SolarFire v8
SolarFire v8
SolarFire v8
User Guide
Table of Contents
Solar Fire User Guide 17
1 Introduction
................................................................................................................... 17
Features 18
Esoteric .....................................................................................................
Technologies Pty Ltd 20
2 Finding
the Information You Need 20
3 Installing
Solar Fire 22
Com puter .....................................................................................................
System Requirem ents 22
..................................................................................................... 23
First Run.....................................................................................................
Setup Tasks 24
Further Manual
Setup 25
to the ACS Atlas 25
Y our Computers Internal Clock 26
a Time Format 27
a Date Format 27
the Def ault Place 28
Calculation Options 29
the Compliments Text 30
4 Finding
Your Way Around Solar Fire 31
Starting Solar
Fire 31
Using Solar
Fire 32
Solar Fire's
Main Screen 32
Menu ......................................................................................................... 33
......................................................................................................... 33
Date and
Place 33
Settings 35
Chart Prev iew 35
Charts 37
Solar Liv
e Latest Link Bar 38
Bar 38
......................................................................................................... 39
Exiting from
Solar Fire 40
Using On-line
Help 40
Using the.....................................................................................................
Keyboard 41
Boxes 41
Key s 42
Chart Calculation
and Storage 44
A Guided.....................................................................................................
Tour of Solar Fire 46
a Natal Chart 47
a Solar Return Chart 48
14 Backing
Up and Restoring Chart Files 150
15 Manipulating
Calculated Charts 152
Editing a.....................................................................................................
Calculated Chart 152
Toggling .....................................................................................................
Zodiac, Lunar Node or Coordinates 153
22 Viewing
Interpretations 218
the Interpretations Window 220
Brow sing
the Interpretations 224
Sw itching
Modes 225
Inform ation Types 226
Interpretations 230
Rulerships 231
the Display Options 231
an Interpretations Report to a Word Processor 232
a Word Processor 233
a Full Interpretations Report 233
Text to a File 235
Changing .....................................................................................................
the Interpretations File 236
Exiting from
the Interpretations Window 237
23 Viewing
Astro-Locality Maps 238
24 Viewing
the Planetarium 239
the Coordinate System 240
the View Direction 241
the View Heading 242
a Star 242
View ing.....................................................................................................
a Constellation 243
View ing.....................................................................................................
Inform ation About a Star 243
Anim ating
the Planetarium 244
the Planetarium 244
25 Viewing
Stellarium 244
26 Generating
Chart Reports and Tabulations 245
of the Reports 246
of the Tabulations 256
Report Options
..................................................................................................... 263
or Tabulations for a Single Chart 263
Reports 267
Reports 268
27 Chart
Search and Electional Search 269
Chart Search
..................................................................................................... 270
31 Real
Time Clock and Animation 350
How to Setup
Real Tim e Clocks and Anim ations 352
Alternative Chart Types 357
Anim ated Charts 360
How to Control
the Anim ation 361
39 Editing
an Extra Dynamic Points File 478
Midpoints 480
Stars, Arabic Parts, Asteroids & Extra Bodies 482
Fixed Positions 483
Saving Your
Selected Extra Points 484
40 Editing
an Asteroid File 484
Using More
Asteroids 487
41 Editing
an Extra Ring Points File 489
42 Editing
a User Defined Points File 493
43 Editing
Interpretations 497
Editing Text
..................................................................................................... 499
Scoring of Balances 501
Aspects Used 504
View ing.....................................................................................................
a Sum m ary of Contents 508
Decom piling
and Com piling 508
46 Editing
an Arabic Parts File 522
47 Editing
a Fixed Stars File 525
a New File 526
an Existing File 527
Saving a.....................................................................................................
File 527
a File 527
Im porting
a Star File from Nova 528
Printing..................................................................................................... 528
Editing Star
Inform ation 529
the Date 533
Sorting .....................................................................................................
the File 534
View ing.....................................................................................................
Stars in the Planetarium 534
48 Editing
a Wheel Design File 535
a New File 536
an Existing File 536
Saving a.....................................................................................................
File 537
Editing the
Design Properties 537
Property Ty pes 539
Properties 540
......................................................................................................... 541
Lines 542
Annotation 543
Numbering 544
......................................................................................................... 545
Lines 549
Rings and Extra Ring Points 549
Adding .....................................................................................................
a New Circle 551
a Circle 551
Adding .....................................................................................................
a New Chart 551
a Chart 552
Setting .....................................................................................................
All Line Colors 552
Editing the
Wheel Description 553
49 Editing
a Dignity/Almuten File 553
Files 554
Editing a.....................................................................................................
Single Definition 556
56 Sabian
Symbols 673
Sabian Oracle
..................................................................................................... 673
57 Wheel
Styles and Page Layouts 674
58 Using
the Utilities Menu 679
Editing Menu
Item s 680
Menu Item s 681
the Menu 681
Saving Changes
to the Menu 682
for the Utilities Menu 682
59 Entering
Angles 683
60 Changing
Rulerships and Weightings 684
..................................................................................................... 684
..................................................................................................... 685
the Rulerships & Weightings Editor 686
Adding .....................................................................................................
a Set of Rulerships 686
a Set of Rulerships 686
Editing Rulerships
..................................................................................................... 687
Editing Weightings
..................................................................................................... 687
Exiting from
the Editor 688
61 Compiling
Interpretations 688
ents 689
..................................................................................................... 689
Editing Interpretations
Text 690
the Com piler 692
64 Calculation
Methods 708
Planets .....................................................................................................
and Chart Points 708
......................................................................................................... 709
......................................................................................................... 710
Hy pothetical
and Experimental Planets 710
Cusps and Chart Angles 710
Ty pical
Speeds 711
Charts 712
Charts 713
Return Charts
..................................................................................................... 714
Harm onic
Charts 716
and Contra-Antiscia Charts 716
Equivalent of Declination Charts 717
Arc Transform
Charts 718
Com bined
Charts 718
Charts 720
Charts 721
s Prenatal Charts 722
Jay nes
Prenatal Charts 726
Calculation Procedure f or Jay nes Prenatal Charts 727
Jay nes ..................................................................................................
Law of Sex 731
Prenatal Charts 732
Ref erences
......................................................................................................... 736
Chart Hylegs
..................................................................................................... 736
......................................................................................................... 738
......................................................................................................... 740
......................................................................................................... 741
65 Format
of the Orbital Elements File 743
66 Text
and Data Supplied with Solar Fire 747
Chart Data
..................................................................................................... 747
The Scholf
ield Collection 748
69 Technical
Details 763
Up 764
Solar Fire 765
File Types
..................................................................................................... 766
Sw iss Ephem
eris Files 767
Files and
Paths 768
70 Technical
Support 770
Index 773
1 Introduction
Solar Fire is a state-of-the-art astrology software
package for Windows on a PC. Solar Fire is intuitive,
easy-to-use calculation software, designed for both
novice and expert astrologers alike, and it provides easy
access to high-quality chart production using the
Windows visual interface.
Solar Fire includes natal, progressed, directed, solar,
lunar and any planet or asteroid return, composite,
harmonic, lunar phase, rise/set and prenatal charts, with a
flexible selection of aspect sets, chart point sets, and
database files for chart and place detail storage. It also
includes flexible and powerful dynamic transit and
progression reporting over any specified time period, plus
novel options for sorting and viewing output graphically
for maximised readability.
It is possible to view interpretations of any natal chart or
of any dynamic report event interactively on the screen,
by simply clicking on items in the chart or report. Synastry
interpretations are also included for any pair of charts.
Both interpretations of individual charts plus general
definitions of a large variety of astrological categories are
included. It is possible to edit or append your own text to
that supplied with the program.
Chart viewing includes an aspectarian inside the chart
wheel (or as a separate tabulation, if preferred), plus dual
wheels, biwheels, triwheels or even quadriwheels for
displaying combinations of two or more charts, and
If you are familiar with the basic concepts and method of
operation, but you wish to find out how to achieve a
specific task, then you may like to refer to relevant
chapters in the body of the manual as the need arises.
If you are upgrading your version of Solar Fire from
earlier versions, then you may wish to refer to the section
that contains a summary of differences between this
version and older versions.
If you wish to find out by which methods charts have
been calculated, or how certain information in a report has
been produced, and other advanced topics, then you will
need to refer to the on-line user guide instead of the
printed (or PDF) manual. Due to the very comprehensive
nature of Solar Fire, the printed manual cannot contain
detailed information on every aspect of the program. The
most detailed (and generally most up-to-date) information
and help can always be obtained through Solar Fire’s on-
line help facilities.
3.2 Installation
>> To Install Solar Fire
1. Insert the Solar Fire installation CD into your CD
ROM drive
2. After a short delay, the installation will start. (If it does
not start automatically then use Start/Run/Browse to find
INSTALL.EXE on the CD, and then click on the OK
button to run it.)
3. The installation program will guide you through the
subsequent steps. You will be shown licensing information
and any other important last minute information before the
installation goes ahead.
4. You will also be prompted to enter your name, serial
number and password as supplied to you by your vendor.
Note that you must enter these three items exactly as they
as given to you, including the same spelling and spacing.
5. You may then choose the location for your
installation. Unless you are familiar with folders and
directories, and have a reason for altering the suggested
location, then it is recommended that you proceed without
altering the suggested location.
6. You can then choose one of the following setup types
Typical – This installs the entire program with all
options included. This is the recommended option
for most users.
version 1.x for DOS. If you try to use an ACS Atlas while
running Solar Fire and get the error message “Invalid
TIMZON.BIN file”, it means that you have the ACS PC
Atlas version 1. In this case, contact your dealer to have it
upgraded to a current version.
Angle Progressions
Progression Day Type
User Progression Rate
Primary Direction Rate
Vulcan Calculation
Part of Fortune
Find and open the Solar Fire folder, and then double-
click the Solar Fire Gold program icon.
Calculated Charts
Solar Live Latest Link
Planet Bar
Each of these is described in more detail in the following
sections. Note that you can switch off some of these
components by using options under the Preferences
4.3.1 Menu
4.3.2 Toolbar
The Date and Place bar contains the current system date
and time, the current Ascendant and Midheaven positions,
and the current place name and timezone details. If the
5.1 Encyclopedia
>> To open the on-line Encylopedia
Select the Encyclopedia menu item from the
Help menu
This encyclopedia contains definitions and
articles from Nicholas deVore's original
'Encyclopedia of Astrology' with edits and
updates by Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd,
2008. Nicholas deVore, 1882-1960, was
President of the New York based Astrological
Research Society.
event chart.
Description of Format
You must enter a day, month and year, separated by any
of the following characters: blank( ); slash(/); period(.);
colon(:); semi-colon(;) or comma(,). If you use a month
name or abbreviation instead of a month number, then you
do not need to use any separators. You may also enter
just a day number, in which case the last entered month
and year are assumed, or just a day and month in which
case the last entered year is assumed. You may also enter
just a 4 digit year number, in which the day and month are
automatically set as 1st January.
A day number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, ..., 31). You may also use
any of the following suffixes: "st", "nd", "rd" or "th".
A month name, abbreviation or number (e.g. Jan, Feb,
Mar, ..., Dec, or 1, 2, 3, ..., 12). These must be
English month names, but may be in upper, lower or
mixed case. Abbreviations must contain at least the
(Gregorian) calendar.
The Gregorian calendar was not adopted everywhere at
the same time. Sometimes dates after 15th October 1582
are given in terms of the old style calendar (often followed
by the initials O.S.). Also, some sources convert pre
1582 dates to new style dates (often followed by the
initials N.S.).
If you wish to enter a date on or after the 15th October
1582 which is expressed as an old style date, then add
the suffix “OS” or “O.S.” to the entered date (e.g. 17 Dec
1723 OS).
If you wish to enter a date before the 15th October
1582 which is expressed as a new style date, then add the
suffix “NS” or “N.S.” to the entered date (e.g. 7 Jan
1503 NS).
The way in which these dates are displayed in Solar Fire
depends on user-modifiable preferences. You can
determine whether or not Solar Fire will automatically
convert any entered dates into the default calendar for that
date, or alternatively whether any dates that you enter
with an OS or NS suffix will always be displayed exactly
as they were entered. Additionally, you can specify a
range of years between which the OS or NS indicator is
displayed with all dates. See Changing Preferences for
more details.
The following table shows the adjustment that Solar Fire
makes in order to convert from old style to new style
Description of Format
You must enter at least an hour; minutes and seconds
are optional. You can separate hours, minutes and
seconds with a blank( ), slash(/), period(.), colon(:),semi-
colon(;) or comma(,).
You can enter time in the 24 hour format (with an hour
from 0 to 23), or you can use an AM/PM format by
typing either AM or PM after the time. If the hour number
is less than 12, then there is no need to type AM.
You can also enter any of the following words: "Noon",
"Midday" or "Midnight".
The initial default value of the zodiac selection is set
according to your choice of zodiac in the Preferences
menu. See Zodiac for instructions on changing the default
after you have saved the chart, if you wish to, from other
places in the program.
However, if you do not save this chart to a file or retain
it before exiting from Solar Fire, then any life events that
you enter here will be discarded along with the chart that
you create here.
Main Screen
Choose Edit / Edit Chart Events… from the Chart
menu or
Click on the Events caption at the bottom of the Current
Chart box
Atlas Lookup
You may enter the place to look up using any of the
following formats:
PlaceName, CountryOrStateName
PlaceName, CountyOrAdminDivisionName,
When you click on the Lookup button, one of the
following will occur,
A Place name with a country name or US State
name – (e.g. “Athens, Greece”) If this place name
exists as a unique name in the given country or state,
then the lookup is performed immediately, and the
results shown in this dialog. If there is more than one
such place with this name, then you will be
presented with a list of these places, from which you
can select one. If the place name does not exist,
then you will be presented with a list of places in
that country or state whose names are closest,
alphabetically, to the one you entered.
A Place name with country name as “US” or
“USA” – (e.g. “Athens, USA”) If this place name
exists in a US state within the atlas, then you will be
presented with a list of all places found with that
state name and the local administrative division in
which they fall. If the place name does not exist
within the atlas, then you will be presented with a list
of US state names from which to choose, after
which you will be presented with a list of places in
the chosen state whose names are closest,
alphabetically, to the one you entered.
A Place name (without country or state name) –
Similar Names
If you click on the Similar Names button, or if the
place you are looking for was not found, then you will be
presented with the City dialog box.
Radius Search
If you click on the Radius Search Button, then the
selection box appears.
Zone Changes
>> To see a list of dates and times at which the
time zone changes occur
Select the Zone Changes button - You may be
prompted for the country or state, and for the city for
which you wish to see the zone changes and the results
will be presented in a dialog box.
or folder
1. Select the Search All Files... button.
2. In the displayed dialog box, type in the series of
characters that you wish to find (e.g. type in
“kennedy” to find all charts with Kennedy in their
name), and select the OK button. Alternatively, to
re-access a recently used search string, click on the
down arrows of the drop down box and select an
item from the presented list.
3. All of the valid chart files in Solar Fire’s current
chart directory (i.e. the directory or folder in which
the currently selected chart file resides) will be
searched, and the results are displayed in the
Chart Search Results dialog.
4. You can double-click any chart in the list to open it
(i.e. to add it to the list of calculated charts on the
main screen). There are various other options
available here – see Working with the Results of a
Chart Search for a full explanation of all the options
available to you in the Chart Search Results
Note: If you wish to search all chart files in a different
directory or folder, then you can do so by first selecting a
chart file that resides in that directory or folder.
Alternatively, you can control precisely which chart files
are searched by using the Chart Search facility from
Solar Fire’s main screen, instead. (See Chart Search)
6. The Time is not needed for ordinary solar or lunar
returns, as the program will find the exact time of the
return. However you should enter a time for Wynn-
Key or Progressed Solar Returns, as this is used as the
time for which the return is calculated.
7. Select the Location type. Normally the return chart is
relocated to wherever the person is living at the time of
the return. If the Natal option is selected then all the
boxes relating to location, including time zone,
longitude and latitude will contain the location details
from the selected base chart. Note that although it may
be technically correct to alter the time zone if the
current time zone is different from the natal one, in
practice this is not necessary, as the difference in the
resultant progressed chart would be negligible. If the
Relocated option is selected then all the boxes relating
to location, including time zone, longitude and latitude
will contain the current default values. (See Saving and
Restoring Settings for details on default values.) Any of
these values may be altered in the same manner as
when creating a new chart. See Casting a New Chart
for instructions on how to alter location values.
8. Select a Which Return option. If the Current option
is selected, then Solar Fire will search backwards from
the entered date to find the return that occurred most
recently. If the Next option is selected, then Solar Fire
will search forwards from the entered date to find the
return that will occur next. If the Nearest option is
selected, the Solar Fire will find either the current or
the next return, depending on which is closer to the
entered date.
If only one return date is found, then the chart for that
date is calculated automatically, and the temporary dialog
box will disappear. If more than one return is found then
you may choose one or more of the return charts to be
calculated. Use the Ctrl key whilst clicking on each
required chart in order to make multiple selections. (Note
that if you have specified a number of returns greater than
1, then selecting the Cancel button will prevent any
further returns from being calculated.)
Note: Even with the most accurate astronomical
calculations, the slower a planet is moving, the harder it is
to pinpoint the exact time of its return. For outer planets in
general, and for inner planets when they are near a station
point, it is best to treat the chart angles and house
positions as approximate. In the chart details of the return
chart, an estimated accuracy of the return time is given, so
that you can judge how accurate the chart angles and
in India.)
It is possible to calculate any Vedic divisional chart using
a tropical chart as the base chart. However,
conventionally, they are only calculated using base charts
that have a sidereal zodiac. Therefore, if you try to
calculate a Vedic divisional chart using a base chart that
does not have a sidereal zodiac, then Solar Fire will
prompt you with a warning message. (This warning may
be switched off if you wish).
If you wish to work with Vedic charts in the
conventional way, then it is recommended that you ensure
that you have all your required base charts already
calculated in a sidereal zodiac. You can do this in a
variety of ways, as follows.
Create a new natal chart using Chart / New, and
ensure the selected zodiac is a sidereal one.
Use Chart / Edit / Edit Chart or Copy and Edit
Chart and change the selected zodiac to a sidereal
Use Chart / Edit / Toggle Chart Zodiac to change
the zodiac (and optionally also house system) of an
existing base chart. See Default Zodiac and Default
House System for information on changing your
preferred zodiac and house system for vedic (sidereal)
Use Chart / Vedic (i.e. this dialog) and choose the
“Vedic Natal” method to create a new base chart
using the default sidereal zodiac.
16.3.2 Save To
16.3.3 Options
This option is used only when you are saving charts into
a new Solar type chart file. It determines the internal
format of any Solar type chart file which is created by this
Create v3/4 format chart files – Newly created
chart files will be compatible with Solar Fire v3, v4,
v5, v6 and v7, but when used with Solar Fire v5, v6
and v7, cannot be used to store non-natal type
charts, chart ratings or source comments. Choose
this option if you wish to create chart files that can
be used by owners of Solar Fire v3 and v4.
Create v5 format chart files - Newly created
chart files will be compatible with Solar Fire v5, v6
and v7, but when used with Solar Fire v6 and v7
cannot be used to store Life Events. Choose this
option if you wish to create chart files that can be
used by owners of Solar Fire v5.
Create v6/v7 format chart files - Newly created
chart files will be fully compatible with Solar Fire v6
and v7, but cannot be used with any older version
of Solar Fire. Choose this option if you want to be
able to save Life Events with your charts.
This option is used only when you are saving charts into
a Solar type chart file.
The default house system that is selected in this drop-
down list is applied whenever the chart data that is being
imported does not have a house system stored with it, or
has a house system that is not recognised in Solar Fire.
This option is used only when you are saving charts into
a Solar type chart file.
The default zodiac that is selected in this drop-down list
is applied whenever the chart data that is being imported
does not have a zodiac stored with it, or has a zodiac that
is not recognised in Solar Fire.
If the Force all converted charts to use this zodiac
option is checked, then all imported charts are given the
default zodiac, regardless of what zodiac may be stored in
the imported chart.
This option is used only when you are saving charts into
a Solar type chart file.
The default coordinate system that is selected in this
drop-down list is applied whenever the chart data that is
being imported does not have a coordinate system stored
with it, or has a coordinate system that is not recognised
in Solar Fire.
If the Force all converted charts to use these
coordinates option is checked, then all imported charts
are given the default coordinate system, regardless of
what coordinate system may be stored in the imported
17 Emailing Charts
This chapter explains how to send chart files and chart
data by email, either from Solar Fire’s main screen, or
from the “Chart Open” dialog.
you can choose whether this will be a Solar Fire chart file
(readable only by others who own Solar Fire), or whether
it will be a text file containing written chart details.
Whenever you invoke any chart email command in Solar
Fire, you will be presented with the Email Charts dialog,
which allows you to select from the various options.
Decker (later Slaney) was an outstanding athlete and
winner in major competitions during the Eighties. At the
Olympics, this world-class runner never fulfilled her
potential. During the 1984 Olympics she was accidentally
tripped up by Zola Budd, ruining both athletes' chances
for medals.
1. If you wish to export the chart details only, without
any astronomical data, then ensure that no types of
points are selected. This will result in only the chart
details lines being included.
2. If you are exporting data for multiple charts, and
wish to import it into a spreadsheet, then it is best
to include “Chart Name” as one of the types of
data, and not to include the “Chart Details” header
line. This is because the Chart Details header line
has a different layout from the other data lines, and
will cause problems if you want to do things like
If the dates in the ASCII records are expressed in
everyday date format (e.g. “31 Dec 1957” or “Dec 31
1957” etc.), then it will usually be possible to use the Date
(String) field, and there is no need to use any of the other
date related fields. However, if the dates in the ASCII
records are split up into year, month and day parts, then
the Year, Month and Day fields should be used instead.
If the times in the ASCII records are expressed in
everyday time format (e.g. “12:17pm” or “18:23:59”
etc.), then it will usually be possible to use the Time
(String) field, and there is no need to use any of the other
time related fields. However, if the times in the ASCII
records are split up into hour, minute and second parts,
then the Hour, Minute, Second and AM/PM Indicator
fields should be used instead.
Note: If no time field is present in the record definition,
then the time defaults to 12:00 (Midday) when data is
Zone Times
If the zone times in the ASCII records are expressed in
everyday time format (e.g. “-9:30” or “+5:00” etc.), then
Filler fields must be used in the following circumstances
Import data record: “John
Smith”,”1 Jan 1972”,17.834,”12:13
18.7 Limitations
It is not possible to create a definition for a file which
contains records of differing layouts. All records in the file
must be of the same format.
Only those field types listed in the editor may be selected
e.g. if you have a file which contains the time of day in
decimal hours, this cannot be used, because only files
which contain integer hour/minute/second (e.g. 12,13,00)
or time character strings (eg “12:13 pm”) can be selected
as fields in the record.
or display.
Charts – This displays the chart selection dialog,
allowing you to select alternative charts to be displayed
with the currently displayed page type. Note: You can
also edit the charts events or comments from this dialog,
by using a right hand mouse click to bring up a pop-up
menu when hovering over any chart in the list.
Wheel Style – If the currently displayed page has only
one wheel type displayed, then this will display the File
Manager with a list of wheel style files that you can select
for this wheel type. If there is more than one wheel type
displayed on the current page (e.g. a uniwheel and a
biwheel), then this will display the Chart Options menu,
from which you can choose one of the wheel style types.
file selection.
Asteroid File – for objects that require an asteroid
file selection.
Extra Bodies File – for objects that require a extra
bodies file selection.
Extra Ring Points File – for objects that require an
extra ring points file selection.
Wheel File – for wheel objects (uniwheel, biwheel,
triwheel, quadriwheel).
Clipboard – This will send the graphic to the
Windows clipboard, from where it can be pasted
into any other program that recognises the graphic
type. For example, you can paste it into a word
processor or desktop publishing program.
File – This will send the graphic to a file of your
choice. You will be prompted to specify a file name
and location.
Email attachment – This will generate a graphic
file that is automatically attached to an outgoing
email, ready to send, provided that you have a
MAPI compliant email program. See About MAPI
for further details.
Graphic Type
Bitmap – This will create a bitmap file, which is a
Special Options
Include Captions - When copying to a Metafile or
PDF format, it is possible to select whether or not
the chart details and compliments text are included
in the output. Sometimes, for desk-top-publishing
requirements, it is preferable to have the chart on its
own without any text, and for any captions to be
added separately to the document.
Monochrome - When copying to a Metafile or
PDF format, it is possible to select whether or not
the generated graphic should be in the currently
displayed color scheme, or in monochrome (black
lines and text only). As many publications are only in
monochrome, this option makes it easy to ensure
that the graphic is in an appropriate format.
Quality – When copying to a JPEG format, it is
22 Viewing Interpretations
Solar Fire contains text on a large variety of astrological
topics, including the meanings of certain astrological
archetypes, plus interpretations of planets in signs, houses,
in aspect to one another etc. You may view any of the
text by opening the interpretations window. This can be
done from the main screen of Solar Fire, or from the
"View Chart" or “Animation” screens.
Solar Fire is supplied with three separate sets of
interpretations – for natal charts, for synastry between
two charts, and for transits to a natal chart.
Solar Fire allows you to create or use sets of
interpretations of the following types
Natal - Supplied with Solar Fire
You can edit the existing text or create you own new set
of interpretations by using a separate utility program which
is supplied with Solar Fire. For instructions on how to use
this, see Compiling Interpretations.
The interpretations window has two modes of operation:
General Mode - In this mode, you can browse through
every possible combination of interpretation and definition
Current Chart Mode - In this mode, you are limited to
browsing through interpretation relating solely to the
current chart. (The current chart is whichever chart was
last selected from Solar Fire's main screen, or the chart
which you were displaying in the "View Chart" screen
immediately before opening the interpretations window.
General Mode - Title, copyright and explanatory text
Current Chart Mode - Same as General Mode
General Mode - Information about any degree of the
Current Chart Mode - Information about the degree of
any chart point
General Mode - Information about any decanate (10
degree subdivision) of the zodiac and its ruler
Current Chart Mode - Information about the decanate
of any chart point, and its ruler
General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong
definition of any sign
Current Chart Mode - Balance of the signs using a
scoring system
General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong
definition of any element
Current Chart Mode - Balance of the elements using a
scoring system
General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong
definition of any mode
Current Chart Mode - Balance of the modes using a
scoring system
General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong
definition of any house
Current Chart Mode - Balance of the houses using a
scoring system
General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong
definition of any quadrant
Current Chart Mode - Balance of the quadrants using a
scoring system
General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong
definition of any hemisphere
Current Chart Mode - Balance of the hemispheres using
a scoring system
General Mode - General definition of any aspect
Current Chart Mode - Interpretation of the aspect
between any two chart points in the current chart
General Mode - General definition plus weak and strong
definition of any ray
Current Chart Mode - Balance of the rays using a
scoring system
Lunar Phase
General Mode - Interpretation of any of 8 lunar phases
Current Chart Mode - Interpretation of the lunar phase
of the current chart
Sign on House
General Mode - Interpretation of any sign on any house
Current Chart Mode - Interpretation of any house cusp's
sign in the current chart
Chart Point
General Mode - Definition of any chart point
Current Chart Mode - Basic technical information and
aspect list for any chart point in the current chart
Point in House/Sign
General Mode - Interpretation of any chart point in any
sign and any house
Current Chart Mode - Same as above two information
categories combined
Dispositor's House/Sign
General Mode - No information available (disabled)
Current Chart Mode - Definition of the house and sign
of the dispositor of any point in the current chart
Point's Aspects
General Mode - Any chart point in any aspect to any
other chart point
Current Chart Mode - Interpretations of all of the
aspects formed to any chart point in the current chart
Point's Rays
General Mode - Definition of each ray relating to any
chart point
Current Chart Mode - Same as General Mode
screen size
Click on the maximise button at the top right of the
window. You can restore the window to its original size
simply by clicking on the restore button at the top right of
the window.
25 Viewing Stellarium
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium
for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in
3D, just like what you see with the naked eye,
binoculars or a telescope.
Chart Analysis
Chart details: name, birth date, birth time, latitude,
longitude, etc.
Astronomical information: DeltaT, Ephemeris Time,
Julian Day, Sidereal Time at Greenwich, Local Sidereal
Time, Obliquity of the ecliptic, Adjusted Calculation Date
for midnight and midday ephemerides.
Chart angles: the longitudes of the Ascendant and
Midheaven computed to the second of arc.
Rulerships Report
This report is available using any available level of
rulerships. (It is possible to add your own rulerships to
Solar Fire. Refer to page Changing Rulerships and
Weightings for instructions on how to do this.) It shows
the following:
Planets: accidentally dignified, in mutual reception, in
rulership, detriment, exaltation and fall, and the final
Chart points: in signs, house, house ruled, dispositor and
dispositor's house.
Horary Report
Planetary day, planetary hour, hour of day or night
House Cusps: Almutens (calculated according to the
options in the houses.alm almuten definition file)
Chart Points: Ruler, Exalted, Triplicity, Term, Face,
Detriment, Fall, Score, Peregrine (calculated according to
the options in the essdig.alm dignity definition file)
Chart Hyleg: according to Bonatti’s method and
Ptolemy’s method.
Aspects List
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
Sorted Aspects
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
Orb used: maximum orb angle
Aspects list: listing of aspects in order of increasing orb
and whether applying or separating.
When this report is produced as a synastry report,
aspects shown are between the two charts instead of
between planets within the single chart.
Aspects Analysis
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
Major aspect patterns found: Click on the Patterns…
button to preview all the available aspect patterns and to
switch any patterns on or off.
Aspect distribution grid: the number of aspects found
Sensitive Points
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
MidPoint Listing
Modulus used: modulus angle
List of midpoints: In planetary order, modulus angle
List of midpoints: In midpoint order, modulus angle
When this chart is produced as a synastry report, the
midpoints from the first chart are mixed with the primary
positions (i.e. the positions of the chart points themselves)
of the second chart, and these are flagged to show which
chart they belong to. In this manner it is possible to see
the positions of the transiting planets relative to a chart's
midpoints, for example.
MidPoint Axes
Modulus used: modulus angle
Orb used: orb angle
List of Axes: In planetary order down the screen.
Midpoints within orb are listed across the page (and onto
next line if line is full).
Example: *Ura* Vp/Sat 0 02d *Asc* 0 05 Mar/Jup 0
This shows that Uranus is within 2 minutes of arc of the
midpoint of the Vernal Point (0 Aries) and Saturn; within
5 minutes of arc of the Ascendant; and within 9 minutes of
MidPoint Trees
Modulus used: modulus angle
Orb used: orb angle
List of Trees: In planetary order across the screen.
Midpoints within orb are listed down the page under each
Example, showing the same midpoints as in the previous
Vp/Sat 0 02d
*Asc* 0 05
Mar/Jup 0 09
Midpoint Modes
Cardinal Points: Zodiacal position of chart points and
midpoints which are in cardinal signs, plus modulus angle
of points which are in semisquare or sesquisquare to chart
points and midpoints.
Fixed Points: As for cardinal points
Mutable Points: As for cardinal points
This report is especially useful for quickly finding any 8th
harmonic aspects to midpoints in a chart. For example, in
the cardinal section of the report, if two of the entries are:-
Mar/Nep 14Li59 Mer/Nod 15 25
Arabic Parts
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
List of Parts: Name and zodiacal position
List of Aspects: Aspects to chart points, orbs
Star Aspects
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
Chart Points: Zodiacal position and declination
List of aspects: Aspects to fixed stars in current fixed
star file, orb and star keywords
Star Parans
Parans Used: List of which parans are included (rise, set,
upper culmination, lower culmination)
Paran Orb: maximum paran orb
Chart Points: Zodiacal position and declination
List of parans: Parans to fixed stars in current fixed star
file, star keywords
Planetary Nodes
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
Chart Points: North node position and daily travel, South
node position and daily travel
List of aspects: Aspects to other chart points, in order of
increasing orb
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
List of Asteroids in current asteroid file: Longitude, daily
travel, latitude, R.A. and Declination, list of aspects from
asteroid to other chart points, orbs
Other Bodies
Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect
angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to
other planets), other planet or chart point applying and
separating orb, aspect name.
List of Bodies: Name, longitude, daily travel, latitude, R.
A. and Declination
List of Aspects: Aspects to chart points, orbs
The bodies which appear in this report are those whose
orbital elements are defined in a file called “extras.dat”,
Difference Listing
Modulus used: modulus angle
List of differences: In planetary order, modulus angle
List of differences: In difference order, modulus angle
The difference between a pair shown in the report as “A/
B” is computed as (Position B – Position A), i.e. it
indicates the zodiacal distance from point A forward
through the zodiac to point B.
For each displayed point, shows the longitude, speed
indicator, the zodiacal positions of the last and next
station, and the time since the last station and until the next
The speed indicator is determined according to the
typical speed of each point, and can be Fast, Slow,
Stationary or Retrograde.
Rise/Set Times
For each displayed point, shows the longitude, and the
paran values for the rise, culmination, set and anti-
culmination of that point.
The paran values may be displayed as local times, or
LST angles or times, according to the user-setting in the
Preferences dialog.
Gauq. Sectors
For each displayed point, shows the longitude, distance
in A.U. (usually geocentric, but heliocentric if the chart is
heliocentric), the Gauquelin sector (1 to 36) and a flag to
show if it is in one of the Gauquelin plus sectors.
Note that (for a planet on the ecliptic) the sectors start at
the horizon, and sectors 1 to 9 run from the Ascendant to
the Midheaven, 10 to 18 run from the Midheaven to the
Descendant, 19 to 27 run from the Descendant to the IC,
and 28 to 36 from the IC to the Ascendant.
The Plus sectors are 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 36.
Modulus Sort
For each displayed point shows the longitude, and the
modulus of the longitude according to the current modulus
value which may be set by the user on this screen.
There is also a graphical modulus sort strip.
Chart Balances
This shows graphical representations of the balance of
modes, elements, rays quadrants and hemispheres. Note
House Cusps
For each house cusps, show the longitude and its degree
almuten (calculated according to the options in the houses.
alm almuten definition file).
Shows the four last lunar phases and the next phase due
(using the standard 4 lunar phases).
Also shows the last two and next three eclipses due
(both solar and lunar).
The times are for either maximum eclipse or for the exact
corresponding lunar phase, depending on the eclipse
settings in Preferences.
Essential Dignities
For each chart point: Ruler, Exalted, Triplicity, Term,
Face, Detriment, Fall, Score, Peregrine (calculated
according to the options in the essdig.alm dignity definition
Further Dignities
Shows a collection of page objects with various types of
dignities, including planetary sect, planetary hour and day,
chart hyle.g. mutual receptions, horary consideration and
lunar aspects.
AstroDyne Plan&Asp
For each chart point, shows its astrodyne score, giving
the overall power score, the % contribution towards the
total power score, and a Harmony/Disharmony score.
Also, the strongest, best and worst nine aspects are
listed, along with their scores.
AstroDyne Houses
For each house and house type, shows its astrodyne
score, giving the overall power score, the % contribution
towards the total power score, and a Harmony/
Disharmony score.
AstroDyne Signs
For each sign and sign type, shows its astrodyne score,
giving the overall power score, the % contribution
towards the total power score, and a Harmony/
Disharmony score.
For each displayed point shows the declination, the
longitude, and longitude equivalent of its declination.
There is also a graphical declination strip.
Aspects - Closest
This list all the aspects currently selected, and then lists the
aspects within the current chart in order of closeness of
orb. Aspects will not appear in this list unless their orb is
within i) the maximum orb specified for this object, and ii)
the maximum orb allowed for that aspect in the aspect set
which is being used. The total number of aspects shown is
limited to 24.
Midpoint Trees
This displays midpoint trees for each displayed point in
the chart, using the currently specified modulus and orb,
both of which may be edited by the user on this screen.
Planetary Hours
This shows the planets of each planetary hour on the
chart's date, starting at dawn and ending with dawn of the
following day.
Almuten Scores
This object displays planetary scores for various dignity
or almuten calculations. The scores are calculated
according to the default dignity and almutens scores
stored in the file general.alm, which resides in Solar Fire’s
program folder.
Vedic Dasas
This displays a list of Dasas (major planetary periods) and
Bhuktis (sub planetary periods) using the current default
sidereal zodiac for the selected chart.
This shows the Nakshatras (Vedic lunar divisions) for the
current chart according to the default sidereal zodiac. The
names and types of the mansions are given, as well as a
few keywords describing the attributes of the mansion.
Arabic Mansions
This lists, for each displayed point, the number of the
Arabic mansion it occupies (1 to 28), the name of the
mansion as given in the Picatrix, the Arabic name, and the
English name.
Chinese Mansions
This shows the Chinese Lunar Mansion occupied by
each chart point. These mansions are divisions in right
ascension, the boundaries of which are defined by the
positions of certain fixed stars. The Chinese and English
names of the mansion are given, as well as a few
keywords describing the attributes of the mansion.
Direction of Divisions
This first object displays the same information as the
Planetary Hour/Day object, but also indicates the current
planetary rulers of a 36 year cycle. Each 36 year period is
ruled by one of the 7 planets from Mars to Neptune, and
each year within that 36 year period is sub-ruled by a
planet. The periods of rulership start on the tropical Aries
ingress each year. This 36 year cycle is described in
American Astrology Magazine - Year 1940, in an article
by David Anrias (although it is referred to in that article as
a 35 year cycle), and is also alluded to in the title of the
book “The Initiate in the Dark Cycle” by Cyril Scott –
Publ. Samuel Weiser Inc. This “Dark Cycle” is the 36
year period from 1909 to 1945 which was ruled by Mars.
The second object shows the polarity, element (of the
five Chinese Elements) and the animal of the current
Chinese lunar year.
Four temperaments weighted according to Lilly –
Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic.
Points used: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Aspects to Sun,
Aspects Used: Conjunction, Square, Trine, Opposition
and Sextile
Data and References for the Temperaments have been
The list box on the top left of the screen contains a list of
all the report types that may be displayed.
type of report, then you can select a modulus angle for the
Highlight one (or more) chart files that you wish to add
to the search.
Note: You can include multiple chart files at once by
using the Mouse + Shift or Ctrl keys.
27.3.1 In Sign
Ascendant in Taurus.
27.3.2 In House
27.3.3 In Aspect
27.3.5 At Position
27.3.6 In Dignity
27.3.7 Is Planet
clicking on the > button to the right of the Aspect Set box.
27.3.10 Coordinates
operator. For example, to test for the Sun being in the 3rd
decanate of Libra, you would need to use two conditions
combined with an AND operator i.e. Sun Longitude >=
20°Li00’ AND Sun Longitude < 0°Sc00’.
A Comparison Value - the types of comparison
value required depends on the chart details type.
String type chart details require a character string
comparison value. Date type requires a date
comparison value. Time type requires a time
comparison value. Latitude requires a geographic
latitude comparison value and Longitude requires a
geographic longitude comparison value.
27.3.13 Midpoint
Report Header
The full header of the dynamic report usually takes up
about half a page, and includes details of all the selections
you made to generate the report. It is possible to prevent
this information from being printed in order to save this
space. If this option is switched off, then only the base
chart name and the name of the saved selection are
Report Accuracy
It is possible for Solar Fire to calculate its dynamic
reports using two different methods
With Maximum Accuracy switched on - In this case
all dynamic report calculations are performed using an
iterative method that ensures that the time given for each
events is accurate to within one second of time. However,
the "cost" of this accuracy is that it is considerably slower
than less accurate methods.
With Maximum Accuracy switched off - In this case
some dynamic report calculations (i.e. aspect hits) are
performed using a quadratic curve-fitting method, which
approximates the correct result, and is generally not quite
as accurate as the iterative method, but has the advantage
of being much quicker. The loss of accuracy is usually
very small - typically giving results within several seconds
of the maximally accurate result, although in some isolated
cases it could be out by up to ten seconds or more.
Typical users of Solar Fire will probably prefer to have
the Maximum Accuracy option switched off, because it
makes dynamic report and calendar generation much
quicker, and still retains a level of accuracy which is more
than adequate for most astrological purposes. However,
those users who do need results which are always
accurate to the nearest second of time should switch
Maximum Accuracy on.
If the settings are Relative to Current Date, Go To Start
of Month, Adjust by –1 months, then any current date in
December 2005 results in an automate report start date of
1st November 2005 i.e. the first day of the month
preceding the current month.
right of the screen). This will turn the screen into an icon at
the bottom of your Windows desktop area, and you may
view it again at any time by double-clicking on its icon.
Note, however, that if you generate another dynamic
report, then it will overwrite your existing report. If you
wish to save it then you must print it or copy it to the
clipboard before producing another dynamic report.
to Natal
Tr-Pn – Transits to a Progressed Radix chart
Tr-Pr – Transits to progressions (same radix chart)
Point1 and Point2 may be any of the following types.
Any chart point (planet, asteroid,
Transneptunian, angle) - Shown by either it’s
glyph or by it’s abbreviation (eg ¿ or “Ura”)
A midpoint between any two points - Shown
by either their glyph or by their abbreviations (e.g.
¿/¶ or “Ura/Mon”)
A fixed star - Shown by either s* where * is a
number of by its first six letters (e.g. “s12” or
An Arabic Part - Shown by either p* where * is
a number of by its first six letters (e.g. “p7” or
An asteroid - Shown by either a* where * is a
number or by its first six letters (e.g. “a3” or
A fixed position - Shown by either f* where * is
a number or by its position (e.g. “f1” or
A house cusp – shown by a number from 1 to
Note: If you have a listing with a large number of fixed
stars, Arabic Parts, asteroids or fixed positions, then you
may wish to switch between the alternate display styles to
help you identify which item is which on the list.
p - progressing
d - directed
n - natal
r - radix
It is possible to alter the display to show either transiting
hit numbers or dates/times on which certain events
occurred, on the map. The Hit Nos option shows which
hit in a series of direct/retrograde transits to a point is
occurring. For example, if the transit has three hits (1st hit
direct, 2nd hit retrograde, and 3rd hit direct), then these
events will be labelled 1:3, 2:3, and 3:3 respectively. If the
transit has only one hit, then it will be labelled 1:1. This
enables you to see at a glance whether there are
associated hits which occur before or after the duration of
the time map. Note, however, that progressions and
directions and special dynamic events do not have hit
numbers shown, as these will generally always be single
events. The Date option shows the day and month of each
major event on the map. For example an event which
occurs on the 23rd March will be labelled either 23/3 or
3/23 depending on the date order in your Windows setup.
However, if the duration of the time map is less than 7
days, then this option shows the time in 24 hour format,
instead of the date. For example an event which occurs at
3:46pm is labelled 15:46. It is possible to scroll through
this list by using the scroll bars on the right of the screen.
It is also possible to reorder and delete lines in the map.
none of it completely.
Partial – This occurs when the Moon passes partly
across the umbra of the Earth’s shadow. Part of the
Moon’s surface becomes completely obscured.
Total – This occurs when the Moon passes
completely into the shadow of the Earth, and the
whole disk of the Moon becomes completely
When you have made all your selections, click on the
Start Search button. Solar Fire will list all of the eclipses
that match your selection in the list box on the bottom
right of the dialog.
When you highlight any eclipse on this list, the full details
of that eclipse will appear in the box at the top, right of the
dialog, and any aspects that are made between the eclipse
point and the (optionally) selected chart will be displayed
below that. The items displayed are as follows.
Eclipse Type – Solar / Lunar and whether Partial /
Annular / Total / Hybrid / Appulse.
Date and Time – The date and time (Universal
Time, timezone +0:00) of maximum eclipse, given to
the nearest whole minute or else the date and time
to the nearest second of exact lunar phase,
depending on the eclipse setting under Preferences.
Position – The zodiacal position of the Sun (in
Solar Eclipses) or Moon (in Lunar Eclipses).
Saros Number – The number of the Saros cycle to
which this eclipse belongs. The Saros is a period of
approximately 18 years and 11 days, after which
eclipses are repeated with only slightly altered
characteristics. The standard astronomical
1. Select the Real Time Clock item from the
Dynamic menu (this will display a chart for the
current default location)
2. Click on the Location button on the right hand
side of the window. In the resulting Change
Location dialog box you can set a new place and
timezone and apply that to the clock.
ring and transits on the outermost ring. If you use the time
controls to alter or step the time, then the current date and
time are used as the starting point, and the progressions,
directions and transits charts are then adjusted according
to the options you choose.
Solar Fire charts. The starting date and time are used for
the first ephemeris entry, and entries are then calculated at
the specified frequency until the end date and time are
reached. (You may stop the ephemeris generator at any
point during calculations if you wish).
Frequency of Entries - Specify the required interval
between ephemeris entries by choosing a unit from the
dropdown list box, and optionally a number of units. It is
possible to specify an interval from 1 minute up to
thousands of years if required. Typically, you may wish to
generate entries every 1 day, 10 days, 1 month or 1 year.
Ephemeris Time Zone - Published ephemerides are
usually calculated for the GMT timezone (+0:00).
However, you may enter any timezone that you wish,
either manually by typing in a zone abbreviation and/or
time, or by using the Zone button and selecting a zone
from the list.
Zodiac - Select the zodiac in which you wish the
ephemeris to be generated from the drop-down list of
zodiacs. The available zodiacs are the same as those that
can be used in other Solar Fire charts. The topical zodiac
is that most commonly used in western astrology.
Coordinates - Select the desired coordinate system
from the option buttons. Published ephemerides are
usually in geocentric coordinates.
Lunar Node - If you are including the moon’s node as a
selected point to list, then select the desired lunar node
type from the option buttons. This option is ignored if the
moon’s node is not selected as a point to list.
Items to List - You may select one or more items to list
by clicking on their check boxes. The generated
ephemeris will have one column for each item to list for
33 Using Calendars
This chapter describes how to generate, view and print a
calendar containing transits, progressions and/or
directions for any radix chart. Calendar data may also be
exported to other calendaring programs, such as MS
Outlook and others.
Before generating a calendar, it is necessary to have
either cast or opened the chart/s for which you wish to
generate the calendar. If you have not yet done so, see
Casting a Natal Chart for instructions on creating a new
chart, or page Retrieving Charts From a File for
instructions on opening an existing chart.
Exported Events
Include Interpretations - If this option is
selected, then calendar data that is exported
to other applications will include Solar
Fire's interpretation of each event, in
addition to the event details themselves.
Switching this off reduces the volume of
exported information, by limiting it to
include only the name, date and time of
each event.
Timezone/Location Options
Use default timezone – to use your current
default location and timezone settings for
the calendar events.
Use radix chart's location and timezone - to
use the current chart's location and settings
for the calendar events.
Specify my own location/timezone - allows
you to enter the required place details and
other settings in the Location frame below.
Point Selection
Transits - Transiting points. You may, for
example want to include just transits from
the inner planets only. On the other hand,
for a more detailed calendar, you may want
to include transits by the Moon.
Progs - Progressing and directed points.
You can specify a different set of points
from the transiting points.
Radix - Points in the radix chart that you
want to include in the report. You could
exclude the MC and Ascendant if the birth
Aspect Selection
Transits - Aspects formed from transiting
points to radix points.
Progs - Aspects formed from progressed
or directed points to radix points. This can
be a different set of aspects from the
transiting aspects.
Calculation Options
If you want all events to be precession
corrected, select the Prec. Corr. checkbox.
Font Size
Calendar dialog.
Or choose Send Calendar Events / To
vCalendar file... from the Export menu of
the Calendar dialog.
You will be prompted to enter a filename and
location to save the file to.
Once you have exported the data, you will
need to import it into whatever application you
wish to use it with, instructions for which you
must obviously obtain from that application's
own documentation.
Select the Queue... button - This will display a dialog
box asking you to confirm whether or not you wish to add
this print job to the Solar Fire print batch queue. If you
select the OK button, then it will be added to the queue,
and it will not be printed at this time. It is possible, at any
later time, to start printing all the jobs which are on the
batch print queue by selecting the Start Print Queue...
option from the View menu of the main screen.
Note: If you have specified more than one copy, then
the print queue will have the specified number of copies
added to it instead of just one.
This section describes how to clear all the items from the
print batch queue that have been added since it was last
printed or cleared. If the print batch queue is cleared, then
all the items on the print queue will be lost.
Dial Styles...
Point Colors...
Aspect Colors...
Sign Colors...
Interpretations File...
In the dynamic report selection and graphic ephemeris
selection screens, clicking on any of the following boxes
will also invoke the file manger.
Transiting Points
Extra Transiting Points
Progressing Points
Extra Progressing Points
Radix Points
Extra Radix Points
Transiting Aspects
Progressing Aspects
The file manager will also be invoked if the File... button
is selected from any screen.
When the file manager screen appears its title line will
display the name of the file type that has been chosen, and
the list box will contain an entry for each file name of this
file type. The file name that is highlighted is always initially
the "current" file (i.e. the last selected file). If there are no
files of this type then the list box will be empty, and it will
only be possible to create files.
Selection of whether aspect glyphs appear in
displayed charts
Selection of aspect highlighting and filtering options
Special chart superimposition options when displaying
Colors schemes used for chart points, aspects, zodiac
signs and as backgrounds
Fonts used for screen displays and printouts
The selection of each of these is described in detail in the
following sections. It is possible to save any of these
selections so that they will be used automatically when the
program is next started up. See Saving and Restoring
Settings for instructions on how to do this.
>> To alter the extra ring points set, from the main
1. Choose the Extra Ring Points... option from the
Chart Options menu
2. Then follow the instruction relating to extra ring points
in Editing an Extra Ring Points File.
36.7 Files
This menu option allows you to select any of four
different types of files to use as the default, or to edit or
browse their contents. These file types are as follows.
Fixed Stars – files containing selections of fixed stars
or other astronomical objects
Arabic Parts – files containing lists of Arabic part
Asteroids – files containing lists of asteroids
Extra Bodies – files containing orbital elements for
various bodies
See Using the File Manager for more details on how to
select, edit and use these file types.
orbs have the thickest lines, and the widest orbs have
the thinnest lines. The maximum line width multiplier
can be set to control the factor by which the line width
is increased for the tightest orbs. The Linear option
thickens the lines in direct proportion to the relative
orb ratio e.g. an aspect whose orb is half of its
maximum allowed orb has its thickness multiplied by
half the maximum line width multiplier. The Sqr option
thickens the line in proportion to the square of the
relative orb, so an aspect whose orb is half of its
maximum allowed orb has its thickness multiplied by
one quarter of the maximum line width multiplier. The
Sqr*Sqr option thickens the line in proportion to the
fourth power of the relative orb, so an aspect whose
orb is half of its maximum allowed orb has its
thickness multiplied by one eight of the maximum line
width multiplier.
Partile aspect only (same degree) – only those
aspects that are partile (i.e. those which are in the
same whole degree of their sign at each end of the
aspect) are highlighted by the line width multiplier. All
other aspects are set to their standard default line
By absolute tightness of orb - the aspect line
thicknesses are scaled according to their actual orbs in
degrees. When this option is selected, the list box
below contains a list of orb limits and the
corresponding line width multipliers to apply. This list
may be edited by the user. Use the Add button to add
a new line, the Del button to remove a line, and use
the Max Orb box to set the orb in degrees and
36.16 Fonts
It is possible to choose which text font style you wish to
use on chart captions displayed on the screen, as well as
another text font style for any charts and reports which
are printed on your printer. You can also select a base
font size for printed reports and tabulations.
When the Solar Fire program is first installed on you
computer, it sets your screen font as "ET Sans Serif 2"
and your printer font as "ET Symbol 2". However, you
are free to select alternative fonts if you so wish. If you
select any other fonts, then Solar Fire will use your
selected font for displaying any normal text, but will
continue to use the astrological fonts when displaying any
astrological symbols.
These two fonts contain all the astrological symbols that
are needed by the program, without which you will not be
able to display charts and reports with astrological
symbols. Therefore you must not delete them from your
computer. If, for any reason, these fonts are removed,
then Solar Fire will display spurious symbols instead of
the correct astrological symbols.
37 Changing Preferences
It is possible to perform any of the following actions
from the Preferences menu
Editing current settings
Save all the current settings
Restore the previously saved settings
Switch on or off an option to save settings
automatically upon exit
Edit the toolbar buttons
Switch on or off various panels on the main screen
The selection of each of these is described in detail in the
following sections. It is possible to save any of the
switchable preferences so that they take effect
automatically when the program is next started up by
using the Save Settings option.
37.3.1 Calculations
by Delphine Jay
These are NOT the same as the Black Moon Lilith.
37.3.2 Progs/Dirns
37.3.3 Zodiac
37.3.4 Houses
37.3.5 Points
You may select any of three available styles for the Pluto
glyph. This style is used in all chart wheels and reports in
Solar Fire.
You may select either of two available styles for the Eris
glyph. This style is used in all chart wheels and reports in
Solar Fire.
37.3.8 Misc Parans
There are two options that affect how all midpoint trees
are calculated, both in the reports and in the midpoint tree
page objects.
Allow trees to contain midpoints which include
the root planet – Normally, when midpoint trees
are constructed, the root planet for each tree is
excluded from calculations of the midpoints which
fall under that tree. This can only occur when the
root planet is conjunct the other point, and as this
can normally be seen easily in the chart itself, it is of
37.3.9 Compliments
37.3.10 Dates
When you are entering dates into Solar Fire, you can
facilitate input by excluding the century number from the
year and entering just one or two digits for the year, and
allowing the century number to be automatically inserted.
For example, entering 3/12/98 might result in the date “3
Dec 1998” being assumed, or 3/12/0 might result in “3
Dec 2000”.
This option allows you to specify the 100 year window
in which the century number is correctly assumed.
For example, if you enter the window range 1905 (to
2004), then one or two digit year numbers are assumed to
be within this year range i.e. 0 to 4 are converted to 2000
37.3.12 Places
message each time that Solar Fire starts up, and the
timezone will not be updated. In this case you have the
option of either switching this option off, or of re-selecting
your current location.
37.3.13 Charts
37.3.14 AutoRun
the file name and its title and description will be displayed
in the text boxes.
If you wish to create a new task file, then see Using the
Astrologers Assistant for further instructions.
37.3.15 Ephemerides
37.3.16 Stations
>> To make the file which has just been edited the
current file
Select the Select button.
you wish.
Asteroid glyphs
65 asteroid glyphs are available in a font file called ET
Asteroid 1. The design of the glyphs was supplied by
Roderick Kidston in Australia, an asteroid expert. Some
of the glyphs are in common usage and where there are
no glyphs for some asteroids, Roderick’s glyphs are used.
Asteroid glyphs
65 asteroid glyphs are available in a font file called ET
Asteroid 1. The design of the glyphs was supplied by
Roderick Kidston in Australia, an asteroid expert. Some
of the glyphs are in common usage and where there are
no glyphs for some asteroids, Roderick’s glyphs are used.
43 Editing Interpretations
This section describes how to edit any of the
interpretations text that is supplied with Solar Fire, and
how to create new sets of interpretations. An
interpretations editing program is supplied with Solar Fire,
and this may be accessed either on its own, or directly
from within Solar Fire.
editor are
Whether or not the weighting of each chart point is
What value the “weakratio” has.
What value the “strongratio” has.
The weighting values for each point, if you choose to use
them, are the same weighting values that are used in other
parts of Solar Fire. See Editing Weightings for further
information on editing the weightings.
You can prevent weak interpretations from appearing at
all by specifying a “weakratio” of 0 (zero). If you do so,
then you need not enter any text relating to weak divisions
of that type. Similarly, by entering a large number (like
99.9), for “strongratio” you can prevent strong
interpretations from appearing, and you do not need to
enter any text for strong division of that type. For
example, it might be desirable to set a “weakratio” of zero
for Balance of Signs, because it is likely that a number of
signs will be completely unoccupied in any chart, and it
may not be very meaningful to give any interpretation to
those signs being unoccupied.
Dynamic Aspects
When you are creating a set of interpretations applying
to a single natal chart, or to synastry between two charts,
then you normally want the interpretations for point1 in
aspect to point2 to be the same as for point2 in aspect to
point1, e.g. Pluto square Moon and Moon square Pluto
would have the same interpretation.
However, if you are creating a set of interpretations for
transits, progressions or directions to a radix chart, then
you would want to supply different interpretations in each
case e.g. Pluto square Moon and Moon square Pluto
would have different interpretations. This case is referred
to as Dynamic Aspects.
You can set the interpretation file to work in either way,
with the Dynamic Aspects on or off. When the Dynamic
Aspects option is off, Pluto Square Moon and Moon
Square Pluto will both display the same text in the editor,
so editing one of them will also affect the other. When the
Dynamic Aspect option is on, they will display separate
paragraphs of text, and editing one will have no effect on
the other.
The process of decompiling extracts all the
interpretations text from the interpretations file and inserts
it into a single ANSI text file. The ANSI file is written to
conform exactly to Solar Fire’s requirements for a text
interpretations file, so that it may subsequently be
recompiled without any changes being required. The text
file may be edited with any text editor or word processor.
Compiling an interpretations file is the process of reading
in a text file that contains interpretations text formatted
according to Solar Fire’s specifications, and writing out an
interpretations file which may be used directly in Solar
Fire, and edited with the interpretations editor. The format
of a decompiled text file is somewhat complex, and it is
not recommended that you attempt to make significant
alterations to a decompiled file unless you are technically
proficient. For the full specification of the required format
for a decompiled file, see Editing Interpretations Text.
entering angles.
There are three types of orbs:
Natal - These orbs are used on all charts and reports
other than progressed charts or dynamic reports.
Progressed - These orbs are used on all progressed
charts and reports relating to progressed charts.
Transits - These orbs are used for entering and leaving
events in all dynamic (transits and progressions) reports.
You may specify different orbs for luminaries and for
other chart points. (Luminaries are the sun and the moon
only). Luminary aspect orbs are used whenever at least
one of the chart points in aspect to one another is a
luminary. Also, you may specify a different orb depending
on whether the aspect is approaching exactness (applying)
or is moving away from exactness (separating).
Note: Within an individual chart, Solar Fire calculates
whether any aspect is applying or separating according to
the rate of motion of both points involved in the aspect.
An exception to this is when a chart angle is involved in
the aspect. In this case the chart angle is assumed to be
stationary. (Chart angles are the Ascendant, Midheaven,
Vertex and Equatorial Ascendant.) When an aspect is
being made between two separate charts, Solar Fire
takes account of the motion of the planet in the first chart,
and holds the planet in the second chart stationary.
Therefore, whether an aspect is found to be applying or
separating depends on the order in which the charts are
considered, and swapping the order of the charts may
affect whether a particular aspect is deemed to be
applying or separating. In the case of a biwheel, the inner
chart is always held fixed, whilst in the case of a synastry
grid, the chart across the grid is always held fixed. In
Orb Types
You can select from three different types of orbs
Use Luminary/Other Orbs - This is the standard
option that applies if you do not select the Advanced
Options button, and was the only option available in
previous versions of Solar Fire. This allows you to enter
two sets of orbs for each aspect. One set of orbs that
apply when a luminary (i.e. the sun or the moon) is making
an aspect, and another set of orbs when any other planet
is making an aspect.
Use Planet Orb Ratios - This option allows for the
possibility of each planet having a different orb for the
same aspect. Rather than allowing orbs to be entered for
each planet (which would involve many hundreds of orbs
being entered), the user specifies an orb ratio for each
planet, and specifies just a single set of base orbs for each
aspect. The orbs of any individual planet are then
calculated by multiplying the base orb by that planet’s orb
Use Aspects by Sign Only - This option precludes the
use of orbs, by determining aspects only according to
which signs each planet is placed in. For example, if one
planet is in Aries, and another in Cancer, then they are in
Square aspect, regardless of which degree of their signs
they are in. With this option, only the first nine aspects in
the list are active.
An additional option that may be selected in combination
with the first two of the above
Use Sign as well as Orb – When this is enabled, any
aspect that is found within its specified orb is also
checked to determine if it is also in the same aspect by
sign. If it is not, then the aspect is ignored. For example, if
one planet is at 1 degree of Aries, and another is at 29
degrees of Gemini, then they would be square with an orb
of 2 degrees, but the signs are 60 degrees apart (i.e.
sextile), so this aspect would be disregarded.
Special Options
There are three special options that can be used in
conjunction with some of the Orb Types.
Use 3D Aspects (True Body) - Astrologers usually
work with aspects in ecliptic longitude, which means that
the positions of the planets are projected onto the ecliptic
before aspects are calculated between them. An
alternative is to measure the true angle between the two
bodies along the shortest distance between them. These
are known variously as 3D, true-body or great circle
orb of 6°).
Note: If you have selected to use Planet Orb Ratios as
your basic Orb Type, and also selected Unidirectional
orbs, the lowest orb ratio is used for aspects in orb
Once you select a type of position from the top box, the
list of positions that are available for selection in the
bottom box is automatically updated. The only exception
to this is if you select the “Fixed Position” option, then the
bottom box does not contain a list - instead you must
enter a zodiacal position into it using the keyboard. See
Entering Angles for information on how to enter angles.
>> To add all the entries from another star file, and
47.6 Printing
>> To print a listing of the information in the
current star file
Select the Print option from the File menu.
This will list all the information in the file apart from the
keywords and free text user the current printer. You can
change your printer settings, such as page size and
orientation with the standard printer setup dialog.
Greek Alphabet
48.4.3 Circles
style used for the house cusp lines. Angular lines are those
of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house cusps.
Angular & Other LineWidth - These define the line
width used for the house cusp lines.
Angular & Other LineColor - These define the color
in which the house cusp lines are drawn.
Arrow on 10th & 1st - This must be either True or
False. If this property is true, then an arrowhead is drawn
at the outer end of the 10th or 1st house cusp lines.
Arrow Width & Length - These define the width and
length of the arrowhead, and must be between 0 and 1.
Try values .1 for length and .05 for width as a starting
48.4.7 Zodiac/Dial
Select the Set All Line Colors... item from the Edit
Select the required color from the color selection dialog.
Options... button.
Triplicity rulers - The position of the 1st (in sect), 2nd
(out of sect) or 3rd (participating) triplicity ruler of the
element in which this point is placed is used in the
calculation. The triplicity type used depends on what is
selected using the Options... button.
Term ruler - The position of the term ruler of this point
is used in the calculation. The term type used depends on
what is selected using the Options... button.
Face ruler - The position of the face ruler of this point is
used in the calculation. The rulerships used depend of
which set is chosen using the Options... button.
being calculated.
3. Warning: If you later use the Arabic Parts Editor
to remove entries from or reorder the Arabic Parts
file which you select here, then the almuten
calculation will no longer work correctly. You will
need to use the Dignity/Almuten Editor to reselect
all the required Arabic Parts before you can be
sure that the calculation will use the correct Arabic
When you have selected the required points, click on the
Save button to return to the previous screen.
>> To edit text for the Brief Name, Full Name and
Place the cursor in the required edit box, and type in the
Brief Name is what this definition is called on the list,
and does not affect anything else in Solar Fire.
Full Name is used in Solar Fire’s dignity/almuten page
Planetary Rulerships
You can select any set of rulerships that are defined in
Solar Fire’s Rulerships and Weightings Editor (see Editing
49.3.1 Triplicities
Triplicity Type
There are three different sets of triplicity rulers from
which you may choose.
49.3.2 Terms
Term Type
There are two different term definitions from which you
may choose.
Ptolemy - As defined in his book “Tetrabiblos”. This
set of term rulerships is also sometimes referred to as
Egyptian - As defined in Ptolemy’s “Tetrabiblos”.
The following tables indicates the terms of each sign,
giving the planet ruling each term and the number of
degrees into the sign at which its rulership ends, e.g. in the
Ptolemaic Terms table, Jupiter rules the first 6 degrees of
Aries (i.e. from 0°00 to 5°59’59”), and Venus rules the
Egyptian terms
Ü ½6 » 12 º 20 ¼ 25 ¾ 30
Ý »8 º 14 ½ 22 ¾ 27 ¼ 30
‚ º6 ½ 12 » 17 ¼ 24 ¾ 30
ƒ ¼7 » 13 º 19 ½ 26 ¾ 30
„ ½6 » 11 ¾ 18 º 24 ¼ 30
… º7 » 17 ½ 21 ¼ 28 ¾ 30
† ¾6 º 14 ½ 21 » 28 ¼ 30
‡ ¼7 » 11 º 19 ½ 24 ¾ 30
ˆ ½12 » 17 º 21 ¾ 26 ¼ 30
‰ º7 ½ 14 » 22 ¾ 26 ¼ 30
Š º7 » 13 ½ 20 ¼ 25 ¾ 30
‹ »12 ½ 16 º 19 ¼ 28 ¾ 30
For a more detailed discussion of the different term
rulerships and their applicability, you might like to refer to
Dr. Lee Lehman’s book “Classical Astrology for
Modern Living”, published by Whitford Press.
Sign Boundaries
The usual modern practice is to deem that an astrological
sign starts at 0° of the sign. However, it is possible that
some ancient astrologers may have deemed a sign to
begin at 1° when defining the term rulerships. In this case,
the first degree of each sign is deemed to be the 30th
degree of the previous sign. No other degrees are
affected, and this option only affects determination of the
terms. For example, in the Ptolemaic Terms table, Jupiter
would rule from 1°00 to 5°59’59” of Aries, and Saturn
would rule from 25°00 of Aries to 0°59’59” of Taurus.
House System
You can opt to allow Solar Fire to use whichever house
system is in use with the chart for which this definition is
being used, or you can force it always to use a selected
house system. This is useful if you are trying to emulate the
Part of Fortune
If the Part of Fortune (or its dispositor) is selected as a
summation point in the Almuten calculation, then you can
specify whether it is calculated according to the daytime
formula only, or whether to apply the different nighttime
formula in any nocturnal chart. A similar option is also
available within the main Solar Fire program, but the
setting of the option in this screen overrides the choice
you have made in Solar Fire when almuten calculations
are being performed.
first (at the back), and items at the bottom of the list are
drawn last (at the front).
50.5.1 Captions
Chart Details
Chart Details+
This is the same as the Chart Details object, but with the
addition of the chart rating and source comments, if any.
This shows the same main chart details as the full Chart
Details object, but excludes coordinate type, zodiac type,
house system, node type etc.
Chart Title
Chart Name
Chart Placement
Page Description
This shows the description that has been saved with the
current page file.
Date/Time Stamp
This shows the date and time at which the current page
was displayed or printed.
Chart Comments
Superimposition Caption
This is a concentric five-chart wheel or dial, the style of
which is user selectable.
Traditional Chart
Traditional Chart 2
Full Grid
Half Grid
Synastry Grid
50.5.4 Planets
Hs - House placement
Rules - Houses ruled by this point
Disp - Dispositor of this point
Hs (Disp) - House placement of dispositor
Modulus - Longitude using specified modulus
NNode - Longitude of point’s north node
NNTrav - Daily travel of north node
SNode - Longitude of point’s north node
SNTrav - Daily travel of north node
Antiscia - Longitude of point’s antiscion
ContraAntiscia - Longitude of point’s contra-antiscion
G.S. - Gauquelin sector of this point (36 sectors)
G+ - Is this point in a Gauquelin plus zone (+ = yes,
blank = no)
Orb Ratios - If the current aspect set uses planet or
ratios, then this shows the orb ratio in effect for this
point (otherwise it shows “n/a”)
Point’s Long Name – An extra wide column for the
name (intended for use with non-standard points
which have longer names such as asteroids, Arabic
Parts, stars and extra ring points, for example)
Point’s Long Abbreviation – A column with enough
width for a long abbreviation – also see comments for
long name
Point’s Long Symbol – A column with enough width
for multiple symbols characters – also see comments
for long name
Time of Rising, Culmination, Setting, Anti-Culm. – the
local time, expressed in 24 hour format, indicating
Extra Points
This shows a list of extra ring points. It has been
superseded by the “Ring Points List – Flexible”, and
remains only for backwards compatibility.
Astrodynes - Planets
This shows astrodyne scores for each point, giving the
overall power score, the % contribution towards the total
power score, and a Harmony/Disharmony score.
Nearest Eclipses
Lunar Phases
50.5.5 Signs
Sign Names
Astrodynes - Signs
This shows astrodyne scores for each sign, giving the
50.5.6 Houses
House Cusps
House Almutens
Astrodynes - Houses
This shows astrodyne scores for each house, giving the
overall power score, the % contribution towards the total
power score, and a Harmony/Disharmony score.
50.5.7 Aspects
Aspects - Flexible
This object lists data for each aspect within the current
aspect set. Individual columns may be switched on or off,
and their ordering changed by choosing the Edit /
Flexible List Columns menu item when this object is
selected. The columns available are:
Asp - Aspect’s glyph
Abbr - Aspect’s abbreviation
Name - Aspect’s full name
Nearest Aspects
object, and ii) the maximum orb allowed for that aspect in
the aspect set which is being used. The total number of
aspects shown is limited to the number of data lines
specified for this object.
Aspects of Moon
Asteroid Aspects
This object is similar to the Fixed Stars Aspects
object, but find aspects with asteroids contained in the
specified asteroid file.
Body Aspects
This object is similar to the Fixed Stars Aspects
object, but find aspects with bodies contained in the
specified extra bodies file.
Planetary Sects
Essential Dignities
Dignity/Almuten scores
Planetary Hour/Day
This object shows the planet of the day and hour of the
current chart, and which hour of day or night is current.
(These hours are not hours of 60 minutes each, but
instead are exact divisions of 12 into the length of time of
day or night.) The bottom two rows indicate how long
since the last planetary hour was in effect, and how long
until the next planetary hour takes effect, and what planets
are involved.
Mutual Receptions
Horary Considerations
Chart Hylegs
Chinese Mansions
50.5.9 Balances
50.5.10 Graphical
Elements Graph
Modes Graph
Rays Graph
Midpoint Trees
will only fit onto a page if you also specify multiple data
blocks, such as in the example shown where there are 5
data blocks.
Declination Strip
Latitude Strip
This displays the currently displayed points in a vertically
oriented strip, with a scale of latitude degrees starting
from 0 degrees at the bottom up to the maximum user-
specified orb. Positive values are shown on the left, and
User Graphic
Vedic Dasas
you work). When you click the Stop button, you can
review and edit certain elements of the task list, and save
this list to file for future reuse.
When you click the Play button, it will run through the list
of tasks using whatever charts you have currently selected
in your calculated charts list. Some tasks do not require a
base chart to run, and others require one or more base
charts to be selected. If you have not already selected the
required number of charts, then you will be prompted to
select them before the task list runs.
For example, you could record a task to print a chart,
calculate a progressed chart and transits chart for the
current date, display them together in a triwheel and print
them, run a dynamic report with one years transits and
progressions and then print that out. This set of tasks can
then be replayed for any other starting chart at the click of
a button.
Tasks which can be recorded and replayed are:
opening charts from a file
casting new charts
generating any types of subsidiary charts
viewing or printing or copying a page or report
viewing, generating or printing or copying to
clipboard dynamic reports, time maps and graphic
deleting and saving charts
selecting files of all types (e.g. Displayed Points,
Colors, Aspects, Fixed Stars, etc..)
saving settings and restoring settings
birthdays approach
Ensure the Show reminders daily on startup option is
When this option is switched on, Solar Fire checks the
list of birthday reminders within a few seconds of starting
up, on the first occasion it runs on each calendar day. If
there are any reminders which fall within the specified
range of days leading up to or following a birthday, then
this dialog pops up, listing the current reminders.
If you quit without dismissing or removing any reminders,
then the same reminders will be shown to you again on the
following day (as long as they still fall within the specified
range of days.)
53 Appointments Manager
The Appointments Manager allows you to
store details of clients, appointments you make
with them for astrological sessions, and to
record the duration and content of your
sessions. You can also send your clients
appointment reminder emails, group emails
and customizable receipts.
want to delete.
3. Click on the Delete button in the
Appointments Manager. A dialog box will
confirm you want to delete this client, and
all their historical and current appointment
details. If you want to do so click on the
Yes button. To cancel the deletion click
on the No button.
on the OK button.
3. Another dialog box will appear where you
can select any chart files you would like
included in the ZIP file by clicking in the
checkbox next to each chart file. (To
unselect a chart file just click in the
checkbox again so that it is blank).
4. When you have finished selecting chart
files click on the OK button. Solar Fire
will then save the settings in a ZIP file.
Finally a message will appear telling you
where the ZIP file has been stored.
Nakshatra wheel
For Vedic astrology users, you can select a wheel style
that displays the Nakshatras around the wheel. This
wheel style is usually used when a Vedic zodiac has
been selected, like Lahiri.
1. In the "View Chart" screen click on the Wheel Style
2. Select Nakshatras.wh1.
3. Click on the Select button. This will take you back
to the "View Chart" screen.
can display the dasa periods for that natal chart. There are
three pages you can use to display Dasas for a chart.
[A] (for a Uniwheel e.g. a single chart)
1. On the "View Chart" screen click on the Pages
2. Expand the "Vedic" category by clicking on the
plus sign to the left of it.
3. Click on UniWheel with Dasas [uni_dasas.pag]
59 Entering Angles
Angles are required to be entered in several different
places in the program, e.g. when editing aspect orbs,
editing report modulus and orb, specifying a chart angle
when rectifying a chart, entering a user-specified
ayanamsa and when specifying a return angle in the
Advanced Return Options screen.
Angles may be entered in degrees, minutes and seconds
or as decimal degrees or in degrees, zodiac sign, minutes
and seconds. Whenever an angle is entered, Solar Fire
will convert it into a standard format, unless it cannot
understand the entry, in which case an error message will
be displayed, and you can try entering an angle again.
Zodiacal Angles
The angle must have at least a zodiacal abbreviation or a
degree number. It may also have a minutes number and a
seconds number. The minutes and seconds number must
be between 0 and 59 only. If you enter a zodiacal
abbreviation of 2 letters, then it must be one of the
following - Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Sg, Cp, Aq,
Pi. If you enter more than 2 characters of a sign name,
then it must be an exact part of the full name of the zodiac
sign e.g. "Sag" for Sagittarius. Some examples of valid
zodiacal angle entries are as follows.
23Ar59 59
23Aries 59
133 23
12 Cn 23 59
60.1 Rulerships
Adding or deleting sets of rulerships will affect how
many different rulership reports are available in the list of
available reports as described in Generating Chart
Reports, and in the list of rulerships available in the menu
of the interpretations screen. When Solar Fire is first
installed, there are four sets of rulerships: Modern, Old,
Esoteric and Hierarchical. Each set of rulerships defines,
for each sign, its ruler, what is exalted and what is the
ruler of each of the decanates.
60.2 Weightings
Altering weightings of the chart point will affect the way
in which scores are calculated in the balance of the modes
and elements in basic Chart Analysis report of Solar Fire.
It also affects the way in which Solar Fire determines the
balance of Modes, Elements and Rays in the
Interpretation reports.
When Solar Fire is first installed, the following weightings
are in effect.
Multiplier 3 - Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC
Multiplier 2 - Mercury, Venus, Mars
Multiplier 1 - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Multiplier 0 - All other chart points
This means that the Sun and the Moon count three times
more than Jupiter or Saturn in assessing which element is
strongest, for example. Asteroids, which have a weighting
of zero, are ignored in this assessment.
61 Compiling Interpretations
You can edit any interpretations in Solar Fire by using
the supplied Interpretations Editor program (see Editing
Interpretations). However, on occasion you may wish to
decompile the interpretations into a text file so that you
can work on it in a word processor or text editing
program. In this case you will eventually need to
recompile the text file so that the interpretations can be
used in Solar Fire. Also, if you own a previous version of
Solar Fire, then you may still have old text files that need
to be compiled.
61.1 Requirements
In order to edit your interpretations text files and compile
your interpretations, you will need to be familiar with a
text editor or word-processor which can create ASCII
text files. The Interpretations Compiler allows you to
access directly the Windows Notepad and the Windows
Write word-processor in order to edit the text in the
interpretations files. However, you may also use any other
word processor or text editor of your choice, if you
61.2 Procedure
1. From the Interpretations Editor, choose the
Compile... option from the File menu.
2. Select the definition file for the set of interpretations
which you wish to edit.
3. Optionally edit any of the displayed files which
contain the interpretations text for this project.
4. Compile the project.
do not close the editor after editing each file, then you will
end up with many copies of the editor running
Note: If you are adept with your computer, then you
may prefer to edit the text files externally, without using
the Interpretations Compiler at all. This is quite
acceptable, in which case you need to run the
Interpretations Compiler only to run the compilation after
you have finished editing all your text files.
eg *Title
e.g. * Copyright
e.g. *Introduction
* DEGREE degreenumber (1-360)
e.g. *Degree 37
* DECANATE decanatenumber (1-30)
e.g. * Decanate 13
* QUADRANT quadrantnumber (1-4) [WEAK/
e.g. *Quadrant 3
* HEMISPHERE hemispherename [WEAK/STRONG]
e.g. *Hemisphere Eastern Strong
* ELEMENT elementname [WEAK/STRONG]
e.g. *Element Fire Strong
* MODE modename [WEAK/STRONG]
e.g. * Mode Cardinal
* RAY raynumber (1-7) [WEAK/STRONG]
e.g. *Ray 7
* ASPECT aspectname [mappedname]
e.g. *Aspect Square Hard
* PHASE phasename
e.g. *Phase Balsamic
* housenumber [st,nd,rd,th] [house] [WEAK/STRONG]
Aspect Definitions
Aspect definitions relate aspects to their mapped aspect
names. (Any aspects which do not have a mapped aspect
name in a "*Aspect" definition cannot be used in this set
of interpretations. If no *Aspect definitions appear then
no "*Point aspect Point" definitions can be entered later.)
Note that *Aspect definitions must appear before any
"*Point aspect Point" definitions appear in the input file/s.
For example:
2. The average score is found by summing the scores for
each category and dividing by the total number of
categories (i.e. by 4 for quadrants, hemispheres and
elements, by 3 for modes, by 7 for rays)
3. If the score for any category is less than the average
score times the "weakratio" number, then it is considered
to be WEAK in the chart. If the score is equal to or
greater than the average score times the "strongratio"
number, then it is considered to be STRONG in the chart.
Note: It is possible to prevent WEAK interpretations
from appearing in the compiler by specifying a
"weakratio" of 0 (zero). Similarly it is possible to prevent
STRONG interpretations from appearing by specifying a
large "strongratio" (e.g. 99.9).
Spelling of Keywords
The following lists indicate the exact spelling that must be
used in the * header lines for each interpretation.
Abbreviations may be used only as truncations of these
words, and must be unambiguous e.g. "Ca" will cause an
error if used as a sign abbreviation, but "Can" or "Cap"
will be accepted correctly as Cancer and Capricorn
SIGNS: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
HOUSES: 1 to 12
ELEMENTS: Fire, Earth, Air, Water
MODES: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable
HEMISPHERES: Eastern, Northern, Western, Southern
POINTS: Sun, Vulcan, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon,
Ü Aries Ar † Libra Li
Ý Taurus Ta ‡ Scorpio Sc
‚ Gemini Ge ˆ Sagittarius Sg
„ Leo Le Š Aquarius Aq
… Virgo Vi ‹ Pisces Pi
ë CoDescendant CDs
ì Polar Descendant PDs
í Aries Point Ari
î Libra Point Lib
ï Vernal Point VP
ð Selena Sel
62.3 Aspects
All the aspects of longitude from the 1st to the 12th
harmonic are shown in the following table, with angles in
decimal degrees, and fractions relating to a full circle.
64 Calculation Methods
64.1.1 Asteroids
True Progressions
Instead of using a progression rate determined from
mean periods, it is possible to base the progression
calculation upon true (fluctuating) periods. This is of
practical use with progression rates that are based on the
moon’s cycles, because the moon’s cycles do fluctuate
significantly with time. Solar Fire offers this option in
relation to the tertiary progressions of fixed charts (but not
in the dynamic module). In this case one is assuming that
each true lunar cycle corresponds to one day in the
in time to find the correct date and time of the return. For
planets other than the Sun, Moon and Earth, an
approximation to the time of the return is found initially by
doing a heliocentric return. (For Mercury, Venus and
Vulcan, an Earth return is used.) A search is then made
for geocentric returns on either side of the heliocentric
return date, until the date or angle exceeds the possible
limits for finding further geocentric returns.
In the calculation of returns, the accuracy of the return
time is calculated by dividing the accuracy of the planet's
position by the speed of the planet at the time of the
return, both for the natal chart and for the return chart,
and these are added together. This method gives a
reasonable assessment of accuracy in most cases.
However, the accuracy of Pluto returns outside the range
1890-2099 is likely to be much worse than is indicated by
this method.
Wynn-Key Return
This chart is calculated with the planetary positions for
the date for which the Wynn-Key chart is required, but
the chart angles are based on the preceding and following
Solar return chart angles. The R.A. of the midheaven is
determined by interpolating between the R.A.s of the two
Solar Returns (which are typically about 6 hours apart),
based on the proportion of time that has elapsed between
them at the required date.
Composite - Midpoints
The midpoint of the shortest arc joining each chart point,
angle and house cusp within the two base charts becomes
the position of that point in the new chart. Note that it is
sometimes possible for the house cusps to be out of
expected order after this method is applied. See
Composite Chart Houses.
When calculating any type of composite charts, Solar
Fire first determines the composite longitudes, and then
determines the composite right ascensions separately.
Thus any right ascensions for a composite chart in Solar
Fire are true composite right ascensions rather than right
ascensions of composite longitudes.
Relationship - Davison
The new chart is calculated as if it was a natal chart for
the midpoint in time, latitude and longitude of the two base
This is a method which was developed fairly recently by
Lawrence Grinnell and David Dukelow, and is published
in a booklet “Coalescent Horoscopes - A New Method
of Synastry” published by ACS Publications in 1992. To
determine each planet’s coalescent position, first find the
shortest arc between the pair of planets in the two base
charts and divide this by 360 degrees to get the harmonic
factor. Next, multiply the position of the planet which has
the earliest zodiacal position by the harmonic factor. This
must be repeated for each pair of planets and for the
Midheavens. The authors of this technique recommend
using the Meridian house system to derive the coalescent
house cusps from the coalescent Midheaven.
This chart type is very similar in principle to the Geodetic
chart type, except that a precessionary factor is added to
the position of the Sun. This factor was 29°10’ of R.A. in
1930, and increases with time at the rate of precession of
the equinoxes (about 46.1 seconds of arc per year).
Using the longitude method, the precession in R.A. is
converted to an equivalent precession in longitude before
it is added to the longitude of the Sun.
64.11.4 References
64.12.2 Omar/Bonatti
64.12.3 Ptolemy
Example of Format
"***Name Abbr Symbol", "Sigma",
"Sig", "S"
19350107.0, 0, 0, 1
"Semimajor Axis", 5.789593, 0, 0,
"Eccentricity", 0.26, 0, 0, 0
"Inclination (Degs)", 5.0, 0, 0, 0
"Perihelion (Degs)", 2.0, 0, 0, 0
"Node (Degs)", 161.0, 0, 0, 0
"Mean Anomaly (Degs)", 137.5489,
2584.1766225, 0, 0
Rodden Rating
AA - Data from Birth Certificates (BC), hospital or
governmental birth records (BR), notes from Vital
Statistics/Registries, family bibles, baby books, family
written records. This is the best evidence of data
accuracy available.
A - Data from the person, family member, friend or
associate. Also included are newspaper birth
Visual Arts.SFcht
Data Accuracy
It is vital any data collections presented to the
astrological community be as accurate and fully sourced
as possible. There may, however, be the occasional
update to this collection, and the author welcomes any
corrections or additions.
All data are classified using the simple Rodden Rating
system. All data presented in this collection are of AA, A
or B standard. Unverified data have not been included.
Abbreviations found in the Notes section:
FCC - Author Frank C. Clifford
RR - Rodden Rating - a data classification system (see
GBAC - The Gauquelin Book of American Charts
CAH - Contemporary American Horoscopes
Data Bibliography
Most of the data presented have been personally
checked by the author himself, and in most cases the
actual Birth Certificate or Birth Record/Note is in hand.
Many thanks to my international colleagues for sharing
data and collected BCs and BRs over the last few years,
including Thelma & Tom Wilson, Dana Holliday, Edwin
Steinbrecher, David Fisher, Sally Davis, Francoise
Gauquelin, Tashi Grady, Linda Clark, Caroline Gerard,
Lois Rodden, Marion March, and Grazia Bordoni.
The Gauquelin Book of American Charts (ACS, 1982).
Accurate BC data by Michel & Francoise Gauquelin
The House of Commons (1992-7) by Caroline Gerard.
Available from: 6 Belford Mews, Dean Village, Edinburgh
EH4 3BT, Scotland (£8).
The Astro-Data series. Five volumes and Data News by
Lois Rodden, covering a variety of data.
Contemporary American Horoscopes. BC data from
Janice Mackey and Jessica Saunders, 1990. Available on
computer disk from Astrolabe.
A special thank you to Edwin Steinbrecher for providing
access to his database and BRs. The Steinbrecher Data
Collection is a comprehensive database of 20,000 timed
data (+ 6000 noon charts). See the website: www.dome-
The parts of the body for each degree of the zodiac are
from "A Handbook of Medical Astrology"
Copyright Restrictions
All text included with Solar Fire is copyrighted, but the
licensed owner of Solar Fire is granted permission to use
any output printed or exported from Solar Fire for the
purpose of providing astrological charts and reports
generated by Solar Fire to friends or clients. This text
must not otherwise be reproduced or copied without the
express permission of the copyright holder. This text may
also be edited before distribution, provided that the
copyright of any portions of original text is respected and
acknowledged where appropriate.
If you print reports using text supplied with Solar Fire,
then you should ensure that Esoteric Technologies’
copyright notice appears on the report.
If you have added some of your own text, then you
might like to add a copyright notice that applies to the text
you have written yourself, for example
66.6 Asteroids
Solar Fire is supplied with ephemerides for more than
1000 asteroids and minor planets. The ephemerides cover
the period 1500 to 2100.
It is possible to obtain additional asteroid ephemerides
from the Astrodienst web site at
66.7 Eclipses
Solar Fire’s eclipse data has been extracted from Fred
Espenak’s (NASA/GSFC) web pages at http://sunearth., which include
comprehensive and accurate astronomical eclipse data
covering many millennia.
67 Bibliography
Those who are interested in reading further may wish to
refer to some of the following publications. There are, of
course, many other high quality astrological publications
available, and this list is simply intended to be a starting
point for those wishing to know more.
The Best of Charles Jayne - Charles Jayne - Publ.
American Federation of Astrologers Inc.
The Labours of Hercules - Alice A. Bailey - Publ.
Lucis Publishing Company
The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom - Lynda
Hill - Publ. Lynda Hill 2010
The Prenatal Epoch - E.H. Bailey - Publ. Samuel
Weiser Inc.
The Sabian Symbols in Astrology - Marc Edmund
Jones - Publ. Aurora Press
Transpersonal Astrology - Errol Weiner - Publ.
Element, Inc.
69 Technical Details
69.1 Backing Up
In case of computer hardware failure, or other accidents,
it is wise to have made backup copies of certain key files
on your computer.
The Solar Fire program can normally be reloaded from
its original installation media should you ever experience a
major problem. If your original CD has become corrupt
or unusable for any other reason, then you can get a
replacement copy by contacting you astrological software
dealer, usually at a nominal cost.
However, to avoid losing any data files that you may
have created or saved during the course of your usage of
the Solar Fire program, (which therefore cannot be
reloaded from the installation diskettes), you should create
your own backup of the user data files associated with the
Solar Fire has a built-in utility that helps you backup
your chart files or all user files (see Backing Up and
Restoring Chart Files).
Whichever method you use, you should always backup
all the files that are in the following folder, including all its
Documents\Solar Fire User Files
If you are accessing chart files from any location other
than Solar Fire User Files folder, then you should also
back them up.
If you backup these files, and keep you original
installation media, then you can recover from a disaster as
Re-install Solar Fire using the installation media
Restore the backup files to Documents\Solar Fire User
It is recommended that you perform backups on a
regular basis, or at least after those occasions when you
have created large numbers of new charts or maps etc.
Type Description
*.adp Aspected points
*.alm Dignity/Almuten definitions
*.arp Arabic Parts
*.asp Aspect set
*.cas Aspect colors
*.SFcht Chart database (SFv6/v7 format)
*.cht Chart database (SFv5 or earlier format)
*.chm Chart comments (SFv5 or earlier format)
*.cpt Chart point colors
*.SFcri Search criteria
*.csg Sign colors
*.dat Orbital elements file
*.di* Dial design file
*.doc Documentation text file
*.elm Ephemeris element files
*.eph Ephemeris files
*.fil Data file
*.fst Fixed stars
*.lst List of files to install
*.mnu Menu definition
*.pag Page layout file
*.prp Dynamic progressing points
*.pte Extra ring points
Auto Repair
Auto Recover
This internal function allows Solar Fire to
recover if certain common files get deleted.
Common files are files that are stored in an
area on a computer for access by not just one
application, but by many applications.
This situation can occur if you already have
Solar Fire Gold v7.0.x (or later) installed,
upgrade and install a later version of Solar Fire
Gold and then decide to uninstall the earlier
version. During the uninstall of that earlier
version, certain common files to the two
versions may be deleted and that situation can
potentially give rise to errors at the next
startup. With Auto Recover, Solar Fire will
now automatically restore the common files
that were deleted.
70 Technical Support
If you are having a problem running your software,
please don't hesitate to contact our technical support
If the problem you are having is procedural, then please
Index Arc
selecting as extra radix points 482
-E- -F-
Fall 707
as extra ring points 489 Features
as user-def ined points 493 selected 18
casting charts f or 141 File manager 393
data source 757 Firdaria 613
lunar phase 473 Fixed Base Chart 359
maximum 473 Fixed Positions
page object 596 selecting as extra radix points 483
pref erences 473
Fixed Stars 529
Saros number 345
classif ication of 529
searching f or 345
creating new f ile 526
ty pes 345
description of f iles 756
Electional Search 269 editing 525
Email 51 editing inf ormation 529
graphics 214 importing 528
casting chart 146
div isional charts 146
Nakshatra wheel 674
zodiac warning 450
Vedic Charts 628
Vernal Point 202
View Chart
buttons described 197
changing options 195
using 195
View Menu
customizing 457