Image-Guided Surgery Systems - 052823114041
Image-Guided Surgery Systems - 052823114041
Image-Guided Surgery Systems - 052823114041
Manual via anatomical markers Not specified Not specified Not specified
Point registration via fiducials Not specified Not specified Not specified
Surface matching via scanner Not specified Not specified Not specified
Description Markers Not specified Optical
Electromagnetic Not specified Yes Not specified
Memory (RAM and hard drive) Not specified Not specified Not specified
Monitor size, type Not specified Dell U2715H, 27"; HP Augmented reality
Z32, 32" headset
List price $305,000<1> $225,095<1> $61,700<1>
Price includes Hardware; basic Hardware and ENT Hardware, software,
configuration price software<1> and augmented
does not include reality headset<1>
software packages,
instruments, or
Supplier Footnotes
Model Footnotes
42" touch wall One or two 31.5" 21.5" touchscreen 27" touchscreen
display, 27" touch touchscreens
CM display
24.5 x 45 x 3.9 wall- 59 x 29.8 x 29.8 146.6 x 45.5 x 48.5 40 x 50 x 195, folds
mounted display display cart, 145 x to 40 x 50 x 130
45.5 x 48.5 camera
34 (75) wall-mounted 153.5 (338.4) single- 25.8 (56.9) display 30 (66.1)
display screen camera and cart, 20 (44.1)
monitor cart, 179 camera cart
(394.6) dual-screen
camera and monitor
110/240 VAC, 50/60 110/240 VAC, 50/60 110/240 VAC, 50/60 100/240 VAC, 50/60
Hz Hz Hz Hz
No No No No
Infrared optical Handheld probe with Handheld probe with Computer navigation
tracking system with electromagnetic electromagnetic
live video for intuitive digitizer digitizer
positioning and for
verifying instruments
tip calibration
≤2 ≤3 ≤3 ±3
Yes No No Yes
Intel i-7, 9th Dell laptop Dell laptop i5/i7 (compatible) 2.8
generation; optional GHz or higher
Intel i-9
16", optional larger 17", optional 24" 17", optional 24" Not specified
flatscreen flatscreen
Yes No No Yes
MR in DICOM format All; network, CD, OD, All; network, CD, OD, Not specified
via CD, DVD, USB, 4 mm DAT 4 mm DAT
No No No Not specified
No No No Not specified
No No No Not specified
40 x 45 x 180, folds 50.8 x 50.8, footprint 50.8 x 50.8, footprint Not specified
to 40 x 45 x 95
3 days on-site or Complete product in- Complete product in- Not specified
online OR training service/training on- service/training on-
site site
information derived
from ECRI's
PricePaid database.
<2>Specifications for
this model have been
obtained from
website. As a
reference for our
readers, we are
including these
Enovis Corp FHC Inc Fiagon GmbH Fiagon GmbH
ARVIS WayPoint CUBE 4D Fiagon Navigation
No Yes No Yes
No No No Cranial biopsies,
tumor resections,
omies, skull base
tomies, pituitary
tumor removal, CSF
leak repair, pediatric
catheter shunt
placement, general
catheter shunt
Infrared No No Yes
Not specified Intel 3.0 GHz Quad Intel-Based PC, 3.4 GHz Xeon
Core 1.3 GHz FSB computer/monitor all- processor
12 MB cache in-one, touchscreen
technology, video
Not specified 2560 x 1440, 60 Hz Not specified 2560 x 1440 for both
Not specified DICOM, validation for Not specified DICOM, validation for
1.5 T and 3 T, 1.5 T and 3 T,
PoleStar PoleStar
0.028 (0.06) 113 (250) main cart Not specified 125 (275) main cart,
without EM 75 (165) camera cart
Not specified 110/120 VAC, 50/60 Not specified 110/120 VAC, 50/60
Hz, 5 A, 300 W Hz, 5 A, 300 W
(USA); 220/240 VAC, (USA); 220/240 VAC,
50/60 Hz, 2.5 A 50/60 Hz, 2.5 A
(outside USA) (outside USA)
Not specified 1 year, parts and Not specified 1 year, parts and
labor labor
Yes No No No
Yes Yes No No
No No No Yes
No No Yes No
No No No No
Not specified Not specified Not specified FluoroMAP and
Digital optical camera Digital optical camera Digital optical camera Not specified
for the active for the active for the active
localization of patient, localization of patient, localization of patient,
microscope, C-arm, microscope, C-arm, microscope, C-arm,
instruments instruments instruments
≤2 ≤2 ≤2 Not specified
No No No Optional
802.11, 2 and 5 GHz 802.11, 2 and 5 GHz 802.11, 2 and 5 GHz Not specified
MR, MRA, fMRI in MR, MRA, fMRI in MR, MRA, fMRI in Not specified
DICOM format via DICOM format via DICOM format via
Ethernet connection, Ethernet connection, Ethernet connection,
CD, DVD, MO, or CD, DVD, MO, or CD, DVD, MO, or
USB stick USB stick USB stick
No No No Not specified
220-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 100/240 VAC, 50/60 Not specified
3.5 A; 100-120 V, 50- 2.4 A; 100-120 V, 50- Hz
60 Hz, 7.1 A 60 Hz, 5.2 A
24-hr support line 24-hr support line 24-hr support line Not specified
(USA), on-site (USA), on-site (USA), on-site
service calls, local service calls, local service calls, local
sales representative, sales representative, sales representative,
fully staffed service fully staffed service fully staffed service
center center center
No No No No
No Yes No Yes
Yes No No No
No No No No
No No Yes No
No Pedicle, vertebral Not specified Not specified
body, spinal canal,
articular processes,
transverse process,
lamina, spinous
process, ribs, pelvis
Previously marketed
as Scopis Hybrid
Navigation System.