Hyderabad, India
13 August 2016
Aarti Singh
Ferras Hanandeh
ISBN: 978-1-5108-6078-0
Printed from e-media with permission by:
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Phone: 0471-2360236
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Scheduling and PriorityScheduling
Isha Chaudhry, PawanLuthra and BinduBala
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Nasiya C Najeeb and Sangeetha Jamal
13. Mitigating Iris based Replay Attack using Cuckoo Optimized Reversible 72-77
Richa Gupta and PritiSehgal
14. An Inventory Model for Decaying Items with RampType Demand 78-85
under Learning Effect
Jayshree and Singh S R
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Aggregation Topology forWireless Sensor Networks
Meeradevi, Anitha S and Monica R Mundada
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Chauhan A and Soota T
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BalaYesuAchyuta and VeenaBansal
24. FIDIC and NHAI Conditions of Contract: A Comparative Study on Indian 146-153
Highway Construction Project
Arun Chandramohan and Vinay Mohan Agrawal
25. Comparitive Study of Effect of Loading for OceanTransportation & Seismic 154-161
Event on Modular SteelStructures
Ajit Kadam, Mohammad AsifSani and Saurabh S Kathale
28. Denoising of Microarray Images using the MarkovRandom Field Model in 176-184
the Spatial Domain
Priya Nandihal and Manjunath S S
30. Study of Indian Classical Ragas Yaman and TodiStructure and its 191-195
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Bardekar A A and Ajay A Gurjar
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Deepali Y Loni and ShailaSubbaraman
33. Characterization and Studies of Mechanical Properties ofFly ash/Nano clay 217-222
Epoxy Resin Polymer Composites
Komalkumar B N, Prajwal G, Prateek J P, Karthik J and
Revanasiddappa M
36. Cryptic Mining for AVK Based Cryptosystem and Client 239-244
Side Encryption Perspective
Shaligram Prajapat, Pulkit Vaishnav and Thakur R S
37. Study of Trust Models and Semantic StructuralRelationship between the 245-248
Concepts of OrganizationalTrust for building High Trust Organization
Jawhara Rashid Al Harrasi and Santhosh John
40. NESSRD: Node Eminence State and Node Sequence Statebased Secure 266-273
Route Discovery to Prevent Black and GrayHole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc
Soma Sekhar G and Sreenivas Reddy E
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using Neural Network withHybrid Feature Extraction Technique
SagarShinde and RajendraWaghulade
43. Segmentation of Natural Scene Images using Grating CellTexture Operator 290-296
and K-means Clustering Algorithm
Jajnyadatta Samantaray, Nrusingha Prasad Rath and NeeharikaNaik
52. Planning and Reliability Analysis for Restructuring of Existing OH Lines to 352-358
UG Cables: ACase Study
Raghavendra Reddy B, Sankar V and Francis C Joseph
55. Real- Time Field Distribution of the Closed Objectusing Image N/A
Reconstruction Technique
Sharvan Kumar
Oxide Nanoparticles for theRemoval of Heavy Metals from Rooftop
Dilna Cherian and Meera V
59. Feature Selection Methods for Heart DiseasePrediction with Data Mining 398-403
Uma K and Hanumanthappa M
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Midhila M and Padmavathi S
Author Index