Chetna Mam Jay Report
Chetna Mam Jay Report
Chetna Mam Jay Report
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3
i. GENERAL............................................................................................................................ 3
ii. WHAT IS WASTE? ................................................................................................................ 3
iii. TYPES OF WATERWASTES? ................................................................................................. 4
iv. WHAT IS SEWAGE? ............................................................................................................ 4
v. WHAT IS NON-SEWAGE? ................................................................................................... 5
vi. WASTEWATER IN YOUR HOME .......................................................................................... 5
vii. WHAT IS BLACKWATER?................................................................................................. 5
viii. WHAT IS GREYWATER? ................................................................................................... 5
ix. WHAT IS YELLOW WATER? ................................................................................................. 5
2. WASTEWATER CHARACTERIZATION .................................................................................. 6
i. WHAT IS WASTEWATER AND WHAT IS IT MADE UP OF? ................................................... 6
ii. WASTE WATER COMPOSITION .......................................................................................... 6
iii. SOURCE OF WASTE WATER ............................................................................................... 7
iv. EFFECT OF WASTE WATER ................................................................................................. 8
v. WATER AND HABITAT CONTAMINATION .......................................................................... 9
vi. SQUALOR ........................................................................................................................... 9
vii. SOIL DEGRADATION ...................................................................................................... 9
viii. IT CONTAINS HARMFUL SUBSTANCES ............................................................................ 9
ix. WASTEWATER EFFECTS ON WATER BODIES ...................................................................... 9
x. OTHER HARMFUL CHARACTERISTICS OF WASTEWATER .................................................10
xi. WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO TREAT HUMAN WASTE OR EXCRETA? ....................................10
xii. DECIDING WHICH TREATMENT OPTION TO USE. ........................................................10
xiii. WHAT IS WASTEWATER TREATMENT? ............................................................................11
xiv. LEVELS OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT ..........................................................................11
1) SEPARATION OF SOLIDS ...............................................................................................12
2) SCREENING ...................................................................................................................12
3) SEDIMENTATION ............................................................................................................13
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4) FLOTATION ....................................................................................................................13
5) FILTRATION.....................................................................................................................13
6) WHAT ARE AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC PROCESSES? ................................................13
7) SLUDGE ACCUMULATION ............................................................................................14
8) ELIMINATION OF NITROGEN .........................................................................................14
9) ELIMINATION OF PHOSPHORUS....................................................................................14
10) ELIMINATION OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES .......................................................................14
11) REMOVAL OF PATHOGENS.......................................................................................15
3. METHOD OF WASTE WATER DISPOSAL .............................................................................16
i. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPER LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL ...............................................16
iii. CLASSIFICATIONS OF LIQUID DISPOSAL ..........................................................................17
iv. LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS ................................................................................17
1. Dewatering ......................................................................................................................17
2. Sedimentation .................................................................................................................18
3. Composting .....................................................................................................................18
4. Incineration ......................................................................................................................18
5. Root-Zone Treatment ......................................................................................................19
6. Solidification.....................................................................................................................20
7. Disposal ............................................................................................................................21
v. Considerations When Choosing Your Liquid Waste Disposal Method ........................21
4. Field Study ........................................................................................................................23
i. ABOUT BHADBHUT ............................................................................................................23
ii. EARNING SOURCE OF VILLAGE .......................................................................................25
iii. HOW TO REACH Bhadbhut .............................................................................................25
iv. COLLEGES NEAR BHADBHUT:...........................................................................................25
v. Schools in Bhadbhut ........................................................................................................25
vi. Govt Health Centers near Bhadbhut .............................................................................25
vii. INDUSTRY NEAR VILLAGE ..............................................................................................26
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In general, the sanitation field seems to live the life of an orphan in many
Pacific Island Countries. In many cases this important sector of public health
has been left alone when major upgrading projects improved the water supply
systems in many countries and provinces. This basically ignored the
downstream effect of improved water supply, that of increased discharges into
rivers or aquifers. Two reasons appear to be the major cause for that: firstly,
wastewater collection and treatment is costly and their benefit often hard to
show; and secondly, even if low-cost solutions are being implemented many
projects fail to deliver the expected outcome. Without pretending to reflect the
complexity of sanitation projects three principal reasons may be held
accountable for the non-delivery problems:
• The technology was not appropriate,
• The beneficiary was not involved and consulted sufficiently, and
• The responsibilities within government were not resolved to ensure the
necessary support.
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Non-sewage covers all other types of wastewater. That includes rainwater and
stormwater from flooding, water from commercial activity like garages or
launderettes and water from industrial plants.
here are three types of wastewater, or sewage: domestic sewage, industrial sewage,
and storm sewage. Domestic sewage carries used water from houses and
apartments; it is also called sanitary sewage. Industrial sewage is used water from
manufacturing or chemical processes. Storm sewage, or storm water, is runoff
from precipitation that is collected in a system of pipes or open channels.
Domestic sewage is slightly more than 99.9 percent water by weight. The rest, less
than 0.1 percent, contains a wide variety of dissolved and suspended impurities.
Although amounting to a very small fraction of the sewage by weight, the nature of
these impurities and the large volumes of sewage in which they are carried make
disposal of domestic wastewater a significant technical problem. The principal
impurities are putrescible organic materials and plant nutrients, but domestic
sewage is also very likely to contain disease-causing microbes. Industrial
wastewater usually contains specific and readily identifiable chemical compounds,
depending on the nature of the industrial process. Storm sewage carries organic
materials, suspended and dissolved solids, and other substances picked up as it
travels over the ground.
Water used in toilets, showers, baths, kitchen sinks and laundries in homes and
offices is domestic wastewater.
Wastewater from manufacturing and industrial operations such as food
processing or metal refining is industrial or trade waste. This includes liquid waste
from any process (e.g. water used to cool machinery or clean plant and equipment).
Storm water, a form of wastewater, is runoff that flows from agricultural and
urban areas such as roofs, parks, gardens, roads, paths and gutters into storm water
drains, after rain. Storm water flow untreated directly to local creeks or rivers,
eventually reaching the ocean.
It’s not about drastic change, but rather a gradual and consistent correction of
bad habits and the reinforcement of good habits. True change often starts at the
base level and works its way up. One of the less covered pollutants comes in the
form of wastewater. But before we delve further into its effects on the
environment, there’s one question that needs to be answered first.
The fact that we are making water unusable means that we are literally
draining water supplies. Despite the fact that the Earth’s surface is mostly made
up of bodies of water, consider the fact that we are dumping out waste into
those bodies of water. We are literally polluting the water that we could
potentially use. But that’s not the full extent of the damage that wastewater
causes to the environment.
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Wastewater is one of the worst sources and carriers of diseases. According to
a report from the World Health Organization, more than 3.4 million people die
each year from a waterborne disease. Besides the diseases wastewater carries, the
combination of human waste, solvents, and paints create fumes that aren’t only
putrid but they also expose people to harmful fumes. There’s a real danger when
you inhale sewage gas.
threatening for fish. Wastewater also contains oil and grease that are harder to
break down and can settle on the surface of the water. This blocks that light the
photosynthetic aquatic plants need. It can also suffocate fish and get caught in
birds’ feathers. Like heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, these are toxic to
both humans and animals. If someone drank from or ate fish from a
contaminated water source, they could also suffer from serious health effects. The
same happens with the animals and plants living in the water.
screens) and grit removal. Their removal is important in order to increase the
effectiveness of the later treatment processes and prevent damages to the pipes,
pumps and fittings.
• Primary Treatment – is mainly the removal of solids by settlement. Simple
settlement of the solid material in sewage can reduce the polluting load by
significant amounts. It can reduce BOD by up to 40%. Some examples of
primary treatment is septic tanks, septic tanks with up flow filters, Inhofe
• Secondary Treatment – In secondary treatment the organic material that
remains in the wastewater is reduced biologically. Secondary treatment
actually involves harnessing and accelerating the natural process of waste
disposal whereby bacteria convert organic matter to stable forms. Both
aerobic and anaerobic processes are employed in secondary treatment. Some
examples of secondary treatment are UASB, reed bed systems, trickling
filters and stabilization ponds.
• Tertiary treatment – is the polishing process whereby treated effluent is
further purified to acceptable levels for discharge. It is usually for the
removal of specific pollutants e.g. nitrogen or phosphorus or specific
industrial pollutants. Tertiary treatment processes are generally specialized
processes. Some examples of tertiary treatment are bank’s clarifiers, grass
plots, etc.
The majority of secondary treatment processes are biological in their nature
– i.e. they use the natural activity of the bacteria to break down polluting
material. Biological treatment processes can themselves be divided into two
general sub-divisions – aerobic and anaerobic processes.
Wastewater treatment also relies on the separation of solids, both before and
after stabilization. The choice of method of solid removal will depend on the size
and specific weight of pieces and particles of suspended solids.
For the larger pieces of solids for e.g. diapers, cloth, etc. in wastewater
treatment. Screens require cleaning at very short intervals. Materials captured
through screening require a safe place to be disposed of. Below is a diagram of
waste stabilization ponds showing screening as the first stage.
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Separation of solids happens primarily by gravity, predominantly through
sedimentation. Coarse and heavy particles settle within a few hours or minutes
while smaller and lighter particles may need days and weeks to sink to the bottom.
Flotation is the predominant method to remove fat, grease and oil. Unwanted
flotation occurs in septic tanks and other anaerobic systems where floating layers
of scum are easily formed. Accumulated scum could be removed manually or left
purposely to seal the surface of anaerobic ponds to prevent bad odor. Below is a
diagram of a septic tank showing scum floating on the surface.
Filtration becomes necessary when suspended solid particles are to be removed
that cannot be forced to settle or float within a reasonable time. Most filters have a
double function, they provide a fixed surface for treatment of bacteria and they
form a physical obstacle for the smaller solid particles by creating adhesion of
particles to their surfaces. Filtration can be both on the upstream and the
downstream. E.g. Upstream Anaerobic Sludge Blanket. Anaerobic filters direct
flow upwards through the filter material. Trickling filters allow the wastewater to
descend in a downward direction through the filter material. The speed at which
filtration occurs depends on the type of filter material used. Smaller grain sizes and
fine mesh sizes would cause filtration to be slower than larger, wider-spaced
material, but would cause the retention of many more solids and clog faster.
With aerobic processes, bacteria use oxygen to feed on the organic material
(which is a food source) to produce carbon dioxide and water, with the production
of quantities of extra bacterial mass (sludge). Most aerobic processes require the
mechanical addition of oxygen and that can be expensive.
Anaerobic processes take place in the absence of oxygen and bacteria break
down the organic wastes to produce carbon dioxide and methane. This mixture of
gases, called Biogas, can potentially be harnessed as an energy source. Anaerobic
process produces much less excess sludge than aerobic processes however the
treatment efficiency is not as high as it is for aerobic processes.
The aerobic process happens much faster than anaerobic digestion and for that
reason always dominates when free oxygen is available. The high speed at which
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substances may be difficult to remove. There are numerous methods for converting
toxins into non-toxic substances for e.g. ion exchange procedures.
Pathogens are present in many forms in excreta e.g. bacteria, viruses and
protozoa and accumulate in the sediment sludge and are largely retained inside the
treatment system where they stay alive for several weeks. Most bacteria and
viruses caught in the sludge die after shorter periods. Those bacteria, which are not
caught in the sludge but remain suspended in the liquid portion, are hardly
affected, meaning, these bacteria and viruses exit the plant fully alive. Exposure to
UV rays has a substantial hygienic effect. High pathogen removal can also be
experienced in shallow ponds with long retention times. Constructed Small Scale
Wastewater Treatment Project, wetlands with their multifunctional bacterial life in
the root zones can also be very effective. Using chlorination to kill pathogens is
only advisable for hospitals in the case of epidemics and other such special
circumstances as chlorine kills all forms of bacteria both beneficial and non-
beneficial. Apart from this chlorine has an adverse impact on the environment.
Water is made unstable as chlorine itself has a high chemical oxygen demand
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1. Dewatering
Dewatering works well to compact nonhazardous waste and make it more
suitable for disposal. In this process, the facility generally pumps the liquid waste
into a sturdy bag and removes the water, leaving only solid waste. A landfill
typically does not accept free liquid, but the solid, nonhazardous waste can go to
the landfill for disposal. The water receives filtration and treatment as necessary.
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One common option for liquid waste dewatering, especially for sludge,
is centrifugal dewatering and thickening. This process uses a cylindrical vessel to
generate centrifugal force, which flings solids from the liquid and causes them to
form a soft substance known as cake.
2. Sedimentation
Sedimentation is similar to dewatering in that it separates water from solid
waste. It uses gravity instead of centrifugal force to pull the two states of matter
The facility can then remove the solids, leaving the solid sediment waste
behind. Once the water and solid waste have separated, the water can undergo
treatment, and the solid waste can go to a landfill.
3. Composting
Alternatively, facilities can turn their liquid nonhazardous waste into
compost. The facility first removes the water from the waste, leaving behind
organic matter that contains nutrients like nitrogen, potassium and sodium. Using
naturally occurring microorganisms, the facility can then turn the material into
organic fertilizer that will also contain these beneficial nutrients to help crops and
other plants grow.
Compared to many other methods of liquid waste disposal, composting is
relatively inexpensive. It is also exceptionally easy on the environment — even
advantageous for soil and plant growth.
4. Incineration
Sometimes facilities dispose of their hazardous waste by incinerating it. The
heat from specialized furnaces can remove acids, chemicals, oils, rock tailings, slag
and other waste matter, leaving only water behind. There are two types of furnaces
used for this technique:
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5. Root-Zone Treatment
Root-zone treatment is most useful for relatively clean domestic wastewaters
like kitchen water and bathroom shower and sink water. This treatment is a
complex method that sends liquid waste through a sedimentation tank and then
through various additional filtration processes — including, ultimately, the roots of
growing plants. The result is water that meets the necessary standards for release
into the environment.
6. Solidification
Liquid waste solidification involves adding binding agents to wastewater
until the waste forms a compact, rigid, easily disposable solid. Many solidification
processes use lime ash, sawdust, cement kiln dust, lime kiln dust, gypsum,
phosphate or fly dust to add bulk and rigidity to liquid waste, or they may use
asphalt or cement for added reinforcement. After solidification, companies can
ship the solid blocks of waste to approved landfills for disposal or waste-to-energy
facilities for incineration and energy generation.
Solidification often combines with a process known as stabilization. Solidification
alters the waste’s physical properties, making it harder, stronger or less permeable
and enclosing any hazardous contents. Stabilization makes it less likely for
hazardous components to leak into the environment — for instance, by making
them less mobile, soluble or toxic.
solid waste. This conversion process makes the waste more stable and manageable
until a secure federal repository can provide long-term storage.
Some advanced, environmentally friendly solidification techniques can solidify
liquid waste without adding other substances to it. These innovative techniques
minimize waste and enable smaller landfill additions.
Solidification is relatively cheap and easy to perform, but the extra solid material
tends to make for a tremendous amount of refuse. The excess weight and bulk can
sometimes lead to higher transportation and disposal costs, and it may require a
disproportionate amount of space in the landfill.
7. Disposal
The remaining alternative is to dispose of the liquid waste as it is, often with the
assistance of a professional waste management company. In this case, the facility
collects its liquid waste in the appropriate drums. Then the waste management
company picks them up, transports them and disposes of them according to
applicable state and federal guidelines. This option is particularly appealing for
companies that wish to remain compliant with regulations without investing
significant time and energy into keeping up with them.
• Soil formation and stability: The disposal site you’re considering should have
stable soil that can hold waste in place. Softer, looser soils may permit shifting
and leaks. If this is the case in your area, you may need to choose a method like
incineration that bypasses land disposal.
• Land space: The availability of adequate land for liquid waste disposal will
also inform your choice. If space is minimal, you may find your disposal
possibilities limited, so you may need to avoid solidification and other methods
that would create massive quantities of waste.
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4. Field Study
• Iqra College
• Address : Dahej Road Bharuch
• Shri Manubhai Rambhai Amin B.ed College
• Address : Bayad Rd;pahadiya -- Velapura – 382315; Taluk: Dahegam; Dist
:: Gandhinagar A
• Dr. B. R. Ambedkar College Of Nursing
• Address : Near By Nilima Park Society; Dahegam; Dist: Gandhinagar A
• Shri. T.s. Patel College Of Pharmacy
• Address : ; Ambalyara; Dahegam; Bayad Rd; Ahmadabad
v. Schools in Bhadbhut
• Bhadbhut P. S.
• Address : bhadbhut , bharuch , bharuch , Gujarat . PIN- 392012 , Post -
Technical Report 288, by NZAID
treatment-gcse-chemistry, SCREENING, GoConqr.
plant-diagram/, Kunal gupta
20other%20uses%20or%20preservation. BY IBRD.IDA, THE WORD