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B.tech MDU Syllabus (ECE) 4yr

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Tech Syllabus IV Year

Electronics & Communication Engineering

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3 4 16

1 4

2 2 2 4 2 12

4 4 2 2 2 4 2 32

50 50 25 25 25 50 375

100 100 500

25 25 25 75

150 150 50 50 50 50 950

3 3 3 3 3 3 -

EE-421-E IC-417-E EE-427-E EE-431-E EE-435-E

List of Open Electives

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HUM-451-E HUM-453-E HUM-457-E HUM-455-E PHY-451-E PHY-453-E ME-451-E Language Skills for Engineers Human Resource Management Business Communication Entrepreneurship Nano technology Laser Technology Mechatronics Systems 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CSE-451-E CSE-303-E IC-455-E IC-403-E CH-453-E IT-471-E IT-204-E Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems Computer Graphics Intelligent Instrumentation for Engineers Embedded Systems Pollution & Control Management Information System Multimedia Technologies

Note: 1. Students will be allowed to use non-programmable scientific calculator. However, sharing of calculator will not be permitted in the examination. 2. *Student will be permitted to opt for any one elective run by the other departments. However, the departments will offer only those electives for which they have expertise. The choice of the students for any elective shall not be a binding for the department to offer, if the department does not have expertise. 3. Assessment of Practical Training-II, carried out at the end of VI semester, will be based on seminar, viva-voce and project report of the student from the industry. According to performance, letter Grades A, B, C, F are to be awarded. A student who is awarded F grade is required to repeat Practical Training. 4. Project load will be treated as 2 hours per week for Project Coordinator and 1 hour for each participating teacher. Project will commence in VII semester where the students will identify the Project problem, complete the design/procure the material/start the fabrication/complete the survey etc., depending upon the nature of the problem. Project will continue in VIII semester.
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EE-402-E EE-404-E

3 3 4 4 14

1 1 2

2 8 4 14

4 4 4 4 2 8 4 30

100 100 100 100 400

150 150 150 150 100 150 50 150 1050

3 3 3 3 3

EE-424-E EE-431-E EE-422-E GFEE402-E

DEPT. ELECTIVE-I EE-432E Mobile Communication EE-317E Power Electronics IC-404E Fuzzy Control System (Common with EI, IC main paper in VIIIth sem) DEPT. ELECTIVE-II EE-462-E Genetic Algorithms & Applications EE-454-E Radar and Sonar Engg. EE-406-E Advance Control System Note: 1) Project load will be treated as 2 hrs. per week for the project coordinator and 1 hour for each participating teacher. Project involving design, fabrication, testing, computer simulation, case studies etc., which has been commenced by students in VII semester, will be completed in VIII semester. 2) For the subject EE-422E (Independent Study Seminar), a student will select a topic from emerging areas of Electronics & Communication Engineering and study it thoroughly and independently. Later he will give a seminar talk on the topic. 3) A team consisting of Principal/Director, HOD of concerned department and external examiner appointed by University shall carry out the evaluation of the student for his/her General Fitness for the Profession.
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L 3 T 1 P -

Data Communication
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1 Digital Communication :

Introduction, digital communication, Shannon limit for information capacity, digital radio, digital amplitude modulation, frequency shift keying (FSK), phase shift keying (PSK), quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), band width efficiency, carrier recovery, differential phase shift keying,(DPSK), clock recovery, probability of error & bit error rate, trellis encoding.

Unit 2 Data Communications:

Introduction, history of data communication, standard organization for data communication, data communication circuits, data communication codes, error control, synchronization, data communications hardware, serial interfaces: RS-232, RS-449 & RS-530, CCITT X.21, parallel interfaces: centronics parallel interfaces. the telephone network: DDD network, private- line service, the telephone circuit, data modems: synchronous modems, asynchronous modems, modem synchronization.

Unit 3: Data Communications Protocols And Network Configurations :

Introduction, open system interconnection (OSI), data transmission mode, asynchronous protocols, synchronous protocols, public data network, integrated services digital network (ISDN), local area networks, token pass ring, Ethernet.

Unit 4 Multiplexing:
Introduction, time division multiplexing, T1 digital carrier system, CCITT time division multiplexed carrier systems, CODECS, COMBO chips, line encoding, T-CARRIERS, frame synchronization, bit interleaving VS word interleaving, frequency division multiplexing, AT&Ts FDM hierarchy, composite base band signal, formation of a master group.

Unit 5 Internet And TCP/IP:

Introduction, history, use of Internet, accessing the Internet, Internet addresses, security on the internet, authentication, firewalls, intranet and extranet, TCP/IP reference model, domain name service, world wide web.

Text Book:
1. Electronic Communications Systems (4th Ed.) : Wayne Tomasi; Pearson 2. Data Communication and Networking (2nd -edition): Forauzan;

Eight questions are to be set at-least one from each unit. Students have to attempt any five questions

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Embedded System Design

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1 : Introduction
Different types of microcontrollers: Embedded microcontrollers, External memory microcontrollers; Processor Architectures: Harvard V/S Princeton , CISC V/S RISC; microcontrollers memory types; microcontrollers features : clocking, i/o pins, interrupts, timers, peripherals.

Unit 2 : Microcontroller Architecture

Introduction to PIC microcontrollers, Architecture and pipelining, program memory considerations, Addressing modes, CPU registers, Instruction set, simple operations.

Unit 3 : Interrupts And I/O Ports

Interrupt logic, Timer2 scalar initialization, IntService Interrupt service routine, loop time subroutine, External interrupts and timers, Synchronous serial port module, Serial peripheral device, O/p port Expansion, I/p port expansion, UART.

Unit 4 : Software
Development tools/ environments, Assembly language programming style, Interpreters, High level languages, Intel hex format object files, Debugging.

Unit 5 : Programming With Microcontrollers

Arithmetic operations, Bit addressing, Loop control, Stack operation, Subroutines, RAM direct addressing, state machines, Oscillators, Timer Interrupts, Memory mapped I/O.

Unit 6 : Desining Using Microcontrollers

Music box, Mouse wheel turning, PWM motor control, Aircraft Demonstration, ultra sonic distance measuring, Temperature Sensor, Pressure Sensor, Magnetic Field Sensor.

Text Book:
1. Design with PIC Microcontrollers by John B. Peatman , Pearson.

Reference Books :
1. Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller : Predko ; TMH. 2. Designing Embedded Hardware : John Catsoulis ;SHROFF PUB. & DISTR. ND. 3. Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ : Michael Barr; SHROFF PUB. & DISTR. ND.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Optical Communication Systems

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit1 Introduction To Optical Communication Systems :

Electromagnetic spectrum used for optical communication, block diagram of optical communication system. Basics of transmission of light rays. Advantages of optical fiber communication.

Unit2 Optical Fibers:

Optical fibers structures and their types, fiber characteristics : attenuation, scattering, absorption, fiber bend loss, dispersion; fiber couplers and connectors

Unit3. Led Light Source :

Light emitting diode : recombination processes, the spectrum of recombination radiation, LED characteristics, internal quantum efficiency, external quantum efficiency, LED structure, lens coupling to fiber, behavior at high frequencies.

Unit4. Laser Light Source :

Basic principles of laser action in semi -conductors, optical gain, lasing threshold, laser structures and characteristics, laser to fiber coupling, comparison with LED source.

Unit5 . Avalanche And Pin Photodetectors:

Principles of optical detection, quantum efficiency, responsivity, general principles of PIN photodetector, intrinsic absorption, materials and designs for PIN photodiodes, impulse and frequency response of PIN photodiodes, noise in PIN Photodiodes, multiplication process, APD Design, APD bandwidth, APD noise.

Text Book:
Optical Fiber Communications: John M Senior; PHI.

Reference Books :
1. Optical Communication Systems : John Gowar; PHI. 2. Optical Fiber Communications : Gerd Keiser; TMH 3. Optical fiber Communication : Selvarajan, Kar, Srinivas; TMH.

Eight questions are to be set at least one question from each unit. Students have to attempt five question in all.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Digital Signal Processing

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit1. Discrete-Time Signals:

Signal classifications, frequency domain representation, time domain representation, representation of sequences by Fourier transform, properties of Fourier transform, discrete time random signals, energy and power theorems.

Unit2. Discrete-Time Systems :

Classification, properties, time invariant system, finite impulse Response (FIR) system, infinite impulse response (IIR) system.

Unit3. Sampling Of Time Signals:

Sampling theorem, application, frequency domain representation of sampling, reconstruction of band limited signal from its samples. discrete time processing of continuous time signals, changing the sampling rate using discrete time processing.

Unit4. Z-Transform :
Introduction, properties of the region of convergence, properties of the Z-transform, inversion of the Z-transform, applications of Z-transform.

Unit5. Basics Of Digital Filters :

Fundamentals of digital filtering, various types of digital filters, design techniques of digital filters : window technique for FIR, bi-linear transformation and backward difference methods for IIR filter design, analysis of finite word length effects in DSP, DSP algorithm implementation consideration. Applications of DSP.

Unit6. Multirate Digital Signal Processing:

Introduction to multirate digital signal processing, sampling rate conversion, filter structures, multistage decimator and interpolators, digital filter banks.

Text Books :
1. Digital Signal Processing : Proakis and Manolakis; PHI 2. Digital Signal Processing: Salivahanan, Vallavaraj and Gnanapriya;TMH

Reference Books:
1. Digital Signal Processing: Alon V. Oppenhelm;PHI 2. Digital Signal processing(II-Edition): Mitra, TMH

Eight questions are to be set - at least one from each unit. Students have to attempt five questions.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L T P 2

Data Communication Lab

Class Work : 25 Marks Exam : 25 Marks Total : 50 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

List of Experiments:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) To study different types of transmission media To study Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulation. To study Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. To Study !6 Quadrature Amplitude Multiplexing. To Study Serial Interface RS-232 and its applications. To study the Parallel Interface Centronics and its applications. To configure the modem of a computer. To make inter-connections in cables for data communication in LAN. To install LAN using Tree topology. To install LAN using STAR topology. To install LAN using Bus topology. To install LAN using Token-Ring topology To install WIN NT To cofigure a HUB/Switch.

Note :
At least ten experiments have to be performed in the semester; At least seven experiments should be performed from above list. Remaining three experiments may either be performed from the above list or designed & set by the concerned institution as per the scope of the syllabus .

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L T P 2

Embedded System Design Lab

Class Work : 25 Marks Exam : 25 Marks Total : 50 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours 8051 Micro Controller

1. 2. 3. 4.

Write an Assembly language Programme (ALP) to generate 10kHz square wave. Write an ALP to generate 10 kHz frequency using interrupts. Write an ALP to interface one Microcontroller with other wring serial/parallel communication. Write an ALP for temperature & pressure measurement & to display on intelligent LCD display

PIC Microcontroller
5. 6. 7. Write an ALP for PWM based speed control of motor . Write an ALP for PWM based regulator of voltage. Write an ALP to send/receive the data from an computer to MC through serial communication

8. 9. 10. Study of Development tools/environment for Microcontroller Programme. Develop an embedded system for traffic light controller using Micro controller Develop an embedded system for the automatic motion of a car (Model of car) & Subsequent display on LCD using Microcontroller..

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L T P 2

Digital Signal Processing Lab

Class Work : 25 Marks Exam : 25 Marks Total : 50 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

List of Experiments:
Perform the experiments using MATLAB: 1. To represent basic signals (Unit step, unit impulse, ramp, exponential, sine and cosine). 2. To develop program for discrete convolution. 3. To develop program for discrete correlation. 4. To understand stability test. 5. To understand sampling theorem. 6. To design analog filter(low-pass, high pass, band-pass, band-stop). 7. To design digital IIR filters(low-pass, high pass, band-pass, band-stop). 8. 9. To design FIR filters using windows technique. To design a program to compare direct realization values of IIR digital filter

10. To develop a program for computing parallel realization values of IIR digital filter. 11. To develop a program for computing cascade realization values of IIR digital filter 12. To develop a program for computing inverse Z-transform of a rational transfer function.]

At least ten experiments have to be performed in the semester; out of which at least seven experiments should be performed from above list. Remaining three experiments may either be performed from the above list or designed & set by the concerned institution.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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HUM-451 E
L 4 T P -

Open Electives Language Skills for Engineers

Class Work : Exam : Pract./Presen : Total : Duration of exam. : 50 Marks 80 Marks 20 Marks 150 Marks 3 Hours

The real challenge before the students starts when they cross the threshold of the college after completing their degree. They, all of a sudden, find themselves competing for job/ P.G. Degrees, through various entrance tests and interviews. Verbal ability forms a major portion of these tests. Without sound language skills and its semanticsyntactic know-how, the students with engineering background find themselves almost under- prepared for such tests. With this difficulty of students in mind, this course is proposed to make them technically proficient in handling the language skills required in competitive exams. The course would expose students to almost all variety of items, the common run of such tests as CAT, GMAT etc. And in the context of LPG, this cutting edge competence becomes imperative, and no professional education can afford to overlook this aspect.

Course Content: Unit I Remedial English: Parts of speech; Gerunds, participles and infinitives; Clauses; Sentence-constructions
(unity; avoidance of choppy and rambling sentences, logic and consistency, conciseness, sequencing of ideas); Sentence errors - agreement between verb and subject, pronoun and antecedents, sequence of tenses, problems involving modifiers (dangling and misplaced modifiers); Shifts in point of view - consistency of number and person, tense, mood, voice and subject; Parallelism; Omissions and mixed constructions.

Unit II Vocabulary: Methods of building vocabulary - etymological roots, prefixes and suffixes; Commonly used
foreign words and phrases; spelling; words often confused; synonyms and homonyms; one word substitutes; verbal idioms.

Unit III Punctuation and Mechanics: End Punctuation; Internal Punctuation; Word Punctuation. Unit IV Comprehension: Abstracting; Summarising; Observations, Findings and Conclusions; Illustration and
Inductive Logic; Deduction and Analogy.

Unit V Presentation: Oral presentation - Extempore, discussion on topics of contemporary relevance, interviews. Suggested Reading:
1. Working with Words by R.Gairns and S.Redman, Cambridge University Press, London. 2. Meanings into Words Upper Intermediate Students Book, Doff/jones, Foundation Books (Cambridge university Press), Delhi. 3. A Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, OUP, Delhi. 4. Examine your English by Margaret M. Maison, Orient Longman, New Delhi. 5. A Practical Guide to Colloquial Idiom by W.J. Ball, Longman. 6. A guide to Correct English by L.A. Hill, Oxford. 7. Structural Essentials of English by H. Whitehall, Longman. 8. Advanced English Practice by B.D. Graver, OUP. Delhi. 9. Public Speaking, Sudha Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 10. Group Discussion, Sudha Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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Scheme of Examination: (A) Theoretical:

The pattern of the exam would be more or less like the pattern of the competitive exams. (i.e., OBJECTIVE TYPE) like CAT G-MAT etc., as far as the units I, II, III and IV are concerned.

Unit-I, II, III: (30, 20, 10 Marks respectively)

The first section of the question paper will have 110 objective type questions with no choice at all. These 110(60+40+10) questions will cover all the first three units (I, II, III) of the syllabus and would carry 30,20 and 10 marks respectively. The questions may be in the form of multiple choices, fill-in-the-blank, supply the right word/choice, choose the right alternative, do as directed etc.

Unit-IV: 20 Marks
The question from this unit will test comprehension competence (in the form of various elements mentioned in the unit) of the text given.

(B) Practical (Presentation):

There will be an oral test carrying 20 marks. The presentation part of the section i.e. Unit-V will be covered in this test. Hence, there is no need to include this unit in theory exam. Three hours for a group of 15 students are required for this test. Test can be in the form of any of the activities mentioned in the Unit-V. A panel of examiners appointed by the University will evaluate the presentation.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Computer Graphics
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit-1: Introduction to Computer Graphics: What is Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics

Applications, Computer Graphics Hardware and software, Two dimensional Graphics Primitives: Points and Lines, Line drawing algorithms: DDA, Bresenhams; Circle drawing algorithms: Using polar coordinates, Bresenhams circle drawing, mid point circle drawing algorithm; Filled area algorithms: Scanline: Polygon filling algorithm, boundary filled algorithm.

Unit-2: Two/Three Dimensional Viewing: The 2-D viewing pipeline, windows, viewports, window to
view port mapping; Clipping: point, clipping line (algorithms):- 4 bit code algorithm, Sutherland-cohen algorithm, parametric line clipping algorithm (Cyrus Beck). Polygon clipping algorithm: Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm. Two transformations: transformations, translation, scaling, rotation, reflection, composite transformation. dimensional

Three dimensional transformations: Three dimensional graphics concept, Matrix representation of 3-D Transformations, Composition of 3-D transformation.

Unit-3: Viewing in 3D: Projections, types of projections, the mathematics of planner geometric projections,
coordinate systems.

Unit-4: Hidden surface removal: Introduction to hidden surface removal. The Z- buffer algorithm,
scanline algorithm, area sub-division algorithm.

Unit-5: Representing Curves and Surfaces:

Parametric representation of curves: Bezier curves, B-Spline curves. Parametric representation of surfaces; Interpolation method.

Unit-6: Illumination, shading, image manipulation: Illumination models, shading models for polygons,
shadows, transparency. What is an image? Filtering, image processing, geometric transformation of images.

Text Books:
Computer Graphics Principles and Practices second edition by James D. Foley, Andeies van Dam, Stevan K. Feiner and Johb F. Hughes, 2000, Addision Wesley. Computer Graphics by Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, 2nd Edition, 1999, PHI

Reference Books:
Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics David F. Rogers, 2001, T.M.H Second Edition Fundamentals of 3Dimensional Computer Graphics by Alan Watt, 1999, Addision Wesley. Computer Graphics: Secrets and Solutions by Corrign John, BPB Graphics, GUI, Games & Multimedia Projects in C by Pilania & Mahendra, Standard Publ. Computer Graphics Secrets and solutions by Corrign John, 1994, BPV Introduction to Computer Graphics By N. Krishanmurthy T.M.H 2002

Note: Eight questions will be set in all by the examiners taking at least one question from each unit. Students
will be required to attempt five questions in all.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit-I : Promotion of Entrepreneurship

Meaning, definition and functions of an entrepreneur, qualities of a good entrepreneur; Role of Entrepreneur in economic development; Government measures for the promotion of small scale industries with special reference to Haryana; Cultural factors in developing entrepreneurship.

Unit -II : Ownership and Location of Industrial Units

Different forms of Industrial Organisation. Theories of Industrial location. Process of preparing project reports.

Unit -III : Size of Firm and Pricing

Concept of optimum firm, factors determining Optimum size. Technical, Managerial, Marketing Uncertainties and risk. Pricing Methods, Policies and procedures.

Unit -IV : Financing of Small Industries

Importance and need : Commercial Banks and term lending in India; Banks and under-writing of capital issues; Brief description about the role of other financial agencies viz; Industrial Finance Corporation of India. State Financial Corporation, Industrial Development Bank of India; Unit Trust of India.

Unit -V : Problems Faced by Small Enterprises

Problems connected with Marketing, Management of New Products; Power; Finance; Raw Material; Underutilization of capacity; Causes of under utilization; Rehabilitation of Sick Mills.

Unit -VI : Government and Business

(a) (b) Highlights of Industrial Policy and Licensing Policy. International Marketing with special reference to export documentation.

Recommended Books :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Entrepreneurship of Small Scale Industries Deshpande Manohar D. (Asian Publishers, New Delhi) Environment and Entrepreneur Tandon B.C. (Asian Publishers, New Delhi). The Industrial Economy of India Kuchhal S.C. (Chaitanya, Allahabad). Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Development Theories & Practices Singh P.Narendra (International Founder, New Delhi) Entrepreneur, Banker & Small Scale Industries Bhattacharya Hrisnikes. Entrepreneurship & Growth of Enterprise in Industrial Estates Rao Gangadhara N.

Eight questions are to be set atleast one question from each unit and the students will have to attempt five questions in all.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 4 T P -

Business Communication
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

The course proposes to help students develop business and technical communication competence. It focuses on writing skills and strategies for specific purposes. The inevitability of introducing this course to Engineering students is embodied in that it has comparatively a high concentration of certain complex writing techniques and procedures.

Course Content: Unit-I Business correspondence: Characteristics and Formats of Business letter; Quotations, Orders, Tenders, Sales
letters, claim and adjustment letters, Credit and Collection letters, Application Letters for vacant situations with emphasis on Resumes and Curriculum Vitae; E-mail and Netiquette format, style and tone.

Unit-II Business Reports and Proposals: Importance, Function, Pattern and formats of Reports, Typical Business
Reports, Report Organisation and Presentation, and Formal Reports; Proposal Formats, Writing problem-Solving Proposals, Executive Summary Proposals and project Proposals.

Unit-III Meetings: Writing of Memorandum, Notes, Agenda and Minutes of Meeting. Unit-IV Public Relations and Advertising Documents: Press Releases, Public Service Announcements,
Advertising Strategy and its objective, Designing of Classified and Display Advertising copies.

Suggested Reading:
1. Business Communication: Process & Product by Hary Ellen Guffey, IV Edition, South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati. 2. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata Macgraw Hill Publication, New Delhi. 3. Effective Business English and Correspondence by M.S. Ramesh and C.C. Pattanshetti, R. Chand & Co., New Delhi. 4. Effective Letters in Business by Robert by C. Shruter, Tata Macgraw Hill, New Delhi. 5. English Business Letters by F.W. Wing & D. Anncree, Orient Longman. 6. Written Communication in English by Sarah Freeman, Orient Longman. 7. International Business English by Leo Jones & Richard Alexander, Cambridge University Press. 8. General and Business English by Sweet Stephen, Sir Issac Pitman & Sons Ltd., London. 9. How to Write and Present Technical Information, Charles H. Sides, Cambridge University Press, U.K. 10. Strategies for Engineering communication, Susan Stevenson/Steve Whitmore, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Printed in India by Replika Press Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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Scheme Of Examination:
There will be six questions in all, covering all the units. All questions will be compulsory and will have enough internal choice.

Unit-I: 30 Marks
There will be two questions from this unit. One question will cover the theoretical aspect of business letter writing and will carry 10 marks. The other question will be on writing the letter in a proper format on a subject given and will be of 20 marks. There will be enough choice taking care of the justice to be given to both the aspects of the letter writing.

Unit-II: 35 Marks
There will be two questions from this unit. One question will cover the theoretical aspect of report/proposal writing and will carry 15 marks. The other question will be on preparing the report/proposal on a topic/subject given and will be of 20 marks. There will be enough choice taking care of the justice to be given to both the aspects of the report writing.

Unit-III: 15 Marks
There will be a question on theoretical aspects of the various items of this unit or students can be asked to draft a specimen of any of these from the material given in the exam. The question can be split into parts.

Unit-IV: 20 Marks
There will be one question having two parts. One part will be on theory and will be of 5marks and the other will require the drafting an advertisement copy of a product or service or a public announcement and will carry 15 marks.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 4 T P -

Laser Technology
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Conditions for Producing Laser, Concept of coherence Special and temporal,Population

Inversions, Einstein coefficient, Gain and Gain saturation, Saturation intensity, Development and Growth of a Laser Beam, Exponential Growth factor, Threshold Requirement for a Laser. Inversions and two-level systems, steady-state inversions and three and four-level systems. Transient Population Inversions, Factors effecting population inversion, Laser Amplifiers. Excitation or Pumping Threshold Requirements, Pumping Pathways, Specific Excitation Parameters Associated with Optical and particle Pumping. Helium-Neon Laser, Co2 Laser, Ruby Laser, Semiconductor Diode Laser.

Recommended Books:
1. 2. 3. 4. Laser Fundamentals by William T. Silfvast Cambridge University, Press. Introductory University Optics by John Beynon, (PHI) Laser B.B. Laud. Optics A.K. Ghatak (TMH)

Note :
Eight questions will be set and students will be required to attempt any five questions in all. All questions will carry equal marks.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Embedded System Design

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1 : Introduction:
Different types of microcontrollers: Embedded microcontrollers, External memory microcontrollers; Processor Architectures: Harvard V/S Princeton , CISC V/S RISC; microcontrollers memory types; microcontrollers features : clocking, i/o pins, interrupts, timers, peripherals.

Unit 2 : Microcontroller Architecture:

Introduction to PIC microcontrollers, Architecture and pipelining, program memory considerations, Addressing modes, CPU registers, Instruction set, simple operations.

Unit 3 : Interrupts And I/O Ports:

Interrupt logic, Timer2 scalar initialization, IntService Interrupt service routine, loop time subroutine, External interrupts and timers, Synchronous serial port module, Serial pheriphal device, O/p port Expansion, I/p port expansion, UART.

Unit 4 : Software:
Development tools/ environments, Assembly language programming style, Interpreters, High level languages, Intel hex format object files, Debugging.

Unit 5 : Programming With Microcontrollers:

Arithmetic operations, Bit addressing, Loop control, Stack operation, Subroutines, RAM direct addressing, state machines, Oscillators, Timer Interrupts, Memory mapped I/O.

Unit 6 : Desining Using Microcontrollers:

Music box, Mouse wheel turning, PWM motor control, Aircraft Demonstration, ultra sonic distance measuring, Temperature Sensor, Pressure Sensor, Magnetic Field Sensor.

Text Book:
1. Design with PIC Microcontrollers by John B. Peatman , Pearson.

Reference Books :
4. Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller : Predko ; TMH. 5. Designing Embedded Hardware : John Catsoulis ;SHROFF PUB. & DISTR. ND. 6. Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ : Michael Barr; SHROFF PUB. & DISTR. ND.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 4 T P -

Business Communication
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours

The course proposes to help students develop business and technical communication competence. It focuses on writing skills and strategies for specific purposes. The inevitability of introducing this course to Engineering students is embodied in that it has comparatively a high concentration of certain complex writing techniques and procedures.

Course Content: Unit-I Business correspondence: Characteristics and Formats of Business letter; Quotations, Orders, Tenders, Sales
letters, claim and adjustment letters, Credit and Collection letters, Application Letters for vacant situations with emphasis on Resumes and Curriculum Vitae; E-mail and Netiquette format, style and tone.

Unit-II Business Reports and Proposals: Importance, Function, Pattern and formats of Reports, Typical Business
Reports, Report Organisation and Presentation, and Formal Reports; Proposal Formats, Writing problem-Solving Proposals, Executive Summary Proposals and project Proposals.

Unit-III Meetings: Writing of Memorandum, Notes, Agenda and Minutes of Meeting. Unit-IV Public Relations and Advertising Documents: Press Releases, Public Service Announcements,
Advertising Strategy and its objective, Designing of Classified and Display Advertising copies.

Suggested Reading:
1. Business Communication: Process & Product by Hary Ellen Guffey, IV Edition, South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati. 2. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata Macgraw Hill Publication, New Delhi. 3. Effective Business English and Correspondence by M.S. Ramesh and C.C. Pattanshetti, R. Chand & Co., New Delhi. 4. Effective Letters in Business by Robert by C. Shruter, Tata Macgraw Hill, New Delhi. 5. English Business Letters by F.W. Wing & D. Anncree, Orient Longman. 6. Written Communication in English by Sarah Freeman, Orient Longman. 7. International Business English by Leo Jones & Richard Alexander, Cambridge University Press. 8. General and Business English by Sweet Stephen, Sir Issac Pitman & Sons Ltd., London. 9. How to Write and Present Technical Information, Charles H. Sides, Cambridge University Press, U.K. 10. Strategies for Engineering communication, Susan Stevenson/Steve Whitmore, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Printed in India by Replika Press Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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Scheme Of Examination:
There will be six questions in all, covering all the units. All questions will be compulsory and will have enough internal choice.

Unit-I: 30 Marks
There will be two questions from this unit. One question will cover the theoretical aspect of business letter writing and will carry 10 marks. The other question will be on writing the letter in a proper format on a subject given and will be of 20 marks. There will be enough choice taking care of the justice to be given to both the aspects of the letter writing.

Unit-II: 35 Marks
There will be two questions from this unit. One question will cover the theoretical aspect of report/proposal writing and will carry 15 marks. The other question will be on preparing the report/proposal on a topic/subject given and will be of 20 marks. There will be enough choice taking care of the justice to be given to both the aspects of the report writing.

Unit-III: 15 Marks
There will be a question on theoretical aspects of the various items of this unit or students can be asked to draft a specimen of any of these from the material given in the exam. The question can be split into parts.

Unit-IV: 20 Marks
There will be one question having two parts. One part will be on theory and will be of 5marks and the other will require the drafting an advertisement copy of a product or service or a public announcement and will carry 15 marks.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

AI and Expert System

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

1. Introduction to Artificial intelligence: Scope, history & applications: AI as representation and search the predicate calculus inference rules. Logic based financial advisor, structures and strategies for state space search graph theory, strategies for space search, using state space to represent reasoning with the predicate calculus. 2. Heuristic Search: An algorithm for heuristic search, admissibility monotonicity and informed ness heuristics in games, complexity issues, control and implementation of state space search recursion based search, pattern directed search. Production systems, predicate calculus and planning the black board architecture for problems solving. LISP and PROLOG: Knowledge representation languages issues in knowledge representation, network representation language, structured representations, introduction to LISP, Search in LISP: a functional approach to the farmer, Wolf, Goat and cabbage problem, higher order functions & procedural abstraction, search strategies in LIPS. Expert systems: Introduction, History basic concepts, structure of expert systems, the human element in ES how ES works, problem areas addressed by ES, ES success factors, types of expert systems, ES and the internet interacts web, knowledge engineering, scope of knowledge, difficulties, in knowledge acquisition methods of knowledge acquisition, machine learning, intelligent agents, selecting an appropriate knowledge acquisition method, knowledge acquisition form multiple experts validation and verification of the knowledge base, analyzing coding, documenting & diagramming. Expert systems- II, societal impacts reasoning in artificial intelligence, inference with rules, with frames: model based reasoning, case based rezoning, explanation & meta knowledge inference with uncertainty representing uncertainty probabilities and related approaches, theory of certainty (certainty factors) Qualitative reasoning, the development life cycle, phases I, II, III, IV, V, VI the future of expert system development process societal impacts.




1. Efrain Turban and Jay E Aranson: Decision support systems & intelligent systems (5th Edn.) Prentice hall, 1998. 2. Donald A Waterman: A Guide to expert Systems, Addison -Wesley 1995 3. G.F. Luger & W.A Stubble Field -Artificial Intelligence structures and Strategies for complex problem solving, 3 rd Edn. Addision Wesley 1998. 4. E.Rich and Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Second Edn, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing, 1981.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Intelligence, features characterizing intelligence, intelligent instrumentation system; features of intelligent instrumentation; components of intelligent instrumentation system. Block diagram of an intelligent instrumentation system.

Signal Processing, Manipulation And Transmission

Signal amplification & attenuation (OP-AMP based); Instrumentation Amplifier (circuit diagram, high CMRR& other features); Signal Linearization (different types such as Diode resistor combination, OP-AMP based, etc.(; Bias Removal, Signal filtering (outputs from ideal filters, outputs form constant-k filters, matching of filter sections, active analog filters);OP-AMP based Voltage-to-current converter, Current-tovoltage conversions, Signal integration, Voltage follower (pre amplifier); voltage comparator, Phase Locked loop, Signal addition, Signal multiplication, Signal Transmission (Signal amplification, Shielding , Current loop transmission, Voltage-to-frequency conversion, Fiber optic transmission(; Description of Spike Filter (software based)

Smart Sensors
Primary sensors; Excitation; Compensation (Nonlinearity: look up table method, polygon interpolation, polynomial interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, Approximation & regression: Noise & interference; Response time: Drift; Cross-sensitivity); information coding/Processing; Data Communication; Standards for smart sensor interface

Interfacing Instruments & Computers

Address decoding; Data transfer control; A/D converter; D/A converter; Sample & hold circuit; others interface considerations.

Recent Trends In Sensor Technologies

Introduction; Film sensors (Thick film sensors, this film sensor) Semiconductor IC Technology- Standard methods; Micro electro- mechanical systems (Micro-machining, some application examples); Nono-Sensors.

Text Book
1. Barney, G.C., Intelligent instruments. Hemel Hempsteao: Prentice Hall, 1985. 2. ALAN S. Morris, Principles of Measurement s Instrumentation. New. Delhi: PHI Pvt. Ltd. 1999.

Reference Book:
1. D.Patranabis, Sensors s Transducers. New .Delhi: PHI, 2003. 2. Roman Kuc, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. New York: McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.

1. In the sessional exam. The examiner will set 8 questions in all covering the Entire syllabus. Students will be required to attempt any five questions. 2. Use of scientific calculator will be allowed in the Exam. However, pager, Programmable calculator s cellular phone etc. will nit be allowed.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 4 T P -

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam. : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Conditions for Producing Laser, Concept of coherence Special and temporal, Population
Inversions, Einstein coefficient, Gain and Gain saturation, Saturation intensity, Development and Growth of a Laser Beam, Exponential Growth factor, Threshold Requirement for a Laser.

Inversions and two-level systems, steady-state inversions and three and four-level systems. Transient Population Inversions, Factors effecting population inversion, Laser Amplifiers.

Excitation or Pumping Threshold Requirements, Pumping Pathways, Specific Excitation Parameters Associated with Optical and particle Pumping. Helium-Neon Laser, Co2 Laser, Ruby Laser, Semiconductor Diode Laser.

Recommended Books:
1. 2. 3. 4. Laser Fundamentals by William T. Silfvast Cambridge University, Press. Introductory University Optics by John Beynon, (PHI) Laser B.B. Laud. Optics A.K. Ghatak (TMH)

Note :
Eight questions will be set and students will be required to attempt any five questions in all. All questions will carry equal marks.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 4 T P -

Class Work : Exam : Total : Duration of Exam: 50 Marks 100 Marks 150 Marks 3 Hours

Unit-I Introduction To Nanotech

Crystalline noncrystalline materials, fundamental of Nano Technology & Nano-materials in metals, other materials & Biosystem molecular recognition, quantum mechanics and quantum idea in nanotechnology,semiconductor nano particles.

Unit-II Preparation And Characterization Of Nanoparticles

Nanoscale lithography,dip pen lithography,e-beam lithography,nanosphere life off,lithography,molecular synthesis,nanocrystal growth,polymerization nanobricks & building block: tool for measuring nanostructuresscanning probe instrument,spectroscopy,electrochemistry, electronmicroscopy tools to make nanostructure.

Unit-III Properties & Application Of Nano Crystalline Materials

Application in sensors, nanoscale biostructure electronics, magnets, optics, fabrication medical application, smart materials self healling structures, heterogeneous nano structure & composites encapsulation carbon nanotubes.

Synthesis of semiconductor nanotechnology,nanoethics nanocluster,processing of nanomaterials,nanobusiness-boom,bust &

1. 2. 3. 4. Camarata. R.C. Nanomaterials synthesis, properties and application Institute of Physics Publication. Madou. Fundamentals of microfabrication, Mcgraw Hill. Sibelia, J.P. A Guide to material characterization, Prentice Hall. Mark Ratner, Deniel Ratner Nano Technology A gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea.

The question paper will contain 8 questions in all. The students will be required to answer any five. At the most one question will be set from each section.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Wireless Communication
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1. Introduction To Wireless Communication Systems:

Evolution of mobile radio communications, examples of wireless comm. systems, paging systems, Cordless telephone systems, comparison of various wireless systems.

Unit 2. Modern Wireless Communication Systems:

Second generation cellular networks, third generation wireless networks, wireless in local loop, wireless local area networks, Blue tooth and Personal Area networks.

Unit 3. Introduction To Cellular Mobile Systems:

Spectrum Allocation, basic Cellular Systems, performance Criteria, Operation of cellular systems, analog cellular systems, digital Cellular Systems.

Unit 4. Ellular System Design Fundamentals:

Frequency Reuse, channel assignment strategies, handoff Strategies, Interference and system capacity, tracking and grade off service, improving coverage and capacity.

Unit 5. Multiple Access Techniques For Wireless Communication:

Introduction to Multiple Access, FDMA, TDMA, Spread Spectrum multiple Access, space division multiple access, packet ratio, capacity of a cellular systems.

Unit 6. Wireless Networking:

Difference between wireless and fixed telephone networks, development of wireless networks, fixed network transmission hierarchy, traffic routing in wireless networks, wireless data services, common channel signaling, ISDN (Integrated Services digital Networks), advanced intelligent networks.

unit 7. Intelligent cell concept and application:

Intelligent cell concept, applications of intelligent micro-cell Systems, in-Building Communication, CDMA cellular Radio Networks.

Text Books:
1. Wireless Communications: Theodore S. Rappaport; Pearsons. 2. Mobile Cellular Telecommunication: W.C.Y.Lee; McGraw Hill

Reference Book:
1. Mobile Communications: Jochen Schiller; Pearson

Eight questions are to be set -one question from each unit. Students have to attempt any five question.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Satellite Communication
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of exam. : 3 Hours

Unit1. Principles of Satellite Communication :

Evolution & growth of communication satellite, Synchronous satellite, Satellite frequency allocation & Band spectrum, Advantages of satellite communication, Active & Passive satellite, Modem & Codec. Applications of satellite communication.

Unit2. Communication Satellite Link Design:

Introduction, General link design equations, System noise temperature, C/N & G/T ratio, Atmospheric & Ionospheric effects on link design, Complete link design, Earth station parameters.

Unit3. Analog Satellite Communication:

Introduction, Baseband analog(Voice) signal, FDM techniques, S/N & C/N ratio in frequency modulation in satellite link, S/N ratio in FM with multiplexed telephone signal in satellite link, Single channel per carrier(SCPC) systems, Companded single sideband (CSSB) systems, Analog FM/FDM TV satellite link, Intermodulation products & their effects in FM/FDM systems, Energy disposal in FM/FDM systems.

Unit4. Digital Satellite Communication :

Advantages of digital communication, Elements of digital satellite communication systems, Digital baseband signals, Digital modulation techniques, Satellite digital link design, Time Division Multiplexing.

Unit5. Multiple Access Techniques:

Introduction, TDMA, TDMA-Frame structure, TDMA-Burst structure, TDMA-Frame efficiency, TDMAsuperframe, TDMA-Frame acquisition & Synchronization, TDMA compared to FDMA, TDMA Burst Time Plan, Multiple Beam ( Satellite switched) TDMA satellite system, Beam Hopping(Transponder Hopping) TDMA, CDMA & hybrid access techniques.

Unit6. Satellite Orbits:

Introduction, Synchronous orbit, Orbital parameters, Satellite location with respect to earth, Look angles, Earth coverage & slant range, Eclipse effect, Satellite placement in geostationary orbit, station keeping, Satellite stabilization.

Unit7. Special Purpose Communication Satellites :

BDS, INMARSAT, INTELSAT, VSAT(data broadband satellite), MSAT( Mobile Satellite Communication technique), Sarsat( Search & Rescue satellite) & LEOs (Lower earth orbit satellite), Satellite communication with respect to Fiber Optic Communication, LANDSAT, Defense satellite.

Unit8. Laser Satellite Communication:

Introduction, Link analysis, Optical satellite link transmitter, Optical satellite link receiver, Satellite Beam Acquisition, Tracking & Positioning, Deep Space Optical Communication Link.

Text Book:
1. Satellite Communication : D.C. Aggarwal ; Khanna.

Reference Book :
1. Satellite Communication :Gagliardi ; CBS

Eight questions are to be set - one question from each unit. Students have to attempt any five question.
MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L T P 2

Satellite Communication Lab

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 50 Marks Total : 100 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours

List of Experiments:
1. To set up a active and passive satellite communication link and study their difference. 2. To measure the base-band analog (voice) signal parameters in the satellite link. 3. To measure C/N ratio. 4. To transmit and receive the function generator waveforms through a Sat.Com. link. 5. To measure the digital baseband signal parameters in Sat.Com. link. 6. To send telecommand and receive the telemetry data. 7. To set a PC to PC Sat. Com. Link using RS-232 ports. 8. To measure the propagation delay of signal in a Sat. Com. Link. 9. To measure fading of a received signal. 10. To measure the parameters in an analog FM/FDM TV Sat.Com. link. 11. To measure the S/N ratio. 12. To calculate the figure of merit and FM deviation.

At least ten experiments are to be performed , atleast seven experiments are to be taken from the above list and the remaining three based on the syllabus of EE-404-C (Satellite Communication Engineering) be developed at the institution level. The students will be required to perform at least eight experiments in the semester.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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EE-432E EE-317E IC-404E Mobile Communication Power Electronics Fuzzy Control System

(Common with EI, IC main paper in VIII Semester)

EE-462-E EE-454-E EE-406-E Genetic Algorithms & Applications Radar and Sonar Engg. Advance Control System

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Mobile Communication
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1 Mobile Radio System:

A reference model, Frequencies for radio transnussion, Signals, Antennas, Signal Propagation, Multiplexing. Modulation

Unit 2 Characteristics Of Radio Waves:

Multipath Characteristics of radio waves signal fading, time dispersion, Doppler spread, coherence time, LCR. fading statistics. Diversty techniques

Unit 3 Mobile Radio Propagation:

Mechanism, free space path loss, long distance path loss model, Okumara model, Hata model, PCS model, wideband PCS, Microcell model, Indoor propagation model, Jakes channel model.

Unit 4 Wireless Systems:

Standards GSM, signaling & call control, mobility management, location racking wireless data services IS-95, GPRS.

Unit 5 Wireless Data Networking:

IEEE Standards, Models Different layers, wireless LAN, Hypes LAN, Blue tooth. Performance analysis of link & transport layer protocols over wireless channels.

Unit 6 Mobile Network Layer:

Mobile IP: Goals, assumptions & requirements, IP packet delivery, Agent discovery, Registration, tunneling and en capsulation, optimization, Reverse tunneling, IP-V6, Mobile ad-hoc networks.

Unit 7 Mobile Transport Lays:

Tradition TCP, Classical TCP improvement, TCP over 2.5G/3G wireless networks. Performance enhancing proxies.

Text Books:
Mobile Communication: II nd edition Jochen Schiller Pearson Education

Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: 2nd Edition: William, C Y Lee Mc Graw Hill Wireless and Digital Communication: Dr. Kamilo Feher (PHI) T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Communication, Principles & Practice, PHI 2001.

Eight questions are to be set at least one from each unit. Students have to attempt five questions.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Power Electronics
Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours

Unit1. Introduction :
Role of power electronics, review of construction and characteristics of power diode, Shottky diode, power transistor, power MOSFET, SCR, DIAC, Triac, GTO, IGBT & SIT.

Unit2. SCR:
Ratings and protections, series and parallel connections, R, RC and UJT firing circuit and other firing circuits based on ICs and microprocessors; pulse transformer and opto-coupler, commutation techniques.

Unit3. AC Regulators:
Types of regulator, equation of load current, calculation of extinction angle, output voltage equation, harmonics in load voltage and synchronous tap changer, three phase regulator.

Unit4. Converters :
One, two, three, six and twelve pulse converters, fully and half controlled converters, load voltage waveforms, output voltage equation, continuous and discontinuous modes of operation, input power factor of converter, reactive power demand, effect of source inductance, introduction to four quadrant / dual converter, power factor improvement techniques, forced commutated converter, MOSFET and transistor based converters.

Unit5. Inverters :
Basic circuit, 120 degree mode and 180 degree mode conduction schemes, modified McMurray half bridge and full bridge inverters, McMurray -Bedford half bridge and bridge inverters, brief description of parallel and series inverters, current source inverter (CSI), transistor and MOSFET based inverters.

Unit6. Choppers :
Basic scheme, output voltage control techniques, one, two, and four quadrant choppers, step up chopper, voltage commutated chopper, current commutated chopper, MOSFET and transistor based choppers.

Unit7. Cycloconverters :
Basic principle of frequency conversion, types of cycloconverter, non-circulating and circulating types of cycloconverters.

Unit8. Drives:
Introduction to electric drives: DC drives converter and chopper fed dc drives, ac drives - stator voltage control, V/f control, rotor resistance control, static Scherbius system and static Kramer systems.

Text Book:
1. Power Electronics : MH Rashid; PHI

Reference Books :
1. Power Electronics : PC Sen; TMH 2. Power Electronics : HC Rai; Galgotia 3. Thyristorised Power Controllers : GK Dubey, PHI 4. Power Electronics and Introduction to Drives : A.K.Gupta and L.P.Singh;Dhanpat Rai 5. Power Electronics: P.S Bhimra.

Note :
Eight questions are to be set one from each unit. Students have to attempt any five questions.
MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P -

Fuzzy Control System

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1 Introduction:
Fuzzy control from an industrial perspective, knowledge-based controllers, knowledge representation in KBCs.

Unit 2 The Mathematics Of Fuzzy Control:

Vagueness, fuzzy logic versus probability theory, fuzzy sets, their properties & operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations & operations on fuzzy relations, the Extension Principle, Fuzzy propositions, The Compositional Rule of Inference, Different implications, Representing a set of rules.

Unit 3 FKBC Design Parameters:

The PKBC architecture, choice of variables & content of rules, Derivation of rules, choice of membership functions, choice of scaling factors, choice of fuzzification procedure, choice of defuzzification procedure, comparison and evaluation of defuzzification methods.

Unit 4 Nonlinear Fuzzy Control:

The Control Problem, The FKBC as a Non-Linear Transfer Element, Types of FKBC such as PID-like FKBC, Sliding Mode FKBC, Sugeno FKBC.

Unit 5 Adaptive Fuzzy Control:

Design & Performance Evaluation, Approaches to Design such as membership function tuning using gradient descent, membership function tuning using performance criteria, the self-organizing controller, model based controller.

Unit 6 Stability Of Fuzzy Control Systems:

The State space approach, Stability and robustness indices, input-output stability, circle criterion, the conicity criterion.

Text Book:
An Introduction to Fuzzy Control: D.,Driankov, H.Hellendoorn and M.Reinfrank.; Narosa.

Reference Books:
Fuzzy Control Systems : Abraham Kandel and Gideon Imngholz; Narosa

Note :
Eight question are to be set at least one from each unit. Students have to attempt five questions in all.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 4 T P -

Genetic Algorithms & Applications

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours


Introduction: Overview, History of evolutionary computation: Search spaces & fitness landscapes,
elements of genetic algorithms, comparison of Gas and tradition search methods.


Fundamental Concepts of Gas: Typical examples to illustrate how Gas work. Simple computer


Problem Solving Using Gas: Evolving computer programs, data analysis & prediction, evolving neural
networks, simple computer exercises.


Implementation of Gas: Suitability of GA for typical problems, encoding a problem for a GA, adapting
the encoding, selection methods, Genetic operators, Parameters for Gas.

Text Books:
1. Davis L,Handbook of Genetic Algorithms 2. Goldberg D.E.,Genetic Algorithms in Search optimization & Machine Learning. 3. Michalewiez, Z.,Genetic Algorithms & Data Structures = Evolution Programs

8 questions are to be set at least one from each unit. Students have to attempt any five questions in all .

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P 0

Radar and Sonar Engineering

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1. Introduction To Radar:

Radar Block Diagram & operation, Radar Frequencies, Radar development, Application of Radar.

Unit 2. Radar Equation:

Simple form of Radar Equation, Prediction of Range performance, Minimum detectable signal, Receiver noise, Signal to Noise ratio, Transmitter Power, Pulse repetition frequency & range ambiguities, System losses, Propagation effects.

Unit 3. CW & Frequency Modulated Radar:

The Doppler effect, CW Radar, Frequency-modulated CW Radar, Multiple Frequency CW Radar.

Unit 4. MTI & Pulse Doppler Radar:

Introduction, Delay Line Cancellors, Multiple or staggered, Pulse repetition frequencies, range-Gated Doppler Filters, Digital Signal Processing, Other MTI delay line, Limitation of MTI performance, Noncoherent MTI, Pulse Doppler Radar, MTI from a moving platform.

Unit 5. Tracking Radar:

Tracking with Radar, Sequential Lobbing, Conical Scan, Monopulse Tracking Radar, Tracking in range, Acquisition.

Unit 6. Receivers, Displays & Duplexers:

Radar Receivers, Noise Figure, Mixer, Low-noise Front ends, Displays, Duplexer, Receiver protectors.

Unit 7. Introduction To Sonar Text Book:

1. Introduction to Radar Systems: Merrill I. Skolnik, ; MGH

Reference Book:
1. Electronic Communication Systems : Kennedy; TMH

8 questions are to be set at least one from each unit. Students have to attempt any five Questions.

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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L 3 T 1 P 0

Advanced Control System

Class Work : 50 Marks Exam : 100 Marks Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hours

Unit 1. State Variable Techniques:

State variable representation of systems by various methods. Solution of state equations-state transition matrix. Transfer function from state variable model. Controllability & observability of state variable model.

Unit 2. Second Order Systems & State Plane:

Phase portrait of linear second systems. Method of isoclines, phase portrait of second order system with non- linearities, limit cycle, singular points.

Unit 3. Describing Function Analysis:

Definition, limitations, use of describing function for stability analysis , describing function of ideal relay, relay with hysteresis & dead zone, saturation/coulomb friction & backlash,

Unit 4. Linear Approximation Of Nonlinear Systems:

Taylor series, Liapunovs 2nd method.

Unit 5. Sampled Data Systems:

Sampling process, impulse modulation, mathematical analysis of sampling process, application of Laplace transform, Shannons theorem, reconstruction of sampled signal zero order & first order hold, Z-transform, definition, evaluation of Z-transform, Inverse Z-transform, pulse transfer function, limitations of Z-transform, state variable formulation of discrete time systems. Solution of discrete time state equations, stability, definition, the Schur-Cohn stability criterion, Jurys test of stability of extension of Routh-Hurwitz criterion to discrete time systems.

Text Books:
1. Digital Control & State Variable Methods : M.Gopal ; TMH. 2. Digital Control Systems : B.C.Kuo 3. Applied non-linear control : J.E.

Reference Books :
1. Modern Control Theory : M.Gopal ; Wiley International. 2. Discrete Slotine & W.P.Li; Prentice Hall, USA, 5. Nonlinear Control Systems: Isidari ; Springer-Verlag.

Note :
8 questions are to be set one from each unit. Students have to attempt five questions.time control system : K.Ogate ; PHI

MDU B.Tech Syllabus (ECE) IV Year

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