PADRAM: Parametric Design and Rapid Meshing System For Turbomachinery Optimisation
PADRAM: Parametric Design and Rapid Meshing System For Turbomachinery Optimisation
PADRAM: Parametric Design and Rapid Meshing System For Turbomachinery Optimisation
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A parametric design system suitable for inclusion in an INTRODUCTION
automatic optimization process is presented. The system makes As Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes have
use of a multi-block structured grid generation system specially steadily evolved into everyday analysis tools, so attention is
designed for the rapid meshing of two-dimensional, quasi- now focused on integrating the analysis codes with design tools
three-dimensional, and three-dimensional single passage as paving the way to carry-out automatic optimization. Automatic
well as multi-passage, multi-row turbomachinery blades. Full optimization tools and methodologies have proved able to
annulus viscous meshes of the order of five to ten million mesh significantly reduce the manual design time and simultaneously
points for the complete bypass assembly of the low pressure improve the quality of the designs, e.g. see references [1] and
compression (LPC) system can be generated in a matter of [2]. Traditionally the CFD pre-processing tools are embedded
minutes. PADRAM offers a major new design capability where within a Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment. The
the optimisation of multi-passage three-dimensional blades and user-friendly environment which a GUI provides to engineers
its circumferential pattern is done simultaneously in one is deemed a necessary and essential part of the CFD process.
system. Successful usage of PADRAM in a number of design, However, automatic optimization strategies require a
optimisation and analysis applications has recently been parametric definition of the geometry and the transfer of
demonstrated and reported herein. geometry from CAD or a database, such as blade definition
file, to the mesh generator to be seamless with no user
NOMENCLATURE intervention. GUIs must be scriptable, otherwise they become
a, b, c elliptic partial-differential-equation coefficient bottlenecks in the optimization process. In the design by
m’ non-dimensional streamwise coordinate analysis approach, spending a few days to set up a new
r, θ, z physical, polar co-ordinates: geometry interactively and spending a couple of hours, using a
radial, circumferential and axial direction very good mesh generator to produce a suitable computational
P, Q elliptic grid generator forcing functions grid has been regarded as reasonable. However, this is totally
y normal to the wall distance unacceptable for inclusion in an optimisation loop, as the
1/ 2 design process cannot be automated and the overall
y+ non-dimensional wall distance, = y τ w optimisation time would be too long to be of use to the
ν 2 ρ
x, y, z Cartesian coordinates The grid generator presented in this paper arose not only
α, β clustering function coefficient from the need to perform rapid mesh generation within an
ξ, η coordinates in the computational plane optimisation scheme; but, also the need to mesh rings of vanes
θ azimuthal angle where each vane can potentially be different from all the others.
ν kinematic viscosity Figure 1 shows an engine cut-away along with a CFD
ρ density representation of the bypass duct. Downstream of the Bypass
τw wall shear stress Outlet Guide Vanes (OGVs) there are the engine pylon and
Radial Drive Faring. These create large asymmetric pressure
Specialist – Aerothermal Design, C.Eng., MAIAA, MRAerSoc. distortions which propagate upstream through the OGVs and
Specialist – Numerical Methods, C.Math FIMA interact with the fan rotor. The level of pressure distortion has
a direct influence on the forced response levels of the fan rotor.
By tailoring the OGVs (i.e. making them non-circumferentially structured [3-4], unstructured [5-6], overset or the so-called
uniform) they can be used to attenuate the pressure distortion Chimera [7-9], hybrid [10-11] and Cartesian grids [12]. In the
and reduce/eliminate fan forcing. If the tailoring of the OGV following discussion, we concentrate on mesh generation for
geometry is to be performed by an optimisation system (see turbomachinery blades. A more detailed discussion of various
Shahpar et al., [2]), particularly one that uses heuristic grid generation techniques is beyond the scope of this paper,
optimisers, then there can be strong variations in the geometry interested readers should refer to a number of good books
of adjacent OGVs during the design cycle. published in this field, e.g. Thompson et al. [13]. Among the
Grid generation for turbomachinery is relatively well grid generation techniques, the block-structured is the most
evolved for generating simple blade-to-blade mesh sections that powerful and is the most established, in particular for external
are then stacked radially to create a 3D mesh. The typical types aerodynamics CFD. Complex geometries can either by grided
of meshes used in the field of turbomachinery CFD are block by unstructured grids or by structured multi-block grids.
the errors in computing the flow sensitivities. This is define default mesh generation parameters that are then fixed
particularly difficult to control when using unstructured grid throughout the optimisation process. Tschirner et al. [20] have
generators as the total number of grid points cannot be fixed a recently reported viscous 2D analysis of 31 OGVs, 6 fairings
priori. and a pylon. They have reported an automated procedure using
Fully unstructured meshes are too time consuming to be the FLUENT grid generator GAMBIT and several UNIX
generated within the optimisation cycle, if only because they scripts. The manual grid generations necessary to perform the
are working in 3D and not in a stacked 2D mode. design and analysis with GAMBIT was reported to be
Chimera or overset meshes [7-9] are a flexible way to extremely time consuming. Hence, a combination of several
apply structured mesh solution techniques to geometrically UNIX shell scripts and libraries were used in conjunction with
complicated multi-body configurations. Novel applications an interactive user interface for data input by the user. Re-
have been reported for dynamic systems like store release or staggering and re-blading of the OGVs were done in a
helicopter rotor flow simulation. Overset meshes can easily different, in-house system that designs blades in a single-
accommodate large variations in the OGV geometry around the passage environment.
annulus, but require care with interpolation schemes in the If mesh generation is time consuming, then an alternative
overlap regions. Wadia et al. [19] reported that the Chimera approach is to use a mesh movement algorithm to morph the
grid generation process was extremely complicated for the mesh onto each new geometry generated by the optimiser.
analysis of their 16 vanes and 1 strut configuration. The Figures 7a and 7b show a successful application mesh
Chimera technique was used to create a mesh for the sixteen perturbation techniques to both aerofoil [1] and endwall design
variably-staggered OGVs, strut and splitter. Their process [21]. Although, this approach is quite popular, it is the authors’
started with untrimmed initial surface grids for each component
that was generated from CAD data using the ICEM CFD
program. A series of Fortran programs, shell scripts and
various grid tools were used to rotate components to their
respective positions, find surface-to-surface intersections, and
construct the final surface grids. Volume grids for the strut and
vanes were generated using a hyperbolic grid generator while
an algebraic grid generator was developed for the other
components. An additional program was used to perform the
Chimera hole-generation and determine the grid-to-grid
boundary interpolation coefficients. The final grid
configuration consisted of sixteen-vane grids overlaid on an
outer grid, a strut grid, and core and bypass section grids,
comprising of 2.7 million grid points.
The majority of optimisers begin with a CFD solution for
base or reference geometry. Since this is upstream of the Figure 8. Erroneous geometry and mesh generated by
optimisation cycle, more time can be taken in generating the perturbing the datum 3D BOGV in a ring of 52 OGVs.
base mesh. Indeed, time is generally taken at this stage to
Figure 14. Detail of the C-mesh near Figure 15. Detail of the splitter C-mesh, hub mesh and the
the Pylon and RDF – top View. engine-core exit mesh.
Remote Optimisation
Another feature of the PADRAM system is that it presents
a means of making use of remote computer resources.
PADRAM is written in ANSI ‘C’ for complete portability. The
mesh generation parameters can be defined locally, where the
ability to view the mesh is essential. The geometry files,
PADRAM input file and pre-processing scripts, which are only
a few Kbytes in size, can be sent electronically to the remote
machine. Since PADRAM is extremely fast, the mesh
generation and pre-processing can then be done remotely,
avoiding the need to send mesh files of many tens or hundreds
of megabytes to the remote machine via CD or DAT tape.
Salient details from the solution can also be extracted remotely
before deciding whether the full CFD solution should be
returned on CD/DAT tape to be examined locally.
Figure 17. An example of the PADRAM’s flexible design system to
vary an OGV’s lean in a row of four OGVs.
(a) Perspective view (b) View from front (c) Leading edge detail
Figure 20. PADRAM mesh for a 6 bladed waterjet
CFD Solver
The CFD solver used with the PADRAM system is the
Rolls-Royce plc. HYDRA. HYDRA is a suite of non-linear,
linear and adjoint CFD solvers developed collaboratively by
Rolls-Royce plc. and its University partners. HYDRA
represents the PADRAM meshes as hybrid unstructured meshes
using an efficient edge-based data structure [24]. Convergence
to steady state is accelerated through the use of an element-
collapsing multigrid algorithm [25]. The HYDRA solver has
been parallelised using the domain decomposition method and
runs efficiently on both shared and distributed memory
computers. The parallel multigrid approach is essential to (b) PADRAM mesh (~1.37M nodes)
generating CFD solutions in the elapsed time needed for
Figure 22. Letter-box and PADRAM meshes for
effective use within a design/optimisation system.
the bypass OGV noise calculation.
Leading Edge Separations
of the boundary-layer downstream. The PADRAM mesh gives
It is almost inevitable in an optimisation cycle that the
much more reasonable leading edge behaviour – due to the fact
sensitivity to incidence will be explored. Here, both the mesh
that the O-mesh around the blade does not contain corner
topology and CFD solution must respond physically to changes
points. The PADRAM mesh does contain singularities in the
in incidence. Figure 21 shows the Mach number contours near
mesh, where the O- and H-meshes meet, but these are away
the leading-edge of a high-pressure compressor stator. A
from the high gradient regions at the leading and trailing edges.
relatively coarse grid was used in this study. It has been found
Both meshes in figure 21 have a relatively coarse
that the boundary-layer is better represented by the PADRAM
resolution of the leading edge and it is likely that the
mesh than the letter-box style mesh. The corner grid points in
consistency of the solution of the 2 meshes will improve as the
the letter-box mesh, near the blade leading-edge, thicken the
mesh gets finer. However, the successful application of an
boundary-layer leading to excessive thickening and separation
optimiser is often a judicious choice between the level of mesh
resolution for rapid run times and that needed for good quality
CFD solutions. Care in needed to ensure good quality mesh is
used in the area of high-gradient flow regions.
A flexible, integrated multi-passage blading design system
is presented for inclusion in an automatic optimisation cycle
(a) Linear HYDRA solution on letter-box mesh. using high fidelity CFD codes. Examples are included in this
paper that illustrate the range of capabilities of the new
parametric design and rapid meshing system (PADRAM) to
modify blade’s geometry and configuration and to generate a
good quality viscous mesh very rapidly. PADRAM can be used
in both design and analysis of 2D, 3D, single-passage, multi-
(b) Linear HYDRA solution on PADRAM mesh. passage, full annulus, multi-stage environment.
Figure 23. Bypass OGV Instantaneous Axial Velocity
Perturbation (-8m/s purple to +8m/s red) at 2BPF.
The authors would like to acknowledge the permission of
Rolls-Royce plc to publish this paper. This work was
OGV Surface Unsteady Pressure Amplitude at ~50% Span in 2BPF
performed under the UK DTI CARAD Programme (Contract
Linear HYDRA - PADRAM Mesh No. CKBB/C/016/00029). The bypass OGV noise simulation
Linear HYDRA - Letter Box Mesh was performed under the European Union 5th framework
160 project TurboNoiseCFD. The authors also wish to thank their
colleague Mr John Coupland for useful discussions.
Pressure SPL (dB)
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40 60
- Suction Surface
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