Pokémon to fight alongside your Trainer. Like the pro- Pokédex books and the Game Master’s Handbook. Players
tagonists in the Pokémon franchise’s games, manga, or should use the Character Sheets to help organize infor-
anime, Players will be the center of the game’s action. It’s mation relating to their Trainers and Pokémon. Always use
ideal that you play with friends who you can be comforta- a pencil when writing on your character sheets! Infor-
ble with. Playing a tabletop game is like collaborative story mation for your Trainer and Pokémon are constantly
writing and overly-critical groups can lead to very unfun changing! You will also need gaming dice (d4, d6, d8, at
game experiences. It’s important as a player to be support- least 2 d10 for use in a d100 roll, d12, d20). When rolling
ive of other players since everyone has different levels of dice in Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures, you always want to
comfort. If anything does come up that makes any players roll high, the only exception is when you roll two d10s to
feel like anything is really unfun, talk about it. The best way generate a d100 roll. Whenever you roll a d100 roll in Poké-
to keep a campaign together and fun is to communicate. mon: Tabletop Adventures, you will want to roll as low as
This is the
Player’s Handbook 2!
What does play look like? Dice
Players will create a Trainer and work with other Train- Like many other tabletop games, Pokémon: Tabletop
ers (other players or Non-Player Characters). Players will Adventures uses d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 (Dice are
act throughout the world of Pokémon by working together named for the number of sides they have). Different dice
to challenge Pokémon Leagues, take on Grand Festivals, are used at different times, but you will always know which
explore Pokémon-dominated wilderness, or even save the dice to use when you’re asked to. For example, a Pokémon
world from a nefarious organization. Battling alongside attack known as Tackle says to use “2d6,” meaning you will
Pokémon, solving puzzles, encountering completely new total the result of two rolled d6 and use that result. Argua-
Pokémon species, or discovering other secrets to the Poké- bly the most important die will be your d20. The d20 will be
mon world are just a few things a player might experience. used to check how successful you are whenever you as a
Trainer attempt anything that is some kind of task with risk
The GM will create stories, NPCs, and scenarios to fill the
of failure. You will use modifiers related to your stats in
Pokémon world with. By dropping players into the world,
addition to the d20, so a Trainer who has a high stat in
GMs will explain and describe whatever Players encounter
Speed might successfully climb a wall more often than their
and then Players will say how their Trainers react in game.
friend with a very low Speed stat. Whether its attacking,
Sometimes a die roll will be made, but generally the GM will
understanding a wild Pokémon's intentions, deceiving an
tell Players whether or not their endeavors succeed and
NPC, finding a clue in a dusty room, or even attacking with
what happens around the Players as a result of their ac-
your Pokémon, you will use a d20 before any additional die
tions. For example, a group of Trainers may happen across
a Team Rocket grunt stealing a Pokémon from a young per-
son. Will the Players challenge the Team Rocket grunt with
their Pokémon or jump on them? Will they return the Poké-
mon to its rightful trainer or become villains themselves? A
GM will continue to narrate as more and more decisions
are made by Players as the story unfolds.
The game is played in a world where many fantastic ani-
mals are able to be energized and stored nicely in a ma-
chine called a Poké Ball. These animals are called “pocket
monsters,” or Pokémon for short, and they are carried as
tools, friends and partners by Pokémon Trainers. Trainers
have various skills and abilities each defined by a Trainer’s What are the rules for?
goal. There are Ace Trainers, who focus all of their energy
Basically, you as a player, can direct your Trainer to try
into making their Pokémon the best fighters they can.
and do anything you want. However, most of your actions
Breeders, who raise Pokémon as if they are their own chil-
are limited to what a real human might be capable of. In
dren and groom them up to be powerful. The Researcher
that sense, most rules are actually for breaking common
gathers information and serves as a party’s go-to girl when
sense and making you exceptional in the exceptional world
they confront a creature they’ve never met. Rangers are
of Pokémon. While you may not be able to fly, there are
defenders of nature who dedicate their life to the protec-
rules for how to use your Pokémon to fly. While you might
tion of a wild creature’s habitat while employing wilds in
not be able to memorize the Pokédex in its entirety, the
their feats. The Coordinator employs their Pokémon in
Researcher class allows you to freely read and study the
Contests and battle as she shows off their beauty.
Pokédex books as if you have memorized it. While you
The game has no definite goal and therefore has no ab- might not be able to look at a person’s face and discern if
solute end. A GM can have an overarching plot that in- they are lying to you, an Insight check’s rules may help you
volves visiting tens of cities that would take over 100 hours know whether or not an NPC is being honest with you.
of gameplay to experience. As a result, players may find
themselves getting together weekly or monthly and contin-
uing play from where a previous session left off. As players
overcome obstacles they will grow, as will their Pokémon,
and together will become stronger and stronger as they
continue to face greater and greater threats to defeat. With
no absolute goal, the game continues indefinitely– but the
story for one Trainer may end. Perhaps they retire, or meet
a mournful end? Either way, the game can continue if the
Player creates a new Trainer to continue with . As long as
the Players and GM are having fun creating a story together
Building your Trainer: Fourth: Choosing your Pokémon
Depending on the story your GM is designing, its possible
Creating a Trainer can be intimidating for anyone who’s you already have multiple Pokémon. You’ll be selecting Poké-
never made a character for a tabletop game before and the mon based on agreed upon instructions from your GM.
following sections will contain many options for players to Whether it’s just a starter Pokémon, or maybe a house pet
pick from so this quick stop summarizes what’s going to hap- and a parent’s Pokémon passed down to you, the Pokédex
pen in the next few parts of this book. You will be imagining books will help you figure out what they look like. Pokémon
your own Trainer, whose life, appearance, and personality is by themselves don’t change very much, but are modified by
entirely your decision. You will combine these creative choic- your Trainer. You may gather more Pokémon as play contin-
es with numerical values that define your Trainer’s ability in ues in game to increase the roster you manage as a Poké-
different areas of skill. mon Trainer. Keep in mind the needs of each of your Poké-
mon. In Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures, each of your Poké-
mon will have individual needs and keeping too many may
First: Stats (PHB 6-11) become a burden for you, or your Pokémon friends.
Stats are designated as Hit Points, Attack, Defense, Special
Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Generally you’ll make
this after picking which class you want because in order to The following sections discuss parts of the trainer creation
excel in a Class you will want your Stats to be relevant to that process, but most of trainer creation process is located in
the PHB.
Class. For example, the Psychic who desires intellectual ca-
pacity to control their powers will want a lot of Special attack,
and not have their Defense stat be their highest one. Stats
are detailed in the PHB.
Leveling Up List of Victories
Keeping in mind that you are a single Pokémon in the
Class Progression massive world of Pokémon, you still want to prove that you
Every trainer has a Class. Class defines specialties of any can be the very best. Each time you enter battle, you are
trainer, so while a Martial Artist is really good at combating proving your worth. Whenever you defeat a Pokémon in
threats with their bare hands, this doesn’t mean a Psychic battle, keep track of the species you’ve defeated. For every
can’t try to Tackle a Pokémon if they’re desperate. When twenty-five different species you defeat in battle you gain
labeling trainers by their class, or advanced class, it also can an honor. You must be present at the beginning of an en-
help you understand what kinds of abilities and tactics they counter and actively participate to count it in your list of
may use during a battle. Different classes get different class victories.
features and skills and they continue to get new class fea-
tures as they level up so before looking at classes, it will be
helpful to know how they level up.
Leveling up
In the Pokémon video game series, Pokémon gain expe-
rience after every encounter depending on which Pokémon
they’ve beaten in battle. In Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures,
Pokémon don’t gather experience points since they don’t
level up and trainers do not gain experience points either.
Instead, trainers receive Honors and level up.
Emblems of Recognition
Trainers start at Level 1, starting with the basic class fea-
tures of whichever base Class they’ve taken. Each Honor All over the world there are powerful Pokémon Champi-
your trainer receives can lead to a level up. Honors are ons, or Elite Four members who hold seats of great respect
sometimes awarded by NPCs and sometimes when the GM in their respective Pokémon League regions. If you best any
informs you that you’ve received an Honor. Trainer Honors of them in battle they may give you a token of their appre-
are detailed in the PHB. ciation or friendship. There are also powerful wild Poké-
mon who may rule over parts of the wild whose respect
However, if you’re playing as a Pokémon, there are a can be earned by defeating them in battle. If you manage
new list of Honors to keep track of to gain bonuses and to defeat one of these types of trainers in battle, or earn
grow your stats and gain other bonuses however you want the respect of a wild alpha Pokémon, your GM will some-
to. times tell you that your trainer has earned an honor and
Some Honors that Pokémon can earn from NPCs: often the NPC will give you something as a means of re-
spect, whether it’s a pin they give out to worthy opponents,
an autographed trading card, or simply a strange piece of
Competitions (Badges / Ribbons / Medals / Symbols) trash that the wild ruler found fascinating.
There are also Honors that a GM may award to Moments of Destiny
your Pokémon as a player: Sometimes, you save the world. Or maybe, you thwart
the devious plans of a corrupted organization and stop
them from forever damaging the world. Or maybe you
Loyal Allies meet with and gain the favor of a legendary Pokémon
Your friendship with other Pokémon and sometimes through your service in battle against their enemy. No mat-
even human trainers can defy traditional rules of the Poké- ter the situation, if your GM decides that there was a mo-
mon world. It’s rare that a wild Pokémon simply travels ment that will define the party’s future actions in the cam-
with a group of human trainers without being owned, but paign, you can gain a point of honor.
through these journeys your bonds grow and what you
might do for another human or Pokémon shows your com-
mitment to your friends. After some important break-
through or moment of courage between you and your ally,
and after hours of game play, a GM might award you with
an honor.
Trainer Classes Martial Artist - Martial Artists hone their bodies through
rigorous training to protect their allied Pokémon in battle.
When it comes to the Pokémon franchise, usually the While they can’t fight Pokémon in official capacities, they will
trainer sits back and lets their Pokémon do all the battling, always protect their friends while adventuring.
the heavy lifting, travelling, and pretty much everything
that doesn’t have to do with handling money or talking to Primary stats: Attack, Defense
other trainers. In Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures, Trainers Advanced Classes:
take a proactive role during the game to help their Poké-
mon to victory. Aura Master, Dirty Fighter, Mentor, Ninja, Yogi
You Can Play as a Pokémon!
Whether you’re traveling with trainers, or in a party of
independent Pokémon out to save the world, you’re ready
to go! Maybe your party consists of two grunts and you
want to play a Meowth? Maybe you’re a ranger’s one-time
companion and now you’re wanting to make the world bet-
ter for every Pokémon, just like that ranger? Maybe you’re
just a rascally Machop who’s always following around a
group of trainers?
The options are endless, just like any tabletop game.
These rules help Game Masters to run campaigns that
might be based on the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series.
Many new options exist along with the two combative train-
er varieties.
Martial Artist
Discipline, Form, Ferocity
Martial Artists spend years of training to perfect their
body into a form that can withstand the harsh demands of
the Pokémon world. Martial Artists take a proactive role in
battle shouldering the same burden as their ally Pokémon
to combat threats that appear during their journeys in the
Pokémon dominated wild areas. Martial Artists develop
their own roles in combat to take advantage of moments of
weakness or further push their discipline to higher ways of
thought. Any group benefits from a Martial Artist who puts
their body on the line to protect what they cherish with a
good punch or kick to send danger running.
Favored Stats: Attack and Defense
Advanced Class Options: Aura Master, Dirty Fighter, Mentor,
Ninja, Yogi
Skill Talents: Choose two; Acrobatics, Athletics, Concentra-
tion, Constitution, Medicine, Perform
Martial Artist
Level 7
Stat Increase and Advanced Class: Choose two different
Trainer Stats to increase by 1, then gain 1d4 max HP. You
only gain new stats at levels 3, 7, and 11. Choose a Martial
Artist Advanced Class or a different base Class. You can
only ever gain a single Class or Advanced Class at a time, at
level 3, level 7, and level 11.
Level 8
Martial Prowess: Through intense meditation, your strikes
can do more than ever before. You may now use the
moves Laser Focus 3/day and Lock-on 1/day.
Laser Focus - Ranged(30ft) Normal Effect: 3/day. On hit, your
Level 3
next attack against the same target will be a Critical Hit.
Stat Increase and Advanced Class: Choose two different You still need to make an Accuracy Check.
Trainer Stats to increase by 1, then gain 1d4 max HP. You
Lock-On - Ranged(40ft) Normal Effect: 1/day. Your next at-
only gain new stats at levels 3, 7, and 11. Choose a Martial
tack against the same target will not miss.
Artist Advanced Class or a different base Class. You can
only ever gain a single Class or Advanced Class at a time, at Level 9
level 3, level 7, and level 11.
Flow Like Water: By flowing with blows and controlling the
Level 4 impacts you take; you minimize the damage you take. If
you would take more than 10 damage, subtract your Attack
No Retreat: When you decide to defeat an enemy, you put
or Defense stat from the damage you would take.
it all on the line. 3/day you may use No Retreat.
Level 10
No Retreat - Self Fighting Effect: 3/day. As a free action, as
long as you can see a foe, you cannot move away from Pin: Get them in a hold and keep them there. 3/day you
them until you are knocked out. Your Attack, Special Attack, can use the move Block. As long as you are not making at-
Defense, Special Defense, and Speed are each raised +1 for tacks or moving while the target is bound to you, it cannot
10 mins. move. You may target Large sized targets with Block.
Level 5 Block - Melee Normal Effect: 3/day. On hit, the target is
bound to you for 1d6 rounds.
Enduring Focus: You’re not going down without one more
chance to keep fighting. 1/day if you would be knocked out,
instead you are at 1 hit point.
Level 6
Weapons Master: Your training has allowed you to mas-
terfully incorporate weaponry into your fighting style. If you
are holding a weapon, you may use Branch Poke, Stone
Smash, or Steel Strike if your weapon is made of wood,
stone, or metal respectively. When obtaining a weapon,
pick one of these moves to associate with that weapon. You
may carry multiple weapons within reason and change be-
tween weapons as a free action during your turn.
Branch Poke - Melee Grass Attack: At-Will 2d6.
Stone Smash - Melee Rock Attack: At-Will 2d6.
Steel Strike - Melee Steel Attack: At-Will 2d6.
Martial Artist
Level 14
Haymaker: You put it all on the line and expose yourself to
a brutal counter attack in the hopes that this one move
ends it. 1/day you may use Close Combat. Martial Master
does not let you ignore Haymaker’s frequency.
Close Combat - Melee Fighting Attack: 1/day 5d12. On hit,
your Defense and Special Defense are -2 for 10 mins.
Level 11
Level 15
Stat Increase and Advanced Class: Choose two different
Trainer Stats to increase by 1, then gain 1d4 max HP. You Martial Master: You have perfected your martial combat
only gain new stats at levels 3, 7, and 11. Choose a Martial and are prepared to face any foe, no matter the odds. You
Artist Advanced Class or a different base Class. You can may use any Martial Artist or Martial Artist advanced class
only ever gain a single Class or Advanced Class at a time, at non-Reaction moves at-will. You are not limited to the num-
level 3, level 7, and level 11. ber of different Martial Artist and/or Martial Artist ad-
vanced class moves that you may use per day. Whenever
Level 12
you hit with a Martial Artist attack, add three times your
Reckless Assault: Over the top attacks can seriously injure relevant modifier to your damage.
your quarry, or even yourself. You can use the attacks Jump
Kick 3/day or Take Down 3/day.
Jump Kick - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 3d10. Jump Kick
has -2 during Accuracy Check. If you miss, you lose HP
equal to half of your Max HP.
Take Down - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit, you
lose HP equal to 1/4th of the damage you deal.
Level 13
Shake it Off: You have faced many weary fights, but now
you’re able to shake off the debilitating effects of battle.
Your stats cannot be lowered by the effects of an oppo-
nent’s attack, passive, or features.
Martial Artist
Channel your martial energy to manifest in incredible ways.
Aura Masters channel their ki from their martial soul and
manifest waves of energy to protect others and attack
threats to their friends. They can manifest elemental ener-
gy and even blast bursts of energy from their fists at foes
who are keeping their distance.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Concentration, Insight
Martial Artist
Level 8
Elemental Fists: Sending your aura to your fists, you
charge them with different elemental forces. 3/day you
Level 12
may use either Fire Punch, Ice Punch, or Thunder Punch.
Whichever Elemental Fist attack you use, you may still only Elemental Force: As your aura grows, so does the way you
use the feature 3/day. can influence your elemental power. 1/day you can use
either Blaze Kick, Flash Kick, or Frost Kick. Martial Master
Fire Punch - Melee Fire Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got
does not let you ignore Elemental Force’s frequency. In ad-
17 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Burned.
dition, 3/day you may use a melee attack as a 15ft ranged
Ice Punch - Melee Ice Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you got 17 attack.
or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Frozen.
Blaze Kick - Melee Fire Attack: 1/day 3d12. On hit, if you got
Thunder Punch - Melee Electric Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Burned.
you got 17 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Para-
Flash Kick - Melee Electric Attack: 1/day 3d12. On hit, if you
got 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Paralyzed.
Level 10
Frost Kick - Melee Ice Attack: 1/day 3d12. On hit, if you got
Aura Sight: While focusing, you can see the outline of au- 16 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Frozen.
ras without letting light or even walls interfere with your
detection. You can see the aura of living things through
walls and in the dark. You can also ignore the auras of oth-
er living things that you are not seeking. To look for a spe-
cific aura, it must be one you’ve seen before. During an
investigation skill check, add +10 to your roll if you are
seeking a living thing.
Level 11
Drain Punch: During a strike, you absorb your foe’s aura
and take some of their life force. 3/day you may use Drain
Punch. If you use Drain Punch more than 3 times per day,
all uses after the third lose its effect.
Drain Punch - Melee Fighting Attack: 3/day 2d8. On hit, you
regain HP equal to half of the damage dealt.
Level 13
Aura Guardian: Your protective aura extends to all of your
nearby allies. Apply your Defensive Aura resistances to al-
lies adjacent to you. In addition, choose a total of three
types in Defensive Aura to resist. You resist each of the
chosen types when taking damage. You may meditate for
one hour to change which types you are resisting with De-
fensive Aura.
Martial Artist
Discipline and honor is for losers and you're a winner.
Dirty fighters take what they can from their years of
practice and knock out guard rails, fighting wildly and very
underhandly. Through use of distraction and disrespect
they kick others while they’re down, feign injuries to make
openings, and spit in the face of those who can’t see that at
the end of the day, there’s only one winner.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Bluff/Deception, Sleight of Hand
Swagger - Ranged(10ft) Normal Effect: 1/day. On hit, the tar- Face!: You slam your head against the head of your target.
get is Confused and the target’s Attack is +4 until they are Hopefully they’re not made of stone. You may use the
no longer Confused. move Headbutt.
Taunt - Ranged(20ft) Dark Effect: 3/day. On hit, the target Headbutt - Melee Normal Attack: At-Will 2d8. On hit, if you
may only use attacks that target you or your allies for 1 got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Stunned.
Martial Artist
Level 7
Psyche!: Just when they think they’ve got you, bam! 1/day
you can use Sucker Punch. Martial Master does not let you
ignore Psyche’s frequency.
Sucker Punch - Melee Dark Attack: 1/day 3d8. Sucker Punch
is used as a Reaction. When you are a target of a melee
move, use Sucker Punch to attack the attacker before the
enemy rolls their Accuracy Check against you. You must
still roll an accuracy check for Sucker Punch.
Level 8
Tax: Sometimes being polite and pickpocketing something
doesn’t work, so just take it by force. 3/day you may use
the move Thief. If targeting a trainer, you may steal any-
thing you can see on their person that isn’t strapped onto
them that wouldn’t take more than a second to remove (no
backpacks, glasses / watch / single shoe is okay). Martial
Master does not let you ignore Thief’s frequency.
Thief - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, steals the tar- Level 11
get’s held item, if any.
Dark Master: You might be a dirty fighter, but you’re still a
masterful fighter who thinks they deserve some respect.
Whenever using a Martial Artist or Martial Artist advanced
class attack, you can make the type of the attack Fighting-
type. In addition, you deal an additional 4 damage with
your Dark-type attacks.
Level 12
You’ll Pay for That!: How dare someone hit you when they
are so close? 3/day you can use the move Payback.
Payback - Melee Dark Attack: 3/day 3d8. If you were at-
tacked by the target this round, use 3d12 for damage in-
Level 13
Mob Mentality: You’ve abandoned any semblance of hon-
or to perfect your fighting style and follow a simple rule;
when in doubt, pile on and mess them up. Whenever you
attack a target that was attacked by an allied Pokémon or
trainer in the same round, treat your attack as extremely-
Level 10 effective on hit.
Grit Your Teeth: It’s expected that your grandeur will at-
tract attention from jealous combatants, so you get used to
it after a while. Whenever you are hit by a critical hit, treat
the attack as a normal hit. In addition, you cannot be
moved by the effect of a foe’s attack, passive, or feature.
Martial Artist
Your skill encourages others who you take under wing.
Mentors spend time every day not only meditating to
recovers focus and train, they meditate on what the martial
arts are and what it means to the world around them. It’s
their duty to share martial arts in the same way it was
shared with them and so spends time training anyone
who’s willing to learn.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Diplomacy/Persuasion, History
Martial Artist
Level 12
Master Tutor: In training your skills have become easy to
teach and so you do teach. After spending six hours with a
Pokémon, you may teach a Pokémon any move you can
use because of your Martial Artist features or Martial Artist
advanced class features. You can tutor multiple Pokémon
at the same time. Moves taught with the Master Tutor fea-
ture must still fit the Pokémon’s proficiencies.
Level 8
Self-Defense: To protect themselves, you spend time
teaching allies to defend themselves. Allied trainers who
spend at least four hours a week training with you have +2
Defense when targeted by melee Attack moves. Level 13
Level 10 Old Master: Your expertise has been imparted to your
friends, perfecting their forms. Any allied trainers or your
Let Loose: When the enemy poses a greater threat than
Pokémon that spend at least four hours a week training
usual, let loose. 3/day you can use the move Slam.
with you deal +2 damage with any of their melee attacks,
Slam - Melee Normal Attack: 3/day 3d10. Slam has -2 during allied trainer’s Pokémon must train with you for eight
Accuracy Check. hours. Any allied trainers or your Pokémon that spend at
least eight hours a week training with you deal +5 damage
Level 11
with any of their melee attacks, allied trainer’s Pokémon
Mentor’s Poise: Years of practice and the love of your mar- must train with you for sixteen hours.
tial arts; you are respected. When making Diplomacy, or
Perform skill checks, roll three times and use the best re-
Martial Artist
Stealth and ninpō leave openings for you to strike.
Ninja train to create openings and out maneuver your
foes. They dash around, deploy concoctions of their own
making, and then strike with lethal blows to remove
threats. They can disappear into thin air and push them-
selves to the limit to create dazzling displays that leave you
Skill Talents: Choose one; Acrobatics, Stealth
Martial Artist
Level 7
Powder Bomb: Combining your smoke bomb chemistry
with your venoms in a powder form creates a deadly weap-
on. 3/day you may use the move Powder Bomb. Martial
Master does not let you ignore Powder Bomb’s frequency.
Powder Bomb – Ranged(20ft, 10ft blast) Poison Effect: 3/day.
On hit, any targets are Poisoned.
Level 3
Poisoned Needle: You developed a poison out of various
plants and waste your find while traveling and employ it
with a concealed needle. You may use the move Poison
Poison Sting - Melee Poison Attack: At-Will 1d4. On hit, if you
got 15 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Poisoned.
Level 4
Caltrops: Concealing homemade caltrops on your person
to deploy during battle gives you the tactical advantage you
need to secure victory. 3/day you may use the move Spikes
or Toxic Spikes.
Spikes - Ranged(20ft burst) Ground Effect: 3/day. Place the
Spikes Hazard in the area surrounding you. Spikes Hazard
has the following ability: When a foe moves through Spikes
Hazard during their turn and are on the ground, they lose
1/6th of their Max HP. This Hazard disappears after 2 mins.
Toxic Spikes - Ranged(20ft burst) Poison Effect: 3/day. Place
the Toxic Spikes Hazard in the area surrounding you. Toxic
Spikes Hazard has the following ability: When a foe moves Level 8
through Toxic Spikes Hazard during their turn and are on
Antidotes Master: Your expertise concerning venoms and
the ground, they are Poisoned. If the Toxic Spikes Hazard
poisons have allowed you to put together simple but per-
has multiple layers, it will Toxify foes instead of Poisoning
ishable cure-alls. 3/day, as an action you may cure an adja-
them instead. This Hazard disappears after 2 mins.
cent target of Poison or Toxin.
Level 6
Level 10
Vanish: Camouflage comes naturally to a shadowy martial
Poison Jab: You’ve adapted your poison to knuckle claws
artist. When making Stealth skill checks, roll three times
to devastate your foes. 3/day you may use the move Poi-
and use the best result.
son Jab. Martial Master does not let you ignore Poison Jab’s
Poison Jab - Melee Poison Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, if you
got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is Poisoned.
Martial Artist
Level 11 Level 13
Sleep Dust: While not deadly, you’ve developed a new Shadow Clone Technique: Like the wind, you rapidly move
powder that helps in your subterfuge. 3/day you may use to create after images to confuse your foes. 1/day you may
the move Sleep Dust. Martial Master does not let you ig- use the move Double Team. Martial Master does not let
nore Sleep Dust’s frequency. you ignore Shadow Clone Technique’s frequency.
Sleep Dust - Melee Grass Effect: 3/day. On hit, the target is
Double Team - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You create 3 cop-
put to Sleep. ies of yourself. You may attack from any copy and copies
may inhabit spaces up to 25 ft away from each other,
Level 12
though none can be more than 25 ft from any other copies
Dark Poisoner: You’ve mastered your concoctions and can or the original. If a copy is hit, it disappears and you take
easily apply your venom to completely devastate your foes. 1/4th of the damage it would have taken. If your copy is hit
Whenever you use an attack that can Poison a target, it al- by a non-damaging attack the copy is dismissed and you
ways Toxifies the target on hit instead. are unaffected by the attack. If you are hit, all copies disap-
Martial Artist
Enlightening meditation into martial application.
A yogi flows around problems and solves problems by
undoing or reducing the possibility of harm. They remove
threats without shattering them and use their study of the
body to heal and repair what may have been done to harm
a friend. With that same knowledge, pressure points also
become glaring weak spots in their eyes.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Acrobatics, Medicine
Martial Artist
Level 7 Level 11
Pressure Points: The nerve pathways for Pokémon mostly Life Energy Palm: You quickly rub your hands together
follow the same lines as humans even across different spe- and place your hands on a friend. 3/day you may give an
cies and you can adapt your knowledge to your attacks. 3/ adjacent trainer 25 temporary hit points which last for 10
day you may add the following effect to a successful attack: mins.
“On hit, the target is stunned unless they’ve already been
Level 12
stunned this round.”
Mental Fortitude: Your daily, deep mediation has brought
Level 8
you to an elevated mental state. Whenever you make a
Nerve Strike: Continued strikes can disable a foe’s ability Concentration or Insight skill check you roll twice and use
to put up a fight as you continue your precision assault. 3/ the higher result.
day you may add the following effect to a successful attack:
Level 13
“On hit, if the target was stunned during this or the last
round, for 1 minute, the attack last used by the target may Soothing Strikes: Your expertise has can reorganize the
not be used again.” mind, temporarily block deadly blood flow, disable pain, or
reinvigorate a shut off body. As an action, you may use the
Level 10
move Curative Barrage.
Paralyzing Barrage: Rapidly assaulting and blocking the
Curative Barrage - Melee Normal Effect: At-Will. Curative
pressure points of a foe can completely paralyze them. You
Barrage cannot miss an ally. If Curative Barrage was used
may use the move Arm Thrust. If you hit the same target
against the same human target during your last action as
three times with a single use of Arm Thrust, they are Para-
well, the human target is cured of Sleep, a Burn, Confusion,
Paralysis, Poisoning or Toxification.
Arm Thrust - Melee Fighting Attack: At-Will 1d4. Arm Thrust
has -2 during Accuracy Check. Arm Thrust is a Scatter at-
tack. Up to 5 attacks.
Telepathic, Swift, Strange
While all humans are capable of the abilities a Psychic
displays, there is something deeper that requires them to
be unleashed and known. Psychics unlock something with-
in themselves through great trials, trauma, or sometimes
even rage. Once accessed, Psychics continue to grow quick-
ly with their powers manifesting in new ways time and time
again. While many psychics may hide their power from oth-
ers or even suppress them there is no denying that a hu-
man with similar fantastic powers to Pokémon is useful
when traveling the world.
Favored Stats: Special Attack and Speed
Advanced Class Options: Air Adept, Earth Shaker, Fire-
breather, Hex Maniac, Rain Waker
Skill Talents: Choose two; Acrobatics, Concentration, In-
sight, Investigate, Perception, Pokémon Handling
Psychic Agility: Your awakened psychic abilities enable Mind Rise - Self Psychic Effect: 3/day. You gain an immunity
you to move swiftly in battle and lock onto your targets to Ground type attacks and gain a flight movement speed
with ease. Add your Special Attack or Speed modifier multi- equal to your land speed for two mins.
plied by 5ft to your movement speed per turn. In addition, Psyspikes - Ranged(10ft) Normal Special Attack: At-Will 1d4.
when using a ranged attack, add +1 to your accuracy Psyspikes has -2 during Accuracy Check. Psyspikes is a Scat-
checks. ter attack. Up to 5 attacks.
Whirling Kinesis - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: At-Will. On hit,
the target’s Accuracy Checks are -3 during their next turn.
Level 5
Psychic Shielding: You’ve learned to create barriers of psy-
chic walls with your power. When you’re being attacked,
your Defense and Special Defense stats are +2. In addition,
you may use the moves Light Screen and Reflect.
Light Screen - Ranged(30ft) Psychic Effect: 3/day. Place 40ft
of Light Screen Wall. Light Screen Wall has the following
ability: Special Attacks that target through this wall deal 10
less damage after applying weakness and resistance. This
Wall disappears after 2 mins.
Reflect - Melee Psychic Effect: 3/day. Put a Reflect Coat on
the target or yourself. The Coat has the following ability:
Level 2 Reduce damage from attacks that use the attack stat that
hit you by 10. This Coat lasts for 2 mins.
Telepathy: As your psionic powers grow, you become able
to connect to other individual’s minds. You may read the Level 6
surface thoughts of other humans, as well as project your
Extrasensory: By overwhelming others with a psychic in-
surface thoughts to other humans. You may also project
formation overload, you cause your target a massive mi-
telepathic messages to your Pokémon, but may not read
graine that can knock anyone out. 3/day you may use the
your Pokémon’s minds. This leaves Psychic residue, that
move Extrasensory.
other psychics can detect. In addition, you can detect psy-
chic residue in the minds of others you read through. Dif- Extrasensory - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Special Attack: 3/day
ferent psychic residues are a hue and a weight that you can 3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the
sense and is identical across several minds it has touched, target is Stunned.
and once you meet its source it’s recognizable.
Level 3
Stat Increase and Advanced Class: Choose two different
Trainer Stats to increase by 1, then gain 1d4 max HP. You
only gain new stats at levels 3, 7, and 11. Choose a Psychic
Advanced Class or a different base Class. You can only ever
gain a single Class or Advanced Class at a time, at level 3,
level 7, and level 11.
Level 4
Healing Power: Your psychic powers can mend and repair
yourself and others. 3/day as an action you may heal any
adjacent trainer or Pokémon 15 hit points.
Level 7
Stat Increase and Advanced Class: Choose two different
Trainer Stats to increase by 1, then gain 1d4 max HP. You
only gain new stats at levels 3, 7, and 11. Choose a Psychic
Advanced Class or a different base Class. You can only ever
gain a single Class or Advanced Class at a time, at level 3,
level 7, and level 11.
Level 8
Psychic Connection: Once your Pokémon grow close
enough to you, your psychic powers adapt to meld with
their minds and enable them to freely communicate with
you. Your Pokémon with loyalty 3 or higher can speak to
you in human languages telepathically. This leaves psychic
residue, that other psychics can detect.
Level 9
Dig Deep: While focusing on someone else, you can force
your way into their private thoughts with your telepathic
abilities. You may look around into the minds of another by
rolling an Investigation skill check against their Bluff / De-
ception or Concentration skill check. You must have an idea
of what you’re looking for to find it, otherwise you may drift
in random memories or be distracted by day dreams. This
leaves Psychic residue, that other psychics can detect.
Level 10
Metaphysical Psychometry: You can rapidly repair your-
self by bringing forth your psychic powers or even rapidly
reconstitute your location. 1/day as a free action, you may
use the move Recover or Teleport. Psionic Maelstrom does
not let you ignore Metaphysical Psychometry’s frequency.
Recover - Self Normal Effect: 1/day. You are healed HP
equal to half of your Max HP.
Teleport - Ranged(50ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Teleport may
be used as a Reaction. Teleport moves you up to 50ft away
in your line of sight. If an enemy would hit you with a move
that deals damage, use Teleport as a Reaction to move up
to 50ft away in your line of sight and take only 1/4th the
damage you would have taken from the attack.
Level 12
Level 11
Greater Healing Power: Your telepathic ability to connect
Stat Increase and Advanced Class: Choose two different
to others allows you to rapidly repair their form. 1/day as
Trainer Stats to increase by 1, then gain 1d4 max HP. You
an action you may heal any adjacent trainer or Pokémon
only gain new stats at levels 3, 7, and 11. Choose a Psychic
30 hit points.
Advanced Class or a different base Class. You can only ever
gain a single Class or Advanced Class at a time, at level 3, Level 13
level 7, and level 11.
Telekinetic Mastery: Your powers continue to grow as
you begin to manipulate multiple things with greater force
and precision. As an action, you may move up to three ob-
jects at a time, up to Large size and Heavy weight, up to
30ft away at your movement speed in any direction.
Level 14
Psychic Overwhelming: You lay into a target, crushing
them from all sides with your telekinetic power. 1/day you
may use Psychic Force. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you
ignore Psychic Overwhelming’s frequency.
Psychic Force - Ranged(40ft) Psychic Special Attack: 1/day
5d12. On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins.
Your Defense and Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. These
effects cannot be stacked.
Level 15
Psionic Maelstrom: You have mastered your psychic pow-
ers and are ready to fight anything that comes your way.
You may use any Psychic or Psychic advanced class non-
Reaction moves at-will. You are not limited to the number
of different Psychic and/or Psychic advanced class moves
that you may use per day. Whenever you hit with a Psychic
attack, add three times your relevant modifier to your dam-
The wind flows at the snap of your fingers.
Air Adepts have learned to let the natural flow of the
world work for them and channel air currents to enable to
flight. These psychics speed around the battle field and can
even loose bolts of electricity. A fully realized adept can call
terrible gales that can tear apart those who might cause
harm to their friends.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Acrobatics, Nature
Level 11
Aerial Whip: With the snap of your fingers, you create a
sudden slicing burst of wind. 3/day you can use the move
Aerial Whip.
Aerial Whip - Ranged(30ft) Flying Special Attack: 3/day 3d8.
You can’t miss targets with less than 10 Special Defense.
Level 12
Thunder Strike: You connect to points of energy in the air
and release a massive stream of lightning. 1/day you may
use the move Thunder. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you
ignore Thunder Strike’s frequency.
Thunder - Ranged(30ft, 5ft blast) Electric Special Attack: 1/day
5d12. Thunder has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s
Raining. On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check,
Level 6 the targets are Paralyzed.
Electrokinesis: After working with air and wind for a long Level 13
enough time, you’ve learned to harness the electrical
Hurricane: Summoning all of your psychic powers, you
charge in the air and suddenly strike others. You can ma-
throw a terrible cyclone. 1/day you may use the move Hur-
nipulate electricity in many ways, for example; you could
ricane. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you ignore Hurri-
slowly charge an electrical device over time, as an action
cane’s frequency.
you could fry a Small machine within melee range, you
could create small bursts of light. In addition, you may use Hurricane - Ranged(25ft, 10ft blast) Flying Special Attack: 1/
the move Thunder Shock. day 5d12. Hurricane has -2 during Accuracy Check unless
it’s Raining. On hit, if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy
Thunder Shock - Ranged(20ft) Electric Special Attack: At-Will
Check, the targets are Confused.
1d12. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the
target is Paralyzed.
Level 7
Static Cling: Your kinetic abilities draw electricity to your
body, often bursting out of you when you are suddenly
struck. Whenever you are hit with a melee attack, roll 1d4.
On 4, Paralyze the attacker
Level 8
Mass Levitation: You can better sustain the winds neces-
sary to carry allies in the air. You can allow your allies to
hover in midair and fly using your movement speed, as
long as they are within 50 ft of you and within line of sight.
You can do this for up to X allies simultaneously, where X is
your Special Attack or Speed modifier. Large allies count as
two allies for this purpose, and Huge or larger allies cannot
be affected.
Level 10
Thunderbolt: With a clap, a bolt of lightning releases from
your hands. 3/day you may use the move Thunderbolt.
Thunderbolt - Ranged(30ft) Electric Special Attack: 3/day
3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the
target is Paralyzed.
You stomp down and the ground quakes in response.
Earth Shakers are attuned to the ground and can manip-
ulate masses of rock, sand, and other kinds of land in
greater quantities than their normal telekinesis. Their bod-
ies have become hardened, also mimicking the rock the
toss around.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Concentration, Constitution
Level 6
Earthwalk: You move through earth and stone as if it were
not even there. You can quickly move through solid earth,
rock, clay, or even soft sand. When moving through any
earth, you treat underground as normal terrain, without
penalizing your movement speed. In addition, you can walk
up and scale stone, clay, or any other earthen material as if
it is normal terrain.
Level 7
Sand Tomb: You rain debris continuously to keep a target
stuck in place. 3/day you may use the move Sand Tomb.
Sand Tomb - Ranged(10ft) Ground Attack: 3/day 1d4. On hit,
the target is bound in place for 1d4 rounds. For each round
the target is bound, it takes 1d4 physical damage on its
Level 8
Rock Tomb: You throw a bunch of rock and earth in one
sudden push. 3/day you may use the move Rock Tomb. Level 11
Rock Tomb - Ranged(15ft) Rock Attack: 3/day 3d8. On hit, Materializer: You can seemingly form rock from nothing
the target’s Speed is -1 for 10 mins. as you focus you power together and grow as a powerful
psychic. You can manipulate the earth in many ways, for
Level 10 example; as an action you could create a Huge sized wall of
Earth Power: Shoving your hand into the ground, you re- earth up to 30ft away from the ground, you can move a
lease a burst of raw energy beneath your target. 3/day you Large platform of earth as your movement at your move-
may use the move Earth Power. ment speed, or as two consecutive actions seemingly cre-
ate a Small boulder out of nothing.
Earth Power - Ranged(15ft) Ground Special Attack: 3/day
3d10. On hit, the target’s Special Defense is -1 for 10 mins. Level 12
Earthquake: With a stomp to the ground, sudden crags
burst upwards and explode in a wave of force. 1/day you
may use the move Earthquake. Psionic Maelstrom does not
let you ignore Earthquake’s frequency.
Earthquake - Ranged(30ft burst) Ground Attack: 1/day 5d12.
Level 13
Stone Fall: Collapsing a mass of energy into a solid form,
you strike your target with a rush of stone-like matter. 1/
day you may use the move Stone Fall. Psionic Maelstrom
does not let you ignore Stone Fall’s frequency.
Stone Fall - Ranged(35ft) Rock Special Attack: 1/day 5d12. On
hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, Stone Fall is
a critical hit.
From deep within your being, you breathe fire into life.
Firebreathers are known to have the most dangerous
type of psionic powers. One misstep and the fires they cre-
ate will spread wildly on their own and cause massive
swaths of destruction. Firebreathers must maintain their
cool and control their flames, their growing powers are an
amazing responsibility to shoulder.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Concentration, Perform
Level 1 Sunny Day: You turn up the heat and brighten up the
space around you. 3/day you can use the move Sunny Day.
Pyrokinesis: You can spark fire into the air with your pow-
ers, a dangerous form of psychic energy. You can manipu- Sunny Day - Fire Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of
late the fire in many ways, for example; as an action you Sunny Weather with a 60ft diameter. Within the Sunny
could create a Small sized fire next to you, as an action weather, Fire-type attacks deal an additional 8 damage and
spread a flame from Small to Large or Large to Huge, or as Water-type attacks deal 8 less damage. This weather disap-
an action eliminate a Large fire. In addition, you may use pears after 2 mins.
the move Ember. You may not use more than eight differ- Level 4
ent Psychic and/or Psychic advanced class moves per day.
Fire Spin: You kick up a vortex of fire, trapping an enemy in
Ember - Ranged(10ft) Fire Special Attack: At-Will 1d12. On hit, place. 3/day you may use the move Fire Spin.
if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
Burned. Fire Spin - Ranged(20ft) Fire Special Attack: 3/day 1d4. On hit,
the target is bound in place for 1d4 rounds. For each round
Scorching Assault: As you keep your assault focused, you the target is bound, it takes 1d4 special damage on its
feel the fire continue to surge forth. When targeting a foe turns.
that you targeted with an attack during your last action
with an attack, add +2 to your damage on hit, then +4 on
the round after, then +6, then +8, +10, +12 and, so on until
you target a different foe, skip a turn attacking, or combat
ends. If you are dealing +10 damage with Scorching Assault
or more, you take 4 damage each turn that you continue
Scorching Assault.
Level 10
Flamethrower: You surge a burst of flame forward, engulf-
ing your foes. 3/day you may use the move Flamethrower.
Flamethrower - Ranged(20ft beam) Fire Special Attack: 3/day
3d10. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the
target is Burned.
Level 11
Mirage: When you’re lit up, the waves of heat that you emit
can cause others miss with their attacks aimed at you.
Whenever you are attacked by a foe with a ranged attack
who acts after you during a round of combat, if you used a
Fire-type move on your turn, the foe’s accuracy check is -2.
Level 12
Solar Beam: You harness the warmth of the sun and un-
Level 6
leash it on your foes, devastating them. 1/day you may use
Photokinesis: Light is fleeting and momentary, but you the move Solar Beam. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you
can produce it with focus as you further develop the fire ignore Solar Beam’s frequency.
within you. You can manipulate light in many ways, for ex-
Solar Beam - Ranged(30ft beam) Grass Special Attack: 1/day
ample; as an action you could create a Tiny orb of light that
5d12. When you use this attack you immediately end your
you place somewhere next to you that lasts for 10 mins, as
turn unless it’s Sunny. During your next turn, or immediate-
an action you can create a beam of light from your hand, or
ly if it’s Sunny, you may target with and roll Solar Beam’s
as sustained actions over at least two turns you can mute a
Accuracy Check and damage.
few man-made sources of light as you continue focus on it.
In addition, you may use the move Heat Flash. Level 13
Heat Flash - Ranged(10ft) Fire Effect: At-Will 1d4. On hit, the Fire Blast: You open your heart to your foes and burn
target’s Accuracy Checks are -1 during their next turn. them down. 1/day you may use the move Fire Blast. Psionic
Maelstrom does not let you ignore Fire Blast’s frequency.
Level 7
Fire Blast - Ranged(40ft, 10ft blast) Fire Special Attack: 1/day
Heat Seeker: Your affinity to heat draws you to sources of
5d12. Fire Blast has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s
heat. You have infrared vision working up to 60ft away. You
Sunny. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check,
can clearly see sources of heat in the light or the dark, that
the targets are Burned.
are not heavily obstructed by cold objects (unless the
source of the heat is hotter than a cold item is cold).
Level 8
Smokescreen: You flare up your flames as you light up the
field of battle. 3/day, once per round, you may use the
move Smoke Screen as a free action targeting the space
between your target and you. You may also use the move
3/day as a regular action.
Smoke Screen - Ranged(10ft) Normal Effect: 3/day. Place up
to 25 contiguous ft of Smoke Screen Wall. Smoke Screen
Wall has not thickness, is 12 ft tall and has the following
ability: Attacks that target through or within the wall have -
2 during Accuracy Check. This Wall disappears after 2 mins.
You spread chaos by combining darkness with your mind.
When psychics look inward and tug at the strange ori-
gins of their powers, they can become conduits of chaos.
Hex Maniacs are connected to some dark aether realm that
lets them twist reality for moments at a time and cause
mayhem. Some Hex Maniacs start to lose their sense the
more they use their powers and wander near insanity, but
maybe it’s also that they’re just weird?
Skill Talents: Choose one; Bluff/Deception, Sleight of Hand
Level 4 Level 10
Make it Weird: Your manic mood releases strange psychic Fumble: You rip at strings of fate, sowing discord and may-
powers that warp the space around you. 3/day you can use hem. Once per turn, as a free action, you may have a foe
the moves Gravity, Magic Room, Trick Room, or Wonder reroll a successful accuracy check or skill check by losing 15
Room. HP.
Gravity - Psychic Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of Level 11
Gravity Terrain with a 60ft diameter. Within the terrain,
Binding Spell: You mutter ill will and trap the target in
Pokémon may not leave the ground and any Pokémon that
place. 1/day you may use the move Shadow Tag.
are in the air are brought down to the ground. This terrain
disappears after 2 mins. Shadow Tag - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. On hit, the
target is bound in place. Ghost Pokémon are immune to
Magic Room - Psychic Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle
Shadow Tag.
of Magical Terrain with a 60ft diameter. If within the Magi-
cal terrain, Pokémon cannot use any held items. This ter- Level 12
rain disappears after 2 mins.
Shared Trauma: You grab onto another, reflecting each
Trick Room - Psychic Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle other’s pains onto each other and sharing them evenly. 1/
of Tricky Terrain with a 60ft diameter. Within the Tricky ter- day you can use the move Pain Split. Psionic Maelstrom
rain, turn orders are reversed during each round. If some does not let you ignore Shared Trauma’s frequency.
are outside of Tricky terrain while others are within Tricky
Pain Split - Melee Normal Effect: 1/day. On hit, you and tar-
terrain, all actions are still made in reverse order. This ter-
get’s current HPs are added together and halved, assigning
rain disappears after 2 mins.
both you and the target that new value. Neither can have
Wonder Room - Psychic Field Effect: 3/day. You create a cir- their new HPs be more than their Max.
cle of Wonderful Terrain with a 60ft diameter. Anyone who
Level 13
attacks within the Wonderful terrain makes Attack Accuracy
Checks against Special Defense and Special Attack Accuracy Ruin: Your psychic spell work flows naturally as the wave of
Checks against Defense. This terrain disappears after 2 your arms bring destruction to your enemies. 3/day you
mins. may use two moves gained through Hex Maniac features
targeting the same foe as one action. Roll each accuracy
Level 6
check separately.
Discombobulate: You spin their mind with the flick of your
wrist and a curse under your breath. 1/day you may use
the move Confuse Ray. If a foe you Confused knocks them-
selves out during a failed Confusion check, you may use
Discombobulate an additional time that day.
Confuse Ray - Ranged(20ft) Ghost Effect: 1/day. On hit, the
target becomes Confused.
Level 7
Burning Malediction: Dark mutterings and the wave of
your hand sends out a terrible wisp of fire into your foes. 1/
day you may use the move Will-O-Wisp. If a foe you Burned
is knocked out by their Burn, you may use Burning Maledic-
tion an additional time that day.
Will-O-Wisp - Ranged(10ft) Fire Effect: 1/day. On hit, the tar-
get is Burned.
Level 8
Hypnotize: You enter into the minds of others and think of
a deep sleep. 3/day you may use the move Hypnosis. If the
target wakes up before the end of your next turn, you may
use Hypnotize an additional time that day.
Hypnosis - Ranged(10ft) Psychic Effect: 3/day. Hypnosis has -
4 during Accuracy Check. On hit, the target is put Asleep.
You can summon water from the air around you.
Water is absolutely everywhere and you are able to
draw gallons from the air and use it to hose your foes.
Some hydrokinetics even develop the ability to chill the
moisture around them and freeze the water into shards of
ice to protect themselves.
Skill Talents: Choose one; Concentration, Perform
Level 10
Ice Beam: You throw a terrible beam of cold from your
hands, freezing your target in place. 3/day you may use the
move Ice Beam. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you ignore
Ice Beam’s frequency.
Ice Beam - Ranged(20ft beam) Ice Special Attack: 3/day 3d10.
On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target
is Frozen.
Level 11
Scald: You’ve learned to manipulate the temperature of the
water around you in a different way and can boil the water
you control if only for moments at a time. 3/day you may
use the move Scald. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you
Level 6 ignore Scald’s frequency.
Cyrokinesis: As a hydrokinetic’s power grows they learn to Scald - Ranged(10ft) Water Special Attack: 3/day 3d10. On hit,
manipulate the temperature of the water they control. You if you got 14 or higher on Accuracy Check, the target is
can manipulate water by turning it into ice in many ways, Burned. Scald can Burn Fire-types.
for example; as an action you could create a Medium sized
Level 12
wall of ice up to 30ft away, as an action create a Huge
space of ice on the floor where there was water, or as an Blizzard: By reaching forward you create shards of ice and
action melt a Medium sized area of ice. In addition, you slice up everything in your way. 1/day you may use the
may use the move Powder Snow. You may not use more move Blizzard. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you ignore
than eight different Psychic and/or Psychic advanced class Blizzard’s frequency.
moves per day.
Blizzard - Ranged(20ft, 10ft wave) Ice Special Attack: 1/day
Powder Snow - Ranged(5ft burst) Ice Special Attack: At-Will 5d12. Blizzard has -2 during Accuracy Check unless it’s Hail-
1d12. On hit, if you got 19 or higher on Accuracy Check, the ing. On hit, if you got 18 or higher on Accuracy Check, the
target is Frozen. targets are Frozen.
Level 7 Level 13
Hail Storm: You chill the air and bring forth a dangerous Hydro Surge: You release a powerful force of water that
hailstorm. 3/day you may use Hail. In addition, you are im- tears away at your enemies. 1/day you may us ethe move
mune to Hail’s damaging effect. Hydro Surge. Psionic Maelstrom does not let you ignore
Hydro Surge’s frequency.
Hail - Ice Field Effect: 3/day. You create a circle of Hailing
Weather with a 60ft diameter. Anyone who acts within the Hydro Surge - Ranged(30ft beam, 10ft blast) Water Special
Hailing weather takes 2d4 damage after acting unless they Attack: 1/day 5d12. If it’s Raining, Hydro Surge has +2 during
are Ice Type. This weather disappears after 2 mins. Accuracy Check.
Level 8
Hydro Therapy: Using your familiarity with water, you
work to help heal those around you by soothing wounds or
diluting harmful substances. 3/day, as two consecutive
actions, you may cure an adjacent ally of a Burn, Confusion,
Freezing, Poison, or Toxin.
Cross Classing
Sometimes, as a player, you might really want to
roleplay a Researcher, who is a Photographer and a Watch-
er, who’s psionic hydrokinesis suddenly woke up within
themselves without any telekinetic powers beforehand. As
is, you can’t take the Rain Waker advanced class, since
you’d need to be a Psychic. However, with cross classing,
you can potentially build into other base class’s advanced
classes as long as you meet some prerequisites before
reaching level 3, 7, or 11.
Martial Artist
Aura Master - Martial Artist exclusive
Dirty Fighter - 5 Attack, 5 Defense, at least two Poké-
mon who know the moves Taunt, Sucker Punch, and/or Alternate Level Up Bonus
Usually, when you level up you gain a new feature. Once
Mentor - 5 Attack, 5 Defense, you spend over 20 hours a you have multiple classes, sometimes you’ll even gain mul-
week training with your Pokémon outside of battle. tiple features at the same time. However, if you’re not in-
Ninja - 5 Attack, 5 Defense, talented in Acrobatics. terested in a feature at all– you can drop a feature when
you gain it. If you do you’ll have to follow some rules:
Yogi- 5 Attack, 5 Defense, spends at least 20 hours a
week in meditation. - You cannot pass on multiple features during
the same level up.
- You cannot pass on features you gain when
Psychic you gain a new class.
Air Adept - 5 Special Attack, 5 Speed, 3 Flying-type and/ - You cannot pass a total of more than four
or Electric-type Pokémon. features total across all of your classes.
Earth Shaker - 5 Special Attack, 5 Speed, 3 Rock-type When you pass on a feature you’ll instead choose one
and/or Ground-type Pokémon. Trainer Stat to permanently increase by 1. Over time, if you
Firebreather - 5 Special Attack, 5 Speed, 3 Fire-type drop four features you’ll have four more stats to improve
and/or sun-themed Pokémon. your trainer with.
Competitive, Magical, Legendary
You are a Pokémon! You embody change in the Poké-
mon world and have a variety of magical powers within
you. Maybe you love competing with other Pokémon, or
you’re just hoping to gain fame outside of the world or bat-
tle? Whether you’re traveling with a party of fellow Poké-
mon or you’ve decided to tag along with a group of train- Nature List
ers, you’re a wonderous being with thousands of possibili-
ties. Nature Name Increased Stat Decreased Stat
Choose a Nature to modify your stats. This will affect Rash Special Attack Special Defense
your stats but also affect your favored flavors and hated Calm Special Defense Attack
flavors, which could be relevant if you start raising your
contest stats. However, unlike Pokémon who are independ- Gentle Special Defense Defense
ent of a player’s trainer, you are not required to behave Sassy Special Defense Speed
according to the nature’s name. Each nature corelates to
one stat raised by 1 and another stat lowered by 1. Careful Special Defense Special Attack
Some Pokémon are just built differently, so if one player
is playing a Magikarp, it should be expected that they will
initially have less impact than another player who might be
playing as a Kangaskhan. This is fine! Different Pokémon
excel in different ways. That Kangaskhan will not be able to
keep up with Magikarp in the water and once Magikarp
evolves into Gyarados, the Kangaskhan will have a much
easier time physically getting into places without damaging
nearby structures.
You do not need to pick a basic Pokémon, either. If you If you are starting as an evolved Pokémon, you will only
want to start a session, or even campaign, as a Dragonite have access to the moves from your previous evolutionary
without playing through your experience as a Dratini and stage and your current stage. This means that if you are
Dragonair, that’s fine. You will lose out on some opportuni- playing an Alakazam, you will start with the starting moves
ties, but it could be important to your character’s story. of Kadabra and Alakazam. Starting as an earlier stage will
enable you to better form your move list how you want.
As a level 1 Pokémon, you will gain your first features. As
you continue to level up, you will gain bonus features, extra If you are playing with a full party of Pokémon, think
stat bonuses that a trainer’s Pokémon do not gain as they about what kinds of roles each of you are performing on
grow, and can even drastically change if you evolve. You the battlefield. If everyone is playing the same kind of dive-
will also pick an origin for your Pokémon character, which in and fight Pokémon, it might get dangerous if you en-
is located with the other origins after this section. counter a great deal of ranged foes in battle who flee while
you pursue. Another party to avoid is a group of Pokémon
If you are playing a Pokémon who can evolve, you will
who are all the same type. This could potentially lead your
evolve when you’ve created strong bonds as if you were
group into dangerous situations with a rival group of Poké-
building a loyalty score with another player’s character. If
mon who all have type advantages. If this is the party your
your species simply needs an evolutionary stone however,
group wants to play for various reason however, just give it
maybe evolution is closer than you’d think.
a try and see what kind of story unfolds.
Level 2
A Heart So True: Your courage will always pull you
through, giving you the energy to keep going. 5/day, as a
free action up to once per round, recover HP according to
the following chart.
Level HP Recovered
2-3 1d6 + Any one modifier
4-5 1d8 + Any one modifier
6-7 1d10 + Any one modifier
As Pokémon level up they gain additional features or 8-9 2d6 + Any one modifier
stat improvements.
10-11 2d8 + Any one modifier
12-13 2d10 + Any one modifier
` Level 1 Born to be a Winner, Brand New World
14-15 2d12 + Any one modifier
Level 2 A Heart So True
Level 3 Rise to the Challenge, Studying A to Z
16+ 2d20 + Any one modifier
Level 4 So Much to Learn Level 3
Level 5 Brand New Attitude Rise to the Challenge: Generally, Pokémon don’t really
Level 6 Born to Be a Winner need to use diplomacy, or operate a car, or… any of these
Level 7 Always More to Come, Triumph Together things. But you can! You can make skill checks with any skill
Level 8 My Destiny
that you’re talented with. Choose two skills to become tal-
ented with. Any Pokémon can be talented in any skill. For
Level 9 The Path That I Choose
example, if an Onix is making an operate check on a crane,
Level 10 Friends that Work Together you’ll just figure out how to tell the story that you’re telling.
Level 11 Lessons that I Learn, Put Myself to the Test
Studying A to Z: You’re smart, you’re well travelled, and
Level 12 Like No One Ever Was now you’re talking. You can speak in human languages.
Level 13 The Very Best Ever Depending on what elemental type you are or your species,
Level 14 Way to Victory it’s possible you talk telepathically, hum in a way that
Level 15 Nothing Can Stop You sounds like human language, or just open your mouth and
talk with what you’ve got.
Level 1
Born to be a Winner: You’re different than the other Poké-
mon in the world; there’s something that drives you to-
wards some kind of special destiny. Choose two different
non-HP Stats to increase by 1. In addition, you cannot be
captured by a Poke Ball unless you want to be. In addition,
your 3/day frequency moves become once-per-combat, or
1/combat, frequency.
Brand New World: You are a Pokémon and you can com-
municate with all other Pokémon. You may talk to other
Pokémon, you also can recognize potential predators to
your species when you see them, even if you’ve never en-
countered the species before. In addition, you become tal-
ented in the Nature and Perception skills, and can make
skill checks for Nature and Perception.
Level 7
Always More to Come: In the heat of battle, you let loose
and unleash a devastating attack. 1/day you can use a Z-
Move. You do not need a Z-Crystal or a Z-Ring.
Triumph Together: Friends help friends overcome chal-
lenges and you’ve got good friends. Whenever you attack a
foe that an ally has already attacked that round, you may
add +1 to your accuracy check.
Level 4
So Much to Learn: You’ve already experienced a lot during
your adventures and you’re ready to put that to good use.
Pick any two Pokémon moves that you’ve seen before that
also match your proficiencies and immediately learn them.
In addition, you can learn up to eight moves at a time.
Level 5
Brand New Attitude: You’re a force of personality. Choose
one Pokémon Advanced Class. In addition, Choose a new
Skill to become talented with. You cannot choose a Skill you
are already talented with. In addition, you can change your
Nature after an eight hour rest. Level 8
Level 6 My Destiny: You’ve awoken a great power within yourself
and can unleash a glimmering power for a short amount of
Born to be a Champion: You keep growing as you keep
time. 1/day you can Mega Evolve for 10 mins. You do not
proving your worth. Choose two different non-HP Stats to
need a Mega Stone and you do not need a Mega Ring.
increase by 1. In addition, the first time you fail an accuracy
When creating your Mega Evolution, decide which of your
check per day, you can reroll your accuracy check.
stats are boosted while Mega Evolved. You can modify At-
tack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed by
a total of 4 points, but no individual stat can be modified by
more than 2. You may not affect any stats negatively. You
can alter your types by replacing one type or by adding a
type while you are Mega Evolved. You choose how your
physical appearance changes appropriately.
Level 11
Lessons that I Hold: You’ve learned enough to be whatev-
er you need to be in battle. 3/week, you may spend 4 hours
working to learn a move that you’ve seen before that also
matches your proficiencies.
Put Myself to the Test: Choose two different non-HP Stats
to increase by 1. In addition, the first time you fail a skill
check per day, you can reroll your skill check.
Level 12
Like No One Ever Was: You’ve built up a tolerance to
many different forms of harm and are ready to keep on
fighting forward. If you would be hit by an extremely effec-
tive attack, treat it as super effective. In addition, 3/day,
once per round you may reroll a check made to cure or
ignore an affliction.
Level 9
The Path That I Choose: You’ve learned so much on your
adventures and you’re getting really good at a variety of
things. Choose three skills to become talented with. You
may choose skills you are already talented with.
Level 13
Level 10
The Very Best Ever: At this point, it almost seems like your
Friends that Work Together: Whether it’s fellow Pokémon
only growth is the mastery of the skills you already have.
or a group of human trainers you’ve decided to hang out
Choose a non-HP Stat to increase by 1. In addition, choose
with, you’re all able to get something done together when
a skill to become talented with. You may choose a skill you
you take the lead. 1/day, when you attempt a skill check
are already talented with.
you can add 2 to the skill check for every ally who is helping
you accomplish the task. Level 14
Way to Victory: “With this one attack, I’ll put everything I
can into it!” 1/day, before you attack, you may use Way to
Victory to make your attack guaranteed to succeed during
your accuracy check and be a critical hit. You cannot use
Way to Victory with a Z-Move or a Dynamax move.
Some additional rules as you play your Pokémon
- You cannot ever have any one stat exceed 20.
- You can only have 6 different moves, like other
Pokémon, until you are level 4.
- You cannot attempt to use skills you are not talented
- Even if you do not allow yourself to be caught in a
Poké Ball, you can still be healed at a Pokémon
- You cannot play as any Pokémon found in the GMG.
- If you evolve, you can reassign any bonuses from
features you’ve earned so far across your stats or
- If you play as an original Pokémon, consult your GM
before creating you character sheet.
If you are making your own Pokémon,
consider the following:
Consider using a stat block, typing, and move proficien-
cies already in the Pokédex. While not all Pokémon are
Level 15
built equal, the Pokémon in the Pokédex at least work with-
Nothing Can Stop You: You’re a Pokémon on the path of in the Pokémon Tabletop Adventures system.
destiny and you’re never going to give up on your mission.
If you are going to create your own stat block, consider
The first time you would be knocked out per week, instead
the total amount of stats distributed across various Poké-
recover to half of your max HP. If you rest for two days
mon within the Pokédex. While looking at HP in the
without entering into combat, Nothing Can Stop You re-
Pokédex, divide its value by six in order to determine its
freshes its frequency and can be used again.
approximate value in comparison to other stats.
Level 16 and Beyond
Consider your proficiencies, passives, and starting
Let the Journey Begin: You’ve finished many adventures, moves as well and what kinds of evolutions you might ex-
but there is still always more for you to do, and more ways perience. Take a look through move lists in the PHB and
for you to grow. Each new level, starting with level 16, PHB2 to see what might make for a fun Pokémon. GMs will
choose a non-HP Stat to increase by 1. not let you play with invulnerable Pokémon, so consider
your choice if they’ve decided to let you create your own
You live for battle and aim to show off your prowess.
Jumping into the fray is your style and you’re always
ready to take on any foe. While sometimes you may like to
defeat enemies in a one-on-one showdown, you also can
enjoy a proper melee. Either way, your buddies can rely on
you in a messy situation.
New Passive: Choose one; Carry On (Whenever an ally is
knocked out, recover 1d6 HP.), Close Quarters (Add +1 during
accuracy check whenever you use a melee attack.), Dynamic
Entry (You have +3 to your first accuracy check each combat.),
Level 3 -
Level 7 -
Level 8 Signature Move
Level 8
Signature Move: Your allies are relying on you to keep
foes at bay, so you’ve developed your own technique to do
so. After 8 hours of rest, you may learn Signature Move and
add it to your move list. When you learn Signature Move,
choose its type from one of your own elemental types and
choose it to either use Attack or Special Attack. After 8
hours of rest, you may change your choices for Signature
Move. You may not have more than one instance of Signa-
ture Move on your move list.
Signature Move - Ranged(20ft) ??? ???: 3/day 3d10.
Level 9 (Choose One Feat)
Never Hold Back: Time to show your challengers their
Level 5 (Choose One Feat) place. While Dueling, your Z-Moves, regardless of the type,
have Priority and they deal 10d12 but have one of the fol-
So Much Work Ahead: When you’re fighting many foes,
lowing ranges: “Melee,” or, “Ranged(60ft)”.
you adapt your attacks to use different tricks. 3/day you
may add the following effect to one of your non-scatter Won’t Let Up: When outnumbered ten to one, make your
attacks, “This attack is a Scatter attack. Up to 3 attacks. The ultimate attack count. Your Z-Moves, regardless of the type,
second attack on hit uses 1d8 as its dice roll for damage. can have either of the following ranges: “Melee(60ft burst),”
The third attack on hit uses 1d12 as its dice roll for damage. or, “Ranged(50ft, 40 blast).”
Each attack must target a different target.” Additionally
Level 10
when you deal damage with a scatter attack, whenever you
hit a new target beyond your first, deal an additional +4 Direct Challenge: Grandstanding in the middle of battle
damage on hit. can attract dangerous attention, but sometimes it helps in
order to take control of the field of battle. 3/day you may
Stand Ready: The bigger they are, the harder you must
add the following ability to any of your moves after rolling
fight to take them down- no one gets the best of you. 3/day
your accuracy check, “On hit, the targets may only use at-
you may add the following effect to one of your attacks
tacks that target you for 1 min.” Additionally, when a foe
while Dueling after you roll your accuracy check: “On miss,
attacks you after they were goaded by Direct Challenge,
add +3 to your next attack against the same foe that you
they must roll +2 during accuracy check to hit you.
are Dueling, if you hit the target you are Dueling with your
next action, they are Stunned.” Additionally, whenever you Level 11
begin Dueling a new target, your first successful attack
Ultra Champion: The longer the battle, the more you take
deals +6 damage.
down, the more your powers grow. 3/day, gain the Champi-
Level 6 on Boost passive until the end of combat.
One Step Ahead: As the battle stretches onwards, you Champion Boost - Whenever you knock out a foe, your high-
adapt your style to fit the battle’s needs. 3/day you may est stat is raised +2 for 10 mins. If you have two or more
add the following effect to one of your attacks, ““On hit, stats tied for your highest, pick one of them to raise by two
gain either +1 Defense or +1 Special Defense for 10 mins this combat (This effect may stack).
(this effect may stack).”
Lethal strikes from the shadows!
You’re not necessarily broody, but you prefer to watch
from the shadows waiting for the opportunity to attack.
Sometimes it’s more important to strike harder and faster
while other times it’s smarter to strike to injure and disable.
Either way, your strikes come from the darkness just as
soon as you disappear into the shadows again.
New Passive: Choose one; Alacrity (Your Speed cannot be
lowered by a foe’s effects.) , Dauntless (Your Special Attack
cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.), Hyper Cutter (Your
Attack cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.)
Level 3 -
Level 7 - Ambush: Let loose and show them who’s boss! 3/day, after
hitting with a 1/combat or 1/day frequency attack, you may
Level 8 Vigilance
add 1d12 to your damage.
Level 9 Opportune Attack OR Unreal Dodge
Incapacitate: Precision attacks destabilize your enemies to
Level 10 Self Taught ensure your continuous beatdown. 3/day after hitting with
Level 11 Curtain Call a 1/combat or 1/day frequency attack, add the following
effect to the attack, “On hit, the target is Paralyzed.”
Level 4
Escape Artist: With swift movement and misdirection, you
Level 1
avoid harm that may hinder your tactics. When targeted by
Covert: You can conceal yourself in order to launch sur- a move that rolls its accuracy check against your Speed, the
prise attacks! You become talented with the Stealth skill attacker does not add any modifiers to their roll to hit you.
and can make Stealth skill checks. If you are already twice
talented with Stealth, add an additional +2 to your Stealth
skill checks. Additionally, while you attack a target from a
hidden position, or on the turn you reveal yourself from a
hidden position, your attacks are critical hits on naturally
rolled 19-20.
Shadow Step: Much of your ambush tactics rely on finding
the perfect vantage point and then attacking from the
shadows. While moving while concealed with Stealth, you
can move an additional 20ft per action. Additionally, when
moving towards hindering or blocking terrain where you
will be making a Stealth skill check during that action in-
stead of attacking while not hidden, you can move an addi-
tional 20ft per action.
The battlefield is a puzzle and you solve it with your tricks.
Each time you’re forced into a sticky situation, you use
your wits to make things easier for you and your allies.
Whether you prefer to heal your wounded friends and
ready them for more battle, or muddle with your foe’s ca-
pabilities and make victory an impossibility for them, you
have an idea to put to practice for every obstacle.
New Passive: Choose one; Mirror Armor (If your stats
would be lowered by a foe’s effects, instead that offender’s stat
is lowered.), Pressure (If you are hit by a 3/day attack, the
attacker can’t use that attack for the remainder of the day.),
Shed Skin (After acting, you may roll 1d4. On 4, you are cured
of any afflictions.)
Level 3 -
You are a guardian, protecting your allies in the fray of bat-
You are always ready to take one for the team and keep
standing back up. Whether your style is to push back or to
always hold a shield to your allies as the battle goes on, you
strive to stand a sentinel, always willing to put yourself in
harm’s way to protect a worthy friend.
New Passive: Choose one; Big Pecks (Your Defense cannot
be lowered by a foe’s effects.), Gritty (While afflicted, you have
+1 Defense and +1 Special Defense.), Mettle (Your Special De-
fense cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.)
Level 3 -
Level 6 Shields Up
Level 8
Return With Interest: Protecting others can take a toll, but
with the right leverage or skill you can turn your foe’s pow-
er against them. After 8 hours of rest, you may learn either
Counter or Mirror Coat and add it to your move list. 1/
combat you may use Counter or Mirror Coat as a free ac-
tion while intercepting an attack.
Counter - Melee Fighting Effect: 1/day. Counter is used as a
Reaction. After an enemy hits you with a melee Attack
move that deals damage, use Counter to deal exactly twice
the damage to the enemy that you received. Do not apply
Level 5 (Choose One Feat) weakness or resistances.
Berserker: Each attack hardens you to battle, strengthen- Mirror Coat - Ranged(40ft) Psychic Effect: 1/day. Mirror Coat
ing your resolve. During combat, you deal an additional +4 is used as a Reaction. After an enemy hits you with a
damage with all of your attacks for the remainder of the ranged Special Attack move that deals damage, use Mirror
encounter for each time you have intercepted an attack for Coat to deal exactly twice the damage to the enemy that
an ally. you received. Do not apply weakness or resistances.
Inspiring Protector: Lead your allies as its protector, in- Level 9 (Choose One Feat)
spiring your allies to fight at your side! During combat, al-
Immunities: You’ve been around enough to shake off par-
lies for whom you’ve intercepted an attack deal an addi-
ticularly bad problems. When you gain Immunities, choose
tional +4 damage with all of their attacks for the remainder
three of the following afflictions: Asleep, Burned, Confused,
of the encounter. This effect cannot be applied to the same
Frozen, Infatuated, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Toxified, or
ally more than once per encounter, but can be applied to
Stunned. 3/day when you would become afflicted by one of
multiple allies at the same time.
the three chosen afflictions, you may ignore the affliction.
Level 6 After 8 hours of rest, you may change your choices for Im-
Shields Up: You were never afraid of jumping in harm’s
way for a friend, but now you’re stronger than ever. 3/day, Unyielding Rage: As long as you are defending your
when intercepting an attack for an ally, the attacker must friends, not even a lack of consciousness can stop you. You
check its successful hit against your Defense or Special De- may act while unconscious until you are at -100% HP. You
fense instead (whichever stat is relevant for the attack). If may move normally, use self-targeting moves, moves that
the hit is no longer successful, ignore the attack entirely. target allies, or intercept attacks meant for allies. If you at-
tack a foe while unconscious, after you act you lose HP
equal to half of your max HP.
Level 10
Resistance: You’re used to a hit or two now- it just doesn’t
get you down as much anymore. When hit by a damaging
attack, subtract X from the damage, where X is your great-
est Modifier.
Level 11
Relentless Guardian: Your will is unending and inspiring.
While intercepting for an ally, if they would have been
knocked out you may expend your weekly use of Nothing
Can Stop You in order to instead recover that ally to half of
their max HP. Then, you recover half of your own max HP.
You do not take any damage when intercepting an attack
and using Relentless Guardian.
Additional Origins
Each trainer had various life experiences leading up to
the moment where they decided to be a Pokémon Trainer.
Some may have found the league battles online or on tele-
vision thrilling and decided the same thrill and fame that
competitors sought is for them. Others may have found
themselves desiring more adventure in their life after years
of managing a storefront without ever owning a Pokémon
themselves. Some might have spent most of their life with
a family in front of an office desk and decided that they
wanted more. Maybe you’ve been a trainer for a while, in
the safety of a Gym as a mentee or within a dangerous or-
ganization doing various tasks for the boss?
These origins are designed for campaigns that start at
higher levels after trainers may have already earned ten or
even more honors. Maybe you were given a gym to run
after placing in the top eight of a regional championship?
Maybe you’re an established professor that goes on adven-
tures to conduct field research? This will help you choose
your origins for your characters and from there, you can
gain the benefits of those backgrounds.
Additional information concerning lifestyle is detailed in
PHB. Player Pokémon origins are located here as well and Gaining New Origins
explain how you can adjust your starting stats or abilities. A After a long enough time in game, what you’ve done in
Game Master might be entirely okay with you having one your career as a Pokémon trainer might mean more to
of these new high level origins as a level 1 trainer, maybe your identity than your life before your adventures. In or-
your character has had some kind of fundamental reset in der to choose a new origin, you must have at least 20 new
their life? Maybe you’ve decided everything you knew was honors. When you gain a new honor, you will not lose any
wrong and rebuilding yourself from the ground up? In any Skill talents you might have earned, but you will be replac-
case, discuss this possibility with your GM and they might ing the origin’s Feature. Your savings will not change either,
be able to adjust any bonuses to accommodate for your but your lifestyle may change depending on what you’re
origin. changing your origin to.
It’s possible that due to the setting, time or location, or
due to the nature of the campaign you’re playing, none of
these origins make sense. In that case, try and work out
origins that make sense with your GM. You should general-
ly gain two skill talents, and have a feature that relates to
the proper use of those talents. The more resources you
have access to, the less skill talents you’ll have.
Role Benefits Professor *High Level
Frontier Brain You are in charge of a frontier facility. Your You’ve spent your time studying and now you’re an ex-
sponsor will likely allow any amount of funds to be used to pert in your field. Whether you’ve attained your knowledge
renovate and run the facility. You must accept challengers through your work as a breeder, a researcher, or even as a
when they arrive or leave interim defenders if you leave for master trainer, you now run a laboratory to send people
more than a week at a time. You can set up a trial or chal- out to study while continuing your own field study adven-
lenge that a trainer must pass before challenging you. tures.
You’re usually given anywhere from 400-1900 credits per
week depending on how often you battle, whether you are Skill Talents: Choose one; Concentration, Diplomacy/
giving away a medal or not. Persuasion, Engineering/Operation, History, Programming
Facility Master You are in charge of a battle facility that Lifestyle: Comfortable Savings: 40,000 credits
runs tournaments (Battle Maison, Battle Subway, etc.). Your Starting Equipment: Any three trainer packs, 6 Ultra Balls,
sponsor will likely allow any amount of funds to be used to 6 Potions, 4 Repels.
renovate and run the facility. You must accept challengers
when they arrive or leave a interim defender if you leave Starting Pokémon: Up to three experienced rare Poké-
for more than a week at a time. You can set up a trial or mon. Up to three battle-trained, but less experienced, un-
challenge that a trainer must pass before entering tourna- common Pokémon.
ments. You’re usually given anywhere from 400-1900 cred- Feature: League Professor
its per week depending on how often you battle.
You are given resources to research and pursue your
own interests by the region’s league. You must also coordi-
nate with lab assistants to distribute starters once a year
with any other league-sponsored professors wherever your
lab is. Choose an academic specialty that you are an expert
in. When making Concentration, History, Investigate, Per-
ception, or Programming skill checks related to your exper-
tise, roll twice and use the higher result.
Pokémon Origins
Alone in the World *Pokémon Different *Pokémon
You're a tough Pokémon alone in a tough world but While most of your species in the world of Pokémon is
you’ve made it so far. You weren’t raised as part of a family, known as being a certain type and having a specific appear-
or maybe you were until something separated you from ance, your family’s always been a little different. It could be
your family. Still, despite all the hard times and your soli- because you’re a dessert dwelling species, but many gener-
tary life you’ve fought for your place in the world as an in- ations back your ancestor was released in a jungle and
dependent Pokémon. Whether it was in the dense jungle, your family has adjusted. It could be because many of your
carving out a space in a grove you called home, or in an species was released in a foreign land and your kind adjust-
alleyway that you kept humans out of, you can rely on your ed to the resources available. Still, you’re around so it must
own strength, even if you’re lending some of it to new al- have worked out fine.
Lifestyle: Modest
Lifestyle: Difficult
Starting Goods: Tattered bag, 6 Oran Berries, 2 Lum Ber-
Starting Goods: Tattered bag, 2 Sitrus Berries, 2 Oran Ber- ries.
ries, a held item of your chosen appearance and name
Feature: Environmental Form
(Your item) - While held, a stat of your choice is increased
When creating your Pokémon character, you will change
by +2 during battle. Only you can benefit from this held
at least one of your types to any other type. Change your
item. (Which stat this item benefits is chosen once and can’t be
potential evolutions to match the type change(s). The type
change should reflect a habitat difference that is unusual
Feature: Independent Survivor for your species. This will also change your starting moves,
proficiencies, and possibly your passives. For example, if
Your Nature gives you +3 to your increased stat and -2
your type is no longer Electric-type or Fairy-type, you might
to your decreased stat and your max HP is increased by
not have the Static or Pixelate passives respectively. Some
+8 . In addition, if you are in combat without any allies, or
species are so well defined by a specific trait as well, for
all of your allies are currently unconscious, you deal +6
example even if you create an Abra that is no longer Psy-
damage with all of your attacks. In addition, you have ei-
chic-type it’s still reasonable that you will know Teleport.
ther the Unyielding or Avenger passive. After 8 hours of
Discuss with your GM to find a reasonable changes before
rest, you may change your chosen passive for Independent
Pokémon Origins
Pokémon Origins
Lavish Lifestyle *Pokémon
Either you live in a city as a lovable stray, or your home
is close enough to a city that you’ve been able to collect a
great deal of human treasures. While your horde of goods
make for a nice clubhouse, its hard to know the purpose of
any of these human gadgets. Still, adventure calls you to
action and you might have to leave your amazing collection
to a friend or family member. You still have a pretty good
eye for shiny things, though so you tend to find them all
the time.
Lifestyle: Comfortable
Starting Goods: Tattered bag, 6 Oran Berries, 3 rare items
assigned by GM
Feature: Pick Up
Peaceful Upbringing *Pokémon
1/day, you may roll 1d20 while exploring a new space.
Depending on your result, you find a random item. In addi- You lived in a happy habitat that proved for easy living.
tion, you have either the Benefactor or Receiver passive. Either you had a family that cared for you and you for
After 8 hours of rest, you may change your chosen passive them, or your home had plentiful resources for your inde-
for Pick Up. pendent life. You rarely had violent confrontation with oth-
er Pokémon, even if you are a Pokémon known for being
Result Item prey in most habitats. Your peaceful life has led you to
1 You fail to find anything! have a calming aura about you that often helps you in new
2-5 You find a random uncommon Berry.
Lifestyle: Comfortable
6 - 10 You find a random Medical Item.
Starting Goods: Tattered bag, 6 Oran Berries
11 - 14 You find a random rare Berry.
Feature: Welcoming Spirit
15 - 18 You find a random item worth
human credits (TMs, Held Item, Wild Pokémon that you encounter that share an ele-
Evolution Stones, rare gems, etc.). mental type with you or come from the same kind of habi-
tat that you grew up in are never initially hostile to you. In
19 You find a random Held Item. any case where these wild Pokémon you meet are not in
20 You find a random rare or valuable immediate danger, they are happy to help you with any
item from your choice of item tasks that would not endanger them, or even something as
category. simple as sharing directions and any warnings about wher-
ever you’re traveling. In addition, you have one of the fol-
lowing passives; Alacrity, Big Pecks, Dauntless, Hyper Cut-
ter, Keen Eye, or Stalwart. After 8 hours of rest, you may
change your chosen passive for Welcoming Spirit.
Pokémon Origins
Pokémon Origins
Wild World *Pokémon
Class Bonus Life is hard, but you had others to back you up and you
Psychic You can share a telepathic link were able to survive through the wild and everything it
with up to one ally at a time. After threw at you. Maybe you were part of a wild gang that con-
spending time with an ally for at stantly clashed with another wild group? Maybe your family
least eight hours, you can change always made mayhem for a local Ranger group? You spent
your link to that ally. The link’s every day battling and surviving and now as you set off on
telepathic range is up to one mile, an adventure, you’re sure this wild experience will come in
disregarding any blocking terrain. handy.
Mega Evolution Mega Pokémon are listed here in the same order that
their main entries appear in the Pokédex. What each of
If you form a powerful bond with your Pokémon, have a their Mega Stones are usually depicted as are right next to
Mega Ring (or some other kind of Key Stone holder), and each Mega Pokémon’s name. Each unique Mega Stone is
have a Mega Stone that corresponds to the species of usually worth around 100,000 P.
Pokémon you have, you can Mega Evolve a Pokémon! It is a
tough checklist, but you’re able to do a lot in the ten Mega Sceptile
minutes your Pokémon is Mega Evolved. Pokémon with
Grass / Dragon - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight)
Mega Evolutions are listed here, along with the temporary
changes to their stats and any temporary passives. Mega Hit Points: 42 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 9
Evolutions that Evolvers can make are unique and do not
Speed: 17 (85 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 15
require a special corresponding Mega Stone because they
make their own Mega Stones. Even Pokémon can create Mega Passive: Lightning Rod (Any Electric-type attacks
their own unique Mega Evolutions that do not require within 25ft of you are negated and drawn to the user. Your
these stone catalysts. Special Attack is +2 until the end of your next turn whenever
you negate an Electric-type attack.)
With the Mega Ring and a Key Stone, you may active
your Mega Ring once per day as a free action. When acti- (Attack +6, Special Attack +7, Effect +8)
vated, your Pokémon with a Mega Stone and a loyalty of 2
or greater can Mega Evolve for 10 mins. Mega Evolving gen-
erally improves some stats of the Pokémon, and some-
times changes its types. Mega Pokémon have new pas-
sives, add them to the previous passives the Pokémon has.
If the Mega Pokémon is returned to a Poke Ball, or knocked
out, it returns to its regular form.
***Mega Pokémon cannot use Z-Moves, Dynamax, or Terastallize
Mega Venusaur
Grass / Poison - Huge (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 12 Mega Charizard X
Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 11 Special Attack: 13 Fire / Dragon - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Mega Passive: Thicker Fat (Mega Venusaur takes –6 dam- Hit Points: 48 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 9
age from Fire-type and Ice-type attacks after applying weak-
nesses and resistance.) Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 13
Mega Passive: Tough Claws and Fangs (Mega Charizard
(Attack +5, Special Attack +6, Effect +4)
X’s slashing and biting attacks deal +8 damage.)
Mega Charizard Y Mega Blastoise
Fire / Flying - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight) Water - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 12 Hit Points: 48 Defense: 14 Special Defense: 12
Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 16 Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 14
Mega Passive: Drought (As a free action you may deplete Mega Passive: Mega Cannon (Mega Blastoise’s ranged
one use of Sunny Day and use Sunny Day.) attacks deal +8 damage.)
(Attack +5, Special Attack +8, Effect +5) (Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Effect +4)
Fire / Fighting - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Water / Ground - Huge (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 60 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 11
Speed: 16 (80 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 13 Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 10
Mega Passive: Speed Purity (Mega Blaziken has +4 more Mega Passive: Swifter Swim (While in Raining weather or
Speed) in water, Mega Swampert’s Speed is +4.)
(Attack +8, Special Attack +6, Effect +8) (Attack +7, Special Attack +6, Effect +3)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Greninja Mega Scizor
Water / Dark - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight) Bug / Steel - Medium (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Hit Points: 42 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 7 Hit Points: 42 Defense: 16 Special Defense: 10
Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 15 Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 7
Mega Passive: Battle Bond (Mega Greninja’s Water Shu- Mega Passive: Mega Technician (When rolling damage,
riken’s base damage changes from 1d4 to 1d10.) replace any rolled 1s, 2s, or 3s with 4.)
(Attack +7, Special Attack +7, Effect +6) (Attack +8, Special Attack +3, Effect +4)
Mega Heracross
Mega Beedrill
Bug / Fighting - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)
Bug / Poison - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 11
Hit Points: 42 Defense: 4 Special Defense: 8
Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 20 Special Attack: 4
Speed: 17 (85 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 2
Mega Passive: Mega Skill Link (Mega Heracross’s scatter
Mega Passive: Mega Adaptability (Moves that are the
moves get to be completely used, even if you miss you may
same type as Mega Beedrill deal +8 damage.)
still attempt each possible attack.)
(Attack +7, Special Attack +1, Effect +8)
(Attack +10, Special Attack +2, Effect +4)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Pinsir Mega Absol
Bug / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Dark - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)
Hit Points: 42 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 42 Defense: 6 Special Defense: 6
Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 18 Special Attack: 7 Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 12
+Skills: Flight (can fly) +Mega Skills: Flight (can fly)
Mega Passive: Aerilate (Normal-type moves performed by Mega Passive: Magic Bounce (If you are hit by an attack
you are treated as Flying-type moves.) that does not deal damage, the attacker is instead affected
by the effects of their own attack.)
(Attack +9, Special Attack +3, Effect +5)
(Attack +8, Special Attack +6, Effect +6)
Mega Houndoom
Mega Sableye
Dark / Fire - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)
Dark / Ghost - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 9
Hit Points: 30 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 12
Speed: 12 (60 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 15
Speed: 2 (10 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 9
Mega Passive: Solar Energy (While in Sunny weather,
Mega Houndoom deals an additional 8 damage while attack- Mega Passive: Magic Bounce (If you are hit by an attack
ing.) that does not deal damage, the attacker is instead affected
by the effects of their own attack.)
(Attack +5, Special Attack +7, Effect +6)
(Attack +5, Special Attack +4, Effect +1)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Salamence Mega Altaria
Dragon / Flying - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight) Dragon / Fairy - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)
Hit Points: 60 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 9 Hit Points: 48 Defense: 14 Special Defense: 11
Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 12 Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 12 Special Attack: 11
Mega Passive: Aerilate (Normal-type moves performed by Mega Passive: Pixilate (Normal-type moves performed by
you are treated as Flying-type moves.) you are treated as Fairy-type moves.)
(Attack +8, Special Attack +6, Effect +7) (Attack +6, Special Attack +5, Effect +4)
Mega Garchomp
Dragon / Ground - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Mega Ampharos
Hit Points: 66 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 10
Electric / Dragon - Large (Size), Medium (Weight)
Speed: 9 (45 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 12
Hit Points: 54 Defense: 14 Special Defense: 11
Mega Passive: Sand Power (While in Sandstorming Weath-
Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 10 Special Attack: 17
er, Mega Garchomp’s Rock-type and Ground-type attacks
deal +8 damage.) Mega Passive: Mold Breaker (Your attacks ignore any pas-
sives that would redirect, negate or weaken your attacks.)
(Attack +8, Special Attack +6, Effect +4)
(Attack +5, Special Attack +8, Effect +3)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Manectric Mega Lucario
Electric - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Fighting / Steel - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)
Hit Points: 42 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 42 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 7
Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 14 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 18 Special Attack: 16
Mega Passive: Mega Intimidate (Mega Manectric has +4 Mega Passive: Mega Adaptability (Moves that are the
more Defense) same type as Mega Lucario deal +8 damage.)
(Attack +4, Special Attack +7, Effect +7) (Attack +9, Special Attack +8, Effect +5)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Gengar Mega Abomasnow
Ghost / Poison - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Grass / Ice - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Hit Points: 36 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 10 Hit Points: 54 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 11
Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 7 Special Attack: 17 Speed: 3 (15 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 13
+ Mega Skills: Grounded (stuck to the ground, can teleport Mega Passive: Snow Front (While in Hailing Weather,
through anything at movement speed) Mega Abomasnow’s Ice-type attacks deal +8 damage.)
Mega Passive: Shadow Pull (Foes within 10ft of Mega (Attack +7, Special Attack +6, Effect +1)
Gengar cannot move away from them.)
Mega Glalie
Ice - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Mega Banette
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 8
Ghost - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)
Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 13 Special Attack: 12
Hit Points: 36 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 8
Mega Passive: Refrigerate (Normal-type moves performed
Speed: 8 (40 ft.) Attack: 19 Special Attack: 9
by you are treated as Ice-type moves.)
Mega Passive: Prankster (Your attacks that do not deal
damage on hit have Priority.) (Attack +6, Special Attack +6, Effect +5)
Mega Pidgeot Mega Audino
Normal / Flying - Large (Size), Medium (Weight) Normal / Fairy - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 10 Special Defense: 8 Hit Points: 60 Defense: 13 Special Defense: 13
Speed: 14 (70 ft.) Attack: 8 Special Attack: 14 Speed: 5 (25 ft.) Attack: 6 Special Attack: 8
Mega Passive: No Guard (You cannot miss your attacks, Mega Passive: Mega Healer (After acting, Mega Audino
and attacks made against you cannot miss.) may roll 1d20. On 7 or higher, any adjacent allies are cured
of all afflictions. Mega Healer replaces Mega Audino’s Healer
(Attack +4, Special Attack +7, Effect +7) passive.)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Alakazam Mega Gallade
Psychic - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight) Psychic / Fighting - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight)
Hit Points: 36 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 12 Hit Points: 42 Defense: 11 Special Defense: 12
Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 5 Special Attack: 19 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 7
Mega Passive: Trace (If Mega Alakazam is afflicted, dam- Mega Passive: Mega Inner Focus (You cannot be stunned,
aged, or hindered in some way by a foe’s passive, you gain but if you would be, your Speed is +1 for 10 mins.)
that passive until you lose Trace. Stat adjusting passives do
not apply here.) (Attack +8, Special Attack +3, Effect +5)
Psychic / Fairy - Medium (Size), Medium (Weight) Rock / Dark - Large (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Hit Points: 42 Defense: 8 Special Defense: 14 Hit Points: 60 Defense: 15 Special Defense: 12
Speed: 10 (50 ft.) Attack: 9 Special Attack: 17 Speed: 7 (35 ft.) Attack: 18 Special Attack: 10
Mega Passive: Pixilate (Normal-type moves performed by Mega Passive: Sand Vortex (As a free action Mega Tyran-
you are treated as Fairy-type moves.) itar may use Sandstorm, even if it’s not on their move list.)
(Attack +4, Special Attack +8, Effect +5) (Attack +9, Special Attack +5, Effect +3)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Aerodactyl Mega Metagross
Rock / Flying - Huge (Size), Medium (Weight) Steel / Psychic - Huge (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Hit Points: 48 Defense: 9 Special Defense: 10 Hit Points: 48 Defense: 17 Special Defense: 11
Speed: 15 (75 ft.) Attack: 14 Special Attack: 7 Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 15 Special Attack: 11
Mega Passive: Tough Claws and Fangs (Mega Aerodac- Mega Passive: Tough Claws and Fangs (Mega
tyl’s slashing and biting attacks deal +8 damage.) Metagross’s slashing and biting attacks deal +8 damage.)
(Attack +7, Special Attack +3, Effect +7) (Attack +7, Special Attack +5, Effect +6)
Mega Pokémon
Mega Mawile Mega Gyarados
Steel / Fairy - Small (Size), Medium (Weight) Water / Dark - Gigantic (Size), Superweight (Weight)
Hit Points: 30 Defense: 14 Special Defense: 10 Hit Points: 60 Defense: 12 Special Defense: 13
Speed: 5 (25 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 6 Speed: 11 (55 ft.) Attack: 17 Special Attack: 7
Mega Passive: Huge Power (+6 Attack) Mega Passive: Mold Breaker (Your attacks ignore any pas-
sives that would redirect, negate or weaken your attacks.)
(Attack +8, Special Attack +3, Effect +2)
(Attack +8, Special Attack +3, Effect +5)
Mega Sharpedo
Water / Dark - Large (Size), Heavy (Weight) Mega Slowbro
Hit Points: 42 Defense: 7 Special Defense: 7 Water / Psychic - Medium (Size), Heavy (Weight)
Speed: 13 (65 ft.) Attack: 16 Special Attack: 11 Hit Points: 60 Defense: 21 Special Defense: 10
Mega Passive: Mega Jaw (Mega Sharpedo’s biting attacks Speed: 3 (15 ft.) Attack: 8 Special Attack: 13
deal +8 damage.) Mega Passive: Mega Shell Armor (Critical hits are treated
(Attack +8, Special Attack +5, Effect +6) as normal hits against Mega Slowbro. Mega Slowbro has +2
more Defense.)
Mega Pokémon
Z - Moves Supersonic Skystrike - Melee(25ft
burst) Flying (Attack/Special Attack): 1/day 8d12.
Z-Moves are zazzy attacks a Pokémon can release. If you Immediately move next to your target, then
form a powerful bond with your Pokémon, have a Z-Ring, a roll your accuracy check.
Z-Crystal that corresponds to the Z-Move you want to per-
form, and a Pokémon who knows an attack move that Never-Ending Nightmare - Ranged
matches the same type of the Z-Crystal! When your Poké- (60ft, 20ft blast) Ghost (Attack/Special Attack): 1/
mon uses a Z-Move, the Pokémon uses its whole action to day 8d12.
do so.
Bloom Doom - Ranged(60ft, 20ft blast)
When a Z-Crystal is attached, once per day as your ac- Grass (Attack/Special Attack): 1/day 8d12.
tion, you perform the Z-Move’s pose and your Pokémon
with a loyalty of 2 or greater uses its entire action to use Tectonic Rage - Ranged(60ft, 20ft blast)
the associated Z-Move. Z-Moves correspond to the Z- Ground (Attack/Special Attack): 1/day 8d12.
Crystal installed in the Z-Ring and use the Z-Move attack
list. If a Pokémon does not have an Ice-type attack, they
Subzero Slammer - Ranged(60ft, 20ft
can’t use the Ice-type Z-Move. It needs to be an attack with blast) Ice (Attack/Special Attack): 1/day 8d12.
a damage roll. Sing cannot be the means that a Pokémon Breakneck Blitz - Melee(25ft burst) Nor-
uses the Normal-type Z-Move. mal (Attack/Special Attack): 1/day 8d12. Imme-
Z-Moves either use the Attack stat or the Special Attack diately move next to your target, then roll
stat depending on which attack is qualifying a Pokémon to your accuracy check.
use a Z-move. Thunderbolt is a Special Attack, so can’t be
used to make an Attack stat Z-Move. There are also unique
Acid Downpour - Ranged(60ft, 20ft blast)
Z-Crystals and Z-Moves to specific Pokémon. They do not Poison (Attack/Special Attack): 1/day 8d12.
need specific moves to enable them to use signature Z- Shattered Psyche - Ranged(60ft, 20ft
blast) Psychic (Attack/Special Attack): 1/day
***Mega, Dynamax, or Terastallized Pokémon cannot use Z-Moves 8d12.
Unique Z-Moves by Species Name Species: Pikachu
Ten-Million Volt Thunderbolt -
Species: Decidueye Ranged(100ft) Electric Special Attack: 1/day
10d12. On hit, the target is Paralyzed.
Sinister Arrow Raid - Ranged(100ft, 30ft
blast) Ghost Special Attack: 1/day 8d12. Species: Primarina
Species: Eevee Oceanic Operetta - Ranged(100ft, 30ft
Extreme Evoboost - Self Normal Effect: blast) Water Special Attack: 1/day 8d12.
1/day. Your Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Species: Raichu (Island)
Special Defense, and Speed are +6 for 10
Stoked Sparksurfer - Ranged(100ft)
Electric Special Attack: 1/day 8d12. On hit, the
Species: Incineroar target is Paralyzed.
Malicious Moonsault - Melee(40ft Species: Snorlax
burst) Dark Attack: 1/day 8d12. Immediately
Pulverizing Pancake - Melee Normal
move next to your target, then roll your accu-
Attack: 1/day 10d12. Immediately move next
racy check.
to your target, then roll your accuracy check.
Species: Kommo-o
Clangorous Soulblaze - Melee(40ft
It’s possible that there are more unique Z-Crystals to be
burst) Dragon Special Attack: 1/day 8d12. Your
found, but the most common by far are those that can be
Attack, and Special Attack are +2 for 10 mins.
used with any Pokémon. Even then, each unique Z-crystals
Species: Lycanroc (Any) are usually worth around 100,000 P while generic type-
oriented Z-Crystals are worth around 80,000 P.
Splintered Stormshards - Ranged(60ft,
20ft blast) Rock Attack: 1/day 8d12. Remove
any weather or field effects from the field.
Species: Mimikyu
Let’s Snuggle Forever - Melee Fairy
Attack: 1/day 10d12. Immediately move next
to your target, then roll your accuracy check.
Species: Pikachu
Catastropika - Melee Electric Attack: 1/day
10d12. Immediately move next to your target,
then roll your accuracy check. On hit, the tar-
get is Paralyzed.
Z - Moves
If you form a powerful bond with your Pokémon, have a
Dynamax Band, and are near a Power Spot, you can Dy-
namax your Pokémon. When you Dynamax a Pokémon, it
becomes massive and nearly immobile and its attacks all
become devastating assaults.
When within five-hundred feet of a Power Spot, you may
activate your Dynamax Band once per day as a free action.
When activated, one of your Pokémon with a loyalty of 2 or
greater can Dynamax for 1 minute. When Dynamaxed, the
Pokémon’s max hit points are multiplied by 5 and its hit
points are set to max. When changing back after 1 minute,
While Dynamaxed, moves all become Max Moves. Max
set the Pokémon’s hit points to max if it’s current Dy-
Moves either use the Attack stat or the Special Attack stat
namaxed HP was higher than its normal max HP. Dynamax
depending on what stat the move that is now a Max Move
Pokémon can only be afflicted by other Dynamax or Gigan-
used. Thunderbolt is a Special Attack, so it would change
tamax Pokémon.
into the Electric-type Max Move. If any moves are not an
A Pokémon who is Dynamaxed can only move 10ft at a attack, they all are turned into the Normal-type Max Guard.
time, but still use their Speed to determine their turn order.
They also become Dynamic sized and Dynamic weights.
Dynamax Max Moves by Type
Dynamic size takes up a 25ftx25ft space, or 5x5 spaces, and Max Flutterby - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Bug
the Dynamic weight is over 3000 lbs. If you are using Dy-
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all targets
namax on a building, bridge, or any other collapsible struc-
Special Attack is -1 for 2 mins. You cannot act during the
ture, keep that in mind.
next round.
***Dynamax Pokémon cannot use Z-Moves. Terastallize, or Max Darkness - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Dark
Mega Evolve (Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all targets
***Players who are playing the Pokémon class do not need Special Defense is -1 for 2 mins. You cannot act during the
a Dynamax band to take advantages of a Power Spot. next round.
Max Wyrmwind - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Dragon
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all targets
Attack is -1 for 2 mins. You cannot act during the next
Max Lightning - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Electric
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of
the blast, you create a circle of Electrified Terrain with a
60ft diameter. Anyone touching the ground within the Elec-
trified terrain is immune to being put to Sleep. This terrain
disappears after 2 mins. You cannot act during the next
Max Starfall - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Fairy (Attack/
Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of the blast,
you create a circle of Misty Terrain with a 60ft diameter.
Within the Misty terrain, Dragon-type attacks are resisted
by anyone who is not already resistant to Dragon-type at-
tacks and afflictions cannot be given to anyone. This terrain
disappears after 2 mins. You cannot act during the next
Max Knuckle - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Fighting
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all allies
within 60ft have +1 Attack for 2 mins. You cannot act dur-
ing the next round.
Max Flare - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Fire (Attack/ Max Rockfall - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Rock
Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of the blast, (Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of
you create a circle of Sunny Weather with a 60ft diameter. the blast, you create a circle of Sandstorming Weather with
Within the Sunny weather, Fire-type attacks deal an addi- a 60ft diameter. Anyone who acts within the Sandstorming
tional 8 damage and Water-type attacks deal 8 less dam- weather takes 2d4 damage after acting unless they are
age. This weather disappears after 2 mins. You cannot act Rock-type, Ground-type, or Steel-type. This weather disap-
during the next round. pears after 2 mins. You cannot act during the next round.
Max Airstream - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Flying Max Steelspike - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Steel
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all allies (Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all allies
within 60ft have +1 speed for 2 mins. You cannot act during within 60ft have +1 Defense for 2 mins. You cannot act dur-
the next round. ing the next round.
Max Phantasm - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Ghost Max Geyser - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Water
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all targets (Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of
Defense is -1 for 2 mins. You cannot act during the next the blast, you create a circle of Raining Weather with a 60ft
round. diameter. Within the Raining weather, Water-type attacks
Max Overgrowth - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Grass deal an additional 8 damage and Fire-type attacks deal 8
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of less damage. This weather disappears after 2 mins. You
the blast, you create a circle of Grassy Terrain with a 60ft cannot act during the next round.
diameter. Anyone who acts within the Grassy terrain recov-
ers 1d12 HP after acting. This terrain disappears after 2
mins. You cannot act during the next round.
Max Quake - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Ground
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all allies
within 60ft have +1 Special Defense for 2 mins. You cannot
act during the next round.
Max Hailstorm - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Ice
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of
the blast, you create a circle of Hailing Weather with a 60ft
diameter. Anyone who acts within the Hailing weather
takes 2d4 damage after acting unless they are Ice Type.
This weather disappears after 2 mins. You cannot act dur-
ing the next round.
Max Guard - Self Normal Effect: 3/day. Prevent the
next 30 damage you would receive until your next
Max Strike - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Normal
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all targets
Speed is -1 for 2 mins. You cannot act during the next
Max Ooze - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Poison (Attack/
Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all allies within
60ft have +1 Special Attack for 2 mins. You cannot act dur-
ing the next round.
Max Mindstorm - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Psychic
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. At the center of
the blast, you create a circle of Psychic Terrain with a 60ft
diameter. If touching the ground, within the Psychic Ter-
rain, Priority and Reaction moves may not be used. This
terrain disappears after 2 mins. You cannot act during the
next round
Gigantamax Pokémon
Some Pokémon have a unique interaction with Power
Spots any undergo special transformations called Gigan-
tamax when Dynamaxing. This happens if a Pokémon is at
least loyalty 3 and has successfully used Dynamax at least
once before. Like Pokémon who undergo Dynamax, Gigan-
tamaxed Pokémon also have their HP massively increased
at the same rate, but unlike regular Dynamaxed Pokémon,
a Pokémon who is Gigantamaxed can use special attacks
that are unique to their species’ Gigantamax forms. Anoth-
er unique thing about Gigantamax is that the species capa-
ble of the transformation have unique appearance differ-
ing from their regular appearance while giant.
Gigantamax Pokémon
Gigantamax Cinderace HP: 240
Fire - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight) Gigantamax Inteleon HP: 210
G-Max Fireball - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Fire (Attack/Special Water - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight)
Attack): At-Will 6d12. You cannot act during the next G-Max Hydrosnipe - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Water (Attack/
round. Special Attack): At-Will 6d12. You cannot act during the
next round.
G-Max Cannonade - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Water (Attack/ Electric - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight)
Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all targets take 1d4 G-Max Volt Crash - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Electric (Attack/
damage when they act until you are no longer Gigan- Special Attack): At-Will 3d12. On hit, all targets are Para-
tamaxed. You cannot act during the next round. lyzed. You cannot act during the next round.
Gigantamax Pokémon
Gigantamax Pokémon
Gigantamax Toxtricity HP: 240 Gigantamax Machamp HP: 270
Electric / Poison - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight) Fighting - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight)
G-Max Stun Shock - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Electric G-Max Chi Strike - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Fighting (Attack/
(Attack/Special Attack): At-Will 3d12. On hit, all targets are Special Attack): At-Will 2d12. On hit, all allies within 60ft
randomly Poisoned or Paralyzed. You cannot act during score critical hits on naturally rolled 19 and 20 until you
the next round. are no longer Gigantamaxed. You cannot act during the
next round.
Gigantamax Pokémon
Gigantamax Pokémon
Gigantamax Meowth HP: 120 Gigantamax Garbodor HP: 240
Normal - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight) Poison - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight)
G-Max Gold Rush - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Normal (Attack/ G-Max Malodor - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Poison (Attack/
Special Attack): At-Will 3d12. On hit, all targets are Con- Special Attack): At-Will 3d12. On hit, all targets are Poi-
fused. You cannot act during the next round. soned. You cannot act during the next round.
Gigantamax Pokémon
Gigantamax Pokémon
Gigantamax Kingler HP: 180
Water - Dynamic (Size), Dynamic (Weight)
G-Max Foam Burst - Ranged(80ft, 30ft blast) Water (Attack/
Special Attack): At-Will 4d12. On hit, all targets Speed is -2
for 2 mins. You cannot act during the next round.
Terastal Phenomenon Stark Crown - Dragon Type
Guster (can produce wind)
In some regions, if there is a large concentration of
Terastal crystals, Pokémon can develop Tera Types. In com- Twisting Gust - Ranged(20ft)
bination with a Tera Orb, a Pokémon with a Tera Type can Dragon Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
undergo an incredible, albeit temporary, transformation
known as Terastallization. After being encased in crystal-
ized energy, the Pokémon bursts from within a sort of crys-
tal cocoon, bearing a shining crown of Terastal energy that Bulb Crown - Electric Type
envelops the Pokémon in elemental power and can even
change the Pokémon’s type. Zapper (can produce electricity)
If you have a Tera Orb, you can identify the Tera Type of Thunder Spark - Ranged(20ft) Electric
your Pokémon with a loyalty of 2 or greater. Then, once per Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
day as your action, you can release energy from your Tera
Orb onto one of your Pokémon with a Tera Type. For 10
minutes, or until they are knocked unconscious, the Poké-
mon’s type changes to match its Tera Type. If the Pokémon Heartful Crown - Fairy Type
has two types, it is replaced with its sole Tera Type. While
Terastallized, the Pokémon has +3 Defense, +3 Special De- Alluring (attracts others with their
fense, gain the ability passive Tera Aura, and can use the aroma)
attack Tera Blast 3/day. Fairy Wind - Ranged(20ft) Fairy
Tera Aura (Your stats cannot be lowered by a foe’s effects.) Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
Bouquet Crown - Grass Type Sight Crown - Psychic Type
Sprouter (can manipulate plant life) Telekinetic (can move things with their
Leafage - Ranged(20ft) Grass Special
Attack: At-Will 1d12. Confusioning - Ranged(20ft) Psychic
Special Attack: At-Will 1d12.
Passives Unbreakable (When you are below 20 HP, your Steel-
type attacks deal +4 damage.)
In addition to their skills that affect how a Pokémon in-
Wyrmflare (When you are below 20 HP, your Dragon-
teracts with the world, Pokémon also have passives that
type attacks deal +4 damage.)
affect their stats or their attacks. In this list, Pokémon Tab-
letop Adventures introduces some passives unique to tab-
letop. These passives could potentially be on a Pokémon in
the wild, or used on unique Pokémon made just for Poké- Type shifting passives let Normal-type move change
mon Tabletop Adventures. You might even see these abili- types, maybe now you can get more same-type attack bo-
ties on Pokémon owned by Gym Leaders or powerful vil- nuses?
lains that your GM is using.
Aerilate (Normal-type moves performed by you are
treated as Flying-type moves.)
Additional Ability Passives List
Darken (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Last Chance passives give Pokémon an edge once
treated as Dark-type moves.)
they’re on their last legs.
Draconize (Normal-type moves performed by you are
All Out (When you are below 20 HP, your Fighting-type
treated as Dragon-type attacks.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Inflariate (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Blaze (When you are below 20 HP, your Fire-type attacks
treated as Fire-type moves.)
deal +4 damage.)
Galvanize (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Deep Freeze (When you are below 20 HP, your Ice-type
treated as Electric-type moves.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Granitize (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Dimming Light (When you are below 20 HP, your Dark-
treated as Rock-type attacks.)
type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Hydrate (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Dreaded (When you are below 20 HP, your Ghost-type
treated as Water-type moves.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Martialize (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Freefall (When you are below 20 HP, your Flying-type
treated as Fighting-type moves.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Metalcoating (Normal-type moves performed by you
Last Chance (When you are below 20 HP, your Normal-
are treated as Steel-type moves.)
type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Normalize (Attacks performed by you are treated as
Mind Fortress (When you are below 20 HP, your Psychic
Normal-type attacks.)
-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Pixilate (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Overdose (When you are below 20 HP, your Poison-type
treated as Fairy-type moves.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Plantify (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Overgrow (When you are below 20 HP, your Grass-type
treated as Grass-type moves.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Psionate (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Shattering (When you are below 20 HP, your Rock-type
treated as Psychic-type attacks.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Quakate (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Sinkhole (When you are below 20 HP, your Ground-type
treated as Ground-type attacks.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Refrigerate (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Sparking (When you are below 20 HP, your Electric-type
treated as Ice-type moves.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
Scuttlize (Normal-type moves performed by you are
Spritespell (When you are below 20 HP, your Fairy-type
treated as Bug-type attacks.)
attacks deal +4 damage.)
New Passives
These STAB Bonus passives give a Pokémon an addition- Grounded Spirit (Ground-type attacks used within 10ft
al same-type attack bonus for Pokémon with a semi third of you by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
typing. It can even give a Pokémon twice the STAB.
Icy Spirit (Ice-type attacks used within 10ft of you by
Bland (Your Normal-type attacks deal +4 damage.) yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Cold (Your Ice-type attacks deal +4 damage.) Normy Spirit (Normal-type attacks used within 10ft of
you by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Combative (Your Fighting-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Poisonous Spirit (Poison-type attacks used within 10ft
Corrupted (Your Dark-type attacks deal +4 damage.) of you by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Draconian (Your Dragon-type attacks deal +4 damage.) Psychy Spirit (Psychic-type attacks used within 10ft of
Grounded (Your Ground-type attacks deal +4 damage.) you by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Esper (Your Psychic-type attacks deal +4 damage.) Rocky Spirit (Rock-type attacks used within 10ft of you
by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Fae (Your Fairy-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Steely Spirit (Steel-type attacks used within 10ft of you
Flaming (Your Fire-type attacks deal +4 damage.) by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Ingrown (Your Grass-type attacks deal +4 damage.) Watery Spirit (Water-type attacks used within 10ft of
Insectoid (Your Bug-type attacks deal +4 damage.) you by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Livewire (Your Electric-type attacks deal +4 damage.) Zappy Spirit (Electric-type attacks used within 10ft of
you by yourself or allies deal +4 damage.)
Poisonous (Your Poison-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Rocky Payload (Your Rock-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Spirit (Your Ghost-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Steelworker (Your Steel-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Watery (Your Water-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Winged (Your Flying-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Additional Passives Continued Carry On (Whenever an ally is knocked out, recover 1d6 HP.)
Mix Stat Passives Dauntless (Your Special Attack cannot be lowered by a foe’s
Fae Frolic (+1 Special Attack, +1 Speed)
Magnetic Flux (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense) Devious Entrance (As a free action you may deplete one use
Noble Roar (+1 Defense, +1 Special Defense) of Toxic Spikes and use Toxic Spikes.)
Binding Grasp (When rolling an effect that can bind a target Gritty (While afflicted, you have +1 Defense and +1 Special
on hit, roll twice and use the better result.) Defense.)
Brute (If your Attack modifier exceeds the target’s Defense, Haymaker (When calculating damage, apply your relevant
deal +4 damage on hit.) modifier twice.)
Bulk Buster (You deal +4 damage against targets at full HP) Herald (If any allies within 10ft have no stat passives, they
have your stat passives.)
Mega Beak (Your avian attacks deal +4 damage.)
Mettle (Your Special Defense cannot be lowered by a foe’s
No Quarter (Your attacks made against Stunned or bound Standfast (While Stunned, you have +3 Defense and +3 Spe-
targets deal +4 damage.) cial Defense.)
No Scope (If your Special Attack modifier exceeds the target’s Tough Star (Your Tough-type attacks deal +4 damage.)
Special Defense, deal +4 damage on hit.)
Trick Entrance (As a free action you may deplete one use of
Reformation (The first time you take damage during combat, Trick Room and use Trick Room.)
recover 1d12 HP.) Viral (When you successfully afflict a target, any adjacent foes
Resilience (You cannot receive any afflictions if you’ve already are also afflicted with the same affliction.)
been cured of an affliction during the same combat.) Unyielding (If you are at half of your max HP or less, you can-
not take more than 20 damage at a time.)
Wonderful Entry (As a free action you may deplete one use
of Wonder Room and use Wonder Room.)
Weather Mute (You ignore the effects of weather and terrain.
This does not dismiss weather or terrain.)
Seed Trap (When you are hit by an attack that dealt damage,
as a free action you may deplete one use of Leech Seed and
use Leech Seed immediately.)
Sentry (If a foe’s effect would cause you to flee or be moved,
instead your Special Attack is raised +1 for 10 mins.)
Scheming (Your attacks against foes have -2 Accuracy. After
the first time you miss an attack during an encounter, the -2
Accuracy penalty is removed and you gain +4 Special Attack
until the end of the encounter.)
Shields Up (While below half HP, you have +2 Defense.)
Sky Fall (As a free action you may deplete one use of Gravity
and use Gravity.)
Side Effects (When attacking a foe who recovered HP since
your last turn, you deal +1d12 damage on hit.)
Snow Caller (As a free action you may deplete one use of
Snowscape and use Snowscape.)
Snow Shelter (You take no damage from Hailing weather.)
Additional Items Dynamax Band valued around
48,000 P
There are more items in the Pokémon world than the Dynamax bands have Wishing
basic things found in the PHB, here are some rare trainer Stars embedded within them, ena-
items that you may come across. bling you to Dynamax, or Gigan-
In modern settings, most purchases from any stores are tamax, your Pokémon. When within
made with Pokécredits, shortened as P. five-hundred feet of a Power Spot,
you may activate your Dynamax
Powerful/Rare Trainer Items Band once per day as a free action. When activated, one of
your Pokémon with a loyalty of 2 or greater can Dynamax
Ranger Styler Illegal to sell/purchase or Gigantamax for 1 minute. When Dynamaxed or Gigan-
estimated value 8,000 P tamaxed, the Pokémon’s max hit points are multiplied by 5
Stylers are electronic and its hit points are set to max. When Dynamaxed, Poké-
Pokémon restraint systems. mon can use the Dynamax attack list and cannot use any of
They non-violently reign wilds their normal attacks. When Gigantamaxed, Pokémon can
to your command temporari- use the Dynamax attack list, their unique Gigantamax at-
ly. While used and seen with tack, and cannot use any of their normal attacks. When
rangers everywhere, they are changing back, set the Pokémon’s hit points to max if it’s
illegal to own if you are not a HP was higher than its max HP.
registered ranger or other Mega Ring (Key Stone holder) valued around 48,000 P
kind of law enforcement.
When not used with Ranger Even though they
features, you may use a Styl- are usually known as
er as an action to attempt to Mega Rings, really any
restrain a wild Pokémon by jewelry or accessory
rolling a capture roll against designed to hold a Key
the wild. If successful, the Stone and use its pow-
Pokémon becomes Helpful. er to induce a Mega
This Helpful Pokémon will Evolution is approxi-
remain under your guidance until the Helpful Pokémon is mately valued at al-
hit by an attack, severely distracted, or has helped you in a most fifty-thousand
significant manner once, such as by making an attack. You credits. With the Mega Ring and a Key Stone, you may ac-
do not get a list of any Skills or moves you cannot deduce tive your Mega Ring once per day as a free action. When
yourself, and it cannot be taken from the area you found it activated, your Pokémon with a Mega Stone and a loyalty
in or it will run away. You may only have one Helpful Poké- of 2 or greater can Mega Evolve for 10 mins. Mega Evolving
mon at a time. Stylers need charging for 2 mins, once a generally improves some stats of the Pokémon, and some-
week, at Ranger stations, law enforcement stations, or times changes its types or passives. If the Mega Pokémon is
Pokémon centers. returned to a Poke Ball, or knocked out, it returns to its
regular form.
Snag Machine Illegal to sell/purchase
estimated value 68,000 P Mega Stones and Key Stones valued around 98,000 P each
Snag Machines are Mega Stones are rare precious stones that resemble
extremely illegal devices glass marbles. They are usually found deep underground
that are worn over your and underwater since they have settled in the earth after
hand and forearm like a falling from outer space thousands of years ago. Each
long glove. When activat- Mega Stone corresponds to a specific species of Pokémon,
ed, they allow Poke Balls enabling Mega Evolution for that species, so they are not
thrown from your Snag always useful to any trainer unless they already have the
Machine hand to cap- Pokémon species as a partner. Key Stones are equally rare
ture owned Pokémon.
but are the stone that the trainer wears in their Mega Ring
The lower the Poké-
mon’s loyalty to their to activate the Mega Evolution.
Additional Items
Tera Orb valued around 48,000 P
Tera Orbs are Poké Ball-like
items that passively gather crys-
tallized energy in areas where
Terastallization is possible. It is
approximately valued at almost
fifty-thousand credits. You may
active your Tera Orb once per
day as a free action. When acti-
vated, your Pokémon with a Tera
Type and a loyalty of 2 or greater can Terastallize for 10
mins. Terastallization improves the defensive stats of the
Pokémon, and can change the type of the Pokémon. If the
Terastallized is returned to a Poké Ball, or is knocked out, it
returns to its regular form.
Z-Ring valued around 48,000 P
Z-Rings harness
the power of a Spar-
kling Stone and a Z-
Crystal to empower
your Pokémon to
unleash a Z-Move.
When a Z-Crystal is
attached, once per
day as your action, your Pokémon with a loyalty of 2 or
greater can use its entire action to use a Z-Move. Z-Moves
correspond to the Z-Crystal installed in the Z-Ring and use
the Z-Move attack list.
Z-Crystals valued around 98,000 P each
Z-Crystals are used with the Z-Ring to enable a specific
type of Z-Move. Once you know the appropriate Z-Pose and
perform the Z-Dance, you can summon Z-Power from the
Z-Crystal, channel it through your Z-Ring and let your
Pokémon use its Z-Move. Some Z-Crystals enable the use
of special Z-Moves that are associated with specific species
of Pokémon. These are sometimes less valuable, since it
can’t be used as universally.
Additional Items
Tech Trainer Items C-Gear, Pokégear, PokéNav, Pokétch, Vs. Seeker,
or Xtransceiver each valued around 280 P
Original Additional Items by Coco
dematerialized by a Poké Ball so the healed via Pokémon Center remotely. 20 lbs. 1.5x1x 0.5 ft.
inhabiting Rotom is safe from cap- (PTA’s Discord server has an in-game GTS! Check it out!)
Backup Solar Battery 100 P A backup battery that can
be recharged using a solar charger. Will charge up to four
devices to full charge from zero before running out.
Downtime Fun and Games Campfire Set 45 P A kit for setting up camp
to cook in the great outdoors. Comes with a pocket book of
Fashion Combat Wear
A person who puts themselves in the wild can benefit
Clothes can make a trainer.
from being well equipped for the journey. These items will
Sometimes, you just grab what you
help you survive harm, though they don’t actually affect
want and look good. Other times,
your stats.
you get specialized clothes to help
you with specific tasks.
While different pieces of clothes
can cost anywhere from 5 to 500
to even 5000 P for different quality
of clothing or even for a brand’s
logo on it, specialized clothing that
helps you perform well with your
skills will cost more.
Ninja Tabi +2 to an Acrobatics skill check Nimble Spandex +1 Special Defense during
accuracy checks made against you.
Bracing Sleeves +2 to an Athletics skill check
(1lbs) 1250 P
Domino Mask +2 to a Bluff / Deception skill check
Pyramid Hat +2 to a Concentration skill check
Padded Jacket +2 to a Constitution skill check
Fine Ascot +2 to a Diplomacy skill check
Fingerless Gloves +2 to an Engineering / Operation
skill check
Grand Monocle +2 to a History skill check
Cozy Scarf +2 to an Insight skill check
Wrist Magnifier +2 to an Investigate skill check
New Stethoscope +2 to a Medicine skill check
Field Boots +2 to a Nature skill check
Tech Visor +2 to a Perception skill check
Baller Hacky Sack +2 to a Perform skill check
Additional Items
Utility Wear
All-Sight Helmet 975 P A specialty goggles and Purrloin Suit 675 P A tight dark full-body suit
headset combination. If you are asked to make a Percep- that increases your maneuverability and silent approach. If
tion check while traveling in the dark, through fog, or some you are asked to make a Stealth check in an urban setting
other space with some obstacle that is usually disruptive to you may add +4 to your check.
vision or hearing you may add +4 to your check. Rebreather 9950 P Breathe underwater with
Biome Camouflage 675 P Various fatigues that this oxygen recycler! Portable and effective, but must be
match various settings. Each pattern you can purchase charged to work. At full charge it will provide oxygen to the
matches a different terrain. Whether snow, desert, swamp, wearer for up to 30 mins. After the rebreather is used for
grassland, or mountainside, if you are asked to make a at least 15 mins, it must be cleaned and dried, rendering it
Stealth check while wearing the appropriate suit you may unable to be used for 1 hour.
add +4 to your check. Rollerblades 675 P High quality blades for
Cleated Boots 95 P Shoes meant for running high speed movement. While moving on concrete or any
through slippery wetlands without hurting yourself or get- other smooth surface that would not provide too much
ting stuck in the mud. While wearing these shoes, your friction for proper use, you move an additional 15 ft per
movement is not hindered by muddy fields or other slip- turn. However, on grass, dirt, gravel, or any other slightly
pery terrain. rough terrain, the terrain is treated as difficult.
Cross-country Skis 675 P High quality skis for agile Snow Suit 675 P A large jacket and pants
movement over snow. While moving on snow or sand, you combo that keeps you warm in the tundra. Comes with a
move an additional 15 ft per turn. However, on any other pair of hand warmers to keep your hands toasty during
terrain, the terrain is treated as difficult. cold travel. If you are asked to make a Constitution check
to endure the cold while wearing this suit, you may add +4
Divers Suit 200 P A swimsuit suitable for to your check.
temperate waters that can be worn under clothes. Comes
with flippers. While wearing this suit and flippers underwa- Snow Treks 250 P These shoes are for walk-
ter, your movement is not hindered by the water. ing on slippery or soft snow without being slowed down.
While worn, you to treat difficult terrain created by ice or
Hooked-Finger Gloves 675 P Specialty gloves with fine snow as normal terrain.
iron grips on their finger tips. The glove extends past the
wearer’s elbow and is strapped tightly at the top. If you are
asked to make a Acrobatics check while climbing a tree, a
mountain side, or any non-metal surface you may add +4
to your check.
Additional Items
Player Name ______________________________ Class___________ Level ___
Character Name ___________________________ Class___________ Level ___
Origin _______________ Honor Total __________ Class___________ Level ___
Credits __________________ P Class___________ Level ___
Current HP
Movement Speed Origin Feature
+__ Attack
Max HP Class Features
Attack +__ Defense
+__ Speed
ATK Modifier
+__ Acrobatics (SPD)
Skill Talents
Class Features Owned Pokémon
Player name _____________________ Trainer Name ________________________
Current HP Current HP
Movement Speed Movement Speed
Stat Temporary Stat Temporary
__________________ __________________
Value Bonuses Value Bonuses
Attack Attack
Defense Defense
Player name _____________________ Trainer Name ________________________
Current HP Current HP
Movement Speed Movement Speed
Stat Temporary Stat Temporary
__________________ __________________
Value Bonuses Value Bonuses
Attack Attack
Defense Defense
Player Name __________________________ Pokémon Species _____________
Character Name ______________________ Pokémon Class Level _________
Honor Total _______ Credits _________ P Advanced Class Level _________
Origin _________________________
Current HP
Movement Speed Origin Feature
+__ Attack
Max HP Pokémon Features and Move List
Attack +__ Defense
+__ Speed
ATK Modifier
+__ Acrobatics (SPD)
Skill Talents
Pokémon Features and Move List Honors
At its core, Pokémon Tabletop Adventures is about realizing your Poké-
mon adventures that aren’t found in other Pokémon media. Part of this is
making sure everyone’s having fun. Tabletop offers an unlimited amount of
experiences and scenarios, but that doesn’t always mean any player will
enjoy any given scenario.
Game Masters: Always make sure players know what kind of things to
expect in a campaign in terms of any less friendly themes and do a good
job of stopping poor player behavior that’s directly affecting other players’
ability to enjoy gameplay.
Players: Know what kind of game you’re getting into, try to make sure
you’re not stepping over any lines, and be aware of whether or not you’re
making yourself the center of attention. There are other players, including
the GM, so it’s important to give everyone a voice and not cut off other
players with too many interruptions.
Whenever there’s any problem talk it out. Together, tabletop games can
stay fun and keep going. When players and game masters only treat each
other as opponents, sidekicks, or obstacles instead of treating each other
as people, games fall apart and end.
Thank you, Trainers PTA3 Editors:
Pokémon: Tabletop Adventures has come very far from its
original threads on traditional games. Many people have 23456
helped along the way and I want to be sure to thank them.
Dungeon Marsh-ter
Thank you, contributors and writers from any point of
Pokémon: Tabletop Adventure’s works: Talian
Sources of Information:
AskJeeves Twitter
Google Wikipedia
Serebii Yahoo
The Player’s Handbook 2 contains addi-
tional options to build your character to
play Pokémon Tabletop Adventures 3, in-
cluding rules to play as a Pokémon! You’ll
build your characters to explore and ad-
venture in the Pokémon world!
V.1.4 106