Ob2 04
Ob2 04
Ob2 04
6 5,301
5 authors, including:
Thomas E. Tsovilis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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All content following this page was uploaded by Zacharias G. Datsios on 16 May 2014.
Abstract: The effects of the length of the surge arrester connection conductors on the
lightning surges impinging on a typical wood pole-mounted 50 kVA, 20/0.4 kV transformer
of the Hellenic distribution system are investigated through detailed ATP-EMTP
simulations. By considering both first and subsequent direct lightning strokes to a
connected overhead distribution line, the effectiveness of the common practice
transformer protection scheme and of an alternative one utilizing shorter surge arrester
connection conductors in suppressing fast-front overvoltages was evaluated. A shorter
length of the surge arrester connection conductors results in a reduction in the amplitude
of the overvoltages arising at the medium-voltage terminals of the transformer and in a
slower rate of increase of the overvoltage amplitude with lightning return-stroke current.
The overvoltages transferred to the low-voltage terminals of the transformer are
practically not affected by the length of the surge arrester connection conductors.
Protection against transferred overvoltages was provided by surge protective devices
installed at the low-voltage terminals of the transformer. By utilizing shorter surge arrester
connection conductors the transformer failure rate, estimated through risk assessment, is
reduced by approximately 11%.
and 1.1 m for the common practice and the the line positioned at the greatest distance from the
alternative protection scheme, respectively. It must middle phase conductor (Figure 3), at the time
be noted that, in accordance with [5, 10], surge instant of negative power-frequency voltage peak
durable fuses coordinated with the surge arresters of the struck phase and at a distance of 100 m
should be used for the alternative protection from the wood pole-mounted substation. This
scheme. Both configurations were employed in distance corresponds to the maximum span length
detailed ATP-EMTP [9] simulations to assess the along rural overhead lines of the Hellenic
effect of the surge arrester connection conductors distribution system. Both first and subsequent
length on the fast-front overvoltages arising at the lightning return-strokes to the overhead line were
transformer. Figure 2 shows the schematic considered. Lightning stroke was represented by a
diagram of the system employed in simulations. A current source producing a current with front
medium-voltage (MV) overhead line terminates at upwardly concave [11]. According to CIGRE [11],
a 20/0.4 kV transformer. The transformer, sharing the median values of the front time and maximum
the same grounding system with the surge current steepness are a function of the lightning
arresters, feeds through a short low-voltage (LV) first return-stroke peak current; the median of the
overhead service line a 3-phase symmetrical load; time to half value is equal to 77.5 μs. For the
the latter uses a separate grounding system. subsequent return-stroke current, the median
values of the front time and time to half value are
Simulations were performed by assuming negative equal to 0.67 μs and 30.2 μs, respectively, and the
lightning flashes to the MV overhead line; as a median value of the maximum current steepness is
worst case scenario, the overhead line terminates a function of the peak current [11].
at the transformer (dead-end configuration).
Lightning strikes to the outer phase conductor of The MV overhead line (Figure 3) and the LV
service line were represented by J.Marti frequency-
dependent models considering line geometry. Line
parameters were calculated for a soil resistivity of
200 Ωm. The distribution transformer (50 kVA,
20/0.4 kV, Dyn1, 4%) was modelled by a
capacitance π-circuit together with a BCTRAN
model. The 3-phase symmetrical load connected to
the 20 m long LV line was simulated according to
[12]. Surge arresters were represented by a
frequency-dependent model [13] (Figure 4), with
parameters calculated based on the surge arrester
characteristics given in Table 1. Surge protective
devices (SPD) were modelled as nonlinear current
dependent resistors taking into account their
Equivalent overvoltage peak, kV
BIL=125 kV
UMeq common practice
UMeq alternative
20 VMeq common practice
VMeq alternative
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Lightning peak current, kA
Figure 6: Equivalent overvoltages at the MV
terminals of the distribution transformer as a
function of lightning first and subsequent return-
stroke peak current, depicted respectively by
continuous and dashed lines
For the common practice protection scheme of the Figure 7: Typical waveshapes of overvoltages
transformer, the “equivalent” overvoltage exceeds transferred to the LV terminals of the transformer
the corresponding BIL (125 kV) for direct lightning due to lightning (a) first and (b) subsequent strokes
flashes to the MV line with first and subsequent to the MV overhead line; 9 kA lightning peak
return-stroke current higher than about 8 kA and current, SPD not installed
6 kA, respectively (Figure 6). It is important that for
the case of the alternative configuration protection VLeq common practice
VLeq alternative
scheme the corresponding limiting currents are 70
Equivalent overvoltage peak, kV
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