Communication Systems Lab 1
Communication Systems Lab 1
Communication Systems Lab 1
The workflow can be observed easily in the following flow diagram:
Understanding Software Integration Observe Result Conclusion
Software Resources:
1. Analog Signals are continuous as compared to digital signal are either
high or low.
2. Message signals have low frequencies which range from 20 Hz to 20
3. Carrier signals have high frequencies ranging from 10kHz to
4. Modulation is a process of message signal changing a characteristic of
(amplitude, frequency, or phase) of carrier signal so that message can
be transmitted at higher carrier frequency
5. Analog radio signals are transmitted by conduction through a wire or
radiated through space.
6. In the receiver, demodulation is the process of recovering the message
signal from the modulated carrier wave.
7. Bandwidth of an AM signal is the difference between the highest and
lowest frequencies.