Digital Voice
Digital Voice
Digital Voice
examples are shown below, with audio examples recorded in NFM mode.
1. Open SDRSharp and set the audio output to Virtual Audio Cable or VB-cable.
2. Set the receive mode to NFM, with a bandwidth of about 12.5 kHz.
3. Tune to a digital voice signal frequency. You will need to Google for these frequencies
by your location. The radioreference databases may be a good place to start looking for
these frequencies. Most digital voice frequencies for many countries will be around 460
MHz or 850 – 900 MHz. D-STAR frequencies are usually at around 145.670 MHz.
4. To use DSD 1.7 for D-STAR: Open a command prompt from Start->All Programs-
>Accessories->Command Prompt, and navigate to the folder where DSD 1.7 is located.
For those who are not familiar with the command prompt, use the “cd” command to
change directories within command prompt. For example, if your DSD 1.7 folder is
located in c:\Radio\dsd-1.7, you would type in command prompt “cd c:\Radio\dsd-1.7”.
5. Now type into the command prompt the command “dsd -i /dev/dsp -o /dev/dsp -fd” to
begin decoding. This will use the default sound device set in Windows sound recording
6. To use DSD+: Simply double click on the DSDPlus.exe executable and the GUI will
open up.
At this point, text should be scrolling through the command prompt window when a digital
signal is broadcasting. Whenever someone speaks into the radio you should see the
words “voice” in the window and hear voice.
DSD Command Prompt
To get good decodes (for most sound cards), the volume settings in SDRSharp and
Windows should be played with until decoding begins to improve.
To stop DSD, simply press “ctrl + c” at the command prompt while it is running.
Some Tips
If you don’t know what P25, MOTOTRBO, ProVoice or any digital voice signals sound
like, this page has some more example audio files.
You can simply manually scan through various signals, and see if DSD starts scrolling
text to see if a signal is supported. DSD will start attempting to decode immediately.
Note however that DSD will also scroll text on trunking channels, but will not be able to
decode them. See the next section for information on decoding trunking channels.
A strong signal is required for DSD to decode audio well. Ensure you are using a good
antenna and have set the RTL-SDR gain correctly.
DSD will listen to the default windows sound recording device. Make sure virtual audio
cable or VB-cable is set as the default device. No text will be scrolling within DSD if the
wrong audio device is used.
Stereo mix can be used, but you will be hearing both the digital signal as well as the
decoded voice at the same time. Also, the decoded voice audio will be pumped back
into DSD causing a detrimental feedback loop.
DSD is software in development and may not perform as well as a commercial digital