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2023-06-01 Calvert County Times With 2023 Graduates

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County Times


Pushback on Library
Review Policy
Pay Study for School
Support Staff
Hospice Hosts
Annual Fundraiser

Thursday, June 1, 2023 Calvert County Times 2

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Pay study approved for school support staff
John Allen is Calvert’s Teacher of the Year
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3 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

School Board Gets Pushback on Library, Sex

Ed Proposals
By Dick Myers and experiences of groups about the freedoms our requires expertise and knowledge about
Staff Writer of people whose stories country was founded literature in various subject areas. In addi-
have been stripped on also fight so hard tion to the science, history, and education
Calvert County Board of Education away. When we to strip them away courses I took as an undergrad as part of my
member Jana Post’s proposal for changes allow dominant nar- if they don’t agree coursework, while getting my master’s in
in the review of school library materials has ratives to remove with them,” library science in New York I was required
received significant pushback, with the ideas the complete story Sinclair said. to take multiple courses in children’s liter-
being criticized at the May 25 school board of people from the Natalie Geiger, ature, young adult literature and collection
meeting. Speakers included teachers, librar- conversation, we an English teacher, development. If a community board were
ians, and parents. erase the people said, “The roots to take over the book selection process,
Calvert Middle School Librarian Jane as well,” he said, of these changes they almost certainly would not have the
Embrey quoted Debra Caldwell Stone, adding, “Stories could impact access same level of expertise and knowledge.
the director of the American Library allow us access to to books that make This could limit the diversity and inclusiv-
Association Office for Intellectual Freedom, things we’ll never be a library a home for ity of the library’s collection as stated by
about “self-appointed book police.” She fortunate enough to expe- every student. Librarians the American Library Association in their
said, “Each attempt to ban a book by one rience on our own.” and media specialists work freedom to read statement.”
of these groups represents a direct attack He noted, “They also help us hard to make sure library collec- The proposed changes did get the support
on everyone’s constitutionally protected understand and sympathize with things tions are adequate for their schools, includ- of Joshua Johnson, who asked that young
right to freely choose what books to read experienced by those who are less fortu- ing appropriate age range for the students at people leave the room while he gave his
and what ideas to explore. One of the best nate than us. We learn from stories how to their school. Creating various committees graphic presentation. He said, “What this
ways to attempt to sway a group is manipu- have compassion for those whose lives are that will cost significant time and money for is about is books that are talking about anal
lating accepted expertise and data to appear so different from ours, instead of only focus- a job that library media specialists are highly penetration, playful anal penetration,” add-
supportive of your viewpoint. The policy ing on people just like us and never reaching qualified for and already do every day.” ing, “This is what Calvert County citizens
update is very good example.” outside our own backyards.” She said, “As for the high school policy do not appreciate.”
Tim Sinclair, a Northern H.S. teacher Sinclair said of Post’s proposal, “Can in the curation and management of sexually Post said of her proposals, “There are no
but speaking as a parent, said, “Books have we drop the pretense that it’s about cura- explicit library materials, the policy of lock- smoking guns, no secrets. I am looking for
power because they allow us to experience tion? Curation is about access and pres- ing up these books and requiring parental what’s best for the school system as a whole.”
people’s stories.” ervation. This is about removal, plain and permission creates unnecessary restriction The policy changes for library material
Sinclair said he has been involved in a simple. In fact, I want to go a step further of these books. Based on this policy, the selection and sex education proposed by
project called “Restoring” with the Reginald and say the policy as drafted is utter non- school could be locking up and essentially Post are under a 30-day public comment ad
Lewis Museum of Maryland African sense that obfuscates censorship in a cloud censoring literary works from Chaucer, will be reviewed in June by the board, as are
American History and Culture. of reasonableness.” Shakespeare, and the Bible.” changes proposed by Board President Inez
He explained, “The idea of this Restoring “It is the least pleasant of ironies that Geiger said on the proposed changes, Claggett for the dress code, which puts less
project is to bring back the perspectives many of the people who speak so much “They also minimize the carefully con- emphasis on what is worn and more empha-
structed ideas by professionals who special- sis on what the garment covers.
ize in the library sciences. In fact, Calvert During the board’s May 25 meeting,
County librarians were recognized in 2021 Krystal Arthur, a teacher, said the dress code
with the National School Library of the Year policy change is intended so “teachers can

Award for their inclusive library curation focus on teaching without the additional
efforts in the county.” and often uncomfortable burden of dress
Amanda Poland McGrath, a teacher code enforcement. However, by using the
No more and a parent, said, “About four years ago wording, as long as students face and ears
cleaning I was interested in the anti-racism policy are visible and the student’s identity is not
out gutters - we developed. I was glad to see progress in
the area where I grew up and more accep-
concealed, it puts us back into the position
of the enforcer. We all know that if a stu-
guaranteed! tance of the LBGTQ community, and yet dent wears a hood, even with ears exposed
the backlash since then has been hateful from the backside we cannot identify stu-

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Anne Jones, a librarian at Windy Hill get pulled down so that teachers in the hall-
Middle School, said the current library way have no way of redirecting or reporting
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Thursday, June 1, 2023 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 4

John Allen: Back to Teaching and Now

‘Teacher of the Year’
By Dick Myers back to the classroom would be a fun thing He observed, “When
Staff Writer to do. So, now I’ve had four years here in I came to Huntingtown
Huntingtown High School and taught in a four years ago, they
When John Allen started teaching at classroom, teaching in a total of eight years.” had no school news-
New Trier High School in Winnetka, IL in At Huntingtown H.S. Allen teaches film, paper. They had a nice
1964, little did he know that most of his journalism, and broadcasting. He is a stu- broadcast studio, but no
career would be spent outside the classroom dent mentor, member of the Equity Team production program for
and that almost 60 years later he would be and advisor to the school newspaper. “I am that. So, with our first
named Calvert County Teacher of the Year. a strong believer in getting to know one’s class of students, we
Allen told The County Times, “I was a students personally and teaching to the started a school news-
teacher straight out of college. I went to strengths and needs of each individual. I paper. It’s digital, it’s
graduate school. I wanted to be a teacher. I also believe in the value of engaging stu- online, so it’s an outlet
thought I’d end up going into school admin- dents with the local and world community for us to put the vid-
istration. So, I got a master’s degree in of which they are a part and which they will eos that our broadcast
teaching and education, and then I taught out help to shape in the future,” he said in a production class makes
in the Chicago suburbs for four years at that release from the school system. within the newspaper as
time. And then I got drawn into the field of “It was a total surprise,” Allen said a way to distribute it so
film production, and video. Our school that I about the announcement he was this year’s they can go in either
was at installed one of the country’s earliest Teacher of the Year. “I had no idea. My prin- direction.”
instructional TV systems. And I spent some cipal planned a meeting with my classes, There are similari-
time working with that and helping teachers as a decoy event for me to go to. And Dr. ties. “The writing part
develop lesson plans to take advantage of Townsel (school superintendent) was there, is key in terms of no
the closed-circuit system. And liked it so and a lot of folks from central office. I had matter what direction John Allen at his first teaching assignment in Illinois.
much that I went back to get another mas- been named teacher of the year of my you’re going, is just
ter’s degree in radio, TV, and film, and had school, which is also a pleasant surprise, knowing how to express yourself clearly exists in the real world that I was working
a career in that.” but I had no idea that the county award was and well, then of course, we branch out into in, is the idea of collaboration. You can’t
Allen grew up in Vermont and received coming along.” how you do that visually and maybe don’t make a video without teamwork. And even
his bachelor’s degree in English from He teaches several classes. “There is an need to use as many words.” in writing articles, maybe one person does
Dartmouth College, Master of Arts in introduction to journalism where we really At Huntingtown, he said, “We have a nice the writing, but you work with other people,
Teaching from Wesleyan University, start and look at the history of journalism school. It has been really good in terms of you learn to get along with other people. You
and MA in Radio, TV, and Film from and the constitutional right to free speech giving us access to the technology that we learn how to reach out to people within the
Northwestern University. and a free press. Kids need to understand need for that. When the school was built, community or within the school to get more
He entered the world of documentary film those kinds of roots.” they built a studio there for video, for tele- details for your story.”
production with the national headquarters There’s also a writing class, “learning vision. It has been used occasionally, but Allen feels his work during the pan-
of the American Red Cross and in 1980, how to express yourself well, learning the when I came there four years ago, it had demic in improving internal communica-
established his own documentary and edu- kinds of things that need to go into a news been turned back into a classroom and was tion may have contributed to his selection
cational film production company, Signature article, to communicate events. And I really not used. So, we’ve got some cameras that as teacher of the year. “When we weren’t
Communications, which was located for try to emphasize that what they’re doing for have been acquired over the years. They’re at the school, keeping people in touch with
many years in Huntingtown. their readers is showing them events and not necessarily up to date, but they’re good. each other was a huge challenge,” he said,
Allen explained that as a documen- experiences as much as telling them about They work well.” adding “so we developed a lot of programs
tary filmmaker, he “travelled extensively it in a way that brings the readers into those With all the debate about fake news and that went out to a lot of families watching as
throughout the United States, and to such experiences that you’re writing about.” advocacy journalism, Allen was asked how well as students. We had teachers coming on
far flung places as Chile, New Zealand, Allen explained, “Right now, my class students entering his courses view the pro- and talking about what they were doing for
Dominican Republic, Kyrgyzstan and the is working on some personal documenta- fession. He said, “The kids come into these themselves during covid, or how they were
South Pole.” ries that they’re making, but after that, the classes, number one, because they’re elec- staying healthy, or how they were staving
But Allen said, “I never felt that I ever left next step if they want to pursue journalism tives, and so they’re not being forced to take off mental stress, and sharing those things.
‘teaching,’ since making documentaries was is they can choose a couple of courses that them. They chose them because they like And students did the same.”
just teaching in another form, but where I are focused on newspaper journalism and writing and journalism. I’ve run into some According to the CCPS release, “Active in
was not in a classroom.” another couple focused on broadcast jour- kids who come from backgrounds that may the community as well, John is a member of
With the decision to retire from his busi- nalism. So, they can go in either direction, have a certain religious or political ground- the Board of Directors of CAASA (Calvert
ness, he said, “I’m not a retiring kind of electronic journalism making documenta- ing, but we talk a lot about how, unless Alliance Against Substance Abuse) and
person, and it just seemed that maybe going ries, doing news reports.” you’re writing an editorial of some kind, to President of the Men’s Titanic Society, an
get beyond your personal beliefs and be bal- association of Washington area journalists.”
anced, to make sure that when we’re learn- “Our staff at Calvert County Public
ing to do interviews, we find people on both Schools is the best and our 2023 Employees
sides of an issue.” of the Year represent the best of the best,”
As to getting back to the classroom after stated Superintendent Dr. Townsel. “It is an
such a lapse in time, he said, “It’s a little dif- honor to work every day alongside our ded-
ferent, but I really do enjoy being with stu- icated, hardworking staff who wholeheart-
dents. I think in Calvert County the majority edly support our students.”
of students are interested in learning. Not Allen and other teachers and support
all of them, but it’s a different culture. We personnel from each school were hon-
were more careful about our time. School ored by the superintendent, Calvert Board
can eat up your time a lot as a teacher, but I of Education, the Calvert County School
learned that in business, you had to do what Foundation, and other special guests at a
you had to do, and you don’t keep track of dinner held at the Calvert Marine Museum.
your hours. You just get it done.” He and the teachers of the year from the
At Huntingtown, he said, “It’s a very other 23 school districts were honored by
collaborative place where teachers work the Maryland State Board of Education on
together and support each other. We try to May 23.
build that same kind of collaborative feeling Allen will be vying for Maryland Teacher
in the classroom.” of the Year, to be announced in the fall.
He added, “One of the things I teach
within these journalism classes, which dickmyers@countytimes.net
5 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

School Support Staff CSM Names 2023

Pay Study Approved Distinguished Alumni
By Dick Myers asked, “When we set our rates for our
Staff Writer employees, we knew what we were paying
everyone in the system, but I guess we need
The Calvert County Board of Education to double check that? I understand compet-
has unanimously approved awarding a bid for itiveness, so we definitely want to make
a compensation study of their support staff. sure that we are competitive and that there’s
The bid award at the board’s May 25 stuff out there that’s happening that we may
meeting was to Experience Management not be aware of. but external equity, I’m
Institute for $114,150. a little confused what you mean by that.”
According to Chief Operations Officer Navarro responded, “People in simi-
Tony Navarro, monies for the study will lar position, it could be other school sys-
not come from the school system’s gen- tems. I would compare to Charles and St.
eral fund, but instead from a Maryland Mary’s and other school systems like us.”
Association of Boards of Education Job descriptions are compared with other
(MABE) Rate Stabilization Fund. school systems, he added.
Navarro explained, “(Calvert County He said the study was prompted by “an
Public Schools) CPS and the pool of school internal team that works with positions
systems for the property and casualty lia- and pay scales and in discussions feels
bility insurance receives reconciliation that this is the appropriate thing to do.
payments and the balance grows. The rate We’ve noted there could be some inequi-
stabilization is held by MABE, and we ties within our school system in terms of
can access the fund twice a year and use pay rates and it’s time to do an analysis Lusby resident and College of Southern engagement with the community, Hupp
this funding at our discretion. As this is and collect information.” Maryland (CSM) alumnus Dr. David Hupp has set a standard to which our students
an important project, we chose to use this The school board, supported by the ’07 credits the lessons he learned at CSM and fellow alumni can aspire.” said CSM
source of funding.” county commissioners, pressed this year for inspiring his impressive work ethic, Alumni and Donor Relations Manager Toni
“The scope of work includes conducting to give support staff comparable raises to his drive to achieve and his commitment Kruszka. “As one of CSM’s brightest points
a market pay rate analysis, and review and those mandated for teachers by the state’s to his community. For his many outstanding of pride, he represents the life-changing
recommend refinements to job descriptions. Blueprint education reform. achievements and contributions to southern impact of a College of Southern Maryland
And those are two of the overall delivera- During the May 25 public forum, Joseph Maryland, The Quality Improvement Team education, and we are honored to award him
bles. But overall, there are 22 deliverables Cormier, a special education advocate and Leader for The John Hopkins Hospital, the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award,”
for this study,” Navarro explained. school system employee, said, “We had to community first responder, and lifelong In his professional life, Hupp is a south-
Navarro said that the rationale for the build a system in this county where teachers learner was recognized as CSM’s 2023 ern Maryland hometown hero. During
study was to “improve internal pay equity are supported from front office secretaries, Distinguished Alumni during the college’s the COVID-19 pandemic, he worked at
within CCPS (Calvert County Public building service workers, cafeteria staff, May commencement ceremony. University of Maryland Charles Regional
Schools) to attain or maintain external instructional assistants, human resources, Hupp’s journey with CSM spans more Medical Center where he deployed as lead
equity pay and competitiveness with other bus drivers, bus aides, and more. Our amaz- than 35 years. He first came to CSM as a support in Hospital Incident Command
school districts and other employees. And ing teachers could not do the things they do toddler in CSM’s then “Mom and Tots” Structure working tirelessly facilitating
overall to help CCPS determine competitive without the support of support staff.” swim class in the summer of 1988. He the remote tent operation to manage surge
pay rates to enable us to recruit and retain performed with CSM’s community the- planning, capacity analysis, and supply and
highly qual high quality support staff.” dickmyers@countytimes.net ater program during his elementary school equipment procurement. He also stepped in
School board member Dawn Balinski years, and was involved with multiple to provide extra hands wherever and when-
CSM summer camps during his mid- ever needed during a challenging time at the

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dle school and high school years. While hospital, doing everything from answering
attending CSM as a dual enrolled student, phones to doing staff temperature checks.
Hupp worked as a student assistant in the During the same period, he would return
Inside and outside, by hand. Residential specialists serving the local area
Innovative Technology Center; he helped home to his wife and two children and con-
full-time for 30 years. Locally owned and operated.
lead the Hawk’s soccer team in back-to- tinued to serve on the front-line as a vol-
Working owners ensures quality. No pick up labor.
back regional titles; and he participated unteer firefighter and EMT. Hupp initially
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Licensed, bonded and insured. Since graduating from CSM, he returns to EMS system at the La Plata Volunteer Fire
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embedded dirt. For concrete, stone, brick and siding. Foundation’s Annual Golf Classic as a active until he moved to Lusby. He trans-
proud alum – alongside his brother, father, ferred in 2017 to the Solomons Volunteer
and mother Karen Smith Hupp, who is Rescue Squad and Fire Department

CSM’s assistant vice president for govern- (SVRSFD) where he continues to serve.
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Thursday, June 1, 2023 Calvert County Times In Our Community 6

Emergency Management Student Member of

to Test Sirens the Board Sworn In
The Calvert County Department of • WPTX AM 1690 kHz - Lexington Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) Key Club, Chamber
Public Safety, Division of Emergency Park is pleased to announce that Jordan Hayes and Advanced
Management will conduct a full-cycle test • WSMD FM 98.3 MHz rising junior at Patuxent High School was Orchestra programs,
of the alert and notification sirens through- - Mechanicsville elected to serve as the 2023-2024 Student as well as Lung
out Calvert, St. Mary’s and Dorchester • WRAR FM 105.5 MHz Member of the Board of Education by the Health Ambassadors
counties Monday, June 5, 2023, at noon. - Tappahannock Calvert Association of Student Councils program.
The full-cycle test includes a three-min- • WNNT FM 107.5 MHz - Warsaw (CASC). Miss Hayes was sworn in at the “Congratulations
ute activation of all sirens within the • WCEI FM 96.7 MHz - Easton May 11, BOE meeting. Her term will begin to Miss Hayes for
10-mile area around Calvert Cliffs Nuclear • WKHZ AM 1460 kHz – Easton on June 1, 2023. her appointment as
Power Plant. Citizens are encouraged to be • WGOP AM 540 kHz - Pocomoke When asked how she will work to rep- the 2023-2024 stu-
aware of the testing and relay this informa- • WCEM FM 106.3 MHz resent students, Hayes shared, “I will hold dent member on Jordan Hayes
tion to friends, family and neighbors. - Cambridge regular student focus group meetings open the Board,” said
The testing is conducted to check siren • WCEM AM 1240 kHz – Cambridge to all Calvert students, without any age Superintendent Dr. Andraé Townsel. “As
operation and increase public awareness of Visit www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/ parameters, to gain opinion and perspec- demonstrated by her previous leadership
the alert and notification siren system. If AlertNotificationSystem to learn more tive on current Board of Education topics experience, she understands the value of
the sirens sound at any other time outside about the Calvert County siren alert sys- as well as areas of concern. Using per- student voice and the correlation it has to
of scheduled testing, residents should tune tem and to find other emergency plan- sonal experience and input from students student success. We look forward to work-
to one of the listed local radio stations for ning and mitigation information from the all across Calvert, I will work with the ing with her next school year.”
information and instructions. Department of Public Safety, Emergency Board to improve the school experience The position of Student Member of the
Emergency Alert System stations Management Division. for students.” Board of Education (BOE) is established
include: Find information on Calvert County Hayes has held numerous leadership posi- by the Annotated Code of Maryland.
• WKIK FM 102.9 MHz - California Government services online at www. tions to include the Maryland Association Officially, the student is a non-voting mem-
• WPRS FM 104.1 MHz - La Plata CalvertCountyMd.gov. Stay up to date with of Student Councils Student Workshop ber of the Board; however, the student may
• WTOP FM 103.5 MHz - Frederick Calvert County Government on Facebook Coordinator, Maryland Association of cast a symbolic vote on all matters coming
and Washington, D.C. at www.facebook.com/CalvertCountyMd Student Councils Liaison, PHS Class of before the Board. To serve as the student
• WMDM FM 97.7 MHz - Lexington and YouTube at www.youtube.com/ 2025 President, PHS Student Government member on the Calvert BOE, the student
Park CalvertCountyGov. Association (SGA) Vice President, MASC member must be a rising high school junior
Division 7 Liaison, CASC Special Issues or senior in CCPS. The student member’s
Department Director, CASC Student term runs from June 1 through May 31. The
Workshop Coordinator, CASC Forum’s
Coordinator, Southern Middle School
primary responsibility of the student mem-
ber of the board is to facilitate the flow of
(SMS) President, SMS SGA Vice President, information between the BOE and students
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
and SGA Historian. Additionally, Hayes is
a member of the PHS Varsity Cheer Team,
and is encouraged to share students’ feed-
back on issues before the board.

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7 In Our Community Calvert County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

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Plant Dolly’s joined the Hospice of the Chesapeake brand sponsors Gail Siegel - O’Brien Realty, Lee
family as an affiliate. Though the nonprofit Funeral Home Calvert, Rymer & Associates,
SAVE is now caring for families in Anne Arundel, P.A., and Mike & Karen Sharpe; Rosé

Calvert, Charles, and Prince George’s coun- sponsors Calvert Dermatology, SMECO,
ties, the organization is fully committed to and Sunset Terrace Solomons LLC; Pinot
having local dollars supporting local pro- Noir sponsors CalvertHealth and Matt and
BOGO HANGING BASKETS grams. All proceeds from this event will be Carmen Gambrill; and many more.
Many styles, sizes and used to grow and strengthen programs in The nonprofit also would like to thank its
colors to choose from. Calvert County and providing direct support event partners, The Hall at Huntingtown,
to local patients and families living with ill- Maryland Country Caterers, Floral
Buy 1 Get Get Full FLAT ness and loss. Expressions, Event Pro, and NightLife.
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Thursday, June 1, 2023 Calvert County Times Cops & Courts 8


During the week of May 15 – May 21, Theft: 23-35397 On May 17, 2023, rants through Anne Arundel County for
2023, Calvert County Sheriff’s Office On May 18, 2023, DFC Shoemaker Deputy Claggett Assault and Escape. Greenwell was placed
Deputies responded to 1,916 calls for ser- responded to the 11200 block of Lakeview was dispatched into custody and began to resist arrest while
vice throughout the community. Drive in Dunkirk, for the report of a theft. to the Dollar Tree failing to comply with deputies’ orders.
Damaged Property: 23-35463 The complainant advised his front and rear located at 545 N. Greenwell was transported to the Calvert
On May 19, 2023, DFC Idol was con- Maryland registration plates were stolen Solomons Island County Detention Center where he was
ducting a patrol check of Northern High from his vehicle. The estimated value of Road in Prince served the open warrants and additionally
School located at 2950 Chaneyville Road stolen property is $250.00. Frederick, for the charged with charged with False Statements
in Owings, and upon arrival, observed toilet reported trespassing. to a Peace Officer and Resisting/Interfering
Andrew Hart
paper all over the front of the school, trees, ARRESTS The complainant with Arrest.
and windows. Windows around the school advised, Andrew Edward Hart, 63 of no
were covered in syrup, baking flower and On May 16, fixed address, had been previously tres- On May 16,
had newspaper stuck to them. There were 2023, Dep. R. Jones passed from the property indefinitely. Hart 2023, DFC Aranda
multiple signs and shipping containers that responded to the was placed into custody and transported to responded to the
had been spray-painted. On the stadium area of the Thomas the Calvert County Detention Center where Walmart located at
field, lacrosse goals were set on flag poles Johnson Bridge in he was charged with Trespassing: Private 10600 Town Center
and bleacher benches were on top of the goal Solomons, for a Property. Blvd. in Dunkirk,
posts. No physical damage was apparent. traffic complaint. A for the report of
The estimated value of damaged property traffic stop was initi- On May 19, 2023, a theft. The com-
is unknown at this time. ated along Rt. 4 just DFC Aranda and plainant advised a
Keenan Berry Brandi Beckett
south of St. Leonard Deputy Dawson female entered the
Damaged Property: 23-35647 Road in St. Leonard. responded to the store and stole two robot vacuum machines
On May 19, 2023, DFC Kwitowski Upon making con- CVS Pharmacy and a coffee machine and left in a 2018
responded to the 400 block of Round Up tact with the driver, located at 10095 pink/purple Hyundai. DFC Aranda located
Road in Lusby, for the report of property Keenan Anthony Wa r d R o a d i n a vehicle matching the description in Anne
destruction. The complainant advised an Berry, 27, and pas- Dunkirk, for the Arundel County. Investigation revealed
unknown suspect (s) tampered with the vic- senger, Shanika report of a sus- the suspect, Brandi Marie Beckett, 40
Francis Curtis
tim’s air conditioning unit. The fence around Lanae Green, 21 picious activity of LaPlata, was operating the vehicle with
the unit was partially dislodged and screws both of Lexington inside a vehicle. Upon making contact stolen tags that she admitted stealing from
were observed on the ground nearby causing Park, a strong odor with occupants of the suspected vehicle, a parked vehicle at the Dunkirk Walmart.
Shanika Green
the fan to fall to the bottom of the A/C unit. of marijuana was Deputy Dawson observed the floor boards Upon making contact with Beckett, DFC
The estimated value of damaged property emitting from the vehicle. Further inves- to be littered with cut and torn Brillow Pad Aranda observed two wireless robot vacu-
is $8,700.00. tigation revealed Berry’s driver’s license fibers. Dep. Dawson observed a torn-up ums, a coffee maker, and a tent in the back-
was revoked. A vehicle search yielded copper Brillow pad fell from the vehicle. seat in plain view consistent with the items
Property Destruction: 23-35907 12.2 grams of a white powdery/rock mix, Investigation revealed one of the occupants the complainant initially reported stolen.
On May 20, 2023, Deputy Daily (suspected Crack Cocaine), a digital scale who originally provided a false name, was With the assistance of an Anne Arundel
responded to the 1500 block of Wilson Road covered with a white powdery residue, two wanted on an open warrant through St. County Police Officer, Beckett was placed
in Huntingtown, for the report of property resealable bags containing marijuana, 3 cel- Mary’s County. Francis Xavier Curtis, into custody for the stolen registration
destruction. The complainant advised some- lular phones and $697.00 in US currency. 25 of Chaptico, was placed into custody. A plates. Further investigation revealed a glass
time between 6 -6:30 p.m. on May 20th, an Both Berry and Green were transported to search of Curtis’s person revealed a black pipe covered in a white powdery residue
unknown suspect(s) broke five barn win- the Calvert County Detention Center where tie off containing two rocks of crack cocaine (crack pipe) was located inside the vehicle.
dows belonging to the victim. The estimated they were charged CDS: Possession with (approximately 1.3 grams). Curtis was Beckett was apprehended and transported
valued of damaged property is $2,500.00. Intent to Distribute Narcotics and CDS: transported to the Calvert County Detention to the Calvert County Detention Center.
Possession-Not Cannabis. Center where he was charged with CDS: During processing, a search of Beckett’s
Theft: 23-34313 Possess-Not Cannabis, CDS: Possess person was conducted and an additional
On May 15, 2023, Deputy Contic On May 17, 2023, Paraphernalia and Fraud - Per Identification pipe containing white residue was located.
responded to 155 Holiday Drive in DFC Shoemaker Avoid Prosecution. Beckett was charged with Theft Less
Solomons, for the report of a theft. The responded to the Than $100, Possession of Contraband in
complainant advised his 18ft black CAM McDonald’s located On May 17, 2023, a Place of Confinement, CDS: Possession-
Superline trailer had been stolen from the at 515 N. Solomons Deputy Novick, Not Cannabis, and CDS: Possession of
parking lot. The estimated value of stolen Island Road in responded to 80 Paraphernalia.
property is $4,945.00. Prince Frederick, Sherry Lane in
for the report of Prince Frederick, Editor’s Note: The above arrests are not
Theft: 23-34837 a disorderly sub- for the check wel- an indication of guilt or innocence as the
Marvin W Thomas
On May 16, 2023, DFC Grierson ject. Upon arrival, fare of a subject cases have not been adjudicated
responded to Baia Costal Restaurant located DFC Shoemaker observed Marvin Wayne in the parking lot Anyone with information about these inci-
at 8323 Bayside Road in Chesapeake Beach, Thomas, 56 of Prince Frederick, yelling possibly using con- dents is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at
Stephen Greenwell Jr
for the report of a theft. Investigation aloud. Investigation revealed Thomas had trolled dangerous (410) 535-2800 and reference the case num-
revealed an unknown suspect described as been previously trespassed indefinitely from substances. Upon arrival, Deputy Novick ber provided. Citizens may remain anony-
a Hispanic male wearing a mask, backed a the establishment. Thomas was arrested and Cpl. Shrawder made contact with an mous thru the ‘Submit a Tip’ feature on the
white Chevrolet work van up to the restau- and transported to the Calvert County occupant, who initially provided a false Calvert County Sheriff’s Office mobile app.
rant’s used cooking oil dumpster and stole Detention Center where he was charged name. Further investigation revealed the To download, visit https://apps.myocv.com/
used cooking oil. The estimated value of with Trespassing: Private Property. occupant, Stephen Matthew Greenwell share/a39520678 . Tipsters may also email
stolen property is $100.00. Jr., 34 of Shady Side, had two open war- ccsotips@calvertcountymd.gov
9 Calendar Calvert County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Jun 1 Whether you’re married, single, rethink- activities, entertaining games, wagon rides, Father’s Day Cruise
ing your divorce or currently being con- and delicious food vendors. Explore the fas-
Sea Squirts: Trees trolled by someone up to no good, you’re cinating displays and demonstrations show- Calvert Marine Museum
sure to enjoy this family-friendly, laugh-out- casing rural life from the past and present. Sunday, June 18
Calvert Marine Museum loud comedy. 4:30 – 6 p.m.
10:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Website: www.ndctheater.org NDCTheater ‘Til Beth Do Us Part
Phone: 443.624.4484 Celebrate Dad during an evening cruise
Children 18 months to 3 years, with an Long Beach Community Center onboard the historic Wm. B. Tennison and
adult, are invited to discover the museum 5845 Calvert Blvd, St. Leonard enjoy the sights and sounds of the Solomons
together through music, stories, and special Sat, Jun 3 2 p.m. Harbor and Patuxent River. Heavy hors
activities. Join us for story time and a craft, d’oeuvres, a Father’s Day cake, water, tea,
available while supplies last. Sessions are Cultural Arts Market Whether you’re married, single, rethink- and drinks will be served. You are also wel-
25-40 minutes. The cost is free with museum ing your divorce or currently being con- come to bring food or drinks of your choice
admission. Sign up at the Admissions Desk Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center trolled by someone up to no good, you’re in small, hand-held coolers. Cost is $40 for
when you arrive. 13470 Dowell Road, Solomons sure to enjoy this family-friendly, laugh-out- ages 13 and older, $20 for ages 5-12, and
9 a.m. - 2 p.m. loud comedy. $10 for children 5 and under.
Dining in the Field Free Website: www.ndctheater.org
Phone: 443.624.4484 ZIGGY MARLEY performs LIVE
American Chestnut Land Trust (ACLT) Celebrate the ethnic and cultural diver-
676 Double Oak Rd, Prince Frederick sity of the arts and crafts design in our Calvert Marine Museum
6- 8 p.m. region! Browse works from artists and ven- Thu, Jun 8 Saturday, June 24
$150/person dors selling fair-trade products. Food and 7 p.m. 
drink will also be available for purchase. Sea Squirts: Trees
Experience a memorable evening savor- 410-326-4640. Emmy winner, musician, producer, activ-
ing delectable locally-sourced cuisine and Calvert Marine Museum ist, and humanitarian ZIGGY MARLEY
refreshing drinks amidst a stunning back- Golden Jubilee 10:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. will perform LIVE at the Motto Mortgage
drop. Event will take place in the field next Preferred and RE/MAX One Waterside
to the Double Oak Barn. Secure your tickets Mary D. Harrison Cultural Arts Center Children 18 months to 3 years, with an Pavilion at the Calvert Marine Museum.
at the following link: https://form.jotform. 2950 Chaneyville Rd, Owings adult, are invited to discover the museum Gates open at 5 p.m. with food and bev-
com/ACLTForms/dining-in-the-field-tick- 7 p.m. together through music, stories, and special erage vendors onsite. The Calvert Marine
ets-form . The proceeds from this year’s din- activities. Join us for story time and a craft, Museum and Museum Store close at 3 p.m.
ner will go towards benefiting ACLT. North Beach School of Dance will pres- available while supplies last. Sessions are for concert preparations. Cost of tickets are
ent the annual Spring Production, Jubilee, 25-40 minutes. The cost is free with museum $39 - $69 (additional fees apply).
North Beach Senior Center Temporary an ongoing tribute to Abigail Francisco’s admission. Sign up at the Admissions Desk
Closure 50 years of dance and dance instruction. when you arrive. Church Walk Out
The show opens with “Les Sylphides,” the
North Beach Senior Center last Classical Ballet danced by Ms. Abigail, Various locations
9010 Chesapeake Ave., North Beach as well as original Jazz, Tap, & Musical Ongoing June 11, after church services for partic-
Through June 2 Theater choreography set to music from ipating churches
the beginning of her career. Featuring guest Wm. B. Tennison Public Cruise
The Calvert County Office on Aging dancers from The Washington Ballet and Churches in the Southern Maryland
advises citizens the for repairs and main- Ballet Theatre of Maryland.   Calvert Marine Museum and surrounding areas will participate in a
tenance to the building. The center will Tickets are available at www.ticketpeak. Wednesday thru Sunday, month of June Church Walk Out “From the Seats to the
reopen with normal hours of operation on co/northbeachschoolofdance  2 p.m. Streets” to pray at community locations
Monday, June 5. While the center is closed, such as hospitals, nursing homes, shelters,
Meals on Wheels will still be delivered NDCTheater ‘Til Beth Do Us Part Relax and enjoy a leisurely one-hour housing developments, shopping centers,
to recipients. For more information visit sightseeing cruise on the river aboard the community centers, and youth centers. To
us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ Long Beach Community Center Wm. B. Tennison, a log-built bugeye. find out how your church can participate
CalvertCountyOfficeonAging or www. 5845 Calvert Blvd, St. Leonard Capacity allows for 40 guests. Cost is $7 or more information, please contact 410-
calvertcountymd.gov/Aging. 7 p.m. for adults and $4 for children 5-12 years. 231-0247. A number of churches and the
Children under 5 ride free when accompa- Calvert Interfaith Council are inviting the
Whether you’re married, single, rethink- nied by a paying adult. faith community to participate.
Fri, Jun 2 ing your divorce or currently being con-
trolled by someone up to no good, you’re 6th Annual Mud Day
First Fossil Friday! sure to enjoy this family-friendly, laugh-out- Upcoming
loud comedy. Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Calvert Marine Museum Website: www.ndctheater.org Dragon Boat Festival 13470 Dowell Rd, Solomons
1 – 4:30 p.m. Phone: 443.624.4484 Saturday, June 10
North Beach 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Fossil hunters, bring your fossil finds Saturday, June 10 $10 for non-members; $5 for members
from the Calvert Cliffs or other local areas Sun, Jun 4 9 a.m. ($12 at the gate, if not sold out); kids 2
to be identified! This service is provided & under free.
for free; however, admission fees apply for Children’s Day on the Farm Enjoy a family friendly atmosphere, the
access to CMM exhibits. dragon boat races, and more while support- Celebrate International Mud Day with an
Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum ing End Hunger in Calvert County. Please afternoon of family-friendly muddy may-
NDCTheater ‘Til Beth Do Us Part 10515 Mackall Rd, Saint Leonard see https://endhungercalvert.org/events/ hem. Explore squishy art projects, play in
11 a.m.- 5 p.m. dragon-boat-festival/ for registration infor- the mud kitchen, create a terrarium, paint
Long Beach Community Center Free mation. 301-855-6681 with mud - and have fun in the giant mud pit!
5845 Calvert Blvd, St. Leonard Advance timed-entry tickets required. Food
7 p.m. Featuring live performances, creative trucks will also be on-site. 410-326-4640.
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times BusinessDIRECTORY 23
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The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

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Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Calendars 21

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Jun 1 Sat, Jun 3 just $15. Thank you for supporting HVRS. 997-3977, or Eventbrite: www.eventbrite.
11am til 3pm. Drive thru only. No pre orders! com/e/filipino-american-somd-annual-fies-
American Legion Post 221 Meeting Huge Community Yard Sale ta-2023-tickets-623776240527
American Legion Post 221 Companions and Buddies for Singles
Greenbriar Neighborhood Seniors growingSTEMS—Combat Robotics
21690 Colton Point Rd., Avenue Green Leaf Rd and Silver Slate Dr Summer Camp
8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Lexington Park 23630 Hayden Farm Ln., Leonardtown
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Hive—A growingSTEMS Center
American Legion Post 221 invites all Commerce Avenue, Hollywood
active duty personnel and veterans to Greenbrier neighborhood (off of This is a group of singles seniors ages 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
join us for our monthly meeting on the Hermanville Road in Lexington Park, by 50 and up. We meet on Mondays at the
first Thursday of each month at 8:00pm. Gate 3 and Homegrown Farm Market) is Leonardtown Library. We Have half hour growingSTEMS is happy to offer a
E-mail us at alpost221@aol.com or call having a HUGE community wide garage socializing. We plan on events to go to such Combat Robotics summer camp focused
301*481*6625 for more information. sale, both in the common area (the intersec- as movies, dine out, movies, plays, pic- around Termite Class Combat Robots!
tion of Green Leaf Rd and Silver Slate Dr) nics and trips. For more information call Competitors in grades 3-7th are able to
and throughout the neighborhood. There are Christine Olson 301-997-4160 or email participate in this 2-day camp. Each camp
Fri, Jun 2 over 400 homes in the area, so surely you mccambridgec@yahoo.com or just show up. will run on Saturday and Sunday, 10-3PM
can find what you’re looking for at one of each day.
Food Truck Fri. @ 2nd Dist. the many, many yard sales! There will likely Camp sessions will be available for the
VFD&RS—Old Town Pub be a few kids selling lemonade and baked Upcoming following dates:
goods too! • June 10-11th
Parking lot of 2nd Dist. VFD & RS Filipino American SoMD Annual Fiesta • July 8-9th
19330 Piney Point Rd., Valley Lee • July 29-30th
4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sun, Jun 4 St George Social Hall, Valley Lee • August 5-6th
Sat, Jun 10 There will be 12 slots per camp and each
Food Truck Fri. Fundraiser with Old Drive Thru Chicken Dinner 3 p.m. camp will be limited to 3 of each robot design.
Town Pub @ the 2nd Dist. VFD & RS All competitors must pre-register for the
parking lot. Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad It is always FUN at FILIPINO FIESTA. event, walk-ins are not accepted. Registration
Come get dinner to take home! Rescue Lane, Hollywood Come and join our Annual Fiesta and more information can be found on our
A percentage of sales from food truck 11 a.m. to 3 p.m Celebration. Experience the world famous website—www.growingstems.org/product/
goes back to the department. Filipino hospitality and culture with food, termite-class-combat-robot-summer-camp/
For more info contact Stephanie Alvey @ 4 pieces of Fried Chicken, parsley pota- entertainment, art, etc.
stephanie.alvey@hotmail.com toes, green beans, cole slaw, roll and cookies For tickets, please contact Jen Mac at 301-

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20 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

FINANCIAL Wanderings
FOCUS of an Aimless Mind by Shelby Oppermann

Are your goals ‘must 7 Years of Love...

have’ or ‘nice to have’? and Chicken Soup
Like everyone, you may have a lot of financial goals. But are they all of There is a wonderful, cool breeze coming in through the office window, and
equal importance? Probably not. And do they share a similar timeline? Again, along with the breeze comes the trills of birdsong. The rooster, a few houses
it’s unlikely. So, your first step may be to prioritize your goals — and then away, is still crowing loudly that this is a day that should be celebrated for
follow a process that can help you achieve them. its beauty. The lovely morning beckoned me out to my workshop earlier this
This process should include the following steps: morning where I enjoyed the big door open while Mindy the crazy hound dog
• Identify your goals as “must have” or “nice to have.” Making sure you rested on her blanket surveying the driveway and back yard.
can retire comfortably and won’t outlive your resources is a “must have” To celebrate Mindy’s 7th year adoption day this week, I took her to
goal. For this goal, you can’t compromise — you need to be certain of Rufflections in Hollywood so she could have a spa day of bathing and a mani-
achieving it, or at least as certain as possible. But if you want to someday pedi. Mindy held her head high as we left yesterday also sporting a cute water-
own a vacation home by the beach, and you can’t ever quite afford it, you melon bandana over her collar. I really think she loves being bathed. I noticed
might find an acceptable substitute, such as renting. So, it seems fair to on Monday night she was nosing her stinky blankets off of her large dog bed
say that achieving this goal would be “nice to have.” in the living room, all the while giving me a meaningful side eye of, “Do you
• Prioritize your investment dollars. Unless you have unlimited sums to think you could wash all my bedding so I come back to a space that smells as
invest — and very few of us have that luxury — you’ll probably need to nice as I will?” Mindy can be very bossy at times. Of course, I washed every-
prioritize where your investment dollars are going. For your main “must thing, and put clean new blankets down for her last night while her old bedding
have” goal — retirement — you’ll be helped by the ability to automati- was in the dryer. This morning she seemed very happy with her clean self and
cally invest through your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement clean bed. Now I just need to make her weekly chicken soup (just plain for
plan. If you’re on track toward this goal, and you budget carefully and her). Mindy insists she is not spoiled. As you can see from the two photos; one
potentially receive salary increases over the years, you may also find from the day we adopted Mindy at 6 months old on Memorial Day 7 years ago
space to keep contributing toward the “nice to have” goals. to her photo from this morning, she is doing just fine on her chicken soup with
• Put “price tags” on your goals. You need to know what your goals will a ½ c of dry dogfood. I really think her God-Dog parents, Paul and Gale, are
cost. Of course, you may need to estimate the costs for some goals based who started her on her love of chicken.
on different factors. For example, when you think about your goal of I think I’ll make a second pot of chicken soup with all the onions, parsley,
retiring comfortably without outliving your money, you’ll need to con- carrots, and celery for us – I have been in the mood for it lately. It must be
sider some key questions, including these: When do you want to retire? the cool weather, but I really want my mother’s style of chicken soup. This
What sort of retirement lifestyle do you envision? Do you see yourself afternoon will probably be in the 80s, but that’s okay. Since I was down county
downsizing your living arrangements? For other goals, though, such as yesterday, and Mindy was having her fun time at Rufflections, I thought I would
purchasing a vacation home, you could get more specific on how much check and see if Harris Teeter had fine egg noodles, which were the kind of
money you’ll need. noodles my mother always used in her soup, and they did had some. I was so
• Follow an appropriate strategy. The nature of your goals, and their esti- excited because I have not been able to find them anywhere. I might have to
mated cost, along with your appetite for risk, should drive your investment freeze some containers of homemade chicken soup for my two sons also, now
strategy — but another key factor is time. So, for a long-term goal like that I have the right noodles.
retirement, you’ll likely need a reasonable amount of quality growth-ori- Another stop I made yesterday was at Zimmerman’s Produce and Irrigation
ented investments in your portfolio. While these investments — such Supplies on Friendship School Road. I love their new building with the produce,
as stocks and stock-based mutual funds — will fluctuate in value over baked goods, and crafts. Naturally I had to walk through the greenhouse and
shorter periods of time, your hope is that, over several decades, they will bought a hanging Black-eyed Susan vine in what I believe is called blushing
ultimately provide the growth you need to meet your retirement goal. Susie for its light pink color for a friend’s birthday gift. I thought Black-eyed
However, to achieve a goal you want to meet in a year or so — perhaps Susan’s only came in yellow and black until yesterday. While I was there I was
you’re paying for a wedding or planning a long vacation — you may also able to recycle the empty strawberry quart containers leftover from the
want to consider more stable investments, such as certificates of deposit Strawberry Festival, plus get some beautiful potatoes, strawberries, squash, and
(CDs), short-term bonds or even cash or cash equivalents. They may not canned chow chow, beets, and pepper relish. I am going to send my brother and
provide much in the way of growth, but you can essentially count on sister-in-law in Utah one jar of chow chow and one of mild pepper relish. If you
them to provide the amount you need when you need it. You’ll need to have never tried chow-chow on top of a burger or a hot dog, you are definitely
regularly review the performance of your investment strategy for each missing something. I am also going to try and figure out a way to hint to the
goal to assess your progress. family that I would like one of the wooden old fashioned water pump flower
Achieving any goals — whether they’re “must have” or “nice to have” — can boxes they carry for my birthday later this month. They are large and on legs.
be challenging. But by identifying and prioritizing these goals, following an So…hint, hint family. But I will probably end up going back over there and to
appropriate strategy to meet them, and consistently reviewing your approach, get some more hanging plants soon, and maybe a large water pump box will
you can help yourself get to where you want to go. end up in my car too.
I guess I better get started on all the soup, and I may even try to make two
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward more strawberry pies, (even after having made 6 strawberry pies for the festi-
Jones Financial Advisor. val & one as a gift) and think of a way to send one pie to Utah along with the
Edward Jones, Member SIPC other goodies. That will have to be an overnight shipment for sure – not sure
how a jello based pie will ship; lots of Press & Seal and a 2 gallon poly bag I
Contributed by David McDonough imagine. I’ll let you know how it goes. And a big thank you to all who came
Financial Advisor at Edward Jones out to the Strawberry Festival and took the time to say hi.
Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr. Suite 302 To each new day’s adventure, Shelby
Leonardtown, MD 20650 Please send your comments or ideas to: shelbys.wanderings@yahoo.com
301 997 1707 or find me on Facebook
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Obituaries 19

THE Wentworth eekly

VISIT our Two Garden Center Locations
Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion
of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Air
in helping others to navigate their treatments.
He was always supportive and openly shared Oakville & Prince Frederick
Medal, (Strike/Flight w/13 devices), his vast knowledge, advice and compassion.
Navy Commendation Medal w/Combat He was a member, volunteer and Guide for
“V”, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Navy “Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc”,
Unit Commendation, Meritorious Unit a non-profit organization that is dedicated
Get your Patio, Deck, Pool, and Pond Ready for the Season.
Commendation (3rd Award), National to the physical and emotional rehabilitation ALL OUTDOOR CERAMIC POTTERY 4 PACK ANNUALS
Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service of disabled active duty military service per- Many styles,
Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon sonnel and disabled veterans. He was also sizes and colors to
(2nd Award), Republic of Vietnam Gallantry a member, volunteer and Guide for “Reel choose from.
Cross Unit Citation, Republic of Vietnam
Civil Actions Unit Citation, Republic of
Recovery”, a non-profit organization that
conducts free fly fishing retreats for men SAVE
Vietnam Campaign Medal.
Mike continued to serve Marine Aviation
living with all forms of cancer.
On April 27, 2023 Michael received 20%OFF
from 1998 – 2010 as Vice President of the Marine Corps Aviation Association ALL BIRDS FEEDERS
Business Development for Rolls Royce (MCAA) John Glenn Squadron’s inau- Including
(Patuxent River Office). In that capacity, gural Lifetime Achievement Award. In Hummingbird
he supported the full product line of Rolls the future, this award will be presented as Feeders
Get Full FLAT
Royce military engine products. Also in that
role, he performed leadership and mentoring
the “Colonel Michael A. Nyalko Lifetime
Achievement Award”. The MCAA enthu- SAVE 48 Plants
roles which were instrumental in the techni-
cal development of the vertical lift system
siastically embraced “Iron Mike” Nyalko
as their first recipient. 25%OFF ONLY
$ .00
for the successful production and mainte- Michael was earmarked as a very special- 3 1/2” ANNUALS
nance of the Joint Strike Fighter. ized, skilled and recognized leader - a one-
Michael fully retired in 2010 to become of-a-kind throughout his life. He was simply Trellis, Pots, Trays,
a full-time outdoorsman! Throughout his a personal and professional role model in Plant Dolly’s
Military/Civilian career, he continued his every respect to those lucky enough to have
love and pursuit of the great outdoors by served with him or who just knew him as a SAVE
hunting and fishing, to include trips to friend....for his earned friendship is price-
Colorado and Alaska to hunt and fly fish less! Michael truly lived his life to the full-
with his best friend and Marine brother, est. He will be remembered by generations
John Bioty. His Zoology degree and inter- for the gifts he left behind for all of us. He BOGO HANGING BASKETS
est in nature shaped him into a local expert taught us how to live our lives with love, Many styles, sizes and
to others. Mike perfected the true artistry of respect and humility to become better per- colors to choose from.
fly tying for fly fishing. He was personally sons…and he taught us to have the courage
requested on charter fishing trips with his to die with grace and dignity. Buy 1 Get Get Full FLAT
friend, Captain Pete Dahlberg. He is survived by his wife Lisa, his son
the 2nd One 18 Plants

During his combat tour in Da Nang, Michael J. and wife Rebekah, his grandsons
Vietnam, Michael and his squadron were
exposed to Agent Orange. Once diagnosed
Michael B. and Nathan, his sister Nancy Guzy,
his niece Michelle and husband, Art White, his
$ .00
with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, he enrolled nephew Steven and Jeanne Marie Guzy, his
in a trial program at the National Institutes sister-in-law Teri and husband, Bob McLeod, BOGO MULCH SALE Water Plants
• Hardwood
of Health (NIH) as a “patient zero” for
experimental treatment. As one of only
nephew Patrick McLeod, niece Kimberly
McLeod and husband Kevin Faust and a lov- • Cypress ANY SIZE Are Now In!
two patients who survived the initial trial, ing mother-in-law Ruthann Pfanneschlag. • Cedar 2 & 3 CU. FT. BAGS
he paved the way for NIH to further develop
the trial into a successful treatment used to
The family will receive friends for
Michael’s Life Celebration on Thursday,
• Pine
• Red Buy 5 Get
this day, now resulting in a five-year US sur-
vival rate of 71%. His involvement in these
June 1, 2023 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. with
a prayer service at 7:00 p.m., at Brinsfield
• Black
• Brown 1 FREE
clinical trials were in essence an extension Funeral Home, P.A., 22955 Hollywood
of his military combat service. Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650. A funeral LANDSCAPE DESIGN BUILD
Mike continued to thrive through 30+ service and burial with Military Honors will Walks & Walls • Patios & Ponds Fire Pits • Fireplaces
years of intermittent chemo and a success- be held at Arlington National Cemetery at
ful stem cell transplant. The stem cell trans- a later date. Outdoor Kitchens • Arbors & Pergolas • Decks & Fencing
plant was successful in curing lymphoma. Condolences to the family may be made
However, the many years of chemotherapy at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com.
eventually led to a fatal case of leukemia. His Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral
experience with cancer motivated his interest Home, P.A.

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18 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

In Remembrance To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and picture to
aldailey@countytimes.net by noon on Tuesdays for publication on Thursdays.
Any submissions received after this deadline may run in the following week’s edition.

Peggy McCabe, 94 McCabe, Arya Samantello, and Ella Niles. 2nd Lieutenant upon graduation from Penn Harrier Jets. He was instrumental in train-
Viewing and Catholic Mass on June 12 at State in 1968. He began Naval Aviation ing replacement pilots in the Harrier from
Ellen Margaret St. Paul Catholic Church, Damascus begin- Flight Training in Pensacola, FL and 1977 – 1980. Michael applied for and was
(“Peggy”) McCabe ning at 10:15 AM. Reception afterwards at received his Wings of Gold in Nov 1969. accepted to the Navy’s Test Pilot School
died on May 14th, Pat and Craig Ruppert’s home. Graveside He joined his 1st “Gun” squadron – Marine (TPS) at Patuxent River, MD in 1980 as
2023 in Olney, service on June 13 at St. Aloysius Cemetery Attack Squadron (VMA) 324 flying the A-4E Class 79. He graduated with distinction
Maryland at the age in Leonardtown. Skyhawk (Attack jet) in Beaufort, SC in Jan/ following a highly rigorous selection and
of 94. Family mem- In lieu of flowers, contributions in Peggy’s Feb 1970. Mike deployed to the Western training program and was selected as the
bers were at her memory may be made to Hospice of St. Pacific (Westpac) joining Marine Attack Outstanding Student of his class.
side. With her love Mary’s. http://www.hospiceofstmarys.org Squadron 311 at Da Nang, South Vietnam Michael performed development and test-
and kindness, Peggy for a combat tour in Aug 1970. He flew 179 ing of the AV-8B Harrier from 1980 - 1985.
enriched the lives of family, friends and all Michael Nyalko, 76 combat missions in the A-4E Skyhawk in At TPS and throughout his military career,
others with whom she came in contact. She support of the Vietnam War. Upon return, he he flew a total of 36 different type/model/
was widowed in 2010 after 61 years of Colonel Michael served as a Navy Advanced Flight Training series aircraft.
marriage to her husband Jerome McCabe, Alan Nyalko, Instructor in Beeville, TX with Training In 1985, Mike deployed overseas to
a retired Army office. Peggy set up house- USMC (Ret), 76 of Squadron (VT) 25 from 1971-1973, fly- Iwakuni, Japan to join Marine Aircraft
holds in Japan, Spain and 6 states in the Leonardtown, MD ing the TA-4 Jet aircraft. In 1974, Michael Group 15 flying the Navy/Marine Corps F-4
US in her role of “Army wife.” She was a passed away on May applied and was selected as one of the first Phantom fighter aircraft. He then attended
founding member of Hospice of St. Mary’s 26, 2023 at his resi- Marines to fly the AV-8A Harrier (USMC Military Top-Level School at the Industrial
and served as its first Volunteer Trainer and dence with his lov- Vertical “Jump” Jet) and was assigned to College of the Armed Forces (ICAF) in
Coordinator. She owned and operated a his- ing wife, Lisa. VMA-231 at MCAS, Cherry Point, NC. As Washington, DC from 1986 – 1987.
torical tour company in St. Mary’s County He was born on VMA-231’s Landing Signal Officer (LSO), From 1987 – 1998, Michael was assigned
called Terra Mariae Tours. December 25, 1946 in Monessen, PA to he completed a Mediterranean cruise with to Naval Air Systems Command in Crystal
Peggy is survived by her 5 children: Mike the late Michael Julius Nyalko and Mary Carrier Air Group (CAG) 19 as part of the City, VA. He was the first Marine assigned to
McCabe, Pat Ruppert (Craig), Tim McCabe (Matty) Nyalko. Harrier Air Integration trials aboard the USS the A-12 Program, serving as the Integrated
(Mary), Mark McCabe (Kathleen), Pete He earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1961. Roosevelt (CVA-42) from Oct 1976 to May Test Team Leader. After the A-12 Program
McCabe (Jenny), 14 grandchildren and 18 He was an avid outdoorsman - hunted, fished, 1977. Mike attended Amphibious Warfare was cancelled, he became the Director of
great-grandchildren whose names are Ellen, & trapped in PA at a very young age with his School (AWS) at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Engineering for the Joint Strike Fighter
Ada and Boden Bluey, Cordelia, June, Kael father. He attended Penn State University in Quantico, VA from 1977 – 1978. Upon grad- Program, now named the F-35 Lightning II.
and Daphne Felts, JamesCate, Julien and State College, PA, graduating in 1968 with uation from AWS, Mike joined the Marine Mike retired from the Marine Corps at the
Tobin McGehee, Natalie and Carl Ruppert, a Bachelor of Science in Zoology. Attack Training Squadron (VMAT) 203 at rank of Colonel in 1998. His Decorations,
Everett and Eva Boyle, Owen and Avery Michael was commissioned as a Marine Cherry Point, NC as a Flight Instructor in Medals, Badges, and Citations awarded were:

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Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times In Our Community 17

Fast TRAC Program to FREE

Offer Free Chromebooks HP CHROMEBOOKS
In an effort to advance equal access to Please visit stmaryscountymd.gov/fast- One device per
technology for our residents, St. Mary’s trac for the schedule of distribution dates,
County Government (SMCG) is excited to pre-register, or for additional informa-
qualifying household
to announce plans to distribute 4,500 HP tion. Pre-registration is encouraged, but not Proof of address &
Chromebooks for free to local households required. Interested seniors may contact any
with an income at or below the national of the St. Mary’s County Senior Activity eligibility required
poverty level. Households participating in Centers for more information.
any of the following programs automati- “These distribution days will offer a
cally qualify: wide range of services, to include tech You automatically qualify* if
• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance support from the University of Maryland
Program (SNAP), formerly known as Extension Office, help enrolling in internet
your household receives
Food Stamps assistance programs, and more,” said Bob any of the following assistance:
• Medicaid Kelly, Director of Information Technology
• Special Supplemental Nutrition at SMCG. SNAP/Food Stamps
Program for Women, Infants, and This initiative is part of the Fast TRAC Medicaid
Children (WIC) program and is funded by the Connected
• Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Devices Grant from the Maryland Office of WIC
• Federal Public Housing Assistance Statewide Broadband. SMCG is working to Supplemental Security
(FPHA) Fast TRAC our citizens on the information Income (SSI)
• Veterans Pension and Survivors highway through:
Benefit • Training – Provided by the University Federal Public Housing
• Free and Reduced-Price School Lunch of Maryland Extension Office. Assistance (FPHA)
Program or School Breakfast Program, • Resources – 4,500 HP Chromebooks Veterans Pension and
including at U.S. Department of to be distributed in St. Mary’s County.
Agriculture (USDA) Community • Affordability – Assistance programs to Survivors Benefit
Eligibility Provision schools help pay for internet service or tech- Free & Reduced-Price School
• Received a Federal Pell Grant in the nology needs. Lunch/Breakfast Program
current award year • Connectivity – Assistance getting
Eligible households are limited to one broadband connectivity to your home.
A Federal Pell Grant in the
device per qualifying address and must Special thanks to our partners: current year
show proof of residency/home address and Commissioners of St. Mary’s County,
verification of income eligibility or partici- St. Mary’s County Department of Aging Learn more at: stmaryscountymd.gov/trac
pation in one of the above programs. and Human Services, St. Mary’s County
“Access to the internet and current Department of Recreation and Parks, St.

technologies is becoming essential to our Mary’s County Housing Authority, St.
everyday lives,” said James Randy Guy, Mary’s County Libraries, St. Mary’s County
Commissioner President. “This initiative NAACP 7025, St. Mary’s County Public
will help to bridge the digital divide by Schools, St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office,
delivering valuable resources to those in our St. Mary’s County Health Department,
community who need them most.” St. Mary’s County Department of Social
Distribution will begin in June of 2023, Services, the Minority Outreach Coalition,
with varied times and locations across St.
Mary’s County, while supplies last.
and the Unified Committee for Afro-
American Contributions. OF THE WEEK
Lions Club Donates to 
Mission of Mercy 



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L-R Retired St. Mary’s County dentist and Leonardtown Lion Dr. Martin Barley accepts a donation on behalf
of the Mission of Mercy Program from Lion George Kirby. The Mission of Mercy Program is supported by the
St.Mary’s County Health Department and provides free dental work free to the underserved adult population in
Maryland. Photo by Lion George Kirby
8 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

St. Mary’s Ryken

Yaw Amponsah-Poku Brooke Cowan Matthew Hayden Lillian Merritt William Shin
Emma Ashley Jonathan Dameron Kolby Hayden Elijah Miller Eve Simmons
Colton Attick John Dean Daryus Henderson John Miller Saul Sison
James Aviles Jack DeLucco Madeleine Hicks Gabriel Moltumyr Nadia Smith
Paul Baden Destiny Deshields Catherine Howard Colleen Moore Cooper Smith
Blake Bagley Abigail Donaldson Delaney Huiskens Ryder Morlong Marcela Somers
Lourden Banks Wyatt Dooley Zhion Irinyenikan Margaret Muldoon Eric Spence
Madison Bishop Markus Downs Sydney James Naima Ndeh Eleanor Stafford
Nikolette Blackwell Ashlynn Dziekiewicz Marko Jelaca Oliver-Stephane Ngounou Andrew Stickney
Jaxson Blackwell Connor Ebey Kyle Johnson Bailee Nored Charles Sullivan
Juliana Blake Wilfred Ehrmantraut Gerard Johnson Romeo Norris Gemma Tamburri
Emma Boelke David Fajerski Joshua Jones Anna O’Neill Moira Teague
Douglas Bogard Vander Wel Virginia Fisher Bradley Kelley Anthony Oquendo Bryleigh Tejchman
Sarah Bubb Matthew Floehr Jalyn Kennedy Daniel Papas Gavin Terry
Mason Buckler Sarah Fore Soleil Kennedy Tomasi Pavihi Natalie Thomas
TaKeo Bush Perry Foreman John Kidd Rachel Pawlowitz Owen Tippett
Caleb Butler Caitlyn Foster Matthew Klein Samantha Pennell Daniel Torreyson
Justin Cable Katelyn Freese Julia Kosich Kylie Perraut Trey Trimble
Kathleen Cain Clayton Gabrielson John Kovich Leah Quade Lauren VanMeter
Le’Vell Calhoun Naomi Garcia Henry Krissoff Emilie Quade Sabrina Vignola
Justin Campbell Alyssa Garland Caroline Leahy Nathan Raley Leanna Walzel
Najila Castillo-Wright Savannah Garren Daniel Lee Maria Rank Miles Ward
Trinity Chambers Matthew Gaskill Brett Liston Jayda Reese William Western
Mekhia Chase Lucia Geary Megan Luther Braylen Rice Dawson Wetherald
Zhuo Chen Erika Gensley Zachary Maldonado Katherine Richardson Joseph White
Vanness Chen Trent Gerhardt Samantha Mammano Christian Robertson Camille Williams
Ashley Cheseldine Ashley Goldstein Viliami Masila Jhakon Robinson Madyson Wilson
Maya Civil Breanna Gott Cassandra Massiglia Grace Rorke Chase Wilson
Ian Coker Chase Grand Adrian Maza Ortiz Vincent Rosin Sydney Wise
Adaiah Cole Javier Guadalupe Daniel McBride Daniel Savoy Katherine Wise
Sydnie Collins Neel Guha Lauren McNair Stephanie Scherer Nathalie Yi
Kya Cook Russell Haggerty Aaron McNeil Victoria Schneider Haotian Zheng
Alexander Coughlon Alexandra Harrer Henry Meiser Nathan Shepherd

King’s Christian Academy

Weston Altman Ava Dorsey McKenna Hill Drake Kimball Jackson Oliff
Hannah Brown Jada Dunbar Felix Igtos Chase Latham Justin Park
Gabriel Campbell Rayjanae Evans Lindsay Inouye Nyrik Lee Alexandria Stevens
Andre Davis Ethan Grau Charles Keister Wes Martin Andrew Warner

Leonard Hall Academy

Carissa Don-Simmons Ryan Huntington Madison O’Dell

Chesterton Academy
Blake Gibson Michael Jenkins Dave Krall Daniel Schieferdecker Dylan Young
Jerome Hurla Olivia Jenkins Althea Shane Violet Walker
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Class of 2023 7

Ty-Quis Artrell Jordan Jaycob Ethan Misitis Saniya Ineka Proctor Journey Yvonne Taylor
Aaliyah Sole Kargbo Emily Charlene Mister Nikolas Andrew Purdon Justyce Amarianna Taylor
Rhylee Lynne Kelley Austin Michael Mitchell Alexander Luciano Quinn Marisa Noelle Taylor
Melanie Miriam Kelly-Davis Ryan Charles Moore Lani Grace Ragan Ricardo Mantiar Taylor
Deshaun Joshua Kelton Sydney Sherrell Moore Madeline Katherine Raines Rodney Manilito Taylor
Cole Braden Kettelle Frank Moran Noah Xavier Raley Martavius Lawayne Thomas
Timyla Ja Sharia Keyes Freddy Moran Isaac Aiden Ramsey Raymond Lloyd Thomas
Jacob Joseph Kidder Azhontae Tychelle Morgan Timothy Scott Reardon Ellis Frost Thompson
Joshua Sein Kim Candise Lynn Morgan Jocelyn Raiyn Reilly Matthew Lee Thompson
Lilly Grace King Jordan Cecilia Morris Jared Cole Republica Savannah Christine Thompson
Ella Nicole Kitchen Meghan Anne Morris Dylan Eduardo Restrepo Ryan Sven Torgesen
Edwin Rowe Kline Jr Peter Isaiah Morris Haley Alexis Revolorio Desire Alexis Trejo
Tessa Grace Knott Dorothy Grace Muir Alexander Randy Rex Paige Elizabeth Trumpower
Ian Robert Kreider Samuel Andrew Mumphrey Jaelyn McKenzie Reyes Ka’Von Kelvin Turner
Sa’Niyah Dyamond Lacy Noah Edward Nalls Marcus Wayne Reyez Rony Anderson Umanzor-Solorzano
Samuel Eryk Lambert Gabriel Fisher Nasman James Clarence Rice IV Ayden Jewel Van Der Smissen
Joseph Peter Lang Ciara Nicole Neal Lauren Kiersten Rice Jeremiah Aaron Vanzego
Rylan Zachary Langley Lila Rose Nelson Rosemary Rivas Lopez Priscilla Marie Vazquez
Zanyia Ashanti Lawrence Skylia Rae Nelson Ta’miyah Dominique Robinson Zamaria Jewell Walker
LaNecia Danyell Leak Zoe Nicole Newman Ericson Yafet Rodriguez Rivera Jamell NaShawn Watkins
Amber Marie Leavitt Bao Linh Cao Nguyen Calvin Lamont Ross Jr Morgan Leigh Watkins
Benjamin Ethan Lebeda Bill Thuat Nguyen Victoria Agaby Sabella Andrew Marshall Watson
Shawn Leen Brian Thien Nguyen Juan Daniel Salazar-Guzman Arianna Jade Watson
Alana Janee Lincoln Johnny Nguyen Esa Salih Salcedo Ivy Sue Elizabeth Watson
Kasey Dawn Lowry Julia Pearl Nilsson Joshua Daniel Pangilinan Salvacion Ni’Shayla Zy’rae Nicole Waul
Tyler David Ludlow Lana Marie O’Mara Keegan Alexander Sanders Kanokwan Weangnon
Finnegan Murphy Ludwig Monica Alexandra Orellana Vasquez Oliver Baker Sanders Shaniya Ann Welch
Connor James Luettgenau Sofia Beatriz Orellana Vasquez Dominic Anthony Schneider Matilda Grace Wengerd
Anthony Jacob Macchione Danissa Patrice Ortega Darnell Eugene Scott Jr Jada Kae Whigan
Brandon Jaron Mackall Mackenzie Leigh Oswalt Bethany Nicole Seanor Sydney Jikele White
Audrey Kanna Madden Kathleen Keely O’Toole Donovan Abubakar Sesay Tiyahna LaKieya Wilkins
Darren Paul Madden Jr Juliana Nicole Owens Danijah Nyri Shackelford Jadon Maurice Williams
Linden Abalos Magpuri Haley Maricel Padilla Jadae Aliya Shade Kai’lee Danae Williams
Estefany Ana Ruth Mansilla Camey Brooklyn Gabrielle Padmore Ria Ronak Sharma Shawn Micheal Williams Jr
Tiana Ja’Nea Martin Cadin Eric Palmer Hannah Victoria Sheely Stephanie Ranee’ Williams
Jennifer Teresita Martinez Lucas Robert Palmer Breanna Marie Shewbert Taniya Andrea Williams
Jason Ricardo Martinez Ramos Roshan Manoj Panwala Quincey James Shorter Trudie Ellen Williams
Robert Michael Marxer Ocean Makye Hunter Parker Autumn Elizabeth Shreve Adalynn Faith Williamson
Tabitha Anne Mason Kailiyah Nashae Parnell Ashley Nicole Smalley Melissa Nicole Willis
Cal Thomas Mattei Deijay Malik Parris Marquess Percell Smith Mya Darnae Wise
Angelina Giovanna Mattera Jade Elizabeth Passmore Syncere Kovey Smith Sofia Elaine Womack
Liam Patrick McCarthy Kenneth Gabriel Patke Breeanna Renee Smith-Geisbert Malcolm-Ralshad Teba Wordsworth
Peter Thomas McDevitt Antiono Matthew Patterson Scott Cooper Sokoloff Faith Nia Wren
Rebekah Neema Anne-Margaret Meja Roderick Delano Payne Jr Michael Elijah Solomon Hayden Samuel Yokley
Gerardo Omar Melendez Rodriguez Catalina Isabela Perez Ja Nessa Lashae Somerville Lamani Sobre Young
Milena del Coral Merced Vega Tahnaejah Chyan Perkins Tayler Sania Spence Viviana Young
Grace Kathleen Mesmer Kyaira Marie Perry Anthony Montana States Roman Mitri Zayat
Carroll Michael Milburn III Jonathan Charles Pharis Cassidy Rose Stein Veronica Annabella Zhou
Matthew Jarod Milburn Jr Jewel Palmira Pio Latrell Jonthan Lamar Stevens
Nakiyah Ayanna Milburn Simeon Leon Plummer Jonathan David Stevenson
Nuyjaya Angelese Milburn Abigail Morgan Postus Ryan Michael Stevenson
Jaden Christopher Millman Zia Alizabeth Powell Andre Kayle Stone
Andrew Ryan Mirfield Ky’Marius Ny’Shawn Powers Grace Josephine Stumm
Abygail Christina Misitis Gena Jamya Proctor Eyron Benigno Tapia-Sibri
6 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Great Mills High School

Daniel Jeremiah Aaron Jayveion Nyzaire Butler Eva Catalina de Leon Jordan Erin Grier
Francisco Manuel Aguilar Aniyah Denay Byrd Drake Christian Delaney Joseph Philip Grimm
Daniel Enrique Aguilar Contreras Daeqon Isaish Byrd James Peter Dennis Erick Diego Guzman Lopez
Angel Chanelle Alexander Kenneth Dion Byrd Jr Samuel William Dreikorn Naomi Mona Hall
Joshua Patrick Allen Keiji Arceo Cabanacan Ciearra Lynne Drury Andrew Wayne Hamilton
Jona Alexandre Althoff-Cada Jocelyn Ambroisia Cacek Javon Tieray Duckett Nadine Agustin Hamilton
Jason Howard Altizer Lola Cairon Dunlap Tah’von David Duckett Isabelle Josette Harden
Arne Edwin Anderson IV Laterra Amari Campbell Eli Benjamin Dunbar Wrenn Miller Harney
Kayla Marie Anderson Gabriel Aaron Cannavo Colin Walter Dursee Jared Mclerson Harry
Samantha Ann Anglemier Tayvon Alexander Carroll Yazmin Miriam DuVal-Cubero-Rivera-Mendizabal Joseph Ryan Hartnett
Humberto Alejandro Argueta Guevara Larry Lee Carwell III Jaden Terrell Dyson Cameron Douglas Hartzell
Christopher Ian Bailey Jr Alexandria Renee’ Castle John Christopher Ragos Dyson Desire’e Alexandria Harvey
Jeremiah Michael Bailey Autumn Leigh Castle Pillar Nerssa Dyson Payton Dawn Haynes
Noe May Baker Ryan Domingo Cervantes-Rodriguez Kaleb Michael Dziekan Shakiya Larie Hebb
Kya Rose Barkley Eliza Hyunhee Cha Khylige Tervor English Liliana Bryn Henderson
Carmello George Barnett Kristina-Rae Carable Chan Taylor Raeann Epting Kwinsten Cole Cameron Hernandez
Ka’Moni Christeona Barnett Kayden Wesley Chandler Blake Alan Evans Christopher Xavier Hernandez-Avila
Ayden Xavier Barr Mason Robert Chandler Sulmi Mariela Felipe Samayoa Keilah Vilria Hernandez-Chacon
Nevaeh Nicole Baylor Jaheim Anthony Charles Aidan Thomas Fitzgerald Mason Andrew Hewitt
Abigail Bianca Bayola Amyra Mari’ Chase Nathan Allen Flarida Daniel Andrew Hickey
Synerah Aurbara-Kahmicia Beckett Antonio Wendell Chase Jr Mark Anthony Fleming III Shawnaja Nicole Hicklin
Dasean Markus Beggs Georgia Normia Chase Edwin Ariel Florian Gutierrez David Uriel Hicks
Dkarhia Lakya Belcher Isaiah Dewayne Chase Alyssa Ann Flowers Degan Michael Hillyard
Alexis Marie Bell Jaden Christopher Chase Andrew Blake Floyd Eric Russell Hoffman
Christopher John Bell Tatyana Keyne Chesley Brienne Gael Foster Amar Marquez Holiday
Emily Brianne Bell Thomas William Christopher II Kaitlyn Marie Foster April Marie Holland
Bryan Jeziel Benites Escobar Bubacar Mory Cisse Sophie Eliana Frazier Harrison Wallis Holt
Jerzie Lynn Berry Marquese Daequon Clark Sincear Keyontay Antawn Frederick Jasmine Alize’ Hooper
Kylan McKenzie Berry Elizabeth Berlin Clemens Adara Elinor Fritz Jamie Marie Horner
Ava Isabel Betancourt Cantu John Edward Clopper IV Kade Douglas Funyak Cameron Alexander Houseman
Darryl Darnell Beverly II Jaden Carmine Clyburn Nicole Monique Gaines Layne David Howe
Ethan Cole Billups Matthew William Coffman Tawnie Milia Gale Joseph Isiah Huffnagle
Jacob Douglas Blackstone Alahna Rae Conklin Sofia Lin Galletti Demetruis Quinell Hughes Jr
Jeremy Miguel Bolden Jorja Noelle Conley Donte’ Tra’jour Angel Gant William Eugene Hughes
Maurice Page Bourne Jr Emma Grace Cooper Craig Adrian Gantt Nicole Renee Hyatt
Isaiah Jonathan Bowden Charmaine Rochelle Courtney Joshuá Enrique García Carrillo Luke Daniel Ichniowski
Blaine Taylor Brashear Jermaine Christopher Courtney Adonis Valentino Gaspard Nnanna Paul Raymond Iroanya
Miana Vonyett Bridges Devon Joseph Cox Aidan Anthony Gaytan Zakaria Ibrahim-Jirair Jabr
Savoy Khias Reed Briscoe Esmeralda Fatima Cruz Alyssa Marie Gilliland Demariae’ Ty’Quan Jackson
Sarah Elizabeth Brookhart Steven Junior Cruz-Castillo Hailey Ann Golway Kevin Jamar Jackson Jr
J’Niya LaShae Brooks Kaleb Alexander Daley Alisson Dariana Gonzalez Dhyllan Monolito Alezander Jenkin
Ricky Romeo Brooks Cyroji Nuzarrio Dannelley Eivin Osiris Gonzalez-Rivera Dhamoni Kenneth Pierre Johnson
Alyssa Sydney Brown Noah John Daugherty KeVon Xavier Goodman Ja’Marion Marquis Johnson
Khalil Lavelle Brown Artasia Tahlee Davis Qyntel Caron Gordon Javon Ignatius Johnson
Roberto Delonte Brown Joseph Edward Davis Jocelyn Lee Graham Jaylen Eugene Johnson
Kemesha Antonette Burgess Khol Ellis Davis Bryin Terquoi Graves Autumn Alexis Johnston
Saeveon Marcus Burrus Michael Deangelo Davis Jr Jonathon William Gray Ania Marie Jones
Shelby Renee Bush Ziya Marie Davis Jameyon Cecil Greene Joshua DeMarcus Jones

Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Class of 2023 5

Emma Grace Johnston Gracelyn Renee Murphy Nikolas Carmine Rivera Morganne Louise Thompson
Emma Grace Johnston Kendall Rae Murphy Joshua Lee Roberts Abigail Sandra Thorpe
Mackenzie Michelle Jordan Madison Rae Myers Landon Tyler Roberts John Cleveland Tierney, III
Owen Paul Joy Emma Lynn Newcomb Savannah Jo Roberts Kelsi Rhyanne Tobin
Eve Ellen Kaye Ashlyn Nicole Nichols Jacob Stephen Robinson Riley Michele Towne
Delany Renee Kidwell Landon William Norcross Emmett Jewell Rogers Grace Lynn Trehern
Daisy Elizabeth Kilroy Mia Irene Nungesser Olivia Grace Rollins Robert William Trowbridge
George Armando Kilty Elijah Cameron Nutter Jason Fernando Romero Shane Michael Truster
Makayla Rae Kimble Kylie Jean Nutter Angela Caitlin Rourke Skylar Grace Trinity Turner
Trinity Alexandra Kirby Sarah Emily O’Brien Kyle Matthew Russell Tanner Alan Underwood
Ariana Marie Kirton Lily Grace O’Neill Karlee Jewel Ryce Tyler William Unkle
Makylah LeAnn Knott Ryan Richard O’Sullivan Layna Kayann Rye Marc Anthony Vaccaro, Jr.
Alyssa Colleen Kramer Cole Peyton Oliver Alexis Elaine Sampson Dale Richard Vallandingham
Delaney Grace Kurtz Erica Brooke Oliver Allison Nicole Sampson Lexie Marie Vallandingham
Jenna Mae LaBille Joshua Michael Oliver Timothy Alexander Sater, Jr. James Gavin Veitch
Jason Carl Lacey Kaylee Ann Overby Carson James Scheller Morgan Roseanna Veney
Nathan Fredrick Ladd Sean Tyler Owens Jonas David Schommer Sydney Irene VerHaagh
Kinsley Elamore Lake Ryan Austin Padgett Jaiden Nicole Schrader Thomas Michael Wallace, III
Ryleigh Nicole Lake Kourtney Madeline Paquet Merrin Elizabeth Scott Caden Michael Walton
Jena Laryn Lambert Lillie Grace Parrish Hannah May Scribner Autumn Catherine Victoria Warnick
Ryan Matthew Langeluttig Nicholas Joseph Parry Kolby James Sellers William Edward Warnick
Joy Michele Lee Brandon Keith Paschal Luke Robert Shaffer Timothy Alan Warren, Jr.
Evan Michael Leszczynski Tyris Stephon Patterson Jenna Leigh Short Ethan Christopher Wasniak
Kelsey Marie Linn Levi Asa Paugh Andrew Paul Shryock Jena Cheyenne Wathen
Anna Sophia Linsky Teagen Jean Paust Layla Marie Shunnarah Breanna Nicole Wedding
Olivia Noelle Loboda Rylan Anthony Payne Savannah Lee Siler Addison Leigh Welch
Charles Thomas Lunsford Kailynn Destiny Pennell Danae Gianni Simms Amanda Faith West
Bernard Brady Maguire, II Julian Austin Perez Grace Magdalene Simonds Dylan Thomas Wheeler
Ryan William Mann Ethan David Perrotto Zoe Belle Simonson Kasey Marie Wheeler
George Thomas Mattingly, III Mekhi Jerimiah Perry Michael Patrick Slattery Tyler Phillip Wheeler
Emma Marie McCarthy Charity Paige Phetteplace Devin Robert Smith Logan Rose Whipple
Kyndal Paije McClanahan De’Angelo Lee Pierce Kayla Faye Smith Connor Allen Whitlock
Brett William McGurk Brandon Preston Pilkerton Wyatt David Soellner Andrew Sawyer Wiggen
Alexander Reid McIntosh Corbin Jeremy Pisarcik Tyler Matthew Sokolowski Natalie Nicole Wilkes
Margaret Anne McLaughlin Logan Robert Pobst Hailey Nicole Sorrells Evan Pierson Williams
Kanye Jeremiah McMahon Jaclyn Lee Porter Julius Joseph Steiner Jason Timothy Williams
Lorelei Renee McNeely Hannah Elizabeth Post Jayden Markus Stewart Lucas Ilan Williams
Jayme Rose Meadows Matthew Ryan Post Peyton Anthony Stine Makenzie Leigh Williams
Desmond Shaquon Meredith Peyton Joseph Powell Connor Alan Strafella Trent Daniel Williams
Nyjah Lanae Merritt Sophia Lynn Prior Jacob Bradley Strickland Dylan Jaden Winters
Aaron Mathew Messer Andrew Scott Quade Matthew Owen Strickland Jasmine Danielle Winters
Cody Alexander Michael Jaidyn Emery Raley Jake Aaron Stump Laci Madison Wood
Ethan Michael Middleton Melanie Caroline Raley Joseph Michael Suite Steven Hamilton Wood
John Thomas Mister Shay William Raley Anna Maureen Summers Corbin Dallas Wright
Jaden Cameron Mitchell Erica Alexus Reed Shelby Renee Summers Ki’Mon De’Shawn Wright
Khamal Makeem Mitchell Isaac Charles Reidenbaker Sara Mae Talbott Elijah Herbert Yerkes
Sydney Grace Moats Jacob Isreal Reingruber Kaylee Mae Taracatac Mikhail Yukhnevich
Bryan Austin Morgan David Andrew Reynolds Ashley Elizabeth Taylor Jacob Austin Zumwalt
Sarah Elizabeth Morgan Brayden Guisseppe Ricciardi Megan Veronica Taylor
Angela Lee Morris Madison Nikole Rice Madison Rose Tennyson
Seth Nicholas Morris Bradley Dale Richards Alana Jean Thomas
Christian Dean Mosely Jonah Raymond Richardson, II Jonathan Allen Thomas, Jr.
Demesha Camara Mullings Anthony Luis Rivera, Jr. Alexis Marie Thompson
Jacob Alan Mumford Cole Alexander Rivera Chloe Grace Thompson

Do you feel crabby when you get your

insurance bill in the mail? Congratulations
GIVE US A CALL! to the 2023

Burris’ Olde Towne Insurance

4 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Chopticon High School

Tabor James Absher Paige Elizabeth Buckler Reese Ann Douglas Shawn Edward Gregory, II
Joseph Paul Adams, Jr. Rebekah Charmain Buckler BrayLee Anne Downs Sara Jane Griffith
Thaddeus Gabriel Adams Mason Baily Buckley-Tippett Victoria Catherine Drury Taylor Renee’ Grooms
Julianna Isabella Adkins Christian Adam Lafe Burgett Lillian Grace Dudley Luke Anthony Grzywacz
Ethan Michael Allen James Daniel Burnett Bryce Louis Dufrene Steven Patrick Guy, Jr.
Casey Thomas Alvey Kiaya Nicole Burroughs-Reed Haley Elizabeth Dufrene Kaileigh Alexis-Marie Hall
Lynn Marie Alvey Blake Edward Butler Madelyn Christine Dunbar Ashlynn Paige Hamilton
Leilani Sanaa Ammons Anthony Vincent Cacko Kalen Cole Dziura Lillie Marie Hanson
AnnMarie Robyn Anderson Annaliese Marie Canino Carly Rae Eastburn Jacob Eric Harris
Brandon Nicholas Aubel Breanna Noel Carter Lydia Jean Eccleston Justin Tyler Hatcher
Isabelle Millicent Ayers Gabriel Alexander Xavier Carter Mason Joseph Echino Izzabella Maxine Harty
Liam Joshua Baker Mathew Roger Lucus Castle Camryn Marie Eckard Dakota Lynn Headley
Odessa Ann Baker Logan Charles Caton Izack Travis Edwards Khadijah Shannah Hector
Ryan Elizabeth Baker James Lee Ceasar, III Kimori Marc-Julian Ellis Tucker Thomas Hedrick
Joshua Michael Barber Marcus Tyrek Chase, Jr. Tre Alexander Ely Ella Grace Henson
Trent Tylee Barbour Alexandra Nicole Cheesebrew Eliza Catherine Eschenbrenner Madison Leigh Hephner
Jayden Dejon Barnett Emily Chen Aidan Scott Escolopio Alayna Mariah Herbert
Sarah Ashley Beale Owen Kenelm Cheseldine Brooklynn Mischelle Eyster Savannah Lynne Herbert
Abigail Lynn Beard Ava Barbara Ciabattoni Aislin Bridget Fabey Mekkhi Cadence-LaVar Hill
Madison Grace Beers Sara Debra Clark Senora Elizabeth Faircloth-Langston Olivia Boyden Hill
Ethan Andrew Belebczuk Alexandra Lee Clarke Benjamin Hall Farrell Raymond Ahmad Hill
Christina Logan Bell Dyllionn Loukous Clarke Samuel Franklin Farrell Trevor Dayne Hinkle
Jordyn Nichole Bell Emily Gabrielle Clelland Travis Donovan Farrell Alexis Paige Hodges
Malynn Renee Bell Lanaiya Destiny Lenora Clemons Marianna Cynthia Fedak Angelena Rose Holmes
Daniel Aaron Garcia Berger Erin Nicole Click Ryan James Feldman Jaelyn Elizabeth Holt
Caleigh Olivia Bergling Isabella Frances Cocimano Kayla Clarissa Fernandez-Alvarado Jaiden Alexander Holt
Charles Sandri Black Cody Long Colliflower Connor Matthew Fields Jason Thomas Hoover
Skye Ashlynn Blado Brandon Jeffrey Connelly Bowen Chase Figuracion Mason James Hoover
Michael Andre’ Manuel Blount Skylar Danielle Coombs Jackson Chandler Finch Jarrett Patrick Hopkins
Kaylee Nichole Boszko Peyton John Cooney Matthew Ronald Fletcher Nicole Louise Howard
Alexia Marie Bowen Thomas James Copsey Victoria Marie Fletcher Jazmen Leigh Howell
Kaylee Danielle Bowen Ryan Patrick Cord Ana Maria Leigh Fondeur Erin Alyssa Huber
Garrett Joshua Bowling Bridget Abigail Cory Alivia Madison Forbes Megan Elizabeth Huffman
Nathan Anthony Bowling Anthony Robert Del Costello Brooklyn Alyssa Fore Jeremiah Nevelle Humphries
Peyton Nicholas Bowling Laila Alexandra Cox Austin Tyler Fox Simone Elyse Hunt
Conner Royston Bowser Nicholas Rawlings Cox Skye Mariam Foy Kara Cheyenne Hurst
Megan Marie Brackett Connor Logan Craig Sierra Nicole Francingues David Charles Hutchinson
Sara Michelle Breiterman Blake Wesley Crist Lauren Nicole Gaines Vivian Marie Ingraham
Dallas Andrew Brock Elijah Joseph Cunic Nora Denise Galvan William Anthony Inscoe, Jr.
Laci Marie Brown Malachi Kaevaughan Curtis Logan Michael Gardiner Jesse Dakota Jenkins
Tiara Lynn Brown Samantha Danielle Cusic Jayden William Gillette Emily Rose Jilek
Christopher Thomas Bruce, Jr. Natalie Joyel Dalton Jersey Lynne Simpson Gleason Alliyah Floricel Johnson
Angeliya Marie Bryan Tristan Allen Davis Abigail Nicole Goelling Angela Jaquia Johnson
Charly Marie Buckler Davin Russell Day Kyra Nicole Hill Goldsborough Clarice Edna Johnson
Jacob Edwin Buckler Dylan Ryan Dean Raymond Patrick Graham Kylee Rae Johnson
Layla MacKenzie Buckler Jerry Douglas Denton Ramsay Shannon Graves Laci Lynn Johnson
Nathan Thomas Buckler Gianna Paulina DiMichele Abby Patricia Gray Laci Rae Johnson
Nathanial Seth Buckler Emma Claire Dobson Leyla Christine Gregory Michael David Johnson

Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Class of 2023 3

Sydney Marie Lyall Kayla Janae Myers Glynis Elise Rossi Shane Wyatt Topolski
Patrick Anthony Lynch Amelia Skye Nassau Rachel Lynn Rothstein Abby Cristina Townsend
Elise Kay Lyons Nevaeh Anjel Ann Nedd Dylan Thomas Rowe Josiah Matthew Tritt
Matthew Joseph Maccari Alan Duane Nelson Jayson David Rumaker Tara Marie Tuemler
Leah Rose MacQuilliam Alex Dale Nelson Imani Vashti Rushing Kinley Jade Ashlynn Tully
Wyatt James Magda Annie Rebecca Nelson Dayton LeShawn Russell Cecilia Socorro Ugues
Sterling Liam Maggard James Edwin Nelson Abigael Maryann Ryce Ariel Emilie Viar
Lindsey Aileen Magill Cameron Joseph Nix Jacob Bradley Schmelzer Lisandro Vigo
Joseph Michael Magno Kasey Aidan O’Brien Ryan Tyler Scrom Evan James Vines
Emma Marie Mais Sean Thornton O’Connor Kyle Matthew Seal Devon Dang Vo
Mia Danielle Malkin Brendan Jaiden Odenthal Rachel Elisabeth Shaw Matthew John Voithofer, V
Bryan William Manokey Dana Catherine Ortiz Alaina Marie Sheehan Allie Jean Voto
Dominique Octavius Marble Liam Vincent Osburn Owen James Shell Terrill Allen Wade, Jr.
Reese Alexander Marsteller Isabella Rose Owens Isabel Yea-Rhim Shim Nicole Makayla Wagner
Jeffrey Landon Martines Gavin Levi Palmer John Daniel Shorb Rylee Kathryn Walker
John Gregory Masiello Connor Marc Paradis Blake Nicholas Simonds Taihisha Janae Walker
Joseph Devan Massary Ami Bhupen Patel Jaiden Tyler Sims Karlie Danielle Wallace
Steven Phillip Christian Matthews Mahi Patel Madeline Rose Slade Michael Lyle Walsh
David Alexander Mattingly Riya Sanjaykumar Patel Emily Rose Smetana Jordyn Michelle Walters
Talon Michael Maulding Connor Riley Patton Destini Azaria Dene Smith Jessica Morgan Ward
Meara Hiller McAllister Thomas Miguel Pavel Isaiah James Smith Nicholas Alan Ward
Daniel Chesney McCoy Brandon Michael Peacher Jeremiah Douglas Smith Mason Matthew Warren
Raymond Antony McDowell Rylan James Perez Joseph Colin Smith Aaron Shane Wathen
John Randolph McGee Francis Drake Perham Maya Sophia Smith Andrew Colin Wathen
Fiona Shae McGullion Dakota Brooke Perry Lauryn Ellissa Smitha Micah Asher Watson
Katherine Corrine McHugh Ayden Mackenzie Perrygo Aidan Mark Snow Victoria Lynn Webb
Peyton Elizabeth McIntyre Aaron Paul Peters Kenneth Anthony Songy Brent Michael Weeks
Adeline Jean McKay Karissa Kay Philyaw Jeffrey Xavier Spalding, Jr. Isabella Rosemarie Whalen
Kelly Ann McLawhorn Renna Briden Pierce Charles Joseph Hunter Sparks Emily Rose Whipple
Mackenzie Grace McLean Stephen Christopher Pitner Datrina Aliece Spears Tara Marie Willey
Delaney Kathleen McOmber Richard James Pitonyak Reagan Olivia Stanalonis Marissa Lynn Williams
Kylee Kaye McPherson Tyrus Rex Pratley Chelse Annabelle Stevens Robert Allan Williams, III
Maddison Nicole Meade Sean Richard Price Mark James Stokel Mariya Noelle Wimpee
Margaret Clare Verkuilen Mederos John Jeffrey Pronesti Jackson Lloyd Stokes Luke Andrew Windsor
Landon Eugene Meredith Ryan Thomas Quigley Aidan Christopher Stone Steven Brian Windsor
Isabelle Renea Merritt Madeline Elise Quinn Morgan Marie Strause Antonio Darius Winston
Madison Marie Mersch Diego Luis Daniel Quispehuaman Emily Jean Stroh Connor Jake Wise
Maxwell Cecil Mesh Evan Westerfield Rabush Crystal Nicole Suite Joshua Jon Wise
Dominick Francis Milburn Matthew Landen Rafter Samantha Grace Sukhram Ethan Peter Wolfe
Anna Miller Michael Christopher Rafter Ryan Bradley Supplee Ryan Thomas Wolfe
Kiley Faye Milligan Jocelyn Nicole Raley Alison Paige Taylor Ian Foster Wood
Mikah Charles Mohun-Hintze Rodney Lake Ramiah Christopher Arthur Taylor Maggie Louise Wood
Benedetta Montanino Christopher Paul Ramirez Justin Street Taylor Tyreek Jaleel Wood
Mikaela Anne Moore Madison Sarah Ray Nicholas Alexander Tayman Aaron Michael Woodburn
Teagan Alexandra Moore Brett Alexander Redmond Kaelynn Jade Tellez Marielle Avery Woolford
Ian Christopher Moran Carina Lillian Reed Joshua Alexander Terry Thomas Jay Worch
Viviana Rose Moran Damari Gemayel Reed Aiden Michael Thomas Geontae Eugene Wright
Jaden Musa Morgan Ryley Richard Reed Ayanna Kaliece Thomas Taylor Grace Wysokinski
Sarah Noelle Morgan Zachary Douglas Reed Samantha Riley Thomas Blake James Yager
Morgan Audrey Moritz Megan Rose Reese Jaden Neillon Thomas-Matthew Leila Girard Yonemura
Ethan Greer Morren Madison Grace Reynolds Christian D’Shaun Thompson Brianna Nicole Young
Erika Johanna Muja Lauren Kristine Rigelsky Derick L Thompson Claire Ellen Young
Alexis Jo Mulloy Daniel Waldemar Rivera Juelle Felicity Lynn Thompson Haley Brooke Young
Jonathan Thomas Mulqueen Mikayla Elizabeth Roberts Kerri Ann Thompson Lindsey Marie Young
Laura Emelie Munoz Shawn William Roberts Cole Alexander Tinsley Hannah Elyse Zanakis
Caitlin Leigh Murphy Ethan Arthur Rodriguez Lauren Marie Tippett Nerissa Marie Zobell
Michael Johnathon Murphy Leilani Olivia Rodriguez Nathan Allen Tippett

Do you feel crabby when you get your

insurance bill in the mail? Congratulations
GIVE US A CALL! to the 2023

Burris’ Olde Towne Insurance

2 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Leonardtown High School

Tyler William Abbey Jayla Christine Brown Benjamin Scott Dodge Shelby Rachael Hall Sean Edward Johnston, Jr.
David Lee Abbott Walter Jay Brown, III Isaiah Terrance Dorsey Matthew Daniel Hammett Ava Elizabeth Jones
Douglass Cooper Abbott Juliana Ashley Brule Trevor David Drys Samantha Paige Hancock Bridgette Rhea Jones
Joseph Shawn Adkins Kaitlyn Marie Brunke Joshua Alexander Duewer Aspen Allein Harclerode Anya Celaine Jordan
Ali Mohammed Alameer Tyler John Bruno Allen Giovanni Dyson, Jr. Avery Tyler-Thomas Harding Jake Austin Jordan
Kaleigh Elizabeth Allen Bennett Phan Buckler Jenna Morgan Elliott Mackenzie Teresa Harding Zamona Phaedra Jordan
Adrianne Emily Allred Hunter Michael Burch Sean Patrick Ely Molly Mae Harmening Layla Nicole Kaelin
Caroline Jaye Allred Machaela Rose Burseth Joseph Johnson Emerson Zion Elijah Harrington Daniel Saul Kanakis
Victoria Grace Alvey Jayveion Nyzaire Butler Stephanie Luisa Encarnacion Alva Elle Harstrom-Small Nikolos Maxwell Kanakis
Talon Cole Anderson Nicholas Ryan Callander Kyle Patrick Engel Marc Christian Hauenstein Kelsey Marie Kelly
Lillian Maria Arnold Sean Patrick Campbell Sydney Grace Engel Kimberly Arlene Hayes Caitlin Marie Kerr
Evelyn Louise Aus Lillian Marie Canter Zachary Marshall Engel Myles Kenneth Heard-Perry Connor Matthew King
Brandon Taylor Austin Nicole Concetta Capece Daniel Amir Epps Jayla Neyemia Hebb Wayling Richard Kistler
Madison Anne Bailey Kevin Joseph Patrick Carter Julia Kate Erickson Bella Marie Heckathorn Zachary Blair Klock
Merideth Lynne Bailey Landon Christopher Carter Allison Colleen Evans Branden Thomas Hedderich Sophia Ling Klueter
Odadiki Victory Bakaye William Stephen Cassetta Jasmine Romaine Fallon Alyssa Ranae Heiston Marissa Ann Knapp
Cali Grey Barber Lukas Joseph Cerenzia Alexander Joel Farmer Kyrstin Marie Henderson Emily Nichole Knoefel
Joshua Wayne Barnes, Jr. Denzel Canovas Chance Peyton Anne Farr Ralph Francis Hepperle, III Dein Andrew Knopp
India Clarissa Barrow Brian Scott Chesser, Jr. Nathan Lee Fay Alek Damian Hernandez Caitlynn Rain Knott
Zane Thomas Bartodziej Connor Matthew Chivers Titus Josiah Fitzsimmons Gabriela Elizabeth Hernandez Kaydn Jay Knott
Emma Bailey Baskharoon Henry Albert Churilla Ryan Kristopher Fleury Benjamin Isaac Hertzbach RaeAnn Mari Knowlton
Theodore Thomas Bates A’Mya Arlesia Clemons-Young Leila Grace Floyd Boston Jay Hester Catherine Elizabeth Kolwey
Michael Jay Beach Fiona Covington Coll Brayden Daniel Fogel Madison Jade Hevener Emily Grace Konecny
Caleb Robert Bean Anthony James Collier Jennifer Leigh Ford Alba Isabel Hidalgo Sydni Lynn Kronenwetter
Kylee Joan Beasley-Polko Jackson Harris Collins Jessica Marie Ford Aidan Michael Hoerl Marina Grace Krula
Jay Tyler Beauvais Jaidyn Maleigha Collins Jordan Gabriel Forest Felicity Katie Holder Ryan Johnathan Kruszewski
Trace Allen Beavan Evey Gazella Colson Alexander Charles Forgue Christopher Andrew Thomas Holmes Hemani Kumar
John Thomas Beiser Ella Catherine Combs David Andrew Forinash Zachary Matthew Horner Benjamin James Kurtz
Kelvin Bernard Benjamin, Jr. Zoe Jane Cookson Noah Jamison Foster Ethan James Howard Hannah Hera Kuschel
Kyleigh Nicole Bennett Patrick Jean Cooper Sean Paul Foster Trenton Alan Hoyt Lauren Mae Labows
Peyton Alonzo Bensel Alyssa Catherine Copiaco D’Jay Michael Fuller Chloe Leann Hunawill Hailey Rae Lacey
Jacob Nathaniel Bentley Louis Michael Coppola Emma Brooke Furse Leah Nicole Hunter James Elmer Lacey, Jr.
Timothy Patrick Berman Sean Patrick Cosgrove Matthew Neil Gallagher Autumn Renae Hutchison Aynslee Geneva Laird
Matthew Bryce Berry Jada Amari Cousins Kevin Anthony Gardiner Alyssa Renee Hutt Gideon David Lange
Angelina Kaylin Best Thomas Kalakaua Crow Joseph William Gardner Alexis Nicole Hyde Zachary James Larson
Brian William Biglin Joshua Elienai Cruz (posthumously) Elise Victoria Geiger Leah Pearl Imbriale Catherine Elizabeth Lasoski
Shaylyn Jeanette Bjerke Shannon Rose Cullison Caitlyn Ann George Peter William Imhof Dominic Thomas Laurel
Jenna Raye Blair Isabela Olivia Currey Pietro Jett Ghiloni McKenzie Raechel Island Kayleen Dawn Lawver
Joshua Philip Blottenberger Evan Matthew Currie Nyla Victoria Glover Manasa Iswara Ian Matthew Lee
Gabrielle Nicole Bonds Joshua Allen Daigle Connor Joseph Goad Lacie Audriana Harmony James Karleigh Rae Lee
Maxwell Allen Bontrager Warren Taylor Dale Jessica Lynn Goddard Benjamin Adam Janowsky Michael Anthony Lee, Jr.
Gracie Megan Bowles Amberlynn Michelle Dashnaw Aiden Matthew Grant Sean Francis Nuevo Jao Emma Jean Lester
Walter Stafon Bowman, Jr. Tommy Edward Deaderick Caitlin Skye Grass Trevor Curtis Jodoin Briana Lynn Levi
Caroline Rebecca Boynton Devin James Dean Brent William Graves Trey DeWayne Jodoin Connor Matthew Lewis
Blake Patrick Brady Kawinthip Deethae Brayden Daniel Green Adam Montgomery Johnson Riley Gabrielle Lillard
Sadie Anne Brandt Victor John Dela Cuesta Thomas Bentley Gresham Brendan Lee Johnson Madison Mary-Elizabeth Lloyd
Dominick James Briggs Clayton Alan DeLuze Sara McKinley Griffith Brent Michael Johnson Anderson Matthew Loesch
Jahred Max Broadsword Gianna Claire Demianczyk Hunter James Groat Morgan Lawrence Johnson Abigail Sarah Long
Gabriella Jenice Broadus Benjamin Hussain Derisavi Ka’Laya La’Cole Gross Russell Alexander Johnson Anna Frances Long
Gannon Greyson Brooks Taylor Marie Dews Kieran Callahan Hall Travis Christopher Johnson Lily Anna Lonkert
Tyler Michael Brooks Cameron Monte Dillon Ryan Christopher Hall Tyler Joachim Johnson Steven James Lumpkins

Class of 2023

o f
The County Times


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Cl a
Signature Sponsor:

A Special Pull Out Section

16 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Crab Festival Set For Bay District

County Fairgrounds Volunteers Giving Out
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer Free Smoke Alarms
Summer is upon St. By Guy Leonard 100 smoke alarms and the
Mary’s once again and Staff Writer regional office of the
so is the Leonardtown Maryland State Fire
Lions Club’s annual Bay District Marshals has donated
Crab Festival. Vo l u n t e e r F i r e 70 alarms.
This year’s event Department Chief Gould said the vol-
features local musi- Joe Gould says that unteers would pay for
cal acts of Wesley smoke detectors are more smoke detectors if
Spangler and Hydra FX life-saving equipment they ran out of the donated
as well as assorted food when it comes to house fires and he items.
vendors, craft displays and his volunteers will take the next two According to the volunteer fire company
and a classic car show. weeks to ensure residents in their first due the installation schedule is as follows:
The June 10 event area have them.
also features a petting zoo at the St. Mary’s each contestant and weigh them — minus And they are free. Sunday, June 4th, starting around 9 a.m.
County Fairgrounds and will be open from all non-meat parts — to see who really “We’ve done this multiple times since • Patuxent Homes
11 a.m. to 7 p.m. picked the most of the precious meat. I’ve been chief,” Gould told The County • Country Side
The date marks one of the most pop- A fee of $20 in advance gets participants Times. “It’s a passion of mine; it’s about • Colony Square
ular social events in St. Mary’s and also a seat in the contest but $25 will provide a the children.
serves as the chief fundraiser for the seat the day of the competition. “This gives people a fighting chance in Sunday, June 11th, starting around 9 a.m.
Leonardtown Lions. The winner gets a trophy while the the event of a house fire.” • Tubman Douglass Estates
This year’s festival is the 37th such gath- pickers get to eat the fruits of their labors, Since 2010, Bay District volunteers have • Lexington Estates
ering getting one step closer to four decades according to rules of the contest posted by gone out in the community as an organized • D&B Trailer Park
for the Lions. the Lion’s Club. event to provide free smoke detectors; but
Aside from feasting on the region’s The Leonardtown Lions provide vision for the past 20 years, he said, residents Residents of these communities who will
iconic steamed hard crabs, attendees can and medical screening, vision health sup- could always call into the station or use not be home on the scheduled dates, or any-
take part in a crab picking contest to see port, hearing aid support, and a large vari- their website to request a free smoke one who cannot afford smoke alarms, can
just how good their crab meat gathering ety of other services to the community. detector. visit the company’s website, www.bdvfd.org.
skills are. This year, Gould said, the local Lowes
Judges will sift through the pickings of guyleonard@countytimes.net home improvement store has donated guyleonard@countytimes.net

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Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times 15
14 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times 13

Saturday, June 3
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Kids Open Studio at Wine & Design (kids 12 and under), facebook.com/
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Wine & Design - Open Studio for teens to adults, facebook.com/wndstmaryscountymd
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Antoinette’s Garden Brunch, facebook.com/AntoinettesGarden
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Old Jail Museum Visitor’s Center and Gift Shop is open daily, facebook.com/
11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Arts Council Gift & Gallery viewing hours featuring the Cinco de Mayo Art Show and the
works of local member artists, stmarysartscouncil.com
11 a.m. – 5 p.m. North End Gallery viewing hours featuring the work of the gallery’s five ceramic artists in
their Clay Extravaganza Art Show, northendgallery.com WINES
12 p.m. – 7 p.m. Port of Leonardtown Winery, live music featuring Ben Connelly, food by Heidi’s Eats, FROM LOCAL
Sage’s Treats Food Truck, facebook.com/portofltownwine
12 p.m. – 12 a.m. Viking Axe Throwing at the Brudergarten in Shepherd’s Old Field Market, facebook.
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Board & Brush, Mini Signs & Mimosas Workshop, boardandbrush.com/leonardtown
2 p.m. – 10 p.m. FREE Trolley Rides provided by Patuxent Transportation LLC courtesy of the Town of
Leonardtown, visitleonardtownmd.com/leonardtowntrolley
Live music every weekend!
5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Mountain Beach Art Workshop at Wine & Design, facebook.com/ 301-690-2192 • www.polwinery.com
wndstmaryscountymd Open 7 days a week Noon - 6 pm • 23790 Newtowne Neck Road

7 p.m. Karaoke with Mike Trujillo at Social Coffeehouse starting at 7 p.m., facebook/socialcoffeehouse
8 p.m. That Big Comedy Show at the Rex Theatre starting at 8 p.m. (doors open at 7 p.m.), facebook.com/
Thank You to Our
Wonderful Sponsors:
Sunday, June 4
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Antoinette’s Garden Brunch, facebook.com/AntoinettesGarden
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Old Jail Museum Visitor’s Center and Gift Shop is open daily, facebook.com/
11 a.m. – 5 p.m. FREE Trolley Rides provided by Patuxent Transportation LLC courtesy of the Town of
Leonardtown, visitleonardtownmd.com/leonardtowntrolley
11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Seaplane Rides return to the Leonardtown Wharf providing aerial views of Breton Bay,
Potomac River and more, pre-booking recommended, somdseaplanes@gmail.com
11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Summer Sunday Slice Party at the Slice House featuring Japanese City Pop and DJ set by
Juice Box Johnson, facebook.com/slicehouse
11 a.m. – Close Customer Appreciation Day at Action Billiards & Lounge offering FREE pool all day long,
12 p.m. – 6 p.m. Port of Leonardtown Winery, live music featuring Night Cap, food by El Co Qui Food
Truck, facebook.com/portofltownwine
1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Pick Your Project Workshop at Board & Brush, boardandbrush.com/leonardtown
1 p.m. – 6 p.m. Viking Axe Throwing at the Brudergarten in Shepherd’s Old Field Market, facebook.com/
2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Kids Open Studio at Wine & Design (kids 12 and under), facebook.com/
2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Wine & Design - Open Studio for teens to adults. facebook.com/wndstmaryscountymd

The information included here is accurate at the time of printing, and is subject to change.
Please visit the event page for current information.
County Times St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
12 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

June 2–4
FREE Friday, June 2 Ge
t to Know

10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Antoinette’s Garden Brunch, facebook.com/

10 a.m. – 7 p.m. The Old Jail Museum & Visitor’s Center will be open with
extended hours for First Friday, facebook.com/theoldjailmuseum
10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Shepherd’s Old Field Market specials throughout the
Market, shepherdsoldfield.com
Drayden African American 12 p.m. – 12 a.m. Viking Axe Throwing at the Brudergarten in Shepherd’s o n a r dto w n

Schoolhouse Open Houses

Old Field Market, facebook.com/vikingaxethrowingandrentals
5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Audience Participation Drum Circle on the Arts Council Lawn, stmarysartscouncil.com
June 3 & June 17–19 • 11AM–2PM 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Music performance from Bethany Yeh in LTown Alley (courtesy of the Leonardtown Arts &
Learn more about one of the nation’s best- Entertainment District).
preserved one-room African American 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. North End Gallery Opening Reception for the all-member show titled Busting Out All Over,
schoolhouses and its rich history and northendgallery.com
importance to education in St. Mary’s County
18287 Cherryfield Road • Drayden, Maryland 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. St. Mary’s County Arts Council will host an Opening Reception featuring the works of local
Facebook.com/DraydenSchool photographer Michael Montillo. This Community Art Show will be featured for the month of June 2023 w/ an
Opening Reception on First Friday, June 2nd from 5 to 8 PM., stmarysartscouncil.com
5 p.m. – 10 p.m. FREE Trolley Rides provided by Patuxent Transportation LLC courtesy of the Town of

St. Mary’s
Leonardtown, visitleonardtownmd.com/leonardtowntrolley
5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Drumline performance on the Arts Council lawn, stmarysartscouncil.com
Nursing & Rehabilitation 5:30 p.m. –8:30 p.m. Port of Leonardtown Winery, live music featuring Bootleggers, food by Chaptico
Market Food Truck, facebook.com/portofltownwine
5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Live music in Ltown Alley with Bethany Yeh (courtesy of Leonardtown Arts &
Entertainment District), visitleonardtownmd.com/leonardtownae
21585 Peabody Street
Leonardtown, MD 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. Car Show featuring antique and classic cars on display in LTown Alley courtesy of St. Mary's
301-475-8000 Rod & Classic, facebook.com/stmarysrodandclassic
• Long-term care www.smnci.org
5 p.m. – 9 p.m. FREE, family-friendly Make & Take project with Tape a Friend, Make a Friend in LTown
• Rehabilitation Alley (courtesy of the Leonardtown Arts & Entertainment District), 301-664-0396, visitleonardtownmd.com/
services leonardtownae
• Respite care 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. FREE, family-friendly Immersive Splatter Paint Activity with Cam Donahue in the Mad
Splatter Shack in LTown Alley (courtesy of the Leonardtown Arts & Entertainment District), visitleonardtownmd.
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. First Friday live music on the Square featuring Joseph Norris, visitleoanrdtownmd.com/
To schedule a tour or firstfriday
speak to admissions,
please call 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. A good, old-fashioned Cookout in Leonardtown Square hosted by Leonardtown
301-475-8000 businesses. Enjoy live music from Joseph Norris, tasty eats and fun! visitleoanrdtownmd.com/firstfriday
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Board & Brush, Pick Your Project Workshop (for 16 +), boardandbrush.com/leonardtown
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. The Yellow Line Studio, Summer Abstracts with Pan Pastels Art Workshop, facebook.
WEEKENDS com/theyellowline.co
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Sunset Cruise returns to the Wharf with Captain Phil of Fish the Bay Charters,
SAT: 2 PM - 10 PM
SUN: 11 AM - 5 PM 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Wine & Design - Kids Open Studio (12 and under), facebook.com/
PARK & RIDE FOR FREE! wndstmaryscountymd
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Wine & Design - Open Studio for teens to adults, facebook.com/
Do you want to advertise on this page?
Contact Jen Stotler: 301-247-7611 or jen@countytimes.net
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 11

School Bus Collision

in Mechanicsville Philip H. Dorsey III
Attorney at Law

-Serious Personal Injury Cases-

LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493

EMAIL: phild@dorseylaw.net
A St. Mary’s County school bus with 23 passengers on board was involved in a collision May 30 in
Mechanicsville. Reports from first responders show that all the passengers were assessed and five of the stu-
dents on the bus were sent to the local hospital though without serious injury.

Great Mills Road

Community Clean Up www.dorseylaw.net
This Weekend
By Guy Leonard SECON
Great Mills Road
Staff Writer

Community Clean-Up
Great Mills Road is one of
the most important roads in
St. Mary’s, unfortunately, at
times, it can also become one Saturday June 3rd 9 AM - 12 PM
of the littered upon as well. @ Church of the ascension, 21641 Great Mills Rd
That’s why the Three
Join St. Mary's CDC in our efforts to make Lexington Park
Oaks Shelter, county health
department, Community a more beautiful, safe, and hopeful community!
Development Corporation
(CDC) and the Lexington
Park COPS Unit are
partnering to sponsor
Saturday’s Great Mills Road
Community Clean Up. HELP IN YOUR OWN
From 9 a.m. to noon on SUPPORT OUR
June 3 bands of volunteers EFFORTS!
will team up starting at the Church of the unteers have come out this year so far as Grab your trash bags
As a nonprofit, we rely
Ascension and move out to pick up trash all last year. and gloves, start up your Meet at Church of the
Ascension by 9 AM! on the generosity of
along the road and in the community. “We have 108 volunteers right now,” weed trimmers and leaf
individuals like you.
The effort still needs volunteers. Taylor said. “I’m really shooting for 150 blowers, and work Parking: Old Burger King
But more than just trash pickup, which volunteers. together with your or St. Mary's Square, use Visit
was the focus of last year’s event, this year’s “We’re really excited for this; this is a neighbors! crosswalks to walk to www.stmaryscdc.org
event will include planting greenery at busi- big initiative in the name of hopefulness.” church. and click "DONATE!"
nesses along the corridor to beautify it. Smith said Lexington Park and the Great Mail checks to:
Tools, water, and a
The CDC won an $11,000 grant to pro- Mills Road corridor often suffer from St. Mary's Co. Community
celebratory lunch will be Development Corp.
vide the greenery; it was part of a $10 million “unfortunate stereotypes” as being a place provided!
state grant package released in December of where its own residents don’t care about 46940 S. Shangri La
last year by former Gov. Larry Hogan. where they live. Drive, Suite 7
Sign Up Lexington Park, MD
The CDC is encouraging residents from “This is a meaningful event,” Smith
https://tinyurl.com/ Here! 20653
neighborhoods such as Patuxent Homes, said. “It’s proving that when people come
cleanup-volunteer Paypal:
Westbury, Colony Square, Patuxent together real change can happen.
Crossing Apartments, Essex South to help “They’re defying those stereotypes.”
pitch into the effort.
Taylor Smith, executive director of the guyleonard@countytimes.net thanks to our donate

CDC, said about the same number of vol- amazing sponsors!

10 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Save money
on Medicare costs
Health care costs are high, but there are ways you can save. If you have Medicare and
need help paying your bills, there are programs that may be able to help you. These
programs are part of Medicare and can cut down on your costs and save you money.

Programs that can help you save money:

➤ Medicare Savings Programs help you pay for some
of your Medicare costs for health care.
➤ Extra Help helps you pay for your prescriptions.

Many people with Medicare can use these programs, but you do need to meet some
guidelines to apply. These guidelines may be different depending on where you live and
how much money you make.
Our local team members can help you learn more about these programs in your area and
help you apply if you qualify. We can also answer your questions and provide information.
Even if you can’t get support from these programs, we may be able to assist you in
finding other ways to save money. Our services are always free.

Learn more at
301-475-4200, ext. 1064, or www.stmaryscountymd.gov/aging/

SHIP is a national program of the Administration SHIP is supported through state and federal
for Community Living, an operating division partnerships that are not reimbursed by private
of the U.S. Department of Health and Human health insurance plans or entities. SHIP is not
Services. Learn more at ACL.gov. paid per enrollment.
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times On The Cover 9

Esperanza Middle School Has St. Mary’s

Teacher of the Year
By Guy Leonard graduated from a Christian school in Upper and could help people grow.
Staff Writer Marlboro before moving on to Elmira “I want to help students do
College in up-state New York; she now that,” Swann said.
Armed with a love of English literature holds a Master’s Degree, which makes her While the English language
and grammar and a desire to help young a valuable state-certified teacher. and literature is what she loves
people, Alisha Swann set out eight years ago They are the kind the county school sys- she said she would put the same
to become a teacher in St. Mary’s County tem, like so many other in Maryland, need passion into teaching lessons on
Public Schools. to fill classroom vacancies. something like social studies.
Now, at 29 years old, she is St. Mary’s When she applied for a teaching position “What I love most is teach-
County’s Teacher of the Year. with the county, she was quickly guaranteed ing students… helping them
Her teaching career has focused solely on a place but had interviews with principals get from one level to the next,”
teaching English language arts to 8th graders throughout the system to see where she Swann said.
at Esperanza Middle School. would best fit in. Sometimes that progress
It’s a time when students face taking the The senior decision makers felt that goes beyond the academic, she
next big step in their education to high school. Esperanza was where she could make the said. Sometimes that means
Swann said she takes her role in that crit- best impact and she seems to agree. helping students advance
ical time of change seriously. “I was excited about it,” Swann said of behaviorally and socially, help-
“I’m able to help them get acclimated getting hired nearly a decade ago. “I was ing build their confidence and
whether they’re going into honors English an early hire. coping skills.
or on-grade level English in high school,” “I’ve enjoyed it here.” “Maybe they were making
Swann said. “English literature, the English At just 4-feet, 11-inches tall, Swann is ‘D’s and now they’re making
language; that’s what I love.” petite but very positive, kind and outgoing. ‘C’s,” Swann said. “That’s
She has five classes that she teaches, three Her personality, influenced by her progress.”
accelerated, one gifted-and-talented and one Christian upbringing — her father is a She finds that being kind to
on-grade level. church pastor who also worked as a tele- students and teachers alike has
She teaches roughly 120 students and is communications engineer — often brings won her not only respect but
happy to call Esperanza Middle her school greetings her way from teachers and stu- love from those around her.
home. dents alike as they pass by her in the halls She said students have
A Prince George’s County native, she at Esperanza. refrained from bad behavior in
“Love you, too!” she often her classroom because they did
responds to her admirers. not want to disappoint her.
She looks up to many of “My kindness, I think that
the teachers around her who works to my advantage,”
have either been in the sys- Swann said. “If I do have to
tem longer than her and have raise my voice, they know…”
achieved much; some of them Swann said she wanted stu-
nominated her for the honor dents to learn that education
of being teacher of the year. was more than teaching them
“I was excited and shocked at skills but helping them to grow
the same time,” Swann said as people.
when she learned of the award. “They’re the next genera-
“It’s a huge honor. tion,” Swann said. “But they’re
“We have so many amazing also human beings. I want them
teachers in our county.” to see the better version of
And a teacher is all Swann themselves… that they don’t
has ever wanted to be, even have to settle.”
from the nearly unbelievable Swann said she has several
age of just 4 years old. possible paths ahead of her in her career, “I’m always asking God, ‘What do I do
She remembers asking a perhaps moving on to a professorship next year?’” she said. “Whatever God wants
teacher at that early age to help somewhere or staying and helping and me to do, I’ll do.
her write a letter and from that continuing to teach young people in their “As long as I’m working in education.”
moment on that was all she formative years, but she said she always
could think about becoming — wants to be involved in education no matter guyleonard@countytimes.net
someone who was an educator what she does.

Publisher Thomas McKay The County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of St. Mary’s
and Calvert County. The County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is
Associate Publisher Eric McKay published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and
policies of the newspaper. The County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product
General Manager or service in its news coverage.
Al Dailey aldailey@countytimes.net
To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Advertising name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
Jen Stotler jen@countytimes.net to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the County Times will
make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/

County Times
Staff Writers edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the County Times
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.net and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge
receipt of letters. The County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be pub-
Contributing Writers lished, due to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler
8 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

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Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 7

Fight Over Septic System at Pot Farm

By Guy Leonard cannabis farm a legal, non-conforming use.
Staff Writer But the owner of the facility, 7 Points
Agro, owned by Blue Griz, LLC, would
The owners of the large, industrial medi- soon offer an amended site plan that brought
cal cannabis farm located on Abell Road in the facility to more than 70 employees tend-
Avenue lost their bid last week to have an ing to 23,000 cannabis plants.
appeal filed against their operations there The appellants argue that the amended
thrown out by the county Board of Appeals. site plan improperly authorized the expan-
They must now submit to an evidentiary sion of that non-conforming use that exceeds
hearing before the zoning appeals board on the limits of the zoning ordinance.
June 8 to make the case that they should The county approved this amended site
be allowed to expand the septic system plan that would increase the intensity of the
that serves the 52,000 square-foot grow- operations at the cannabis farm in October
ing facility. of 2022, the appellants filed their case the
The vote on whether to dismiss the appeal following month. The Abell Road cannabis facility
was split 3-to-2 in favor of proceeding with The site owner contend that the appeals
the appeal against the facility. board does not have the authority to deal and relatively standard sand mound septic out that they had never been informed of the
In their argument against dismissing with septic system approvals; only the state system designed, situated, and constructed amendment to the project area as they should
their case, the citizen appellants argue that can do that and the local health department pursuant to state standards and approvals.” have, as they were a neighbor to the site.
then-land use director Bill Hunt approved has already made the approval of the septic The board’s authority did not extend to Appeals board chair Dan Ichniowski
a building permit in 2021 for the facility system expansion. reviewing septic systems, the site owner warned them that he would clear the room
that would bring in 20 employees to work “This appeal is nothing more than a argued, only matters of the zoning ordiance. if the outbursts continued.
on 800 medical cannabis plants; but the last-minute, improper attempt to hinder “In contrast, the board’s jurisdiction is Ichniowski and fellow board member
county subsequently passed zoning laws and delay the operation of Blue Griz’s just- limited to reviewing county decisions ‘made Wayne Miedzinski voted on Miedzinski’s
that restricted such operations in the rural about-completed medical cannabis cultiva- in regard to the administration or enforce- motion to approve the dismissal of the
preservation district. tion facility,” the site owner argues in their ment of this ordinance’-i.e., the St. Mary’s appeal but lost out to the other three mem-
The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County case for dismissing the appeal. County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,” bers present that day.
did this in response to community uproar “The grow house itself is already built — Blue Griz’s filing with the board reads. They were Ronald Payne Sr., Guy
about such a large project in an environ- thereby vesting the right to use and occupy During the more-than-two-hour May 25 Bradley and Rich Richardson.
mentally sensitive area with no public com- the facilities — at substantial cost and effort. meeting of the appeals board, there were
munity input. “The instant case involves only the grow several outbursts from the public regarding guyleonard@countytimes.net
These new zoning regulations made the house’s septic system which is a simple the motion to dismiss — one person shouted

St. Clement’s Island Heritage Day

Saturday • June 3 • 10 AM–3 PM
Celebrate the history and heritage of St. Clement’s Island


For More Info:

St. Clement’s Island Museum

38370 Point Breeze Road
Coltons Point, MD
6 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Men’s Health Day:

A Blueprint for Wellness
The Department of Aging & Human Services
is pleased to offer the second annual

Men’s Health Day: A Blueprint for Wellness!

Garvey Senior Activity Center
23630 Hayden Farm Lane - Leonardtown, MD
Saturday, June 3, 2023
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Pre-Registration is strongly encouraged.
Register at www.stmaryscountymd.gov/aging/MensHealth
You Are What You Eat - Nutrition Forum
Presented by: Rihana Bouhussein & Kelly Condron
9:30-10:30 a.m.
The Care and Keeping of YOU: The Importance of Self Care
Presented by: Theron Hudson
St. Mary’s County Department of Aging & Human Services
11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Lunch provided by Mission BBQ - 12:30 p.m.
Informational Displays & Health Screenings include:
St. Mary’s County Recreation & Parks
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital - Blood Pressure and Body Composition Screenings
Lions Club - Vision Screenings
St. Mary’s County Health Department
Personalized Therapy, LLC
Marquis Health
Thank you to our generous event sponsor:

For more information, contact Sarah Miller

Phone: 301-475-4200, ext. 1073 - Email: sarah.miller@stmaryscountymd.gov
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 5

Two Charged in
Shooting Death

Marvin Orlando Johnson Marlee Lynn Stokes

By Guy Leonard She awoke at about 5 a.m. on May 24

Staff Writer and found the victim on the couch with his
head covered with a blanket; she removed
Court documents reveal that the man it to find that he was dead.
charged with murder from an incident in A witness told police that they saw Stokes
an apartment in Mechanicsville, Marvin parked in her silver Mazda a short distance
Orlando Johnson, had allegedly threatened away from the murder scene and engaged
to kill family members regarding a sex her in conversation.
offense that had occurred within that fam- Shortly thereafter, the witness saw
ily some time ago. Johnson open the car door and place a rifle
Police say that Johnson, 38, made good in the rear floorboards.
on this threat in the late hours of May 23 by Johnson came around, got in while the
killing Raymond Franklin Woods, Jr. with witness exited the vehicle, and drove away,
a single gunshot wound to the head in the court papers state.
victim’s apartment in the 29000 block of The girlfriend of the victim’s stepson,
Three Notch Road. who works at a convenience store in La
Court documents do not specify who Plata, told investigators that Johnson entered
the victim in the sex offense was, nor the the store in the early morning hours of May

Sell it - Buy it
offender, only that the case had been inves- 24 and spoke to her.
tigated and adjudicated. “[She] reported Johnson admitted to her
Johnson, and a person police say was that he ‘shot pop pop,’” court papers read. She
an accessory after the fact in the homicide,
Marlee Lynn Stokes, 37, are both being held
reportedly told Johnson that she did not believe
him, to which he retorted: “No. For real.”
on a no-bond status at the adult detention Police were able to locate Stokes vehicle Tri County Livestock Auction
center in Leonardtown. and stop it in Mechanicsville near the inter- 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM
Both have been charged with first-de- section Charlotte Hall School Road; both Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD
gree murder, second degree murder, use of Stokes and Johnson were detained.
a firearm in the commission of a felony and Stokes told law officers she had taken Multi-Estate Online Auction
first-degree assault. the defendant and his brother, identified as
Police write in an application for a state- David Johnson, to the victim’s residence at Oysters Cans & Related Items – Decoys – Pedal Cars –
ment of charges against Johnson that he about 10 p.m. the night of the homicide. Political Memorabilia – Tools – Texaco Collector Toys –
became embroiled in an argument with his After both men came back out they drove Antiques & Collectibles – Handcrafted Quilt – More
mother, who was also the victim’s wife, to La Plata where Johnson told Stokes: “I (Items from the Banagan Collection and Others)
over the sex offense in question; this led to a told her I killed him.”
conference call with other family members “He then laughed and said it was a joke,” Auction expected to be online for viewing/bidding June 7, 2023
in which Johnson is alleged to have threat- court papers stated. www.FarrellAuctionService.com
ened to kill certain of them in reference to Stokes directed police to a wooded area in
the (unidentified) suspect in the previous Charles County where they found a gun they
sex offense. suspected was tied to the homicide.
That evening the victim’s wife went to Johnson agreed to talk to investigators,
sleep with the victim outside of the res- court papers stated, and provided a state-
idence drinking alcohol with his stepson; ment but that statement was not released. AUCTION CLOSES: WED, JUNE 14th - beginning at 6 pm
she was later awakened by the sound of a AUCTION PREVIEW: FRI, JUNE 9th from 3 pm to 7 pm
gunshot and the smell of gunpowder, court guyleonard@countytimes.net AUCTION PREVIEW LOCATION: Westfield Farm Arena
documents state. 26689 Laurel Grove Rd. – Mechanicsville, MD

Legal Notice
On-Line Auction – Estate of Alice Bailey
Expected to be online in July

The 2022 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) will be available July 1, 2023
to Town residents and the public at the Town Hall office, 22670 Washington
St. Leonardtown, MD between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and at the
Leonardtown Post Office, 22735 Washington Street and is also available online at www.Far rellAuctionSer vice.com
http://leonardtown.somd.com under Town Government, Water Quality Reports.
The County Times SUMMERThursday,
EVENTS June 1, 2023



Featuring four great acts: Oh He Dead, Kevin Howard,
The Boneshakers, and headliners The JoGo Project.
Learn more: www.smcm.edu/mmfnp


FRIDAY, JUNE 30 Featuring the Chesapeake Orchestra, directed by Jeff
FRIDAY, JULY 7 Silberschlag. Bring your folding chairs and blankets
FRIDAY, JULY 14 and enjoy the finest food trucks from across Southern
FRIDAY, JULY 21 Maryland. Learn more: www.smcm.edu/rcsnp FOR ALL SMCM SUMMER
Greet the finishers of the 50th annual Governor’s Cup at the
SMCM Waterfront from 12 noon on with live music, food
trucks, and a cash bar. Learn more: www.smcm.edu/gcnp


Performing works of Marquez, Beethoven, Leshnoff,
Bologne, Dvořák, Price, and Rimsky-Korsakov.
Learn more: www.smcm.edu/bsonp
Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times 3

St. Mary’s County Metropolitan
Commission (Metcom)
COMMUNITY16 CALENDAR21 23121 Camden Way
California, MD 20619
The 2022 Annual Water Quality Reports
for Metcom’s twenty-eight (28) water
systems are available on line at:


LOCAL5 These reports contain important

Two arrested for Mechanicsville murder
information about the source and
quality of your drinking water. Please

call 301-737-7400 x104 if you would
like a paper copy delivered to your
home, or if you have any questions
about the reports.
Community cleanup on Great Mills Road Alisha Swann is St. Mary’s Teacher of the Year


AM Clouds/PM Sun AM Fog/PM sun PM Thunderstorms Partly Cloudy

Hi: 79° Lo: 59° Hi: 83° Lo: 59° Hi: 82° Lo: 55° Hi: 71° Lo: 55° DO YOU FEEL
Showers Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy
Hi: 75° Lo: 58° Hi: 78° Lo: 58° Hi: 78° Lo: 57° Hi: 78° Lo: 61°

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Auction Services
2 The County
The former Sunset Cove Times will soon become
II Restaurant Thursday, June 1, 2023

To Confirm Hours: 240-258-5353
Kitchen serves until 9 PM
Breakfast will be served on Saturdays and Sundays

Point Lookout Marina

16244 Miller’s Wharf Rd.
Ridge, Maryland 20680
There's Grillin' & Chillin', Cruisin' & Flyin' & Much More in LTown This Month
June's Grillin' & Chillin' First Friday weekend kicks off with a good old-fashioned cookout in the Square with live
music, FREE art activities, an antique & classic car display, tasty eats and more! There's also lots of excitement at the
Wharf with the return of Sunset Cruises and Seaplane Rides, SUP Classes & Camps, and an exciting R&B Concert
Celebration with live music and line dancing On the Water's Edge (part of the Leonardtown Summer Music Festival)!


St. Mary's
County Times



Quarrel Over Pot

Farm Septic System
Suspects Arrested for
Mechanicsville Murder
37th Annual Crab
Festival Coming Soon


Class of 2023

o f
The County Times


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Cl a
Signature Sponsor:

A Special Pull Out Section

2 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Leonardtown High School

Tyler William Abbey Jayla Christine Brown Benjamin Scott Dodge Shelby Rachael Hall Sean Edward Johnston, Jr.
David Lee Abbott Walter Jay Brown, III Isaiah Terrance Dorsey Matthew Daniel Hammett Ava Elizabeth Jones
Douglass Cooper Abbott Juliana Ashley Brule Trevor David Drys Samantha Paige Hancock Bridgette Rhea Jones
Joseph Shawn Adkins Kaitlyn Marie Brunke Joshua Alexander Duewer Aspen Allein Harclerode Anya Celaine Jordan
Ali Mohammed Alameer Tyler John Bruno Allen Giovanni Dyson, Jr. Avery Tyler-Thomas Harding Jake Austin Jordan
Kaleigh Elizabeth Allen Bennett Phan Buckler Jenna Morgan Elliott Mackenzie Teresa Harding Zamona Phaedra Jordan
Adrianne Emily Allred Hunter Michael Burch Sean Patrick Ely Molly Mae Harmening Layla Nicole Kaelin
Caroline Jaye Allred Machaela Rose Burseth Joseph Johnson Emerson Zion Elijah Harrington Daniel Saul Kanakis
Victoria Grace Alvey Jayveion Nyzaire Butler Stephanie Luisa Encarnacion Alva Elle Harstrom-Small Nikolos Maxwell Kanakis
Talon Cole Anderson Nicholas Ryan Callander Kyle Patrick Engel Marc Christian Hauenstein Kelsey Marie Kelly
Lillian Maria Arnold Sean Patrick Campbell Sydney Grace Engel Kimberly Arlene Hayes Caitlin Marie Kerr
Evelyn Louise Aus Lillian Marie Canter Zachary Marshall Engel Myles Kenneth Heard-Perry Connor Matthew King
Brandon Taylor Austin Nicole Concetta Capece Daniel Amir Epps Jayla Neyemia Hebb Wayling Richard Kistler
Madison Anne Bailey Kevin Joseph Patrick Carter Julia Kate Erickson Bella Marie Heckathorn Zachary Blair Klock
Merideth Lynne Bailey Landon Christopher Carter Allison Colleen Evans Branden Thomas Hedderich Sophia Ling Klueter
Odadiki Victory Bakaye William Stephen Cassetta Jasmine Romaine Fallon Alyssa Ranae Heiston Marissa Ann Knapp
Cali Grey Barber Lukas Joseph Cerenzia Alexander Joel Farmer Kyrstin Marie Henderson Emily Nichole Knoefel
Joshua Wayne Barnes, Jr. Denzel Canovas Chance Peyton Anne Farr Ralph Francis Hepperle, III Dein Andrew Knopp
India Clarissa Barrow Brian Scott Chesser, Jr. Nathan Lee Fay Alek Damian Hernandez Caitlynn Rain Knott
Zane Thomas Bartodziej Connor Matthew Chivers Titus Josiah Fitzsimmons Gabriela Elizabeth Hernandez Kaydn Jay Knott
Emma Bailey Baskharoon Henry Albert Churilla Ryan Kristopher Fleury Benjamin Isaac Hertzbach RaeAnn Mari Knowlton
Theodore Thomas Bates A’Mya Arlesia Clemons-Young Leila Grace Floyd Boston Jay Hester Catherine Elizabeth Kolwey
Michael Jay Beach Fiona Covington Coll Brayden Daniel Fogel Madison Jade Hevener Emily Grace Konecny
Caleb Robert Bean Anthony James Collier Jennifer Leigh Ford Alba Isabel Hidalgo Sydni Lynn Kronenwetter
Kylee Joan Beasley-Polko Jackson Harris Collins Jessica Marie Ford Aidan Michael Hoerl Marina Grace Krula
Jay Tyler Beauvais Jaidyn Maleigha Collins Jordan Gabriel Forest Felicity Katie Holder Ryan Johnathan Kruszewski
Trace Allen Beavan Evey Gazella Colson Alexander Charles Forgue Christopher Andrew Thomas Holmes Hemani Kumar
John Thomas Beiser Ella Catherine Combs David Andrew Forinash Zachary Matthew Horner Benjamin James Kurtz
Kelvin Bernard Benjamin, Jr. Zoe Jane Cookson Noah Jamison Foster Ethan James Howard Hannah Hera Kuschel
Kyleigh Nicole Bennett Patrick Jean Cooper Sean Paul Foster Trenton Alan Hoyt Lauren Mae Labows
Peyton Alonzo Bensel Alyssa Catherine Copiaco D’Jay Michael Fuller Chloe Leann Hunawill Hailey Rae Lacey
Jacob Nathaniel Bentley Louis Michael Coppola Emma Brooke Furse Leah Nicole Hunter James Elmer Lacey, Jr.
Timothy Patrick Berman Sean Patrick Cosgrove Matthew Neil Gallagher Autumn Renae Hutchison Aynslee Geneva Laird
Matthew Bryce Berry Jada Amari Cousins Kevin Anthony Gardiner Alyssa Renee Hutt Gideon David Lange
Angelina Kaylin Best Thomas Kalakaua Crow Joseph William Gardner Alexis Nicole Hyde Zachary James Larson
Brian William Biglin Joshua Elienai Cruz (posthumously) Elise Victoria Geiger Leah Pearl Imbriale Catherine Elizabeth Lasoski
Shaylyn Jeanette Bjerke Shannon Rose Cullison Caitlyn Ann George Peter William Imhof Dominic Thomas Laurel
Jenna Raye Blair Isabela Olivia Currey Pietro Jett Ghiloni McKenzie Raechel Island Kayleen Dawn Lawver
Joshua Philip Blottenberger Evan Matthew Currie Nyla Victoria Glover Manasa Iswara Ian Matthew Lee
Gabrielle Nicole Bonds Joshua Allen Daigle Connor Joseph Goad Lacie Audriana Harmony James Karleigh Rae Lee
Maxwell Allen Bontrager Warren Taylor Dale Jessica Lynn Goddard Benjamin Adam Janowsky Michael Anthony Lee, Jr.
Gracie Megan Bowles Amberlynn Michelle Dashnaw Aiden Matthew Grant Sean Francis Nuevo Jao Emma Jean Lester
Walter Stafon Bowman, Jr. Tommy Edward Deaderick Caitlin Skye Grass Trevor Curtis Jodoin Briana Lynn Levi
Caroline Rebecca Boynton Devin James Dean Brent William Graves Trey DeWayne Jodoin Connor Matthew Lewis
Blake Patrick Brady Kawinthip Deethae Brayden Daniel Green Adam Montgomery Johnson Riley Gabrielle Lillard
Sadie Anne Brandt Victor John Dela Cuesta Thomas Bentley Gresham Brendan Lee Johnson Madison Mary-Elizabeth Lloyd
Dominick James Briggs Clayton Alan DeLuze Sara McKinley Griffith Brent Michael Johnson Anderson Matthew Loesch
Jahred Max Broadsword Gianna Claire Demianczyk Hunter James Groat Morgan Lawrence Johnson Abigail Sarah Long
Gabriella Jenice Broadus Benjamin Hussain Derisavi Ka’Laya La’Cole Gross Russell Alexander Johnson Anna Frances Long
Gannon Greyson Brooks Taylor Marie Dews Kieran Callahan Hall Travis Christopher Johnson Lily Anna Lonkert
Tyler Michael Brooks Cameron Monte Dillon Ryan Christopher Hall Tyler Joachim Johnson Steven James Lumpkins

Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Class of 2023 3

Sydney Marie Lyall Kayla Janae Myers Glynis Elise Rossi Shane Wyatt Topolski
Patrick Anthony Lynch Amelia Skye Nassau Rachel Lynn Rothstein Abby Cristina Townsend
Elise Kay Lyons Nevaeh Anjel Ann Nedd Dylan Thomas Rowe Josiah Matthew Tritt
Matthew Joseph Maccari Alan Duane Nelson Jayson David Rumaker Tara Marie Tuemler
Leah Rose MacQuilliam Alex Dale Nelson Imani Vashti Rushing Kinley Jade Ashlynn Tully
Wyatt James Magda Annie Rebecca Nelson Dayton LeShawn Russell Cecilia Socorro Ugues
Sterling Liam Maggard James Edwin Nelson Abigael Maryann Ryce Ariel Emilie Viar
Lindsey Aileen Magill Cameron Joseph Nix Jacob Bradley Schmelzer Lisandro Vigo
Joseph Michael Magno Kasey Aidan O’Brien Ryan Tyler Scrom Evan James Vines
Emma Marie Mais Sean Thornton O’Connor Kyle Matthew Seal Devon Dang Vo
Mia Danielle Malkin Brendan Jaiden Odenthal Rachel Elisabeth Shaw Matthew John Voithofer, V
Bryan William Manokey Dana Catherine Ortiz Alaina Marie Sheehan Allie Jean Voto
Dominique Octavius Marble Liam Vincent Osburn Owen James Shell Terrill Allen Wade, Jr.
Reese Alexander Marsteller Isabella Rose Owens Isabel Yea-Rhim Shim Nicole Makayla Wagner
Jeffrey Landon Martines Gavin Levi Palmer John Daniel Shorb Rylee Kathryn Walker
John Gregory Masiello Connor Marc Paradis Blake Nicholas Simonds Taihisha Janae Walker
Joseph Devan Massary Ami Bhupen Patel Jaiden Tyler Sims Karlie Danielle Wallace
Steven Phillip Christian Matthews Mahi Patel Madeline Rose Slade Michael Lyle Walsh
David Alexander Mattingly Riya Sanjaykumar Patel Emily Rose Smetana Jordyn Michelle Walters
Talon Michael Maulding Connor Riley Patton Destini Azaria Dene Smith Jessica Morgan Ward
Meara Hiller McAllister Thomas Miguel Pavel Isaiah James Smith Nicholas Alan Ward
Daniel Chesney McCoy Brandon Michael Peacher Jeremiah Douglas Smith Mason Matthew Warren
Raymond Antony McDowell Rylan James Perez Joseph Colin Smith Aaron Shane Wathen
John Randolph McGee Francis Drake Perham Maya Sophia Smith Andrew Colin Wathen
Fiona Shae McGullion Dakota Brooke Perry Lauryn Ellissa Smitha Micah Asher Watson
Katherine Corrine McHugh Ayden Mackenzie Perrygo Aidan Mark Snow Victoria Lynn Webb
Peyton Elizabeth McIntyre Aaron Paul Peters Kenneth Anthony Songy Brent Michael Weeks
Adeline Jean McKay Karissa Kay Philyaw Jeffrey Xavier Spalding, Jr. Isabella Rosemarie Whalen
Kelly Ann McLawhorn Renna Briden Pierce Charles Joseph Hunter Sparks Emily Rose Whipple
Mackenzie Grace McLean Stephen Christopher Pitner Datrina Aliece Spears Tara Marie Willey
Delaney Kathleen McOmber Richard James Pitonyak Reagan Olivia Stanalonis Marissa Lynn Williams
Kylee Kaye McPherson Tyrus Rex Pratley Chelse Annabelle Stevens Robert Allan Williams, III
Maddison Nicole Meade Sean Richard Price Mark James Stokel Mariya Noelle Wimpee
Margaret Clare Verkuilen Mederos John Jeffrey Pronesti Jackson Lloyd Stokes Luke Andrew Windsor
Landon Eugene Meredith Ryan Thomas Quigley Aidan Christopher Stone Steven Brian Windsor
Isabelle Renea Merritt Madeline Elise Quinn Morgan Marie Strause Antonio Darius Winston
Madison Marie Mersch Diego Luis Daniel Quispehuaman Emily Jean Stroh Connor Jake Wise
Maxwell Cecil Mesh Evan Westerfield Rabush Crystal Nicole Suite Joshua Jon Wise
Dominick Francis Milburn Matthew Landen Rafter Samantha Grace Sukhram Ethan Peter Wolfe
Anna Miller Michael Christopher Rafter Ryan Bradley Supplee Ryan Thomas Wolfe
Kiley Faye Milligan Jocelyn Nicole Raley Alison Paige Taylor Ian Foster Wood
Mikah Charles Mohun-Hintze Rodney Lake Ramiah Christopher Arthur Taylor Maggie Louise Wood
Benedetta Montanino Christopher Paul Ramirez Justin Street Taylor Tyreek Jaleel Wood
Mikaela Anne Moore Madison Sarah Ray Nicholas Alexander Tayman Aaron Michael Woodburn
Teagan Alexandra Moore Brett Alexander Redmond Kaelynn Jade Tellez Marielle Avery Woolford
Ian Christopher Moran Carina Lillian Reed Joshua Alexander Terry Thomas Jay Worch
Viviana Rose Moran Damari Gemayel Reed Aiden Michael Thomas Geontae Eugene Wright
Jaden Musa Morgan Ryley Richard Reed Ayanna Kaliece Thomas Taylor Grace Wysokinski
Sarah Noelle Morgan Zachary Douglas Reed Samantha Riley Thomas Blake James Yager
Morgan Audrey Moritz Megan Rose Reese Jaden Neillon Thomas-Matthew Leila Girard Yonemura
Ethan Greer Morren Madison Grace Reynolds Christian D’Shaun Thompson Brianna Nicole Young
Erika Johanna Muja Lauren Kristine Rigelsky Derick L Thompson Claire Ellen Young
Alexis Jo Mulloy Daniel Waldemar Rivera Juelle Felicity Lynn Thompson Haley Brooke Young
Jonathan Thomas Mulqueen Mikayla Elizabeth Roberts Kerri Ann Thompson Lindsey Marie Young
Laura Emelie Munoz Shawn William Roberts Cole Alexander Tinsley Hannah Elyse Zanakis
Caitlin Leigh Murphy Ethan Arthur Rodriguez Lauren Marie Tippett Nerissa Marie Zobell
Michael Johnathon Murphy Leilani Olivia Rodriguez Nathan Allen Tippett

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4 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Chopticon High School

Tabor James Absher Paige Elizabeth Buckler Reese Ann Douglas Shawn Edward Gregory, II
Joseph Paul Adams, Jr. Rebekah Charmain Buckler BrayLee Anne Downs Sara Jane Griffith
Thaddeus Gabriel Adams Mason Baily Buckley-Tippett Victoria Catherine Drury Taylor Renee’ Grooms
Julianna Isabella Adkins Christian Adam Lafe Burgett Lillian Grace Dudley Luke Anthony Grzywacz
Ethan Michael Allen James Daniel Burnett Bryce Louis Dufrene Steven Patrick Guy, Jr.
Casey Thomas Alvey Kiaya Nicole Burroughs-Reed Haley Elizabeth Dufrene Kaileigh Alexis-Marie Hall
Lynn Marie Alvey Blake Edward Butler Madelyn Christine Dunbar Ashlynn Paige Hamilton
Leilani Sanaa Ammons Anthony Vincent Cacko Kalen Cole Dziura Lillie Marie Hanson
AnnMarie Robyn Anderson Annaliese Marie Canino Carly Rae Eastburn Jacob Eric Harris
Brandon Nicholas Aubel Breanna Noel Carter Lydia Jean Eccleston Justin Tyler Hatcher
Isabelle Millicent Ayers Gabriel Alexander Xavier Carter Mason Joseph Echino Izzabella Maxine Harty
Liam Joshua Baker Mathew Roger Lucus Castle Camryn Marie Eckard Dakota Lynn Headley
Odessa Ann Baker Logan Charles Caton Izack Travis Edwards Khadijah Shannah Hector
Ryan Elizabeth Baker James Lee Ceasar, III Kimori Marc-Julian Ellis Tucker Thomas Hedrick
Joshua Michael Barber Marcus Tyrek Chase, Jr. Tre Alexander Ely Ella Grace Henson
Trent Tylee Barbour Alexandra Nicole Cheesebrew Eliza Catherine Eschenbrenner Madison Leigh Hephner
Jayden Dejon Barnett Emily Chen Aidan Scott Escolopio Alayna Mariah Herbert
Sarah Ashley Beale Owen Kenelm Cheseldine Brooklynn Mischelle Eyster Savannah Lynne Herbert
Abigail Lynn Beard Ava Barbara Ciabattoni Aislin Bridget Fabey Mekkhi Cadence-LaVar Hill
Madison Grace Beers Sara Debra Clark Senora Elizabeth Faircloth-Langston Olivia Boyden Hill
Ethan Andrew Belebczuk Alexandra Lee Clarke Benjamin Hall Farrell Raymond Ahmad Hill
Christina Logan Bell Dyllionn Loukous Clarke Samuel Franklin Farrell Trevor Dayne Hinkle
Jordyn Nichole Bell Emily Gabrielle Clelland Travis Donovan Farrell Alexis Paige Hodges
Malynn Renee Bell Lanaiya Destiny Lenora Clemons Marianna Cynthia Fedak Angelena Rose Holmes
Daniel Aaron Garcia Berger Erin Nicole Click Ryan James Feldman Jaelyn Elizabeth Holt
Caleigh Olivia Bergling Isabella Frances Cocimano Kayla Clarissa Fernandez-Alvarado Jaiden Alexander Holt
Charles Sandri Black Cody Long Colliflower Connor Matthew Fields Jason Thomas Hoover
Skye Ashlynn Blado Brandon Jeffrey Connelly Bowen Chase Figuracion Mason James Hoover
Michael Andre’ Manuel Blount Skylar Danielle Coombs Jackson Chandler Finch Jarrett Patrick Hopkins
Kaylee Nichole Boszko Peyton John Cooney Matthew Ronald Fletcher Nicole Louise Howard
Alexia Marie Bowen Thomas James Copsey Victoria Marie Fletcher Jazmen Leigh Howell
Kaylee Danielle Bowen Ryan Patrick Cord Ana Maria Leigh Fondeur Erin Alyssa Huber
Garrett Joshua Bowling Bridget Abigail Cory Alivia Madison Forbes Megan Elizabeth Huffman
Nathan Anthony Bowling Anthony Robert Del Costello Brooklyn Alyssa Fore Jeremiah Nevelle Humphries
Peyton Nicholas Bowling Laila Alexandra Cox Austin Tyler Fox Simone Elyse Hunt
Conner Royston Bowser Nicholas Rawlings Cox Skye Mariam Foy Kara Cheyenne Hurst
Megan Marie Brackett Connor Logan Craig Sierra Nicole Francingues David Charles Hutchinson
Sara Michelle Breiterman Blake Wesley Crist Lauren Nicole Gaines Vivian Marie Ingraham
Dallas Andrew Brock Elijah Joseph Cunic Nora Denise Galvan William Anthony Inscoe, Jr.
Laci Marie Brown Malachi Kaevaughan Curtis Logan Michael Gardiner Jesse Dakota Jenkins
Tiara Lynn Brown Samantha Danielle Cusic Jayden William Gillette Emily Rose Jilek
Christopher Thomas Bruce, Jr. Natalie Joyel Dalton Jersey Lynne Simpson Gleason Alliyah Floricel Johnson
Angeliya Marie Bryan Tristan Allen Davis Abigail Nicole Goelling Angela Jaquia Johnson
Charly Marie Buckler Davin Russell Day Kyra Nicole Hill Goldsborough Clarice Edna Johnson
Jacob Edwin Buckler Dylan Ryan Dean Raymond Patrick Graham Kylee Rae Johnson
Layla MacKenzie Buckler Jerry Douglas Denton Ramsay Shannon Graves Laci Lynn Johnson
Nathan Thomas Buckler Gianna Paulina DiMichele Abby Patricia Gray Laci Rae Johnson
Nathanial Seth Buckler Emma Claire Dobson Leyla Christine Gregory Michael David Johnson

Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Class of 2023 5

Emma Grace Johnston Gracelyn Renee Murphy Nikolas Carmine Rivera Morganne Louise Thompson
Emma Grace Johnston Kendall Rae Murphy Joshua Lee Roberts Abigail Sandra Thorpe
Mackenzie Michelle Jordan Madison Rae Myers Landon Tyler Roberts John Cleveland Tierney, III
Owen Paul Joy Emma Lynn Newcomb Savannah Jo Roberts Kelsi Rhyanne Tobin
Eve Ellen Kaye Ashlyn Nicole Nichols Jacob Stephen Robinson Riley Michele Towne
Delany Renee Kidwell Landon William Norcross Emmett Jewell Rogers Grace Lynn Trehern
Daisy Elizabeth Kilroy Mia Irene Nungesser Olivia Grace Rollins Robert William Trowbridge
George Armando Kilty Elijah Cameron Nutter Jason Fernando Romero Shane Michael Truster
Makayla Rae Kimble Kylie Jean Nutter Angela Caitlin Rourke Skylar Grace Trinity Turner
Trinity Alexandra Kirby Sarah Emily O’Brien Kyle Matthew Russell Tanner Alan Underwood
Ariana Marie Kirton Lily Grace O’Neill Karlee Jewel Ryce Tyler William Unkle
Makylah LeAnn Knott Ryan Richard O’Sullivan Layna Kayann Rye Marc Anthony Vaccaro, Jr.
Alyssa Colleen Kramer Cole Peyton Oliver Alexis Elaine Sampson Dale Richard Vallandingham
Delaney Grace Kurtz Erica Brooke Oliver Allison Nicole Sampson Lexie Marie Vallandingham
Jenna Mae LaBille Joshua Michael Oliver Timothy Alexander Sater, Jr. James Gavin Veitch
Jason Carl Lacey Kaylee Ann Overby Carson James Scheller Morgan Roseanna Veney
Nathan Fredrick Ladd Sean Tyler Owens Jonas David Schommer Sydney Irene VerHaagh
Kinsley Elamore Lake Ryan Austin Padgett Jaiden Nicole Schrader Thomas Michael Wallace, III
Ryleigh Nicole Lake Kourtney Madeline Paquet Merrin Elizabeth Scott Caden Michael Walton
Jena Laryn Lambert Lillie Grace Parrish Hannah May Scribner Autumn Catherine Victoria Warnick
Ryan Matthew Langeluttig Nicholas Joseph Parry Kolby James Sellers William Edward Warnick
Joy Michele Lee Brandon Keith Paschal Luke Robert Shaffer Timothy Alan Warren, Jr.
Evan Michael Leszczynski Tyris Stephon Patterson Jenna Leigh Short Ethan Christopher Wasniak
Kelsey Marie Linn Levi Asa Paugh Andrew Paul Shryock Jena Cheyenne Wathen
Anna Sophia Linsky Teagen Jean Paust Layla Marie Shunnarah Breanna Nicole Wedding
Olivia Noelle Loboda Rylan Anthony Payne Savannah Lee Siler Addison Leigh Welch
Charles Thomas Lunsford Kailynn Destiny Pennell Danae Gianni Simms Amanda Faith West
Bernard Brady Maguire, II Julian Austin Perez Grace Magdalene Simonds Dylan Thomas Wheeler
Ryan William Mann Ethan David Perrotto Zoe Belle Simonson Kasey Marie Wheeler
George Thomas Mattingly, III Mekhi Jerimiah Perry Michael Patrick Slattery Tyler Phillip Wheeler
Emma Marie McCarthy Charity Paige Phetteplace Devin Robert Smith Logan Rose Whipple
Kyndal Paije McClanahan De’Angelo Lee Pierce Kayla Faye Smith Connor Allen Whitlock
Brett William McGurk Brandon Preston Pilkerton Wyatt David Soellner Andrew Sawyer Wiggen
Alexander Reid McIntosh Corbin Jeremy Pisarcik Tyler Matthew Sokolowski Natalie Nicole Wilkes
Margaret Anne McLaughlin Logan Robert Pobst Hailey Nicole Sorrells Evan Pierson Williams
Kanye Jeremiah McMahon Jaclyn Lee Porter Julius Joseph Steiner Jason Timothy Williams
Lorelei Renee McNeely Hannah Elizabeth Post Jayden Markus Stewart Lucas Ilan Williams
Jayme Rose Meadows Matthew Ryan Post Peyton Anthony Stine Makenzie Leigh Williams
Desmond Shaquon Meredith Peyton Joseph Powell Connor Alan Strafella Trent Daniel Williams
Nyjah Lanae Merritt Sophia Lynn Prior Jacob Bradley Strickland Dylan Jaden Winters
Aaron Mathew Messer Andrew Scott Quade Matthew Owen Strickland Jasmine Danielle Winters
Cody Alexander Michael Jaidyn Emery Raley Jake Aaron Stump Laci Madison Wood
Ethan Michael Middleton Melanie Caroline Raley Joseph Michael Suite Steven Hamilton Wood
John Thomas Mister Shay William Raley Anna Maureen Summers Corbin Dallas Wright
Jaden Cameron Mitchell Erica Alexus Reed Shelby Renee Summers Ki’Mon De’Shawn Wright
Khamal Makeem Mitchell Isaac Charles Reidenbaker Sara Mae Talbott Elijah Herbert Yerkes
Sydney Grace Moats Jacob Isreal Reingruber Kaylee Mae Taracatac Mikhail Yukhnevich
Bryan Austin Morgan David Andrew Reynolds Ashley Elizabeth Taylor Jacob Austin Zumwalt
Sarah Elizabeth Morgan Brayden Guisseppe Ricciardi Megan Veronica Taylor
Angela Lee Morris Madison Nikole Rice Madison Rose Tennyson
Seth Nicholas Morris Bradley Dale Richards Alana Jean Thomas
Christian Dean Mosely Jonah Raymond Richardson, II Jonathan Allen Thomas, Jr.
Demesha Camara Mullings Anthony Luis Rivera, Jr. Alexis Marie Thompson
Jacob Alan Mumford Cole Alexander Rivera Chloe Grace Thompson

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insurance bill in the mail? Congratulations
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Burris’ Olde Towne Insurance

6 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

Great Mills High School

Daniel Jeremiah Aaron Jayveion Nyzaire Butler Eva Catalina de Leon Jordan Erin Grier
Francisco Manuel Aguilar Aniyah Denay Byrd Drake Christian Delaney Joseph Philip Grimm
Daniel Enrique Aguilar Contreras Daeqon Isaish Byrd James Peter Dennis Erick Diego Guzman Lopez
Angel Chanelle Alexander Kenneth Dion Byrd Jr Samuel William Dreikorn Naomi Mona Hall
Joshua Patrick Allen Keiji Arceo Cabanacan Ciearra Lynne Drury Andrew Wayne Hamilton
Jona Alexandre Althoff-Cada Jocelyn Ambroisia Cacek Javon Tieray Duckett Nadine Agustin Hamilton
Jason Howard Altizer Lola Cairon Dunlap Tah’von David Duckett Isabelle Josette Harden
Arne Edwin Anderson IV Laterra Amari Campbell Eli Benjamin Dunbar Wrenn Miller Harney
Kayla Marie Anderson Gabriel Aaron Cannavo Colin Walter Dursee Jared Mclerson Harry
Samantha Ann Anglemier Tayvon Alexander Carroll Yazmin Miriam DuVal-Cubero-Rivera-Mendizabal Joseph Ryan Hartnett
Humberto Alejandro Argueta Guevara Larry Lee Carwell III Jaden Terrell Dyson Cameron Douglas Hartzell
Christopher Ian Bailey Jr Alexandria Renee’ Castle John Christopher Ragos Dyson Desire’e Alexandria Harvey
Jeremiah Michael Bailey Autumn Leigh Castle Pillar Nerssa Dyson Payton Dawn Haynes
Noe May Baker Ryan Domingo Cervantes-Rodriguez Kaleb Michael Dziekan Shakiya Larie Hebb
Kya Rose Barkley Eliza Hyunhee Cha Khylige Tervor English Liliana Bryn Henderson
Carmello George Barnett Kristina-Rae Carable Chan Taylor Raeann Epting Kwinsten Cole Cameron Hernandez
Ka’Moni Christeona Barnett Kayden Wesley Chandler Blake Alan Evans Christopher Xavier Hernandez-Avila
Ayden Xavier Barr Mason Robert Chandler Sulmi Mariela Felipe Samayoa Keilah Vilria Hernandez-Chacon
Nevaeh Nicole Baylor Jaheim Anthony Charles Aidan Thomas Fitzgerald Mason Andrew Hewitt
Abigail Bianca Bayola Amyra Mari’ Chase Nathan Allen Flarida Daniel Andrew Hickey
Synerah Aurbara-Kahmicia Beckett Antonio Wendell Chase Jr Mark Anthony Fleming III Shawnaja Nicole Hicklin
Dasean Markus Beggs Georgia Normia Chase Edwin Ariel Florian Gutierrez David Uriel Hicks
Dkarhia Lakya Belcher Isaiah Dewayne Chase Alyssa Ann Flowers Degan Michael Hillyard
Alexis Marie Bell Jaden Christopher Chase Andrew Blake Floyd Eric Russell Hoffman
Christopher John Bell Tatyana Keyne Chesley Brienne Gael Foster Amar Marquez Holiday
Emily Brianne Bell Thomas William Christopher II Kaitlyn Marie Foster April Marie Holland
Bryan Jeziel Benites Escobar Bubacar Mory Cisse Sophie Eliana Frazier Harrison Wallis Holt
Jerzie Lynn Berry Marquese Daequon Clark Sincear Keyontay Antawn Frederick Jasmine Alize’ Hooper
Kylan McKenzie Berry Elizabeth Berlin Clemens Adara Elinor Fritz Jamie Marie Horner
Ava Isabel Betancourt Cantu John Edward Clopper IV Kade Douglas Funyak Cameron Alexander Houseman
Darryl Darnell Beverly II Jaden Carmine Clyburn Nicole Monique Gaines Layne David Howe
Ethan Cole Billups Matthew William Coffman Tawnie Milia Gale Joseph Isiah Huffnagle
Jacob Douglas Blackstone Alahna Rae Conklin Sofia Lin Galletti Demetruis Quinell Hughes Jr
Jeremy Miguel Bolden Jorja Noelle Conley Donte’ Tra’jour Angel Gant William Eugene Hughes
Maurice Page Bourne Jr Emma Grace Cooper Craig Adrian Gantt Nicole Renee Hyatt
Isaiah Jonathan Bowden Charmaine Rochelle Courtney Joshuá Enrique García Carrillo Luke Daniel Ichniowski
Blaine Taylor Brashear Jermaine Christopher Courtney Adonis Valentino Gaspard Nnanna Paul Raymond Iroanya
Miana Vonyett Bridges Devon Joseph Cox Aidan Anthony Gaytan Zakaria Ibrahim-Jirair Jabr
Savoy Khias Reed Briscoe Esmeralda Fatima Cruz Alyssa Marie Gilliland Demariae’ Ty’Quan Jackson
Sarah Elizabeth Brookhart Steven Junior Cruz-Castillo Hailey Ann Golway Kevin Jamar Jackson Jr
J’Niya LaShae Brooks Kaleb Alexander Daley Alisson Dariana Gonzalez Dhyllan Monolito Alezander Jenkin
Ricky Romeo Brooks Cyroji Nuzarrio Dannelley Eivin Osiris Gonzalez-Rivera Dhamoni Kenneth Pierre Johnson
Alyssa Sydney Brown Noah John Daugherty KeVon Xavier Goodman Ja’Marion Marquis Johnson
Khalil Lavelle Brown Artasia Tahlee Davis Qyntel Caron Gordon Javon Ignatius Johnson
Roberto Delonte Brown Joseph Edward Davis Jocelyn Lee Graham Jaylen Eugene Johnson
Kemesha Antonette Burgess Khol Ellis Davis Bryin Terquoi Graves Autumn Alexis Johnston
Saeveon Marcus Burrus Michael Deangelo Davis Jr Jonathon William Gray Ania Marie Jones
Shelby Renee Bush Ziya Marie Davis Jameyon Cecil Greene Joshua DeMarcus Jones

Thursday, June 1, 2023 The County Times Class of 2023 7

Ty-Quis Artrell Jordan Jaycob Ethan Misitis Saniya Ineka Proctor Journey Yvonne Taylor
Aaliyah Sole Kargbo Emily Charlene Mister Nikolas Andrew Purdon Justyce Amarianna Taylor
Rhylee Lynne Kelley Austin Michael Mitchell Alexander Luciano Quinn Marisa Noelle Taylor
Melanie Miriam Kelly-Davis Ryan Charles Moore Lani Grace Ragan Ricardo Mantiar Taylor
Deshaun Joshua Kelton Sydney Sherrell Moore Madeline Katherine Raines Rodney Manilito Taylor
Cole Braden Kettelle Frank Moran Noah Xavier Raley Martavius Lawayne Thomas
Timyla Ja Sharia Keyes Freddy Moran Isaac Aiden Ramsey Raymond Lloyd Thomas
Jacob Joseph Kidder Azhontae Tychelle Morgan Timothy Scott Reardon Ellis Frost Thompson
Joshua Sein Kim Candise Lynn Morgan Jocelyn Raiyn Reilly Matthew Lee Thompson
Lilly Grace King Jordan Cecilia Morris Jared Cole Republica Savannah Christine Thompson
Ella Nicole Kitchen Meghan Anne Morris Dylan Eduardo Restrepo Ryan Sven Torgesen
Edwin Rowe Kline Jr Peter Isaiah Morris Haley Alexis Revolorio Desire Alexis Trejo
Tessa Grace Knott Dorothy Grace Muir Alexander Randy Rex Paige Elizabeth Trumpower
Ian Robert Kreider Samuel Andrew Mumphrey Jaelyn McKenzie Reyes Ka’Von Kelvin Turner
Sa’Niyah Dyamond Lacy Noah Edward Nalls Marcus Wayne Reyez Rony Anderson Umanzor-Solorzano
Samuel Eryk Lambert Gabriel Fisher Nasman James Clarence Rice IV Ayden Jewel Van Der Smissen
Joseph Peter Lang Ciara Nicole Neal Lauren Kiersten Rice Jeremiah Aaron Vanzego
Rylan Zachary Langley Lila Rose Nelson Rosemary Rivas Lopez Priscilla Marie Vazquez
Zanyia Ashanti Lawrence Skylia Rae Nelson Ta’miyah Dominique Robinson Zamaria Jewell Walker
LaNecia Danyell Leak Zoe Nicole Newman Ericson Yafet Rodriguez Rivera Jamell NaShawn Watkins
Amber Marie Leavitt Bao Linh Cao Nguyen Calvin Lamont Ross Jr Morgan Leigh Watkins
Benjamin Ethan Lebeda Bill Thuat Nguyen Victoria Agaby Sabella Andrew Marshall Watson
Shawn Leen Brian Thien Nguyen Juan Daniel Salazar-Guzman Arianna Jade Watson
Alana Janee Lincoln Johnny Nguyen Esa Salih Salcedo Ivy Sue Elizabeth Watson
Kasey Dawn Lowry Julia Pearl Nilsson Joshua Daniel Pangilinan Salvacion Ni’Shayla Zy’rae Nicole Waul
Tyler David Ludlow Lana Marie O’Mara Keegan Alexander Sanders Kanokwan Weangnon
Finnegan Murphy Ludwig Monica Alexandra Orellana Vasquez Oliver Baker Sanders Shaniya Ann Welch
Connor James Luettgenau Sofia Beatriz Orellana Vasquez Dominic Anthony Schneider Matilda Grace Wengerd
Anthony Jacob Macchione Danissa Patrice Ortega Darnell Eugene Scott Jr Jada Kae Whigan
Brandon Jaron Mackall Mackenzie Leigh Oswalt Bethany Nicole Seanor Sydney Jikele White
Audrey Kanna Madden Kathleen Keely O’Toole Donovan Abubakar Sesay Tiyahna LaKieya Wilkins
Darren Paul Madden Jr Juliana Nicole Owens Danijah Nyri Shackelford Jadon Maurice Williams
Linden Abalos Magpuri Haley Maricel Padilla Jadae Aliya Shade Kai’lee Danae Williams
Estefany Ana Ruth Mansilla Camey Brooklyn Gabrielle Padmore Ria Ronak Sharma Shawn Micheal Williams Jr
Tiana Ja’Nea Martin Cadin Eric Palmer Hannah Victoria Sheely Stephanie Ranee’ Williams
Jennifer Teresita Martinez Lucas Robert Palmer Breanna Marie Shewbert Taniya Andrea Williams
Jason Ricardo Martinez Ramos Roshan Manoj Panwala Quincey James Shorter Trudie Ellen Williams
Robert Michael Marxer Ocean Makye Hunter Parker Autumn Elizabeth Shreve Adalynn Faith Williamson
Tabitha Anne Mason Kailiyah Nashae Parnell Ashley Nicole Smalley Melissa Nicole Willis
Cal Thomas Mattei Deijay Malik Parris Marquess Percell Smith Mya Darnae Wise
Angelina Giovanna Mattera Jade Elizabeth Passmore Syncere Kovey Smith Sofia Elaine Womack
Liam Patrick McCarthy Kenneth Gabriel Patke Breeanna Renee Smith-Geisbert Malcolm-Ralshad Teba Wordsworth
Peter Thomas McDevitt Antiono Matthew Patterson Scott Cooper Sokoloff Faith Nia Wren
Rebekah Neema Anne-Margaret Meja Roderick Delano Payne Jr Michael Elijah Solomon Hayden Samuel Yokley
Gerardo Omar Melendez Rodriguez Catalina Isabela Perez Ja Nessa Lashae Somerville Lamani Sobre Young
Milena del Coral Merced Vega Tahnaejah Chyan Perkins Tayler Sania Spence Viviana Young
Grace Kathleen Mesmer Kyaira Marie Perry Anthony Montana States Roman Mitri Zayat
Carroll Michael Milburn III Jonathan Charles Pharis Cassidy Rose Stein Veronica Annabella Zhou
Matthew Jarod Milburn Jr Jewel Palmira Pio Latrell Jonthan Lamar Stevens
Nakiyah Ayanna Milburn Simeon Leon Plummer Jonathan David Stevenson
Nuyjaya Angelese Milburn Abigail Morgan Postus Ryan Michael Stevenson
Jaden Christopher Millman Zia Alizabeth Powell Andre Kayle Stone
Andrew Ryan Mirfield Ky’Marius Ny’Shawn Powers Grace Josephine Stumm
Abygail Christina Misitis Gena Jamya Proctor Eyron Benigno Tapia-Sibri
8 Class of 2023 The County Times Thursday, June 1, 2023

St. Mary’s Ryken

Yaw Amponsah-Poku Brooke Cowan Matthew Hayden Lillian Merritt William Shin
Emma Ashley Jonathan Dameron Kolby Hayden Elijah Miller Eve Simmons
Colton Attick John Dean Daryus Henderson John Miller Saul Sison
James Aviles Jack DeLucco Madeleine Hicks Gabriel Moltumyr Nadia Smith
Paul Baden Destiny Deshields Catherine Howard Colleen Moore Cooper Smith
Blake Bagley Abigail Donaldson Delaney Huiskens Ryder Morlong Marcela Somers
Lourden Banks Wyatt Dooley Zhion Irinyenikan Margaret Muldoon Eric Spence
Madison Bishop Markus Downs Sydney James Naima Ndeh Eleanor Stafford
Nikolette Blackwell Ashlynn Dziekiewicz Marko Jelaca Oliver-Stephane Ngounou Andrew Stickney
Jaxson Blackwell Connor Ebey Kyle Johnson Bailee Nored Charles Sullivan
Juliana Blake Wilfred Ehrmantraut Gerard Johnson Romeo Norris Gemma Tamburri
Emma Boelke David Fajerski Joshua Jones Anna O’Neill Moira Teague
Douglas Bogard Vander Wel Virginia Fisher Bradley Kelley Anthony Oquendo Bryleigh Tejchman
Sarah Bubb Matthew Floehr Jalyn Kennedy Daniel Papas Gavin Terry
Mason Buckler Sarah Fore Soleil Kennedy Tomasi Pavihi Natalie Thomas
TaKeo Bush Perry Foreman John Kidd Rachel Pawlowitz Owen Tippett
Caleb Butler Caitlyn Foster Matthew Klein Samantha Pennell Daniel Torreyson
Justin Cable Katelyn Freese Julia Kosich Kylie Perraut Trey Trimble
Kathleen Cain Clayton Gabrielson John Kovich Leah Quade Lauren VanMeter
Le’Vell Calhoun Naomi Garcia Henry Krissoff Emilie Quade Sabrina Vignola
Justin Campbell Alyssa Garland Caroline Leahy Nathan Raley Leanna Walzel
Najila Castillo-Wright Savannah Garren Daniel Lee Maria Rank Miles Ward
Trinity Chambers Matthew Gaskill Brett Liston Jayda Reese William Western
Mekhia Chase Lucia Geary Megan Luther Braylen Rice Dawson Wetherald
Zhuo Chen Erika Gensley Zachary Maldonado Katherine Richardson Joseph White
Vanness Chen Trent Gerhardt Samantha Mammano Christian Robertson Camille Williams
Ashley Cheseldine Ashley Goldstein Viliami Masila Jhakon Robinson Madyson Wilson
Maya Civil Breanna Gott Cassandra Massiglia Grace Rorke Chase Wilson
Ian Coker Chase Grand Adrian Maza Ortiz Vincent Rosin Sydney Wise
Adaiah Cole Javier Guadalupe Daniel McBride Daniel Savoy Katherine Wise
Sydnie Collins Neel Guha Lauren McNair Stephanie Scherer Nathalie Yi
Kya Cook Russell Haggerty Aaron McNeil Victoria Schneider Haotian Zheng
Alexander Coughlon Alexandra Harrer Henry Meiser Nathan Shepherd

King’s Christian Academy

Weston Altman Ava Dorsey McKenna Hill Drake Kimball Jackson Oliff
Hannah Brown Jada Dunbar Felix Igtos Chase Latham Justin Park
Gabriel Campbell Rayjanae Evans Lindsay Inouye Nyrik Lee Alexandria Stevens
Andre Davis Ethan Grau Charles Keister Wes Martin Andrew Warner

Leonard Hall Academy

Carissa Don-Simmons Ryan Huntington Madison O’Dell

Chesterton Academy
Blake Gibson Michael Jenkins Dave Krall Daniel Schieferdecker Dylan Young
Jerome Hurla Olivia Jenkins Althea Shane Violet Walker

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