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Mobile Robots For Search and Rescue

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Mobile robots for search and rescue

Conference Paper · July 2005

DOI: 10.1109/SSRR.2005.1501265 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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3 authors, including:

H. Roth Jan Chudoba

Universität Siegen Czech Technical University in Prague


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Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE
International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics
Kobe, Japan, June 2005

Mobile Robots for Search and Rescue

PeLoTe Session

Niramon Ruangpayoongsak Hubert Roth Jan Chudoba

Institute of Automatic Control Applied Computer and Software Gerstener Laboratory, Department of
Engineering Engineering Centre (ARS) Cybernetics
University of Siegen Wuerzburg, Germany Czech Technical University
Siegen, Germany Email: hubert.roth@uni-siegen.de Prague, Czech Republic
Email:niramon.r@uni-siegen.de Email:chudoba@labe.felk.cvut.cz

Abstract – Mobile robots are integrated into a search and in the firing scenario and the experimental results are also
rescue team as tools for searching victims in dangerous areas presented.
that is harmful for human, as to provide the perception data
for map building, and as to follow the human entity during II. MOBILE ROBOTS
the mission. The teleoperated control and the autonomous
path following is implemented on the robots for the semi- The PeLoTe project targets on the concept of creating the
autonomous navigation in the simulated firing scenario. This presence feature via remote control and navigation, as well
paper focuses on the robot entities in the PeLoTe project as knowledge sharing in combined communities of living
(Building Presence through Localization for Hybrid and nonliving entities. The foreseen applications include
Telematic Teams). The architecture of the software next generation teleoperation and telediagnosis systems
integration for mobile robots into the PeLoTe system and the incorporating both humans and semi-autonomous robots,
experimental results are presented. design of highly realistic man-machine interfaces,
allowing accomplished complex teleoperation tasks.
Index Terms – Mobile robot, Rescue team, Teleoperated
control, Semi-autonomous navigation. A. Robot tasks
In the present time, most of the rescue teams only require
I. INTRODUCTION teleoperated robots, exception are the military that claim
In the search and rescue operation, mobile robots are autonomous robots for map building or exploration of
presently developed in order to assist humans in dangerous environment. Fire fighters are in some cases cautious
and risky tasks during the mission. As a team, the about the reliability and adaptability of autonomy, for
corporation of human and robot can be managed by a these cases teleoperated robots are wanted. In any case, the
remote coordinator, who is located in a safe remote place robots need to provide autonomous low-level actions and
outside of the disaster area. This hybrid telematic team is emergency handling methods in order to meet the
presented in [1]. requirement of robustness. E.g. the robot finds the way
As a team member, the task of a mobile robot is to back in case of communication interruption. These
explore the unknown area and the dangerous area that is requirements will be addressed. Desired autonomies for
not accessible or risky for the human. By using the robots in a farer future are:
appropriate perception equipment, the mobile robot can x Provide data for map building
localize itself and also senses the surrounding in the dark x Explore the environment
area, in which the human has low visibility. Meanwhile, x Search for wounded people in wide areas
the human entity equips the sensors, a data processing unit x Carry equipments
and a small display. He can also localize himself and sense In the opinion of the fire fighters, more autonomous
the surrounding in the similar way as the robots. robots might be used in the farer future in order to handle
The mobile robots have two main functions during the tasks on their own. Typical tasks, which are desirable to be
mission; one is to provide the sensor data for the mapping executed autonomously are for examples, search for
module and another one is to follow the human entity. wounded people in wide areas and exploration of
These robots are based on the same control concept using dangerous areas, provide the updated map according to
on the architecture of the microcontroller and the PC104. detected dangerous areas from gas or fire or closed path of
Nevertheless, the software interface protocols of these building from collapses, and also to carry heavy
robots are not identical. Thus, the integration methodology equipments for the firemen during the rescue mission. In
of the robot software into the PeLoTe system is designed. addition, the robot might perform routine tasks for saving
This paper describes the tasks, features, functionalities, time for human.
and the integration methodology of the mobile robots in Telepresence techniques are thus necessary during the
the PeLoTe project (Building Presence through mission for mobile robots in receiving sensor data, video
Localization for Hybrid Telematic Teams) funded by the image and audio from the remote places. Under semi
European Community under the IST-program: Future and autonomous function, a fire fighter, who performs as an
Emerging Technologies. The experiments were performed operator can command the robot to reach a position on the

0-7803-8945-X/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. 212

Fig. 2. Human following robot

Furthermore, the user can also command by specifying

line paths or arc paths. This is called the autonomous path
Fig. 1. Mapping robot following control. In this mode, the robot automatically
controls its movement along the received path and stops at
the destination using self localization. These semi-
preliminary map by using the path planning and the path autonomous features are integrated into the PeLoTe
following control or by using the teleoperated control. system and are explained in the next section.
After a command is accomplished, the robots stand by and
wait for the next command, which can be either the path III. SOFTWARE INTEGRATION
control command or the teleoperated control command. The overall software architecture of PeLoTe system is
B. Robot descriptions described in [1]. The detail of the robot software
integration is described in this section. From the developed
There exists only few expensive rescue robots in the GUI and hardware interface of the robot as explained in
market and their features are not complete according to the the previous section, an interface layer is required to
project requirements. Their functionalities are limited mount two or more robots into the same data and
according to the mechanical structure and the sensors on command protocols. From different protocols into one
board. Thus, the exploited mobile robots in the PeLoTe common protocol that is recognizable for all robots, the
project are built based on the existing mobile robot Robot Entity Control Module (RECoM) is defined,
technologies. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the Mobile designed, and developed using java RMI for the server
Experimental Robot for Locomotion and Intelligent communication. The RECoM is a control system
Navigation (MERLIN) is controlled by 80C167 CR 16 bit- consisting of several modules. The data flow among these
processor and PC104 [2]. Two motors are the servo modules is shown in Fig. 3.
steering motor and dc driving motor for the robot
orientation control and the robot speed control, A. Server interface module
respectively. The equipments on board are encoders, It is necessary to keep the communication connection
ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, 3-axis magnetic during the mission. However, in some blind area, where
compass, gyroscope, laser scanner, beacon system, the WLAN signal is weak or hidden by walls, the
bumpers, web camera, WLAN, and white LED lamps. The communication could be lost. Thus, the server interface
mobile robots provide sensor data for the higher layer module responsible for establishing connection to the
software interface. These data are the driven distance on PeLoTe server and provides communication with server to
the left wheel and the right wheel, the driving speed, the other modules. In case of lost of connection, the server
angle of the robot heading, the absolute roll, pitch, yaw interface module informs all modules and tries to re-
rotational angles, the battery level detector and the establish the connection.
obstacle distance detection.
MERLIN is remotely controlled via the programmed B. Decision module
client and server using java software based on TCP/IP The interpretation of the path data from path planner and
communication. The wireless LAN is used for wireless notification of robot events are the functions of the
data communication between user GUI and the robot. The decision module. This module mainly downloads and
control commands and telemetry data from sensors are processes the global plan from the server that is generated
transmitted between the client and server continuously. by central planning module. The global plans are then sent
In semi-autonomous teleoperated control, the user to the planning module. Special procedure is needed for
commands the robot by using a joystick or arrow cursors the plan points marked as inspection points, where robot
as to steer the front wheels and to propel the rear wheels. stops and explores its visible vicinity. When an inspection

local localization module processes sensor data used for
the position estimation and sends the estimated position to
plan from map the server. One the other hand, the localization module
progress transfer to
server reporting also handles the corrections of robot position from the
operator or from the CoLo.
MODULE F. Direct movement control module
position In some cases, the operator may need to control the robot
global plan local position update
map correction manually using joystick or arrow cursors; the direct
PLANNING LOCALIZATION movement control module. The symbol 'direct TO conn.'
means direct teleoperator connection that is the direct
trajectory messages for connection of sending and receiving the joystick control
teleoperator command over socket communication between GUI and
MOVEMENT DIAGNOSTICS the direct movement control module and the command is
CONTROL futher sent to the hardware abstraction layer.
G. Diagnostics module
obstacle BUMPER
MOVEMENT warning As its name, the module informs server and operators
CONTROL about robot status, e.g. battery level, and important sensor
movement sensor data data e.g. temperature, detected gas. These data are shown
commands on PeLoTe GUI as symbolic color tabs or numerical data
HARDWARE ABSTRACTION LAYER depended on the type of sensor data so that they are easily
and quickly recognizable by the operator.
Fig. 3. RECoM data flow
H. Movement control

point is reached, a message is sent to the server for Here, the trajectory plan from the planning module is
progress reporting. This is necessary for the global path translated into robot movement commands and sent to the
planning module on the server to know what places were robot via the hardware abstraction layer.
already visited, in case of the need for replanning. Another I. Bumper module
function of the decision module is to report operators via
server of messages about unexpected events and The bumper module raised a flag, when the obstacle is
notifications about performed goals e.g. explored areas, close to the robot. As to avoid collision, this information is
found victims, finished plan. sent to the movement control to block the forward
C. Mapping module
J. Hardware Abstract Layer (HAL)
To support the map updating based on entities perception,
the mapping module builds map from the data obtained The robot hardware abstract layer provides a single
from obstacle detection sensors and these maps are control system for all robots. The main function is to
transferred to the server where global map is built. The sendthe movement commands to the robot and to collect
map is then used by server for efficient replanning in case the sensor data back. During the navigation, the sensor
of unexpected situation like blocked corridor. In such a data are saved in the log file, are used for other modules on
situation, the updated map is very efficient for helping the RECoM internally, and are sent in parallel to the GUI via
fire fighter, who cannot find the way out from the sudden the PeLoTe server. Furthermore, HAL also provides
death end caused by the destruction of walls or parts of the possibilities to initialize and calibrate sensors, whenever
building. The local map is further sent to the planning the operator wants.
module. Even the above modules are defined for all entities, some
are used by an entity, might not be used for another
D. Planning module entities. Most of the described modules are used for the
The planning module takes the plan from the decision mapping robot. For the human following robot, some
module and the mapping module, generates the local plans modules are not fully used and in extra, a module
based on the obstacle detection, and sends these planned responsible for the human following is added. This module
trajectories to the movement control. checks the position of the human, the robot position, and
the obstacle positions. Then commands are generated for
E. Localization module the movement module on the robot, wrapped by the HAL,
in order to keep certain distance from the human and also
In the PeLoTe system, the global and local localization
to avoid collision to obstacles.
modules are integrated. The global localization module is
In parallel, the PeLoTe server dispatches all received
called the Cooperative Localization (CoLo). The CoLo
data, mainly position of all entities, to the connected
provides the correction of localization for all entities. The
teleoperator GUI stations, including the GUI used by the
CoLo process is not focused in this paper. On RECoM, the
man in action, giving good mission overview to all. On

Fig.5. Robot founds a victim

Fig. 4. The PeLoTe experiment in the firefighter training house

of Wuerzburg, Germany

PeLoTe server, there are also some other modules running

internally such as the CoLo, the global map builder, and
the planning module.
The PeLoTe experiments were performed in the
firefighter training house of Wuerzburg, and in the Juliux
Maxmilian University of Wuerzburg. The experiments are
done under different scenario. As shown in Fig. 4, the
search and rescue team members are in the living room of Fig. 6. Dangerouse zone (left) and dangerous exit (right)
the firefighter training house. The PeLoTe rescue team
consists of a fireman with the personal assistance and
navigation systems (PeNa) [3-5], a mapping robot, a
human following robot. In addition, a victim represented
by a doll is put on a chair in front of firing sofa. For the
experiment in the university, the simulated firing scenario
are designed and constructed.
A. Description of the PeLoTe system operation
Initially, the map of the house is obtained and created as
a PeLoTe global map. All entities are set up at a starting
position on the map and wait for commands from the
operator. At the beginning, the operator starts voice
communication with human entity and makes confirmation
for prompting. Then, the operator starts planning for the
Fig. 7. Robots and beacons
mission for each entity and sent the planned paths to each
entity. The human entity and mapping robot start
that the robot stops and waits for the next command from
following the individually obtained path, which could be
operator. The example of simulated dangerous area and
different from each other. The human entity and the
dangerous exit is shown in Fig. 6. The mapping robot was
mapping robot can also update the map, when they found
commanded to investigate in these area, which is harmful
victims or dangerous area. Meanwhile, the human
for human. During the mission, the sensor data and the
following robot receives no plan, instead, follows the
entity positions are displayed on the operator GUI whereas
human entities during the whole mission. The mission is
the voice communication is continuously hold between
ended when the time limitation is reached or when the area
human entity and teleoperator throughout the mission.
is completely investigated.
Furthermore, the robot localization is further improved
B. The robot operations by the additional ultrasonic beacon system described in [6,
7]. The beacon system corrects the entity positions and
As shown in Fig. 5, the doll represents the victim and the
headings in areas covered by beacons. The 4 beacon
wall is built using carpet for convenience in construction.
sensors are installed in the scenario area shown in Fig. 7
During the operation, when the robot found a victim, the
and a beacon sensor is mounted on each entity. This
positions of victims are updated on the global map. After
system provides measurement of distances between the

fixed beacons and the moving beacons that are mounted on
entities. The position is corrected using the dynamic
multilateration algorithm.
C. The PeLoTe GUI
Fig. 8 shows the PeLoTe GUI described in [8, 9]. When
the operator sends new path to the robot, the generated
path is shown up as concatenated straight lines on the
global map. The small scale map with a zoom bar is
available at the bottom right of the panel. The entities
position and heading are represented by triangles. Each
entity is recognized by colors on the same global
coordinate. Their positions are always updated during the
mission. On the left hand side of the panel, there are
symbols of victim, gas, fire, and dangerous area symbols,
which could be added later on the map for map updating. Fig. 8. PeLoTe GUI with generated path and entities position
The message dialog box is also available at the bottom of
the monitor. This shows message from entities e.g. robot walls and collapsed sound. The path is closed behind the
founds victim, low battery. firemen after he has passed through the destructive point.
D. Experimental results and discussion They would hear the noise but they couldn’t see what was
happening. Finally, some firemen loosed the way they
1) The experiment in the firefighter training house: the have passed and loosed their orientations. Most of the
firemen observed the PeLoTe system during the operation firemen thought that the scenario was complicated and was
and they were interviewed after the demonstration. They hard for them to find the way out.
agreed that the PeLoTe system is useful in the search and In a team, one fireman is an operator and another goes
rescue mission. The robots have advantages in harmful into the firing scenario. After each experiment, the firemen
environment such as toxic gas, explosion, nuclear area, must fill the evaluation form about the experiment.
collapse. The human following robot could also carry the Without the PeLoTe system, some of them failed to find
equipment, taking over the work from human in the the way out before the time is over because they didn’t see
destructive area, and doing measurement. The most the scenario and they didn’t know where they were. In the
important information for search and rescue are, where I opposite, the team with PeLoTe system could know their
am, where the exit is, and where the way back is. In some position during the mission using PeLoTe system and
situation, someone would loose his way out from the finally could come back to the exit.
building. In this case, the localization is necessary. The experimental results related to questionnaire are
Furthermore, the robots are expected to close the valve and presented in the PeLoTe session, “Human-Computer
check the chemical substances in the future. However, the Interaction in the PeLoTe rescue system.” There, the
firemen believe that they would rely on themselves more comparisons between the experimental results with and
than robot decisions in the non harmful area. without the PeLoTo system are also provided. The
2) The final experiment at the university: The map of the operating time of each experiment, the coverage of area in
experimental area is presented in the PeLoTe session, percentage, the number for fire area found, the number of
“Human-Computer Interaction in the PeLoTe rescue dangerous area found, and the number of victim found are
system.” The map represents the firing scenario and shows compared. For the final experiment with PeLoTe system,
the location of the dangerous area, the firing area, the gas from six experiments, the average time of all team is 25.2
area, the activated and not activated fire alarm, the victims, minutes and the rescue team covered 98.3 % of the overall
and the exits. The simulated firing scenario in the building area. All victims are rescue where as the average of fire
of the university represents the gas, fire, dangerous zone area found is 3-4 from the total of 4 and dangerous area
and dangerous exit by the symbols printed on a white found is 3-5 from the total of 5.
paper that are placed on the ground. The experiment area
was closed and all lights are turned off during the V. CONCLUSIONS
experiment to lower the visibility of human. This paper presents the mobile robots used in search and
Before the experiments started, the firemen were trained rescue operations to support the hybrid telematic teams in
for understanding the mission and knowing how to equip PeLoTe project. As a member of the team, the robots have
the PeLoTe system. The mission has 25 minutes time functionalities for searching victims, investigating
limitation. Before the time is over, the firemen should dangerous area or low visibility area, providing sensor data
search and rescue all victims and also come out from the for mapping and following human. The experiment were
firing scenario. The scenario was setup as the complicated performed in the firefighter training house in Wuerzburg
and low visibility large area. During the mission, the and in the Juliux Maxmilian University of Wuerzburg. The
victim volunteers were crying for requesting help, at the firemen performed the test using the PeLoTe equipment. It
position where the doll is placed, until they are found and was demonstrated, that semi-autonomous robots may
rescued. The building collapse was also simulated using improve quality of whole missions, mainly in the terms of

speed, coverage area exploration and lower danger to the
firefighters. The whole PeLoTe system showed to be
effective for the large-scale complicated search and rescue
The work has been supported under the “PeLoTe-Building
Present through Localization for Hybrid Telematic
Systems” project within the IST-2001-FET framework.
The authors would like to thank the contributions from our
consortium partners at the Julius-Maximilians University
Würzburg, the Czech Technical University in Prague,
Helsinki University of Technology, and Certicon a.s.
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